Update the Cycore target to use the new memory bus
[yari.git] / rtl / target / Cycore-ep1c12 / main.v
1 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright 2004,2007 Tommy Thorn - All Rights Reserved
4 //
5 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 // the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 53 Temple Place Ste 330,
8 // Bostom MA 02111-1307, USA; either version 2 of the License, or
9 // (at your option) any later version; incorporated herein by reference.
11 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
13 // Main module
17 4000_0000 - 400F_FFFF Extern SRAM (1 MiB)
18 BFC0_0000 - BFC0_3FFF Boot ROM (16 KiB) (Preloaded I$ cache)
19 FF00_0000 - FF00_1FFF Peripherals
20 Read Write
21 0 rs232out busy rs232out data
22 1 rs232in data
23 2 rs232in count
24 3 TSC
27 `timescale 1ns/10ps
28 `include "../../soclib/pipeconnect.h"
29 module main(
31 input wire clk,
33 // serial interface
35 output wire ser_txd,
36 input wire ser_rxd,
37 input wire ser_ncts,
38 output wire ser_nrts,
41 // watchdog
43 output wire wd,
46 // two ram banks
48 output wire [17:0] rama_a,
49 inout wire [15:0] rama_d,
50 output wire rama_ncs,
51 output wire rama_noe,
52 output wire rama_nlb,
53 output wire rama_nub,
54 output wire rama_nwe,
55 output wire [17:0] ramb_a,
56 inout wire [15:0] ramb_d,
57 output wire ramb_ncs,
58 output wire ramb_noe,
59 output wire ramb_nlb,
60 output wire ramb_nub,
61 output wire ramb_nwe);
63 wire clock;
65 pll pll(.inclk0(clk), // 20 MHz on Cycore
66 .c0(clock), // xx MHz output
69 assign wd = rst_counter[22];
71 reg [26:0] rst_counter = 0;
72 always @(posedge clock)
73 // if (~USER_PB[0])
74 // rst_counter <= 'd48_000_000;
75 // else if (~rst_counter[26])
76 if (~rst_counter[26])
77 rst_counter <= rst_counter - 1;
79 wire rst = ~rst_counter[26];
81 assign ramb_a = rama_a;
82 assign ramb_ncs = rama_ncs;
83 assign ramb_noe = rama_noe;
84 assign ramb_nwe = rama_nwe;
89 parameter FREQ = 40_000_000; // match clock frequency
90 parameter BPS = 115_200; // Serial speed
92 wire [ 7:0] rs232out_d;
93 wire rs232out_w;
94 wire rs232out_busy;
96 wire [ 7:0] rs232in_data;
97 wire rs232in_attention;
99 wire mem_waitrequest;
100 wire [1:0] mem_id;
101 wire [29:0] mem_address;
102 wire mem_read;
103 wire mem_write;
104 wire [31:0] mem_writedata;
105 wire [3:0] mem_writedatamask;
106 wire [31:0] mem_readdata;
107 wire [1:0] mem_readdataid;
109 wire `REQ rs232_req;
110 wire `RES rs232_res;
112 yari yari_inst(
113 .clock(clock)
114 ,.rst(rst)
116 ,.mem_waitrequest(mem_waitrequest)
117 ,.mem_id(mem_id)
118 ,.mem_address(mem_address)
119 ,.mem_read(mem_read)
120 ,.mem_write(mem_write)
121 ,.mem_writedata(mem_writedata)
122 ,.mem_writedatamask(mem_writedatamask)
123 ,.mem_readdata(mem_readdata)
124 ,.mem_readdataid(mem_readdataid)
126 ,.peripherals_req(rs232_req)
127 ,.peripherals_res(rs232_res)
130 sram_ctrl sram_ctrl
131 (.clock(clk)
132 ,.rst(rst)
133 ,.mem_waitrequest(mem_waitrequest)
134 ,.mem_id(mem_id)
135 ,.mem_address(mem_address)
136 ,.mem_read(mem_read)
137 ,.mem_write(mem_write)
138 ,.mem_writedata(mem_writedata)
139 ,.mem_writedatamask(mem_writedatamask)
140 ,.mem_readdata(mem_readdata)
141 ,.mem_readdataid(mem_readdataid)
143 ,.sram_a(rama_a)
144 ,.sram_d({rama_d,ramb_d})
145 ,.sram_cs_n(rama_ncs)
146 ,.sram_be_n({rama_nub,rama_nlb,ramb_nub,ramb_nlb})
147 ,.sram_oe_n(rama_noe)
148 ,.sram_we_n(rama_nwe)
151 rs232out #(BPS,FREQ)
152 rs232out_inst(.clk25MHz(clock),
153 .reset(0),
155 .serial_out(ser_txd),
156 .transmit_data(rs232out_d),
157 .we(rs232out_w),
158 .busy(rs232out_busy));
160 rs232in #(BPS,FREQ)
161 rs232in_inst(.clk25MHz(clock),
162 .reset(0),
164 .serial_in(ser_rxd),
165 .received_data(rs232in_data),
166 .attention(rs232in_attention));
168 rs232 rs232_inst(.clk(clock),
169 .rst(rst),
171 .rs232_req(rs232_req),
172 .rs232_res(rs232_res),
174 .rs232in_attention(rs232in_attention),
175 .rs232in_data(rs232in_data),
177 .rs232out_busy(rs232out_busy),
178 .rs232out_w(rs232out_w),
179 .rs232out_d(rs232out_d));
180 endmodule