Use official MIME type for debian packages
[xapian.git] / .travis.yml
1 # Travis configuration for building Xapian. This is fairly intensive, so
2 # we only enable it for pull requests.
4 # Right now, we build on containerised linux, which defaults to the
5 # ancient Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  Specify "dist: trusty" so we get something
6 # which is "only" 2.5 years old.
7 dist: trusty
8 sudo: false
9 language: cpp
10 env:
11   global:
12     # Tell bootstrap where to clone ./common from
14 matrix:
15   include:
16     - compiler: gcc
17       os: linux
18       addons:
19         apt:
20           packages:
21             - doxygen
22             - graphviz
23             - help2man
24             - python-docutils
25             - pngcrush
26             - python-sphinx
27             - uuid-dev
28             - libpcre3-dev
29             - libmagic-dev
30             - tcl
31             - libsvm-dev
32     - compiler: clang
33       os: linux
34       # Clang is already installed, but we want to build using the
35       # llvm c++ library, not the GCC one. (Otherwise, depending on
36       # the GCC version, there can be issues.)
37       addons:
38         apt:
39           packages:
40             - doxygen
41             - graphviz
42             - help2man
43             - python-docutils
44             - pngcrush
45             - python-sphinx
46             - uuid-dev
47             - libpcre3-dev
48             - libmagic-dev
49             - tcl
50             - libsvm-dev
51             - libc++-dev
52       # We also have to disable an error, because (older?)
53       # perl header files don't play nicely with clang.
54       env: USE_CC=clang USE_CXX='clang++ -stdlib=libc++' CXXFLAGS=-Wno-error=reserved-user-defined-literal
55     - os: osx
56       before_install:
57         - brew update
58         - brew install doxygen help2man graphviz pngcrush libmagic pcre libsvm lua mono python3
59         - pip install sphinx docutils
60         - pip3 install sphinx
61         - mkdir -p /tmp/xapian-libsvm-fixed-include
62         - ln -sF /usr/local/Cellar/libsvm/3.21/include /tmp/xapian-libsvm-fixed-include/libsvm
63       env: CXXFLAGS=-Wno-error=reserved-user-defined-literal CPPFLAGS=-I/tmp/xapian-libsvm-fixed-include confargs=--prefix=/Users/travis/XapianInstall installcore='make -C xapian-core install'
65 before_script:
66   # Bootstrap everything (including letor, which isn't done
67   # by default), then configure using our chosen compiler.
68   - ./bootstrap xapian-core xapian-applications/omega swig xapian-bindings xapian-letor
69   - ./configure $confargs CC="$USE_CC" CXX="$USE_CXX"
70 script:
71   - make
72   - $installcore
73   - make check -C xapian-bindings VERBOSE=1 AUTOMATED_TESTING=1