Also print command dependencies in '0install select' (and in GUI)
[zeroinstall/solver.git] / zeroinstall / cmd /
1 """
2 The B{0install select} command-line interface.
3 """
5 # Copyright (C) 2011, Thomas Leonard
6 # See the README file for details, or visit
8 import os, sys
9 import logging
11 from zeroinstall import _
12 from zeroinstall.cmd import UsageError
13 from zeroinstall.injector import model, selections, requirements
14 from zeroinstall.injector.policy import Policy
15 from import tasks
17 syntax = "URI"
19 def add_generic_select_options(parser):
20 """All options for selecting."""
21 parser.add_option("", "--before", help=_("choose a version before this"), metavar='VERSION')
22 parser.add_option("", "--command", help=_("command to select"), metavar='COMMAND')
23 parser.add_option("", "--cpu", help=_("target CPU type"), metavar='CPU')
24 parser.add_option("", "--message", help=_("message to display when interacting with user"))
25 parser.add_option("", "--not-before", help=_("minimum version to choose"), metavar='VERSION')
26 parser.add_option("-o", "--offline", help=_("try to avoid using the network"), action='store_true')
27 parser.add_option("", "--os", help=_("target operation system type"), metavar='OS')
28 parser.add_option("-r", "--refresh", help=_("refresh all used interfaces"), action='store_true')
29 parser.add_option("-s", "--source", help=_("select source code"), action='store_true')
31 def add_options(parser):
32 """Options for 'select' and 'download' (but not 'run')"""
33 add_generic_select_options(parser)
34 parser.add_option("", "--xml", help=_("write selected versions as XML"), action='store_true')
36 def get_selections(config, options, iface_uri, select_only, download_only, test_callback):
37 """Get selections for iface_uri, according to the options passed.
38 Will switch to GUI mode if necessary.
39 @param options: options from OptionParser
40 @param iface_uri: canonical URI of the interface
41 @param select_only: return immediately even if the selected versions aren't cached
42 @param download_only: wait for stale feeds, and display GUI button as Download, not Run
43 @return: the selected versions, or None if the user cancels
44 @rtype: L{selections.Selections} | None
45 """
46 if options.offline:
47 config.network_use = model.network_offline
49 iface_cache = config.iface_cache
51 # Try to load it as a feed. If it is a feed, it'll get cached. If not, it's a
52 # selections document and we return immediately.
53 maybe_selections = iface_cache.get_feed(iface_uri, selections_ok = True)
54 if isinstance(maybe_selections, selections.Selections):
55 if not select_only:
56 blocker = maybe_selections.download_missing(config)
57 if blocker:
58"Waiting for selected implementations to be downloaded..."))
59 tasks.wait_for_blocker(blocker)
60 return maybe_selections
62 r = requirements.Requirements(iface_uri)
63 r.parse_options(options)
65 policy = Policy(config = config, requirements = r)
67 # Note that need_download() triggers a solve
68 if options.refresh or options.gui:
69 # We could run immediately, but the user asked us not to
70 can_run_immediately = False
71 else:
72 if select_only:
73 # --select-only: we only care that we've made a selection, not that we've cached the implementations
74 policy.need_download()
75 can_run_immediately = policy.ready
76 else:
77 can_run_immediately = not policy.need_download()
79 stale_feeds = [feed for feed in policy.solver.feeds_used if
80 not os.path.isabs(feed) and # Ignore local feeds (note: file might be missing too)
81 not feed.startswith('distribution:') and # Ignore (memory-only) PackageKit feeds
82 iface_cache.is_stale(iface_cache.get_feed(feed), config.freshness)]
84 if download_only and stale_feeds:
85 can_run_immediately = False
87 if can_run_immediately:
88 if stale_feeds:
89 if policy.network_use == model.network_offline:
90 logging.debug(_("No doing background update because we are in off-line mode."))
91 else:
92 # There are feeds we should update, but we can run without them.
93 # Do the update in the background while the program is running.
94 from zeroinstall.injector import background
95 background.spawn_background_update(policy, options.verbose > 0)
96 return policy.solver.selections
98 # If the user didn't say whether to use the GUI, choose for them.
99 if options.gui is None and os.environ.get('DISPLAY', None):
100 options.gui = True
101 # If we need to download anything, we might as well
102 # refresh all the feeds first.
103 options.refresh = True
104"Switching to GUI mode... (use --console to disable)"))
106 if options.gui:
107 gui_args = policy.requirements.get_as_options()
108 if download_only:
109 # Just changes the button's label
110 gui_args.append('--download-only')
111 if options.refresh:
112 gui_args.append('--refresh')
113 if options.verbose:
114 gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
115 if options.verbose > 1:
116 gui_args.insert(0, '--verbose')
117 if options.with_store:
118 for x in options.with_store:
119 gui_args += ['--with-store', x]
120 if select_only:
121 gui_args.append('--select-only')
123 from zeroinstall import helpers
124 sels = helpers.get_selections_gui(iface_uri, gui_args, test_callback)
126 if not sels:
127 return None # Aborted
128 else:
129 # Note: --download-only also makes us stop and download stale feeds first.
130 downloaded = policy.solve_and_download_impls(refresh = options.refresh or download_only or False,
131 select_only = select_only)
132 if downloaded:
133 tasks.wait_for_blocker(downloaded)
134 sels = policy.solver.selections
136 return sels
138 def handle(config, options, args):
139 if len(args) != 1:
140 raise UsageError()
141 iface_uri = model.canonical_iface_uri(args[0])
143 sels = get_selections(config, options, iface_uri,
144 select_only = True, download_only = False, test_callback = None)
145 if not sels:
146 sys.exit(1) # Aborted by user
148 if options.xml:
149 show_xml(sels)
150 else:
151 show_human(sels, config.stores)
153 def show_xml(sels):
154 doc = sels.toDOM()
155 doc.writexml(sys.stdout)
156 sys.stdout.write('\n')
158 def show_human(sels, stores):
159 from zeroinstall import zerostore
160 done = set() # detect cycles
161 def print_node(uri, commands, indent):
162 if uri in done: return
163 done.add(uri)
164 impl = sels.selections.get(uri, None)
165 print indent + "- URI:", uri
166 if impl:
167 print indent + " Version:", impl.version
168 #print indent + " Command:", command
169 try:
170 if'package:'):
171 path = "(" + + ")"
172 else:
173 path = impl.local_path or stores.lookup_any(impl.digests)
174 except zerostore.NotStored:
175 path = "(not cached)"
176 print indent + " Path:", path
177 indent += " "
179 deps = impl.dependencies
180 for c in commands:
181 deps += impl.get_command(c).requires
182 for child in deps:
183 print_node(child.interface, child.get_required_commands(), indent)
184 else:
185 print indent + " No selected version"
188 print_node(sels.interface, [sels.command], "")