Oops: moved FAILED_CHECK_DELAY to iface_cache.py
[zeroinstall/zeroinstall-limyreth.git] / zeroinstall / injector / policy.py
1 """
2 This class brings together a L{solve.Solver} to choose a set of implmentations, a
3 L{fetch.Fetcher} to download additional components, and the user's configuration
4 settings.
5 """
7 # Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
8 # See the README file for details, or visit http://0install.net.
10 from zeroinstall import _
11 import os
12 from logging import info, debug, warn
14 from zeroinstall import SafeException
15 from zeroinstall.injector import arch, model
16 from zeroinstall.injector.model import Interface, Implementation, network_levels, network_offline, network_full
17 from zeroinstall.injector.namespaces import config_site, config_prog
18 from zeroinstall.injector.config import load_config
19 from zeroinstall.support import tasks
21 class Policy(object):
22 """Chooses a set of implementations based on a policy.
23 Typical use:
24 1. Create a Policy object, giving it the URI of the program to be run and a handler.
25 2. Call L{solve_with_downloads}. If more information is needed, a L{fetch.Fetcher} will be used to download it.
26 3. When all downloads are complete, the L{solver} contains the chosen versions.
27 4. Use L{get_uncached_implementations} to find where to get these versions and download them
28 using L{download_uncached_implementations}.
30 @ivar target_arch: target architecture for binaries
31 @type target_arch: L{arch.Architecture}
32 @ivar root: URI of the root interface
33 @ivar solver: solver used to choose a set of implementations
34 @type solver: L{solve.Solver}
35 @ivar watchers: callbacks to invoke after recalculating
36 @ivar help_with_testing: default stability policy
37 @type help_with_testing: bool
38 @ivar network_use: one of the model.network_* values
39 @ivar freshness: seconds allowed since last update
40 @type freshness: int
41 @ivar stale_feeds: set of feeds which are present but haven't been checked for a long time
42 @type stale_feeds: set
43 """
44 __slots__ = ['root', 'watchers', 'requirements', 'config', '_warned_offline',
45 'command', 'target_arch',
46 'stale_feeds', 'solver']
48 help_with_testing = property(lambda self: self.config.help_with_testing,
49 lambda self, value: setattr(self.config, 'help_with_testing', bool(value)))
51 network_use = property(lambda self: self.config.network_use,
52 lambda self, value: setattr(self.config, 'network_use', value))
54 freshness = property(lambda self: self.config.freshness,
55 lambda self, value: setattr(self.config, 'freshness', str(value)))
57 implementation = property(lambda self: self.solver.selections)
59 ready = property(lambda self: self.solver.ready)
61 # (was used by 0test)
62 handler = property(lambda self: self.config.handler,
63 lambda self, value: setattr(self.config, 'handler', value))
66 def __init__(self, root = None, handler = None, src = None, command = -1, config = None, requirements = None):
67 """
68 @param requirements: Details about the program we want to run
69 @type requirements: L{requirements.Requirements}
70 @param config: The configuration settings to use, or None to load from disk.
71 @type config: L{config.Config}
72 Note: all other arguments are deprecated (since 0launch 0.52)
73 """
74 self.watchers = []
75 if requirements is None:
76 from zeroinstall.injector.requirements import Requirements
77 requirements = Requirements(root)
78 requirements.source = bool(src) # Root impl must be a "src" machine type
79 if command == -1:
80 if src:
81 command = 'compile'
82 else:
83 command = 'run'
84 requirements.command = command
85 self.target_arch = arch.get_host_architecture()
86 else:
87 assert root == src == None
88 assert command == -1
89 self.target_arch = arch.get_architecture(requirements.os, requirements.cpu)
90 self.requirements = requirements
92 self.stale_feeds = set()
94 if config is None:
95 self.config = load_config(handler)
96 else:
97 assert handler is None, "can't pass a handler and a config"
98 self.config = config
100 from zeroinstall.injector.solver import DefaultSolver
101 self.solver = DefaultSolver(self.config)
103 # If we need to download something but can't because we are offline,
104 # warn the user. But only the first time.
105 self._warned_offline = False
107 debug(_("Supported systems: '%s'"), arch.os_ranks)
108 debug(_("Supported processors: '%s'"), arch.machine_ranks)
110 if requirements.before or requirements.not_before:
111 self.solver.extra_restrictions[config.iface_cache.get_interface(requirements.interface_uri)] = [
112 model.VersionRangeRestriction(model.parse_version(requirements.before),
113 model.parse_version(requirements.not_before))]
115 @property
116 def fetcher(self):
117 return self.config.fetcher
119 def save_config(self):
120 self.config.save_globals()
122 def recalculate(self, fetch_stale_interfaces = True):
123 """@deprecated: see L{solve_with_downloads} """
124 import warnings
125 warnings.warn("Policy.recalculate is deprecated!", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel = 2)
127 self.stale_feeds = set()
129 host_arch = self.target_arch
130 if self.requirements.source:
131 host_arch = arch.SourceArchitecture(host_arch)
132 self.solver.solve(self.root, host_arch, command_name = self.command)
134 if self.network_use == network_offline:
135 fetch_stale_interfaces = False
137 blockers = []
138 for f in self.solver.feeds_used:
139 if os.path.isabs(f): continue
140 feed = self.config.iface_cache.get_feed(f)
141 if feed is None or feed.last_modified is None:
142 self.download_and_import_feed_if_online(f) # Will start a download
143 elif self.is_stale(feed):
144 debug(_("Adding %s to stale set"), f)
145 self.stale_feeds.add(self.config.iface_cache.get_interface(f)) # Legacy API
146 if fetch_stale_interfaces:
147 self.download_and_import_feed_if_online(f) # Will start a download
149 for w in self.watchers: w()
151 return blockers
153 def usable_feeds(self, iface):
154 """Generator for C{iface.feeds} that are valid for our architecture.
155 @rtype: generator
156 @see: L{arch}"""
157 if self.requirements.source and iface.uri == self.root:
158 # Note: when feeds are recursive, we'll need a better test for root here
159 machine_ranks = {'src': 1}
160 else:
161 machine_ranks = arch.machine_ranks
163 for f in self.config.iface_cache.get_feed_imports(iface):
164 if f.os in arch.os_ranks and f.machine in machine_ranks:
165 yield f
166 else:
167 debug(_("Skipping '%(feed)s'; unsupported architecture %(os)s-%(machine)s"),
168 {'feed': f, 'os': f.os, 'machine': f.machine})
170 def is_stale(self, feed):
171 """@deprecated: use IfaceCache.is_stale"""
172 return self.config.iface_cache.is_stale(feed, self.config.freshness)
174 def download_and_import_feed_if_online(self, feed_url):
175 """If we're online, call L{fetch.Fetcher.download_and_import_feed}. Otherwise, log a suitable warning."""
176 if self.network_use != network_offline:
177 debug(_("Feed %s not cached and not off-line. Downloading..."), feed_url)
178 return self.fetcher.download_and_import_feed(feed_url, self.config.iface_cache)
179 else:
180 if self._warned_offline:
181 debug(_("Not downloading feed '%s' because we are off-line."), feed_url)
182 else:
183 warn(_("Not downloading feed '%s' because we are in off-line mode."), feed_url)
184 self._warned_offline = True
186 def get_implementation_path(self, impl):
187 """Return the local path of impl.
188 @rtype: str
189 @raise zeroinstall.zerostore.NotStored: if it needs to be added to the cache first."""
190 assert isinstance(impl, Implementation)
191 return impl.local_path or self.config.stores.lookup_any(impl.digests)
193 def get_implementation(self, interface):
194 """Get the chosen implementation.
195 @type interface: Interface
196 @rtype: L{model.Implementation}
197 @raise SafeException: if interface has not been fetched or no implementation could be
198 chosen."""
199 assert isinstance(interface, Interface)
201 try:
202 return self.implementation[interface]
203 except KeyError:
204 raise SafeException(_("No usable implementation found for '%s'.") % interface.uri)
206 def get_cached(self, impl):
207 """Check whether an implementation is available locally.
208 @type impl: model.Implementation
209 @rtype: bool
211 return impl.is_available(self.config.stores)
213 def get_uncached_implementations(self):
214 """List all chosen implementations which aren't yet available locally.
215 @rtype: [(L{model.Interface}, L{model.Implementation})]"""
216 iface_cache = self.config.iface_cache
217 uncached = []
218 for uri, selection in self.solver.selections.selections.iteritems():
219 impl = selection.impl
220 assert impl, self.solver.selections
221 if not self.get_cached(impl):
222 uncached.append((iface_cache.get_interface(uri), impl))
223 return uncached
225 def refresh_all(self, force = True):
226 """Start downloading all feeds for all selected interfaces.
227 @param force: Whether to restart existing downloads."""
228 return self.solve_with_downloads(force = True)
230 def get_feed_targets(self, feed):
231 """@deprecated: use IfaceCache.get_feed_targets"""
232 return self.config.iface_cache.get_feed_targets(feed)
234 @tasks.async
235 def solve_with_downloads(self, force = False, update_local = False):
236 """Run the solver, then download any feeds that are missing or
237 that need to be updated. Each time a new feed is imported into
238 the cache, the solver is run again, possibly adding new downloads.
239 @param force: whether to download even if we're already ready to run.
240 @param update_local: fetch PackageKit feeds even if we're ready to run."""
242 downloads_finished = set() # Successful or otherwise
243 downloads_in_progress = {} # URL -> Download
245 host_arch = self.target_arch
246 if self.requirements.source:
247 host_arch = arch.SourceArchitecture(host_arch)
249 # There are three cases:
250 # 1. We want to run immediately if possible. If not, download all the information we can.
251 # (force = False, update_local = False)
252 # 2. We're in no hurry, but don't want to use the network unnecessarily.
253 # We should still update local information (from PackageKit).
254 # (force = False, update_local = True)
255 # 3. The user explicitly asked us to refresh everything.
256 # (force = True)
258 try_quick_exit = not (force or update_local)
260 while True:
261 self.solver.solve(self.root, host_arch, command_name = self.command)
262 for w in self.watchers: w()
264 if try_quick_exit and self.solver.ready:
265 break
266 try_quick_exit = False
268 if not self.solver.ready:
269 force = True
271 for f in self.solver.feeds_used:
272 if f in downloads_finished or f in downloads_in_progress:
273 continue
274 if os.path.isabs(f):
275 if force:
276 self.config.iface_cache.get_feed(f, force = True)
277 downloads_in_progress[f] = tasks.IdleBlocker('Refresh local feed')
278 continue
279 elif f.startswith('distribution:'):
280 if force or update_local:
281 downloads_in_progress[f] = self.fetcher.download_and_import_feed(f, self.config.iface_cache)
282 elif force and self.network_use != network_offline:
283 downloads_in_progress[f] = self.fetcher.download_and_import_feed(f, self.config.iface_cache)
284 # Once we've starting downloading some things,
285 # we might as well get them all.
286 force = True
288 if not downloads_in_progress:
289 if self.network_use == network_offline:
290 info(_("Can't choose versions and in off-line mode, so aborting"))
291 break
293 # Wait for at least one download to finish
294 blockers = downloads_in_progress.values()
295 yield blockers
296 tasks.check(blockers, self.handler.report_error)
298 for f in downloads_in_progress.keys():
299 if f in downloads_in_progress and downloads_in_progress[f].happened:
300 del downloads_in_progress[f]
301 downloads_finished.add(f)
303 # Need to refetch any "distribution" feed that
304 # depends on this one
305 distro_feed_url = 'distribution:' + f
306 if distro_feed_url in downloads_finished:
307 downloads_finished.remove(distro_feed_url)
308 if distro_feed_url in downloads_in_progress:
309 del downloads_in_progress[distro_feed_url]
311 @tasks.async
312 def solve_and_download_impls(self, refresh = False, select_only = False):
313 """Run L{solve_with_downloads} and then get the selected implementations too.
314 @raise SafeException: if we couldn't select a set of implementations
315 @since: 0.40"""
316 refreshed = self.solve_with_downloads(refresh)
317 if refreshed:
318 yield refreshed
319 tasks.check(refreshed)
321 if not self.solver.ready:
322 raise self.solver.get_failure_reason()
324 if not select_only:
325 downloaded = self.download_uncached_implementations()
326 if downloaded:
327 yield downloaded
328 tasks.check(downloaded)
330 def need_download(self):
331 """Decide whether we need to download anything (but don't do it!)
332 @return: true if we MUST download something (feeds or implementations)
333 @rtype: bool"""
334 host_arch = self.target_arch
335 if self.requirements.source:
336 host_arch = arch.SourceArchitecture(host_arch)
337 self.solver.solve(self.root, host_arch, command_name = self.command)
338 for w in self.watchers: w()
340 if not self.solver.ready:
341 return True # Maybe a newer version will work?
343 if self.get_uncached_implementations():
344 return True
346 return False
348 def download_uncached_implementations(self):
349 """Download all implementations chosen by the solver that are missing from the cache."""
350 assert self.solver.ready, "Solver is not ready!\n%s" % self.solver.selections
351 return self.fetcher.download_impls([impl for impl in self.solver.selections.values() if not self.get_cached(impl)],
352 self.config.stores)
354 def download_icon(self, interface, force = False):
355 """Download an icon for this interface and add it to the
356 icon cache. If the interface has no icon or we are offline, do nothing.
357 @return: the task doing the import, or None
358 @rtype: L{tasks.Task}"""
359 if self.network_use == network_offline:
360 info("Not downloading icon for %s as we are off-line", interface)
361 return
363 modification_time = None
365 existing_icon = self.config.iface_cache.get_icon_path(interface)
366 if existing_icon:
367 file_mtime = os.stat(existing_icon).st_mtime
368 from email.utils import formatdate
369 modification_time = formatdate(timeval = file_mtime, localtime = False, usegmt = True)
371 return self.fetcher.download_icon(interface, force, modification_time)
373 def get_interface(self, uri):
374 """@deprecated: use L{iface_cache.IfaceCache.get_interface} instead"""
375 import warnings
376 warnings.warn("Policy.get_interface is deprecated!", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel = 2)
377 return self.config.iface_cache.get_interface(uri)
379 @property
380 def command(self):
381 return self.requirements.command
383 @property
384 def root(self):
385 return self.requirements.interface_uri
387 _config = None
388 def get_deprecated_singleton_config():
389 global _config
390 if _config is None:
391 _config = load_config()
392 return _config