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[xiph/unicode.git] / Tremor / doc / diff.html
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4 <title>Tremor - Vorbisfile Differences</title>
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11 <td><p class=tiny>Tremor documentation</p></td>
12 <td align=right><p class=tiny>Tremor version 1.0 - 20020403</p></td>
13 </tr>
14 </table>
16 <h1>Tremor / Vorbisfile API Differences</h1>
18 <p>
20 The Tremor libvorbisidec library exposes an API intended to be as
21 similar as possible to the familiar 'vorbisfile' library included with
22 the open source Vorbis reference libraries distributed for free by
23 Xiph.org. Differences are summarized below.<p>
25 <h2>OggVorbis_File structure</h2>
27 The <tt>bittrack</tt> and <tt>samptrack</tt> fields in the <a
28 href="OggVorbis_File.html">OggVorbis_File</a> structure are changed to
29 64 bit integers in Tremor, from doubles in vorbisfile.
31 <h2>Time-related seek and tell function calls</h2>
33 The <a href="ov_time_total.html">ov_time_total()</a> and <a
34 href="ov_time_tell.html">ov_time_tell()</a> functions return milliseconds as
35 64 bit integers in Tremor. In vorbisfile, these functions returned
36 seconds as doubles.<p>
38 In Tremor, the <a href="ov_time_seek.html">ov_time_seek()</a> and <a
39 href="ov_time_seek_page.html">ov_time_seek_page()</a> calls take
40 seeking positions in milliseconds as 64 bit integers, rather than in
41 seconds as doubles as in Vorbisfile.<p>
43 <h2>Reading decoded data</h2>
45 Tremor <a href="ov_read.html">ov_read()</a> always returns data as
46 signed 16 bit interleaved PCM in host byte order. As such, it does not
47 take arguments to request specific signedness, byte order or bit depth
48 as in Vorbisfile.<p>
50 Tremor does not implement <tt>ov_read_float()</tt>.<p>
53 <br><br>
54 <hr noshade>
55 <table border=0 width=100%>
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57 <td><p class=tiny>copyright &copy; 2002 Xiph.org</p></td>
58 <td align=right><p class=tiny><a href="http://www.xiph.org/ogg/vorbis/">Ogg Vorbis</a></p></td>
59 </tr><tr>
60 <td><p class=tiny>Tremor documentation</p></td>
61 <td align=right><p class=tiny>Tremor version 1.0 - 20020403</p></td>
62 </tr>
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