--get-selections with --console didn't work if we needed to download anything
[zeroinstall/zeroinstall-rsl.git] / tests / testifacecache.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python2.5
2 from basetest import BaseTest
3 import sys, tempfile, os, time
4 import unittest
5 import data
7 sys.path.insert(0, '..')
8 from zeroinstall.injector import model, gpg, trust
9 from zeroinstall.injector.namespaces import config_site
10 from zeroinstall.injector.iface_cache import iface_cache, PendingFeed
11 from zeroinstall.support import basedir
13 class TestIfaceCache(BaseTest):
14 def testList(self):
15 self.assertEquals([], iface_cache.list_all_interfaces())
16 iface_dir = basedir.save_cache_path(config_site, 'interfaces')
17 file(os.path.join(iface_dir, 'http%3a%2f%2ffoo'), 'w').close()
18 self.assertEquals(['http://foo'],
19 iface_cache.list_all_interfaces())
20 # TODO: test overrides
22 def testCheckSigned(self):
23 trust.trust_db.trust_key(
24 '92429807C9853C0744A68B9AAE07828059A53CC1')
25 iface = iface_cache.get_interface('http://foo')
26 src = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
28 # Unsigned
29 src.write("hello")
30 src.flush()
31 src.seek(0)
32 try:
33 PendingFeed(iface.uri, src)
34 assert 0
35 except model.SafeException:
36 pass
38 stream = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
39 stream.write(data.thomas_key)
40 stream.seek(0)
42 gpg.import_key(stream)
44 # Signed
45 src.seek(0)
46 src.write(data.foo_signed)
47 src.flush()
48 src.seek(0)
50 pending = PendingFeed(iface.uri, src)
51 assert iface_cache.update_interface_if_trusted(iface, pending.sigs, pending.new_xml)
53 self.assertEquals(['http://foo'],
54 iface_cache.list_all_interfaces())
56 self.assertEquals(1116788178, iface.last_modified)
58 def testXMLupdate(self):
59 trust.trust_db.trust_key(
60 '92429807C9853C0744A68B9AAE07828059A53CC1')
61 stream = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
62 stream.write(data.thomas_key)
63 stream.seek(0)
64 gpg.import_key(stream)
66 iface = iface_cache.get_interface('http://foo')
67 src = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
68 src.write(data.foo_signed_xml)
69 src.seek(0)
70 pending = PendingFeed(iface.uri, src)
71 assert iface_cache.update_interface_if_trusted(iface, pending.sigs, pending.new_xml)
73 iface_cache.__init__()
74 iface = iface_cache.get_interface('http://foo')
75 assert iface.last_modified == 1154850229
77 # mtimes are unreliable because copying often changes them -
78 # check that we extract the time from the signature when upgrading
79 upstream_dir = basedir.save_cache_path(config_site, 'interfaces')
80 cached = os.path.join(upstream_dir, model.escape(iface.uri))
81 os.utime(cached, None)
83 iface_cache.__init__()
84 iface = iface_cache.get_interface('http://foo')
85 assert iface.last_modified > 1154850229
87 src = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
88 src.write(data.new_foo_signed_xml)
89 src.seek(0)
91 pending = PendingFeed(iface.uri, src)
92 assert iface_cache.update_interface_if_trusted(iface, pending.sigs, pending.new_xml)
94 # Can't 'update' to an older copy
95 src = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
96 src.write(data.foo_signed_xml)
97 src.seek(0)
98 try:
99 pending = PendingFeed(iface.uri, src)
100 assert iface_cache.update_interface_if_trusted(iface, pending.sigs, pending.new_xml)
102 assert 0
103 except model.SafeException:
104 pass
106 def testTimes(self):
107 stream = tempfile.TemporaryFile()
108 stream.write(data.thomas_key)
109 stream.seek(0)
110 gpg.import_key(stream)
112 upstream_dir = basedir.save_cache_path(config_site, 'interfaces')
113 cached = os.path.join(upstream_dir, model.escape('http://foo'))
115 stream = file(cached, 'w')
116 stream.write(data.foo_signed_xml)
117 stream.close()
119 signed = iface_cache._get_signature_date('http://foo')
120 assert signed == None
122 trust.trust_db.trust_key(
123 '92429807C9853C0744A68B9AAE07828059A53CC1')
125 signed = iface_cache._get_signature_date('http://foo')
126 assert signed == 1154850229
128 stream = file(cached, 'w+')
129 stream.seek(0)
130 stream.write('Hello')
131 stream.close()
133 # When the signature is invalid, we just return None.
134 # This is because versions < 0.22 used to corrupt the signatue
135 # by adding an attribute to the XML
136 signed = iface_cache._get_signature_date('http://foo')
137 assert signed == None
139 def testCheckAttempt(self):
140 self.assertEquals(None, iface_cache.get_last_check_attempt("http://foo/bar.xml"))
142 start_time = time.time() - 5 # Seems to be some odd rounding here
143 iface_cache.mark_as_checking("http://foo/bar.xml")
144 last_check = iface_cache.get_last_check_attempt("http://foo/bar.xml")
146 assert last_check is not None
147 assert last_check >= start_time, (last_check, start_time)
149 self.assertEquals(None, iface_cache.get_last_check_attempt("http://foo/bar2.xml"))
152 suite = unittest.makeSuite(TestIfaceCache)
153 if __name__ == '__main__':
154 sys.argv.append('-v')
155 unittest.main()