scriptindex: date=unix is now a no-op for empty input
[xapian.git] / xapian-bindings / lua / smoketest.lua
1 #!/usr/bin/env lua
2 --
3 -- Simple test to ensure that we can load the xapian module and exercise
4 -- basic functionality successfully.
5 --
6 -- Copyright (C) 2011 Xiaona Han
7 -- Copyright (C) 2011,2012,2014,2016,2017 Olly Betts
8 --
9 -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 -- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
11 -- published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
12 -- License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 -- GNU General Public License for more details.
19 -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 -- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
22 -- USA
24 ---
25 -- got: obtained value
26 -- exp: expected value
27 -- msg: failure message (a string)
28 function expect(got, exp, msg)
29 msg = msg and msg..': ' or ''
30 if type(exp) == "table" then
31 assert('table' == type(got), msg..'not a table')
32 assert(#exp == #got, msg..'got: '..tostring(#got)..' want: '..tostring(#exp))
33 for i = 1, #exp do
34 expect(got[i], exp[i])
35 end
36 else
37 assert(exp == got, msg..'got: '..(tostring(got) or '???')..' want: '..(tostring(exp) or '???'))
38 end
39 end
41 function run_tests()
42 local xap = require 'xapian'
43 -- Check that require sets global "xapian":
44 expect(nil ~= xapian, true, 'global xapian is nil')
45 expect(type(xapian), 'table', 'global xapian is not a table')
46 -- Check that require returns the module table (SWIG 2.0.4 returned 'xapian'):
47 expect(nil ~= xap, true, "require 'xapian' returned nil")
48 expect(type(xap), 'table', "require 'xapian' didn't return a table")
49 expect(xapian, xap, "require 'xapian' return value not the same as global xapian")
51 stem = xapian.Stem("english")
52 doc = xapian.Document()
53 doc:set_data("is there anybody out there?")
54 doc:add_posting(stem("is"), 1)
55 doc:add_posting(stem("there"), 2)
56 doc:add_posting(stem("anybody"), 3)
57 doc:add_posting(stem("out"), 4)
58 doc:add_posting(stem("there"), 5)
59 doc:add_term("XYzzy")
60 db = xapian.WritableDatabase("", xapian.DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY)
61 db2 = xapian.WritableDatabase("", xapian.DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY)
62 db:add_document(doc)
63 enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
65 it = db:positionlist_begin(1, "is")
66 _end = db:positionlist_end(1, "is")
67 while not it:equals(_end) do
68 assert(it:get_termpos(), 1)
69 it:next()
70 end
72 -- Test the version number reporting functions give plausible results.
73 v = string.format("%d.%d.%d", xapian.major_version(), xapian.minor_version(), xapian.revision())
74 v2 = xapian.version_string()
75 expect(v, v2)
77 -- Test stem
78 expect(tostring(stem), "Xapian::Stem(english)")
79 expect(stem("is"), "is", 'stem noop "is" fails')
80 expect(stem("going"), "go", 'stem noop "go" fails')
81 expect(stem("wanted"), "want", 'stem(english) "wanted" -> "want" fails')
82 expect(stem("reference"), "refer", 'stem(english) "reference" -> "refer" fails')
84 -- Test document
85 expect(doc:termlist_count(), 5)
86 expect(doc:get_data(), "is there anybody out there?")
87 doc:add_term("foo")
88 expect(doc:termlist_count(), 6)
90 -- Test database
91 expect(tostring(db), "WritableDatabase(InMemory)")
92 expect(db:get_doccount(), 1, 'db should have 1 document')
94 term_count = 0
95 for term in db:allterms() do
96 term_count = term_count + 1
97 end
98 expect(term_count, 5)
100 -- Test queries
101 terms = {"smoke", "test", "terms"}
102 expect(tostring(xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_OR, terms)), "Query((smoke OR test OR terms))")
103 query1 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_PHRASE, {"smoke", "test", "tuple"})
104 query2 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_XOR, {xapian.Query("smoke"), query1, "string"})
105 expect(tostring(query1), "Query((smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple))")
106 expect(tostring(query2), "Query((smoke XOR (smoke PHRASE 3 test PHRASE 3 tuple) XOR string))")
107 subqs = {"a", "b"}
108 expect(tostring(xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_OR, subqs)), "Query((a OR b))")
109 expect(tostring(xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_VALUE_RANGE, 0, '1', '4')), "Query(VALUE_RANGE 0 1 4)")
111 -- Test MatchAll and MatchNothing
112 expect(tostring(xapian.Query_MatchAll), "Query(<alldocuments>)")
113 expect(tostring(xapian.Query_MatchNothing), "Query()")
115 -- Test enq
116 query = xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_OR, {"there", "is"})
117 enq:set_query(query)
118 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
119 expect(mset:size(), 1)
121 terms = {}
122 for term in enq:get_matching_terms(mset:get_hit(0)) do
123 table.insert(terms, term:get_term())
125 expect(terms, {"is", "there"})
127 -- Check value of OP_ELITE_SET
128 expect(xapian.Query_OP_ELITE_SET, 10)
130 -- Test for MatchDecider
131 doc = xapian.Document()
132 doc:set_data("Two")
133 doc:add_posting(stem("out"), 1)
134 doc:add_posting(stem("outside"), 1)
135 doc:add_posting(stem("source"), 2)
136 doc:add_value(0, "yes");
137 db:add_document(doc)
139 function testmatchdecider(doc)
140 return doc:get_value(0) == "yes"
143 query = xapian.Query("out")
144 enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
145 enq:set_query(query)
146 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10, None, testmatchdecider)
147 expect(mset:size(), 1)
148 expect(mset:get_docid(0), 2)
150 rset = xapian.RSet()
151 rset:add_document(1)
152 eset = enq:get_eset(10, rset)
153 expect(eset:size(), 4)
155 eterms={}
156 for term in eset:terms() do
157 table.insert(eterms, term:get_term())
159 expect(eterms, {"there", "is", "anybodi", "XYzzy"})
161 function testexpanddecider(term)
162 return term ~= "there"
165 eset = enq:get_eset(10, rset, testexpanddecider)
166 expect(eset:size(), 3)
168 eterms={}
169 for term in eset:terms() do
170 table.insert(eterms, term:get_term())
172 expect(eterms, {"is", "anybodi", "XYzzy"})
174 -- Regression test - overload resolution involving boolean types failed.
175 enq:set_sort_by_value(1, true)
177 -- Regression test - fixed in
178 oqparser = xapian.QueryParser()
179 oquery = oqparser:parse_query("I like tea")
181 -- Regression test for bug#192 - fixed in 1.0.3.
182 enq:set_cutoff(100)
184 -- Check DateRangeProcessor works
185 qp = xapian.QueryParser()
186 rpdate = xapian.DateRangeProcessor(1, xapian.RP_DATE_PREFER_MDY, 1960)
187 qp:add_rangeprocessor(rpdate)
188 query = qp:parse_query("12/03/99..12/04/01")
189 expect(tostring(query), "Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)")
191 -- Check DateValueRangeProcessor works
192 qp = xapian.QueryParser()
193 vrpdate = xapian.DateValueRangeProcessor(1, true, 1960)
194 qp:add_valuerangeprocessor(vrpdate)
195 query = qp:parse_query("12/03/99..12/04/01")
196 expect(tostring(query), "Query(VALUE_RANGE 1 19991203 20011204)")
198 -- Check FieldProcessor works
199 qp:add_prefix('test', function (s) return "foo" end)
200 qp:add_prefix('rev', function (s) return xapian.Query(s:reverse()) end)
201 query = qp:parse_query("test:ing rev:erse")
202 expect(tostring(query), "Query((foo OR esre))")
204 -- Test setting and getting metadata
205 db:set_metadata('Foo', 'Foo')
206 expect(db:get_metadata('Foo'), 'Foo')
208 -- Test OP_SCALE_WEIGHT and corresponding constructor
209 query4 = xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_SCALE_WEIGHT, xapian.Query('foo'), 5.0)
210 expect(tostring(query4), "Query(5 * foo)")
212 -- Function to test the order of mset docid
213 function mset_expect_order(mset, a)
214 if mset:size() ~= #a then
215 print(string.format("MSet has %i entries, expected %i\n", mset:size(), #a))
216 os.exit(-1)
219 for j = 0, #a -1 do
220 hit = mset:get_hit(j)
221 if hit:get_docid() ~= a[j + 1] then
222 print(string.format("Expected MSet[%i] to be %i, got %i.\n", j, a[j + 1], hit:get_docid()))
223 os.exit(-1)
228 -- Test MultiValueKeyMaker
229 doc = xapian.Document()
230 doc:add_term("foo")
231 doc:add_value(0, "ABB")
232 db2:add_document(doc)
233 doc:add_value(0, "ABC")
234 db2:add_document(doc)
235 doc:add_value(0, "ABC\0")
236 db2:add_document(doc)
237 doc:add_value(0, "ABCD")
238 db2:add_document(doc)
239 doc:add_value(0, "ABC\xff")
240 db2:add_document(doc)
242 enq = xapian.Enquire(db2)
243 enq:set_query(xapian.Query("foo"))
245 sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker()
246 sorter:add_value(0)
247 enq:set_sort_by_key(sorter, true)
248 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
249 mset_expect_order(mset, {5, 4, 3, 2, 1})
251 sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker()
252 sorter:add_value(0, true)
253 enq:set_sort_by_key(sorter, true)
254 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
255 mset_expect_order(mset, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
257 sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker()
258 sorter:add_value(0)
259 sorter:add_value(1)
260 enq:set_sort_by_key(sorter, true)
261 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
262 mset_expect_order(mset, {5, 4, 3, 2, 1})
264 sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker()
265 sorter:add_value(0, true)
266 sorter:add_value(1)
267 enq:set_sort_by_key(sorter, true)
268 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
269 mset_expect_order(mset, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
271 sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker()
272 sorter:add_value(0)
273 sorter:add_value(1, true)
274 enq:set_sort_by_key(sorter, true)
275 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
276 mset_expect_order(mset, {5, 4, 3, 2, 1})
278 sorter = xapian.MultiValueKeyMaker()
279 sorter:add_value(0, true)
280 sorter:add_value(1, true)
281 enq:set_sort_by_key(sorter, true)
282 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
283 mset_expect_order(mset, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5})
285 -- Feature test for ValueSetMatchDecider:
286 md = xapian.ValueSetMatchDecider(0, true)
287 md:add_value("ABC")
288 doc = xapian.Document()
289 doc:add_value(0, "ABCD")
290 if md(doc) then
291 print "Unexpected result from ValueSetMatchDecider() expected false\n"
292 os.exit(-1)
295 doc = xapian.Document()
296 doc:add_value(0, "ABC")
297 if not md(doc) then
298 print "Unexpected result from ValueSetMatchDecider() expected true\n"
299 os.exit(-1)
302 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10, 0, nil, md)
303 mset_expect_order(mset, {2})
305 md = xapian.ValueSetMatchDecider(0, false)
306 md:add_value("ABC")
307 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10, 0, nil, md)
308 mset_expect_order(mset, {1, 3, 4, 5})
310 -- Feature tests for Query "term" constructor optional arguments:
311 query_wqf = xapian.Query('wqf', 3)
312 if tostring(query_wqf) ~= 'Query(wqf#3)' then
313 print "Unexpected query_wqf->tostring():\n"
314 print(tostring(query_wqf) .."\n")
315 os.exit(-1)
318 query = xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_VALUE_GE, 0, "100")
319 if tostring(query) ~= 'Query(VALUE_GE 0 100)' then
320 print "Unexpected query->tostring():\n"
321 print(tostring(query) .. "\n")
322 os.exit(-1)
325 -- Test access to matchspy values:
326 matchspy = xapian.ValueCountMatchSpy(0)
327 enq:add_matchspy(matchspy)
328 enq:get_mset(0, 10)
329 beg = matchspy:values_begin()
330 _end = matchspy:values_end()
332 values = {}
333 while not beg:equals(_end) do
334 values[beg:get_term()] = beg:get_termfreq()
335 beg:next()
338 expected = {["ABB"] = 1, ["ABC"] = 1, ["ABC\0"] = 1, ["ABCD"] =1, ["ABC\xff"] = 1}
339 expect(values, expected)
341 mset:get_hit(0)
343 ---Test preservation of stopper set on query parser.
344 function make_qp()
345 queryparser = xapian.QueryParser()
346 stopper = xapian.SimpleStopper()
347 stopper:add('to')
348 stopper:add('not')
349 queryparser:set_stopper(stopper)
350 return queryparser
352 queryparser = make_qp()
353 query = queryparser:parse_query('to be')
354 terms = {}
355 for term in queryparser:stoplist() do
356 table.insert(terms, term:get_term())
358 expect(terms, {"to"})
360 -- Test preservation of stopper set on term generator.
361 function make_tg()
362 termgen = xapian.TermGenerator()
363 termgen:set_stemmer(xapian.Stem('en'))
364 stopper = xapian.SimpleStopper()
365 stopper:add('to')
366 stopper:add('not')
367 termgen:set_stopper(stopper)
368 return termgen
370 termgen = make_tg()
371 termgen:index_text('to be')
372 doc = termgen:get_document()
373 terms = {}
374 for term in doc:termlist() do
375 table.insert(terms, term:get_term())
377 expect(terms, {"Zbe", "be", "to"})
379 -- Test use of matchspies
380 function setup_database()
381 -- Set up and return an inmemory database with 5 documents.
382 db = xapian.WritableDatabase("", xapian.DB_BACKEND_INMEMORY)
384 doc = xapian.Document()
385 doc:set_data("is it cold?")
386 doc:add_term("is")
387 doc:add_posting("it", 1)
388 doc:add_posting("cold", 2)
389 db:add_document(doc)
391 doc = xapian.Document()
392 doc:set_data("was it warm?")
393 doc:add_posting("was", 1)
394 doc:add_posting("it", 2)
395 doc:add_posting("warm", 3)
396 db:add_document(doc)
397 doc:set_data("was it warm? two")
398 doc:add_term("two", 2)
399 doc:add_value(0, xapian.sortable_serialise(2))
400 db:add_document(doc)
401 doc:set_data("was it warm? three")
402 doc:add_term("three", 3)
403 doc:add_value(0, xapian.sortable_serialise(1.5))
404 db:add_document(doc)
405 doc:set_data("was it warm? four it")
406 doc:add_term("four", 4)
407 doc:add_term("it", 6)
408 doc:add_posting("it", 7)
409 doc:add_value(5, 'five')
410 doc:add_value(9, 'nine')
411 doc:add_value(0, xapian.sortable_serialise(2))
412 db:add_document(doc)
414 expect(db:get_doccount(), 5)
415 return db
417 db = setup_database()
418 query = xapian.Query(xapian.Query_OP_OR, "was", "it")
419 enq = xapian.Enquire(db)
420 enq:set_query(query)
421 function set_matchspy_deref(enq)
422 -- Set a matchspy, and then drop the reference, to check that it
423 -- doesn't get deleted too soon.
424 spy = xapian.ValueCountMatchSpy(0)
425 enq:add_matchspy(spy)
427 set_matchspy_deref(enq)
428 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
429 expect(mset:size(), 5)
431 spy = xapian.ValueCountMatchSpy(0)
432 enq:add_matchspy(spy)
433 enq:clear_matchspies()
434 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
435 spy:values()
436 items = {}
437 for item in spy:values() do
438 table.insert(items, item:get_term())
440 expect(items, {})
442 enq:add_matchspy(spy)
443 mset = enq:get_mset(0, 10)
444 expect(spy:get_total(), 5)
445 items = {}
446 for item in spy:values() do
447 table.insert(items, {item:get_term(), item:get_termfreq()})
449 expect(items, {{xapian.sortable_serialise(1.5), 1}, {xapian.sortable_serialise(2), 2}})
451 items = {}
452 for item in spy:top_values(10) do
453 table.insert(items, {item:get_term(), item:get_termfreq()})
455 expect(items, {{xapian.sortable_serialise(2), 2}, {xapian.sortable_serialise(1.5), 1}})
457 -- Test exceptions
458 ok,res = pcall(db.get_document, db, 0)
459 expect(ok, false)
460 expect(tostring(res), "InvalidArgumentError: Document ID 0 is invalid")
461 expect(res:get_type(), "InvalidArgumentError")
464 ok, e = pcall(run_tests)
465 if not ok then
466 print("Unexpected exception:", tostring(e))
467 os.exit(-1)