Added sha256new algorithm
[zeroinstall.git] / zeroinstall / injector /
1 """
2 Records who we trust to sign feeds.
4 Trust is divided up into domains, so that it is possible to trust a key
5 in some cases and not others.
7 @var trust_db: Singleton trust database instance.
8 """
10 # Copyright (C) 2009, Thomas Leonard
11 # See the README file for details, or visit
13 from zeroinstall import _, SafeException
14 import os
15 from logging import info
17 from zeroinstall import support
18 from import basedir, tasks
19 from .namespaces import config_site, config_prog, XMLNS_TRUST
21 KEY_INFO_TIMEOUT = 10 # Maximum time to wait for response from key-info-server
23 class TrustDB(object):
24 """A database of trusted keys.
25 @ivar keys: maps trusted key fingerprints to a set of domains for which where it is trusted
26 @type keys: {str: set(str)}
27 @ivar watchers: callbacks invoked by L{notify}
28 @see: L{trust_db} - the singleton instance of this class"""
29 __slots__ = ['keys', 'watchers']
31 def __init__(self):
32 self.keys = None
33 self.watchers = []
35 def is_trusted(self, fingerprint, domain = None):
36 self.ensure_uptodate()
38 domains = self.keys.get(fingerprint, None)
39 if not domains: return False # Unknown key
41 if domain is None:
42 return True # Deprecated
44 return domain in domains or '*' in domains
46 def get_trust_domains(self, fingerprint):
47 """Return the set of domains in which this key is trusted.
48 If the list includes '*' then the key is trusted everywhere.
49 @since: 0.27
50 """
51 self.ensure_uptodate()
52 return self.keys.get(fingerprint, set())
54 def get_keys_for_domain(self, domain):
55 """Return the set of keys trusted for this domain.
56 @since: 0.27"""
57 self.ensure_uptodate()
58 return set([fp for fp in self.keys
59 if domain in self.keys[fp]])
61 def trust_key(self, fingerprint, domain = '*'):
62 """Add key to the list of trusted fingerprints.
63 @param fingerprint: base 16 fingerprint without any spaces
64 @type fingerprint: str
65 @param domain: domain in which key is to be trusted
66 @type domain: str
67 @note: call L{notify} after trusting one or more new keys"""
68 if self.is_trusted(fingerprint, domain): return
70 int(fingerprint, 16) # Ensure fingerprint is valid
72 if fingerprint not in self.keys:
73 self.keys[fingerprint] = set()
75 #if domain == '*':
76 # warn("Calling trust_key() without a domain is deprecated")
78 self.keys[fingerprint].add(domain)
81 def untrust_key(self, key, domain = '*'):
82 self.ensure_uptodate()
83 self.keys[key].remove(domain)
85 if not self.keys[key]:
86 # No more domains for this key
87 del self.keys[key]
91 def save(self):
92 from xml.dom import minidom
93 import tempfile
95 doc = minidom.Document()
96 root = doc.createElementNS(XMLNS_TRUST, 'trusted-keys')
97 root.setAttribute('xmlns', XMLNS_TRUST)
98 doc.appendChild(root)
100 for fingerprint in self.keys:
101 keyelem = doc.createElementNS(XMLNS_TRUST, 'key')
102 root.appendChild(keyelem)
103 keyelem.setAttribute('fingerprint', fingerprint)
104 for domain in self.keys[fingerprint]:
105 domainelem = doc.createElementNS(XMLNS_TRUST, 'domain')
106 domainelem.setAttribute('value', domain)
107 keyelem.appendChild(domainelem)
109 d = basedir.save_config_path(config_site, config_prog)
111 with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir = d, prefix = 'trust-', delete = False, mode = 'wt') as tmp:
112 doc.writexml(tmp, indent = "", addindent = " ", newl = "\n", encoding = 'utf-8')
113 support.portable_rename(, os.path.join(d, 'trustdb.xml'))
115 def notify(self):
116 """Call all watcher callbacks.
117 This should be called after trusting or untrusting one or more new keys.
118 @since: 0.25"""
119 for w in self.watchers: w()
121 def ensure_uptodate(self):
122 from xml.dom import minidom
124 # This is a bit inefficient... (could cache things)
125 self.keys = {}
127 trust = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'trustdb.xml')
128 if trust:
129 keys = minidom.parse(trust).documentElement
130 for key in keys.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS_TRUST, 'key'):
131 domains = set()
132 self.keys[key.getAttribute('fingerprint')] = domains
133 for domain in key.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLNS_TRUST, 'domain'):
134 domains.add(domain.getAttribute('value'))
135 else:
136 # Convert old database to XML format
137 trust = basedir.load_first_config(config_site, config_prog, 'trust')
138 if trust:
139 #print "Loading trust from", trust_db
140 with open(trust, 'rt') as stream:
141 for key in stream:
142 if key:
143 self.keys[key] = set(['*'])
145 def domain_from_url(url):
146 """Extract the trust domain for a URL.
147 @param url: the feed's URL
148 @type url: str
149 @return: the trust domain
150 @rtype: str
151 @since: 0.27
152 @raise SafeException: the URL can't be parsed"""
153 try:
154 import urlparse
155 except ImportError:
156 from urllib import parse as urlparse # Python 3
158 if os.path.isabs(url):
159 raise SafeException(_("Can't get domain from a local path: '%s'") % url)
160 domain = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]
161 if domain and domain != '*':
162 return domain
163 raise SafeException(_("Can't extract domain from URL '%s'") % url)
165 trust_db = TrustDB()
167 class TrustMgr(object):
168 """A TrustMgr handles the process of deciding whether to trust new keys
169 (contacting the key information server, prompting the user, accepting automatically, etc)
170 @since: 0.53"""
172 __slots__ = ['config', '_current_confirm']
174 def __init__(self, config):
175 self.config = config
176 self._current_confirm = None # (a lock to prevent asking the user multiple questions at once)
178 @tasks.async
179 def confirm_keys(self, pending):
180 """We don't trust any of the signatures yet. Collect information about them and add the keys to the
181 trusted list, possibly after confirming with the user (via config.handler).
182 Updates the L{trust} database, and then calls L{trust.TrustDB.notify}.
183 @since: 0.53
184 @arg pending: an object holding details of the updated feed
185 @type pending: L{PendingFeed}
186 @return: A blocker that triggers when the user has chosen, or None if already done.
187 @rtype: None | L{Blocker}"""
189 assert pending.sigs
191 from zeroinstall.injector import gpg
192 valid_sigs = [s for s in pending.sigs if isinstance(s, gpg.ValidSig)]
193 if not valid_sigs:
194 def format_sig(sig):
195 msg = str(sig)
196 if sig.messages:
197 msg += "\nMessages from GPG:\n" + sig.messages
198 return msg
199 raise SafeException(_('No valid signatures found on "%(url)s". Signatures:%(signatures)s') %
200 {'url': pending.url, 'signatures': ''.join(['\n- ' + format_sig(s) for s in pending.sigs])})
202 # Start downloading information about the keys...
203 fetcher = self.config.fetcher
204 kfs = {}
205 for sig in valid_sigs:
206 kfs[sig] = fetcher.fetch_key_info(sig.fingerprint)
208 # Wait up to KEY_INFO_TIMEOUT seconds for key information to arrive. Avoids having the dialog
209 # box update while the user is looking at it, and may allow it to be skipped completely in some
210 # cases.
211 timeout = tasks.TimeoutBlocker(KEY_INFO_TIMEOUT, "key info timeout")
212 while True:
213 key_info_blockers = [sig_info.blocker for sig_info in kfs.values() if sig_info.blocker is not None]
214 if not key_info_blockers:
215 break
216 info("Waiting for response from key-info server: %s", key_info_blockers)
217 yield [timeout] + key_info_blockers
218 if timeout.happened:
219 info("Timeout waiting for key info response")
220 break
222 # If we're already confirming something else, wait for that to finish...
223 while self._current_confirm is not None:
224 info("Waiting for previous key confirmations to finish")
225 yield self._current_confirm
227 domain = domain_from_url(pending.url)
229 if self.config.auto_approve_keys:
230 existing_feed = self.config.iface_cache.get_feed(pending.url)
231 if not existing_feed:
232 changes = False
233 for sig, kf in kfs.items():
234 for key_info in
235 if key_info.getAttribute("vote") == "good":
236 info(_("Automatically approving key for new feed %s based on response from key info server"), pending.url)
237 trust_db.trust_key(sig.fingerprint, domain)
238 changes = True
239 if changes:
240 trust_db.notify()
242 # Check whether we still need to confirm. The user may have
243 # already approved one of the keys while dealing with another
244 # feed, or we may have just auto-approved it.
245 for sig in kfs:
246 is_trusted = trust_db.is_trusted(sig.fingerprint, domain)
247 if is_trusted:
248 return
250 # Take the lock and confirm this feed
251 self._current_confirm = lock = tasks.Blocker('confirm key lock')
252 try:
253 done = self.config.handler.confirm_import_feed(pending, kfs)
254 if done is not None:
255 yield done
256 tasks.check(done)
257 finally:
258 self._current_confirm = None
259 lock.trigger()