3 engine = defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) ? RUBY_ENGINE : 'ruby'
5 path = "tmp/isolate/#{engine}-#{RUBY_VERSION}"
8 # we want "ruby-1.8.7" and not "ruby-1.8", so disable multiruby
14 $stdout.reopen($stderr)
17 gem 'rainbows', '4.0.0'
18 gem 'raindrops', '0.7.0'
21 gem 'sendfile', '1.1.0' # next Rubinius should support this
22 gem 'cool.io', '1.0.0'
24 gem 'eventmachine', '0.12.10'
25 gem 'sinatra', '1.2.0'
26 gem 'async_sinatra', '0.5.0'
28 gem 'neverblock', ''
31 if defined?(::Fiber) && engine == "ruby"
32 gem 'revactor', '0.1.5'
33 gem 'rack-fiber_pool', '0.9.0'
36 if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/
37 gem 'sleepy_penguin', '3.0.1'
39 # is 2.6.32 new enough?
40 gem 'io_splice', '4.1.1' if `uname -r`.strip > '2.6.32'
44 $stdout.reopen(old_out)
45 # don't load the old Rev if it exists, Cool.io 1.0.0 is compatible with it,
46 # even for everything Revactor uses.
47 dirs = Dir["#{path}/gems/*-*/lib"]
48 dirs.delete_if { |x| x =~ %r{/rev-[\d\.]+/lib} }
49 puts dirs.map { |x| File.expand_path(x) }.join(':')