Lots of changes
[yari.git] / rtl / soclib / rs232out.v
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright 2004,2006 Tommy Thorn - All Rights Reserved
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
8 // Bostom MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
9 // (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
11 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
13 `timescale 1ns/10ps
15 module rs232out(// Control
16 input wire clk25MHz,
17 input wire reset,
19 // Serial line
20 output wire serial_out,
22 // Wishbone Interface
23 input wire [7:0] transmit_data,
24 input wire we,
25 output wire busy);
27 //parameter bps = 9_600;
28 parameter bps = 57_600;
29 //parameter bps = 115_200;
30 parameter frequency = 25_000_000;
31 `ifndef __ICARUS__
32 parameter period = frequency / bps;
33 `else
34 // One of the very few simulation artifacts we have to deal with at the source level.
35 parameter period = 0;
36 `endif
37 parameter TTYCLK_SIGN = 12; // 2^TTYCLK_SIGN > period * 2
38 parameter COUNT_SIGN = 4;
40 reg [TTYCLK_SIGN:0] ttyclk = 0; // [-4096; 4095]
41 reg [8:0] shift_out = 0;
42 reg [COUNT_SIGN:0] count = 0; // [-16; 15]
44 assign serial_out = shift_out[0];
45 assign busy = ~count[COUNT_SIGN] | ~ttyclk[TTYCLK_SIGN];
47 always @(posedge clk25MHz)
48 if (reset) begin
49 shift_out <= 9'h1F;
50 ttyclk <= ~0;
51 count <= ~0;
52 end else if (~ttyclk[TTYCLK_SIGN]) begin
53 ttyclk <= ttyclk - 1;
54 end else if (~count[COUNT_SIGN]) begin
55 ttyclk <= period - 2;
56 count <= count - 1;
57 shift_out <= {1'b1, shift_out[8:1]};
58 end else if (we) begin
59 ttyclk <= period - 2;
60 count <= 9; // 1 start bit + 8 data + 1 stop - 1 due to SIGN trick
61 shift_out <= {transmit_data, 1'b0};
62 end
63 endmodule