Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / globals.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
5 This unit implements some support functions and global variables
7 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 (at your option) any later version.
12 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 ****************************************************************************
24 {$ifdef tp}
25 {$E+,N+}
26 {$endif}
28 unit globals;
30 interface
32 uses
33 {$ifdef win32}
34 windows,
35 {$endif}
36 {$ifdef linux}
37 linux,
38 {$endif}
39 {$ifdef Delphi}
40 sysutils,
41 dmisc,
42 {$else}
43 strings,dos,
44 {$endif}
45 {$ifdef TP}
46 objects,
47 {$endif}
48 globtype,version,tokens,systems,cobjects;
50 const
51 {$ifdef linux}
52 DirSep = '/';
53 {$else}
54 {$ifdef amiga}
55 DirSep = '/';
56 {$else}
57 {$ifdef aros}
58 DirSep = '/';
59 {$else}
61 DirSep = '\';
62 {$endif}
63 {$endif}
64 {$endif}
66 {$ifdef Splitheap}
67 testsplit : boolean = false;
68 {$endif Splitheap}
70 delphimodeswitches : tmodeswitches=
71 [m_delphi,m_tp,m_all,m_class,m_objpas,m_result,m_string_pchar,
72 m_pointer_2_procedure,m_autoderef,m_tp_procvar,m_initfinal,m_default_ansistring];
73 fpcmodeswitches : tmodeswitches=
74 [m_fpc,m_all,m_string_pchar,m_nested_comment,m_repeat_forward,
75 m_cvar_support,m_initfinal,m_add_pointer];
76 objfpcmodeswitches : tmodeswitches=
77 [m_objfpc,m_fpc,m_all,m_class,m_objpas,m_result,m_string_pchar,m_nested_comment,
78 m_repeat_forward,m_cvar_support,m_initfinal,m_add_pointer];
79 tpmodeswitches : tmodeswitches=
80 [m_tp7,m_tp,m_all,m_tp_procvar];
81 gpcmodeswitches : tmodeswitches=
82 [m_gpc,m_all];
84 type
85 TSearchPathList = object(TStringQueue)
86 procedure AddPath(s:string;addfirst:boolean);
87 procedure AddList(list:TSearchPathList;addfirst:boolean);
88 function FindFile(const f : string;var b : boolean) : string;
89 end;
91 var
92 { specified inputfile }
93 inputdir : dirstr;
94 inputfile : namestr;
95 inputextension : extstr;
96 { specified outputfile with -o parameter }
97 outputfile : namestr;
98 { specified with -FE or -FU }
99 outputexedir : dirstr;
100 outputunitdir : dirstr;
102 { things specified with parameters }
103 paralinkoptions,
104 paradynamiclinker : string;
105 parapreprocess : boolean;
107 { directory where the utils can be found (options -FD) }
108 utilsdirectory : dirstr;
110 { some flags for global compiler switches }
111 do_build,
112 do_make : boolean;
113 not_unit_proc : boolean;
114 { path for searching units, different paths can be seperated by ; }
115 exepath : dirstr; { Path to ppc }
116 librarysearchpath,
117 unitsearchpath,
118 objectsearchpath,
119 includesearchpath : TSearchPathList;
121 { deffile }
122 usewindowapi : boolean;
123 description : string;
124 dllversion : string;
125 dllmajor,dllminor : word;
127 { current position }
128 token, { current token being parsed }
129 idtoken : ttoken; { holds the token if the pattern is a known word }
130 tokenpos, { last postion of the read token }
131 aktfilepos : tfileposinfo; { current position }
133 { type of currently parsed block }
134 { isn't full implemented (FK) }
135 block_type : tblock_type;
137 in_args : boolean; { arguments must be checked especially }
138 parsing_para_level : longint; { parameter level, used to convert
139 proc calls to proc loads in firstcalln }
140 { Must_be_valid : boolean; should the variable already have a value
141 obsolete replace by set_varstate function }
142 compile_level : word;
143 make_ref : boolean;
144 resolving_forward : boolean; { used to add forward reference as second ref }
145 use_esp_stackframe : boolean; { to test for call with ESP as stack frame }
146 inlining_procedure : boolean; { are we inlining a procedure }
148 {$ifdef TP}
149 use_big : boolean;
150 {$endif}
152 { commandline values }
153 initdefines : tlinkedlist;
154 initglobalswitches : tglobalswitches;
155 initmoduleswitches : tmoduleswitches;
156 initlocalswitches : tlocalswitches;
157 initmodeswitches : tmodeswitches;
158 {$IFDEF testvarsets}
159 Initsetalloc, {0=fixed, 1 =var}
160 {$ENDIF}
161 initpackenum : longint;
162 initpackrecords : tpackrecords;
163 initoutputformat : tasm;
164 initoptprocessor,
165 initspecificoptprocessor : tprocessors;
166 initasmmode : tasmmode;
167 { current state values }
168 aktglobalswitches : tglobalswitches;
169 aktmoduleswitches : tmoduleswitches;
170 aktlocalswitches : tlocalswitches;
171 nextaktlocalswitches : tlocalswitches;
172 localswitcheschanged : boolean;
173 aktmodeswitches : tmodeswitches;
174 {$IFDEF testvarsets}
175 aktsetalloc,
176 {$ENDIF}
177 aktpackenum : longint;
178 aktmaxfpuregisters: longint;
179 aktpackrecords : tpackrecords;
180 aktoutputformat : tasm;
181 aktoptprocessor,
182 aktspecificoptprocessor : tprocessors;
183 aktasmmode : tasmmode;
185 { Memory sizes }
186 heapsize,
187 maxheapsize,
188 stacksize : longint;
190 {$Ifdef EXTDEBUG}
191 total_of_firstpass,
192 firstpass_several : longint;
193 {$ifdef FPC}
194 EntryMemUsed : longint;
195 {$endif FPC}
196 { parameter switches }
197 debugstop,
198 only_one_pass : boolean;
199 {$EndIf EXTDEBUG}
200 { windows application type }
201 apptype : tapptype;
203 const
204 RelocSection : boolean = true;
205 RelocSectionSetExplicitly : boolean = false;
206 LinkTypeSetExplicitly : boolean = false;
207 DLLsource : boolean = false;
208 DLLImageBase : pstring = nil;
209 UseDeffileForExport : boolean = true;
210 ForceDeffileForExport : boolean = false;
212 { used to set all registers used for each global function
213 this should dramatically decrease the number of
214 recompilations needed PM }
215 simplify_ppu : boolean = false;
217 { should we allow non static members ? }
218 allow_only_static : boolean = false;
220 Inside_asm_statement : boolean = false;
222 { for error info in pp.pas }
223 const
224 parser_current_file : string = '';
226 {$ifdef debug}
227 { if the pointer don't point to the heap then write an error }
228 function assigned(p : pointer) : boolean;
229 {$endif}
230 function min(a,b : longint) : longint;
231 function max(a,b : longint) : longint;
232 function align(i,a:longint):longint;
233 function align_from_size(datasize:longint;length:longint):longint;
234 procedure Replace(var s:string;s1:string;const s2:string);
235 procedure ReplaceCase(var s:string;const s1,s2:string);
236 function upper(const s : string) : string;
237 function lower(const s : string) : string;
238 function trimspace(const s:string):string;
239 {$ifdef FPC}
240 function tostru(i:cardinal) : string;
241 {$else}
242 function tostru(i:longint) : string;
243 {$endif}
244 procedure uppervar(var s : string);
245 function hexstr(val : longint;cnt : byte) : string;
246 function tostr(i : longint) : string;
247 function tostr_with_plus(i : longint) : string;
248 procedure valint(S : string;var V : longint;var code : integer);
249 function is_number(const s : string) : boolean;
250 function ispowerof2(value : longint;var power : longint) : boolean;
251 { enable ansistring comparison }
252 function compareansistrings(p1,p2 : pchar;length1,length2 : longint) : longint;
253 function concatansistrings(p1,p2 : pchar;length1,length2 : longint) : pchar;
254 function bstoslash(const s : string) : string;
255 procedure abstract;
257 function getdatestr:string;
258 function gettimestr:string;
259 function filetimestring( t : longint) : string;
261 procedure DefaultReplacements(var s:string);
262 function GetCurrentDir:string;
263 function path_absolute(const s : string) : boolean;
264 Function PathExists ( F : String) : Boolean;
265 Function FileExists ( Const F : String) : Boolean;
266 Function RemoveFile(const f:string):boolean;
267 Function RemoveDir(d:string):boolean;
268 Function GetFileTime ( Var F : File) : Longint;
269 Function GetNamedFileTime ( Const F : String) : Longint;
270 Function SplitPath(const s:string):string;
271 Function SplitFileName(const s:string):string;
272 Function SplitName(const s:string):string;
273 Function SplitExtension(Const HStr:String):String;
274 Function AddExtension(Const HStr,ext:String):String;
275 Function ForceExtension(Const HStr,ext:String):String;
276 Function FixPath(s:string;allowdot:boolean):string;
277 function FixFileName(const s:string):string;
278 procedure SplitBinCmd(const s:string;var bstr,cstr:string);
279 procedure SynchronizeFileTime(const fn1,fn2:string);
280 function FindFile(const f : string;path : string;var b : boolean) : string;
281 function FindExe(bin:string;var found:boolean):string;
282 function GetShortName(const n:string):string;
284 Procedure Shell(const command:string);
285 function GetEnvPChar(const envname:string):pchar;
286 procedure FreeEnvPChar(p:pchar);
288 Function SetCompileMode(const s:string; changeInit: boolean):boolean;
290 procedure InitGlobals;
291 procedure DoneGlobals;
294 implementation
296 uses
297 comphook;
299 procedure abstract;
300 begin
301 do_internalerror(255);
302 end;
305 function ngraphsearchvalue(const s1,s2 : string) : double;
306 const
307 n = 3;
309 equals,i,j : longint;
310 hs : string;
311 begin
312 equals:=0;
313 { is the string long enough ? }
314 if min(length(s1),length(s2))-n+1<1 then
315 begin
316 ngraphsearchvalue:=0.0;
317 exit;
318 end;
319 for i:=1 to length(s1)-n+1 do
320 begin
321 hs:=copy(s1,i,n);
322 for j:=1 to length(s2)-n+1 do
323 if hs=copy(s2,j,n) then
324 inc(equals);
325 end;
326 {$ifdef fpc}
327 ngraphsearchvalue:=equals/double(max(length(s1),length(s2))-n+1);
328 {$else}
329 ngraphsearchvalue:=equals/(max(length(s1),length(s2))-n+1);
330 {$endif}
331 end;
334 function bstoslash(const s : string) : string;
336 return string s with all \ changed into /
339 i : longint;
340 begin
341 for i:=1to length(s) do
342 if s[i]='\' then
343 bstoslash[i]:='/'
344 else
345 bstoslash[i]:=s[i];
346 {$ifndef TP}
347 {$ifopt H+}
348 setlength(bstoslash,length(s));
349 {$else}
350 bstoslash[0]:=s[0];
351 {$endif}
352 {$else}
353 bstoslash[0]:=s[0];
354 {$endif}
355 end;
357 {$ifdef debug}
359 function assigned(p : pointer) : boolean;
360 {$ifndef FPC}
361 {$ifndef DPMI}
362 type
363 ptrrec = record
364 ofs,seg : word;
365 end;
367 lp : longint;
368 {$endif DPMI}
369 {$endif FPC}
370 begin
371 {$ifdef FPC}
372 { Assigned is used for procvar and
373 stack stored temp records !! PM }
374 (* if (p<>nil) {and
375 ((p<heaporg) or
376 (p>heapptr))} then
377 do_internalerror(230); *)
378 {$else}
379 {$ifdef DPMI}
380 assigned:=(p<>nil);
381 exit;
382 {$else DPMI}
383 if p=nil then
384 lp:=0
385 else
386 lp:=longint(ptrrec(p).seg)*16+longint(ptrrec(p).ofs);
387 if (lp<>0) and
388 ((lp<longint(seg(heaporg^))*16+longint(ofs(heaporg^))) or
389 (lp>longint(seg(heapptr^))*16+longint(ofs(heapptr^)))) then
390 do_internalerror(230);
391 {$endif DPMI}
392 {$endif FPC}
393 assigned:=(p<>nil);
394 end;
395 {$endif}
398 function min(a,b : longint) : longint;
400 return the minimal of a and b
402 begin
403 if a>b then
404 min:=b
405 else
406 min:=a;
407 end;
410 function max(a,b : longint) : longint;
412 return the maximum of a and b
414 begin
415 if a<b then
416 max:=b
417 else
418 max:=a;
419 end;
421 function align_from_size(datasize:longint;length:longint):longint;
423 {Increases the datasize with the required alignment; i.e. on pentium
424 words should be aligned word; and dwords should be aligned dword.
425 So for a word (len=2), datasize is increased to the nearest multiple
426 of 2, and for len=4, datasize is increased to the nearest multiple of
429 var data_align:word;
431 begin
432 {$IFDEF I386}
433 if length>2 then
434 data_align:=4
435 else if length>1 then
436 data_align:=2
437 else
438 data_align:=1;
439 {$ENDIF}
440 {$IFDEF M68K}
441 data_align:=2;
442 {$ENDIF}
443 align_from_size:=(datasize+data_align-1) and not(data_align-1);
444 end;
447 function align(i,a:longint):longint;
449 return value <i> aligned <a> boundary
451 begin
452 align:=(i+a-1) and not(a-1);
453 end;
456 procedure Replace(var s:string;s1:string;const s2:string);
458 last,
459 i : longint;
460 begin
461 s1:=upper(s1);
462 last:=0;
463 repeat
464 i:=pos(s1,upper(s));
465 if i=last then
466 i:=0;
467 if (i>0) then
468 begin
469 Delete(s,i,length(s1));
470 Insert(s2,s,i);
471 last:=i;
472 end;
473 until (i=0);
474 end;
477 procedure ReplaceCase(var s:string;const s1,s2:string);
479 last,
480 i : longint;
481 begin
482 last:=0;
483 repeat
484 i:=pos(s1,s);
485 if i=last then
486 i:=0;
487 if (i>0) then
488 begin
489 Delete(s,i,length(s1));
490 Insert(s2,s,i);
491 last:=i;
492 end;
493 until (i=0);
494 end;
497 function upper(const s : string) : string;
499 return uppercased string of s
502 i : longint;
503 begin
504 for i:=1 to length(s) do
505 if s[i] in ['a'..'z'] then
506 upper[i]:=char(byte(s[i])-32)
507 else
508 upper[i]:=s[i];
509 upper[0]:=s[0];
510 end;
513 function lower(const s : string) : string;
515 return lowercased string of s
518 i : longint;
519 begin
520 for i:=1 to length(s) do
521 if s[i] in ['A'..'Z'] then
522 lower[i]:=char(byte(s[i])+32)
523 else
524 lower[i]:=s[i];
525 lower[0]:=s[0];
526 end;
529 procedure uppervar(var s : string);
531 uppercase string s
534 i : longint;
535 begin
536 for i:=1 to length(s) do
537 if s[i] in ['a'..'z'] then
538 s[i]:=char(byte(s[i])-32);
539 end;
541 function hexstr(val : longint;cnt : byte) : string;
542 const
543 HexTbl : array[0..15] of char='0123456789ABCDEF';
545 i : longint;
546 begin
547 hexstr[0]:=char(cnt);
548 for i:=cnt downto 1 do
549 begin
550 hexstr[i]:=hextbl[val and $f];
551 val:=val shr 4;
552 end;
553 end;
555 {$ifdef FPC}
556 function tostru(i:cardinal):string;
558 return string of value i, but for cardinals
561 hs : string;
562 begin
563 str(i,hs);
564 tostru:=hs;
565 end;
566 {$else FPC}
567 function tostru(i:longint):string;
568 begin
569 tostru:=tostr(i);
570 end;
571 {$endif FPC}
574 function trimspace(const s:string):string;
576 return s with all leading and ending spaces and tabs removed
579 i,j : longint;
580 begin
581 i:=length(s);
582 while (i>0) and (s[i] in [#9,' ']) do
583 dec(i);
584 j:=1;
585 while (j<i) and (s[j] in [#9,' ']) do
586 inc(j);
587 trimspace:=Copy(s,j,i-j+1);
588 end;
591 function tostr(i : longint) : string;
593 return string of value i
596 hs : string;
597 begin
598 str(i,hs);
599 tostr:=hs;
600 end;
603 function tostr_with_plus(i : longint) : string;
605 return string of value i, but always include a + when i>=0
608 hs : string;
609 begin
610 str(i,hs);
611 if i>=0 then
612 tostr_with_plus:='+'+hs
613 else
614 tostr_with_plus:=hs;
615 end;
618 procedure valint(S : string;var V : longint;var code : integer);
620 val() with support for octal, which is not supported under tp7
622 {$ifndef FPC}
624 vs : longint;
625 c : byte;
626 begin
627 if s[1]='%' then
628 begin
629 vs:=0;
630 longint(v):=0;
631 for c:=2 to length(s) do
632 begin
633 if s[c]='0' then
634 vs:=vs shl 1
635 else
636 if s[c]='1' then
637 vs:=vs shl 1+1
638 else
639 begin
640 code:=c;
641 exit;
642 end;
643 end;
644 code:=0;
645 longint(v):=vs;
647 else
648 system.val(S,V,code);
649 end;
650 {$else not FPC}
651 begin
652 system.val(S,V,code);
653 end;
654 {$endif not FPC}
657 function is_number(const s : string) : boolean;
659 is string a correct number ?
662 w : integer;
663 l : longint;
664 begin
665 valint(s,l,w);
666 is_number:=(w=0);
667 end;
670 function ispowerof2(value : longint;var power : longint) : boolean;
672 return if value is a power of 2. And if correct return the power
675 hl : longint;
676 i : longint;
677 begin
678 hl:=1;
679 ispowerof2:=true;
680 for i:=0 to 31 do
681 begin
682 if hl=value then
683 begin
684 power:=i;
685 exit;
686 end;
687 hl:=hl shl 1;
688 end;
689 ispowerof2:=false;
690 end;
693 { enable ansistring comparison }
694 { 0 means equal }
695 { 1 means p1 > p2 }
696 { -1 means p1 < p2 }
697 function compareansistrings(p1,p2 : pchar;length1,length2 : longint) : longint;
700 i,j : longint;
701 begin
702 compareansistrings:=0;
703 j:=min(length1,length2);
704 i:=0;
705 while (i<j) do
706 begin
707 if p1[i]>p2[i] then
708 begin
709 compareansistrings:=1;
710 exit;
712 else
713 if p1[i]<p2[i] then
714 begin
715 compareansistrings:=-1;
716 exit;
717 end;
718 inc(i);
719 end;
720 if length1>length2 then
721 compareansistrings:=1
722 else
723 if length1<length2 then
724 compareansistrings:=-1;
725 end;
728 function concatansistrings(p1,p2 : pchar;length1,length2 : longint) : pchar;
730 p : pchar;
731 begin
732 getmem(p,length1+length2+1);
733 move(p1[0],p[0],length1);
734 move(p2[0],p[length1],length2+1);
735 concatansistrings:=p;
736 end;
739 {****************************************************************************
740 Time Handling
741 ****************************************************************************}
743 Function L0(l:longint):string;
745 return the string of value l, if l<10 then insert a zero, so
746 the string is always at least 2 chars '01','02',etc
749 s : string;
750 begin
751 Str(l,s);
752 if l<10 then
753 s:='0'+s;
754 L0:=s;
755 end;
758 function gettimestr:string;
760 get the current time in a string HH:MM:SS
763 hour,min,sec,hsec : word;
764 begin
765 {$ifdef delphi}
766 dmisc.gettime(hour,min,sec,hsec);
767 {$else delphi}
768 dos.gettime(hour,min,sec,hsec);
769 {$endif delphi}
770 gettimestr:=L0(Hour)+':'+L0(min)+':'+L0(sec);
771 end;
774 function getdatestr:string;
776 get the current date in a string YY/MM/DD
779 Year,Month,Day,Wday : Word;
780 begin
781 {$ifdef delphi}
782 dmisc.getdate(year,month,day,wday);
783 {$else}
784 dos.getdate(year,month,day,wday);
785 {$endif}
786 getdatestr:=L0(Year)+'/'+L0(Month)+'/'+L0(Day);
787 end;
790 function filetimestring( t : longint) : string;
792 convert dos datetime t to a string YY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS
795 {$ifndef linux}
796 DT : DateTime;
797 {$endif}
798 Year,Month,Day,Hour,Min,Sec : Word;
799 begin
800 if t=-1 then
801 begin
802 FileTimeString:='Not Found';
803 exit;
804 end;
805 {$ifndef linux}
806 unpacktime(t,DT);
807 Year:=dT.year;month:=dt.month;;
808 Hour:=dt.hour;min:=dt.min;sec:=dt.sec;
809 {$else}
810 EpochToLocal (t,year,month,day,hour,min,sec);
811 {$endif}
812 filetimestring:=L0(Year)+'/'+L0(Month)+'/'+L0(Day)+' '+L0(Hour)+':'+L0(min)+':'+L0(sec);
813 end;
816 {****************************************************************************
817 Default Macro Handling
818 ****************************************************************************}
820 procedure DefaultReplacements(var s:string);
821 begin
822 { Replace some macro's }
823 Replace(s,'$FPCVER',version_string);
824 Replace(s,'$VERSION',version_string);
825 Replace(s,'$FULLVERSION',full_version_string);
826 Replace(s,'$FPCDATE',date_string);
827 Replace(s,'$FPCTARGET',target_cpu_string);
828 Replace(s,'$FPCCPU',target_cpu_string);
829 Replace(s,'$TARGET',target_path);
830 Replace(s,'$FPCOS',target_path);
831 end;
834 {****************************************************************************
835 File Handling
836 ****************************************************************************}
838 function GetCurrentDir:string;
840 CurrentDir : string;
841 begin
842 GetDir(0,CurrentDir);
843 GetCurrentDir:=FixPath(CurrentDir,false);
844 end;
847 function path_absolute(const s : string) : boolean;
849 is path s an absolute path?
851 begin
852 path_absolute:=false;
853 {$ifdef linux}
854 if (length(s)>0) and (s[1]='/') then
855 path_absolute:=true;
856 {$else linux}
857 {$ifdef amiga}
858 if ((length(s)>0) and ((s[1]='\') or (s[1]='/'))) or (Pos(':',s) = length(s)) then
859 path_absolute:=true;
860 {$else}
861 if ((length(s)>0) and ((s[1]='\') or (s[1]='/'))) or
862 ((length(s)>2) and (s[2]=':') and ((s[3]='\') or (s[3]='/'))) then
863 path_absolute:=true;
864 {$endif amiga}
865 {$endif linux}
866 end;
868 {$ifndef FPC}
869 Procedure FindClose(var Info : SearchRec);
870 Begin
871 End;
872 {$endif not FPC}
875 Function FileExists ( Const F : String) : Boolean;
876 {$ifndef delphi}
878 Info : SearchRec;
879 {$endif}
880 begin
881 {$ifdef delphi}
882 FileExists:=sysutils.FileExists(f);
883 {$else}
884 findfirst(F,readonly+archive+hidden,info);
885 FileExists:=(doserror=0);
886 findclose(Info);
887 {$endif delphi}
888 end;
891 Function PathExists ( F : String) : Boolean;
893 Info : SearchRec;
894 begin
895 if F[Length(f)] in ['/','\'] then
896 Delete(f,length(f),1);
897 findfirst(F,readonly+archive+hidden+directory,info);
898 PathExists:=(doserror=0) and ((info.attr and directory)=directory);
899 findclose(Info);
900 end;
903 Function RemoveFile(const f:string):boolean;
905 g : file;
906 begin
907 assign(g,f);
908 {$I-}
909 erase(g);
910 {$I+}
911 RemoveFile:=(ioresult=0);
912 end;
915 Function RemoveDir(d:string):boolean;
916 begin
917 if d[length(d)]=DirSep then
918 Delete(d,length(d),1);
919 {$I-}
920 rmdir(d);
921 {$I+}
922 RemoveDir:=(ioresult=0);
923 end;
926 Function SplitPath(const s:string):string;
928 i : longint;
929 begin
930 i:=Length(s);
931 while (i>0) and not(s[i] in ['/','\']) do
932 dec(i);
933 SplitPath:=Copy(s,1,i);
934 end;
937 Function SplitFileName(const s:string):string;
939 p : dirstr;
940 n : namestr;
941 e : extstr;
942 begin
943 FSplit(s,p,n,e);
944 SplitFileName:=n+e;
945 end;
948 Function SplitName(const s:string):string;
950 i,j : longint;
951 begin
952 i:=Length(s);
953 j:=Length(s);
954 while (i>0) and not(s[i] in ['/','\']) do
955 dec(i);
956 while (j>0) and (s[j]<>'.') do
957 dec(j);
958 if j<=i then
959 j:=255;
960 SplitName:=Copy(s,i+1,j-(i+1));
961 end;
964 Function SplitExtension(Const HStr:String):String;
966 j : longint;
967 begin
968 j:=length(Hstr);
969 while (j>0) and (Hstr[j]<>'.') do
970 begin
971 if hstr[j]=DirSep then
972 j:=0
973 else
974 dec(j);
975 end;
976 if j=0 then
977 j:=254;
978 SplitExtension:=Copy(Hstr,j,255);
979 end;
982 Function AddExtension(Const HStr,ext:String):String;
983 begin
984 if (Ext<>'') and (SplitExtension(HStr)='') then
985 AddExtension:=Hstr+Ext
986 else
987 AddExtension:=Hstr;
988 end;
991 Function ForceExtension(Const HStr,ext:String):String;
993 j : longint;
994 begin
995 j:=length(Hstr);
996 while (j>0) and (Hstr[j]<>'.') do
997 dec(j);
998 if j=0 then
999 j:=255;
1000 ForceExtension:=Copy(Hstr,1,j-1)+Ext;
1001 end;
1004 Function FixPath(s:string;allowdot:boolean):string;
1006 i : longint;
1007 begin
1008 { Fix separator }
1009 for i:=1 to length(s) do
1010 if s[i] in ['/','\'] then
1011 s[i]:=DirSep;
1012 { Fix ending / }
1013 if (length(s)>0) and (s[length(s)]<>DirSep) and
1014 (s[length(s)]<>':') then
1015 s:=s+DirSep;
1016 { Remove ./ }
1017 if (not allowdot) and (s='.'+DirSep) then
1018 s:='';
1019 { return }
1020 {$ifdef linux}
1021 FixPath:=s;
1022 {$else}
1023 FixPath:=Lower(s);
1024 {$endif}
1025 end;
1028 function FixFileName(const s:string):string;
1030 i : longint;
1031 {$ifdef Linux}
1032 NoPath : boolean;
1033 {$endif Linux}
1034 begin
1035 {$ifdef Linux}
1036 NoPath:=true;
1037 {$endif Linux}
1038 for i:=length(s) downto 1 do
1039 begin
1040 case s[i] of
1041 {$ifdef Linux}
1042 '/','\' : begin
1043 FixFileName[i]:='/';
1044 NoPath:=false; {Skip lowercasing path: 'X11'<>'x11' }
1045 end;
1046 'A'..'Z' : if NoPath then
1047 FixFileName[i]:=char(byte(s[i])+32)
1048 else
1049 FixFileName[i]:=s[i];
1050 {$else}
1051 '/' : FixFileName[i]:='\';
1052 'A'..'Z' : FixFileName[i]:=char(byte(s[i])+32);
1053 {$endif}
1054 else
1055 FixFileName[i]:=s[i];
1056 end;
1057 end;
1058 {$ifndef TP}
1059 {$ifopt H+}
1060 SetLength(FixFileName,length(s));
1061 {$else}
1062 FixFileName[0]:=s[0];
1063 {$endif}
1064 {$else}
1065 FixFileName[0]:=s[0];
1066 {$endif}
1067 end;
1070 procedure SplitBinCmd(const s:string;var bstr,cstr:string);
1072 i : longint;
1073 begin
1074 i:=pos(' ',s);
1075 if i>0 then
1076 begin
1077 bstr:=Copy(s,1,i-1);
1078 cstr:=Copy(s,i+1,length(s)-i);
1080 else
1081 begin
1082 bstr:='';
1083 cstr:='';
1084 end;
1085 end;
1089 procedure TSearchPathList.AddPath(s:string;addfirst:boolean);
1091 j : longint;
1092 hs,hsd,
1093 CurrentDir,
1094 CurrPath : string;
1095 dir : searchrec;
1097 hp : PStringItem;
1098 {$ELSE}
1099 hp : PStringQueueItem;
1100 {$ENDIF}
1102 procedure addcurrpath;
1103 begin
1104 if addfirst then
1105 begin
1106 Delete(currPath);
1107 Insert(currPath);
1109 else
1110 begin
1111 { Check if already in path, then we don't add it }
1112 hp:=Find(currPath);
1113 if not assigned(hp) then
1114 Concat(currPath);
1115 end;
1116 end;
1118 begin
1119 if s='' then
1120 exit;
1121 { Support default macro's }
1122 DefaultReplacements(s);
1123 { get current dir }
1124 CurrentDir:=GetCurrentDir;
1125 repeat
1126 { get currpath }
1127 if addfirst then
1128 begin
1129 j:=length(s);
1130 while (j>0) and (s[j]<>';') do
1131 dec(j);
1132 CurrPath:=FixPath(Copy(s,j+1,length(s)-j),false);
1133 if j=0 then
1134 s:=''
1135 else
1136 System.Delete(s,j,length(s)-j+1);
1138 else
1139 begin
1140 j:=Pos(';',s);
1141 if j=0 then
1142 j:=255;
1143 CurrPath:=FixPath(Copy(s,1,j-1),false);
1144 System.Delete(s,1,j);
1145 end;
1146 { fix pathname }
1147 if CurrPath='' then
1148 CurrPath:='.'+DirSep
1149 else
1150 begin
1151 CurrPath:=FixPath(FExpand(CurrPath),false);
1152 if (CurrentDir<>'') and (Copy(CurrPath,1,length(CurrentDir))=CurrentDir) then
1153 CurrPath:='.'+DirSep+Copy(CurrPath,length(CurrentDir)+1,255);
1154 end;
1155 { wildcard adding ? }
1156 if pos('*',currpath)>0 then
1157 begin
1158 if currpath[length(currpath)]=dirsep then
1159 hs:=Copy(currpath,1,length(CurrPath)-1)
1160 else
1161 hs:=currpath;
1162 hsd:=SplitPath(hs);
1163 findfirst(hs,directory,dir);
1164 while doserror=0 do
1165 begin
1166 if (<>'.') and
1167 (<>'..') and
1168 ((dir.attr and directory)<>0) then
1169 begin
1171 hp:=Find(currPath);
1172 if not assigned(hp) then
1173 AddCurrPath;
1174 end;
1175 findnext(dir);
1176 end;
1177 FindClose(dir);
1179 else
1180 begin
1181 if PathExists(currpath) then
1182 addcurrpath;
1183 end;
1184 until (s='');
1185 end;
1188 procedure TSearchPathList.AddList(list:TSearchPathList;addfirst:boolean);
1190 s : string;
1191 hl : TSearchPathList;
1193 hp,hp2 : PStringItem;
1194 {$ELSE}
1195 hp,hp2 : PStringQueueItem;
1196 {$ENDIF}
1197 begin
1198 if list.empty then
1199 exit;
1200 { create temp and reverse the list }
1201 if addfirst then
1202 begin
1203 hl.Init;
1204 hp:=list.first;
1205 while assigned(hp) do
1206 begin
1207 hl.insert(hp^.data^);
1208 hp:=hp^.next;
1209 end;
1210 while not hl.empty do
1211 begin
1212 s:=hl.Get;
1213 Delete(s);
1214 Insert(s);
1215 end;
1216 hl.done;
1218 else
1219 begin
1220 hp:=list.first;
1221 while assigned(hp) do
1222 begin
1223 hp2:=Find(hp^.data^);
1224 { Check if already in path, then we don't add it }
1225 if not assigned(hp2) then
1226 Concat(hp^.data^);
1227 hp:=hp^.next;
1228 end;
1229 end;
1230 end;
1233 function TSearchPathList.FindFile(const f : string;var b : boolean) : string;
1236 p : PStringItem;
1237 {$ELSE}
1238 p : PStringQueueItem;
1239 {$ENDIF}
1240 begin
1241 FindFile:='';
1242 b:=false;
1243 p:=first;
1244 while assigned(p) do
1245 begin
1246 If FileExists(p^.data^+f) then
1247 begin
1248 FindFile:=p^.data^;
1249 b:=true;
1250 exit;
1251 end;
1252 p:=p^.next;
1253 end;
1254 end;
1257 Function GetFileTime ( Var F : File) : Longint;
1259 {$ifdef linux}
1260 Info : Stat;
1261 {$endif}
1262 L : longint;
1263 begin
1264 {$ifdef linux}
1265 FStat (F,Info);
1266 L:=Info.Mtime;
1267 {$else}
1268 GetFTime(f,l);
1269 {$endif}
1270 GetFileTime:=L;
1271 end;
1274 Function GetNamedFileTime (Const F : String) : Longint;
1275 begin
1276 GetNamedFileTime:=do_getnamedfiletime(F);
1277 end;
1280 {Touch Assembler and object time to ppu time is there is a ppufilename}
1281 procedure SynchronizeFileTime(const fn1,fn2:string);
1283 f : file;
1284 l : longint;
1285 begin
1286 Assign(f,fn1);
1287 {$I-}
1288 reset(f,1);
1289 {$I+}
1290 if ioresult=0 then
1291 begin
1292 getftime(f,l);
1293 { just to be sure in case there are rounding errors }
1294 setftime(f,l);
1295 close(f);
1296 assign(f,fn2);
1297 {$I-}
1298 reset(f,1);
1299 {$I+}
1300 if ioresult=0 then
1301 begin
1302 setftime(f,l);
1303 close(f);
1304 end;
1305 end;
1306 end;
1309 function FindFile(const f : string;path : string;var b : boolean) : string;
1311 singlepathstring : string;
1312 i : longint;
1313 begin
1314 {$ifdef linux}
1315 for i:=1 to length(path) do
1316 if path[i]=':' then
1317 path[i]:=';';
1318 {$endif}
1319 b:=false;
1320 FindFile:='';
1321 repeat
1322 i:=pos(';',path);
1323 if i=0 then
1324 i:=256;
1325 singlepathstring:=FixPath(copy(path,1,i-1),false);
1326 delete(path,1,i);
1327 If FileExists (singlepathstring+f) then
1328 begin
1329 FindFile:=singlepathstring;
1330 b:=true;
1331 exit;
1332 end;
1333 until path='';
1334 end;
1336 function FindExe(bin:string;var found:boolean):string;
1337 begin
1338 bin:=FixFileName(bin)+source_os.exeext;
1339 {$ifdef delphi}
1340 FindExe:=FindFile(bin,'.;'+exepath+';'+dmisc.getenv('PATH'),found)+bin;
1341 {$else delphi}
1342 FindExe:=FindFile(bin,'.;'+exepath+';'+dos.getenv('PATH'),found)+bin;
1343 {$endif delphi}
1344 end;
1347 function GetShortName(const n:string):string;
1348 {$ifdef win32}
1350 hs,hs2 : string;
1351 i : longint;
1352 {$endif}
1353 {$ifdef go32v2}
1355 hs : string;
1356 {$endif}
1357 begin
1358 GetShortName:=n;
1359 {$ifdef win32}
1360 hs:=n+#0;
1361 i:=Windows.GetShortPathName(@hs[1],@hs2[1],high(hs2));
1362 if (i>0) and (i<=high(hs2)) then
1363 begin
1364 hs2[0]:=chr(strlen(@hs2[1]));
1365 GetShortName:=hs2;
1366 end;
1367 {$endif}
1368 {$ifdef go32v2}
1369 hs:=n;
1370 if Dos.GetShortName(hs) then
1371 GetShortName:=hs;
1372 {$endif}
1373 end;
1376 {****************************************************************************
1377 OS Dependent things
1378 ****************************************************************************}
1380 function GetEnvPChar(const envname:string):pchar;
1381 {$ifdef win32}
1383 s : string;
1384 i,len : longint;
1385 hp,p,p2 : pchar;
1386 {$endif}
1387 begin
1388 {$ifdef linux}
1389 GetEnvPchar:=Linux.Getenv(envname);
1390 {$define GETENVOK}
1391 {$endif}
1392 {$ifdef win32}
1393 GetEnvPchar:=nil;
1394 p:=GetEnvironmentStrings;
1395 hp:=p;
1396 while hp^<>#0 do
1397 begin
1398 s:=strpas(hp);
1399 i:=pos('=',s);
1400 len:=strlen(hp);
1401 if upper(copy(s,1,i-1))=upper(envname) then
1402 begin
1403 GetMem(p2,len-length(envname));
1404 Move(hp[i],p2^,len-length(envname));
1405 GetEnvPchar:=p2;
1406 break;
1407 end;
1408 { next string entry}
1409 hp:=hp+len+1;
1410 end;
1411 FreeEnvironmentStrings(p);
1412 {$define GETENVOK}
1413 {$endif}
1414 {$ifdef GETENVOK}
1415 {$undef GETENVOK}
1416 {$else}
1417 GetEnvPchar:=StrPNew(Dos.Getenv(envname));
1418 {$endif}
1419 end;
1422 procedure FreeEnvPChar(p:pchar);
1423 begin
1424 {$ifndef linux}
1425 StrDispose(p);
1426 {$endif}
1427 end;
1429 Procedure Shell(const command:string);
1430 { This is already defined in the linux.ppu for linux, need for the *
1431 expansion under linux }
1432 {$ifdef linux}
1433 begin
1434 Linux.Shell(command);
1435 end;
1436 {$else}
1438 comspec : string;
1439 begin
1440 comspec:=getenv('COMSPEC');
1441 Exec(comspec,' /C '+command);
1442 end;
1443 {$endif}
1446 Function SetCompileMode(const s:string; changeInit: boolean):boolean;
1448 b : boolean;
1449 begin
1450 b:=true;
1451 if s='DEFAULT' then
1452 aktmodeswitches:=initmodeswitches
1453 else
1454 if s='DELPHI' then
1455 aktmodeswitches:=delphimodeswitches
1456 else
1457 if s='TP' then
1458 aktmodeswitches:=tpmodeswitches
1459 else
1460 if s='FPC' then
1461 aktmodeswitches:=fpcmodeswitches
1462 else
1463 if s='OBJFPC' then
1464 aktmodeswitches:=objfpcmodeswitches
1465 else
1466 if s='GPC' then
1467 aktmodeswitches:=gpcmodeswitches
1468 else
1469 b:=false;
1471 if b and changeInit then
1472 initmodeswitches := aktmodeswitches;
1474 if b then
1475 begin
1476 { turn ansistrings on by default ? }
1477 if (m_default_ansistring in aktmodeswitches) then
1478 begin
1479 include(aktlocalswitches,cs_ansistrings);
1480 if changeinit then
1481 include(initlocalswitches,cs_ansistrings);
1483 else
1484 begin
1485 exclude(aktlocalswitches,cs_ansistrings);
1486 if changeinit then
1487 exclude(initlocalswitches,cs_ansistrings);
1488 end;
1489 end;
1491 SetCompileMode:=b;
1492 end;
1495 {****************************************************************************
1496 Init
1497 ****************************************************************************}
1499 {$ifdef linux}
1500 {$define need_path_search}
1501 {$endif linux}
1502 {$ifdef os2}
1503 {$define need_path_search}
1504 {$endif os2}
1506 procedure get_exepath;
1508 hs1 : namestr;
1509 hs2 : extstr;
1510 {$ifdef need_path_search}
1511 b: boolean;
1512 {$endif}
1513 begin
1514 {$ifdef delphi}
1515 exepath:=dmisc.getenv('PPC_EXEC_PATH');
1516 {$else delphi}
1517 exepath:=dos.getenv('PPC_EXEC_PATH');
1518 {$endif delphi}
1519 if exepath='' then
1520 fsplit(FixFileName(paramstr(0)),exepath,hs1,hs2);
1521 {$ifndef VER0_99_15}
1522 {$ifdef need_path_search}
1523 if exepath='' then
1524 begin
1525 if pos(source_os.exeext,hs1) <>
1526 (length(hs1) - length(source_os.exeext)+1) then
1527 hs1 := hs1 + source_os.exeext;
1528 {$ifdef delphi}
1529 exepath := findfile(hs1,dmisc.getenv('PATH'),b);
1530 {$else delphi}
1531 exepath := findfile(hs1,dos.getenv('PATH'),b);
1532 {$endif delphi}
1533 end;
1534 {$endif need_path_search}
1535 {$endif}
1536 exepath:=FixPath(exepath,false);
1537 end;
1541 procedure DoneGlobals;
1542 begin
1543 initdefines.done;
1544 if assigned(DLLImageBase) then
1545 StringDispose(DLLImageBase);
1546 RelocSection:=true;
1547 RelocSectionSetExplicitly:=false;
1548 DLLsource:=false;
1549 UseDeffileForExport:=true;
1550 librarysearchpath.Done;
1551 unitsearchpath.Done;
1552 objectsearchpath.Done;
1553 includesearchpath.Done;
1554 end;
1556 procedure InitGlobals;
1557 begin
1558 { set global switches }
1559 do_build:=false;
1560 do_make:=true;
1561 {$ifdef tp}
1562 use_big:=false;
1563 {$endif tp}
1564 compile_level:=0;
1566 { Output }
1567 OutputFile:='';
1568 OutputExeDir:='';
1569 OutputUnitDir:='';
1571 { Utils directory }
1572 utilsdirectory:='';
1574 { Search Paths }
1575 librarysearchpath.Init;
1576 unitsearchpath.Init;
1577 includesearchpath.Init;
1578 objectsearchpath.Init;
1580 { Def file }
1581 usewindowapi:=false;
1582 description:='Compiled by FPC '+version_string+' - '+target_cpu_string;
1583 dllversion:='';
1585 { Init values }
1586 initmodeswitches:=fpcmodeswitches;
1587 initlocalswitches:=[cs_check_io];
1588 initmoduleswitches:=[cs_extsyntax,cs_browser];
1589 initglobalswitches:=[cs_check_unit_name,cs_link_static];
1590 {$ifdef i386}
1591 initoptprocessor:=Class386;
1592 initspecificoptprocessor:=Class386;
1593 initpackenum:=4;
1594 {$IFDEF testvarsets}
1595 initsetalloc:=0;
1596 {$ENDIF}
1597 initpackrecords:=packrecord_2;
1599 initasmmode:=asmmode_i386_att;
1600 {$else not i386}
1601 {$ifdef m68k}
1602 initoptprocessor:=MC68000;
1603 include(initmoduleswitches,cs_fp_emulation);
1604 initpackenum:=4;
1605 {$IFDEF testvarsets}
1606 initsetalloc:=0;
1607 {$ENDIF}
1608 initpackrecords:=packrecord_2;
1609 initoutputformat:=as_m68k_as;
1610 initasmmode:=asmmode_m68k_mot;
1611 {$endif m68k}
1612 {$endif i386}
1613 initdefines.init;
1615 { memory sizes, will be overriden by parameter or default for target
1616 in options or init_parser }
1617 stacksize:=0;
1618 heapsize:=0;
1619 maxheapsize:=0;
1621 { compile state }
1622 in_args:=false;
1623 { must_be_valid:=true; obsolete PM }
1624 not_unit_proc:=true;
1626 apptype:=at_cui;
1627 end;
1629 begin
1630 get_exepath;
1631 {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
1632 {$ifdef FPC}
1633 EntryMemUsed:=system.HeapSize-MemAvail;
1634 {$endif FPC}
1635 {$endif}
1636 end.
1638 $Log$
1639 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:22:21 sasu
1640 Initial revision
1642 Revision 2000/09/27 21:20:04 peter
1643 * also set initlocalswitches in setcompilemode
1645 Revision 2000/09/26 10:36:11 jonas
1646 * initmodeswitches is changed is you change the compiler mode from the
1647 command line (the -S<x> switches didn't work anymore for changing the
1648 compiler mode)
1650 Revision 2000/09/24 21:36:26 peter
1651 + setcompilemode() routine
1653 Revision 2000/09/24 10:39:15 peter
1654 * fixed ^Z in previous log message
1656 Revision 2000/09/24 10:17:07 jonas
1657 + searching of exe in path also for OS/2
1658 * fixed searching of exe in path
1660 Revision 2000/08/12 15:29:52 peter
1661 * patch from Gabor for IDE to support memory stream reading
1663 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:50 michael
1664 + Initial import
1666 Revision 1.67 2000/06/19 19:57:19 pierre
1667 * smart link is default on win32
1669 Revision 1.66 2000/06/18 18:05:54 peter
1670 * no binary value reading with % if not fpc mode
1671 * extended illegal char message with the char itself (Delphi like)
1673 Revision 1.65 2000/06/15 18:10:11 peter
1674 * first look for ppu in cwd and outputpath and after that for source
1675 in cwd
1676 * fixpath() for not linux makes path now lowercase so comparing paths
1677 with different cases (sometimes a drive letter could be
1678 uppercased) gives the expected results
1679 * sources_checked flag if there was already a full search for sources
1680 which aren't found, so another scan isn't done when checking for the
1681 sources only when recompile is needed
1683 Revision 1.64 2000/06/11 07:00:21 peter
1684 * fixed pchar->string conversion for delphi mode
1686 Revision 1.63 2000/05/12 08:58:51 pierre
1687 * adapted to Delphi 3
1689 Revision 1.62 2000/05/12 05:55:04 pierre
1690 * * get it to compile with Delphi by Kovacs Attila Zoltan
1692 Revision 1.61 2000/05/11 09:37:25 pierre
1693 * do not use upcase for strings, reported by Kovacs Attila Zoltan
1695 Revision 1.60 2000/05/04 20:46:17 peter
1696 * ansistrings are now default on for delphi mode, as most ppl expect
1697 this
1699 Revision 1.59 2000/05/03 14:36:57 pierre
1700 * fix for tests/test/testrang.pp bug
1702 Revision 1.58 2000/04/14 12:27:57 pierre
1703 * setfiletime to both files in synchronize
1705 Revision 1.57 2000/03/23 15:35:47 peter
1706 * $VERSION is now version_string
1707 + $FULLVERSION is now full_version_string
1709 Revision 1.56 2000/03/20 16:04:05 pierre
1710 * probably a fix for bug 615
1712 Revision 1.55 2000/03/08 15:39:45 daniel
1713 + Added align_from_size function as suggested by Peter.
1715 Revision 1.54 2000/02/28 17:23:57 daniel
1716 * Current work of symtable integration committed. The symtable can be
1717 activated by defining 'newst', but doesn't compile yet. Changes in type
1718 checking and oop are completed. What is left is to write a new
1719 symtablestack and adapt the parser to use it.
1721 Revision 1.53 2000/02/14 20:58:44 marco
1722 * Basic structures for new sethandling implemented.
1724 Revision 1.52 2000/02/10 11:45:48 peter
1725 * addpath fixed with list of paths when inserting at the beginning
1726 * if exepath=currentdir then it's not inserted in path list
1727 * searchpaths in ppc386.cfg are now added at the beginning of the
1728 list instead of at the end. (commandline is not changed)
1729 * check paths before inserting in list
1731 Revision 1.51 2000/02/09 13:22:53 peter
1732 * log truncated
1734 Revision 1.50 2000/01/26 14:31:03 marco
1735 * $VERSION is now also substituted in -F paths (that have subst active)
1737 Revision 1.49 2000/01/23 21:29:14 florian
1738 * CMOV support in optimizer (in define USECMOV)
1739 + start of support of exceptions in constructors
1741 Revision 1.48 2000/01/23 16:36:37 peter
1742 * better auto RTL dir detection
1744 Revision 1.47 2000/01/20 00:23:03 pierre
1745 * fix for GetShortName, now checks results from Win32
1747 Revision 1.46 2000/01/07 01:14:27 peter
1748 * updated copyright to 2000
1750 Revision 1.45 2000/01/07 00:08:09 peter
1751 * tp7 fix
1753 Revision 1.44 2000/01/06 15:48:59 peter
1754 * wildcard support for directory adding, this allows the use of units/*
1755 in ppc386.cfg
1757 Revision 1.43 2000/01/04 15:15:50 florian
1758 + added compiler switch $maxfpuregisters
1759 + fixed a small problem in secondvecn
1761 Revision 1.42 1999/12/22 01:01:48 peter
1762 - removed freelabel()
1763 * added undefined label detection in internal assembler, this prevents
1764 a lot of ld crashes and wrong .o files
1765 * .o files aren't written anymore if errors have occured
1766 * inlining of assembler labels is now correct
1768 Revision 1.41 1999/12/20 23:23:28 pierre
1769 + $description $version
1771 Revision 1.40 1999/12/20 21:42:34 pierre
1772 + dllversion global variable
1773 * FPC_USE_CPREFIX code removed, not necessary anymore
1774 as we use .edata direct writing by default now.
1776 Revision 1.39 1999/12/08 10:40:00 pierre
1777 + allow use of unit var in exports of DLL for win32
1778 by using direct export writing by default instead of use of DEFFILE
1779 that does not allow assembler labels that do not
1780 start with an underscore.
1781 Use -WD to force use of Deffile for Win32 DLL
1783 Revision 1.38 1999/12/06 18:21:03 peter
1784 * support !ENVVAR for long commandlines
1785 * win32/go32v2 write short pathnames to link.res so c:\Program Files\ is
1786 finally supported as installdir.
1788 Revision 1.37 1999/12/02 17:34:34 peter
1789 * preprocessor support. But it fails on the caret in type blocks
1791 Revision 1.36 1999/11/18 15:34:45 pierre
1792 * Notes/Hints for local syms changed to
1793 Set_varstate function
1795 Revision 1.35 1999/11/17 17:04:59 pierre
1796 * Notes/hints changes
1798 Revision 1.34 1999/11/15 17:42:41 pierre
1799 * -g disables reloc section for win32
1801 Revision 1.33 1999/11/12 11:03:50 peter
1802 * searchpaths changed to stringqueue object
1804 Revision 1.32 1999/11/09 23:34:46 pierre
1805 + resolving_forward boolean used for references
1807 Revision 1.31 1999/11/09 13:00:38 peter
1809 * initial support for ansistring default with modes