Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / compiler.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
5 This unit is the interface of the compiler which can be used by
6 external programs to link in the compiler
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 ****************************************************************************}
25 possible compiler switches:
26 -----------------------------------------------------------------
27 TP to compile the compiler with Turbo or Borland Pascal
28 I386 generate a compiler for the Intel i386+
29 M68K generate a compiler for the M68000
30 GDB support of the GNU Debugger
31 EXTDEBUG some extra debug code is executed
32 SUPPORT_MMX only i386: releases the compiler switch
33 MMX which allows the compiler to generate
34 MMX instructions
35 EXTERN_MSG Don't compile the msgfiles in the compiler, always
36 use external messagefiles
37 NOAG386INT no Intel Assembler output
38 NOAG386NSM no NASM output
39 -----------------------------------------------------------------
42 {$ifdef FPC}
43 { One of Alpha, I386 or M68K must be defined }
46 {$ifdef I386}
47 {$define CPUOK}
48 {$endif}
50 {$ifdef M68K}
51 {$ifndef CPUOK}
53 {$else}
54 {$fatal cannot define two CPU switches}
55 {$endif}
56 {$endif}
58 {$ifdef alpha}
59 {$ifndef CPUOK}
61 {$else}
62 {$fatal cannot define two CPU switches}
63 {$endif}
64 {$endif}
66 {$ifdef powerpc}
67 {$ifndef CPUOK}
69 {$else}
70 {$fatal cannot define two CPU switches}
71 {$endif}
72 {$endif}
74 {$ifndef CPUOK}
75 {$fatal One of the switches I386, Alpha, PowerPC or M68K must be defined}
76 {$endif}
78 {$ifdef support_mmx}
79 {$ifndef i386}
80 {$fatal I386 switch must be on for MMX support}
81 {$endif i386}
82 {$endif support_mmx}
83 {$endif}
85 unit compiler;
86 interface
88 { Use exception catching so the compiler goes futher after a Stop }
89 {$ifndef NOUSEEXCEPT}
90 {$ifdef i386}
91 {$define USEEXCEPT}
92 {$endif}
94 {$ifdef TP}
95 {$ifdef DPMI}
96 {$undef USEEXCEPT}
97 {$endif}
98 {$endif}
99 {$endif ndef NOUSEEXCEPT}
101 uses
102 {$ifdef fpc}
103 {$ifdef GO32V2}
104 emu387,
105 { dpmiexcp, }
106 {$endif GO32V2}
107 {$endif}
108 {$ifdef USEEXCEPT}
109 tpexcept,
110 {$endif USEEXCEPT}
111 {$ifdef BrowserLog}
112 browlog,
113 {$endif BrowserLog}
114 {$ifdef Delphi}
115 dmisc,
116 {$else Delphi}
117 dos,
118 {$endif Delphi}
119 verbose,comphook,systems,
120 cobjects,files,globals,options,parser,symtable,link,import,export,tokens;
122 function Compile(const cmd:string):longint;
124 Const
125 { do we need to link }
126 IsExe : boolean = false;
127 IsLibrary : boolean = false;
129 implementation
131 uses
132 cpubase;
135 CompilerInitedAfterArgs,
136 CompilerInited : boolean;
137 olddo_stop : tstopprocedure;
139 {$ifdef USEEXCEPT}
141 procedure RecoverStop;{$ifndef FPC}far;{$endif}
142 begin
143 if recoverpospointer<>nil then
144 LongJmp(recoverpospointer^,1)
145 else
146 Do_Halt(1);
147 end;
148 {$endif USEEXCEPT}
150 {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
151 {$ifdef FPC}
153 LostMemory : longint;
154 Procedure CheckMemory(LostMemory : longint);
155 begin
156 if LostMemory<>0 then
157 begin
158 Writeln('Memory Lost = '+tostr(LostMemory));
159 {$ifdef DEBUG}
160 def_gdb_stop(V_Warning);
161 {$endif DEBUG}
162 end;
163 end;
164 {$endif FPC}
165 {$endif EXTDEBUG}
166 {****************************************************************************
167 Compiler
168 ****************************************************************************}
170 procedure DoneCompiler;
171 begin
172 if not CompilerInited then
173 exit;
174 { Free compiler if args are read }
175 {$ifdef BrowserLog}
176 DoneBrowserLog;
177 {$endif BrowserLog}
178 {$ifdef BrowserCol}
179 do_doneSymbolInfo;
180 {$endif BrowserCol}
181 if CompilerInitedAfterArgs then
182 begin
183 CompilerInitedAfterArgs:=false;
184 doneparser;
185 DoneImport;
186 DoneExport;
187 DoneLinker;
188 DoneCpu;
189 end;
190 { Free memory for the others }
191 CompilerInited:=false;
192 DoneSymtable;
193 DoneGlobals;
194 donetokens;
195 {$ifdef USEEXCEPT}
196 recoverpospointer:=nil;
197 longjump_used:=false;
198 {$endif USEEXCEPT}
199 end;
202 procedure InitCompiler(const cmd:string);
203 begin
204 if CompilerInited then
205 DoneCompiler;
206 { inits which need to be done before the arguments are parsed }
207 InitSystems;
208 InitVerbose;
209 {$ifdef BrowserLog}
210 InitBrowserLog;
211 {$endif BrowserLog}
212 {$ifdef BrowserCol}
213 do_initSymbolInfo;
214 {$endif BrowserCol}
215 InitGlobals;
216 inittokens;
217 InitSymtable;
218 CompilerInited:=true;
219 { this is needed here for the IDE
220 in case of compilation failure
221 at the previous compile }
222 current_module:=nil;
223 { read the arguments }
224 read_arguments(cmd);
225 { inits which depend on arguments }
226 initparser;
227 InitImport;
228 InitExport;
229 InitLinker;
230 InitCpu;
231 CompilerInitedAfterArgs:=true;
232 end;
234 procedure minimal_stop;{$ifndef fpc}far;{$endif}
235 begin
236 DoneCompiler;
237 olddo_stop;
238 end;
241 function Compile(const cmd:string):longint;
243 {$ifdef fpc}
244 {$maxfpuregisters 0}
245 {$endif fpc}
247 procedure writepathlist(w:longint;l:TSearchPathList);
249 hp : pstringqueueitem;
250 begin
251 hp:=l.first;
252 while assigned(hp) do
253 begin
254 Message1(w,hp^.data^);
255 hp:=hp^.next;
256 end;
257 end;
259 function getrealtime : real;
261 h,m,s,s100 : word;
262 begin
263 gettime(h,m,s,s100);
264 getrealtime:=h*3600.0+m*60.0+s+s100/100.0;
265 end;
268 starttime : real;
269 {$ifdef USEEXCEPT}
270 recoverpos : jmp_buf;
271 {$endif}
272 begin
274 olddo_stop:=do_stop;
275 {$ifdef TP}
276 do_stop:=minimal_stop;
277 {$else TP}
278 do_stop:=@minimal_stop;
279 {$endif TP}
280 { Initialize the compiler }
281 InitCompiler(cmd);
283 { show some info }
284 Message1(general_t_compilername,FixFileName(paramstr(0)));
285 Message1(general_d_sourceos,;
286 Message1(general_i_targetos,;
287 Message1(general_t_exepath,exepath);
288 WritePathList(general_t_unitpath,unitsearchpath);
289 WritePathList(general_t_includepath,includesearchpath);
290 WritePathList(general_t_librarypath,librarysearchpath);
291 WritePathList(general_t_objectpath,objectsearchpath);
292 {$ifdef TP}
293 {$ifndef Delphi}
294 Comment(V_Info,'Memory: '+tostr(MemAvail)+' Bytes Free');
295 {$endif Delphi}
296 {$endif}
298 {$ifdef USEEXCEPT}
299 if setjmp(recoverpos)=0 then
300 begin
301 recoverpospointer:=@recoverpos;
302 {$ifdef TP}
303 do_stop:=recoverstop;
304 {$else TP}
305 do_stop:=@recoverstop;
306 {$endif TP}
307 {$endif USEEXCEPT}
308 starttime:=getrealtime;
309 if parapreprocess then
310 parser.preprocess(inputdir+inputfile+inputextension)
311 else
312 parser.compile(inputdir+inputfile+inputextension,false);
313 if status.errorcount=0 then
314 begin
315 starttime:=getrealtime-starttime;
316 if starttime<0 then
317 starttime:=starttime+3600.0*24.0;
318 Message2(general_i_abslines_compiled,tostr(status.compiledlines),tostr(trunc(starttime))+
319 '.'+tostr(trunc(frac(starttime)*10)));
320 end;
321 {$ifdef USEEXCEPT}
322 end;
323 {$endif USEEXCEPT}
325 { Stop is always called, so we come here when a program is compiled or not }
326 do_stop:=olddo_stop;
327 { Stop the compiler, frees also memory }
328 { no message possible after this !! }
329 DoneCompiler;
331 { Set the return value if an error has occurred }
332 if status.errorcount=0 then
333 Compile:=0
334 else
335 Compile:=1;
337 DoneVerbose;
338 {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
339 {$ifdef FPC}
340 LostMemory:=system.HeapSize-MemAvail-EntryMemUsed;
341 CheckMemory(LostMemory);
342 {$endif FPC}
343 {$ifndef newcg}
344 Writeln('Repetitive firstpass = '+tostr(firstpass_several)+'/'+tostr(total_of_firstpass));
345 {$endif newcg}
346 {$endif EXTDEBUG}
347 {$ifdef MEMDEBUG}
348 Writeln('Memory used: ',system.Heapsize);
349 {$endif}
350 {$ifdef fixLeaksOnError}
351 {$ifdef tp}
352 do_stop;
353 {$else tp}
354 do_stop();
355 {$endif tp}
356 {$endif fixLeaksOnError}
357 end;
360 end.
362 $Log$
363 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:21:58 sasu
364 Initial revision
366 Revision 2000/11/19 00:18:06 pierre
367 + IsLibrary boolean for IDE
369 Revision 2000/10/06 23:51:58 pierre
370 * avoid IDE crash after compilation failure
372 Revision 2000/08/21 09:09:08 jonas
373 - removed catch unit from uses clause for Linux (clashed with fpcatch
374 from IDE and is already in pp.pas for command line compiler)
376 Revision 2000/08/02 19:36:33 peter
377 * memdebug additions
379 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:48 michael
380 + Initial import
382 Revision 1.51 2000/06/30 20:23:33 peter
383 * new message files layout with msg numbers (but still no code to
384 show the number on the screen)
386 Revision 1.50 2000/05/29 10:04:40 pierre
387 * New bunch of Gabor changes
389 Revision 1.49 2000/05/03 16:31:22 pierre
390 + easier debug when memory is lost
392 Revision 1.48 2000/04/05 21:18:04 pierre
393 * set NOUSEEXCEPT to remove use of setjump/longjump
395 Revision 1.47 2000/03/18 15:05:33 jonas
396 + added $maxfpuregisters 0 for compile() procedure
398 Revision 1.46 2000/02/09 13:22:50 peter
399 * log truncated
401 Revision 1.45 2000/01/11 17:16:04 jonas
402 * removed a lot of memory leaks when an error is encountered (caused by
403 procinfo and pstringcontainers). There are still plenty left though :)
405 Revision 1.44 2000/01/11 16:56:22 jonas
406 - removed call to do_stop at the end of compile() since it obviously breaks the
407 automatic compiling of units. Make cycle worked though! 8)
409 Revision 1.43 2000/01/11 16:53:24 jonas
410 + call do_stop at the end of compile()
412 Revision 1.42 2000/01/07 01:14:23 peter
413 * updated copyright to 2000
415 Revision 1.41 1999/12/02 17:34:34 peter
416 * preprocessor support. But it fails on the caret in type blocks
418 Revision 1.40 1999/11/18 13:43:48 pierre
419 + IsExe global var needed for IDE
421 Revision 1.39 1999/11/12 11:03:50 peter
422 * searchpaths changed to stringqueue object
424 Revision 1.38 1999/11/09 23:47:53 pierre
425 + minimal_stop to avoid memory loss with -iTO switch
427 Revision 1.37 1999/11/06 14:34:20 peter
428 * truncated log to 20 revs
430 Revision 1.36 1999/10/12 21:20:41 florian
431 * new codegenerator compiles again
433 Revision 1.35 1999/09/28 19:48:45 florian
434 * bug 617 fixed
436 Revision 1.34 1999/09/16 23:05:52 florian
437 * m68k compiler is again compilable (only gas writer, no assembler reader)
439 Revision 1.33 1999/09/07 15:10:04 pierre
440 * use do_halt instead of halt
442 Revision 1.32 1999/09/02 18:47:44 daniel
443 * Could not compile with TP, some arrays moved to heap
444 * NOAG386BIN default for TP
445 * AG386* files were not compatible with TP, fixed.
447 Revision 1.31 1999/08/20 10:17:01 michael
448 + Patch from pierre
450 Revision 1.30 1999/08/11 17:26:31 peter
451 * tlinker object is now inherited for win32 and dos
452 * postprocessexecutable is now a method of tlinker
454 Revision 1.29 1999/08/09 22:13:43 peter
455 * fixed writing of lost memory which should be after donecompiler
457 Revision 1.28 1999/08/04 13:02:40 jonas
458 * all tokens now start with an underscore
459 * PowerPC compiles!!
461 Revision 1.27 1999/08/02 21:28:56 florian
462 * the main branch psub.pas is now used for
463 newcg compiler
465 Revision 1.26 1999/08/02 20:46:57 michael
466 * Alpha aware switch detection