Massive refactoring for tasks system.
[zeroinstall/zeroinstall-rsl.git] / zeroinstall / injector /
1 """
2 Handles URL downloads.
4 This is the low-level interface for downloading interfaces, implementations, icons, etc.
6 @see: L{policy.Policy.begin_iface_download}
7 @see: L{policy.Policy.begin_archive_download}
8 @see: L{policy.Policy.begin_icon_download}
9 """
11 # Copyright (C) 2006, Thomas Leonard
12 # See the README file for details, or visit
14 import tempfile, os, sys
15 from zeroinstall import SafeException
16 from import tasks
17 import traceback
18 from logging import info
20 download_starting = "starting" # Waiting for UI to start it
21 download_fetching = "fetching" # In progress
22 download_checking = "checking" # Checking GPG sig (possibly interactive)
23 download_complete = "complete" # Downloaded and cached OK
24 download_failed = "failed"
26 class DownloadError(SafeException):
27 pass
29 class Download(object):
30 __slots__ = ['url', 'tempfile', 'status', 'errors', 'expected_size', 'downloaded',
31 'expected_size', 'child_pid', 'child_stderr']
33 def __init__(self, url):
34 "Initial status is starting."
35 self.url = url
36 self.status = download_starting
37 self.downloaded = tasks.Blocker("Download " + url)
39 self.tempfile = None # Stream for result
40 self.errors = None
42 self.expected_size = None # Final size (excluding skipped bytes)
44 self.child_pid = None
45 self.child_stderr = None
47 def start(self):
48 """Returns stderr stream from child. Call error_stream_closed() when
49 it returns EOF."""
50 assert self.status == download_starting
51 self.tempfile = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix = 'injector-dl-data-')
53 error_r, error_w = os.pipe()
54 self.errors = ''
56 self.child_pid = os.fork()
57 if self.child_pid == 0:
58 # We are the child
59 try:
60 os.close(error_r)
61 os.dup2(error_w, 2)
62 os.close(error_w)
63 self.download_as_child()
64 finally:
65 os._exit(1)
67 # We are the parent
68 os.close(error_w)
69 self.status = download_fetching
70 return os.fdopen(error_r, 'r')
72 def download_as_child(self):
73 from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError, URLError
74 try:
75 import shutil
76 #print "Child downloading", self.url
77 if self.url.startswith('/'):
78 if not os.path.isfile(self.url):
79 print >>sys.stderr, "File '%s' does not " \
80 "exist!" % self.url
81 return
82 src = file(self.url)
83 elif self.url.startswith('http:') or self.url.startswith('ftp:'):
84 src = urlopen(self.url)
85 else:
86 raise Exception('Unsupported URL protocol in: ' + self.url)
88 shutil.copyfileobj(src, self.tempfile)
89 self.tempfile.flush()
91 os._exit(0)
92 except (HTTPError, URLError), ex:
93 print >>sys.stderr, "Error downloading '" + self.url + "': " + str(ex)
94 except:
95 traceback.print_exc()
97 def error_stream_data(self, data):
98 """Passed with result of, n). Can be
99 called multiple times, once for each read."""
100 assert data
101 assert self.status is download_fetching
102 self.errors += data
104 def error_stream_closed(self):
105 """Ends a download. Status changes from fetching to checking."""
106 assert self.status is download_fetching
107 assert self.tempfile is not None
108 assert self.child_pid is not None
110 pid, status = os.waitpid(self.child_pid, 0)
111 assert pid == self.child_pid
112 self.child_pid = None
114 errors = self.errors
115 self.errors = None
117 if status and not errors:
118 errors = 'Download process exited with error status ' \
119 'code ' + hex(status)
121 stream = self.tempfile
122 self.tempfile = None
124 try:
125 if errors:
126 raise DownloadError(errors)
128 # Check that the download has the correct size, if we know what it should be.
129 if self.expected_size is not None:
130 size = os.fstat(stream.fileno()).st_size
131 if size != self.expected_size:
132 raise SafeException('Downloaded archive has incorrect size.\n'
133 'URL: %s\n'
134 'Expected: %d bytes\n'
135 'Received: %d bytes' % (self.url, self.expected_size, size))
136 except:
137 self.status = download_failed
138 _, ex, tb = sys.exc_info()
139 self.downloaded.trigger(exception = (ex, tb))
140 else:
141 self.status = download_checking
142 self.downloaded.trigger()
144 def abort(self):
145 if self.child_pid is not None:
146 info("Killing download process %s", self.child_pid)
147 import signal
148 os.kill(self.child_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
149 else:
150 self.status = download_failed
152 def get_current_fraction(self):
153 """Returns the current fraction of this download that has been fetched (from 0 to 1),
154 or None if the total size isn't known."""
155 if self.status is download_starting:
156 return 0
157 if self.tempfile is None:
158 return 1
159 if self.expected_size is None:
160 return None # Unknown
161 current_size = os.fstat(self.tempfile.fileno()).st_size
162 return float(current_size) / self.expected_size
164 def __str__(self):
165 return "<Download from %s>" % self.url