Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / htypechk.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
5 This unit exports some help routines for the type checking
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 ****************************************************************************
23 unit htypechk;
24 interface
26 uses
27 tokens,tree,symtable;
29 type
30 Ttok2nodeRec=record
31 tok : ttoken;
32 nod : ttreetyp;
33 op_overloading_supported : boolean;
34 end;
36 const
37 tok2nodes=25;
38 tok2node:array[1..tok2nodes] of ttok2noderec=(
39 (tok:_PLUS ;nod:addn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
40 (tok:_MINUS ;nod:subn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary and unary overloading supported }
41 (tok:_STAR ;nod:muln;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
42 (tok:_SLASH ;nod:slashn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
43 (tok:_EQUAL ;nod:equaln;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
44 (tok:_GT ;nod:gtn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
45 (tok:_LT ;nod:ltn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
46 (tok:_GTE ;nod:gten;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
47 (tok:_LTE ;nod:lten;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
48 (tok:_SYMDIF ;nod:symdifn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
49 (tok:_STARSTAR;nod:starstarn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
50 (tok:_OP_AS ;nod:asn;op_overloading_supported:false), { binary overloading NOT supported }
51 (tok:_OP_IN ;nod:inn;op_overloading_supported:false), { binary overloading NOT supported }
52 (tok:_OP_IS ;nod:isn;op_overloading_supported:false), { binary overloading NOT supported }
53 (tok:_OP_OR ;nod:orn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
54 (tok:_OP_AND ;nod:andn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
55 (tok:_OP_DIV ;nod:divn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
56 (tok:_OP_NOT ;nod:notn;op_overloading_supported:true), { unary overloading supported }
57 (tok:_OP_MOD ;nod:modn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
58 (tok:_OP_SHL ;nod:shln;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
59 (tok:_OP_SHR ;nod:shrn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
60 (tok:_OP_XOR ;nod:xorn;op_overloading_supported:true), { binary overloading supported }
61 (tok:_ASSIGNMENT;nod:assignn;op_overloading_supported:true), { unary overloading supported }
62 (tok:_CARET ;nod:caretn;op_overloading_supported:false), { binary overloading NOT supported }
63 (tok:_UNEQUAL ;nod:unequaln;op_overloading_supported:false) { binary overloading NOT supported overload = instead }
65 const
66 { firstcallparan without varspez we don't count the ref }
67 {$ifdef extdebug}
68 count_ref : boolean = true;
69 {$endif def extdebug}
70 get_para_resulttype : boolean = false;
71 allow_array_constructor : boolean = false;
74 { Conversion }
75 function isconvertable(def_from,def_to : pdef;
76 var doconv : tconverttype;fromtreetype : ttreetyp;
77 explicit : boolean) : byte;
78 { is overloading of this operator allowed for this
79 binary operator }
80 function isbinaryoperatoroverloadable(ld, rd,dd : pdef;
81 treetyp : ttreetyp) : boolean;
83 { is overloading of this operator allowed for this
84 unary operator }
85 function isunaryoperatoroverloadable(rd,dd : pdef;
86 treetyp : ttreetyp) : boolean;
88 { check operator args and result type }
89 function isoperatoracceptable(pf : pprocdef; optoken : ttoken) : boolean;
91 { Register Allocation }
92 procedure make_not_regable(p : ptree);
93 procedure left_right_max(p : ptree);
94 procedure calcregisters(p : ptree;r32,fpu,mmx : word);
96 { subroutine handling }
97 procedure test_protected_sym(sym : psym);
98 procedure test_protected(p : ptree);
99 function valid_for_formal_var(p : ptree) : boolean;
100 function valid_for_formal_const(p : ptree) : boolean;
101 function is_procsym_load(p:Ptree):boolean;
102 function is_procsym_call(p:Ptree):boolean;
103 function assignment_overloaded(from_def,to_def : pdef) : pprocdef;
104 procedure test_local_to_procvar(from_def:pprocvardef;to_def:pdef);
105 function valid_for_assign(p:ptree;allowprop:boolean):boolean;
108 implementation
110 uses
111 globtype,systems,
112 cobjects,verbose,globals,
113 symconst,
114 types,pass_1,cpubase,
115 {$ifdef newcg}
116 cgbase
117 {$else}
118 hcodegen
119 {$endif}
122 {****************************************************************************
123 Convert
124 ****************************************************************************}
126 { Returns:
127 0 - Not convertable
128 1 - Convertable
129 2 - Convertable, but not first choice }
130 function isconvertable(def_from,def_to : pdef;
131 var doconv : tconverttype;fromtreetype : ttreetyp;
132 explicit : boolean) : byte;
134 { Tbasetype: uauto,uvoid,uchar,
135 u8bit,u16bit,u32bit,
136 s8bit,s16bit,s32,
137 bool8bit,bool16bit,bool32bit,
138 u64bit,s64bitint }
139 type
140 tbasedef=(bvoid,bchar,bint,bbool);
141 const
142 basedeftbl:array[tbasetype] of tbasedef =
143 (bvoid,bvoid,bchar,
144 bint,bint,bint,
145 bint,bint,bint,
146 bbool,bbool,bbool,bint,bint,bchar);
148 basedefconverts : array[tbasedef,tbasedef] of tconverttype =
149 ((tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible),
150 (tc_not_possible,tc_equal,tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible),
151 (tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_int_2_int,tc_int_2_bool),
152 (tc_not_possible,tc_not_possible,tc_bool_2_int,tc_bool_2_bool));
155 b : byte;
156 hd1,hd2 : pdef;
157 hct : tconverttype;
158 begin
159 { safety check }
160 if not(assigned(def_from) and assigned(def_to)) then
161 begin
162 isconvertable:=0;
163 exit;
164 end;
166 { tp7 procvar def support, in tp7 a procvar is always called, if the
167 procvar is passed explicit a addrn would be there }
168 if (m_tp_procvar in aktmodeswitches) and
169 (def_from^.deftype=procvardef) and
170 (fromtreetype=loadn) then
171 begin
172 def_from:=pprocvardef(def_from)^.rettype.def;
173 end;
175 { we walk the wanted (def_to) types and check then the def_from
176 types if there is a conversion possible }
177 b:=0;
178 case def_to^.deftype of
179 orddef :
180 begin
181 case def_from^.deftype of
182 orddef :
183 begin
184 doconv:=basedefconverts[basedeftbl[porddef(def_from)^.typ],basedeftbl[porddef(def_to)^.typ]];
185 b:=1;
186 if (doconv=tc_not_possible) or
187 ((doconv=tc_int_2_bool) and
188 (not explicit) and
189 (not is_boolean(def_from))) or
190 ((doconv=tc_bool_2_int) and
191 (not explicit) and
192 (not is_boolean(def_to))) then
193 b:=0;
194 end;
195 enumdef :
196 begin
197 { needed for char(enum) }
198 if explicit then
199 begin
200 doconv:=tc_int_2_int;
201 b:=1;
202 end;
203 end;
204 end;
205 end;
207 stringdef :
208 begin
209 case def_from^.deftype of
210 stringdef :
211 begin
212 doconv:=tc_string_2_string;
213 b:=1;
214 end;
215 orddef :
216 begin
217 { char to string}
218 if is_char(def_from) then
219 begin
220 doconv:=tc_char_2_string;
221 b:=1;
222 end;
223 end;
224 arraydef :
225 begin
226 { array of char to string, the length check is done by the firstpass of this node }
227 if is_chararray(def_from) then
228 begin
229 doconv:=tc_chararray_2_string;
230 if (is_shortstring(def_to) and
231 (def_from^.size <= 255)) or
232 (is_ansistring(def_to) and
233 (def_from^.size > 255)) then
234 b:=1
235 else
236 b:=2;
237 end;
238 end;
239 pointerdef :
240 begin
241 { pchar can be assigned to short/ansistrings,
242 but not in tp7 compatible mode }
243 if is_pchar(def_from) and not(m_tp7 in aktmodeswitches) then
244 begin
245 doconv:=tc_pchar_2_string;
246 { prefer ansistrings because pchars can overflow shortstrings, }
247 { but only if ansistrings are the default (JM) }
248 if (is_shortstring(def_to) and
249 not(cs_ansistrings in aktlocalswitches)) or
250 (is_ansistring(def_to) and
251 (cs_ansistrings in aktlocalswitches)) then
252 b:=1
253 else
254 b:=2;
255 end;
256 end;
257 end;
258 end;
260 floatdef :
261 begin
262 case def_from^.deftype of
263 orddef :
264 begin { ordinal to real }
265 if is_integer(def_from) then
266 begin
267 if pfloatdef(def_to)^.typ=f32bit then
268 doconv:=tc_int_2_fix
269 else
270 doconv:=tc_int_2_real;
271 b:=1;
272 end;
273 end;
274 floatdef :
275 begin { 2 float types ? }
276 if pfloatdef(def_from)^.typ=pfloatdef(def_to)^.typ then
277 doconv:=tc_equal
278 else
279 begin
280 if pfloatdef(def_from)^.typ=f32bit then
281 doconv:=tc_fix_2_real
282 else
283 if pfloatdef(def_to)^.typ=f32bit then
284 doconv:=tc_real_2_fix
285 else
286 doconv:=tc_real_2_real;
287 end;
288 b:=1;
289 end;
290 end;
291 end;
293 enumdef :
294 begin
295 if (def_from^.deftype=enumdef) then
296 begin
297 hd1:=def_from;
298 while assigned(penumdef(hd1)^.basedef) do
299 hd1:=penumdef(hd1)^.basedef;
300 hd2:=def_to;
301 while assigned(penumdef(hd2)^.basedef) do
302 hd2:=penumdef(hd2)^.basedef;
303 if (hd1=hd2) then
304 begin
305 b:=1;
306 { because of packenum they can have different sizes! (JM) }
307 doconv:=tc_int_2_int;
308 end;
309 end;
310 end;
312 arraydef :
313 begin
314 { open array is also compatible with a single element of its base type }
315 if is_open_array(def_to) and
316 is_equal(parraydef(def_to)^.elementtype.def,def_from) then
317 begin
318 doconv:=tc_equal;
319 b:=1;
321 else
322 begin
323 case def_from^.deftype of
324 arraydef :
325 begin
326 { array constructor -> open array }
327 if is_open_array(def_to) and
328 is_array_constructor(def_from) then
329 begin
330 if is_void(parraydef(def_from)^.elementtype.def) or
331 is_equal(parraydef(def_to)^.elementtype.def,parraydef(def_from)^.elementtype.def) then
332 begin
333 doconv:=tc_equal;
334 b:=1;
336 else
337 if isconvertable(parraydef(def_from)^.elementtype.def,
338 parraydef(def_to)^.elementtype.def,hct,arrayconstructn,false)<>0 then
339 begin
340 doconv:=hct;
341 b:=2;
342 end;
343 end;
344 end;
345 pointerdef :
346 begin
347 if is_zero_based_array(def_to) and
348 is_equal(ppointerdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def,parraydef(def_to)^.elementtype.def) then
349 begin
350 doconv:=tc_pointer_2_array;
351 b:=1;
352 end;
353 end;
354 stringdef :
355 begin
356 { string to array of char}
357 if (not(is_special_array(def_to)) or is_open_array(def_to)) and
358 is_equal(parraydef(def_to)^.elementtype.def,cchardef) then
359 begin
360 doconv:=tc_string_2_chararray;
361 b:=1;
362 end;
363 end;
364 end;
365 end;
366 end;
368 pointerdef :
369 begin
370 case def_from^.deftype of
371 stringdef :
372 begin
373 { string constant (which can be part of array constructor)
374 to zero terminated string constant }
375 if (fromtreetype in [arrayconstructn,stringconstn]) and
376 is_pchar(def_to) then
377 begin
378 doconv:=tc_cstring_2_pchar;
379 b:=1;
380 end;
381 end;
382 orddef :
383 begin
384 { char constant to zero terminated string constant }
385 if (fromtreetype=ordconstn) then
386 begin
387 if is_equal(def_from,cchardef) and
388 is_pchar(def_to) then
389 begin
390 doconv:=tc_cchar_2_pchar;
391 b:=1;
393 else
394 if is_integer(def_from) then
395 begin
396 doconv:=tc_cord_2_pointer;
397 b:=1;
398 end;
399 end;
400 end;
401 arraydef :
402 begin
403 { chararray to pointer }
404 if is_zero_based_array(def_from) and
405 is_equal(parraydef(def_from)^.elementtype.def,ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def) then
406 begin
407 doconv:=tc_array_2_pointer;
408 b:=1;
409 end;
410 end;
411 pointerdef :
412 begin
413 { child class pointer can be assigned to anchestor pointers }
414 if (
415 (ppointerdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=objectdef) and
416 (ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=objectdef) and
417 pobjectdef(ppointerdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def)^.is_related(
418 pobjectdef(ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def))
419 ) or
420 { all pointers can be assigned to void-pointer }
421 is_equal(ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def,voiddef) or
422 { in my opnion, is this not clean pascal }
423 { well, but it's handy to use, it isn't ? (FK) }
424 is_equal(ppointerdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def,voiddef) then
425 begin
426 doconv:=tc_equal;
427 b:=1;
428 end;
429 end;
430 procvardef :
431 begin
432 { procedure variable can be assigned to an void pointer }
433 { Not anymore. Use the @ operator now.}
434 if not(m_tp_procvar in aktmodeswitches) and
435 (ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=orddef) and
436 (porddef(ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def)^.typ=uvoid) then
437 begin
438 doconv:=tc_equal;
439 b:=1;
440 end;
441 end;
442 classrefdef,
443 objectdef :
444 begin
445 { class types and class reference type
446 can be assigned to void pointers }
447 if (
448 ((def_from^.deftype=objectdef) and pobjectdef(def_from)^.is_class) or
449 (def_from^.deftype=classrefdef)
450 ) and
451 (ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=orddef) and
452 (porddef(ppointerdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def)^.typ=uvoid) then
453 begin
454 doconv:=tc_equal;
455 b:=1;
456 end;
457 end;
458 end;
459 end;
461 setdef :
462 begin
463 { automatic arrayconstructor -> set conversion }
464 if is_array_constructor(def_from) then
465 begin
466 doconv:=tc_arrayconstructor_2_set;
467 b:=1;
468 end;
469 end;
471 procvardef :
472 begin
473 { proc -> procvar }
474 if (def_from^.deftype=procdef) then
475 begin
476 doconv:=tc_proc_2_procvar;
477 if proc_to_procvar_equal(pprocdef(def_from),pprocvardef(def_to)) then
478 b:=1;
480 else
481 { for example delphi allows the assignement from pointers }
482 { to procedure variables }
483 if (m_pointer_2_procedure in aktmodeswitches) and
484 (def_from^.deftype=pointerdef) and
485 (ppointerdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def^.deftype=orddef) and
486 (porddef(ppointerdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def)^.typ=uvoid) then
487 begin
488 doconv:=tc_equal;
489 b:=1;
491 else
492 { nil is compatible with procvars }
493 if (fromtreetype=niln) then
494 begin
495 doconv:=tc_equal;
496 b:=1;
497 end;
498 end;
500 objectdef :
501 begin
502 { object pascal objects }
503 if (def_from^.deftype=objectdef) {and
504 pobjectdef(def_from)^.isclass and pobjectdef(def_to)^.isclass }then
505 begin
506 doconv:=tc_equal;
507 if pobjectdef(def_from)^.is_related(pobjectdef(def_to)) then
508 b:=1;
510 else
511 { Class specific }
512 if (pobjectdef(def_to)^.is_class) then
513 begin
514 { void pointer also for delphi mode }
515 if (m_delphi in aktmodeswitches) and
516 is_voidpointer(def_from) then
517 begin
518 doconv:=tc_equal;
519 b:=1;
521 else
522 { nil is compatible with class instances }
523 if (fromtreetype=niln) and (pobjectdef(def_to)^.is_class) then
524 begin
525 doconv:=tc_equal;
526 b:=1;
527 end;
528 end;
529 end;
531 classrefdef :
532 begin
533 { class reference types }
534 if (def_from^.deftype=classrefdef) then
535 begin
536 doconv:=tc_equal;
537 if pobjectdef(pclassrefdef(def_from)^.pointertype.def)^.is_related(
538 pobjectdef(pclassrefdef(def_to)^.pointertype.def)) then
539 b:=1;
541 else
542 { nil is compatible with class references }
543 if (fromtreetype=niln) then
544 begin
545 doconv:=tc_equal;
546 b:=1;
547 end;
548 end;
550 filedef :
551 begin
552 { typed files are all equal to the abstract file type
553 name TYPEDFILE in system.pp in is_equal in types.pas
554 the problem is that it sholud be also compatible to FILE
555 but this would leed to a problem for ASSIGN RESET and REWRITE
556 when trying to find the good overloaded function !!
557 so all file function are doubled in system.pp
558 this is not very beautiful !!}
559 if (def_from^.deftype=filedef) and
562 (pfiledef(def_from)^.filetyp = ft_typed) and
563 (pfiledef(def_to)^.filetyp = ft_typed) and
565 (pfiledef(def_from)^.typedfiletype.def = pdef(voiddef)) or
566 (pfiledef(def_to)^.typedfiletype.def = pdef(voiddef))
568 ) or
571 (pfiledef(def_from)^.filetyp = ft_untyped) and
572 (pfiledef(def_to)^.filetyp = ft_typed)
573 ) or
575 (pfiledef(def_from)^.filetyp = ft_typed) and
576 (pfiledef(def_to)^.filetyp = ft_untyped)
579 ) then
580 begin
581 doconv:=tc_equal;
582 b:=1;
584 end;
586 else
587 begin
588 { assignment overwritten ?? }
589 if assignment_overloaded(def_from,def_to)<>nil then
590 b:=2;
591 end;
592 end;
593 isconvertable:=b;
594 end;
596 { ld is the left type definition
597 rd the right type definition
598 dd the result type definition or voiddef if unkown }
599 function isbinaryoperatoroverloadable(ld, rd, dd : pdef;
600 treetyp : ttreetyp) : boolean;
601 begin
602 isbinaryoperatoroverloadable:=
603 (treetyp=starstarn) or
604 (ld^.deftype=recorddef) or
605 (rd^.deftype=recorddef) or
606 ((rd^.deftype=pointerdef) and
607 not(is_pchar(rd) and
608 (is_chararray(ld) or
609 (ld^.deftype=stringdef) or
610 (treetyp=addn))) and
611 (not(ld^.deftype in [pointerdef,objectdef,classrefdef,procvardef]) or
612 not (treetyp in [equaln,unequaln,gtn,gten,ltn,lten,subn])
613 ) and
614 (not is_integer(ld) or not (treetyp in [addn,subn]))
615 ) or
616 ((ld^.deftype=pointerdef) and
617 not(is_pchar(ld) and
618 (is_chararray(rd) or
619 (rd^.deftype=stringdef) or
620 (treetyp=addn))) and
621 (not(rd^.deftype in [stringdef,pointerdef,objectdef,classrefdef,procvardef]) and
622 ((not is_integer(rd) and (rd^.deftype<>objectdef)
623 and (rd^.deftype<>classrefdef)) or
624 not (treetyp in [equaln,unequaln,gtn,gten,ltn,lten,addn,subn])
627 ) or
628 { array def, but not mmx or chararray+[char,string,chararray] }
629 ((ld^.deftype=arraydef) and
630 not((cs_mmx in aktlocalswitches) and
631 is_mmx_able_array(ld)) and
632 not(is_chararray(ld) and
633 (is_char(rd) or
634 is_pchar(rd) or
635 (rd^.deftype=stringdef) or
636 is_chararray(rd)))
637 ) or
638 ((rd^.deftype=arraydef) and
639 not((cs_mmx in aktlocalswitches) and
640 is_mmx_able_array(rd)) and
641 not(is_chararray(rd) and
642 (is_char(ld) or
643 is_pchar(ld) or
644 (ld^.deftype=stringdef) or
645 is_chararray(ld)))
646 ) or
647 { <> and = are defined for classes }
648 ((ld^.deftype=objectdef) and
649 (not(pobjectdef(ld)^.is_class) or
650 not(treetyp in [equaln,unequaln])
652 ) or
653 ((rd^.deftype=objectdef) and
654 (not(pobjectdef(rd)^.is_class) or
655 not(treetyp in [equaln,unequaln])
658 { allow other operators that + on strings }
660 (is_char(rd) or
661 is_pchar(rd) or
662 (rd^.deftype=stringdef) or
663 is_chararray(rd) or
664 is_char(ld) or
665 is_pchar(ld) or
666 (ld^.deftype=stringdef) or
667 is_chararray(ld)
668 ) and
669 not(treetyp in [addn,equaln,unequaln,gtn,gten,ltn,lten]) and
670 not(is_pchar(ld) and
671 (is_integer(rd) or (rd^.deftype=pointerdef)) and
672 (treetyp=subn)
676 end;
679 function isunaryoperatoroverloadable(rd,dd : pdef;
680 treetyp : ttreetyp) : boolean;
681 begin
682 isunaryoperatoroverloadable:=false;
683 { what assignment overloading should be allowed ?? }
684 if (treetyp=assignn) then
685 begin
686 isunaryoperatoroverloadable:=true;
687 { this already get tbs0261 to fail
688 isunaryoperatoroverloadable:=not is_equal(rd,dd); PM }
690 { should we force that rd and dd are equal ?? }
691 else if (treetyp=subn { unaryminusn }) then
692 begin
693 isunaryoperatoroverloadable:=
694 not is_integer(rd) and not (rd^.deftype=floatdef)
695 {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX}
696 and not ((cs_mmx in aktlocalswitches) and
697 is_mmx_able_array(rd))
698 {$endif SUPPORT_MMX}
701 else if (treetyp=notn) then
702 begin
703 isunaryoperatoroverloadable:=not is_integer(rd) and not is_boolean(rd)
704 {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX}
705 and not ((cs_mmx in aktlocalswitches) and
706 is_mmx_able_array(rd))
707 {$endif SUPPORT_MMX}
709 end;
710 end;
712 function isoperatoracceptable(pf : pprocdef; optoken : ttoken) : boolean;
714 ld,rd,dd : pdef;
715 i : longint;
716 begin
717 case pf^.parast^.symindex^.count of
718 2 : begin
719 isoperatoracceptable:=false;
720 for i:=1 to tok2nodes do
721 if tok2node[i].tok=optoken then
722 begin
723 ld:=pvarsym(pf^.parast^.symindex^.first)^.vartype.def;
724 rd:=pvarsym(pf^.parast^.symindex^.first^.indexnext)^.vartype.def;
725 dd:=pf^.rettype.def;
726 isoperatoracceptable:=
727 tok2node[i].op_overloading_supported and
728 isbinaryoperatoroverloadable(ld,rd,dd,tok2node[i].nod);
729 break;
730 end;
731 end;
732 1 : begin
733 rd:=pvarsym(pf^.parast^.symindex^.first)^.vartype.def;
734 dd:=pf^.rettype.def;
735 for i:=1 to tok2nodes do
736 if tok2node[i].tok=optoken then
737 begin
738 isoperatoracceptable:=
739 tok2node[i].op_overloading_supported and
740 isunaryoperatoroverloadable(rd,dd,tok2node[i].nod);
741 break;
742 end;
743 end;
744 else
745 isoperatoracceptable:=false;
746 end;
747 end;
749 {****************************************************************************
750 Register Calculation
751 ****************************************************************************}
753 { marks an lvalue as "unregable" }
754 procedure make_not_regable(p : ptree);
755 begin
756 case p^.treetype of
757 typeconvn :
758 make_not_regable(p^.left);
759 loadn :
760 if p^.symtableentry^.typ=varsym then
761 pvarsym(p^.symtableentry)^.varoptions:=pvarsym(p^.symtableentry)^.varoptions-[vo_regable,vo_fpuregable];
762 end;
763 end;
766 procedure left_right_max(p : ptree);
767 begin
768 if assigned(p^.left) then
769 begin
770 if assigned(p^.right) then
771 begin
772 p^.registers32:=max(p^.left^.registers32,p^.right^.registers32);
773 p^.registersfpu:=max(p^.left^.registersfpu,p^.right^.registersfpu);
774 {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX}
775 p^.registersmmx:=max(p^.left^.registersmmx,p^.right^.registersmmx);
776 {$endif SUPPORT_MMX}
778 else
779 begin
780 p^.registers32:=p^.left^.registers32;
781 p^.registersfpu:=p^.left^.registersfpu;
782 {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX}
783 p^.registersmmx:=p^.left^.registersmmx;
784 {$endif SUPPORT_MMX}
785 end;
786 end;
787 end;
789 { calculates the needed registers for a binary operator }
790 procedure calcregisters(p : ptree;r32,fpu,mmx : word);
792 begin
793 left_right_max(p);
795 { Only when the difference between the left and right registers < the
796 wanted registers allocate the amount of registers }
798 if assigned(p^.left) then
799 begin
800 if assigned(p^.right) then
801 begin
802 if (abs(p^.left^.registers32-p^.right^.registers32)<r32) then
803 inc(p^.registers32,r32);
804 if (abs(p^.left^.registersfpu-p^.right^.registersfpu)<fpu) then
805 inc(p^.registersfpu,fpu);
806 {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX}
807 if (abs(p^.left^.registersmmx-p^.right^.registersmmx)<mmx) then
808 inc(p^.registersmmx,mmx);
809 {$endif SUPPORT_MMX}
810 { the following is a little bit guessing but I think }
811 { it's the only way to solve same internalerrors: }
812 { if the left and right node both uses registers }
813 { and return a mem location, but the current node }
814 { doesn't use an integer register we get probably }
815 { trouble when restoring a node }
816 if (p^.left^.registers32=p^.right^.registers32) and
817 (p^.registers32=p^.left^.registers32) and
818 (p^.registers32>0) and
819 (p^.left^.location.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_MEM]) and
820 (p^.right^.location.loc in [LOC_REFERENCE,LOC_MEM]) then
821 inc(p^.registers32);
823 else
824 begin
825 if (p^.left^.registers32<r32) then
826 inc(p^.registers32,r32);
827 if (p^.left^.registersfpu<fpu) then
828 inc(p^.registersfpu,fpu);
829 {$ifdef SUPPORT_MMX}
830 if (p^.left^.registersmmx<mmx) then
831 inc(p^.registersmmx,mmx);
832 {$endif SUPPORT_MMX}
833 end;
834 end;
836 { error CGMessage, if more than 8 floating point }
837 { registers are needed }
838 if p^.registersfpu>8 then
839 CGMessage(cg_e_too_complex_expr);
840 end;
842 {****************************************************************************
843 Subroutine Handling
844 ****************************************************************************}
846 { protected field handling
847 protected field can not appear in
848 var parameters of function !!
849 this can only be done after we have determined the
850 overloaded function
851 this is the reason why it is not in the parser, PM }
853 procedure test_protected_sym(sym : psym);
854 begin
855 if (sp_protected in sym^.symoptions) and
856 ((sym^.owner^.symtabletype=unitsymtable) or
857 ((sym^.owner^.symtabletype=objectsymtable) and
858 (pobjectdef(sym^.owner^.defowner)^.owner^.symtabletype=unitsymtable))
859 ) then
860 CGMessage(parser_e_cant_access_protected_member);
861 end;
864 procedure test_protected(p : ptree);
865 begin
866 case p^.treetype of
867 loadn : test_protected_sym(p^.symtableentry);
868 typeconvn : test_protected(p^.left);
869 derefn : test_protected(p^.left);
870 subscriptn : begin
871 { test_protected(p^.left);
872 Is a field of a protected var
873 also protected ??? PM }
874 test_protected_sym(p^.vs);
875 end;
876 end;
877 end;
879 function valid_for_formal_var(p : ptree) : boolean;
881 v : boolean;
882 begin
883 case p^.treetype of
884 loadn :
885 v:=(p^.symtableentry^.typ in [typedconstsym,varsym]);
886 typeconvn :
887 v:=valid_for_formal_var(p^.left);
888 derefn,
889 subscriptn,
890 vecn,
891 funcretn,
892 selfn :
893 v:=true;
894 calln : { procvars are callnodes first }
895 v:=assigned(p^.right) and not assigned(p^.left);
896 addrn :
897 begin
898 { addrn is not allowed as this generate a constant value,
899 but a tp procvar are allowed (PFV) }
900 if p^.procvarload then
901 v:=true
902 else
903 v:=false;
904 end;
905 else
906 v:=false;
907 end;
908 valid_for_formal_var:=v;
909 end;
911 function valid_for_formal_const(p : ptree) : boolean;
913 v : boolean;
914 begin
915 { p must have been firstpass'd before }
916 { accept about anything but not a statement ! }
917 case p^.treetype of
918 calln,
919 statementn,
920 addrn :
921 begin
922 { addrn is not allowed as this generate a constant value,
923 but a tp procvar are allowed (PFV) }
924 if p^.procvarload then
925 v:=true
926 else
927 v:=false;
928 end;
929 else
930 v:=true;
931 end;
932 valid_for_formal_const:=v;
933 end;
935 function is_procsym_load(p:Ptree):boolean;
936 begin
937 is_procsym_load:=((p^.treetype=loadn) and (p^.symtableentry^.typ=procsym)) or
938 ((p^.treetype=addrn) and (p^.left^.treetype=loadn)
939 and (p^.left^.symtableentry^.typ=procsym)) ;
940 end;
942 { change a proc call to a procload for assignment to a procvar }
943 { this can only happen for proc/function without arguments }
944 function is_procsym_call(p:Ptree):boolean;
945 begin
946 is_procsym_call:=(p^.treetype=calln) and (p^.left=nil) and
947 (((p^.symtableprocentry^.typ=procsym) and (p^.right=nil)) or
948 ((p^.right<>nil) and (p^.right^.symtableprocentry^.typ=varsym)));
949 end;
952 function assignment_overloaded(from_def,to_def : pdef) : pprocdef;
954 passproc : pprocdef;
955 convtyp : tconverttype;
956 begin
957 assignment_overloaded:=nil;
958 if assigned(overloaded_operators[_assignment]) then
959 passproc:=overloaded_operators[_assignment]^.definition
960 else
961 exit;
962 while passproc<>nil do
963 begin
964 if is_equal(passproc^.rettype.def,to_def) and
965 (is_equal(pparaitem(passproc^.para^.first)^.paratype.def,from_def) or
966 (isconvertable(from_def,pparaitem(passproc^.para^.first)^.paratype.def,convtyp,ordconstn,false)=1)) then
967 begin
968 assignment_overloaded:=passproc;
969 break;
970 end;
971 passproc:=passproc^.nextoverloaded;
972 end;
973 end;
976 { local routines can't be assigned to procvars }
977 procedure test_local_to_procvar(from_def:pprocvardef;to_def:pdef);
978 begin
979 if (from_def^.symtablelevel>1) and (to_def^.deftype=procvardef) then
980 CGMessage(type_e_cannot_local_proc_to_procvar);
981 end;
984 function valid_for_assign(p:ptree;allowprop:boolean):boolean;
986 hp : ptree;
987 gotwith,
988 gotsubscript,
989 gotpointer,
990 gotclass,
991 gotderef : boolean;
992 begin
993 valid_for_assign:=false;
994 gotsubscript:=false;
995 gotderef:=false;
996 gotclass:=false;
997 gotpointer:=false;
998 gotwith:=false;
999 hp:=p;
1000 while assigned(hp) do
1001 begin
1002 { property allowed? calln has a property check itself }
1003 if (not allowprop) and
1004 (hp^.isproperty) and
1005 (hp^.treetype<>calln) then
1006 begin
1007 CGMessagePos(hp^.fileinfo,type_e_argument_cant_be_assigned);
1008 exit;
1009 end;
1010 case hp^.treetype of
1011 derefn :
1012 begin
1013 gotderef:=true;
1014 hp:=hp^.left;
1015 end;
1016 typeconvn :
1017 begin
1018 case hp^.resulttype^.deftype of
1019 pointerdef :
1020 gotpointer:=true;
1021 objectdef :
1022 gotclass:=pobjectdef(hp^.resulttype)^.is_class;
1023 classrefdef :
1024 gotclass:=true;
1025 arraydef :
1026 begin
1027 { pointer -> array conversion is done then we need to see it
1028 as a deref, because a ^ is then not required anymore }
1029 if (hp^.left^.resulttype^.deftype=pointerdef) then
1030 gotderef:=true;
1031 end;
1032 end;
1033 hp:=hp^.left;
1034 end;
1035 vecn,
1036 asn :
1037 hp:=hp^.left;
1038 subscriptn :
1039 begin
1040 gotsubscript:=true;
1041 hp:=hp^.left;
1042 { a class/interface access is an implicit }
1043 { dereferencing }
1044 if (hp^.resulttype^.deftype=objectdef) and
1045 pobjectdef(hp^.resulttype)^.is_class then
1046 gotderef:=true;
1047 end;
1048 subn,
1049 addn :
1050 begin
1051 { Allow add/sub operators on a pointer, or an integer
1052 and a pointer typecast and deref has been found }
1053 if (hp^.resulttype^.deftype=pointerdef) or
1054 (is_integer(hp^.resulttype) and gotpointer and gotderef) then
1055 valid_for_assign:=true
1056 else
1057 CGMessagePos(hp^.fileinfo,type_e_variable_id_expected);
1058 exit;
1059 end;
1060 addrn :
1061 begin
1062 if not(gotderef) and
1063 not(hp^.procvarload) then
1064 CGMessagePos(hp^.fileinfo,type_e_no_assign_to_addr);
1065 exit;
1066 end;
1067 selfn,
1068 funcretn :
1069 begin
1070 valid_for_assign:=true;
1071 exit;
1072 end;
1073 calln :
1074 begin
1075 { check return type }
1076 case hp^.resulttype^.deftype of
1077 pointerdef :
1078 gotpointer:=true;
1079 objectdef :
1080 gotclass:=pobjectdef(hp^.resulttype)^.is_class;
1081 recorddef, { handle record like class it needs a subscription }
1082 classrefdef :
1083 gotclass:=true;
1084 end;
1085 { 1. if it returns a pointer and we've found a deref,
1086 2. if it returns a class or record and a subscription or with is found,
1087 3. property is allowed }
1088 if (gotpointer and gotderef) or
1089 (gotclass and (gotsubscript or gotwith)) or
1090 (hp^.isproperty and allowprop) then
1091 valid_for_assign:=true
1092 else
1093 CGMessagePos(hp^.fileinfo,type_e_argument_cant_be_assigned);
1094 exit;
1095 end;
1096 loadn :
1097 begin
1098 case hp^.symtableentry^.typ of
1099 absolutesym,
1100 varsym :
1101 begin
1102 if (pvarsym(hp^.symtableentry)^.varspez=vs_const) then
1103 begin
1104 { allow p^:= constructions with p is const parameter }
1105 if gotderef then
1106 valid_for_assign:=true
1107 else
1108 CGMessagePos(hp^.fileinfo,type_e_no_assign_to_const);
1109 exit;
1110 end;
1111 { Are we at a with symtable, then we need to process the
1112 withrefnode also to check for maybe a const load }
1113 if (hp^.symtable^.symtabletype=withsymtable) then
1114 begin
1115 { continue with processing the withref node }
1116 hp:=ptree(pwithsymtable(hp^.symtable)^.withrefnode);
1117 gotwith:=true;
1119 else
1120 begin
1121 { set the assigned flag for varsyms }
1122 if (pvarsym(hp^.symtableentry)^.varstate=vs_declared) then
1123 pvarsym(hp^.symtableentry)^.varstate:=vs_assigned;
1124 valid_for_assign:=true;
1125 exit;
1126 end;
1127 end;
1128 funcretsym,
1129 typedconstsym :
1130 begin
1131 valid_for_assign:=true;
1132 exit;
1133 end;
1134 end;
1135 end;
1136 else
1137 begin
1138 CGMessagePos(hp^.fileinfo,type_e_variable_id_expected);
1139 exit;
1140 end;
1141 end;
1142 end;
1143 end;
1145 end.
1147 $Log$
1148 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:22:24 sasu
1149 Initial revision
1151 Revision 2000/12/09 13:03:47 florian
1152 * web bug 1207 fixed: field and properties of const classes can be
1153 changed
1155 Revision 2000/12/08 14:07:13 jonas
1156 * removed curly braces from previous log comment
1158 Revision 2000/12/08 10:41:06 jonas
1159 * fix for web bug 1245: arrays of char with size >255 are now passed to
1160 overloaded procedures which expect ansistrings instead of shortstrings
1161 if possible
1162 * pointer to array of chars (when using $t+) are now also considered
1163 pchars
1165 Revision 2000/08/16 18:26:00 peter
1166 * splitted into indexnext and listnext so it
1167 can be used in both lists
1168 * don't allow "word = word" type definitions
1170 Revision 2000/08/07 09:19:33 jonas
1171 * fixed bug in type conversions between enum subranges (it didn't take
1172 the packenum directive into account)
1173 + define PACKENUMFIXED symbol in options.pas
1175 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:51 michael
1176 + Initial import
1178 Revision 1.71 2000/07/06 18:56:58 peter
1179 * fixed function returning record type and assigning to the result
1181 Revision 1.70 2000/06/18 19:41:19 peter
1182 * fixed pchar<->[string,chararray] operations
1184 Revision 1.69 2000/06/11 07:00:21 peter
1185 * fixed pchar->string conversion for delphi mode
1187 Revision 1.68 2000/06/06 20:25:43 pierre
1188 * unary minus operator overloading was broken
1189 + accept pointer args in binary operator
1191 Revision 1.67 2000/06/05 20:41:17 pierre
1192 + support for NOT overloading
1193 + unsupported overloaded operators generate errors
1195 Revision 1.66 2000/06/04 09:04:30 peter
1196 * check for procvar in valid_for_formal
1198 Revision 1.65 2000/06/02 21:22:04 pierre
1199 + isbinaryoperatoracceptable and isunaryoperatoracceptable
1200 for a more coherent operator overloading implementation
1201 tok2node moved from pexpr unit to htypechk
1203 Revision 1.64 2000/06/01 19:13:02 peter
1204 * fixed long line for tp7
1206 Revision 1.63 2000/06/01 11:00:52 peter
1207 * fixed string->pchar conversion for array constructors
1209 Revision 1.62 2000/05/30 18:38:45 florian
1210 * fixed assignments of subrange enumeration types
1212 Revision 1.61 2000/05/26 18:21:41 peter
1213 * give error for @ with formal const,var parameter. Because @ generates
1214 a constant value and not a reference
1216 Revision 1.60 2000/05/16 16:01:03 florian
1217 * fixed type conversion test for open arrays: the to and from fields where
1218 exchanged which leads under certain circumstances to problems when
1219 passing arrays of classes/class references as open array parameters
1221 Revision 1.59 2000/02/18 16:13:29 florian
1222 * optimized ansistring compare with ''
1223 * fixed 852
1225 Revision 1.58 2000/02/09 13:22:53 peter
1226 * log truncated
1228 Revision 1.57 2000/02/05 12:11:50 peter
1229 * property check for assigning fixed for calln
1231 Revision 1.56 2000/02/01 09:41:27 peter
1232 * allow class -> voidpointer for delphi mode
1234 Revision 1.55 2000/01/07 01:14:27 peter
1235 * updated copyright to 2000
1237 Revision 1.54 1999/12/31 14:26:27 peter
1238 * fixed crash with empty array constructors
1240 Revision 1.53 1999/12/18 14:55:21 florian
1241 * very basic widestring support
1243 Revision 1.52 1999/12/16 19:12:04 peter
1244 * allow constant pointer^ also for assignment
1246 Revision 1.51 1999/12/09 09:35:54 peter
1247 * allow assigning to self
1249 Revision 1.50 1999/11/30 10:40:43 peter
1250 + ttype, tsymlist
1252 Revision 1.49 1999/11/18 15:34:45 pierre
1253 * Notes/Hints for local syms changed to
1254 Set_varstate function
1256 Revision 1.48 1999/11/09 14:47:03 peter
1257 * pointer->array is allowed for all pointer types in FPC, fixed assign
1258 check for it.
1260 Revision 1.47 1999/11/09 13:29:33 peter
1261 * valid_for_assign allow properties with calln
1263 Revision 1.46 1999/11/08 22:45:33 peter
1264 * allow typecasting to integer within pointer typecast+deref
1266 Revision 1.45 1999/11/06 14:34:21 peter
1267 * truncated log to 20 revs
1269 Revision 1.44 1999/11/04 23:11:21 peter
1270 * fixed pchar and deref detection for assigning
1272 Revision 1.43 1999/10/27 16:04:45 peter
1273 * valid_for_assign support for calln,asn
1275 Revision 1.42 1999/10/26 12:30:41 peter
1276 * const parameter is now checked
1277 * better and generic check if a node can be used for assigning
1278 * export fixes
1279 * procvar equal works now (it never had worked at least from 0.99.8)
1280 * defcoll changed to linkedlist with pparaitem so it can easily be
1281 walked both directions
1283 Revision 1.41 1999/10/14 14:57:52 florian
1284 - removed the hcodegen use in the new cg, use cgbase instead
1286 Revision 1.40 1999/09/26 21:30:15 peter
1287 + constant pointer support which can happend with typecasting like
1288 const p=pointer(1)
1289 * better procvar parsing in typed consts
1291 Revision 1.39 1999/09/17 17:14:04 peter
1292 * @procvar fixes for tp mode
1293 * @<id>:= gives now an error
1295 Revision 1.38 1999/08/17 13:26:07 peter
1296 * arrayconstructor -> arrayofconst fixed when arraycosntructor was not
1297 variant.