Initial revision
[AROS-Contrib.git] / development / compilers / freepascal / compiler / ag68kmit.pas
2 $Id$
3 Copyright (c) 1998-2000 by Florian Klaempfl
5 This unit implements an asmoutput class for MIT syntax with
6 Motorola 68000 (for MIT syntax TEST WITH GAS v1.34)
8 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
11 (at your option) any later version.
13 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 GNU General Public License for more details.
18 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20 Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
22 ****************************************************************************
24 What's to do:
25 o Verify if this actually work as indirect mode with name of variables
26 o write lines numbers and file names to output file
27 o generate debugging informations
30 unit ag68kmit;
32 interface
34 uses aasm,assemble;
36 type
37 pm68kmitasmlist=^tm68kmitasmlist;
38 tm68kmitasmlist = object(tasmlist)
39 procedure WriteTree(p:paasmoutput);virtual;
40 procedure WriteAsmList;virtual;
41 end;
43 implementation
45 uses
46 globtype,systems,
47 dos,globals,cobjects,cpubase,
48 strings,files,verbose
49 {$ifdef GDB}
50 ,gdb
51 {$endif GDB}
54 const
55 line_length = 70;
57 var
58 {$ifdef GDB}
59 n_line : byte; { different types of source lines }
60 linecount,
61 includecount : longint;
62 funcname : pchar;
63 stabslastfileinfo : tfileposinfo;
64 {$endif}
65 lastsec : tsection; { last section type written }
66 lastsecidx,
67 lastfileindex,
68 lastline : longint;
71 function double2str(d : double) : string;
72 var
73 hs : string;
74 begin
75 str(d,hs);
76 { replace space with + }
77 if hs[1]=' ' then
78 hs[1]:='+';
79 double2str:=hs;
80 end;
84 function comp2str(d : bestreal) : string;
85 type
86 pdouble = ^double;
87 var
88 c : comp;
89 dd : pdouble;
90 begin
91 {$ifdef TP}
92 c:=d;
93 {$else}
94 c:=comp(d);
95 {$endif}
96 dd:=pdouble(@c); { this makes a bitwise copy of c into a double }
97 comp2str:=double2str(dd^);
98 end; *)
101 function getreferencestring(const ref : treference) : string;
103 s : string;
104 begin
105 s:='';
106 if ref.isintvalue then
107 s:='#'+tostr(ref.offset)
108 else
109 with ref do
110 begin
111 { symbol and offset }
112 if (assigned(symbol)) and (offset<>0) then
113 Begin
114 s:=s+'('+tostr(offset)+symbol^;
116 else
117 { symbol only }
118 if (assigned(symbol)) and (offset=0) then
119 Begin
120 s:=s+'('+symbol^;
122 else
123 { offset only }
124 if (symbol=nil) and (offset<>0) then
125 Begin
126 s:=s+'('+tostr(offset);
128 else
129 { NOTHING - put zero as offset }
130 if (symbol=nil) and (offset=0) then
131 Begin
132 s:=s+'('+'0';
134 else
135 InternalError(10004);
136 if (index<>R_NO) and (base=R_NO) and (direction=dir_none) then
137 InternalError(10004)
138 else if (index=R_NO) and (base<>R_NO) and (direction=dir_inc) then
139 begin
140 if (scalefactor = 1) or (scalefactor = 0) then
141 Begin
142 if offset<>0 then
143 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@+'+s+')'
144 else
145 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@+';
147 else
148 InternalError(10002);
150 else if (index=R_NO) and (base<>R_NO) and (direction=dir_dec) then
151 begin
152 if (scalefactor = 1) or (scalefactor = 0) then
153 Begin
154 if offset<>0 then
155 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@-'+s+')'
156 else
157 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@-';
159 else
160 InternalError(10003);
162 else if (index=R_NO) and (base<>R_NO) and (direction=dir_none) then
163 begin
164 if (offset=0) and (symbol=nil) then
165 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@'
166 else
167 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@'+s+')';
169 else if (index<>R_NO) and (base<>R_NO) and (direction=dir_none) then
170 begin
171 s:=mit_reg2str[base]+'@'+s+','+mit_reg2str[index]+':L';
172 if (scalefactor = 1) or (scalefactor = 0) then
173 s:=s+')'
174 else
175 s:=s+':'+tostr(scalefactor)+')';
177 else
178 if assigned(symbol) then
179 Begin
180 s:=symbol^;
181 if offset<>0 then
182 s:=s+'+'+tostr(offset);
184 { this must be a physical address }
185 else
186 s:=s+')';
187 { else if NOT assigned(symbol) then
188 InternalError(10004);}
189 end; { end with }
190 getreferencestring:=s;
191 end;
194 function getopstr(t : byte;o : pointer) : string;
196 hs : string;
197 i: tregister;
198 begin
199 case t of
200 top_reg : getopstr:=mit_reg2str[tregister(o)];
201 top_ref : getopstr:=getreferencestring(preference(o)^);
202 top_reglist: begin
203 hs:='';
204 for i:=R_NO to R_FPSR do
205 begin
206 if i in tregisterlist(o^) then
207 hs:=hs+mit_reg2str[i]+'/';
208 end;
209 delete(hs,length(hs),1);
210 getopstr := hs;
211 end;
212 top_const : getopstr:='#'+tostr(longint(o));
213 top_symbol :
214 { compare with i386, where a symbol is considered }
215 { a constant. }
216 begin
217 hs[0]:=chr(strlen(pchar(pcsymbol(o)^.symbol)));
218 move(pchar(pcsymbol(o)^.symbol)^,hs[1],byte(hs[0]));
219 { inc(byte(hs[0]));}
220 if pcsymbol(o)^.offset>0 then
221 hs:=hs+'+'+tostr(pcsymbol(o)^.offset)
222 else if pcsymbol(o)^.offset<0 then
223 hs:=hs+tostr(pcsymbol(o)^.offset);
224 getopstr:=hs;
225 end;
226 else internalerror(10001);
227 end;
228 end;
231 function getopstr_jmp(t : byte;o : pointer) : string;
233 hs : string;
234 begin
235 case t of
236 top_reg : getopstr_jmp:=mit_reg2str[tregister(o)];
237 top_ref : getopstr_jmp:=getreferencestring(preference(o)^);
238 top_const : getopstr_jmp:=tostr(longint(o));
239 top_symbol : begin
240 hs[0]:=chr(strlen(pchar(pcsymbol(o)^.symbol)));
241 move(pchar(pcsymbol(o)^.symbol)^,hs[1],byte(hs[0]));
242 if pcsymbol(o)^.offset>0 then
243 hs:=hs+'+'+tostr(pcsymbol(o)^.offset)
244 else if pcsymbol(o)^.offset<0 then
245 hs:=hs+tostr(pcsymbol(o)^.offset);
246 getopstr_jmp:=hs;
247 end;
248 else internalerror(10001);
249 end;
250 end;
253 {****************************************************************************
255 ****************************************************************************}
257 const
258 ait_const2str:array[ait_const_32bit..ait_const_8bit] of string[8]=
259 (#9'.long'#9,#9'.short'#9,#9'.byte'#9);
261 ait_section2str : array[tsection] of string[8]=
262 ('','.text','.data','.bss',
263 '.stab','.stabstr',
264 '.idata2','.idata4','.idata5','.idata6','.idata7',
265 '.edata','');
267 procedure tm68kmitasmlist.WriteTree(p:paasmoutput);
269 hp : pai;
270 ch : char;
271 consttyp : tait;
272 s : string;
273 pos,l,i : longint;
274 found : boolean;
275 {$ifdef GDB}
276 curr_n : byte;
277 infile : pinputfile;
278 funcname : pchar;
279 linecount : longint;
280 {$endif GDB}
281 begin
282 if not assigned(p) then
283 exit;
284 {$ifdef GDB}
285 funcname:=nil;
286 linecount:=1;
287 {$endif GDB}
288 hp:=pai(p^.first);
289 while assigned(hp) do
290 begin
291 { write debugger informations }
292 {$ifdef GDB}
293 if ((cs_debuginfo in aktmoduleswitches) or
294 (cs_gdb_lineinfo in aktglobalswitches)) then
295 begin
296 if not (hp^.typ in [ait_external,ait_regalloc, ait_regdealloc,ait_stabn,ait_stabs,
297 ait_label,ait_cut,ait_marker,ait_align,ait_stab_function_name]) then
298 begin
299 { file changed ? (must be before line info) }
300 if lastfileindex<>hp^.fileinfo.fileindex then
301 begin
302 infile:=current_module^.sourcefiles^.get_file(hp^.fileinfo.fileindex);
303 if includecount=0 then
304 curr_n:=n_sourcefile
305 else
306 curr_n:=n_includefile;
307 if (infile^.path^<>'') then
308 begin
309 AsmWriteLn(#9'.stabs "'+lower(BsToSlash(FixPath(infile^.path^,false)))+'",'+
310 tostr(curr_n)+',0,0,'+'Ltext'+ToStr(IncludeCount));
311 end;
312 AsmWriteLn(#9'.stabs "'+lower(FixFileName(infile^.name^))+'",'+
313 tostr(curr_n)+',0,0,'+'Ltext'+ToStr(IncludeCount));
314 AsmWriteLn('Ltext'+ToStr(IncludeCount)+':');
315 inc(includecount);
316 lastfileindex:=hp^.fileinfo.fileindex;
317 end;
318 { line changed ? }
319 if (hp^.fileinfo.line<>lastline) and (hp^.fileinfo.line<>0) then
320 begin
321 if (n_line=n_textline) and assigned(funcname) and
322 (target_os.use_function_relative_addresses) then
323 begin
324 AsmWriteLn(target_asm.labelprefix+'l'+tostr(linecount)+':');
325 AsmWrite(#9'.stabn '+tostr(n_line)+',0,'+tostr(hp^.fileinfo.line)+','+
326 target_asm.labelprefix+'l'+tostr(linecount)+' - ');
327 AsmWritePChar(FuncName);
328 AsmLn;
329 inc(linecount);
331 else
332 AsmWriteLn(#9'.stabd'#9+tostr(n_line)+',0,'+tostr(hp^.fileinfo.line));
333 lastline:=hp^.fileinfo.line;
334 end;
335 end;
336 end;
337 {$endif GDB}
338 case hp^.typ of
339 ait_external : ; { external is ignored }
340 ait_comment : Begin
341 AsmWrite(target_asm.comment);
342 AsmWritePChar(pai_asm_comment(hp)^.str);
343 AsmLn;
344 End;
345 {$ifdef DREGALLOC}
346 ait_regalloc : AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'Register '+att_reg2str[pairegalloc(hp)^.reg]+' allocated');
347 ait_regdealloc : AsmWriteLn(target_asm.comment+'Register '+att_reg2str[pairegalloc(hp)^.reg]+' released');
348 {$endif DREGALLOC}
349 ait_align : AsmWriteLn(#9'.align '+tostr(pai_align(hp)^.aligntype));
350 ait_section : begin
351 if pai_section(hp)^.sec<>sec_none then
352 begin
353 AsmLn;
354 AsmWrite(ait_section2str[pai_section(hp)^.sec]);
355 if pai_section(hp)^.idataidx>0 then
356 AsmWrite('$'+tostr(pai_section(hp)^.idataidx));
357 AsmLn;
358 {$ifdef GDB}
359 case pai_section(hp)^.sec of
360 sec_code : n_line:=n_textline;
361 sec_data : n_line:=n_dataline;
362 sec_bss : n_line:=n_bssline;
363 end;
364 {$endif GDB}
365 end;
366 LastSec:=pai_section(hp)^.sec;
367 end;
368 ait_datablock : begin
369 { ------------------------------------------------------- }
370 { ----------- ALIGNMENT FOR ANY NON-BYTE VALUE ---------- }
371 { ------------- REQUIREMENT FOR 680x0 ------------------- }
372 { ------------------------------------------------------- }
373 if pai_datablock(hp)^.size <> 1 then
374 begin
375 if not(cs_littlesize in aktglobalswitches) then
376 AsmWriteLn(#9#9'.align 4')
377 else
378 AsmWriteLn(#9#9'.align 2');
379 end;
380 if pai_datablock(hp)^.is_global then
381 AsmWrite(#9'.comm'#9)
382 else
383 AsmWrite(#9'.lcomm'#9);
384 AsmWriteLn(StrPas(pai_datablock(hp)^.name)+','+tostr(pai_datablock(hp)^.size));
385 end;
386 ait_const_32bit, { alignment is required for 16/32 bit data! }
387 ait_const_16bit: begin
388 AsmWrite(ait_const2str[hp^.typ]+tostr(pai_const(hp)^.value));
389 consttyp:=hp^.typ;
390 l:=0;
391 repeat
392 found:=(not (Pai(hp^.next)=nil)) and (Pai(hp^.next)^.typ=consttyp);
393 if found then
394 begin
395 hp:=Pai(hp^.next);
396 s:=','+tostr(pai_const(hp)^.value);
397 AsmWrite(s);
398 inc(l,length(s));
399 end;
400 until (not found) or (l>line_length);
401 AsmLn;
402 end;
403 ait_const_8bit : begin
404 AsmWrite(ait_const2str[hp^.typ]+tostr(pai_const(hp)^.value));
405 consttyp:=hp^.typ;
406 l:=0;
407 repeat
408 found:=(not (Pai(hp^.next)=nil)) and (Pai(hp^.next)^.typ=consttyp);
409 if found then
410 begin
411 hp:=Pai(hp^.next);
412 s:=','+tostr(pai_const(hp)^.value);
413 AsmWrite(s);
414 inc(l,length(s));
415 end;
416 until (not found) or (l>line_length);
417 AsmLn;
418 end;
419 ait_const_symbol : Begin
420 AsmWriteLn(#9'.long'#9+StrPas(pchar(pai_const(hp)^.value)));
421 end;
422 ait_const_symbol_offset :
423 Begin
424 AsmWrite(#9'.long'#9);
425 AsmWritePChar(pai_const_symbol_offset(hp)^.name);
426 if pai_const_symbol_offset(hp)^.offset>0 then
427 AsmWrite('+'+tostr(pai_const_symbol_offset(hp)^.offset))
428 else if pai_const_symbol_offset(hp)^.offset<0 then
429 AsmWrite(tostr(pai_const_symbol_offset(hp)^.offset));
430 AsmLn;
431 end;
432 ait_real_64bit : Begin
433 AsmWriteLn(#9'.double'#9+double2str(pai_double(hp)^.value));
434 end;
435 ait_real_32bit : Begin
436 AsmWriteLn(#9'.single'#9+double2str(pai_single(hp)^.value));
437 end;
438 ait_real_extended : Begin
439 AsmWriteLn(#9'.extend'#9+double2str(pai_extended(hp)^.value));
440 { comp type is difficult to write so use double }
441 end;
443 ait_comp : Begin
444 AsmWriteLn(#9'.double'#9+comp2str(pai_extended(hp)^.value));
445 end; }
446 ait_direct : begin
447 AsmWritePChar(pai_direct(hp)^.str);
448 AsmLn;
449 {$IfDef GDB}
450 if strpos(pai_direct(hp)^.str,'.data')<>nil then
451 n_line:=n_dataline
452 else if strpos(pai_direct(hp)^.str,'.text')<>nil then
453 n_line:=n_textline
454 else if strpos(pai_direct(hp)^.str,'.bss')<>nil then
455 n_line:=n_bssline;
456 {$endif GDB}
457 end;
458 ait_string : begin
459 pos:=0;
460 for i:=1 to pai_string(hp)^.len do
461 begin
462 if pos=0 then
463 begin
464 AsmWrite(#9'.ascii'#9'"');
465 pos:=20;
466 end;
467 ch:=pai_string(hp)^.str[i-1];
468 case ch of
469 #0, {This can't be done by range, because a bug in FPC}
470 #1..#31,
471 #128..#255 : s:='\'+tostr(ord(ch) shr 6)+tostr((ord(ch) and 63) shr 3)+tostr(ord(ch) and 7);
472 '"' : s:='\"';
473 '\' : s:='\\';
474 else
475 s:=ch;
476 end;
477 AsmWrite(s);
478 inc(pos,length(s));
479 if (pos>line_length) or (i=pai_string(hp)^.len) then
480 begin
481 AsmWriteLn('"');
482 pos:=0;
483 end;
484 end;
485 end;
486 ait_label : begin
487 if assigned(hp^.next) and (pai(hp^.next)^.typ in
488 [ait_const_32bit,ait_const_16bit,ait_const_8bit,
489 ait_const_symbol,ait_const_symbol_offset,
490 ait_real_64bit,ait_real_32bit,ait_string]) then
491 begin
492 if not(cs_littlesize in aktglobalswitches) then
493 AsmWriteLn(#9#9'.align 4')
494 else
495 AsmWriteLn(#9#9'.align 2');
496 end;
497 if (pai_label(hp)^.l^.is_used) then
498 AsmWriteLn(lab2str(pai_label(hp)^.l)+':');
499 end;
500 ait_labeled_instruction : begin
501 { labeled operand }
502 if pai_labeled(hp)^._op1 = R_NO then
503 AsmWriteLn(#9+mot_op2str[pai_labeled(hp)^._operator]+#9+lab2str(pai_labeled(hp)^.lab))
504 else
505 { labeled operand with register }
506 AsmWriteLn(#9+mot_op2str[pai_labeled(hp)^._operator]+#9+
507 mit_reg2str[pai_labeled(hp)^._op1]+','+lab2str(pai_labeled(hp)^.lab))
508 end;
509 ait_symbol : begin
510 { ------------------------------------------------------- }
511 { ----------- ALIGNMENT FOR ANY NON-BYTE VALUE ---------- }
512 { ------------- REQUIREMENT FOR 680x0 ------------------- }
513 { ------------------------------------------------------- }
514 if assigned(hp^.next) and (pai(hp^.next)^.typ in
515 [ait_const_32bit,ait_const_16bit,ait_const_8bit,
516 ait_const_symbol,ait_const_symbol_offset,
517 ait_real_64bit,ait_real_32bit,ait_string]) then
518 begin
519 if not(cs_littlesize in aktglobalswitches) then
520 AsmWriteLn(#9#9'.align 4')
521 else
522 AsmWriteLn(#9#9'.align 2');
523 end;
524 if pai_symbol(hp)^.is_global then
525 AsmWriteLn('.globl '+StrPas(pai_symbol(hp)^.name));
526 AsmWriteLn(StrPas(pai_symbol(hp)^.name)+':');
527 end;
528 ait_instruction : begin
529 { old versions of GAS don't like PEA.L and LEA.L }
530 if (pai68k(hp)^._operator in [
534 A_SNE,A_SPL,A_ST,A_SVC,A_SVS,A_SF]) then
535 s:=#9+mot_op2str[pai68k(hp)^._operator]
536 else
537 s:=#9+mot_op2str[pai68k(hp)^._operator]+mit_opsize2str[pai68k(hp)^.size];
538 if pai68k(hp)^.op1t<>top_none then
539 begin
540 { call and jmp need an extra handling }
541 { this code is only callded if jmp isn't a labeled instruction }
542 if pai68k(hp)^._operator in [A_JSR,A_JMP] then
543 s:=s+#9+getopstr_jmp(pai68k(hp)^.op1t,pai68k(hp)^.op1)
544 else
545 if pai68k(hp)^.op1t = top_reglist then
546 s:=s+#9+getopstr(pai68k(hp)^.op1t,@(pai68k(hp)^.reglist))
547 else
548 s:=s+#9+getopstr(pai68k(hp)^.op1t,pai68k(hp)^.op1);
549 if pai68k(hp)^.op2t<>top_none then
550 begin
551 if pai68k(hp)^.op2t = top_reglist then
552 s:=s+','+getopstr(pai68k(hp)^.op2t,@pai68k(hp)^.reglist)
553 else
554 s:=s+','+getopstr(pai68k(hp)^.op2t,pai68k(hp)^.op2);
555 { three operands }
556 if pai68k(hp)^.op3t<>top_none then
557 begin
558 if (pai68k(hp)^._operator = A_DIVSL) or
559 (pai68k(hp)^._operator = A_DIVUL) or
560 (pai68k(hp)^._operator = A_MULU) or
561 (pai68k(hp)^._operator = A_MULS) or
562 (pai68k(hp)^._operator = A_DIVS) or
563 (pai68k(hp)^._operator = A_DIVU) then
564 s:=s+':'+getopstr(pai68k(hp)^.op3t,pai68k(hp)^.op3)
565 else
566 s:=s+','+getopstr(pai68k(hp)^.op3t,pai68k(hp)^.op3);
567 end;
568 end;
569 end;
570 AsmWriteLn(s);
571 end;
572 {$ifdef GDB}
573 ait_stabs : begin
574 AsmWrite(#9'.stabs ');
575 AsmWritePChar(pai_stabs(hp)^.str);
576 AsmLn;
577 end;
578 ait_stabn : begin
579 AsmWrite(#9'.stabn ');
580 AsmWritePChar(pai_stabn(hp)^.str);
581 AsmLn;
582 end;
583 ait_force_line : begin
584 stabslastfileinfo.line:=0;
585 end;
586 ait_stab_function_name : funcname:=pai_stab_function_name(hp)^.str;
587 {$endif GDB}
588 ait_cut : begin
589 { create only a new file when the last is not empty }
590 if AsmSize>0 then
591 begin
592 AsmClose;
593 DoAssemble;
594 AsmCreate;
595 end;
596 { avoid empty files }
597 while assigned(hp^.next) and (pai(hp^.next)^.typ in [ait_cut,ait_section,ait_comment]) do
598 begin
599 if pai(hp^.next)^.typ=ait_section then
600 begin
601 lastsec:=pai_section(hp^.next)^.sec;
602 lastsecidx:=pai_section(hp^.next)^.idataidx;
603 end;
604 hp:=pai(hp^.next);
605 end;
606 if lastsec<>sec_none then
607 AsmWriteLn(ait_section2str[lastsec,lastsecidx]);
608 end;
609 ait_marker : ;
610 else
611 internalerror(10000);
612 end;
613 hp:=pai(hp^.next);
614 end;
615 end;
617 procedure tm68kmitasmlist.WriteAsmList;
619 p:dirstr;
620 n:namestr;
621 e:extstr;
622 begin
623 {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
624 if assigned(current_module^.mainsource) then
625 comment(v_info,'Start writing gas-styled assembler output for '+current_module^.mainsource^);
626 {$endif}
628 lastline:=0;
629 lastfileindex:=0;
630 LastSec:=sec_none;
631 {$ifdef GDB}
632 includecount:=0;
633 n_line:=n_bssline;
634 {$endif GDB}
636 if assigned(current_module^.mainsource) then
637 fsplit(current_module^.mainsource^,p,n,e)
638 else
639 begin
640 p:=inputdir;
641 n:=inputfile;
642 e:=inputextension;
643 end;
644 { to get symify to work }
645 AsmWriteLn(#9'.file "'+FixFileName(n+e)+'"');
647 countlabelref:=false;
648 { there should be nothing but externals so we don't need to process
649 WriteTree(externals); }
651 If (cs_debuginfo in aktmoduleswitches) then
652 WriteTree(debuglist);
653 WriteTree(codesegment);
654 WriteTree(datasegment);
655 WriteTree(consts);
656 WriteTree(rttilist);
657 WriteTree(bsssegment);
658 Writetree(importssection);
659 Writetree(exportssection);
660 Writetree(resourcesection);
661 countlabelref:=true;
663 AsmLn;
664 {$ifdef EXTDEBUG}
665 if assigned(current_module^.mainsource) then
666 comment(v_info,'Done writing gas-styled assembler output for '+current_module^.mainsource^);
667 {$endif EXTDEBUG}
668 end;
670 end.
672 $Log$
673 Revision 1.1 2002/02/19 08:21:27 sasu
674 Initial revision
676 Revision 1.1 2000/07/13 06:29:43 michael
677 + Initial import
679 Revision 1.25 2000/04/14 12:49:11 pierre
680 * some debug related updates
682 Revision 1.24 2000/02/09 13:22:44 peter
683 * log truncated
685 Revision 1.23 2000/01/07 01:14:18 peter
686 * updated copyright to 2000
688 Revision 1.22 1999/09/16 23:05:51 florian
689 * m68k compiler is again compilable (only gas writer, no assembler reader)