Original WRF subgrid support version from John Michalakes without fire
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / phys / module_fr_cawfe.F
1 ! =============================================================================
3 !  This set of modules contains the fire code ported from the CAWFE model.
5 !      http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/research/wildfire/afm/afm.html
7 !  This version is no longer compatible with the Clark-Hall model.  It is 
8 !  now WRF specific.
10 !  Created by:         Edward (Ned) G. Patton
11 !                      National Center for Atmospheric Research
12 !                      Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division
13 !                      Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000
14 !                      patton@ucar.edu
16 !  Under guidance by:  Janice L. Coen
17 !                      National Center for Atmospheric Research
18 !                      Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology Division
19 !                      Boulder, Colorado 80307-3000
20 !                      coen@ucar.edu
22 !  Based on:           Clark, T. L., J. L. Coen and D. Latham: 2004, 
23 !                      "Description of a coupled atmosphere-fire model",
24 !                      International Journal of Wildland Fire, 13, 49-63.
26 !  See below for a description of the variables.
28 !  There are two modules:  1) module_fr_cawfe_fuel  (sets fuel params)
29 !                          2) module_fr_cawfe       (the fire code)
31 ! =============================================================================
33 MODULE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
35    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nfuelcats = 14
37    INTEGER, DIMENSION( nfuelcats ) :: ichap
38    REAL   , DIMENSION( nfuelcats ) :: weight,fgi,fci,fci_d,fct,fcbr, &
39                                             fueldepthm,fueldens,fuelmce,   &
40                                             savr,st,se
42 ! =============================================================================
43 ! ----- Specification of fuel properties for the standard 13 fire 
44 !          behavior fuel models (for surface fires), along with some
45 !          estimated canopy properties (for crown fire).
46 ! =============================================================================
47 !  FUEL MODEL 1: Short grass (1 ft)
48 !  FUEL MODEL 2: Timber (grass and understory)
49 !  FUEL MODEL 3: Tall grass (2.5 ft)
50 !  FUEL MODEL 4: Chaparral (6 ft)
51 !  FUEL MODEL 5: Brush (2 ft) 
52 !  FUEL MODEL 6: Dormant brush, hardwood slash
53 !  FUEL MODEL 7: Southern rough
54 !  FUEL MODEL 8: Closed timber litter
55 !  FUEL MODEL 9: Hardwood litter
56 !  FUEL MODEL 10: Timber (litter + understory)
57 !  FUEL MODEL 11: Light logging slash
58 !  FUEL MODEL 12: Medium logging slash
59 !  FUEL MODEL 13: Heavy logging slash
61    DATA fgi / 0.166, 0.897, 0.675, 2.468, 0.785, 1.345, 1.092, &
62               1.121, 0.780, 2.694, 2.582, 7.749, 13.024, 1.e-7 /
63    DATA fueldepthm /0.305,  0.305,  0.762, 1.829, 0.61,  0.762,0.762, &
64                     0.0610, 0.0610, 0.305, 0.305, 0.701, 0.914, 0.305 /
65    DATA savr / 3500., 2784., 1500., 1739., 1683., 1564., 1562.,  &
66                1889., 2484., 1764., 1182., 1145., 1159., 3500. /
67    DATA fuelmce / 0.12, 0.15, 0.25, 0.20, 0.20, 0.25, 0.40,  &
68                   0.30, 0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.12  / 
69    DATA fueldens / nfuelcats * 32. /   ! 32 if solid, 19 if rotten.
70    DATA st / nfuelcats* 0.0555 /
71    DATA se / nfuelcats* 0.010 /
73 ! ----- Notes on weight: (4) - best fit of Latham data;
74 !                 (5)-(7) could be 60-120; (8)-(10) could be 300-1600;
75 !                 (11)-(13) could be 300-1600
76    DATA weight / 7.,  7.,  7., 180., 100., 100., 100.,  &
77               900., 900., 900., 900., 900., 900., 7. / 
79 ! ----- 1.12083 is 5 tons/acre.  5-50 tons/acre orig., 100-300 after blowdown
80    DATA fci_d / 0., 0., 0., 1.123, 0., 0., 0.,  &
81             1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 0./
82    DATA fct / 60., 60., 60., 60., 60., 60., 60.,  &
83             60., 120., 180., 180., 180., 180. , 60.    /
84    DATA ichap / 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 / 
86 ! =========================================================================
90    SUBROUTINE init_module_fire_fuel
91    END SUBROUTINE init_module_fire_fuel
93 END MODULE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
96 ! =========================================================================
98 !  The following module contains the fire code ported from the Clark-Hall model.
100 ! =========================================================================
103 MODULE module_fr_cawfe
105    USE module_model_constants
107    INTEGER, SAVE :: igwiz
109    REAL, PARAMETER :: cmbcnst  = 17.433e+06             ! J/kg dry fuel
110    REAL, PARAMETER :: hfgl     = 17.e4                  ! W/m^2
111    REAL, PARAMETER :: fuelheat = cmbcnst * 4.30e-04     ! convert J/kg to BTU/lb
112    REAL, PARAMETER :: fuelmc_g = 0.08                   ! set = 0 for dry ground fuel
113    REAL, PARAMETER :: fuelmc_c = 1.00                   ! set = 0 for dry canopy
114    REAL, PARAMETER :: bmst     = fuelmc_g/(1+fuelmc_g)
115 !  REAL, PARAMETER :: ep       = epsilon                ! epsilon a very small number
116 !  REAL, PARAMETER :: ep_sq    = epsilon**2
117    REAL, PARAMETER :: ep       = 1.e-7                  ! epsilon a very small number
118    REAL, PARAMETER :: ep_sq    = ep**2
120    REAL :: tignm
121    REAL :: dxf,dyf
122    REAL :: betaop,c,e
123    REAL :: grndhx,grndqx,canhx,canqx
125    REAL, DIMENSION( 4 ) :: xlm,ylm
127    DATA igwiz /0/   ! igwiz=0 1st time through firecode at startup,restart
131 ! =========================================================================
133 SUBROUTINE cawfe(ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! incoming
134                  ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
135                  its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,                    &
136                  ifds,ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde,              &
137                  ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,              &
138                  itimestep,dt,dx,dy,                           &
139                  grid_id,cen_lat,cen_lon,lat_ll,lon_ll,        &
140                  moad_cen_lat,moad_cen_lon,                    &
141                  moad_lat_ll,moad_lon_ll,moad_dx,moad_dy,      &
142                  moad_s_we,moad_e_we,moad_s_sn,moad_e_sn,      &
143                  nfrx,nfry,                                    &
144                  tlat_stf,tlon_stf,t_ignite,ishape,ibeh,       &
145                  z1can,alfg,alfc,ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,         &
146                  z,z_at_w,dz8w,zs,u,v,mu,rho,                  &
147                  nfuel_cat,nfl,nfl_t,nfl_c,ncod,               & ! in and out
148                  in1,in2,ixb,iyb,icn,                          &
149                  fg,fc,r_0,bbb,betafl,phiwc,area,area2,        &
150                  zf,zsf,tign_g,tign_c,tign_crt,                &
151                  xfg,yfg,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,          &
152                  rthfrten,rqvfrten,grnhfx,grnqfx,canhfx,canqfx)  ! outgoing
154 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 ! ---- key indicies
158 !  ids,ide        start,end domain indicies for atmos. variables in x
159 !  kds,kde        start,end domain indicies for atmos. variables in z
160 !  jds,jde        start,end domain indicies for atmos. variables in y
161 !  ims,ime        start,end memory dimensions for atmos. variables in x
162 !  kms,kme        start,end memory dimensions for atmos. variables in z
163 !  jms,jme        start,end memory dimensions for atmos. variables in y
164 !  its,ite        start,end tile   indicies for atmos. variables in x
165 !  kts,kte        start,end tile   indicies for atmos. variables in z
166 !  jts,jte        start,end tile   indicies for atmos. variables in y
168 !  ifds,ifde      start,end domain dimensions for fire variables indicies in x
169 !  jfds,jfde      start,end domain dimensions for fire variables indicies in y
170 !  ifms,ifme      start,end memory dimensions for fire variables indicies in x
171 !  jfms,jfme      start,end memory dimensions for fire variables indicies in y
173 !  if_st,if_en    start,end tile indicies for fire variables indicies in x
174 !  jf_st,jf_en    start,end tile indicies for fire variables indicies in y
176 ! ---- incoming WRF variables
178 !  itimestep      integer time step 
179 !  dt             time increment of atmos. grid that contains the fire grid
180 !  dx,dy          delta x,y of innermost atmos. grid that contains the fire grid
181 !  grid_id        integer grid id pointing to the WRF domain which are we on
182 !  cen_lat        latitude of the center of the fire domain
183 !  cen_lon        longitude of the center of the fire domain
184 !  lat_ll         latitude of the south-west corner of the fire domain
185 !  lon_ll         longitude of the south-west corner of the fire domain
186 !  moad_cen_lat   latitude of the center of the mother of all domains (moad)
187 !  moad_cen_lon   longitude of the center of the moad
188 !  moad_lat_ll    latitude of the south-west corner of the moad
189 !  moad_lon_ll    longitude of the south-west corner of the moad
190 !  moad_dx        delta x of moad grid
191 !  moad_dy        delta y of moad grid
192 !  moad_s_we      starting west-east index of moad grid
193 !  moad_e_we      ending west-east index of moad grid
194 !  moad_s_sn      starting south-north index of moad grid
195 !  moad_e_sn      ending south-north index of moad grid
197 !  nfrx,nfry      specified innermost atmos. grid refinement for fire grid in x,y
198 !  tlat_stf       latitude of inital fire location (degrees lat)
199 !  tlon_stf       longitude of inital fire location (degrees lon)
200 !  t_ignite       time of fire initiation (s)
201 !  ishape         what initial fire shape? 
202 !  ibeh           which fire spread model?  = 0 McArthur, =1 BEHAVE
203 !  z1can          lowest height crown fire heat is released (m)
204 !  alfc           extinction depth of crown fire heat (m)
205 !  alfg           extinction depth of ground fire heat (m)
206 !  ifuelread      read fuel parameters from file? or specify them?
207 !  nfuel_cat0     if fuel parameters are specified, what category?
209 !  z              height above sea level of mass points (m)
210 !  z_at_w         height above sea level of w points (m)
211 !  dz8w           delta z between w points (m)
212 !  zs             height of surface above sea level (m)
213 !  u,v            incoming atmos. winds (m/s at arakawa-c grid locations)
214 !  mu            
215 !  rho            incoming atmos. density (kg/m^3 at arakawa-c grid mass points)
217 ! ---- in and out fire variables
219 !  nfuel_cat(i,j) integer NFFL fuel category at each fire grid cell
220 !  nfl(i,j) = 0   means no fire line points in that cell
221 !  nfl(i,j) = 1   means there are some fire line points in that cell
222 !  ncod(i,j,it)   is number of fire line coordinates in fire grid (i,j)
223 !  in1(i,j,1)     is i1 index for (i,j) grid
224 !  in1(i,j,2)     is j1 index for (i,j) grid
225 !  in2(i,j,1)     is i2 index for (i,j) grid
226 !  in2(i,j,2)     is j2 index for (i,j) grid
227 !  ixb(i,j,it)    = 0 means the x coord of the it tracer is within ep of boundary
228 !  ixb(i,j,it)    = 1 means the x coord of the it tracer is an interior point
229 !  iyb(i,j,it)    = 0 means the y coord of the it tracer is within ep of boundary
230 !  iyb(i,j,it)    = 1 means the y coord of the it tracer is an interior point
231 !  icn(i,j,it)    = 0 means the it coord is not a corner point
232 !  icn(i,j,it)    = 1 means the it coord is a corner point
233 !  fg(i,j)        mass of surface fuel (kg/m^2)
234 !  fc(i,j)        total mass of canopy fuel  (kg/m^2)
235 !  r_0(i,j)       is the spread rate for a fire on flat ground with no wind
236 !  bbb(i,j)       is a constant in the wind correction for fire spread
237 !  betafl(i,j)    is a constant in the wind correction for fire spread
238 !  phiwc(i,j)     is a constant in the wind correction for fire spread
239 !  area(i,j)      
240 !  area2(i,j)     the sum over this is the fire area (m^2)
241 !  zf(i,j)        hgt of kds+1 mass point above sea level interp. to fire grid (m)
242 !  zsf(i,j)       hgt of surface above sea level interpolated to fire grid (m)
243 !  tign_g(i,j)    time this cell ignited ground fire (s); < 0 -> no ignition
244 !  tign_c(i,j)    time this cell ignited crown fire (s); < 0 -> no ignition
245 !  tign_crt(i,j)  time this cell ignited completely (s); < 0 -> not entirely aflame
246 !  xfg(i,j,4)     x coord of the 4 surface fuel tracers specific to grid (i,j)
247 !  yfg(i,j,4)     y coord of the 4 surface fuel tracers specific to grid (i,j)
248 !  xcd(i,j,it)    x coord of the it fire line coordinate in grid (i,j)
249 !  ycd(i,j,it)    y coord of the it fire line coordinate in grid (i,j)
250 !  xcn(i,j,it)    x coord of the normal vector at point (i,j)
251 !  ycn(i,j,it)    y coord of the normal vector at point (i,j)
252 !  sprdx(i,j,it)  spread rate in x normalized units (mostly for debug)
253 !  sprdy(i,j,it)  spread rate in y normalized units (mostly for debug)
255 ! ---- key output variables from fire
257 !  rthfrten       theta tendency due to fire induced heat flux divergence 
258 !  rqvfrten       Qv tendency due to fire induced moisture flux divergence
260 !  grnhfx         heat flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
261 !  grnqfx         moisture flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
262 !  canhfx         heat flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
263 !  canqfx         moisture flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
265 ! ---- local fire variables
267 !  fgi            initial total mass of surface fuel (kg/m^2)
268 !  fci            initial total mass of crown fuel
269 !  fci_d          initial dry mass of crown fuel
270 !  fuelmc_c       initial moisture/dry mass ratio for crown fuel
271 !  fct            burn out time for crown fuel, after dry (s)
272 !  fcbr           crown fuel burn rate (kg/m^2/s)
273 !  cmbcnst        joules per kg of dry fuel
274 !  fuelmc_g       fuel particle (surface) moisture content
275 !                 fuel moisture fuelmc_g = (h2o)/(dry) 
276 !  bmst           ratio of latent to sensible heat from sfc burn: 
277 !                   % of total fuel mass that is water (not quite 
278 !                   = % fuel moisture).    bmst= (h2o)/(h2o+dry) 
279 !                   so bmst = fuelmc_g / (1 + fuelmc_g)  where 
280 !                   fuelmc_g = ground fuel moisture
281 !  hfgl           surface fire heat flux threshold to ignite canopy (W/m^2)
282 !  fuelloadm      ovendry fuel loading, kg/m^2 (converted to lb/ft^2)
283 !  fueldepthm     fuel depth, in m  (converted to ft)
284 !  savr           fuel particle surface-area-to-volume ratio (1/ft)
285 !                    grass: 3500., 10 hr fuel: 109.,  100 hr fuel: 30.
286 !  fuelheat       fuel particle low heat content (btu/lb)
287 !  fueldens       ovendry particle density (lb/ft^3)
288 !  st             fuel particle total mineral content
289 !  se             fuel particle effective mineral content
290 !  fuelmce        moisture content of extinction; 
291 !                    0.30 for many dead fuels; 0.15 for grass
292 !  weight         weighting parameter determining the slope of the mass loss curve
293 !                    ranges from ~5 (fast burnup) to 1000 ( ~40% decr over 10 min).
294 !  sfcu(i,j,6)    surface wind in x-direction interpolated to grid corners (m/s)
295 !  sfcv(i,j,6)    surface wind in y-direction interpolated to grid corners (m/s)
297 !    when deriving fireline coordinates we always keep the fire to our left
299 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
301 !     .... Three components to this subroutine:
303 !        Initialization
304 !             IGWIZ loop: Initialization of variables for all 
305 !             runs including restart.  Executed once each time the 
306 !             model is started on 1st pass through fire_sfc .
307 !        Pass through tracer scheme.
308 !             This defines fire boundary and (ground) fire line 
309 !             progression in this time step. 
310 !        Calculation of fluxes to be fed into atmosphere.
311 !             Calculates macroscale properties of this 
312 !             fire line progression back on atmosphere in terms of
313 !             mass burned -> heat and vapor fluxes to be fed into atmos.
314 !             3 parts to this: 
315 !                 1) ground fire heat+vapor release.
316 !                 2) some ground fire heat used to dry overlying canopy.
317 !                 3) canopy fire ignition, heat+vapor release.
319 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
321 !    - should sometime integrate fuel depth (veg type) with ZNOT?
323 !   Conversions:
324 !            Fuel loads:   1 ton/acre = 0.224166 kg/m^2
325 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
327    USE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
328    USE module_wrf_error
329 !  USE module_tecplot
333 ! ----- incoming variables
335    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde    ! atmosphere domain indices
336    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme    ! atmosphere memory indices
337    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte    ! atmosphere tile   indices
339    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde, kfds,kfde  ! fire domain indices
340    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme, kfms,kfme  ! fire memory indices
342    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: itimestep                 ! current time step (cumulative)
343    REAL,    INTENT(in) :: dt                        ! time step
344    REAL,    INTENT(in) :: dx,dy                     ! dx,dy on innermost atm mesh
345    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: grid_id                   ! grid id of innermost atm mesh
346    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: cen_lat,cen_lon           ! center lat,lon of " " "
347    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: lat_ll,lon_ll             ! lat,lon of sw corner of " " "
348    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: moad_cen_lat,moad_cen_lon ! lat,lon of center of moad
349    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: moad_lat_ll,moad_lon_ll   ! lat,lon of sw corner of moad
350    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: moad_dx,moad_dy           ! dx,dy of moad
351    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: moad_s_we,moad_e_we       ! strt/stop grd pts in x moad
352    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: moad_s_sn,moad_e_sn       ! strt/stop grd pts in y moad
354    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
355    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: tlat_stf
356    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: tlon_stf
357    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: t_ignite
358    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifuelread
359    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ishape
360    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: z1can
361    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: alfg
362    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: alfc
363    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ibeh
364    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfuel_cat0
366    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: u,v
367    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: z,z_at_w
368    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: rho
369    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: dz8w
370    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme )          :: mu
371    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme )          :: zs
373 ! ----- inout variables
375    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfuel_cat
376    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfl,nfl_t,nfl_c
377    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: ncod
378    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,2 ) :: in1,in2
379    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
381    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: fg,fc
382    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: r_0,bbb,betafl,phiwc
383    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: area,area2
384    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: zf,zsf
385    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: tign_g,tign_c,tign_crt
386    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xfg,yfg
387    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcd,ycd
388    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcn,ycn
389    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: sprdx,sprdy
391    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: rthfrten
392    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: rqvfrten
394 ! ----- out variables
396    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: grnhfx,grnqfx
397    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: canhfx,canqfx
399 ! ----- local variables
401    INTEGER :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
402    INTEGER :: nf
403    INTEGER :: it
404    INTEGER :: i,j
405    INTEGER :: ib,jb
406    INTEGER :: idts
407    INTEGER :: iyes
408    INTEGER :: ig,jg
409    INTEGER :: ic,jc
411    REAL :: time
412    REAL :: delplot
413    REAL :: rad
414    REAL :: sumarea
415    REAL :: a_fl
416    REAL :: burn_frac
417    REAL :: delm
418    REAL :: bratio
419    REAL :: dmass
420    REAL :: fcav
421    REAL :: delh
422    REAL :: grnhsum,canhsum
423    REAL :: ratg,ratc
424    REAL :: teps
425    REAL :: ratio
427    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme,6 ) :: sfcu,sfcv
429    REAL, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: grnhft,grnqft
430    REAL, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: canhft,canqft
432    CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: msg
434 ! --- take incoming horizontal atmos. winds on arakawa-c grid and 
435 !     interpolate them to the cube corners.  resulting winds (sfcu,sfcv)
436 !     are at the south west corner of the atmos. cell and shifted up
437 !     one-half grid point to the w-level.   sfcu,sfcv will be further 
438 !     interpolated to the needed locations behind the fire line in
439 !     sr. fire_tr.
441    CALL fire_winds(u,v,                       &  ! send
442                    ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde, &
443                    ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme, &
444                    its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte, &
445                    sfcu,sfcv)                    ! receive
447 ! ----- get the time from model start (assumes non-variable dt)
449    time = FLOAT(itimestep) * dt
451 ! ----- set indicies over which fire grid exists
453 !       these indicies are needed so that we are properly handling
454 !       fire calculations within tiles that butt up against domain
455 !       boundaries where the halo information is not available.  
456 !       therefore the fire exists on one less atmospheric grid point 
457 !       than the innermost domain is dimensioned.
459    if_st = MAX( (its-1)*nfrx+1, ids*nfrx+1   )
460    if_en = MIN( (ite)*nfrx    , (ide-1)*nfrx )
461    jf_st = MAX( (jts-1)*nfry+1, jds*nfry+1   ) 
462    jf_en = MIN( (jte)*nfry    , (jde-1)*nfry )
464 ! ----- begin initialization for all runs, including restart
466    IF (igwiz == 0) THEN         ! igwiz loop
468       igwiz = 1
470       dxf = dx / FLOAT(nfrx)
471       dyf = dy / FLOAT(nfry)
473       WRITE(msg,*)'fire: dx,dy, dxf,dyf=', dx,dy, dxf,dyf
474       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
476 ! ----- fuel moisture parameters
478       DO nf = 1,nfuelcats
479          fci(nf) = (1.+fuelmc_c)*fci_d(nf)
480          fcbr(nf) = fci_d(nf)/fct(nf)
481       END DO
483 ! ----- initialize fire-related constants, and fuel category data
485       CALL fire_startup( grid_id,z,zs,                         & ! send
486                          ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,            &
487                          ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,            &
488                          its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,            &
489                          ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,      &
490                          if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,              &
491                          nfrx,nfry,                            &
492                          ifuelread, nfuel_cat0,                &
493                          zf,zsf,nfuel_cat,betafl,bbb,r_0,phiwc ) ! recv
495 ! -- EGP converted data statements from blockdata.f (check this for restarts...)
497       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
498       DO i = if_st,if_en
499          tign_g(i,j) = -100.
500          tign_c(i,j) = -100.
501          tign_crt(i,j) = -100.
502          DO it = 1,4
503             xfg(i,j,it) = 0.
504             yfg(i,j,it) = 0.
505          END DO
506          nfl(i,j) = 0 
507       END DO
508       END DO
510 ! ----- check if fire has been ignited (i.e. TIGNM > 0.)
512       tignm = -100.
513       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
514       DO i = if_st,if_en
515          tignm = MAX(tign_g(i,j),tign_c(i,j),tignm)
516       END DO
517       END DO
519 !!!! EGP for MPI we need to communicate tignm to all processors
521 ! ----- if no fire has been ignited, initialize some fireline variables,
522 !            including fuel loads.
524       IF (tignm < -10.) THEN                      
526 ! ----- iof=1
528           CALL fire_init(1,dt,                                     & ! send
529                          cen_lat,cen_lon,lat_ll,lon_ll,            &
530                          moad_cen_lat,moad_cen_lon,moad_dx,moad_dy,&
531                          moad_s_we,moad_e_we,moad_s_sn,moad_e_sn,  &
532                          nfl_t,time,dx,dy,nfuel_cat,               &
533                          zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,           &
534                          ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                &
535                          ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                &
536                          its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,                &
537                          ifds,ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde,          &
538                          ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,          &
539                          if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,                  &
540                          nfrx,nfry,                                &
541                          ishape,tlat_stf,tlon_stf,t_ignite,icn,    &
542                          fg,fc,tign_g,nfl,xfg,yfg,                 & ! send&recv
543                          ixb,iyb)                                    ! recv
545       END IF                                      
547    END IF     ! igwiz  loop
549 ! ----- end initialization
551 ! ----- t_ignite is time we want the fire ignited (in model time).
553 !     This call:
554 !        - ignites a fire if t_ignite-time/60. < dt/60. 
555 !           (i.e. if we are within 1 time step of designated ignition)
556 !        - sets tignm=now (a time > 0.).
558    WRITE(msg,*)'tignm = ',tignm
559    CALL wrf_message ( msg )
561    WRITE(msg,*)'t_ignite = ',t_ignite
562    CALL wrf_message ( msg )
564    WRITE(msg,*)'time     = ',time
565    CALL wrf_message ( msg )
567    WRITE(msg,*)'diff     = ',t_ignite-time,dt
568    CALL wrf_message ( msg )
570    CALL fire_init(2,dt,                                         & ! send
571                   cen_lat,cen_lon,lat_ll,lon_ll,                &
572                   moad_cen_lat,moad_cen_lon,moad_dx,moad_dy,    &
573                   moad_s_we,moad_e_we,moad_s_sn,moad_e_sn,      &
574                   nfl_t,time,dx,dy,nfuel_cat,                   &
575                   zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,               &
576                   ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    &
577                   ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
578                   its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,                    &
579                   ifds,ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde,              &
580                   ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,              &
581                   if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,                      &
582                   nfrx,nfry,                                    &
583                   ishape,tlat_stf,tlon_stf,t_ignite,icn,        &
584                   fg,fc,tign_g,nfl,xfg,yfg,                     & ! send&recv
585                   ixb,iyb)                                        ! recv
588    IF (tignm < -10.) RETURN  ! if nothing has ignited yet, return.
590 ! ----- begin pass through tracer scheme
592    DO jb = jts,MIN(jte,jde-1)
593    DO ib = its,MIN(ite,ide-1)
594       grnhfx(ib,jb) = 0.0
595       grnqfx(ib,jb) = 0.0
596       canhfx(ib,jb) = 0.0
597       canqfx(ib,jb) = 0.0
598    END DO
599    END DO
601    DO j = jf_st,jf_en
602    DO i = if_st,if_en
603       grnhft(i,j) = 0.0
604       grnqft(i,j) = 0.0
605       canqft(i,j) = 0.0
606       canhft(i,j) = 0.0
607    END DO
608    END DO
610    CALL fire_stat(1,dt,time,                       & ! send
611                   zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,  &
612                   ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,       &
613                   ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,       &
614                   its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,       &
615                   ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
616                   if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,         &
617                   nfrx,nfry,                       &
618                   nfl,nfl_t,tign_g,tign_crt,       & ! send&recv
619                   area,area2,xfg,yfg,              &
620                   ixb,iyb,icn)                       ! recv
622 ! EGP --- temporarily dump fire line for tecplot
624 !     CALL fire_write_fire_ln(itimestep,                        &
625 !                             nfl,icn,xfg,yfg,dxf,dyf,          &
626 !                             ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,  &
627 !                             if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en)
629 ! EGP ---
631 ! ----- create points outlining fire
633    CALL fire_ln(dt,time,zs,sprdx,sprdy,               & ! send
634                 ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,            &
635                 ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,            &
636                 its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,            &
637                 ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,      &
638                 if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,              &
639                 nfrx,nfry,                            &
640                 ncod,in1,in2,ixb,iyb,icn,             & ! send&recv
641                 tign_g,tign_crt,area,area2,xfg,yfg,   &
642                 nfl,nfl_t,rad,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn)          ! recv
644 ! ----- advect fire line points using spread rate
646    CALL fire_tr(dt,ibeh,nfuel_cat,ncod,nfl,zf,zsf,zs,        &  ! send
647                 sfcu,sfcv,xcd,ycd,bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0,      &
648                 ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                   &
649                 ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                   &
650                 its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,                   &
651                 ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,             &
652                 if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,                     &
653                 nfrx,nfry,                                   &
654                 xcn,ycn,                                     &  ! send&recv
655                 sprdx,sprdy)                                    ! recv
657 ! ----- reset coordinates for fire line grids
659    CALL fire_ds(ixb,iyb,icn,nfl,ncod,in1,in2,      & ! send
660                 time,xcn,ycn,xcd,ycd,              &
661                 ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,         &
662                 ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,         &
663                 its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,         &
664                 ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,   &
665                 if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,           &
666                 nfrx,nfry,                         &
667                 xfg,yfg,tign_g)                      ! send&recv
669 ! ----- identify and treat newly ignited cells
671    CALL fire_igs(ixb,iyb,icn,in1,in2,ncod,time,    & ! send
672                  xcn,ycn,zs,xcd,ycd,sprdx,sprdy,   &
673                  ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,        &
674                  ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,        &
675                  its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,        &
676                  ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,  &
677                  if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,          &
678                  nfrx,nfry,                        &
679                  nfl,tign_g,xfg,yfg)                           ! send&recv
681 ! ----- 
683    CALL fire_stat(2,dt,time,                       & ! send
684                   zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,  &
685                   ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,       &
686                   ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,       &
687                   its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,       &
688                   ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
689                   if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,         &
690                   nfrx,nfry,                       &
691                   nfl,nfl_t,tign_g,tign_crt,       & ! send&recv
692                   area,area2,xfg,yfg,              &
693                   ixb,iyb,icn)                       ! recv
695 ! ----- end pass through tracer scheme 
696 ! ----- now begin calculation of flux feedback to atmosphere
698    sumarea = 0.
700    DO 95 j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
702       jb = INT(FLOAT((j-2)/nfry+2)+ep)
704       DO 96 i = if_st+1,if_en-1   !start of I,J fuel grid physics
706          ib = INT(FLOAT((i-2)/nfrx+2)+ep)
708 ! ----- ground fuel
710          IF (fg(i,j) < ep) GO TO 97       !grid point is burned out
711          IF (tign_g(i,j) < ep) GO TO 97   !grid point has not ignited !error
713 ! ----- calc. change in burning area
715          a_fl = area2(i,j)
716          sumarea = sumarea + area2(i,j)
718 ! ----- calc. mass burned based on time since ignition from mass loss curve
720          CALL fire_burn_fcn(i,j,                              & ! send
721                             nfuel_cat,nfl,ncod,in1,in2,       &
722                             ixb,iyb,icn,time,area2,           &
723                             tign_g,tign_crt,                  &
724                             xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,xfg,yfg,          &
725                             ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,        &
726                             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,        &
727                             its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,        &
728                             ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,  &
729                             if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,          &
730                             nfrx,nfry,                        &
731                             burn_frac)                          ! recv
733          delm = MAX(fg(i,j) - (1.-burn_frac)*fgi(nfuel_cat(i,j)),0.0) 
735 ! ----- all ground fuel burns off at the same rate
736 !       add random component to burn rate for excitation
738          bratio = 1.0
739          dmass = delm
740          fg(i,j) = MAX(fg(i,j)-dmass,0.0)
742          grnhft(i,j) = dmass/dt*(1.-bmst)*cmbcnst         ! J/m^2/sec
743          grnqft(i,j) = (bmst+(1.-bmst)*.56)*dmass/dt*xlv
745 ! ----- drying out canopy
747          fcav = fc(i,j)-(1.-a_fl)*fci(nfuel_cat(i,j))  &
748                           -a_fl*fci_d(nfuel_cat(i,j))     ! canopy moist. to be dried
750          IF (fcav > 0.0) THEN
751             delh = MIN(grnhft(i,j)*dt,fcav*xlv)           ! J/m^2
752             grnhft(i,j) = grnhft(i,j) - delh/dt           ! J/m^2/sec
753             fc(i,j) = fc(i,j) - delh/xlv
754             fcav = fcav - delh/xlv
755             canqft(i,j) = canqft(i,j) + delh/dt
756          END IF
758 ! ----- ignition of canopy follows
759 !       if surface fire heat flux over threshold, has not yet ignited,
761          IF (grnhft(i,j) > hfgl .AND. tign_c(i,j) < -10. &
762                                    .AND. fcav < ep) tign_c(i,j) = time
764 97       CONTINUE         !end of ground fire physics
766 ! ----- canopy
768          IF (tign_c(i,j) < -10.) GO TO 98  !grid point has not yet been ignited
770          a_fl = .5*((xfg(i,j,4)-xfg(i,j,1))*(yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,2))   &
771                    +(yfg(i,j,4)-yfg(i,j,1))*(xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3)))
773          IF (fc(i,j) < ep) GO TO 98        !canopy grid point is burned out
775 ! ----- define mass available to burn
777          delm = MAX(fc(i,j)-(1.-a_fl)*fci_d(nfuel_cat(i,j)),0.0)
778          dmass = MIN(a_fl*fcbr(nfuel_cat(i,j))*dt,bratio*delm)
780          fc(i,j) = fc(i,j) - dmass
782          canhft(i,j) = dmass / dt * cmbcnst
783          canqft(i,j) = .56 * dmass / dt * xlv
785 98       CONTINUE         !end of canopy fire physics
787 ! ----- ib,jb are atm grid pt counters; i,j grid pt counters
788 !             grnhft, grnhfx are in  J/m^2/s (W/m^2)
790          canhfx(ib,jb) = canhfx(ib,jb) + canhft(i,j)/FLOAT(nfrx*nfry)
791          canqfx(ib,jb) = canqfx(ib,jb) + canqft(i,j)/FLOAT(nfrx*nfry)
792          grnhfx(ib,jb) = grnhfx(ib,jb) + grnhft(i,j)/FLOAT(nfrx*nfry)
793          grnqfx(ib,jb) = grnqfx(ib,jb) + grnqft(i,j)/FLOAT(nfrx*nfry)
795 96    END DO
796 95 END DO      ! end of i,j fuel grid physics
798 !--- EGP need to handle MPI issues with sumarea
800    sumarea = sumarea * dxf * dyf
802    WRITE(msg,23)'time (min)=',time/60.,' AREA (acre)=',sumarea/4047.
803 23 FORMAT (1x,a11,f10.4,3x,a13,f15.5)
804    CALL wrf_message ( msg )
806 ! ----- end calculation of flux feedback to atmosphere
808 ! ----- generate some statistics for printout and future plotting
810    grndhx = 0.0
811    canhx = 0.0
812    grnhsum = 0.0
813    canhsum = 0.0
814    grndqx = 0.0
815    canhx = 0.0
816    canqx = 0.0
818 !  DO j = jts,jte
819 !  DO i = its,ite
821    DO j = MAX(jts,jds+1),MIN(jte,jde-1)
822    DO i = MAX(its,ids+1),MIN(ite,ide-1)
823       grndhx = MAX(grndhx,grnhfx(i,j))
824       canhx = MAX(canhx,canhfx(i,j))
825       grnhsum = grnhsum + grnhfx(i,j)*dx*dy
826       canhsum = canhsum + canhfx(i,j)*dx*dy
827       grndqx = MAX(grndqx,grnqfx(i,j))
828       canqx = MAX(canqx,canqfx(i,j))
829    END DO
830    END DO
832    WRITE(msg,93)grndhx,grndqx,canhx,canqx
833 93 FORMAT(1x,'GRNDHX=',e11.4,' GRNDQX=',e11.4,' CANHX=',e11.4,' CANQX=',e11.4/2x)
834    CALL wrf_message( msg )
836    WRITE(msg,68)grnhsum,canhsum
838    CALL wrf_message( msg )
840 ! ----- end of statistics print out
842    ig = 0
843    jg = 0
844    ratg = 0.0
845    ic = 0
846    jc = 0
847    ratc = 0.0
848    teps = 1.
850    DO j = MAX(jts,jds+1),MIN(jte,jde-1)
851    DO i = MAX(its,ids+1),MIN(ite,ide-1)
852       ratio = grnqfx(i,j)/(teps+grnhfx(i,j))
853       IF (ratio > ratg) THEN
854          ig = i
855          jg = j
856          ratg = ratio
857       END IF
858       ratio = canqfx(i,j)/(teps+canhfx(i,j))
859       IF (ratio > ratc) THEN
860          ic = i
861          jc = j
862          ratc = ratio
863       END IF
864    END DO
865    END DO
867    IF (ratg > 1. .OR. ratc > 1.) THEN
868       WRITE(msg,441)ratg,ig,jg,ratc,ic,jc,     &
869          grnhfx(ig,jg),grnqfx(ig,jg),canhfx(ic,jc),canqfx(ic,jc)
870 441   FORMAT(1x,'RATG(I,J)=',e11.4,2i3,' RATC(I,J)=',e11.4,2i3/1x, &
871          'GRNH/QFX=',2e11.4,' CANH/CANQFX=',2e11.4)
872       CALL wrf_message( msg )
873    END IF
875    ! --- add heat and moisture fluxes to tendency variables
877    CALL fire_tendency(grnhfx,grnqfx,canhfx,canqfx,    &  ! send
878                       alfg,alfc,z1can,                &
879                       zs,z_at_w,dz8w,mu,rho,          &
880                       ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,      &
881                       ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,      &
882                       its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,      &
883                       rthfrten,rqvfrten)                 ! recv
885    RETURN
889 ! =========================================================================
891 SUBROUTINE fire_startup( grid_id,z,zs,                         &  ! incoming
892                          ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,            &
893                          ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,            &
894                          its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,            &
895                          ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,      &
896                          if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,              &
897                          nfrx,nfry,                            &
898                          ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,                 &
899                          zf,zsf,nfuel_cat,betafl,bbb,r_0,phiwc )  ! outgoing
901 !     ...  Initialize things that need to be set every time the
902 !          model starts up,
903 !          including restart, including constants, pre-multipliers,
904 !          and fuel map.
906    USE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
907    USE module_wrf_error
911 ! ----- incoming variables
913    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
914    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
915    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
916    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
917    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en 
918    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
920    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifuelread
921    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfuel_cat0
923    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: grid_id
925    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ):: zs
926    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: z
928 ! ----- outgoing variables
930    INTEGER, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nfuel_cat
932    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: zf,zsf
933    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: betafl,bbb,r_0,phiwc
935 ! ----- local variables
937    INTEGER :: i,j,ii,jj
938    INTEGER :: nvl
939    INTEGER :: iu1
941    REAL    :: t1
942    REAL    :: fuelloadm,fuelload,fueldepth,qig,epsilon,rhob
943    REAL    :: rtemp2,gammax,a,ratio,gamma,wn,rtemp1,etam,etas,ir,irm,xifr
944    REAL    :: tii,tjj,epx,epy
946    INTEGER                                     :: nfxy,nf,ni,nj,ci,cj,ip,jp
947    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme,nfrx*nfry) :: ztmp,zstmp
948    LOGICAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime, jms:jme )       :: icmask
950    CHARACTER (LEN=80) :: lfile2
951    CHARACTER (LEN=128) :: msg
954 ! ----- begin subroutine
956    xlm(1) = -.5
957    xlm(3) = -.5
958    xlm(2) = +.5
959    xlm(4) = +.5
960    ylm(1) = -.5
961    ylm(2) = -.5
962    ylm(3) = +.5
963    ylm(4) = +.5
965 ! ----- constants
967 !     interpolates topography on atm grid to fire/fuel grid (zs -> zsf)
968 !     and also interpolates height above sea level of first grid 
969 !     point to fire grid (z -> zf).  Note that these are valid at
970 !     the center of the cell.
972    DO j = jf_st,jf_en
973        tjj = 1.5 + (FLOAT(j) - 1.5) / FLOAT(nfry)
974        jj = INT(tjj)
975        epy = tjj - FLOAT(jj)
976        DO i = if_st,if_en
977           tii = 1.5 + (FLOAT(i)-1.5)/FLOAT(nfrx)
978           ii = INT(tii)
979           epx = tii - FLOAT(ii)
980           zsf(i,j) = (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*zs(ii,jj)+epx*zs(ii+1,jj)) &
981              + epy*((1.-epx)*zs(ii,jj+1)+epx*zs(ii+1,jj+1))
982           zf(i,j) = (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*z(ii,kds+1,jj)+epx*z(ii+1,kds+1,jj)) &
983              + epy*((1.-epx)*z(ii,kds+1,jj+1)+epx*z(ii+1,kds+1,jj+1))
984       enddo
985    enddo
987 ! ----- load fuel categories (or constant) here
989 !     ... How will fuel categories be set?  IFUELREAD= 0 - uniform; 
990 !            1 - user-prescribed algorithm; 2 - read files
992    WRITE(msg,*)'fire_startup: ifuelread=', ifuelread
993    CALL wrf_message ( msg )
995    IF (ifuelread == 0) THEN
997       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
998          DO i = if_st,if_en
999             nfuel_cat(i,j) = nfuel_cat0
1000          END DO
1001       END DO
1003    ELSE IF (ifuelread == 1) THEN
1005 !         Make dependent on altitude (CO mountains/forest vs. plains)
1006 !          2000 m : 6562 ft   ;    1600 m: 5249 ft
1008 !        ... User defines fuel category spatial variability ! param! 
1010       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
1011          DO i = if_st,if_en
1012             nfuel_cat(i,j) = 2     ! Grass with understory
1013             t1 = zsf(i,j)
1014             IF (t1  <=  1524.) THEN   !  up to 5000 ft 
1015                nfuel_cat(i,j) = 3  ! Tall grass                   
1016             ELSE IF (t1 >= 1524. .AND. t1 <= 2073.) THEN  ! 5.0-6.8 kft.
1017                nfuel_cat(i,j) = 2  ! Grass with understory
1018             ELSE IF (t1 >= 2073. .AND. t1 <= 2438.) THEN  ! 6.8-8.0 kft.
1019                nfuel_cat(i,j) = 8  ! Timber litter - 10 (ponderosa)
1020             ELSE IF (t1 > 2438. .AND. t1 <=  3354.) THEN ! 8.0-11.0 kft.
1021 !              ... could also be mixed conifer.
1022                nfuel_cat(i,j) = 10 ! Timber litter - 8 (lodgepole)
1023             ELSE IF (t1 > 3354. .AND. t1 <=  3658.) THEN ! 11.0-12.0 kft
1024                nfuel_cat(i,j) = 1  ! Alpine meadow - 1
1025             ELSE IF (t1 > 3658. ) THEN  ! > 12.0 kft
1026                nfuel_cat(i,j) = 14 ! No fuel.
1027             END IF
1028          END DO
1029       END DO
1031    ELSE IF (ifuelread == 2) THEN
1033 ! -- EGP need to fix this so that when reading fuel data from
1034 !       a file that each if_st:if_en and jf_st:jf_en reads the 
1035 !       correct chunk of the file....
1037 !       NOTE: changed nvl=nvlm to nvl=model
1039 ! -----   written assuming NVERT=0, no parallelization
1040 !        ...  Read fuel files 
1042 !     nvl = nvlm      ! Load fuel for innermost domain.
1043       nvl = grid_id      ! Load fuel for innermost domain.
1044       IF (nvl  <=  9) THEN
1045          WRITE(lfile2,80) nvl
1046 80       FORMAT('fuel_layer_',I1,'.dat')
1047       ELSE
1048          WRITE (msg,*) 'STOP, fire_startup: Generalize filename format for NVL > 9'
1049          CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg )
1050       END IF
1052       iu1 = 10
1053       OPEN(iu1,FILE=lfile2,STATUS='unknown',FORM='formatted')
1055       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
1056       DO i = if_st,if_en
1057          READ(iu1,'(I2)') nfuel_cat(i,j)
1058 !        ... If no fuel category specified (i.e. '99'), set to '14', 
1059 !            which (in the current 13 category NFFL category system) 
1060 !            is 'no fuel'
1061          IF (nfuel_cat(i,j) < 1) nfuel_cat(i,j) = 14         ! not generalized
1062          IF (nfuel_cat(i,j) > nfuelcats) nfuel_cat(i,j) = 14 ! not generalized
1063       END DO
1064       END DO
1066       CLOSE (iu1)
1068    ELSE
1070        WRITE (msg,*) &
1071        'STOP, in fire_startup: error reading fuel categories from file: iu1' 
1072        CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg )
1074    END IF
1078 ! -----  Settings of fire spread parameters from BEHAVE follows. These
1079 !         don't need to be recalculated later.
1081    DO j = jf_st,jf_en
1082    DO i = if_st,if_en
1083       fuelloadm = (1.-bmst) * fgi(nfuel_cat(i,j))    ! fuelload without moisture
1084       fuelload = fuelloadm * (.3048)**2 * 2.205      ! to lb/ft^2
1085       fueldepth = fueldepthm(nfuel_cat(i,j))/0.3048  ! to ft
1086       betafl(i,j) = fuelload/(fueldepth * fueldens(nfuel_cat(i,j))) !packing ratio
1087       betaop = 3.348 * savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))**(-0.8189)     ! optimum packing ratio
1088       qig = 250. + 1116.*fuelmc_g                    ! heat of preigntn., btu/lb
1089       epsilon = EXP(-138./savr(nfuel_cat(i,j)) )     ! eff. heating number
1090       rhob = fuelload/fueldepth                  ! ovendry bulk density, lb/ft^3
1092       c = 7.47 * EXP( -0.133 * savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))**0.55) ! const in wind coef
1093       bbb(i,j) = 0.02526 * savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))**0.54      ! const in wind coef
1094       e = 0.715 * EXP( -3.59E-4 * savr(nfuel_cat(i,j)))    ! const in wind coef
1095       phiwc(i,j) = c * (betafl(i,j)/betaop)**(-e)         
1097       rtemp2 = savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))**1.5
1098       gammax = rtemp2/(495. + 0.0594*rtemp2)            ! maximum rxn vel, 1/min
1099       a = 1./(4.774 * savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))**0.1 - 7.27) ! coef for optimum rxn vel
1100       ratio = betafl(i,j)/betaop
1101       gamma = gammax *(ratio**a) *EXP(a*(1.-ratio))     ! optimum rxn vel, 1/min
1103       wn = fuelload/(1 + st(nfuel_cat(i,j)))       ! net fuel loading, lb/ft^2
1104       rtemp1 = fuelmc_g/fuelmce(nfuel_cat(i,j))
1105       etam = 1.-2.59*rtemp1 +5.11*rtemp1**2 -3.52*rtemp1**3 !moist damp coef
1106       etas = 0.174* se(nfuel_cat(i,j))**(-0.19)             !mineral damping coef
1107       ir = gamma * wn * fuelheat * etam * etas  ! rxn intensity, btu/ft^2 min
1108       irm = ir * 1055./( 0.3048**2 * 60.) * 1.e-6     !for MW/m^2
1110 ! ----- propagating flux ratio
1111       xifr = EXP( (0.792 + 0.681*savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))**0.5)  &
1112         * (betafl(i,j)+0.1)) /(192. + 0.2595*savr(nfuel_cat(i,j))) 
1114 ! -----  r_0 is the spread rate for a fire on flat ground with no wind.
1115       r_0(i,j) = ir*xifr/(rhob * epsilon *qig)    ! default spread rate in ft/min
1116       IF (nfuel_cat(i,j) == 14) r_0(i,j) = 0.   ! no fuel, no spread.
1117 !     WRITE (msg,*) 'irm,r0 (m/s)=',i,j,irm, (r_0(i,j)/196.85)
1118 !     CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1121    END DO
1122    END DO
1124    RETURN
1126 END SUBROUTINE fire_startup
1128 ! =========================================================================
1130 SUBROUTINE fire_init(iof,dt,                                       & ! incoming
1131                      cen_lat,cen_lon,lat_ll,lon_ll,                &
1132                      moad_cen_lat,moad_cen_lon,moad_dx,moad_dy,    &
1133                      moad_s_we,moad_e_we,moad_s_sn,moad_e_sn,      &
1134                      nfl_t,time,dx,dy,nfuel_cat,                   &
1135                      zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,               &
1136                      ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    &
1137                      ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
1138                      its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,                    &
1139                      ifds,ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde,              &
1140                      ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,              &
1141                      if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,                      &
1142                      nfrx,nfry,                                    &
1143                      ishape,tlat_stf,tlon_stf,t_ignite,icn,        &
1144                      fg,fc,tign_g,nfl,xfg,yfg,                     & ! in-out
1145                      ixb,iyb)                                        ! outgoing
1147 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
1148 !  If iof = 1:  this routine sets some variables to zero and initializes
1149 !               some parameters
1151 !  If iof = 2:  this routine ignites a fire with shape: ishape
1152 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------
1154    USE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
1158 ! ------ incoming variables
1160    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iof
1162    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
1163    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
1164    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
1165    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifds,ifde, kfds,kfde, jfds,jfde
1166    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
1167    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
1168    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
1170    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: cen_lat,cen_lon           ! lat,lon center of finest mesh
1171    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: lat_ll,lon_ll             ! lat,lon lower left of " "
1172    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: moad_cen_lat,moad_cen_lon ! lat,lon center of moad
1173    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: moad_dx,moad_dy           ! dx,dy of moad
1174    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: moad_s_we,moad_e_we       ! strt & end indices in x on moad
1175    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: moad_s_sn,moad_e_sn       ! strt & end indices in y on moad
1177    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ishape
1178    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: tlat_stf
1179    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: tlon_stf
1180    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: t_ignite
1182    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )  :: nfl_t,nfuel_cat
1183    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ):: icn
1185    REAL, INTENT(in)  :: time,dt
1186    REAL, INTENT(in)  :: dx,dy
1188    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme )      :: zs
1189    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: xcd,ycd
1190    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: xcn,ycn
1191    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: sprdx,sprdy
1193 ! ------ outgoing variables
1195    INTEGER, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb
1197 ! ------ in and out going variables
1199    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfl
1201    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: fg,fc
1202    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: tign_g
1203    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xfg,yfg
1205 ! ------ local variables
1207    INTEGER :: i,j
1208    INTEGER :: it
1209    INTEGER :: istf,jstf
1210    INTEGER :: ii,jj
1211    INTEGER :: ixm,iym
1212    INTEGER :: i1,i2,j1,j2
1213    INTEGER :: nfl_max
1214    INTEGER :: ism,isp,jsm,jsp
1215    INTEGER :: nxmm,nymm
1216    INTEGER :: moad_num_pnts_x,moad_num_pnts_y
1218    REAL    :: xwidfire,ywidfire,tdiff,dxst,dyst,xcntr,ycntr,stx,sty
1219    REAL    :: xf1,yf1,xx1,yy1,fii,fjj
1220    REAL    :: rad,x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2
1221    REAL    :: rmin
1222    REAL    :: r1,r2,r3,r4
1223    REAL    :: r12,r13,r14,r23,r24,r34
1224    REAL    :: a_fl
1225    REAL    :: xwd,ywd
1226    REAL    :: xmax,ymax,rmax,alpha
1227    REAL    :: x,y,spd,ss,dxp,dyp
1229    CHARACTER(LEN=120) :: msg
1231 ! ------ begin routine
1233    IF (tignm  >  -10.) RETURN  ! If there is alrady a fire, return.
1234 !           Generalize this when want to add multiple fires.
1236    IF (iof == 1) THEN   ! iof=1  
1237 !        ... This is 1st time through sr. fire (either cold start or restart) and
1238 !            NO FIRE YET. Initialize some fire & fuel variables that will change
1239 !            once fire starts.
1241 !        Define the initial tracer positions of the ground fuel (XFG,YFG)
1242 !        where the coordinates are relative to the grid center such that
1243 !        XFG and YFG vary between -0.5 to +0.5 where (XFG,YFG)=(0.,0.) is
1244 !        the grid center. |XFG|.le. 0.5 and |YFG|.le. 0.5 .
1246       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
1247       DO i = if_st,if_en
1248          fg(i,j) = fgi(nfuel_cat(i,j)) !sfc fuel horiz. homogeneous conditions
1249          fc(i,j) = fci(nfuel_cat(i,j)) !canopy fuel horiz. homogeneous conditions
1250          nfl(i,j) = 0
1251          tign_g(i,j) = -100.           ! no fire set yet
1252          DO it = 1,4                   ! loop over the 4 tracers per fuel cell
1253             ixb(i,j,it) = 1
1254             iyb(i,j,it) = 1
1255             xfg(i,j,it) = 0.0
1256             yfg(i,j,it) = 0.0
1257          END DO
1258       END DO
1259       END DO
1260    END IF                       ! iof=1
1262    tdiff = ABS(t_ignite-time/60.)    ! T_IGNITE is in minutes
1264    IF (iof == 2 .AND. tdiff < dt/60.) THEN           ! iof=2
1266 !       It's time to ignite a fire! (Generalize so that other fires could 
1267 !          be burning elsewhere.)
1268 !       T_IGNITE   is the designated ignition time in minutes (model time) 
1271 ! set tlat_stf,tlon_stf: latitude and longitude of the center of ignition location
1273       WRITE (msg,*) 'FIRE IGNITION AT: TLAT_STF, TLON_STF=',tlat_stf,tlon_stf
1274       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1278 ! moad_cen_lat = latitude  of the center of outermost domain (mother of all domains)
1279 ! moad_cen_lon = longitude of the center of outermost domain
1280 ! get dxst,dyst: fire dist. from domain 1 center in m   
1282       dxst = (tlon_stf-moad_cen_lon) * 111.1949 * 1.e3  
1283       dyst = (tlat_stf-moad_cen_lat) * 111.1949 * 1.e3
1285 ! EGP
1286       dxst = 0.
1287       dyst = 0.
1289       WRITE (msg,*) 'fire dist dom1 center (m): dxst,dyst=',dxst,dyst
1290       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1292 ! get xcntr,ycntr:  distance from SW corner domain 1 to center of domain 1 (m)
1294       moad_num_pnts_x = moad_e_we - moad_s_we + 1
1295       moad_num_pnts_y = moad_e_sn - moad_s_sn + 1
1297       xcntr = (FLOAT(moad_num_pnts_x) * moad_dx) / 2.
1298       ycntr = (FLOAT(moad_num_pnts_y) * moad_dy) / 2.
1300       WRITE (msg,*) 'dist SW corner dom1 to center dom1 (m): ', &
1301             'xcntr,ycntr=',xcntr,ycntr
1302       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1305 ! get stx,sty: coords (in m) of fire start wrt the sw corner of model 1 in m
1307 !     WRITE (msg,*) 'ycntr, dyst, sum=',ycntr,dyst, ycntr+dyst
1308 !     CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1310       stx = xcntr + dxst  ! in m
1311       sty = ycntr + dyst
1313       WRITE (msg,*) &
1314       'coords fire rel to SW corner mod 1 (m): stx,sty:',stx,sty     
1315       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1318 ! EGP --- FIX this for WRF... currently writing over
1319 ! get xf1,yf1: position of SW corner of fire domain (in m)
1321 !     IF (ifs == 1) THEN
1322 !        xf1 = (cen_lon - lon_ll) * 111.1949 * 1.e3
1323 !        yf1 = (cen_lat - lat_ll) * 111.1949 * 1.e3
1324 !     ELSE
1325 !        xf1 = 999999.
1326 !        yf1 = 999999.
1327 !     END IF
1328 !     xf1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( xf1 )
1329 !     yf1 = wrf_dm_min_real ( yf1 )
1331       xf1 = 0.
1332       yf1 = 0.
1334       WRITE (msg,*) 'pos of sw corner of fire domain (m): xfx1,xfy1:',xf1,yf1
1335       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1338 ! get xx1,yy1:  position of fire relative to fire domain (in m)
1340       xx1 = stx - xf1  ! in m
1341       yy1 = sty - yf1
1343       WRITE (msg,*) 'Fire position relative to fire domain (m):',xx1,yy1
1344       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1347 ! get istf,jstf: position of fire in fire domain in atm grid cells
1349       istf = INT( xx1 / dx ) + 1  
1350       jstf = INT( yy1 / dy ) + 1  
1352       WRITE (msg,*) 'Fire position in domain atm grid pts:', istf,jstf
1353       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1355 ! get fii,fjj: dist in m from this model level's SE corner
1357       fii= ( xx1 / dxf ) + 1. 
1358       fjj= ( yy1 / dyf ) + 1.
1360 !     WRITE (msg,*) 'calc fii,fjj=',fii,fjj
1361 !     CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1363       ii = AINT(fii)
1364       jj = AINT(fjj)
1366       WRITE (msg,*) 'Fire position in domain in fuel cells:',ii,jj
1367       CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1369 !      .... Or set fire location this way.
1370 !       ... ISTF LSTF  are the model dynamic grid positions of ignition point
1372 !      istf =  31   !  param !  for 4 dom
1373 !      jstf =  24   !  param !  for 4 dom
1374 !      istf =  30   !  param !  for 3 dom
1375 !      jstf =  38   !  param !  for 3 dom
1376 !      istf = 104   !  param !  for 5 dom   ! could/should be 106
1377 !      jstf =  49   !  param !  for 5 dom   ! could/should be 50
1378 !      istf = 190   !  param !  for 6 dom
1379 !      jstf =  68   !  param !  for 6 dom
1381        istf = moad_num_pnts_x / 2   !  param !
1382        jstf = moad_num_pnts_y / 2   !  param !
1384 ! --- EGP need to fix initialization for MPI...  currently the ishape
1385 !       query happens on every CPU, therefore an equivalent fire will 
1386 !       be initiated on every CPU
1388 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1389       IF (ishape == 0) THEN           ! spot fire 
1390 !          ...The circular ignition that follows assumes physically small fuel
1391 !             cells. Typical values of about 5 meters or less would be reasonable
1392 !             otherwise use line ignition
1394          rad = 10.01 * SQRT(dxf**2 + dyf**2) ! rad= 1.01 * hypot of fuel cell ! param!
1396 ! set x0,y0: dist in m from this model level's SE corner
1398          x0 = FLOAT(ii-1) * dxf + .5*dxf 
1399          y0 = FLOAT(jj-1) * dyf + .5*dyf
1401          WRITE (msg,*) 'Spot fire initialized with rad=',rad,' at ', &
1402                 ii,jj,' fuel cell location'
1403          CALL wrf_message ( msg )
1405          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
1406          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
1407 !             ... calc distance of each corner of fuel cell from ig pt.
1408             r1 = SQRT( (FLOAT(i-2)*dxf-x0)**2 + (FLOAT(j-2)*dyf-y0)**2 )
1409             r2 = SQRT( (FLOAT(i-1)*dxf-x0)**2 + (FLOAT(j-2)*dyf-y0)**2 )
1410             r3 = SQRT( (FLOAT(i-2)*dxf-x0)**2 + (FLOAT(j-1)*dyf-y0)**2 )
1411             r4 = SQRT( (FLOAT(i-1)*dxf-x0)**2 + (FLOAT(j-1)*dyf-y0)**2 )
1412             rmin = MIN(r1,r2,r3,r4)
1414 !             ... if any less than spot fire radius, ignite
1415             IF (rmin < rad) THEN         !rmin lt rad
1416                tign_g(i,j) = time
1417                nfl(i,j) = 1
1418                IF (rad-r1 > ep) THEN
1419                   xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
1420                   yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
1421                END IF
1422                IF (rad-r2 > ep) THEN
1423                  xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
1424                  yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
1425                END IF
1426                IF (rad-r3 > ep) THEN
1427                  xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
1428                  yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
1429                END IF
1430                IF (rad-r4 > ep) THEN
1431                  xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
1432                  yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
1433                END IF
1435                IF (r1 < rad .AND. r2 < rad .AND. r3 > rad .AND. r4 > rad) THEN
1436                   xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
1437                   yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(1) + (rad-r1)/(r3-r1) 
1438                   xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
1439                   yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(2) + (rad-r2)/(r4-r2) 
1440                END IF
1441                IF (r1 > rad .AND. r2 > rad .AND. r3 < rad .AND. r4 < rad) THEN
1442                   xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
1443                   yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(3) - (rad-r3)/(r1-r3) 
1444                   xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
1445                   yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(4) - (rad-r4)/(r2-r4) 
1446                END IF
1447                IF (r1 < rad .AND. r3 < rad .AND. r2 > rad .AND. r4 > rad) THEN
1448                   xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(1) + (rad-r1)/(r2-r1) 
1449                   yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
1450                   xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(3) + (rad-r3)/(r4-r3) 
1451                   yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
1452                END IF
1453                IF (r1 > rad .AND. r3 > rad .AND. r2 < rad .AND. r4 < rad) THEN
1454                   xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(2) - (rad-r2)/(r1-r2) 
1455                   yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
1456                   xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(4) - (rad-r4)/(r3-r4) 
1457                   yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
1458                END IF
1460                IF (r1 < rad .AND. r2 > rad .AND. r3 > rad .AND. r4 > rad) THEN
1461                   xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(1) + (rad-r1)/(r2-r1)
1462                   yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
1463                   xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
1464                   yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(1) + (rad-r1)/(r3-r1)
1465                   xfg(i,j,4) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
1466                   yfg(i,j,4) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
1467                END IF
1468                IF (r2 < rad .AND. r1 > rad .AND. r3 > rad .AND. r4 > rad) THEN
1469                   xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(2) - (rad-r2)/(r1-r2)
1470                   yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
1471                   xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
1472                   yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(2) + (rad-r2)/(r4-r2)
1473                   xfg(i,j,3) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
1474                   yfg(i,j,3) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
1475                END IF
1476                IF (r3 < rad .AND. r1 > rad .AND. r2 > rad .AND. r4 > rad) THEN
1477                   xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(3) + (rad-r3)/(r4-r3)
1478                   yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
1479                   xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
1480                   yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(3) - (rad-r3)/(r1-r3)
1481                   xfg(i,j,2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
1482                   yfg(i,j,2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
1483                END IF
1484                IF (r4 < rad .AND. r1 > rad .AND. r2 > rad .AND. r3 > rad) THEN
1485                   xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(4) - (rad-r4)/(r3-r4)
1486                   yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
1487                   xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
1488                   yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(4) - (rad-r4)/(r2-r4)
1489                   xfg(i,j,1) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
1490                   yfg(i,j,1) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
1491                END IF
1493                IF (r1 > rad .AND. r2 < rad .AND. r3 < rad .AND. r4 < rad) THEN
1494                   x1 = xlm(1)
1495                   x2 = xlm(2) - (rad-r2)/(r1-r2)
1496                   xfg(i,j,1) = .5*(x1+x2)
1497                   y1 = ylm(1)
1498                   y2 = ylm(3) - (rad-r3)/(r1-r3)
1499                   yfg(i,j,1) = .5*(y1+y2)
1500                END IF
1501                IF (r2 > rad .AND. r1 < rad .AND. r3 < rad .AND. r4 < rad) THEN
1502                     x1 = xlm(4)
1503                     x2 = xlm(1) + (rad-r1)/(r2-r1)
1504                     xfg(i,j,2) = .5*(x1+x2)
1505                     y1 = ylm(1)
1506                     y2 = ylm(4) - (rad-r4)/(r2-r4)
1507                     yfg(i,j,2) = .5*(y1+y2)
1508                END IF
1509                IF (r3 > rad .AND. r1 < rad .AND. r2 < rad .AND. r4 < rad) THEN
1510                     x1 = xlm(1)
1511                     x2 = xlm(4) - (rad-r4)/(r3-r4)
1512                     xfg(i,j,3) = .5*(x1+x2)
1513                     y1 = ylm(4)
1514                     y2 = ylm(1) + (rad-r1)/(r3-r1)
1515                     yfg(i,j,3) = .5*(y1+y2)
1516                END IF
1517                IF (r4 > rad .AND. r1 < rad .AND. r2 < rad .AND. r3 < rad) THEN
1518                     x1 = xlm(2)
1519                     x2 = xlm(3) + (rad-r3)/(r4-r3)
1520                     xfg(i,j,4) = .5*(x1+x2)
1521                     y1 = ylm(3)
1522                     y2 = ylm(2) + (rad-r2)/(r4-r2)
1523                     yfg(i,j,4) = .5*(y1+y2)
1524                END IF
1526                r12 = (xfg(i,j,1)-xfg(i,j,2))**2 + (yfg(i,j,1)-yfg(i,j,2))**2
1527                r13 = (xfg(i,j,1)-xfg(i,j,3))**2 + (yfg(i,j,1)-yfg(i,j,3))**2
1528                r14 = (xfg(i,j,1)-xfg(i,j,4))**2 + (yfg(i,j,1)-yfg(i,j,4))**2
1529                r23 = (xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3))**2 + (yfg(i,j,2)-yfg(i,j,3))**2
1530                r24 = (xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,4))**2 + (yfg(i,j,2)-yfg(i,j,4))**2
1531                r34 = (xfg(i,j,3)-xfg(i,j,4))**2 + (yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,4))**2
1532                rmin = MIN(r12,r13,r14,r23,r24,r34)
1534                a_fl = .5*(                                                 &
1535                       (xfg(i,j,4)-xfg(i,j,1))*(yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,2))      &
1536                      +(yfg(i,j,4)-yfg(i,j,1))*(xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3)))   
1538                IF (rmin < ep_sq .AND. a_fl < .5) THEN
1539                   IF (r12 < ep_sq) THEN
1540                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,3)-xlm(3)) < ep .AND.                 &
1541                                ABS(yfg(i,j,3)-ylm(3)) < ep) THEN
1542                       xfg(i,j,2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
1543                       yfg(i,j,2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
1544                     END IF
1545                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,4)-xlm(4)) < ep .AND.                 &
1546                                ABS(yfg(i,j,4)-ylm(4)) < ep) THEN
1547                       xfg(i,j,1) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
1548                       yfg(i,j,1) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
1549                     END IF
1550                   END IF
1552                   IF (r13 < ep_sq) THEN
1553                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,2)-xlm(2)) < ep .AND.                 &
1554                                ABS(yfg(i,j,2)-ylm(2)) < ep) THEN
1555                       xfg(i,j,3) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
1556                       yfg(i,j,3) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
1557                     END IF
1558                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,4)-xlm(4)) < ep .AND.                 &
1559                                ABS(yfg(i,j,4)-ylm(4)) < ep) THEN
1560                       xfg(i,j,1) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
1561                       yfg(i,j,1) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
1562                     END IF
1563                   END IF
1565                   IF (r24 < ep_sq) THEN
1566                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,3)-xlm(3)) < ep .AND.                 &
1567                                 ABS(yfg(i,j,3)-ylm(3)) < ep) THEN
1568                       xfg(i,j,2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
1569                       yfg(i,j,2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
1570                     END IF
1571                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,1)-xlm(1)) < ep .AND.                 &
1572                                 ABS(yfg(i,j,1)-ylm(1)) < ep) THEN
1573                       xfg(i,j,4) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
1574                       yfg(i,j,4) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
1575                     END IF
1576                   END IF
1578                   IF (r34 < ep_sq) THEN
1579                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,2)-xlm(2)) < ep .AND.                 &
1580                                 ABS(yfg(i,j,2)-ylm(2)) < ep) THEN
1581                       xfg(i,j,3) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
1582                       yfg(i,j,3) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
1583                     END IF
1584                     IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,1)-xlm(1)) < ep .AND.                 &
1585                                 ABS(yfg(i,j,1)-ylm(1)) < ep) THEN
1586                       xfg(i,j,4) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
1587                       yfg(i,j,4) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
1588                     END IF
1589                   END IF
1590                END IF
1591             END IF         !rmin lt rad
1592          END DO            ! i loop
1593          END DO            ! l loop
1595       END IF               ! spot fire
1597 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1598       if (ishape == 1) THEN          ! line fire
1600 ! ----- length and width settings....
1602 !         ywidfire = 1. + 1.*dyf               ! N-S length in m   ! param!
1603 !         ywidfire = 409.                      ! N-S length in m   ! param!
1604           ywidfire = 20.                       ! N-S length in m   ! param!
1605           xwidfire = 10.  ! 4                  ! W-E width in m    ! param!
1606 !         xwidfire = dxf * .01                 ! narrow line, 1 cm ! param!
1608 ! ----- following is check on width - must be within 2*DXF as coded
1609           IF (xwidfire  >=  2.*dxf) xwidfire = 2.*dxf
1611 ! ----- width of fire line in non-dim lenth
1612           xwd = xwidfire/dxf * .5 
1614 ! ----- N-S length fire line in fuel cells
1615           iym = INT(ywidfire/dyf)
1617 ! ----- length of end pieces
1618           ywd = (ywidfire - FLOAT(iym)*dyf)/dyf/2.
1619           ywd = MAX(ywd,2.*ep)
1621 ! ----- Location.....
1622           j1 = jj - (iym/2)
1623           j2 = j1 + iym
1624           i1 = ii
1625           i2 = i1 + 1
1627 ! ----- fire length in m = (j2-j1)*dyf or (i2-i1)*dxf
1629           IF (iym > 0) THEN    !fire line longer than one fuel cell 
1630              DO j = j1,j2
1631                 tign_g(i1,j) = time
1632                 tign_g(i2,j) = time
1633                 nfl(i1,j) = 1
1634                 nfl(i2,j) = 1
1635                 xfg(i1,j,1) = +.5 - xwd  ! left half of fire line
1636                 xfg(i1,j,2) = +.5
1637                 xfg(i1,j,3) = +.5 - xwd
1638                 xfg(i1,j,4) = +.5
1639                 yfg(i1,j,1) = -.5
1640                 yfg(i1,j,2) = -.5
1641                 yfg(i1,j,3) = +.5
1642                 yfg(i1,j,4) = +.5
1643                 xfg(i2,j,1) = -.5        ! right half of fire line
1644                 xfg(i2,j,2) = -.5 + xwd
1645                 xfg(i2,j,3) = -.5
1646                 xfg(i2,j,4) = -.5 + xwd
1647                 yfg(i2,j,1) = -.5
1648                 yfg(i2,j,2) = -.5
1649                 yfg(i2,j,3) = +.5
1650                 yfg(i2,j,4) = +.5
1651              END DO
1652              nfl_max = nfl_max + 1
1653           END IF                          !fire line longer than one fuel cell 
1655           IF (iym == 0)  j2 = j1 - 1
1657           tign_g(i1,j2+1) = time
1658           tign_g(i2,j2+1) = time
1659           tign_g(i1,j1-1) = time
1660           tign_g(i2,j1-1) = time
1661           nfl(i1,j2+1) = 1
1662           nfl(i2,j2+1) = 1
1663           nfl(i1,j1-1) = 1
1664           nfl(i2,j1-1) = 1
1665           nfl_max = nfl_max + 4
1667           xfg(i1,j2+1,1) = +.5 - xwd
1668           xfg(i1,j2+1,2) = +.5
1669           xfg(i1,j2+1,3) = +.5 - xwd*.5
1670           xfg(i1,j2+1,4) = +.5
1671           yfg(i1,j2+1,1) = -.5
1672           yfg(i1,j2+1,2) = -.5
1673           yfg(i1,j2+1,3) = -.5 + ywd*.5
1674           yfg(i1,j2+1,4) = -.5 + ywd
1676           xfg(i2,j2+1,1) = -.5
1677           xfg(i2,j2+1,2) = -.5 + xwd
1678           xfg(i2,j2+1,3) = -.5
1679           xfg(i2,j2+1,4) = -.5 + xwd*.5
1680           yfg(i2,j2+1,1) = -.5
1681           yfg(i2,j2+1,2) = -.5
1682           yfg(i2,j2+1,3) = -.5 + ywd
1683           yfg(i2,j2+1,4) = -.5 + ywd*.5
1685           xfg(i1,j1-1,1) = +.5 - xwd*.5
1686           xfg(i1,j1-1,2) = +.5
1687           xfg(i1,j1-1,3) = +.5 - xwd
1688           xfg(i1,j1-1,4) = +.5
1689           yfg(i1,j1-1,1) = +.5 - ywd*.5
1690           yfg(i1,j1-1,2) = +.5 - ywd
1691           yfg(i1,j1-1,3) = +.5
1692           yfg(i1,j1-1,4) = +.5
1694           xfg(i2,j1-1,1) = -.5
1695           xfg(i2,j1-1,2) = -.5 + xwd*.5
1696           xfg(i2,j1-1,3) = -.5
1697           xfg(i2,j1-1,4) = -.5 + xwd
1698           yfg(i2,j1-1,1) = +.5 - ywd
1699           yfg(i2,j1-1,2) = +.5 - ywd*.5
1700           yfg(i2,j1-1,3) = +.5
1701           yfg(i2,j1-1,4) = +.5
1703       END IF                         !line fire
1705 !  ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1707       IF (ishape == 2) THEN          !windmill fire
1709          nxmm = (ide-ids+1)-2
1710          nymm = (jde-jds+1)-2
1712          iym = 14
1713          j1 = 2 + nfry*(nymm/2-iym-1)
1714          j2 = 1 + nfry*(1+nymm/2+iym)
1715          ixm = 14
1716          i1 = 2 + nfrx*(nxmm/2-ixm-1)
1717          i2 = 1 + nfrx*(1+nxmm/2+ixm)
1719 ! ----- Straight line fire
1720 !        iym = 10
1721 !        j1 = 2 + nfry*(nymm/2-iym-1)
1722 !        j2 = 1 + nfry*(1+nymm/2+iym)
1723 !        ixm = 1
1724 !        i1 = 2 + nfrx*(nxmm/2-ixm-1)
1725 !        i2 = 1 + nfrx*(1+nxmm/2+ixm)
1726          i = 1 + nfrx*nxmm/2
1728          xmax = FLOAT(nxmm/2)*dx
1729          ymax = FLOAT(nymm/2)*dy
1730          rmax = SQRT(xmax**2+ymax**2)
1731          alpha = +4.*FLOAT(nxmm)/60.
1733          jsm = (nymm/2)*nfry
1734          jsp = (nymm/2)*nfry+3
1735          jsm = jsm - 2
1736          jsp = jsp + 2
1738          DO j = j1,j2
1739 !           IF (j == (nymm/2)*nfry+1 .OR. j == (nymm/2)*nfry+2) GO TO 801
1740             IF (j >= jsm+1 .AND. j <= jsp-1) GO TO 801
1741             tign_g(i,j) = time
1742             tign_g(i+1,j) = time
1743             xfg(i,j,1) = +.25
1744             xfg(i,j,2) = +.50
1745             xfg(i,j,3) = +.25
1746             xfg(i,j,4) = +.50
1747             yfg(i,j,1) = -.5
1748             yfg(i,j,2) = -.5
1749             yfg(i,j,3) = +.5
1750             yfg(i,j,4) = +.5
1751             xfg(i+1,j,1) = -.50
1752             xfg(i+1,j,2) = -.25
1753             xfg(i+1,j,3) = -.50
1754             xfg(i+1,j,4) = -.25
1755             yfg(i+1,j,1) = -.5
1756             yfg(i+1,j,2) = -.5
1757             yfg(i+1,j,3) = +.5
1758             yfg(i+1,j,4) = +.5
1759          END DO
1761  801     CONTINUE
1763          yfg(i+1,jsp,1) = -.25
1764          yfg(i+1,jsp,2) = -.25
1765          yfg(i  ,jsp,1) = -.25
1766          yfg(i  ,jsp,2) = -.25
1767          yfg(i+1,jsm,3) = +.25
1768          yfg(i+1,jsm,4) = +.25
1769          yfg(i  ,jsm,3) = +.25
1770          yfg(i  ,jsm,4) = +.25
1772          y = (j2-((jfde-jfds+1)-2)/2-1.5)*dyf   !grid center
1773          spd = alpha*ABS(y)/rmax
1774          ss = 0.018*EXP(.8424*spd)    ! why Macarthur in here?
1775          dyp = (0.018*dxf)/(ss*dyf)
1776          dyp = SIGN(1.,alpha)*dyp
1778          yfg(i+1,j2,3) = +.25
1779          yfg(i+1,j2,4) = +.25 - .5*dyp
1780          yfg(i  ,j2,3) = +.25 + .5*dyp
1781          yfg(i  ,j2,4) = +.25
1783          yfg(i+1,j1,1) = -.25
1784          yfg(i+1,j1,2) = -.25 - .5*dyp
1785          yfg(i  ,j1,1) = -.25 + .5*dyp
1786          yfg(i  ,j1,2) = -.25
1788 ! ----- FIRE WIDTH = .01*dyf
1789          j = 1 + nfry*nymm/2
1790          ism = (nxmm/2)*nfrx
1791          isp = (nxmm/2)*nfrx+3
1792          ism = ism - 2
1793          isp = isp + 2
1795          DO i = i1,i2
1796 !           IF (i == (nxmm/2)*nfrx+1 .OR. i == (nxmm/2)*nfrx+2) GO TO 799
1797             IF (i >= ism+1 .AND. i <= isp-1) GO TO 799
1798             tign_g(i,j) = time
1799             tign_g(i,j+1) = time
1800             xfg(i,j,1) = -.5
1801             xfg(i,j,2) = +.5
1802             xfg(i,j,3) = -.5
1803             xfg(i,j,4) = +.5
1804             yfg(i,j,1) = +.25
1805             yfg(i,j,2) = +.25
1806             yfg(i,j,3) = +.50
1807             yfg(i,j,4) = +.50
1809             xfg(i,j+1,1) = -.5
1810             xfg(i,j+1,2) = +.5
1811             xfg(i,j+1,3) = -.5
1812             xfg(i,j+1,4) = +.5
1813             yfg(i,j+1,1) = -.50
1814             yfg(i,j+1,2) = -.50
1815             yfg(i,j+1,3) = -.25
1816             yfg(i,j+1,4) = -.25
1817          END DO
1819   799    CONTINUE
1821 ! ---- EGP need to make sure only the grid that contains
1822 !       the fire center gets set
1824          x = (i2-(nfrx*(ifde-ifds+1)-2)/2-1.5)*dxf   !grid center
1825          spd = alpha*ABS(x)/rmax
1826          ss = 0.018*EXP(.8424*spd)    ! why Macarthur in here?
1827          dxp = (0.018*dyf)/(ss*dxf)
1828          dxp = SIGN(1.,alpha)*dxp
1830          xfg(i1,j+1,3) = -.25 + .5*dxp
1831          xfg(i1,j+1,1) = -.25
1832          xfg(i1,j  ,3) = -.25
1833          xfg(i1,j  ,1) = -.25 - .5*dxp
1835 !        ism = (nxmm/2)*nfrx
1836 !        isp = (nxmm/2)*nfrx + 3
1837          xfg(ism,j+1,4) = +.25
1838          xfg(ism,j+1,2) = +.25
1839          xfg(ism,j  ,4) = +.25
1840          xfg(ism,j  ,2) = +.25
1841          xfg(isp,j+1,3) = -.25
1842          xfg(isp,j+1,1) = -.25
1843          xfg(isp,j  ,3) = -.25
1844          xfg(isp,j  ,1) = -.25
1846          xfg(i2,j+1,4) = +.25 + .5*dxp
1847          xfg(i2,j+1,2) = +.25
1848          xfg(i2,j  ,4) = +.25
1849          xfg(i2,j  ,2) = +.25 - .5*dxp
1850       END IF                         ! END ishape=2, windmill fire
1852       tignm = time
1854    END IF                       ! iof=2
1856    RETURN
1858 END SUBROUTINE fire_init
1860 ! =========================================================================
1862 SUBROUTINE fire_stat(iffg,dt,time,                    &  ! incoming
1863                      zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,  &
1864                      ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,       &
1865                      ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,       &
1866                      its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,       &
1867                      ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
1868                      if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,         &
1869                      nfrx,nfry,                       &
1870                      nfl,nfl_t,tign_g,tign_crt,       &  ! inout
1871                      area,area2,xfg,yfg,              &
1872                      ixb,iyb,icn)                        ! out
1874 ! --- if iffg > 0, this routine resets all the variables
1875 !     defining the fire line, updates the locations of
1876 !     the fire line, and ignites any cells fully surrounded
1877 !     fire
1881 ! ----- incoming variables
1883    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
1884    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
1885    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
1886    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
1887    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
1888    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
1890    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: iffg
1892    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: dt,time
1894    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme )      :: zs
1895    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: xcd,ycd
1896    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: xcn,ycn
1897    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: sprdx,sprdy
1899 ! ----- inout variables
1901    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nfl,nfl_t
1903    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )    :: tign_g,tign_crt
1904    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )    :: area,area2
1905    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )  :: xfg,yfg
1907 ! ----- outgoing variables
1909    INTEGER, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
1911 ! ----- local variables
1913    INTEGER :: i,j,it
1914    INTEGER :: i1,j1
1915    INTEGER :: nct,icls
1916    INTEGER :: ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
1917    INTEGER :: inxt,inyt
1918    INTEGER :: is,js,iss,jss
1919    INTEGER :: iod
1920    INTEGER :: isum,jsum
1921    INTEGER :: itest
1922    INTEGER :: itot
1923    INTEGER :: ita,itb,itc
1925    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nc,icl,islsum
1927    REAL :: x1,y1
1928    REAL :: x2,y2
1929    REAL :: x3,y3
1930    REAL :: x4,y4
1931    REAL :: an
1932    REAL :: t1
1933    REAL :: xavg,yavg
1934    REAL :: xfg_a,yfg_a
1936    REAL, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: tmp
1938 ! ----- when deriving fireline coordinates we always keep the fire to our left
1940    DO j = jf_st,jf_en
1941    DO i = if_st,if_en
1942       DO it = 1,4
1943          ixb(i,j,it) = INT(ABS(xfg(i,j,it)-xlm(it)) /  &
1944                           (ABS(xfg(i,j,it)-xlm(it)) + ep) + .5 - ep)
1945          iyb(i,j,it) = INT(ABS(yfg(i,j,it)-ylm(it)) /  &
1946                           (ABS(yfg(i,j,it)-ylm(it)) + ep) + .5 - ep)
1947          icn(i,j,it) = 1 + ixb(i,j,it)*iyb(i,j,it) - ixb(i,j,it) - iyb(i,j,it)
1948       END DO
1949    END DO
1950    END DO
1952    IF (iffg > 0) THEN    ! iffg > 0
1954       DO j = jf_st,jf_en
1955       DO i = if_st,if_en
1956          nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
1957          icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4)         &
1958                   + iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)
1959          tmp(i,j) = .5 * ((xfg(i,j,4)-xfg(i,j,1)) * (yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,2))   &
1960                         + (yfg(i,j,4)-yfg(i,j,1)) * (xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3)))
1961       END DO
1962       END DO
1964       DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
1965       DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
1967          IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN     !NFL=1  LOOP
1969             nct = nc(i,j)
1970             icls = icl(i,j)
1972             IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN  !3/1 TREATMENT
1974 ! ----- natural triangle is (x1,x2) (x2,y2), (x3,y3)
1976                ic1 = 10 - icn(i,j,1) - 2*icn(i,j,2) - 3*icn(i,j,3) - 4*icn(i,j,4)
1977                x1 = xlm(ic1)
1978                y1 = ylm(ic1)
1979                x2 = xfg(i,j,ic1)
1980                y2 = yfg(i,j,ic1)
1982                ic3 = (1 - icn(i,j,1))*(2 + ixb(i,j,1))    &
1983                    + (1 - icn(i,j,2))*(1 + 3*ixb(i,j,2))  &
1984                    + (1 - icn(i,j,3))*(4 - 3*ixb(i,j,3))  &
1985                    + (1 - icn(i,j,4))*(3 - ixb(i,j,4)) 
1986                x3 = xlm(ic3)
1987                y3 = ylm(ic3)
1989                inxt = (1 - ixb(i,j,ic1))*(          & ! 0=no virt, 1=virt x-coord
1990                   (1-icn(i,j,1)) * (1-iyb(i,j-1,3)) +  &
1991                   (1-icn(i,j,2)) * (1-iyb(i,j-1,4)) +  &
1992                   (1-icn(i,j,3)) * (1-iyb(i,j+1,1)) +  &
1993                   (1-icn(i,j,4)) * (1-iyb(i,j+1,2)) )
1995                x3 = FLOAT(1-inxt)*x3 + FLOAT(inxt)*(   &
1996                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,1)) * xfg(i,j-1,3)+  &
1997                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,2)) * xfg(i,j-1,4)+  &
1998                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,3)) * xfg(i,j+1,1)+  &
1999                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,4)) * xfg(i,j+1,2))
2001                inyt = ixb(i,j,ic1)*(                & ! 0=no virt, 1=virt y-coord
2002                   (1-icn(i,j,1)) * (1-ixb(i-1,j,2)) +  &
2003                   (1-icn(i,j,2)) * (1-ixb(i+1,j,1)) +  &
2004                   (1-icn(i,j,3)) * (1-ixb(i-1,j,4)) +  &
2005                   (1-icn(i,j,4)) * (1-ixb(i+1,j,3)) )
2007                y3 = FLOAT(1-inyt)*y3 + FLOAT(inyt) * ( &
2008                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,1))*yfg(i-1,j,2) +   &
2009                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,2))*yfg(i+1,j,1) +   &
2010                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,3))*yfg(i-1,j,4) +   &
2011                   FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,4))*yfg(i+1,j,3) )
2013                tmp(i,j) = 1. - .5*ABS((x2-x1)*(y3-y1)) - .5*ABS((y2-y1)*(x3-x1))
2015                IF (tmp(i,j)  >  1.-ep) THEN
2016                   IF (iffg == 1) tmp(i,j) = 1. - 2.*ep   !test
2018                   xfg(i,j-1,3) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,1))*xfg(i,j-1,3)+  & 
2019                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,1))*xlm(3)   
2020                   xfg(i,j-1,4) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,2))*xfg(i,j-1,4)+  &
2021                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,2))*xlm(4)   
2022                   xfg(i,j+1,1) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,3))*xfg(i,j+1,1)+  & 
2023                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,3))*xlm(1)   
2024                   xfg(i,j+1,2) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,4))*xfg(i,j+1,2)+  & 
2025                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,4))*xlm(2)   
2027                   yfg(i-1,j,2) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,1))*yfg(i-1,j,2)+  & 
2028                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,1))*ylm(2)   
2029                   yfg(i+1,j,1) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,2))*yfg(i+1,j,1)+  & 
2030                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,2))*ylm(1)   
2031                   yfg(i-1,j,4) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,3))*yfg(i-1,j,4)+  & 
2032                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,3))*ylm(4)   
2033                   yfg(i+1,j,3) = FLOAT(icn(i,j,4))*yfg(i+1,j,3)+  & 
2034                                  FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,4))*ylm(3)   
2036                END IF
2037             END IF                            !3/1 TREATMENT
2039             IF (nct == 2 .AND. icls == 3) THEN    !2/3 TREATMENT
2041 ! ----- We convert 2/3's to 2/2's because code has no treatment
2042 !       for 2/3's, i.e. it is an unecessary class.
2043 !      IC1 and IC2 are indices of the two corners
2044 !      IC3 is index of point to be moved to near IC1 corner.
2046                ic1 = 1*icn(i,j,1)*(ixb(i,j,3)+iyb(i,j,2)) + &
2047                      2*icn(i,j,2)*(ixb(i,j,4)+iyb(i,j,1)) + &
2048                      3*icn(i,j,3)*(ixb(i,j,1)+iyb(i,j,4)) + &
2049                      4*icn(i,j,4)*(ixb(i,j,2)+iyb(i,j,3))
2051                ic2 = 1*icn(i,j,1)*ixb(i,j,4)*iyb(i,j,4) + &
2052                      2*icn(i,j,2)*ixb(i,j,3)*iyb(i,j,3) + &
2053                      3*icn(i,j,3)*ixb(i,j,2)*iyb(i,j,2) + &
2054                      4*icn(i,j,4)*ixb(i,j,1)*iyb(i,j,1)
2056                ic3 =  ixb(i,j,1)*iyb(i,j,1) + &
2057                     2*ixb(i,j,2)*iyb(i,j,2) + &
2058                     3*ixb(i,j,3)*iyb(i,j,3) + &
2059                     4*ixb(i,j,4)*iyb(i,j,4)
2061                ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
2063                is = i + (1-ixb(i,j,ic4))*INT((1.+ep)*(xfg(i,j,ic1)-xfg(i,j,ic4)))
2064                js = j +    ixb(i,j,ic4) *INT((1.+ep)*(yfg(i,j,ic1)-yfg(i,j,ic4)))
2066                xfg(i,j,ic3) = FLOAT(iyb(i,j,ic4))*xlm(ic3) &
2067                    + FLOAT(1-iyb(i,j,ic4))* &
2068                       (FLOAT(1-nfl(i,js)*ixb(i,js,ic4))* &
2069                       (xlm(ic1)+SIGN(2.*ep,xfg(i,j,ic3)-xfg(i,j,ic1)))     &
2070 !                  + nfl(i,js)*ixb(i,js,ic4)*xfg(i,js,ic4))        & !old version
2071                  + nfl(i,js)*ixb(i,js,ic4)*((1-iyb(i,js,ic4))*xfg(i,js,ic4) &!test
2072                  + iyb(i,js,ic4)*(-xlm(ic3)+SIGN(2.*ep,xlm(ic3)))))
2074 !                ixb(i,j,ic3) = 1 - iyb(i,j,ic4)                    !old version
2075                ixb(i,j,ic3) = INT(ABS(xfg(i,j,ic3)-xlm(ic3))/     &
2076                                  (ABS(xfg(i,j,ic3)-xlm(ic3))+ep)+.5-ep)  !test 
2078                yfg(i,j,ic3) = FLOAT(ixb(i,j,ic4))*ylm(ic3)                  &
2079                  + FLOAT(1-ixb(i,j,ic4))*(FLOAT(1-nfl(is,j)*iyb(is,j,ic4))* &
2080                       (ylm(ic1)+SIGN(2.*ep,yfg(i,j,ic3)-yfg(i,j,ic1)))      &
2081 !                  + nfl(is,j)*iyb(is,j,ic4)*yfg(is,j,ic4))         &  !old version
2082                  + nfl(is,j)*iyb(is,j,ic4)*((1-ixb(is,j,ic4))*yfg(is,j,ic4) & !test
2083                  + ixb(is,j,ic4)*(-ylm(ic3)+SIGN(2.*ep,ylm(ic3)))))
2085 !                iyb(i,j,ic3) = 1 - ixb(i,j,ic4)                     !old version
2086                iyb(i,j,ic3) = INT(ABS(yfg(i,j,ic3)-ylm(ic3))/      &
2087                                  (ABS(yfg(i,j,ic3)-ylm(ic3))+ep)+.5-ep)  !test
2089                tmp(i,j) = .5*((xfg(i,j,4)-xfg(i,j,1))*(yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,2)) &
2090                              +(yfg(i,j,4)-yfg(i,j,1))*(xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3)))
2092                IF (nfl(is,js) == 0) THEN
2093                   xfg(is,js,ic2) = xlm(ic2)
2094                   yfg(is,js,ic2) = ylm(ic2)
2095                   xfg(is,js,ic4) = FLOAT(1-iyb(i,j,ic3))*xfg(i,j,ic3) &
2096                                  + FLOAT(  iyb(i,j,ic3))*xlm(ic4)
2097                   yfg(is,js,ic4) = FLOAT(  iyb(i,j,ic3))*yfg(i,j,ic3) &
2098                                  + FLOAT(1-iyb(i,j,ic3))*ylm(ic4)
2100                   iss = is + INT(SIGN(1.,xfg(i,j,ic2)-xfg(i,j,ic4)))  &
2101                                * (1-iyb(i,j,ic3))
2102                   jss = js + INT(SIGN(1.,yfg(i,j,ic2)-yfg(i,j,ic4)))  &
2103                                *    iyb(i,j,ic3)
2105 !                   PRINT *,'debug STAT 23 CONVERSION I J=',i,j
2106 !                   PRINT *,'debug IS JS ISS JSS=',is,js,iss,jss
2108                   xfg(is,js,ic1) = FLOAT(1-iyb(i,j,ic3))*xlm(ic1)    &
2109                     + FLOAT(iyb(i,j,ic3))*(                          &
2110                         FLOAT(nfl(iss,jss)*(1-iyb(iss,jss,ic3)))     &
2111                        * xfg(iss,jss,ic3)                            &
2112                        + FLOAT(1-nfl(iss,jss)*(1-iyb(iss,jss,ic3)))* &
2113                            (xlm(ic2)+2.*ep*SIGN(1.,xfg(i,j,ic1)-xfg(i,j,ic2))))
2115                   yfg(is,js,ic1) = FLOAT(iyb(i,j,ic3))*ylm(ic1)      &
2116                     + FLOAT(1-iyb(i,j,ic3))*(                        &
2117                        FLOAT(nfl(iss,jss)*(1-ixb(iss,jss,ic3)))      &
2118                       * yfg(iss,jss,ic3)                             &
2119                       + FLOAT(1-nfl(iss,jss)*(1-ixb(iss,jss,ic3)))*  &
2120                            (ylm(ic2)+2.*ep*SIGN(1.,yfg(i,j,ic1)-yfg(i,j,ic2))))
2122                   xfg(is,js,ic3) = .5*(xfg(is,js,ic1)+xfg(is,js,ic4))
2123                   yfg(is,js,ic3) = .5*(yfg(is,js,ic1)+yfg(is,js,ic4))
2125                   nfl(is,js) = 1
2126                   tign_g(is,js) = time
2128 !                 PRINT *,'debug XFG(IS,JS=',(XFG(IS,JS,IT),IT=1,4)
2129 !                 PRINT *,'debug YFG(IS,JS=',(YFG(IS,JS,IT),IT=1,4)
2130 !                 PRINT *,'debug IC1 IC2 IC3 IC4=',IC1,IC2,IC3,IC4
2132                END IF
2133             END IF                              !2/3 TREATMENT
2135             IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 2) THEN    !3/2 TREATMENT
2137                ic1 = 1*(ixb(i,j,1)*iyb(i,j,1)) + &
2138                      2*(ixb(i,j,2)*iyb(i,j,2)) + &
2139                      3*(ixb(i,j,3)*iyb(i,j,3)) + &
2140                      4*(ixb(i,j,4)*iyb(i,j,4))
2141                ic2 = 10 - icn(i,j,1) - 2*icn(i,j,2) - 3*icn(i,j,3) - 4*icn(i,j,4)
2143                x1 = xfg(i,j,ic1)
2144                y1 = yfg(i,j,ic1)
2145                x2 = xlm(ic2)
2146                y2 = ylm(ic2)
2148                iod = ic1 - 2*(ic1/2)
2149                ic3 = ic1 - 1 + 2*iod
2150                ic4 = 6 - ic1 - 2*iod
2151                is = i + 1 - 2*iod
2152                js = j - 1 + 2*(ic1/3)
2154                x3 = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,js)*ixb(i,js,ic4))*xlm(ic3) +        &
2155                     FLOAT(  nfl(i,js)*ixb(i,js,ic4))*xfg(i,js,ic4)
2156                y3 = ylm(ic3)
2157                x4 = xlm(ic4)
2158                y4 = FLOAT(1-nfl(is,j)*iyb(is,j,ic3))*ylm(ic4) +        &
2159                     FLOAT(  nfl(is,j)*iyb(is,j,ic3))*yfg(is,j,ic3)
2161                tmp(i,j) = 1. - .5*(ABS((x2-x1)*(y3-y4)) + ABS((y2-y1)*(x4-x3)))
2163             END IF                              !3/2 TREATMENT
2165          END IF                      !NFL=1  LOOP
2167       END DO
2168       END DO
2170       IF (iffg == 1) THEN    ! iffg == 1
2172          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2173          DO i = if_st,if_en
2174             area(i,j) = tmp(i,j)
2175          END DO
2176          END DO
2178       END IF                 ! iffg == 1
2180       IF(IFFG == 2) THEN    !IFFG == 2
2182 ! --- locate and ignite any totally boundary enclosed regions, i.e. where
2183 !     nfl=1 everywhere within a closed burning contour. We only consider
2184 !     regions with area less than 1.-ep
2186          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2187          DO i = if_st,if_en
2188             an = .5*((xfg(i,j,4)-xfg(i,j,1))*(yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,2))  &
2189                    + (yfg(i,j,4)-yfg(i,j,1))*(xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3)))
2190             nfl_t(i,j) = INT((ep+tign_g(i,j)+ABS(ep+tign_g(i,j)))/    &
2191                   (2.*ABS(tign_g(i,j))+2.*ep)+.5)    
2192             nfl(i,j) = nfl_t(i,j) * (1 - INT(an+ep))
2193          END DO
2194          END DO
2196          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2197          DO i = if_st,if_en
2198             DO it = 1,4
2199                ixb(i,j,it) = INT(ABS(xfg(i,j,it)-xlm(it))/  &
2200                              (ABS(xfg(i,j,it)-xlm(it)) + ep) + .5 - ep)
2201                iyb(i,j,it) = INT(ABS(yfg(i,j,it)-ylm(it))/  &
2202                              (ABS(yfg(i,j,it)-ylm(it)) + ep) + .5 - ep)
2203                icn(i,j,it) = 1 + ixb(i,j,it)*iyb(i,j,it)    &
2204                                - ixb(i,j,it) - iyb(i,j,it)
2205             END DO
2206          END DO
2207          END DO
2209          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2210          DO i = if_st,if_en
2211             nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
2212             icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) +  &
2213                        iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)         
2214          END DO
2215          END DO
2217          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2218          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2220             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN     !NFL=1
2221                islsum(i,j) =                                              &
2222                   INT((tign_g(i+1,j) + ABS(tign_g(i+1,j)) +  2.*ep)/      &
2223                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i+1,j)) + 1.5*ep)) +    &
2224                   INT((tign_g(i-1,j) + ABS(tign_g(i-1,j)) +  2.*ep)/      &
2225                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i-1,j)) + 1.5*ep)) +    &
2226                   INT((tign_g(i,j+1) + ABS(tign_g(i,j+1)) +  2.*ep)/      &
2227                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i,j+1)) + 1.5*ep)) +    &
2228                   INT((tign_g(i,j-1) + ABS(tign_g(i,j-1)) +  2.*ep)/      &
2229                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i,j-1)) + 1.5*ep)) +    &
2230                   INT((tign_g(i+1,j+1)+ABS(tign_g(i+1,j+1)) +  2.*ep)/    &
2231                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i+1,j+1)) + 1.5*ep)) +  &
2232                   INT((tign_g(i-1,j+1)+ABS(tign_g(i-1,j+1)) +  2.*ep)/    &
2233                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i-1,j+1)) + 1.5*ep)) +  &
2234                   INT((tign_g(i+1,j-1)+ABS(tign_g(i+1,j-1)) +  2.*ep)/    &
2235                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i+1,j-1)) + 1.5*ep)) +  &
2236                   INT((tign_g(i-1,j-1)+ABS(tign_g(i-1,j-1)) +  2.*ep)/    &
2237                                    (2.*ABS(tign_g(i-1,j-1)) + 1.5*ep))
2238             END IF                       ! nfl=1
2239          END DO
2240          END DO
2242          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2243          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2245             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN     !NFL=1
2247                isum = islsum(i,j)
2249                IF (isum == 8) THEN         !ISUM=8
2251                   itest = 1
2253                   IF (nc(i,j) == 1 .AND. icl(i,j) == 4) THEN        !1/4 treatment
2254 ! ----- test for threat of second ignition (itest=0 is necessary to continue)
2255                   itest=(1-icn(i,j,1))*(icn(i-1,j,2)+icn(i-1,j-1,4)+icn(i,j-1,3)) &
2256                        +(1-icn(i,j,2))*(icn(i+1,j,1)+icn(i+1,j-1,3)+icn(i,j-1,4)) &
2257                        +(1-icn(i,j,3))*(icn(i-1,j,4)+icn(i-1,j+1,2)+icn(i,j+1,1)) &
2258                        +(1-icn(i,j,4))*(icn(i+1,j,3)+icn(i+1,j+1,1)+icn(i,j+1,2))
2259                   END IF                                             !1/4 treatment
2261                   IF (itest > 0) THEN
2262 !!                   nfl(i,j) = 0
2263                      area2(i,j) = 1.
2264                      DO it = 1,4
2265                         ixb(i,j,it) = 0
2266                         iyb(i,j,it) = 0
2267                         icn(i,j,it) = 1
2268                         xfg(i,j,it) = xlm(it)
2269                         yfg(i,j,it) = ylm(it)
2270                      END DO
2271                   END IF                ! itest > 0
2272                END IF                   ! isum = 8
2273             END IF                      ! nfl = 1
2274          END DO
2275          END DO
2277          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2278          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2279             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN     ! nfl=1
2280                isum = islsum(i,j)
2281                IF (isum == 8) THEN      ! isum = 8
2282                   itest = 1
2284                   IF (nc(i,j) == 2 .AND. icl(i,j) == 2) THEN     ! 2/2 treatment
2285                      IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2) itest=            &
2286                         (icn(i-1,j,4)+icn(i-1,j+1,2)+icn(i,j+1,1))     &
2287                       + (icn(i+1,j,3)+icn(i+1,j+1,1)+icn(i,j+1,2))
2288                      IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) itest=            &
2289                         (icn(i-1,j,2)+icn(i-1,j-1,4)+icn(i,j-1,3))     &
2290                       + (icn(i+1,j,1)+icn(i+1,j-1,3)+icn(i,j-1,4))
2291                      IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2) itest=            &
2292                         (icn(i+1,j,1)+icn(i+1,j-1,3)+icn(i,j-1,4))     &
2293                       + (icn(i+1,j,3)+icn(i+1,j+1,1)+icn(i,j+1,2))
2294                      IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) itest=            &
2295                         (icn(i-1,j,2)+icn(i-1,j-1,4)+icn(i,j-1,3))     &
2296                       + (icn(i-1,j,4)+icn(i-1,j+1,2)+icn(i,j+1,1))
2297                   END IF                                          ! 2/2 treatment
2299                   IF (itest > 0) THEN
2300 !                    itot = itot + 1
2301 !!                   nfl(i,j) = 0
2302                      area2(i,j) = 1.
2303                      DO it = 1,4
2304                         ixb(i,j,it) = 0
2305                         iyb(i,j,it) = 0
2306                         icn(i,j,it) = 1
2307                         xfg(i,j,it) = xlm(it)
2308                         yfg(i,j,it) = ylm(it)
2309                      END DO
2310                   END IF                ! itest > 0
2311                END IF                   ! isum = 8
2312             END IF                      ! nfl = 1
2313          END DO
2314          END DO
2316          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2317          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2319             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN     !NFL=1
2321                isum = islsum(i,j)
2323                IF (isum == 8) THEN         !ISUM=8
2325                   itest = 1
2327                   IF (nc(i,j) == 3 .AND. icl(i,j) == 1) THEN      !3/1 treatment
2329                      ic1 = 10-icn(i,j,1)-2*icn(i,j,2)-3*icn(i,j,3)-4*icn(i,j,4)
2331                      IF (ic1 == 1) THEN
2332                         itest = (1-icn(i,j,ic1)) *                       &
2333                             (icn(i-1,j,2)+icn(i-1,j-1,4) + icn(i,j-1,3)  &
2334                            + icn(i,j-1,1)*iyb(i,j-1,3) +                 &
2335                                           icn(i-1,j,1)*ixb(i,j-1,2)      &
2336                            + icn(i,j-1,2)*icn(i-1,j-1,2)*iyb(i,j,1)      &
2337                            + icn(i-1,j,3)*icn(i-1,j-1,3)*ixb(i,j,1))
2338                      END IF
2340                      IF (ic1 == 2) THEN
2341                         itest = (1-icn(i,j,ic1)) *                       &
2342                             (icn(i+1,j,1)+icn(i+1,j-1,3)+icn(i,j-1,4)    &
2343                            + icn(i,j-1,2)*iyb(i,j-1,4)+                  &
2344                                           icn(i+1,j,2)*ixb(i,j-1,1)      &
2345                            + icn(i,j-1,1)*icn(i+1,j-1,1)*iyb(i,j,2)      &
2346                            + icn(i+1,j,4)*icn(i+1,j-1,4)*ixb(i,j,2))
2347                      END IF
2349                      IF (ic1 == 3) THEN
2350                         itest = (1-icn(i,j,ic1)) *                       &
2351                            (icn(i-1,j,4)+icn(i-1,j+1,2)+icn(i,j+1,1)     &
2352                           + icn(i,j+1,3)*iyb(i,j+1,1) +                  &
2353                                          icn(i-1,j,3) * ixb(i-1,j,4)     &
2354                           + icn(i,j+1,4)*icn(i-1,j+1,4)*iyb(i,j,3)       &
2355                           + icn(i-1,j,1)*icn(i-1,j+1,1)*ixb(i,j,3))      
2356                      END IF
2358                      IF (ic1 == 4) THEN
2359                         itest = (1-icn(i,j,ic1)) *                       &
2360                           (icn(i+1,j,3)+icn(i+1,j+1,1)+icn(i,j+1,2)      &
2361                           + icn(i,j+1,4)*iyb(i,j+1,2)+                   &
2362                                          icn(i+1,j,4)*ixb(i+1,j,3)       &
2363                           + icn(i,j+1,3)*icn(i+1,j+1,3)*iyb(i,j,4)       &
2364                           + icn(i+1,j,2)*icn(i+1,j+1,2)*ixb(i,j,4))
2365                      END IF
2367                   END IF                                           !3/1 treatment
2369                   IF (itest > 0) THEN
2370                      area2(i,j) = 1.
2371                      DO it = 1,4
2372                         ixb(i,j,it) = 0
2373                         iyb(i,j,it) = 0
2374                         icn(i,j,it) = 1
2375                         xfg(i,j,it) = xlm(it)
2376                         yfg(i,j,it) = ylm(it)
2377                      END DO
2378                   END IF                ! itest > 0
2379                END IF                   ! ISUM = 8
2380             END IF                      ! NFL = 1
2381          END DO
2382          END DO
2384   ! --- here we are figuring out which cells define the fire line
2385   !
2386   !  if tign_g() > 0 then nfl() is set to 1 (this only tells us
2387   !  if the cell is on fire.  then we go find out whether our
2388   !  neighbors are on fire and whether their tracers are in the
2389   !  adjacent corner.  if all four neighboring cells are on fire
2390   !  and the tracers are in the corners nearest my current point,
2391   !  then we must be in an interior point, nfl()=0.  if all four 
2392   !  neighboring cells don't have tracers pushed to the corner near 
2393   !  me, then we must be at the edge of the fire, nfl() = 1.
2395          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2396          DO i = if_st,if_en
2397             nfl(i,j) = INT( (ep + tign_g(i,j) + ABS(ep + tign_g(i,j))) /   &
2398                                      (2.*ABS(tign_g(i,j))+2.*ep)+.5 )
2399             nfl_t(i,j) = (1 - INT(area(i,j) + ep))   !test
2400          END DO
2401          END DO
2403          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2404          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2405             nfl_t(i,j) = (1 - int(area(i,j) + ep - 2.*ep*                &
2406                (1. - FLOAT((                                             &
2407                        ((icn(i+1,j,1) + icn(i+1,j,3))/2)*nfl(i+1,j) +    &
2408                        ((icn(i-1,j,2) + icn(i-1,j,4))/2)*nfl(i-1,j) +    &
2409                        ((icn(i,j+1,1) + icn(i,j+1,2))/2)*nfl(i,j+1) +    &
2410                        ((icn(i,j-1,3) + icn(i,j-1,4))/2)*nfl(i,j-1)      &
2411                        )/4))))         !test
2412          END DO
2413          END DO
2415          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2416          DO i = if_st,if_en
2417             nfl(i,j) = nfl(i,j)*nfl_t(i,j)
2418          END DO
2419          END DO
2421         ! --- check on validity of 1/4's and 2/2's
2423          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2424          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2425             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN    !NFL=1
2426                nct  = icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4)
2427                icls = ixb(i,j,1)+ixb(i,j,2)+ixb(i,j,3)+ixb(i,j,4) +  &
2428                       iyb(i,j,1)+iyb(i,j,2)+iyb(i,j,3)+iyb(i,j,4)         
2430                ! --- check that 1/4 is logical
2432                IF (nct == 1 .AND. icls == 4) THEN  ! nct=1 icls=4 validity test
2434                   CALL fire_valid14(i,j,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ita,itb,itc,nc, &
2435                                     icl,xfg,yfg,ixb,iyb,icn,            &
2436                                     ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme)
2438                   IF (ita == 0 .AND. itb == 0 .AND. itc > 0) THEN
2439                      xfg(i,j,ic3) = xlm(ic3)
2440                      yfg(i,j,ic3) = ylm(ic3)
2441                      icn(i,j,ic3) = 1
2442                      ixb(i,j,ic3) = 0
2443                      iyb(i,j,ic3) = 0
2444                      xfg(i,j,ic4) = xlm(ic4)
2445                      yfg(i,j,ic4) = ylm(ic4)
2446                      icn(i,j,ic4) = 1
2447                      ixb(i,j,ic4) = 0
2448                      iyb(i,j,ic4) = 0
2450             ! ----- following call takes care of indexing order effects
2452                      IF (nc(i-1,j) == 1 .AND. icl(i-1,j) == 4 .AND. i > 2)  &
2453                         CALL fire_valid14(i-1,j,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ita,itb,itc,nc, &
2454                                          icl,xfg,yfg,ixb,iyb,icn,               &
2455                                          ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme)
2456                      IF (nc(i,j-1) == 1 .AND. icl(i,j-1) == 4 .AND. j > 2)  &
2457                         CALL fire_valid14(i,j-1,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ita,itb,itc,nc, &
2458                                          icl,xfg,yfg,ixb,iyb,icn,               &
2459                                          ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme)
2460                   END IF
2461                END IF                  ! NCT=1 ICLS=4 validity test
2462             END IF                     ! NFL=1
2463          END DO
2464          END DO
2466          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2467          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2468             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN    !NFL=1
2469                nct  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)     
2470                icls = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) + &
2471                       iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)         
2473                ! -- check on validity of 2/2's
2475                IF (nct == 2 .AND. icls == 2) THEN   !2/2 TESTING FOLLOWS
2476                   isum = nfl(i+1,j) + nfl(i-1,j) 
2478                   IF (iyb(i,j,1)+iyb(i,j,2) == 2 .AND. isum < 2) THEN
2479                      IF (nfl(i+1,j) == 0 .AND. area2(i+1,j) > 1.-ep) THEN
2480                         yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
2481                      END IF
2482                      IF (nfl(i-1,j) == 0 .AND. area2(i-1,j) > 1.-ep) THEN
2483                         yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
2484                      END IF
2485                   END IF
2487                   IF (iyb(i,j,3)+iyb(i,j,4) == 2 .AND. isum < 2) THEN
2488                      IF (nfl(i+1,j) == 0 .AND. area2(i+1,j) > 1.-ep) THEN
2489                         yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
2490                      END IF
2491                      IF (nfl(i-1,j) == 0 .AND. area2(i-1,j) > 1.-ep) THEN
2492                         yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
2493                      END IF
2494                   END IF
2496                   jsum = nfl(i,j+1) + nfl(i,j-1)
2497                   IF (ixb(i,j,1)+ixb(i,j,3) == 2 .AND. jsum < 2) THEN
2498                      IF (nfl(i,j+1) == 0 .AND. area2(i,j+1) > 1.-ep) THEN
2499                         xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
2500                      END IF
2501                      IF (nfl(i,j-1) == 0 .AND. area2(i,j-1) > 1.-ep) THEN
2502                         xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
2503                      END IF
2504                   END IF
2506                   IF (ixb(i,j,2)+ixb(i,j,4) == 2 .AND. jsum < 2) THEN
2507                      IF (nfl(i,j+1) == 0 .AND. area2(i,j+1) > 1.-ep) THEN
2508                         xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
2509                      END IF
2510                      IF (nfl(i,j-1) == 0 .AND. area2(i,j-1) > 1.-ep) THEN
2511                         xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
2512                      END IF
2513                   END IF
2514                END IF                             !2/2 TESTING ABOVE
2516               ! --- this portion of code was not active in the dand1 testing
2517               !     debug new code follows
2518                IF (nct == 3 .AND. (icls == 1 .OR. icls == 2)) THEN   ! 3/1 TESTING
2519                   ic2 = (1-icn(i,j,1)) + 2*(1-icn(i,j,2))   &
2520                     + 3*(1-icn(i,j,3)) + 4*(1-icn(i,j,4))
2521                   ic1 = 5 - ic2
2522                   ic3 = 2 - (ic1*ic2)/6
2523                   ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
2524                   t1 = ABS(ABS(xfg(i,j,ic2))-.5) + ABS(ABS(yfg(i,j,ic2))-.5)
2525                   IF (t1 < 10.*ep) THEN
2526                      PRINT *,'debug 3/1 to 3/2 conversion hit'
2527                      xfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,ic3)+xfg(i,j,ic4))
2528                      yfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,ic3)+yfg(i,j,ic4))
2529                      ixb(i,j,ic2) = 1
2530                      iyb(i,j,ic2) = 1
2531                   END IF
2532                END IF                 !3/1 TESTING FOLLOWS   
2533                !     debug new code above
2534                ! --- the above portion of code was not active in the dand1 testing
2536             END IF    !NFL=1
2537          END DO
2538          END DO
2540          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2541          DO i = if_st,if_en
2542             nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4)
2543             icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1)+ixb(i,j,2)+ixb(i,j,3)+ixb(i,j,4) +  &
2544                        iyb(i,j,1)+iyb(i,j,2)+iyb(i,j,3)+iyb(i,j,4)         
2545          END DO
2546          END DO
2548          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2549          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2551             IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN       !NFL=1
2553                nct = nc(i,j)
2554                icls = icl(i,j)
2556                ! --- align neighbors with 2/2s
2558                IF (nct == 2 .AND. icls == 2) THEN   !NCT=2 ICLS=2
2560                   IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2) THEN
2561                      IF (nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,2) == 1  &
2562                                     .AND. iyb(i,j+1,2) == 0) THEN
2563                         xavg = .5*(xfg(i,j+1,2)+xfg(i,j,4))
2564 !                       xavg = amax1(xfg(i,j+1,2),xfg(i,j,4))
2565                         xfg(i,j+1,2) = xavg
2566                         xfg(i,j,4) = xavg
2567                      END IF
2568                      IF (nc(i,j+1) == 4) xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
2569                      IF (nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,4) == 1  &
2570                                     .AND. iyb(i,j-1,4) == 0) THEN
2571                         xavg = .5*(xfg(i,j-1,4)+xfg(i,j,2))
2572 !                       xavg = amax1(xfg(i,j-1,4),xfg(i,j,2))
2573                         xfg(i,j-1,4) = xavg
2574                         xfg(i,j,2) = xavg
2575                      END IF
2576                      IF (nc(i,j-1) == 4) xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
2577                   END IF
2579                   IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN
2580                      IF (nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,1) == 1  &
2581                                     .AND. iyb(i,j+1,1) == 0) THEN
2582                         xavg = .5*(xfg(i,j+1,1)+xfg(i,j,3))
2583 !                       xavg = MIN(xfg(i,j+1,1),xfg(i,j,3))
2584                         xfg(i,j+1,1) = xavg
2585                         xfg(i,j,3) = xavg
2586                      END IF
2587                      IF (nc(i,j+1) == 4) xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
2588                      IF (nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,3) == 1  &
2589                                     .AND. iyb(i,j-1,3) == 0) THEN
2590                         xavg = .5*(xfg(i,j-1,3)+xfg(i,j,1))
2591 !                       xavg = MIN(xfg(i,j-1,3),xfg(i,j,1))
2592                         xfg(i,j-1,3) = xavg
2593                         xfg(i,j,1) = xavg
2594                      END IF
2595                      IF (nc(i,j-1) == 4) xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
2596                   END IF
2598                   IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2) THEN
2599                      IF (nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,3) == 1  &
2600                                     .AND. ixb(i+1,j,3) == 0) THEN
2601                         yavg = .5*(yfg(i+1,j,3)+yfg(i,j,4))
2602 !                       yavg = MAX(yfg(i+1,j,3),yfg(i,j,4))
2603                         yfg(i+1,j,3) = yavg
2604                         yfg(i,j,4) = yavg
2605                      END IF
2606                      IF (nc(i+1,j) == 4) yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
2607                      IF (nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,4) == 1  &
2608                                     .AND. ixb(i-1,j,4) == 0) THEN
2609                         yavg = .5*(yfg(i-1,j,4)+yfg(i,j,3))
2610 !                       yavg = MAX(yfg(i-1,j,4),yfg(i,j,3))
2611                         yfg(i-1,j,4) = yavg
2612                         yfg(i,j,3) = yavg
2613                      END IF
2614                      IF (nc(i-1,j) == 4) yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
2615                   END IF
2617                   IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN
2618                      IF (nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,1) == 1  &
2619                                     .AND. ixb(i+1,j,1) == 0) THEN
2620                         yavg = .5*(yfg(i+1,j,1)+yfg(i,j,2))
2621 !                       yavg = MIN(yfg(i+1,j,1),yfg(i,j,2))
2622                         yfg(i+1,j,1) = yavg
2623                         yfg(i,j,2) = yavg
2624                      END IF
2625                      IF (nc(i+1,j) == 4) yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
2626                      IF (nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,2) == 1  &
2627                                     .AND. ixb(i-1,j,2) == 0) THEN
2628                         yavg = .5*(yfg(i-1,j,2)+yfg(i,j,1))
2629 !                       yavg = MIN(yfg(i-1,j,2),yfg(i,j,1))
2630                         yfg(i-1,j,2) = yavg
2631                         yfg(i,j,1) = yavg
2632                      END IF
2633                      IF (nc(i-1,j) == 4) yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
2634                   END IF
2636                END IF                             !NCT=2 ICLS=2
2638                ! --- align 1/4 neighbors with 3/1 moving coordinate
2640                IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN   !NCT=3 ICLS=1
2642                   IF (icn(i,j,1) == 0) THEN
2643                      IF(iyb(i,j,1) == 1  &
2644                                     .AND. nc(i-1,j) == 1  &
2645                                     .AND. icl(i-1,j) == 4) THEN
2646                         yfg(i-1,j,2) = yfg(i,j,1) 
2647                      END IF
2648                      IF (ixb(i,j,1) == 1  &
2649                                     .AND. nc(i,j-1) == 1  &
2650                                     .AND. icl(i,j-1) == 4) THEN
2651                         xfg(i,j-1,3) = xfg(i,j,1) 
2652                      END IF
2653                   END IF
2655                   IF (icn(i,j,2) == 0) THEN
2656                      IF (iyb(i,j,2) == 1  &
2657                                     .AND. nc(i+1,j) == 1  &
2658                                     .AND. icl(i+1,j) == 4) THEN
2659                         yfg(i+1,j,1) = yfg(i,j,2) 
2660                      END IF
2661                      IF (ixb(i,j,2) == 1  &
2662                                     .AND. nc(i,j-1) == 1  &
2663                                     .AND. icl(i,j-1) == 4) THEN
2664                         xfg(i,j-1,4) = xfg(i,j,2) 
2665                      END IF
2666                   END IF
2668                   IF (icn(i,j,3) == 0) THEN
2669                      IF (iyb(i,j,3) == 1  &
2670                                     .AND. nc(i-1,j) == 1  &
2671                                     .AND. icl(i-1,j) == 4) THEN
2672                         yfg(i-1,j,4) = yfg(i,j,3) 
2673                      END IF
2674                      IF (ixb(i,j,3) == 1  &
2675                                     .AND. nc(i,j+1) == 1  &
2676                                     .AND. icl(i,j+1) == 4) THEN
2677                         xfg(i,j+1,1) = xfg(i,j,3) 
2678                      END IF
2679                   END IF
2681                   IF (icn(i,j,4) == 0) THEN
2682                      IF (iyb(i,j,4) == 1  &
2683                                     .AND. nc(i+1,j) == 1  &
2684                                     .AND. icl(i+1,j) == 4) THEN
2685                         yfg(i+1,j,3) = yfg(i,j,4) 
2686                      END IF
2687                      IF (ixb(i,j,4) == 1  &
2688                                     .AND. nc(i,j+1) == 1  &
2689                                     .AND. icl(i,j+1) == 4) THEN
2690                         xfg(i,j+1,2) = xfg(i,j,4) 
2691                      END IF
2692                   END IF
2694                END IF                             !NCT=3 ICLS=1
2696                ! --- align abutting 1/4's
2698                itest=1
2699                if (itest.eq.1) then
2700                   IF (nct.eq.1 .AND. icls == 4) THEN                 !NCT=1 ICLS=4
2701                      ic1 =icn(i,j,1) + 2*icn(i,j,2) + 3*icn(i,j,3) + 4*icn(i,j,4)
2702                      ic2 = 5 - ic1
2703                      ic3 = ixb(i,j,1)*(1-iyb(i,j,1))+2*ixb(i,j,2)*(1-iyb(i,j,2)) + &
2704                          3*ixb(i,j,3)*(1-iyb(i,j,3))+4*ixb(i,j,4)*(1-iyb(i,j,4))
2705                      ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
2706                      iod = ic1 - 2*(ic1/2)
2707                      is = 1 - 2*iod
2708                      js = -1 + 2*(ic1/3)
2710                      IF (ic1 >= 1) THEN
2711                         IF (nc(i,j+js) == 1  .AND.     &
2712                             icl(i,j+js) == 4 .AND.     &
2713                             icn(i,j+js,ic4) == 1) THEN
2714                            xfg_a = .5*(xfg(i,j,ic3)+xfg(i,j+js,ic2))
2715                            xfg(i,j,ic3) = xfg_a
2716                            xfg(i,j+js,ic2) = xfg_a
2717                    ! ----- align central coordinate
2718                            xfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,ic3)+xfg(i,j,ic4)) 
2719 !                          yfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,ic3)+yfg(i,j,ic4))
2720                         END IF
2721                         IF (nc(i+is,j).eq.1 .AND. &
2722                             icl(i+is,j).eq.4 .AND. &
2723                             icn(i+is,j,ic3) == 1) THEN
2724                            yfg_a = .5*(yfg(i,j,ic4)+yfg(i+is,j,ic2))
2725                            yfg(i,j,ic4) = yfg_a
2726                            yfg(i+is,j,ic2) = yfg_a
2727                    ! ----- align central coordinate
2728 !                          xfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,ic3)+xfg(i,j,ic4))
2729                            yfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,ic3)+yfg(i,j,ic4))
2730                         END IF
2731                      END IF
2733                   END IF                  !NCT=1 ICLS=4
2734                END IF
2735             END IF                        !NFL=1
2736          END DO
2737          END DO
2739          DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2740          DO i = if_st,if_en
2741             tmp(i,j) = .5*((xfg(i,j,4)-xfg(i,j,1))*(yfg(i,j,3)-yfg(i,j,2))    &
2742                          + (yfg(i,j,4)-yfg(i,j,1))*(xfg(i,j,2)-xfg(i,j,3)))
2743             area2(i,j) = tmp(i,j)
2744             If (nfl(i,j) < 0 .AND. ABS(time-tign_g(i,j)) < dt) THEN
2745                tmp(i,j) = 0.0
2746                nfl(i,j) = 0
2747                tign_g(i,j) = -100.
2748                DO it = 1,4
2749                   xfg(i,j,it) = 0.0
2750                   yfg(i,j,it) = 0.0
2751                END DO
2752             END IF
2753          END DO
2754          END DO
2756     ! --- identify cells that are completely on fire for fire_burn_fcn
2758          DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2759          DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2760             IF (area2(i,j) > (1.-ep) .AND. tign_crt(i,j) < 0.) THEN
2761                 tign_crt(i,j) = time
2762             END IF
2763          END DO
2764          END DO
2766       END IF              ! iffg == 2
2767    END IF                 ! iffg > 0
2769    RETURN
2771 END SUBROUTINE fire_stat
2773 ! =========================================================================
2775 SUBROUTINE fire_ln(dt,time,zs,sprdx,sprdy,              & ! incoming
2776                    ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,           &
2777                    ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,           &
2778                    its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,           &
2779                    ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,     &
2780                    if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,             &
2781                    nfrx,nfry,                           &
2782                    ncod,in1,in2,ixb,iyb,icn,            & ! inout
2783                    tign_g,tign_crt,area,area2,xfg,yfg,  &
2784                    nfl,nfl_t,radhld,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn)      ! outgoing
2786 ! ----- this routine creates points outlining the fire
2790 ! ----- incoming variables
2792    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
2793    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
2794    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
2795    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
2796    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
2797    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
2799    REAL, INTENT(in)    :: dt,time
2801    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme )      :: zs
2802    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: sprdx,sprdy
2804 ! ----- inout variables
2806    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: ncod
2807    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,2 ) :: in1,in2
2808    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
2810    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )    :: tign_g,tign_crt
2811    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )    :: area,area2
2812    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )  :: xfg,yfg
2814 ! ----- outgoing variables
2816    INTEGER, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nfl,nfl_t
2818    REAL, INTENT(out) :: radhld
2820    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: xcd,ycd
2821    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )    :: xcn,ycn
2823 ! ----- local variables
2825    INTEGER :: i,j,it
2826    INTEGER :: istat
2827    INTEGER :: nct,icls
2828    INTEGER :: ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
2829    INTEGER :: i1,i2,i3
2830    INTEGER :: j1,j2,j3
2831    INTEGER :: iflt
2832    INTEGER :: inxt,inyt
2833    INTEGER :: iod
2834    INTEGER :: is,js
2835    INTEGER :: isen
2836    INTEGER :: it1,it2,it3,it4
2837    INTEGER :: nh0,nh1,nh2,nh3,nht
2838    INTEGER :: itt
2839    INTEGER :: ihit
2840    INTEGER :: i1tst,j1tst
2841    INTEGER :: i2tst,j2tst
2842    INTEGER :: nh11,nh01,nh10,nhtmp
2843    INTEGER :: ilm1,ilm2,ilm3,ilm4
2844    INTEGER :: itest
2845    INTEGER :: iloc
2846    INTEGER :: ihld,jhld
2848    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nc,icl
2850    REAL :: t1
2851    REAL :: tlx,tly
2852    REAL :: t1tst
2853    REAL :: x02,y02,r02
2854    REAL :: x20,y20,r20
2855    REAL :: x22,y22,r22
2856    REAL :: x01,y01,r01
2857    REAL :: x10,y10,r10
2858    REAL :: x11,y11,r11
2859    REAL :: r1sq,r2sq
2860    REAL :: radmax,radmin,radavg,radsum,radtst
2861    REAL :: x1,y1
2862    REAL :: x2,y2
2863    REAL :: x3,y3
2864    REAL :: det,aa,bb,x_0,y_0,rad,vtsgn
2866    CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: msg
2868 ! ----- when deriving fireline coordinates we always keep the fire to our left
2870     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 1'
2872 ! -----   calculate nfl(i,j)
2874     DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2875     DO i = if_st,if_en
2876        nfl(i,j) = INT( (ep+tign_g(i,j) + ABS(ep+tign_g(i,j)))  &
2877                         / (2.*ABS(tign_g(i,j))+2.*ep) + .5 )
2878        nfl_t(i,j) = (1 - INT(area(i,j) + ep))   !test
2879     END DO
2880     END DO
2882     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 2'
2883     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2884     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2885        nfl_t(i,j) = (1-INT(area(i,j)+ep-2.*ep*               &
2886           (1.-FLOAT((                                        &
2887           ((icn(i+1,j,1)+icn(i+1,j,3))/2)*nfl(i+1,j) +       &
2888           ((icn(i-1,j,2)+icn(i-1,j,4))/2)*nfl(i-1,j) +       &
2889           ((icn(i,j+1,1)+icn(i,j+1,2))/2)*nfl(i,j+1) +       &
2890           ((icn(i,j-1,3)+icn(i,j-1,4))/2)*nfl(i,j-1)         &
2891           )/4))))         !test
2892     END DO
2893     END DO
2894     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 3'
2896     DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2897     DO i = if_st,if_en
2898        nfl(i,j) = nfl(i,j) * nfl_t(i,j)
2899        DO it = 1,4
2900           xcd(i,j,it) = 0.0
2901           ycd(i,j,it) = 0.0
2902           xcn(i,j,it) = 0.0
2903           ycn(i,j,it) = 0.0
2904        END DO
2905     END DO
2906     END DO
2908     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 4'
2909     CALL fire_stat(0,dt,time,                       & ! send
2910                    zs,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,sprdx,sprdy,  &
2911                    ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,       &
2912                    ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,       &
2913                    its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,       &
2914                    ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
2915                    if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,         &
2916                    nfrx,nfry,                       &
2917                    nfl,nfl_t,tign_g,tign_crt,       & ! send&recv
2918                    area,area2,xfg,yfg,              &
2919                    ixb,iyb,icn)                       ! recv
2921     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 5'
2922     DO j = jf_st,jf_en
2923     DO i = if_st,if_en
2924        icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) +   &
2925                   iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)         
2926        nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
2927     END DO
2928     END DO
2929     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 6'
2931 ! ----- get xcd,ycd
2933 y_cd: DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
2934 x_cd: DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
2936        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN   !NFL outer loop
2938           istat = 0
2939           nct = nc(i,j)
2941           IF (nct == 0) THEN                    !NCT=0
2942              iflt = 1
2943              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
2944                      time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
2945                      nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
2946                      ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
2947                      ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
2948                      if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
2949           END IF                                !NCT=0
2951           ncod(i,j) = 0
2952           icls = icl(i,j)
2954           IF (nct == 4) THEN                    !NCT=4 ICLS=0
2955              ncod(i,j) = 2
2956              IF (tign_g(i+1,j) < 0.0 .OR.                                &
2957                    nfl(i+1,j)*(icn(i+1,j,1)+icn(i+1,j,3)) < 2) THEN
2958                 ycd(i,j,1) = (1-icn(i+1,j,1))*yfg(i,j,2) + icn(i+1,j,1)*  &
2959                    yfg(i+1,j,3)
2960                 ycd(i,j,2) = (1-icn(i+1,j,3))*yfg(i,j,4) + icn(i+1,j,3)*  &
2961                    yfg(i+1,j,1)
2962                 xcd(i,j,1) = xlm(2)
2963                 xcd(i,j,2) = xlm(4)
2964                 istat = istat + 1
2965              END IF
2967              IF (tign_g(i-1,j) < 0.0 .OR.                                &
2968                    nfl(i-1,j)*(icn(i-1,j,2)+icn(i-1,j,4)) < 2) THEN
2969                 ycd(i,j,1) = (1-icn(i-1,j,4))*yfg(i,j,3) + icn(i-1,j,4)*  &
2970                    yfg(i-1,j,2)
2971                 ycd(i,j,2) = (1-icn(i-1,j,2))*yfg(i,j,1) + icn(i-1,j,2)*  &
2972                    yfg(i-1,j,4)
2973                 xcd(i,j,1) = xlm(3)
2974                 xcd(i,j,2) = xlm(1)
2975                 istat = istat + 1
2976              END IF
2978              IF (tign_g(i,j+1) < 0.0 .OR.                                &
2979                    nfl(i,j+1)*(icn(i,j+1,1)+icn(i,j+1,2)) < 2) THEN
2980                 xcd(i,j,1) = (1-icn(i,j+1,2))*xfg(i,j,4) + icn(i,j+1,2)*  &
2981                    xfg(i,j+1,1)
2982                 xcd(i,j,2) = (1-icn(i,j+1,1))*xfg(i,j,3) + icn(i,j+1,1)*  &
2983                    xfg(i,j+1,2)
2984                 ycd(i,j,1) = ylm(4)
2985                 ycd(i,j,2) = ylm(3)
2986                 istat = istat + 1
2987              END IF
2989              IF (tign_g(i,j-1) < 0.0 .OR.                                &
2990                    nfl(i,j-1)*(icn(i,j-1,3)+icn(i,j-1,4)) < 2) THEN
2991                 xcd(i,j,1) = (1-icn(i,j-1,3))*xfg(i,j,1)+icn(i,j-1,3)*    &
2992                    xfg(i,j+1,4)
2993                 xcd(i,j,2) = (1-icn(i,j-1,4))*xfg(i,j,2)+icn(i,j-1,4)*    &
2994                    xfg(i,j+1,3)
2995                 ycd(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
2996                 ycd(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
2997                 istat = istat + 1
2998              END IF
2999           END IF                                !NCT=4 ICLS=0
3001           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN            !NCT=3 AND ICLS=1
3002              ncod(i,j) = 2
3003              istat = istat + 1
3004              ic1 = (1-icn(i,j,1)) + 2*(1-icn(i,j,2)) +              &
3005                  3*(1-icn(i,j,3)) + 4*(1-icn(i,j,4))
3006              ic3 = (1-icn(i,j,1))*(2+ixb(i,j,1))                    &
3007                   + (1-icn(i,j,2))*(1+3*ixb(i,j,2))                 &
3008                   + (1-icn(i,j,3))*(4-3*ixb(i,j,3))                 &
3009                   + (1-icn(i,j,4))*(3-ixb(i,j,4)) 
3010              i1 = ((ic1-2)*(ic1-3)*(1+ixb(i,j,ic1))                 &
3011                    + (ic1-1)*(4-ic1)*(2-ixb(i,j,ic1)))/2
3012              i2 = 3 - i1
3013 ! ------------------------------- inxt =0 means no virtual 1=virtual x-coordinate
3014              inxt = (1-ixb(i,j,ic1))*(                              & 
3015                 (1-icn(i,j,1))*(1-iyb(i,j-1,3)) +                   &
3016                 (1-icn(i,j,2))*(1-iyb(i,j-1,4)) +                   &
3017                 (1-icn(i,j,3))*(1-iyb(i,j+1,1)) +                   &
3018                 (1-icn(i,j,4))*(1-iyb(i,j+1,2)))
3019 ! ------------------------------- inyt =0 means no virtual 1=virtual y-coordinate
3020              inyt = ixb(i,j,ic1)*(                                  &
3021                 (1-icn(i,j,1))*(1-ixb(i-1,j,2)) +                   &
3022                 (1-icn(i,j,2))*(1-ixb(i+1,j,1)) +                   &
3023                 (1-icn(i,j,3))*(1-ixb(i-1,j,4)) +                   &
3024                 (1-icn(i,j,4))*(1-ixb(i+1,j,3)))
3025              xcd(i,j,i1) = xfg(i,j,ic1)
3026              ycd(i,j,i1) = yfg(i,j,ic1)
3027              xcd(i,j,i2) = FLOAT(1-inxt)*xlm(ic3) + FLOAT(inxt)*(   &
3028                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,1))*xfg(i,j-1,3)+                   &
3029                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,2))*xfg(i,j-1,4)+                   &
3030                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,3))*xfg(i,j+1,1)+                   &
3031                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,4))*xfg(i,j+1,2))
3032              ycd(i,j,i2) = FLOAT(1-inyt)*ylm(ic3) + FLOAT(inyt)*(   &
3033                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,1))*yfg(i-1,j,2)+                   &
3034                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,2))*yfg(i+1,j,1)+                   &
3035                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,3))*yfg(i-1,j,4)+                   &
3036                 FLOAT(1-icn(i,j,4))*yfg(i+1,j,3))
3037           END IF                                    !NCT=3 AND ICLS=1
3039           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 2) THEN        !NCT=3 AND ICLS=2
3041              ncod(i,j) = 3
3043              IF (icn(i,j,1) == 0) THEN
3044                 xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,3)
3045                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,1)
3046                 xcd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,3))*xfg(i,j,2)  &
3047                    + FLOAT(nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,3))*xfg(i,j-1,3)
3048                 ycd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,2))*yfg(i,j,3)  &
3049                    + FLOAT(nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,2))*yfg(i-1,j,2)
3050                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,1)
3051                 ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,2)
3052                 istat = istat + 1
3053              END IF
3055              IF (icn(i,j,2) == 0) THEN
3056                 xcd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,4))*xfg(i,j,1)    &
3057                            + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,4))*xfg(i,j-1,4)
3058                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,2)
3059                 xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,4)
3060                 ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,1)
3061                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,2)
3062                 ycd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,1))*yfg(i,j,4)    &
3063                            + FLOAT(  nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,1))*yfg(i+1,j,1)
3064                 istat = istat + 1
3065              END IF
3067              IF (icn(i,j,3) == 0) THEN
3068                 xcd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,1))*xfg(i,j,4)     &
3069                            + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,1))*xfg(i,j+1,1)
3070                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,3)
3071                 xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,1)
3072                 ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,4)
3073                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,3)
3074                 ycd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,4))*yfg(i,j,1)     &
3075                            + FLOAT(  nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,4))*yfg(i-1,j,4)
3076                 istat = istat + 1
3077              END IF
3079              IF (icn(i,j,4) == 0) THEN
3080                 xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,2)
3081                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,4)
3082                 xcd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,2))*xfg(i,j,3)     &
3083                            + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,2))*xfg(i,j+1,2)
3084                 ycd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,3))*yfg(i,j,2)     &
3085                            + FLOAT(  nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,3))*yfg(i+1,j,3)
3086                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,4)
3087                 ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,3)
3088                 istat = istat + 1
3089              END IF
3091           END IF                    !NCT=3 AND ICLS=2
3093           IF (nct == 2 .AND. icls == 2) THEN       !NCT=2 ICLS=2
3094              ncod(i,j) = 2
3095              IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2) THEN  !IT=1 AND 2
3096                 xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,4)
3097                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,3)
3098                 ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,4)
3099                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,3)
3100                 istat = istat + 1
3101              END IF                                 !IT=1 AND 2
3102              IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN  !IT=2 AND 4
3103                 xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,3)
3104                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,1)
3105                 ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,3)
3106                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,1)
3107                 istat = istat + 1
3108              END IF                                 !IT=2 AND 4
3109              IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN  !IT=3 AND 4
3110                 xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,1)
3111                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,2)
3112                 ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,1)
3113                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,2)
3114                 istat = istat + 1
3115              END IF                                 !IT=3 AND 4
3116              IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2) THEN  !IT=1 AND 3
3117                 xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,2)
3118                 xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,4)
3119                 ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,2)
3120                 ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,4)
3121                 istat = istat + 1
3122              END IF                                 !IT=1 AND 3
3123           END IF                                    !NCT=2 ICLS=2
3125           IF (nct == 2 .AND. icls == 3) THEN        !NCT=2 ICLS=3
3126              ncod(i,j) = 3
3127              IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2) THEN   !IT=1 AND 2
3128                 IF (ixb(i,j,3) == 1) THEN
3129                    xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,4)
3130                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,3)
3131                    xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,1)
3132                    ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,4)
3133                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,3)
3134                    ycd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,4))*yfg(i,j,1)    &
3135                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,4))*yfg(i-1,j,4)
3136                    istat = istat+1
3137                 END IF
3138                 IF (ixb(i,j,3) == 0) THEN
3139                    xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,2)
3140                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,4)
3141                    xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,3)
3142                    ycd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,3))*yfg(i,j,2)    &
3143                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,3))*yfg(i+1,j,3)
3144                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,4)
3145                    ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,3)
3146                    istat = istat + 1
3147                 END IF
3148              END IF                                 !IT=1 AND 2
3149              IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN   !IT=2 AND 4
3150                 IF (iyb(i,j,1) == 1) THEN
3151                    xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,3)
3152                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,1)
3153                    xcd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,3))*xfg(i,j,2)    &
3154                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,3))*xfg(i,j-1,3)
3155                    ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,3)
3156                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,1)
3157                    ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,2)
3158                    istat = istat + 1
3159                 END IF
3160                 IF (iyb(i,j,1) == 0) THEN
3161                    xcd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,1))*xfg(i,j,4)    &
3162                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,1))*xfg(i,j+1,1)
3163                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,3)
3164                    xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,1)
3165                    ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,4)
3166                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,3)
3167                    ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,1)
3168                    istat = istat + 1
3169                 END IF
3170              END IF                                 !IT=2 AND 4
3171              IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN   !IT=3 AND 4
3172                 IF (ixb(i,j,2) == 0) THEN
3173                    xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,3)
3174                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,1)
3175                    xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,2)
3176                    ycd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,2))*yfg(i,j,3)    &
3177                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i-1,j)*iyb(i-1,j,2))*yfg(i-1,j,2)
3178                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,1)
3179                    ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,2)
3180                    istat = istat + 1
3181                 END IF
3182                 IF (ixb(i,j,2) == 1) THEN
3183                    xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,1)
3184                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,2)
3185                    xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,4)
3186                    ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,1)
3187                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,2)
3188                    ycd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,1))*yfg(i,j,4)   &
3189                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i+1,j)*iyb(i+1,j,1))*yfg(i+1,j,1)
3190                    istat = istat + 1
3191                 END IF
3192              END IF                                 !IT=3 AND 4
3193              IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2) THEN   !IT=1 AND 3
3194                 IF (iyb(i,j,2) == 0) THEN
3195                    xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,2)
3196                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,4)
3197                    xcd(i,j,3) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,2))*xfg(i,j,3)  &
3198                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j+1)*ixb(i,j+1,2))*xfg(i,j+1,2)
3199                    ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,2)
3200                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,4)
3201                    ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,3)
3202                    istat = istat + 1
3203                 END IF
3204                 IF (iyb(i,j,2) == 1) THEN
3205                    xcd(i,j,1) = FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,4))*xfg(i,j,1)  &
3206                               + FLOAT(  nfl(i,j-1)*ixb(i,j-1,4))*xfg(i,j-1,4)
3207                    xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,2)
3208                    xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,4)
3209                    ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,1)
3210                    ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,2)
3211                    ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,4)
3212                    istat = istat + 1
3213                 END IF
3214              END IF                                 !IT=1 AND 3
3215           END IF                                  !NCT=2 ICLS=3
3217           IF (nct == 1 .AND. icls == 4) THEN        !NCT=1 ICLS=4
3218              ncod(i,j) = 3
3219              ic1 = icn(i,j,1) + 2*icn(i,j,2) + 3*icn(i,j,3) + 4*icn(i,j,4)
3220              ic2 = 5 - ic1
3221              ic3 = ixb(i,j,1)*(1-iyb(i,j,1)) + 2*ixb(i,j,2)*(1-iyb(i,j,2)) +  &
3222                  3*ixb(i,j,3)*(1-iyb(i,j,3)) + 4*ixb(i,j,4)*(1-iyb(i,j,4))
3223              ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
3224              iod = ic1 - 2*(ic1/2)
3225              is = 1 - 2*iod
3226              js = -1 + 2*(ic1/3)
3227              isen = is*js
3229 ! -------------------- straight lines for stability
3230              xfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,ic3)+xfg(i,j,ic4))
3231              yfg(i,j,ic2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,ic3)+yfg(i,j,ic4))
3233              it1 = ((1+isen)*ic3+(1-isen)*ic4)/2
3234              it3 = ((1+isen)*ic4+(1-isen)*ic3)/2
3236              xcd(i,j,1) = xfg(i,j,it1)
3237              ycd(i,j,1) = yfg(i,j,it1)
3238              xcd(i,j,2) = xfg(i,j,ic2)
3239              ycd(i,j,2) = yfg(i,j,ic2)
3240              xcd(i,j,3) = xfg(i,j,it3)
3241              ycd(i,j,3) = yfg(i,j,it3)
3242              istat = istat + 1
3243           END IF                                  !NCT=1 ICLS=4
3245           IF (istat /= 1) THEN
3246              IF (area(i,j) > (1.-ep) .AND. istat > 1) THEN
3247                 nfl(i,j) = 0
3248              ELSE
3249                 iflt = 2
3250                 PRINT *,'ISTAT=',istat
3251                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3252                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3253                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3254                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3255                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3256                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3257              END IF
3258           END IF
3260        END IF                    !NFL outer loop
3262     END DO x_cd
3263     END DO y_cd
3265     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 7'
3267 ! ----- test prints for missed grids
3269     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
3270     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
3271        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1 .AND. ncod(i,j) == 0) THEN
3272           iflt = 3
3273           CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                &
3274                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3275                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3276                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3277                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3278                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3279        END IF
3280     END DO
3281     END DO
3282     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8'
3286 !        ...This is the most critical loop of the code. If this fails 
3287 !        the remaining logic will do weird things. This is probably 
3288 !        the first place to check when problems occur.
3290 y_in: DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
3291 x_in: DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
3294        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN    !NFL=1 loop
3296     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1 : ',i,j
3297           nh0 = ncod(i,j)
3298           nct = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
3299           icls = icl(i,j)
3301           itt = nh0
3302           t1 = ABS(xcd(i,j,2)) + ABS(ycd(i,j,2))          
3303           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 2 .AND. t1 > .9) itt = 2
3304           tlx = SIGN(1.,xcd(i,j,itt))                         
3305           tly = SIGN(1.,ycd(i,j,itt))                         
3306           i2 = i + INT(tlx*1.5)
3307           j2 = j + INT(tly*1.5) 
3308     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.1 : nh0   = ',nh0
3309     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.2 : nct   = ',nct
3310     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.3 : icls  = ',icls
3311     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.4 : itt   = ',itt
3312     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.5 : i,j   = ',i,j
3313     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.6 : tlx   = ',tlx,tly
3314     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.7 : int   = ',INT(tlx*1.5),INT(tly*1.5)
3315     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.1.8 : i2,j2 =',i2,j2
3317           ihit = 0
3318           j2tst = j2
3319           i2tst = i2
3321     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.2 : ',i,j
3322           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN     !test code follows 
3323     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.2.1 : ',i,j
3324 ! -----     ... looking for anomolous 3/1 situations
3325              ic1 = 1 - icn(i,j,1) + 2*(1-icn(i,j,2)) + 3*(1-icn(i,j,3))    &
3326                                   + 4*(1-icn(i,j,4))
3327              t1tst = ABS(xcd(i,j,1) + xcd(i,j,2))*FLOAT(iyb(i,j,ic1))      &
3328                    + ABS(ycd(i,j,1) + ycd(i,j,2))*FLOAT(ixb(i,j,ic1))
3329              IF (t1tst > 1.-ep) THEN
3330                 j2tst = j2
3331                 i2tst = i2
3332                 ihit = 1
3333                 IF (nfl(i,j2) == 0 .AND. iyb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
3334                    tlx = SIGN(1.,xcd(i,j,2)-xcd(i,j,1))
3335                    i2 = i + INT(tlx*1.5)
3336                 END IF
3337                 IF (nfl(i2,j) == 0 .AND. ixb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
3338                    tly = SIGN(1.,ycd(i,j,2)-ycd(i,j,1))
3339                    j2 = j + INT(tly*1.5)
3340                 END IF
3341              END IF
3342           END IF                               !test code above
3344     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.3 : ',i,j
3345           x02 = xcd(i,j2,1) + SIGN(ep,xcd(i,j2,2)-xcd(i,j2,1))
3346           y02 = ycd(i,j2,1) + SIGN(ep,ycd(i,j2,2)-ycd(i,j2,1))
3347           x20 = xcd(i2,j,1) + SIGN(ep,xcd(i2,j,2)-xcd(i2,j,1))
3348           y20 = ycd(i2,j,1) + SIGN(ep,ycd(i2,j,2)-ycd(i2,j,1))
3349           x22 = xcd(i2,j2,1) + SIGN(ep,xcd(i2,j2,2)-xcd(i2,j2,1))
3350           y22 = ycd(i2,j2,1) + SIGN(ep,ycd(i2,j2,2)-ycd(i2,j2,1))
3351           r02 = (xcd(i,j,itt)-x02)**2 + (ycd(i,j,itt)-tly-y02)**2      &
3352                + FLOAT(1-nfl(i,j2))
3353           r20 = (xcd(i,j,itt)-tlx-x20)**2 + (ycd(i,j,itt)-y20)**2      &
3354                + FLOAT(1-nfl(i2,j))
3355           r22 = (xcd(i,j,itt)-tlx-x22)**2 + (ycd(i,j,itt)-tly-y22)**2  &
3356                + FLOAT(1-nfl(i2,j2))
3357     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.3.1 : ',i2,j2
3358           is = i2
3359           js = j2
3360           IF (r02 < r22 .AND. r02 < r20) is = i
3361           IF (r20 < r22 .AND. r20 < r02) js = j
3362           i2 = is
3363           j2 = js
3364     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.3.2 : ',i2,j2
3366           itt = 1
3367           t1 = ABS(xcd(i,j,2)) + ABS(ycd(i,j,2))        
3368           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 2 .AND. t1 > .9) itt = 2
3369           tlx = SIGN(1.,xcd(i,j,itt))                         
3370           tly = SIGN(1.,ycd(i,j,itt))                         
3371           i1 = i + INT(tlx*1.5)
3372           j1 = j + INT(tly*1.5) 
3374           j1tst = j1
3375           i1tst = i1
3376     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.4 : ',i,j
3378           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN     !test code follows 
3379     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.4.1 : ',i,j
3380 ! -----      ... looking for anomolous 3/1 situations
3381              ic1 = 1 - icn(i,j,1) + 2*(1-icn(i,j,2)) + 3*(1-icn(i,j,3))  &
3382                 + 4*(1-icn(i,j,4))
3383              t1tst = ABS(xcd(i,j,1) + xcd(i,j,2))*FLOAT(iyb(i,j,ic1))  &
3384                    + ABS(ycd(i,j,1) + ycd(i,j,2))*FLOAT(ixb(i,j,ic1))
3385              IF (t1tst > 1.-ep) THEN
3386                 j1tst = j1
3387                 i1tst = i1
3388                 ihit = ihit + 2
3389                 if (nfl(i,j1) == 0 .AND. iyb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
3390                    tlx = SIGN(1.,xcd(i,j,1)-xcd(i,j,2))
3391                    i1 = i + INT(tlx*1.5)
3392                 END IF
3393                 IF (nfl(i1,j) == 0 .AND. ixb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
3394                    tly = SIGN(1.,ycd(i,j,1)-ycd(i,j,2))
3395                    j1 = j + INT(tly*1.5)
3396                 END IF
3397              END IF
3398           END IF                               !test code above
3400     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5 : ',i,j
3401     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.1 : ',i,j
3402           nh11 = nfl(i1,j1)*ncod(i1,j1) + 1 - nfl(i1,j1)        
3403           nh01 = nfl(i ,j1)*ncod(i ,j1) + 1 - nfl(i ,j1)        
3404           nh10 = nfl(i1, j)*ncod(i1, j) + 1 - nfl(i1, j)        
3405           nhtmp = nh01 - nfl(i,j1)
3406           x01 = xcd(i,j1,nh01) + SIGN(ep,xcd(i,j1,nhtmp)-xcd(i,j1,nh01))
3407           y01 = ycd(i,j1,nh01) + SIGN(ep,ycd(i,j1,nhtmp)-ycd(i,j1,nh01))
3408     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.2 : ',i,j
3409           nhtmp = nh10 - nfl(i1,j)
3410           x10 = xcd(i1,j,nh10) + SIGN(ep,xcd(i1,j,nhtmp)-xcd(i1,j,nh10))
3411           y10 = ycd(i1,j,nh10) + SIGN(ep,ycd(i1,j,nhtmp)-ycd(i1,j,nh10))
3412           nhtmp = nh11 - nfl(i1,j1)
3413           x11 = xcd(i1,j1,nh11) + SIGN(ep,xcd(i1,j1,nhtmp)-xcd(i1,j1,nh11))
3414           y11 = ycd(i1,j1,nh11) + SIGN(ep,ycd(i1,j1,nhtmp)-ycd(i1,j1,nh11))
3415           r01 = (xcd(i,j,itt)-x01)**2 + (ycd(i,j,itt)-tly-y01)**2      &
3416                 + (1.-FLOAT(nfl(i,j1)))
3417           r10 = (xcd(i,j,itt)-tlx-x10)**2 + (ycd(i,j,itt)-y10)**2      &
3418                 + (1.-FLOAT(nfl(i1,j)))
3419           r11 = (xcd(i,j,itt)-tlx-x11)**2 + (ycd(i,j,itt)-tly-y11)**2  &
3420                + (1.-FLOAT(nfl(i1,j1)))
3421     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.3 : ',i,j
3422           is = i1
3423           js = j1
3424           IF (r01 < r11 .AND. r01 < r10) is = i
3425           IF (r10 < r11 .AND. r10 < r01) js = j
3426           i1 = is
3427           j1 = js
3428     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.4 : ',i,j
3429 ! -----   ... end of evaluation
3430           in1(i,j,1) = i1
3431           in1(i,j,2) = j1
3432           in2(i,j,1) = i2
3433           in2(i,j,2) = j2
3434           nh1 = ncod(i1,j1)
3435           nh2 = ncod(i2,j2)
3436           nht = nh0 + nh1 + nh2
3438     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ',i,j
3439     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ncod(',i1,j1,') = ',ncod(i1,j1),nfl(i1,j1)
3440     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ncod(',i2,j2,') = ',ncod(i2,j2),nfl(i2,j2)
3441     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : xcd(',i,j,1,') = ',xcd(i,j,1)
3442     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : xcd(',i2,j2,nh2,') = ',xcd(i2,j2,nh2)
3443     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : i2-i  = ',i2-i
3444     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ycd(',i,j,1,') = ',ycd(i,j,1)
3445     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ycd(',i2,j2,nh2,') = ',ycd(i2,j2,nh2)
3446     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : j2-j  = ',j2-j
3448     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : xcd(',i,j,nh0,') = ',xcd(i,j,nh0)
3449     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : xcd(',i1,j1,1,') = ',xcd(i1,j1,1)
3450     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : i1-i  = ',i1-i
3451     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ycd(',i,j,nh0,') = ',ycd(i,j,nh0)
3452     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : ycd(',i1,j1,1,') = ',ycd(i1,j1,1)
3453     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.5 : j1-j  = ',j1-j
3454           r2sq = (xcd(i,j,1)-xcd(i2,j2,nh2)-FLOAT(i2-i))**2 +    &
3455                  (ycd(i,j,1)-ycd(i2,j2,nh2)-FLOAT(j2-j))**2
3456           r1sq = (xcd(i,j,nh0)-xcd(i1,j1,1)-FLOAT(i1-i))**2 +    &
3457                  (ycd(i,j,nh0)-ycd(i1,j1,1)-FLOAT(j1-j))**2
3459 !         IF (nh0 == 0) then
3460 !            r2sq = (xcd(i,j,1)-xcd(i2,j2,nh2)-FLOAT(i2-i))**2 +    &
3461 !                   (ycd(i,j,1)-ycd(i2,j2,nh2)-FLOAT(j2-j))**2
3462 !            IF (r2sq < ep_sq) THEN
3463 !               iflt = 184
3464 !               CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
3465 !                                     time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3466 !                                     nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3467 !                                     ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3468 !                                     ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3469 !                                     if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3470 !            END IF
3471 !         ELSE IF (nh2 == 0) THEN
3472 !            r1sq = (xcd(i,j,nh0)-xcd(i1,j1,1)-FLOAT(i1-i))**2 +    &
3473 !                   (ycd(i,j,nh0)-ycd(i1,j1,1)-FLOAT(j1-j))**2
3474 !            IF (r1sq < ep_sq) THEN
3475 !               iflt = 185
3476 !               CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
3477 !                                     time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3478 !                                     nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3479 !                                     ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3480 !                                     ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3481 !                                     if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3482 !            END IF
3483 !         ELSE
3484 !            r2sq = (xcd(i,j,1)-xcd(i2,j2,nh2)-FLOAT(i2-i))**2 +    &
3485 !                   (ycd(i,j,1)-ycd(i2,j2,nh2)-FLOAT(j2-j))**2
3486 !            r1sq = (xcd(i,j,nh0)-xcd(i1,j1,1)-FLOAT(i1-i))**2 +    &
3487 !                   (ycd(i,j,nh0)-ycd(i1,j1,1)-FLOAT(j1-j))**2
3488 !            IF (r1sq < ep_sq .OR. r2sq < ep_sq) THEN
3489 !               PRINT *,'DEBUG R1SQ R2SQ=',r1sq,r2sq
3490 !               iflt = 84
3491 !               CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
3492 !                                        time,in1,in2,tign_g,          &
3493 !                                     nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3494 !                                     ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3495 !                                     ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3496 !                                     if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3498 !             END IF
3499 !          END IF
3501     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.5.6 : ',i,j
3503 !         IF (r1sq < ep_sq .OR. r2sq < ep_sq) THEN
3504 !            PRINT *,'DEBUG R1SQ R2SQ=',r1sq,r2sq
3505 !            iflt = 84
3506 !            CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
3507 !                                  time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3508 !                                  nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3509 !                                  ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3510 !                                  ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3511 !                                  if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3513 !         END IF
3515     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.6 : ',i,j
3516           IF (i1 < if_st .OR. i1 > if_en .OR. j1 < jf_st .OR. j1 > jf_en) THEN
3517              iflt = 85
3518              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,             &
3519                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3520                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3521                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3522                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3523                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3524           END IF
3525           IF (i2 < if_st .OR. i2 > if_en .OR. j2 < jf_st .OR. j2 > jf_en) THEN
3526              iflt = 87
3527              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,             &
3528                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3529                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3530                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3531                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3532                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3533           END IF
3535     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.7 : ',i,j
3536           ilm1 = IABS(in1(i,j,1)-i)
3537           ilm2 = IABS(in2(i,j,1)-i)
3538           ilm3 = IABS(in1(i,j,2)-j)
3539           ilm4 = IABS(in2(i,j,2)-j)
3541     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.8 : ',i,j
3542           IF (ilm1 > 1 .OR. ilm2 > 1 .OR. ilm3 > 1 .OR. ilm4 > 1) THEN
3543              iflt = 83
3544              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,             &
3545                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3546                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3547                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3548                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3549                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3550           END IF
3552           IF (i1 == i .AND. j1 == j) THEN
3553              iflt = 4
3554              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,             &
3555                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3556                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3557                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3558                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3559                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3560           END IF
3562           IF (i2 == i .AND. j2 == j) THEN
3563              iflt = 5
3564              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,             &
3565                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3566                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3567                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3568                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3569                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3570           END IF
3572           IF (i2 == i1 .AND. j2 == j1) THEN
3573 ! -----      ... fireline brushes corner of 3/1.  Odd normal vector pts inwards.
3574              iflt = 6
3575              PRINT *,'IC1 T1TST=',ic1,t1tst
3576              PRINT *,'IHIT=',ihit
3577              PRINT *,'I1TST J1TST=',i1tst,j1tst
3578              PRINT *,'I2TST J2TST=',i2tst,j2tst
3579              WRITE (msg,*) 'i,i2,i1=',i,i2,i1,' j,j2,j1=',j,j2,j1
3580              CALL wrf_message( msg )
3581              CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,             &
3582                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3583                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3584                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3585                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3586                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3587           END IF
3589     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.9 : ',i,j
3590           itest = 0
3591           IF (itest == 0) THEN
3593              IF (i1 /= in1(i,j,1) .OR. j1 /= in1(i,j,2) .OR. i2 /= in2(i,j,1)  &
3594                        .OR. j2 /= in2(i,j,2)) THEN
3595                 iflt = 80
3596                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3597                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3598                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3599                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3600                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3601                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3602              END IF
3604              IF (ABS(xcd(i,j,1)) > .5 .OR. ABS(ycd(i,j,1)) > .5) THEN
3605                 iflt = 81
3606                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3607                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3608                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3609                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3610                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3611                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3612              END IF
3614              IF (ABS(xcd(i,j,nh0)) > .5 .OR. ABS(ycd(i,j,nh0)) > .5) THEN
3615                 iflt = 82
3616                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3617                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3618                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3619                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3620                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3621                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3622              END IF
3624           END IF
3625     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 8.10 : ',i,j
3626        END IF                     !NFL=1 LOOP
3628     END DO x_in
3629     END DO y_in
3631     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 9'
3633     radmax = -1.e5
3634     radmin =  1.e5
3635     radavg = 0.0
3636     radsum = 0.0
3637     radtst = 10000.
3639 !     ...This is the second most critical loop of the code. If this 
3640 !     fails the remaining logic may fail. This is probably the second
3641 !     place to check when problems occur.
3643 y_cn: DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
3644 x_cn: DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
3646        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN    !NFL=1 LOOP
3648           nh0 = ncod(i,j)
3649           i1 = in1(i,j,1)
3650           j1 = in1(i,j,2)
3651           i2 = in2(i,j,1)
3652           j2 = in2(i,j,2)
3653           nh1 = ncod(i1,j1)
3654           nh2 = ncod(i2,j2)
3656 ! -----  ...calculate xcn and ycn for points 1,nh0 at grid i,j
3658           x1 = xcd(i1,j1,  1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
3659           y1 = ycd(i1,j1,  1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
3660           x2 = xcd(i ,j ,  1)
3661           y2 = ycd(i ,j ,  1)
3662           x3 = xcd(i ,j ,nh0)
3663           y3 = ycd(i ,j ,nh0)
3664           iloc = 0
3666           IF (icl(i,j) == 4 .AND. nc(i,j) == 1) THEN
3667              IF (icl(i1,j1) == 4 .AND. nc(i1,j1) == 1) THEN
3668                 i3 = in1(i1,j1,1)
3669                 j3 = in1(i1,j1,2)
3670 !               IF (nfl(i3,j3) == 1) THEN
3671                 IF (nfl(i3,j3) == 1 .AND. icl(i3,j3) /= 4) THEN
3672                    iloc = 1
3673                    x1 = xcd(i3,j3,1) + FLOAT(i3-i)
3674                    y1 = ycd(i3,j3,1) + FLOAT(j3-j)
3675                    x2 = xcd(i ,j ,  1)
3676                    y2 = ycd(i ,j ,  1)
3677                    x3 = xcd(i2,j2,nh2) + FLOAT(i2-i)
3678                    y3 = ycd(i2,j2,nh2) + FLOAT(j2-j)
3679                 END IF
3680              END IF
3681           END IF
3683 !        ... test code follows
3684           IF (icl(i,j) == 4 .AND. nc(i,j) == 1 .AND. iloc == 0) THEN
3685              x1 = xcd(i1,j1,  1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
3686              y1 = ycd(i1,j1,  1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
3687              x2 = xcd(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
3688              y2 = ycd(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
3689              x3 = xcd(i2,j2,  1) + FLOAT(i2-i)
3690              y3 = ycd(i2,j2,  1) + FLOAT(j2-j)
3691           END IF
3692 !        ... test code above
3694           xcn(i,j,1) = xcd(i,j,1)
3695           ycn(i,j,1) = ycd(i,j,1)
3696           det = (x1-x2)*(y1-y3) - (x1-x3)*(y1-y2)
3697           aa = .5*(x1*x1 - x2*x2 + y1*y1 - y2*y2)
3698           bb = .5*(x1*x1 - x3*x3 + y1*y1 - y3*y3)
3699           x_0 = (aa*(y1-y3)-bb*(y1-y2)) / (det+SIGN(ep,det))
3700           y_0 = (bb*(x1-x2)-aa*(x1-x3)) / (det+SIGN(ep,det))
3701           rad = SQRT((x2-x_0)**2 + (y2-y_0)**2)
3702           IF (rad > 1. .AND. rad < 1000.) THEN             !test
3703              vtsgn = (y3-y1)*(x2-x_0) - (x3-x1)*(y2-y_0)
3704              it1 = INT((vtsgn+ABS(vtsgn)) / (ABS(vtsgn)+ep_sq)+.5) - 1
3705              t1 = FLOAT(it1)
3706              xcn(i,j,1) = xcd(i,j,1) + t1*(x2-x_0)/(rad+ep)
3707              ycn(i,j,1) = ycd(i,j,1) + t1*(y2-y_0)/(rad+ep)
3708           ELSE
3709              rad = SQRT((y3-y1)**2 + (x3-x1)**2)
3710              IF (ABS(rad) < ep) THEN
3711                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 START'
3712                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 RAD,ILOC',rad,iloc
3713                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 I,J,NH0',i,j,nh0
3714                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 I1,J1',i1,j1,nh1
3715                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 R01,R10,R11',r01,r10,r11
3716                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 X1,X2,X3',x1,x2,x3
3717                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 Y1,Y2,Y3',y1,y2,y3
3718                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 XCD(I)=',(xcd(i,j,it),it=1,nh0)
3719                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 YCD(I)=',(ycd(i,j,it),it=1,nh0)
3720                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 XCD(I1)=',(xcd(i1,j1,it),it=1,nh1)
3721                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY1 YCD(I1)=',(ycd(i1,j1,it),it=1,nh1)
3722                 iflt = 111
3723                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3724                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3725                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3726                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3727                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3728                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3729              END IF
3730              xcn(i,j,1) = xcd(i,j,1) + (y3-y1)/(rad+ep)
3731              ycn(i,j,1) = ycd(i,j,1) - (x3-x1)/(rad+ep)
3732           END IF
3734           IF (rad < .1 .AND. rad < radtst) THEN
3735              radhld = rad
3736              radtst = rad
3737              ihld = i
3738              jhld = j
3739           END IF              
3741           radmax = MAX(radmax,rad)
3742           radmin = MIN(radmin,rad)
3743           radavg = radavg + rad
3744           radsum = radsum + 1.
3746           x1 = xcd(i ,j ,  1)
3747           y1 = ycd(i ,j ,  1)
3748           x2 = xcd(i ,j ,nh0)
3749           y2 = ycd(i ,j ,nh0)
3750           x3 = xcd(i2,j2,nh2) + FLOAT(i2-i)
3751           y3 = ycd(i2,j2,nh2) + FLOAT(j2-j)
3752           iloc = 0
3754           IF (icl(i,j) == 4 .AND. nc(i,j) == 1) THEN
3755              IF (icl(i2,j2) == 4 .AND. nc(i2,j2) == 1) THEN
3756                 i3 = in2(i2,j2,1)
3757                 j3 = in2(i2,j2,2)
3758                 nh3 = ncod(i3,j3)
3759 !               IF (nfl(i3,j3) == 1) THEN
3760                 IF (nfl(i3,j3) == 1 .AND. icl(i3,j3) /= 4) THEN
3761                    iloc = 1
3762                    x1 = xcd(i1,j1,1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
3763                    y1 = ycd(i1,j1,1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
3764                    x2 = xcd(i ,j ,nh0)
3765                    y2 = ycd(i ,j ,nh0)
3766                    x3 = xcd(i3,j3,nh3) + FLOAT(i3-i)
3767                    y3 = ycd(i3,j3,nh3) + FLOAT(j3-j)
3768                 END IF
3769              END IF
3770           END IF
3772 !        ... test code follows
3773           IF (icl(i,j) == 4 .AND. nc(i,j) == 1 .AND. iloc == 0) THEN
3774              x1 = xcd(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
3775              y1 = ycd(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
3776              x2 = xcd(i2,j2,  1) + FLOAT(i2-i)
3777              y2 = ycd(i2,j2,  1) + FLOAT(j2-j)
3778              x3 = xcd(i2,j2,nh2) + FLOAT(i2-i)
3779              y3 = ycd(i2,j2,nh2) + FLOAT(j2-j)
3780           END IF
3781 !        ... test code above
3783           xcn(i,j,nh0) = xcd(i,j,nh0)
3784           ycn(i,j,nh0) = ycd(i,j,nh0)
3785           det = (x1-x2)*(y1-y3) - (x1-x3)*(y1-y2)
3786           aa = .5*(x1*x1 - x2*x2 + y1*y1 - y2*y2)
3787           bb = .5*(x1*x1 - x3*x3 + y1*y1 - y3*y3)
3788           x_0 = (aa*(y1-y3) - bb*(y1-y2)) / (det + SIGN(ep,det))
3789           y_0 = (bb*(x1-x2) - aa*(x1-x3)) / (det + SIGN(ep,det))
3790           rad = SQRT((x2-x_0)**2 + (y2-y_0)**2)
3792           IF (rad > 1. .AND. rad < 1000.) THEN             !test
3793              vtsgn = (y3-y1)*(x2-x_0) - (x3-x1)*(y2-y_0)
3794              it1 = INT((vtsgn+ABS(vtsgn)) / (ABS(vtsgn)+ep_sq)+.5) - 1
3795              t1 = FLOAT(it1)
3796              xcn(i,j,nh0) = xcd(i,j,nh0) + t1*(x2-x_0)/(rad+ep)
3797              ycn(i,j,nh0) = ycd(i,j,nh0) + t1*(y2-y_0)/(rad+ep)
3798           ELSE
3799              rad = SQRT((y3-y1)**2 + (x3-x1)**2)
3800              IF (abs(rad) < ep) THEN
3801                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 START'
3802                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 RAD,ILOC',rad,iloc
3803                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 I,J,NH0',i,j,nh0
3804                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 I2,J2,NH2',i2,j2,nh2
3805                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 R02,R20,R22',r02,r20,r22
3806                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 X1,X2,X3',x1,x2,x3
3807                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 Y1,Y2,Y3',y1,y2,y3
3808                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 XCD(I)=',(xcd(i,j,it),it=1,nh0)
3809                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 YCD(I)=',(ycd(i,j,it),it=1,nh0)
3810                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 XCD(I2)=',(xcd(i2,j2,it),it=1,nh2)
3811                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY2 YCD(I2)=',(ycd(i2,j2,it),it=1,nh2)
3812                 iflt = 112
3813                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3814                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3815                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3816                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3817                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3818                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3819              END IF
3820              xcn(i,j,nh0) = xcd(i,j,nh0) + (y3-y1)/(rad+ep)
3821              ycn(i,j,nh0) = ycd(i,j,nh0) - (x3-x1)/(rad+ep)
3822           END IF
3823           IF (rad < .1 .AND. rad < radtst) THEN
3824              radhld = rad
3825              radtst = rad
3826              ihld = i
3827              jhld = j
3828           END IF                         
3830           IF (nh0 == 3) THEN
3831              x1 = xcd(i,j,1)
3832              y1 = ycd(i,j,1)
3833              x3 = xcd(i,j,3)
3834              y3 = ycd(i,j,3)
3835              rad = SQRT((y3-y1)**2 + (x3-x1)**2)
3836              IF (ABS(rad) < ep) THEN
3837                 WRITE (6,*) 'HEY3 I,J,RAD,Y1,Y2,Y3,X1,X2,X3',     &
3838                                   i,j,rad,y1,y2,y3,x1,x2,x3
3839                 iflt = 113
3840                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,          &
3841                         time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
3842                         nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
3843                         ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
3844                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
3845                         if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
3846              END IF
3847              xcn(i,j,2) = xcd(i,j,2) + (y3-y1)/(rad+ep)
3848              ycn(i,j,2) = ycd(i,j,2) - (x3-x1)/(rad+ep)
3849           END IF
3850        END IF                     !NFL=1 LOOP
3852     END DO x_cn
3853     END DO y_cn
3855     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 10'
3856     IF (ABS(radsum) > ep_sq) THEN
3857       radavg = radavg/radsum
3858       PRINT *,'RADMAX MIN AVG SUM',radmax,radmin,radavg,radsum
3859     ELSE
3860       PRINT *,'RADMAX MIN SUM, CANT CALC RADAVG',radmax,radmin,radsum
3861     END IF
3862     write(*,*)'in fire_ln: 11'
3864     RETURN
3866 END SUBROUTINE fire_ln
3868 ! =========================================================================
3870 SUBROUTINE fire_tr(dt,ibeh,nfuel_cat,ncod,nfl,zf,zsf,zs,        &  ! incoming
3871                    sfcu,sfcv,xcd,ycd,bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0,      &
3872                    ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                   &
3873                    ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                   &
3874                    its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,                   &
3875                    ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,             &
3876                    if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,                     &
3877                    nfrx,nfry,                                   &
3878                    xcn,ycn,                                     &  ! inout
3879                    sprdx,sprdy)                                    ! outgoing
3881 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
3882 !   this routine advects fire line coordinates after fire_ln call           
3883 !      all xcd ycd xcn and ycn points are calculated and used to 
3884 !      calculate local velocities and spread rates
3885 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------
3887    USE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
3891 ! ------ incoming variables
3893    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
3894    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
3895    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
3896    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
3897    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
3898    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
3900    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ibeh
3902    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfuel_cat
3903    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: ncod,nfl
3905    REAL, INTENT(in)  :: dt
3907    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme,6 ) :: sfcu,sfcv
3908    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcd,ycd
3909    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: zf,zsf
3910    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme )   :: zs
3911    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0
3913 ! ------ inout variables
3915    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcn,ycn
3917 ! ------ outgoing variables
3919    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: sprdx,sprdy
3921 ! ------ local variables
3923    INTEGER :: i,j
3924    INTEGER :: it,itm
3925    INTEGER :: ks,ksp
3926    INTEGER :: ib,jb
3928    REAL :: tirx,tiry
3929    REAL :: tspmax,tspmin
3930    REAL :: epx,epy,epz
3931    REAL :: t1
3932    REAL :: dlx,dly,dl
3933    REAL :: x,y
3934    REAL :: tib,tjb
3935    REAL :: uu,vv
3936    REAL :: zs1,zs2
3937    REAL :: tanphi,speed
3938    REAL :: ss
3939    REAL :: fuel_hgt
3941    REAL, PARAMETER :: dist = 2.         ! distance behind fire line in the
3942                                         ! direction of the normal vector that
3943                                         ! winds are taken to advect fire.
3944                                         ! terrain slope taken to be the
3945                                         ! difference between the elevation at
3946                                         ! the fire line and the elevation twice
3947                                         ! this distance from the fire line in
3948                                         ! the direction of the normal vector.
3950    CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: msg
3952 !    when deriving fireline coordinates we always keep the fire to our left
3954     tirx = 1. / FLOAT(nfrx)
3955     tiry = 1. / FLOAT(nfry)
3957 !     ... SFCU and SFCV are positioned such that vertical index=1 means 
3958 !        they are at the surface (2) means one grid point above the surface.
3960     tspmax = 0.0
3961     tspmin = 1000.0
3963     DO j = jf_st,jf_en
3964     DO i = if_st,if_en
3966 ! --- get integer height of fuel
3968        fuel_hgt = 1. + fueldepthm(nfuel_cat(i,j)) / (zf(i,j)-zsf(i,j))
3970        ks = INT( fuel_hgt )
3971        ksp = ks+1                        ! test!
3972        epz = fuel_hgt - FLOAT(ks)        ! test!
3974 ! --- zero out some debug
3976        DO it = 1,4
3977           sprdx(i,j,it) = 0.0
3978           sprdy(i,j,it) = 0.0 
3979        END DO
3981        itm = ncod(i,j)
3983        IF (nfl(i,j).eq.1) THEN                      !NFL bypass
3985           DO it = 1,itm
3987        ! -- the Don Latham change follows - jury is still out
3989              dlx = (xcn(i,j,it)-xcd(i,j,it)) * dxf
3990              dly = (ycn(i,j,it)-ycd(i,j,it)) * dyf
3992        ! --- find winds at the specified distance behind the fire line.
3993        !     note that ib, jb are atmospheric grid coords. (where 
3994        !     zs is defined), not fuel cell grid coords.
3996              t1 = dist / SQRT( dlx**2 + dly**2 )                      
3997              x = xcd(i,j,it) - (xcn(i,j,it)-xcd(i,j,it))*t1
3998              y = ycd(i,j,it) - (ycn(i,j,it)-ycd(i,j,it))*t1
3999              tib = 1. + (FLOAT(i)-1.5+x)*tirx
4000              tjb = 1. + (FLOAT(j)-1.5+y)*tiry
4001              ib = INT(tib)
4002              jb = INT(tjb)
4003              epx = tib - FLOAT(ib)
4004              epy = tjb - FLOAT(jb)
4006              uu = (1.-epz)*(                                    &
4007                         (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*sfcu(ib  ,jb  ,ks)   &
4008                                     + epx *sfcu(ib+1,jb  ,ks))  &
4009                            + epy*((1.-epx)*sfcu(ib  ,jb+1,ks)   &
4010                                     + epx *sfcu(ib+1,jb+1,ks))) &
4011                     + epz *(                                    &
4012                         (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*sfcu(ib  ,jb  ,ksp)  &
4013                                     + epx *sfcu(ib+1,jb  ,ksp)) &
4014                            + epy*((1.-epx)*sfcu(ib  ,jb+1,ksp)  &
4015                                     + epx *sfcu(ib+1,jb+1,ksp)))
4017              vv = (1.-epz)*(                                    &
4018                         (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*sfcv(ib  ,jb  ,ks)   &
4019                                     + epx *sfcv(ib+1,jb  ,ks))  &
4020                            + epy*((1.-epx)*sfcv(ib  ,jb+1,ks)   &
4021                                     + epx *sfcv(ib+1,jb+1,ks))) &
4022                     + epz *(                                    &
4023                         (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*sfcv(ib  ,jb  ,ksp)  &
4024                                     + epx *sfcv(ib+1,jb  ,ksp)) &
4025                            + epy*((1.-epx)*sfcv(ib  ,jb+1,ksp)  &
4026                                     + epx *sfcv(ib+1,jb+1,ksp)))
4028        ! --- find elevation at the fire line for this particle.
4030              t1 = 0.0
4031              x = xcd(i,j,it) - (xcn(i,j,it)-xcd(i,j,it))*t1
4032              y = ycd(i,j,it) - (ycn(i,j,it)-ycd(i,j,it))*t1
4033              tib = 1.5 + (FLOAT(i)-1.5+x)*tirx
4034              tjb = 1.5 + (FLOAT(j)-1.5+y)*tiry
4035              ib = INT(tib)
4036              jb = INT(tjb)
4037              epx = tib - FLOAT(ib)
4038              epy = tjb - FLOAT(jb)
4040              zs1 = (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*zs(ib,jb  ) + epx*zs(ib+1,jb))  &
4041                       + epy*((1.-epx)*zs(ib,jb+1) + epx*zs(ib+1,jb+1))
4043        ! --- find elevation at twice the specified distance behind 
4044        !     the fire line in the direction of the normal vector
4046              t1 = (2.*dist) / SQRT(dlx**2 + dly**2)
4047              x = xcd(i,j,it) - (xcn(i,j,it)-xcd(i,j,it))*t1
4048              y = ycd(i,j,it) - (ycn(i,j,it)-ycd(i,j,it))*t1
4050              tib = 1.5 + (FLOAT(i)-1.5+x)*tirx
4051              tjb = 1.5 + (FLOAT(j)-1.5+y)*tiry
4052              ib = INT(tib)
4053              jb = INT(tjb)
4054              epx = tib - FLOAT(ib)
4055              epy = tjb - FLOAT(jb)
4057              zs2 = (1.-epy)*((1.-epx)*zs(ib,jb  ) + epx*zs(ib+1,jb))  &
4058                       + epy*((1.-epx)*zs(ib,jb+1) + epx*zs(ib+1,jb+1))
4060        ! --- calculate  tangent of terrain slope in direction of spread.
4062              tanphi = (zs1-zs2) / (2.*dist)
4063              PRINT *,'debug ZS1 ZS2 TANPHI=',zs1,zs2,tanphi
4065        ! --- calculate wind speed in direction of spread.
4067              dlx = (xcn(i,j,it)-xcd(i,j,it))
4068              dly = (ycn(i,j,it)-ycd(i,j,it))
4069              dlx = dlx + SIGN(ep,dlx)
4070              dly = dly + SIGN(ep,dly)
4071              dl = SQRT(dlx**2 + dly**2)
4072              t1 = 1./dl
4074              speed = t1*(uu*dlx + vv*dly)
4076 !            fuelloadm = (1.-bmst) * fgi(nfuel_cat(i,j)) ! fueload w/out moisture
4078        ! --- calculate fire's rate of spread
4080              CALL fire_ros( i,j,                             &    ! send
4081                             ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
4082                             speed,tanphi,ibeh,nfuel_cat,     & 
4083                             bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0,            &
4084                             ss)                                  ! recv
4086        ! --- get new non-dimensional distance according to spread rate
4088              dlx = t1 * dlx * ss * dt / dxf
4089              dly = t1 * dly * ss * dt / dyf
4091        ! --- some debug
4093              tspmax = MAX(ss,tspmax)
4094              tspmin = MIN(ss,tspmin)
4095              sprdx(i,j,it) = dxf * dlx / dt
4096              sprdy(i,j,it) = dyf * dly / dt
4098        ! --- update normal vector's locations
4100              xcn(i,j,it) = xcd(i,j,it) + dlx
4101              ycn(i,j,it) = ycd(i,j,it) + dly
4103           END DO
4104        END IF                                  !NFL bypass
4105     END DO
4106     END DO
4108     WRITE(msg,21) tspmax, tspmin
4109 21  FORMAT(1x,'MAX/MIN SPREAD RATE (m/s)=',2(1x,f10.5))
4110     CALL wrf_message( msg )
4112     RETURN
4114 END SUBROUTINE fire_tr
4116 ! =========================================================================
4118 SUBROUTINE fire_ds(ixb,iyb,icn,nfl,ncod,in1,in2,      & ! incoming
4119                    time,xcn,ycn,xcd,ycd,              &
4120                    ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,         &
4121                    ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,         &
4122                    its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,         &
4123                    ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,   &
4124                    if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,           &
4125                    nfrx,nfry,                         &
4126                    xfg,yfg,tign_g)                      ! inout
4128 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4129 ! This routine assigns quadrilateral grid positions using the
4130 ! new XCN and YCN positions. New cell ignitions are also treated.
4132 ! First we calculate XFG,YFG using linear extrapolation. This
4133 ! can result in different values at the same equivalent point 
4134 ! for neighboring grids. (Curvature effect). This will be corrected
4135 ! in last loop of this routine.
4136 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
4140 ! ----- incoming variables
4142    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
4143    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
4144    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
4145    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
4146    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
4147    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
4149    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
4150    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfl,ncod
4151    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,2 ) :: in1,in2
4153    REAL, INTENT(in) :: time
4155    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcn,ycn
4156    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcd,ycd
4158 ! ----- inout variables
4160    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xfg,yfg
4161    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: tign_g
4163 ! ----- local variables
4165    INTEGER :: i,j
4166    INTEGER :: nct,icls
4167    INTEGER :: i1,i2
4168    INTEGER :: j1,j2
4169    INTEGER :: nh0,nh1,nh2,nht
4170    INTEGER :: ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
4171    INTEGER :: iod
4172    INTEGER :: is,js
4173    INTEGER :: isen
4174    INTEGER :: iia3,iib3,iic3,iid3,iit
4175    INTEGER :: jja4,jjb4,jjc4,jjd4,jjt
4176    INTEGER :: iflt
4178    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nc,icl
4180    REAL :: dlx,dly
4181    REAL :: dxx,dyy
4182    REAL :: x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7
4183    REAL :: y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7
4184    REAL :: xfg_a3,xfg_b3,xfg_c3,xfg_d3
4185    REAL :: yfg_a4,yfg_b4,yfg_c4,yfg_d4
4186    REAL :: xfg_ic3,yfg_ic4
4187    REAL :: tia3,tib3,tic3,tid3
4188    REAL :: tja4,tjb4,tjc4,tjd4
4190 !  when deriving fireline coordinates we always keep the fire to our left
4192     DO j = jf_st,jf_en
4193     DO i = if_st,if_en
4194        nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
4195        icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) +  &
4196                   iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)
4197     END DO
4198     END DO
4200 yl: DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
4201 xl: DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
4203        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN   !NFL outer loop
4205           nct = nc(i,j)
4206           icls = icl(i,j)
4207           nh0 = ncod(i,j)
4208           i1 = in1(i,j,1)
4209           j1 = in1(i,j,2)
4210           i2 = in2(i,j,1)
4211           j2 = in2(i,j,2)
4212           nh1 = ncod(i1,j1)
4213           nh2 = ncod(i2,j2)
4214           nht = nh0 + nh1 + nh2
4216           dly = (xcn(i,j,2)-xcn(i,j,1))/                                 &
4217               (ycn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1)+SIGN(ep,ycn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1)))
4218           dlx = (ycn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1))/                                 &
4219               (xcn(i,j,2)-xcn(i,j,1)+SIGN(ep,xcn(i,j,2)-xcn(i,j,1)))
4221           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN    !NCT=3 and ICLS=1 NCOD=2
4223              ic1 = 10 - icn(i,j,1) - 2*icn(i,j,2) - 3*icn(i,j,3) - 4*icn(i,j,4)
4225              IF (ic1 == 1) THEN             
4226                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 1) THEN
4227                    dxx = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(ic1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly - xfg(i,j,ic1)
4228                    dxx = MIN(0.0,dxx)
4229                    xfg(i,j,ic1) = xfg(i,j,ic1) + dxx
4230                 END IF
4231                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
4232                    dyy = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(ic1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx - yfg(i,j,ic1)
4233                    dyy = MIN(0.0,dyy)
4234                    yfg(i,j,ic1) = yfg(i,j,ic1) + dyy
4235                 END IF
4236              END IF                                
4238              IF (ic1 == 2) THEN             
4239                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 1) THEN
4240                    dxx = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(ic1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly - xfg(i,j,ic1)
4241                    dxx = MAX(0.0,dxx)
4242                    xfg(i,j,ic1) = xfg(i,j,ic1) + dxx
4243                 END IF
4244                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
4245                    dyy = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(ic1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx - yfg(i,j,ic1)
4246                    dyy = MIN(0.0,dyy)
4247                    yfg(i,j,ic1) = yfg(i,j,ic1) + dyy
4248                 END IF
4249              END IF                                
4251              IF (ic1 == 3) THEN             
4252                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 1) THEN
4253                    dxx = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(ic1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly - xfg(i,j,ic1)
4254                    dxx = MIN(0.0,dxx)
4255                    xfg(i,j,ic1) = xfg(i,j,ic1) + dxx
4256                 END IF
4257                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
4258                    dyy = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(ic1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx - yfg(i,j,ic1)
4259                    dyy = MAX(0.0,dyy)
4260                    yfg(i,j,ic1) = yfg(i,j,ic1) + dyy
4261                 END IF
4262              END IF                                
4264              IF (ic1 == 4) THEN             
4265                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 1) THEN
4266                    dxx = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(ic1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly - xfg(i,j,ic1)
4267                    dxx = MAX(0.0,dxx)
4268                    xfg(i,j,ic1) = xfg(i,j,ic1) + dxx
4269                 END IF
4270                 IF (ixb(i,j,ic1) == 0) THEN
4271                    dyy = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(ic1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx - yfg(i,j,ic1)
4272                    dyy = MAX(0.0,dyy)
4273                    yfg(i,j,ic1) = yfg(i,j,ic1) + dyy
4274                 END IF
4275              END IF                                
4277              IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,ic1)+xlm(ic1)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,ic1) = xlm(ic1)
4278              IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,ic1)+ylm(ic1)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,ic1) = ylm(ic1)
4280           END IF                    !NCT=3 and ICLS=1
4282           IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 2) THEN    !NCT=3 and ICLS=2 NCOD=3
4283              ic1 = 10 - icn(i,j,1) - 2*icn(i,j,2) - 3*icn(i,j,3) - 4*icn(i,j,4)
4284              yfg(i,j,ic1) = ycn(i,j,2)
4285              xfg(i,j,ic1) = xcn(i,j,2)
4286              IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,ic1)+xlm(ic1)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,ic1) = xlm(ic1)
4287              IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,ic1)+ylm(ic1)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,ic1) = ylm(ic1)
4288           END IF                    !NCT=3 and ICLS=2
4290           IF (nct == 2 .AND. icls == 2) THEN      !NCT=2 ICLS=2 NCOD=2
4292              IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2) THEN   !IT=1 and 2
4293                 xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
4294                 xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
4295                 yfg(i,j,3) = (ycn(i,j,1)+(xlm(3)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx)
4296                 yfg(i,j,4) = (ycn(i,j,1)+(xlm(4)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx)
4297                 IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,3)+ylm(3)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
4298                 IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,4)+ylm(4)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
4299              END IF                                 !IT=1 and 2
4301              IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN   !IT=3 and 4
4302                 xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
4303                 xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
4304                 yfg(i,j,1) = (ycn(i,j,1)+(xlm(1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx)
4305                 yfg(i,j,2) = (ycn(i,j,1)+(xlm(2)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx)
4306                 IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,1)+ylm(1)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
4307                 IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,2)+ylm(2)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
4308              END IF                                 !IT=3 and 4
4310              IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2) THEN   !IT=2 and 4  
4311                 yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
4312                 yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
4313                 xfg(i,j,1) = (xcn(i,j,1)+(ylm(1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly)
4314                 xfg(i,j,3) = (xcn(i,j,1)+(ylm(3)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly)
4315                 IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,1)+xlm(1)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
4316                 IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,3)+xlm(3)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
4317              END IF                                 !IT=2 and 4
4319              IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2) THEN   !IT=1 and 3
4320                 yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
4321                 yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
4322                 xfg(i,j,2) = (xcn(i,j,1)+(ylm(2)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly)
4323                 xfg(i,j,4) = (xcn(i,j,1)+(ylm(4)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly)
4324                 IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,2)+xlm(2)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
4325                 IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,4)+xlm(4)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
4326              END IF                                 !IT=1 and 3
4328           END IF                                  !NCT=2 ICLS=2
4330           IF (nct == 1 .AND. icls == 4) THEN       !NCT=1 ICLS=4 NCOD=3
4331 !    debug section
4332              ic1 = icn(i,j,1) + 2*icn(i,j,2) + 3*icn(i,j,3) + 4*icn(i,j,4)
4333              ic2 = 5 - ic1
4334              ic3 = ixb(i,j,1)*(1-iyb(i,j,1)) + 2*ixb(i,j,2)*(1-iyb(i,j,2)) +  &
4335                  3*ixb(i,j,3)*(1-iyb(i,j,3)) + 4*ixb(i,j,4)*(1-iyb(i,j,4))
4336              ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
4337 !            WRITE (6,*) 'ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4=',ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
4338              iod = ic1 - 2*(ic1/2)
4339              is = 1 - 2*iod
4340              js = -1 + 2*(ic1/3)
4341              isen = is*js
4342 !            WRITE (6,*) 'iod,is,js,isen=',iod,is,js,isen
4344              x1 = xcn(i2,j2,2) + float(i2-i)
4345              y1 = ycn(i2,j2,2) + float(j2-j)
4346              x2 = xcn(i2,j2,1) + float(i2-i)
4347              y2 = ycn(i2,j2,1) + float(j2-j)
4348              x3 = xcn(i,j,2+isen)
4349              y3 = ycn(i,j,2+isen)
4350              x4 = xcn(i,j,2)
4351              y4 = ycn(i,j,2)
4352              x5 = xcn(i,j,2-isen)
4353              y5 = ycn(i,j,2-isen)
4354              x6 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
4355              y6 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
4356              x7 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
4357              y7 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
4358              IF (isen == -1) THEN
4359                 x1 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
4360                 y1 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
4361                 x2 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
4362                 y2 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
4363                 x6 = xcn(i2,j2,1) + FLOAT(i2-i)
4364                 y6 = ycn(i2,j2,1) + FLOAT(j2-j)
4365                 x7 = xcn(i2,j2,2) + FLOAT(i2-i)
4366                 y7 = ycn(i2,j2,2) + FLOAT(j2-j)
4367 !               WRITE (6,*) 'ad: x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7=',x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7
4368 !               WRITE (6,*) 'ad: y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7=',y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7
4369              END IF
4371 ! -----  first choice
4372              xfg_a3 = x7 + (ylm(ic3)-y7)*(x4-x7)/(y4-y7+SIGN(ep,y4-y7))
4373              yfg_a4 = y1 + (xlm(ic4)-x1)*(y4-y1)/(x4-x1+SIGN(ep,x4-x1))
4375 ! -----  second choice
4376              xfg_b3 = x7 + (ylm(ic3)-y7)*(x6-x7)/(y6-y7+SIGN(ep,y6-y7))
4377              yfg_b4 = y1 + (xlm(ic4)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
4379 ! -----  third choice
4380              xfg_c3 = x5 + (ylm(ic3)-y5)*(x4-x5)/(y4-y5+SIGN(ep,y4-y5))
4381              yfg_c4 = y3 + (xlm(ic4)-x3)*(y4-y3)/(x4-x3+SIGN(ep,x4-x3))
4383 ! -----  fourth choice
4384              xfg_d3 = x5
4385              yfg_d4 = y3
4387 !            WRITE (6,*) '1st choice xfg_a3, yfg_a4=',xfg_a3, yfg_a4
4388 !            WRITE (6,*) '2nd choice xfg_b3, yfg_b4=',xfg_b3, yfg_b4
4389 !            WRITE (6,*) '3nd choice xfg_c3, yfg_c4=',xfg_c3, yfg_c4
4390 !            WRITE (6,*) '4th choice xfg_d3, yfg_d4=',xfg_d3, yfg_d4
4392 ! ----- test constraints
4393 !            tia3 = ((xfg_a3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)) &
4394 !              + ABS((xfg_a3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4395 !            tib3 = ((xfg_b3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)) &
4396 !              + ABS((xfg_b3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4397 !            tic3 = ((xfg_c3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)) &
4398 !              + ABS((xfg_c3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4399 !            tid3 = ((xfg_d3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)) &
4400 !              + ABS((xfg_d3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4402 !            iia3 = INT((tia3+ABS(tia3))/(2.*ABS(tia3)+ep)+.5)
4403 !            iib3 = INT((tib3+ABS(tib3))/(2.*ABS(tib3)+ep)+.5)
4404 !            iic3 = INT((tic3+ABS(tic3))/(2.*ABS(tic3)+ep)+.5)
4405 !            iid3 = INT((tid3+ABS(tid3))/(2.*ABS(tid3)+ep)+.5)
4407              iia3 = 0
4408              iib3 = 0
4409              iic3 = 0
4410              iid3 = 0
4412              IF ( (xfg_a3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))  >=  -ep) iia3 = 1
4413              IF ( (xfg_b3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))  >=  -ep) iib3 = 1
4414              IF ( (xfg_c3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))  >=  -ep) iic3 = 1
4415              IF ( (xfg_d3-xfg(i,j,ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))  >=  -ep) iid3 = 1
4417              iib3 = (1-iia3)*iib3
4418              iic3 = (1-iia3)*(1-iib3)*iic3
4419              iid3 = (1-iia3)*(1-iib3)*(1-iic3)*iid3
4420              iit = iia3 + iib3 + iic3 + iid3
4422 !            tja4 = ((yfg_a4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)) &
4423 !              + ABS((yfg_a4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4424 !            tjb4 = ((yfg_b4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)) &
4425 !              + ABS((yfg_b4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4426 !            tjc4 = ((yfg_c4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)) &
4427 !              + ABS((yfg_c4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4428 !            tjd4 = ((yfg_d4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)) &
4429 !              + ABS((yfg_d4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1)))) !must be positive
4430 !            jja4 = INT((tja4+ABS(tja4))/(2.*ABS(tja4)+ep)+.5)
4431 !            jjb4 = INT((tjb4+ABS(tjb4))/(2.*ABS(tjb4)+ep)+.5)
4432 !            jjc4 = INT((tjc4+ABS(tjc4))/(2.*ABS(tjc4)+ep)+.5)
4433 !            jjd4 = INT((tjd4+ABS(tjd4))/(2.*ABS(tjd4)+ep)+.5)
4435              jja4 = 0
4436              jjb4 = 0
4437              jjc4 = 0
4438              jjd4 = 0
4440              IF ( (yfg_a4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))  >=  -ep) jja4 = 1
4441              IF ( (yfg_b4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))  >=  -ep) jjb4 = 1
4442              IF ( (yfg_c4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))  >=  -ep) jjc4 = 1
4443              IF ( (yfg_d4-yfg(i,j,ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))  >=  -ep) jjd4 = 1
4445              jjb4 = (1-jja4)*jjb4
4446              jjc4 = (1-jja4)*(1-jjb4)*jjc4
4447              jjd4 = (1-jja4)*(1-jjb4)*(1-jjc4)*jjd4
4448              jjt = jja4 + jjb4 + jjc4 + jjd4
4450              IF (iit*jjt == 0) THEN
4451                 iflt = 884
4452                 PRINT *,'IC1 2 3 4=',ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
4453                 PRINT *,'XFG_A YFG_A=',xfg_a3,yfg_a4
4454                 PRINT *,'XFG_B YFG_B=',xfg_b3,yfg_b4
4455                 PRINT *,'XFG_C YFG_C=',xfg_c3,yfg_c4
4456                 PRINT *,'XFG_D YFG_D=',xfg_d3,yfg_d4
4457                 PRINT *,'TIA3 TJA4=',tia3,tja4
4458                 PRINT *,'TIB3 TJB4=',tib3,tjb4
4459                 PRINT *,'TIC3 TJC4=',tic3,tjc4
4460                 PRINT *,'TID3 TJD4=',tid3,tjd4
4461                 PRINT *,'IIA3 JJA4=',iia3,jja4
4462                 PRINT *,'IIB3 JJB4=',iib3,jjb4
4463                 PRINT *,'IIC3 JJC4=',iic3,jjc4
4464                 PRINT *,'IID3 JJD4=',iid3,jjd4
4466                 WRITE (6,*) 'debug:  iit,jjt=',iit,jjt
4467                 WRITE (6,*) 'debug:IIT=IIA3+IIB3+IIC3+IID3',iit,iia3,iib3,iic3,iid3
4468                 WRITE (6,*) 'debug:JJT=JJA4+JJB4+JJC4+JJD4',jjt,jja4,jjb4,jjc4,jjd4
4470                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
4471                                       time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
4472                                       nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
4473                                       ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
4474                                       ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
4475                                       if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
4477              END IF
4479              xfg_ic3 = (FLOAT(iia3)*xfg_a3 + FLOAT(iib3)*xfg_b3 +  &
4480                         FLOAT(iic3)*xfg_c3 + FLOAT(iid3)*xfg_d3)   &
4481                    /(FLOAT(iia3+iib3+iic3+iid3)+ep)
4482              yfg_ic4 = (FLOAT(jja4)*yfg_a4 + FLOAT(jjb4)*yfg_b4 +  &
4483                         FLOAT(jjc4)*yfg_c4 + FLOAT(jjd4)*yfg_d4)   &
4484                    /(FLOAT(jja4+jjb4+jjc4+jjd4)+ep)
4486              xfg(i,j,ic3) = xfg_ic3
4487              yfg(i,j,ic3) = ylm(ic3)
4488              xfg(i,j,ic4) = xlm(ic4)
4489              yfg(i,j,ic4) = yfg_ic4
4490              xfg(i,j,ic2) = xcn(i,j,2)
4491              yfg(i,j,ic2) = ycn(i,j,2)
4493              IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,ic3)+xlm(ic3)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,ic3) = xlm(ic3)
4494              IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,ic4)+ylm(ic4)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,ic4) = ylm(ic4)
4495              IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,ic2)+xlm(ic2)) > 1.) xfg(i,j,ic2) = xlm(ic2)
4496              IF (ABS(yfg(i,j,ic2)+ylm(ic2)) > 1.) yfg(i,j,ic2) = ylm(ic2)
4498              IF (ABS(xfg(i,j,ic3)) > .5+ep .OR. ABS(yfg(i,j,ic4)) > .5+ep) THEN
4499                 iflt = 885
4500                 PRINT *,'IC1 2 3 4=',ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
4501                 PRINT *,'XFG_A YFG_A=',xfg_a3,yfg_a4
4502                 PRINT *,'XFG_B YFG_B=',xfg_b3,yfg_b4
4503                 PRINT *,'XFG_C YFG_C=',xfg_c3,yfg_c4
4504                 PRINT *,'XFG_D YFG_D=',xfg_d3,yfg_d4
4505                 PRINT *,'TIA3 TJA4=',tia3,tja4
4506                 PRINT *,'TIB3 TJB4=',tib3,tjb4
4507                 PRINT *,'TIC3 TJC4=',tic3,tjc4
4508                 PRINT *,'TID3 TJD4=',tid3,tjd4
4509                 PRINT *,'IIA3 JJA4=',iia3,jja4
4510                 PRINT *,'IIB3 JJB4=',iib3,jjb4
4511                 PRINT *,'IIC3 JJC4=',iic3,jjc4
4512                 PRINT *,'IID3 JJD4=',iid3,jjd4
4514                 CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
4515                                       time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
4516                                       nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
4517                                       ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
4518                                       ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
4519                                       if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
4521              END IF
4523           END IF                                  !NCT=1 ICLS=4
4525        END IF                    !NFL outer loop
4526     END DO xl
4527     END DO yl
4529     RETURN
4531 END SUBROUTINE fire_ds
4533 ! =========================================================================
4535 SUBROUTINE fire_igs(ixb,iyb,icn,in1,in2,ncod,time,    & ! incoming
4536                     xcn,ycn,zs,xcd,ycd,sprdx,sprdy,   &
4537                     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,        &
4538                     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,        &
4539                     its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,        &
4540                     ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,  &
4541                     if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,          &
4542                     nfrx,nfry,                        &
4543                     nfl,tign_g,xfg,yfg)                 ! inout
4545 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4546 ! This routine treats new ignitions and the initialization of new grids 
4547 ! using the XCN and YCN positions. It preserves symmetry and stability by
4548 ! first interogating all ignitors for all cells to be ignited.
4550 !  IX               is I index of new ignition grid
4551 !  LY               is L index of new ignition grid
4552 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4556 ! ----- incoming variables
4558    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
4559    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
4560    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
4561    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
4562    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
4563    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
4565    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
4566    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,2 ) :: in1,in2
4567    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: ncod
4569    REAL, INTENT(in) :: time
4571    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcn,ycn
4572    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme )   :: zs
4573    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcd,ycd
4574    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: sprdx,sprdy
4576 ! ----- inout variables
4578    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nfl
4580    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: tign_g
4581    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xfg,yfg
4583 ! ----- local variables
4585    INTEGER :: i,j
4586    INTEGER :: is,js
4587    INTEGER :: ip,jp
4588    INTEGER :: i1,i2
4589    INTEGER :: j1,j2
4590    INTEGER :: nh0,nh1,nh2
4591    INTEGER :: ix1,ix2,ix3
4592    INTEGER :: iy1,iy2,iy3
4593    INTEGER :: jy1,jy2,jy3
4594    INTEGER :: ixsum,jysum,isum,isumc
4595    INTEGER :: nct,icls
4596    INTEGER :: is12,is34,is13,is24
4597    INTEGER :: ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
4598    INTEGER :: iod,isen
4599    INTEGER :: ihita,ihitb
4600    INTEGER :: ia4,ja4
4601    INTEGER :: ia6,ja6
4602    INTEGER :: ib1,jb1
4603    INTEGER :: ib3,jb3
4605    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nc,icl
4606    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ist
4608    REAL :: dlx,dly
4609    REAL :: xfg_1,yfg_1
4610    REAL :: xfg_2,yfg_2
4611    REAL :: xfg_3,yfg_3
4612    REAL :: xfg_4,yfg_4
4613    REAL :: x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7
4614    REAL :: y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6,y7
4615    REAL :: xfga,yfga
4616    REAL :: xfgb,yfgb
4617    REAL :: tx,ty
4618    REAL :: txa,tya
4619    REAL :: txb,tyb
4620    REAL :: xfg_ic1,yfg_ic1
4621    REAL :: xfg_a,yfg_a
4622    REAL :: xfg_b,yfg_b
4623    REAL :: xfg_a4,yfg_a4
4624    REAL :: xfg_a6,yfg_a6
4625    REAL :: xfg_b1,yfg_b1
4626    REAL :: xfg_b3,yfg_b3
4627    REAL :: ti1,ti2,ti3,tia4,tia6,tib1,tib3
4628    REAL :: tj1,tj2,tj3,tja4,tja6,tjb1,tjb3
4630    CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: msg
4632 ! ----- when deriving fireline coordinates we always keep the fire to our left
4634     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
4635     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
4636        nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
4637        icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) +  &
4638                   iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)         
4639     END DO
4640     END DO
4642 ! ----- preprocessing for loop 2
4644     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
4645     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
4647        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN
4649           i1 = in1(i,j,1)
4650           j1 = in1(i,j,2)
4651           i2 = in2(i,j,1)
4652           j2 = in2(i,j,2)
4653           nh1 = ncod(i1,j1)
4654           nh2 = ncod(i2,j2)
4655           nh0 = ncod(i,j)
4656           ix1 = i + INT(2.*xcn(i,j,1))
4657           ix2 = i + INT(2.*xcn(i,j,2))
4658           ix3 = i + INT(2.*xcn(i,j,nh0))
4659           jy1 = j + INT(2.*ycn(i,j,1))
4660           jy2 = j + INT(2.*ycn(i,j,2))
4661           jy3 = j + INT(2.*ycn(i,j,nh0))
4662           ixsum = ix1 + ix2 + ix3 - 3*i
4663           jysum = jy1 + jy2 + jy3 - 3*j
4664           isum = IABS(ixsum) + IABS(jysum)
4665           nct = nc(i,j)
4666           icls = icl(i,j)
4668           is12 = 0
4669           is34 = 0
4670           is13 = 0
4671           is24 = 0
4672           IF (isum > 0) THEN
4673              IF((nct == 2 .AND. icls == 2) .OR. (nct == 4 .AND. icls == 0)) THEN
4674                 IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2 .AND. jysum > 0  &
4675                    .AND. nfl(i,j+1) /= 1 .AND. tign_g(i,j+1) < -10.) is12 = 1
4676                 IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2 .AND. jysum < 0  &
4677                    .AND. nfl(i,j-1) /= 1 .AND. tign_g(i,j-1) < -10.) is34 = 1
4678                 IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2 .AND. ixsum > 0  &
4679                    .AND. nfl(i+1,j) /= 1 .AND. tign_g(i+1,j) < -10.) is13 = 1
4680                 IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2 .AND. ixsum < 0  &
4681                    .AND. nfl(i-1,j) /= 1 .AND. tign_g(i-1,j) < -10.) is24 = 1
4682              END IF
4683              IF (nct == 3 .AND. icls == 1) THEN
4684                 IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,2) == 2 .AND.       &
4685                     ixb(i,j,3)+ixb(i,j,4) == 0 .AND.       &
4686                     jysum > 0 .AND. nfl(i,j+1) /= 1 .AND. &
4687                     tign_g(i,j+1) < -10.) is12 = 1
4688                 IF (icn(i,j,3)+icn(i,j,4) == 2 .AND.       &
4689                     ixb(i,j,1)+ixb(i,j,2) == 0 .AND.       &
4690                     jysum < 0 .AND. nfl(i,j-1) /= 1 .AND. &
4691                     tign_g(i,j-1) < -10.) is34 = 1
4692                 IF (icn(i,j,1)+icn(i,j,3) == 2 .AND.       &
4693                     iyb(i,j,2)+iyb(i,j,4) == 0 .AND.       &
4694                     ixsum > 0 .AND. nfl(i+1,j) /= 1 .AND. &
4695                     tign_g(i+1,j) < -10.) is13 = 1
4696                 IF (icn(i,j,2)+icn(i,j,4) == 2 .AND.       &
4697                     iyb(i,j,1)+iyb(i,j,3) == 0 .AND.       &
4698                     ixsum < 0 .AND. nfl(i-1,j) /= 1 .AND. &
4699                     tign_g(i-1,j) < -10.) is24 = 1
4700              END IF
4701           END IF
4703           ist(i,j,1) = is12
4704           ist(i,j,2) = is34
4705           ist(i,j,3) = is13
4706           ist(i,j,4) = is24
4708        END IF                !NFL=1 loop
4709     END DO
4710     END DO
4712     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
4713     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
4715        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1) THEN          !check cell i,j
4717           is12 = ist(i,j,1)
4718           is34 = ist(i,j,2)
4719           is13 = ist(i,j,3)
4720           is24 = ist(i,j,4)
4722 ! ----- the preprocessing of is12 etc allows overwriting or double ignition
4723 ! -----the checks on nfl give 2/2 ignition dominance.
4725           IF (is12+is34+is13+is24 > 0)  THEN  !2/2  4/0 and 3/1 ignition
4726              dly = (xcn(i,j,2)-xcn(i,j,1))/ &
4727                    (ycn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1) + SIGN(ep,ycn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1)))
4728              dlx = (ycn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1))/ &
4729                    (xcn(i,j,2)-xcn(i,j,1) + SIGN(ep,xcn(i,j,2)-ycn(i,j,1)))
4731              IF (is12 == 1) THEN
4732                 xfg_4 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(4)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4733                 yfg_4 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(4)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4734                 xfg_3 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(3)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4735                 yfg_3 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(3)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4737 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4738                 IF (yfg_4 > .5 .AND. yfg_3 < .5 .AND. nfl(i,j+1) /= 1) THEN
4739                    nfl(i,j+1) = 1
4740                    tign_g(i,j+1) = time
4741                    xfg(i,j+1,1) = xfg_4 - 5.*ep
4742                    yfg(i,j+1,1) = ylm(1)
4743                    xfg(i,j+1,2) = xlm(2)
4744                    yfg(i,j+1,2) = ylm(2)
4745                    xfg(i,j+1,4) = xlm(4)
4746                    yfg(i,j+1,4) = yfg_4 - 1. + 5.*ep
4747                    xfg(i,j+1,3) = .5*(xfg(i,j+1,1)+xfg(i,j+1,4))
4748                    yfg(i,j+1,3) = .5*(yfg(i,j+1,1)+yfg(i,j+1,4))
4749                 END IF
4751 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4752                 IF (yfg_3 > .5 .AND. yfg_4 < .5 .AND. nfl(i,j+1) /= 1) THEN 
4753                    nfl(i,j+1) = 1
4754                    tign_g(i,j+1) = time
4755                    xfg(i,j+1,1) = xlm(1)
4756                    yfg(i,j+1,1) = ylm(1)
4757                    xfg(i,j+1,2) = xfg_3 + 5.*ep
4758                    yfg(i,j+1,2) = ylm(2)
4759                    xfg(i,j+1,3) = xlm(3)
4760                    yfg(i,j+1,3) = yfg_3 - 1. + 5.*ep
4761                    xfg(i,j+1,4) = .5*(xfg(i,j+1,2)+xfg(i,j+1,3))
4762                    yfg(i,j+1,4) = .5*(yfg(i,j+1,2)+yfg(i,j+1,3))
4763                 END IF
4765                 IF (yfg_3 > .5 .AND. yfg_4 > .5) THEN  ! igniting a 2/2
4766                    nfl(i,j+1) = 1
4767                    tign_g(i,j+1) = time
4768                    xfg(i,j+1,1) = xlm(1)
4769                    yfg(i,j+1,1) = ylm(1)
4770                    xfg(i,j+1,2) = xlm(2)
4771                    yfg(i,j+1,2) = ylm(2)
4772                    xfg(i,j+1,3) = xlm(3)
4773                    yfg(i,j+1,3) = yfg_3 - 1. + 5.*ep
4774                    xfg(i,j+1,4) = xlm(4)
4775                    yfg(i,j+1,4) = yfg_4 - 1. + 5.*ep
4776                 END IF
4777              END IF
4779              IF (is34 == 1) THEN
4780                 xfg_1 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4781                 yfg_1 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4782                 xfg_2 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(2)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4783                 yfg_2 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(2)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4785 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4786                 IF (yfg_1 < -.5 .AND. yfg_2 > -.5 .AND. nfl(i,j-1) /= 1) THEN
4787                    nfl(i,j-1) = 1
4788                    tign_g(i,j-1) = time
4789                    xfg(i,j-1,1) = xlm(1)
4790                    yfg(i,j-1,1) = yfg_1 + 1. - 5.*ep
4791                    xfg(i,j-1,3) = xlm(3)
4792                    yfg(i,j-1,3) = ylm(3)
4793                    xfg(i,j-1,4) = xfg_1 + 5.*ep
4794                    yfg(i,j-1,4) =  ylm(4)
4795                    xfg(i,j-1,2) = .5*(xfg(i,j-1,1)+xfg(i,j-1,4))
4796                    yfg(i,j-1,2) = .5*(yfg(i,j-1,1)+yfg(i,j-1,4))
4797                 END IF
4799 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4800                 IF (yfg_2 < -.5 .AND. yfg_1 > -.5 .AND. nfl(i,j-1) /= 1) THEN
4801                    nfl(i,j-1) = 1
4802                    tign_g(i,j-1) = time
4803                    xfg(i,j-1,2) = xlm(2)
4804                    yfg(i,j-1,2) = yfg_2 + 1. - 5.*ep
4805                    xfg(i,j-1,3) = xfg_2 - 5.*ep
4806                    yfg(i,j-1,3) = ylm(3)
4807                    xfg(i,j-1,4) = xlm(4)
4808                    yfg(i,j-1,4) = ylm(4)
4809                    xfg(i,j-1,1) = .5*(xfg(i,j-1,2)+xfg(i,j-1,3))
4810                    yfg(i,j-1,1) = .5*(yfg(i,j-1,2)+yfg(i,j-1,3))
4811                 END IF
4813                 IF (yfg_2 < -.5 .AND. yfg_1 < -.5) THEN !igniting a 2/2
4814                    nfl(i,j-1) = 1
4815                    tign_g(i,j-1) = time
4816                    xfg(i,j-1,1) = xlm(1)
4817                    yfg(i,j-1,1) = yfg_1 + 1. - 5.*ep
4818                    xfg(i,j-1,2) = xlm(2)
4819                    yfg(i,j-1,2) = yfg_2 + 1. - 5.*ep
4820                    xfg(i,j-1,3) = xlm(3)
4821                    yfg(i,j-1,3) = ylm(3)
4822                    xfg(i,j-1,4) = xlm(4)
4823                    yfg(i,j-1,4) = xlm(4)
4824                 END IF
4825              END IF
4827              IF (is24 == 1) THEN
4829                 xfg_1 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(1)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4830                 yfg_1 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(1)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4831                 xfg_3 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(3)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4832                 yfg_3 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(3)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4834 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4835                 IF (xfg_1 < -.5 .AND. xfg_3 > -.5 .AND. nfl(i-1,j) /= 1) THEN
4836                    nfl(i-1,j) = 1
4837                    tign_g(i-1,j) = time
4838                    xfg(i-1,j,1) = xfg_1 + 1. - 5.*ep
4839                    yfg(i-1,j,1) = ylm(1)
4840                    xfg(i-1,j,2) = xlm(2)
4841                    yfg(i-1,j,2) = ylm(2)
4842                    xfg(i-1,j,4) = xlm(4)
4843                    yfg(i-1,j,4) = yfg_1 + 5.*ep
4844                    xfg(i-1,j,3) = .5*(xfg(i-1,j,1)+xfg(i-1,j,4))
4845                    yfg(i-1,j,3) = .5*(yfg(i-1,j,1)+yfg(i-1,j,4))
4846                 END IF
4848 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4849                 IF (xfg_1 > -.5 .AND. xfg_3 < -.5 .AND. nfl(i-1,j) /= 1) THEN
4850                    nfl(i-1,j) = 1
4851                    tign_g(i-1,j) = time
4852                    xfg(i-1,j,3) = xfg_3 + 1. - 5.*ep
4853                    yfg(i-1,j,3) = ylm(3)
4854                    xfg(i-1,j,4) = xlm(4)
4855                    yfg(i-1,j,4) = ylm(4)
4856                    xfg(i-1,j,2) = xlm(2)
4857                    yfg(i-1,j,2) = yfg_3 - 5.*ep
4858                    xfg(i-1,j,1) = .5*(xfg(i-1,j,2)+xfg(i-1,j,3))
4859                    yfg(i-1,j,1) = .5*(yfg(i-1,j,2)+yfg(i-1,j,3))
4860                 END IF
4862                 IF (xfg_1 < -.5 .AND. xfg_3 < -.5) THEN   !igniting a 2/2
4863                    nfl(i-1,j) = 1
4864                    tign_g(i-1,j) = time
4865                    xfg(i-1,j,3) = xfg_3+1.-5.*ep
4866                    yfg(i-1,j,3) = ylm(3)
4867                    xfg(i-1,j,4) = xlm(4)
4868                    yfg(i-1,j,4) = ylm(4)
4869                    xfg(i-1,j,2) = xlm(2)
4870                    yfg(i-1,j,2) = ylm(2)
4871                    xfg(i-1,j,1) = xfg_1+1.-5.*ep
4872                    yfg(i-1,j,1) = ylm(1)
4873                 END IF
4874              END IF
4876              IF (is13 == 1) THEN
4878                 xfg_2 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(2)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4879                 yfg_2 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(2)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4880                 xfg_4 = xcn(i,j,1) + (ylm(4)-ycn(i,j,1))*dly
4881                 yfg_4 = ycn(i,j,1) + (xlm(4)-xcn(i,j,1))*dlx
4883 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4884                 IF (xfg_2 > .5 .AND. xfg_4 < .5 .AND. nfl(i+1,j) /= 1) THEN
4885                    nfl(i+1,j) = 1
4886                    tign_g(i+1,j) = time
4887                    xfg(i+1,j,1) = xlm(1)
4888                    yfg(i+1,j,1) = ylm(1)
4889                    xfg(i+1,j,2) = xfg_2 - 1. + 5.*ep
4890                    yfg(i+1,j,2) = ylm(2)
4891                    xfg(i+1,j,3) = xlm(3)
4892                    yfg(i+1,j,3) = yfg_2 + 5.*ep
4893                    xfg(i+1,j,4) = .5*(xfg(i+1,j,2)+xfg(i+1,j,3))
4894                    yfg(i+1,j,4) = .5*(yfg(i+1,j,2)+yfg(i+1,j,3))
4895                 END IF
4897 ! ----- igniting a 1/4
4898                 IF (xfg_2 < .5 .AND. xfg_4 > .5 .AND. nfl(i+1,j) /= 1) THEN
4899                    nfl(i+1,j) = 1
4900                    tign_g(i+1,j) = time
4901                    xfg(i+1,j,4) = xfg_4 - 1. + 5.*ep
4902                    yfg(i+1,j,4) = ylm(4)
4903                    xfg(i+1,j,3) = xlm(3)
4904                    yfg(i+1,j,3) = ylm(3)
4905                    xfg(i+1,j,1) = xlm(1)
4906                    yfg(i+1,j,1) = yfg_4 - 5.*ep
4907                    xfg(i+1,j,2) = .5*(xfg(i+1,j,1)+xfg(i+1,j,4))
4908                    yfg(i+1,j,2) = .5*(yfg(i+1,j,1)+yfg(i+1,j,4))
4909                 END IF
4911                 IF (xfg_2 > .5 .AND. xfg_4 > .5) THEN   !igniting a 2/2
4912                    nfl(i+1,j) = 1
4913                    tign_g(i+1,j) = time
4914                    xfg(i+1,j,1) = xlm(1)
4915                    yfg(i+1,j,1) = ylm(1)
4916                    xfg(i+1,j,2) = xfg_2 - 1. + 5.*ep
4917                    yfg(i+1,j,2) = ylm(2)
4918                    xfg(i+1,j,3) = xlm(3)
4919                    yfg(i+1,j,3) = ylm(3)
4920                    xfg(i+1,j,4) = xfg_4 - 1. + 5.*ep
4921                    yfg(i+1,j,4) = ylm(4)
4922                 END IF
4924              END IF
4926           END IF                                   !NCT=2 ICLS=2
4928        END IF                           !2/2 4/0 and 3/1 ignition
4929     END DO
4930     END DO
4932 !new version of 3/1 and 3/2 diagonal ignitions
4934     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
4935     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
4937        nct = nc(i,j)
4938        icls = icl(i,j)
4940        IF (nfl(i,j) == 1 .AND. nct == 3 .AND. time-tign_g(i,j) > ep) THEN
4942           i1 = in1(i,j,1)
4943           j1 = in1(i,j,2)
4944           i2 = in2(i,j,1)
4945           j2 = in2(i,j,2)
4947           nh1 = ncod(i1,j1)
4948           nh2 = ncod(i2,j2)
4949           nh0 = ncod(i,j)
4951           ic1 = 10 - icn(i,j,1) - 2*icn(i,j,2) - 3*icn(i,j,3) - 4*icn(i,j,4)
4952           ic2 = 5 - ic1
4953           ic3 = ic1 - 1 + 2*(ic1-(ic1/2)*2)
4954           ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
4956           x1 = FLOAT(icls-1)*(xcn(i1,j1,nh1-1)+FLOAT(i1-i)) &
4957              + FLOAT(2-icls)*(xcn(i1,j1,nh1-1)+FLOAT(i1-i))
4958           y1 = FLOAT(icls-1)*(ycn(i1,j1,nh1-1)+FLOAT(j1-j)) &
4959              + FLOAT(2-icls)*(ycn(i1,j1,nh1-1)+FLOAT(j1-j))
4960           x2 = FLOAT(icls-1)*xcn(i,j,2) + FLOAT(2-icls)*xcn(i,j,2)
4961           y2 = FLOAT(icls-1)*ycn(i,j,2) + FLOAT(2-icls)*ycn(i,j,2)
4962           x3 = FLOAT(icls-1)*xcn(i,j,2) + FLOAT(2-icls)*xcn(i,j,1)
4963           y3 = FLOAT(icls-1)*ycn(i,j,2) + FLOAT(2-icls)*ycn(i,j,1)
4964           x4 = FLOAT(icls-1)*(xcn(i2,j2,2)+FLOAT(i2-i)) &
4965              + FLOAT(2-icls)*(xcn(i2,j2,2)+FLOAT(i2-i))
4966           y4 = FLOAT(icls-1)*(ycn(i2,j2,2)+FLOAT(j2-j)) &
4967              + FLOAT(2-icls)*(ycn(i2,j2,2)+FLOAT(j2-j))
4969           xfga = x1 + (ylm(ic1)-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1+SIGN(ep,y2-y1))
4970           xfgb = x3 + (ylm(ic1)-y3)*(x4-x3)/(y4-y3+SIGN(ep,y4-y3))
4971           yfga = y1 + (xlm(ic1)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
4972           yfgb = y3 + (xlm(ic1)-x3)*(y4-y3)/(x4-x3+SIGN(ep,x4-x3))
4974           xfga = xfga + SIGN(ep,xlm(ic1))
4975           xfgb = xfgb + SIGN(ep,xlm(ic1))
4976           yfga = yfga + SIGN(ep,ylm(ic1))
4977           yfgb = yfgb + SIGN(ep,ylm(ic1))
4979 ! ----- txa=0 means no ignition possible by the A line
4980 ! ----- txa=1 means ignition is possible by the A line
4982           txa = (xlm(ic1)-xfga)*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))    !debug
4983           txb = (xlm(ic1)-xfgb)*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))
4984           tya = (ylm(ic1)-yfga)*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
4985           tyb = (ylm(ic1)-yfgb)*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
4987           txa = INT((txa+ABS(txa))/(2.*ABS(txa)+ep)+.5)
4988           txb = INT((txb+ABS(txb))/(2.*ABS(txb)+ep)+.5)
4989           tya = INT((tya+ABS(tya))/(2.*ABS(tya)+ep)+.5)
4990           tyb = INT((tyb+ABS(tyb))/(2.*ABS(tyb)+ep)+.5)
4992 ! ----- we threshold the limit to .5 cell distance
4994           txa = .5 * txa * (1.-SIGN(1.,ABS(xfga-xlm(ic1))-.5))   !debug
4995           txb = .5 * txb * (1.-SIGN(1.,ABS(xfgb-xlm(ic1))-.5))
4996           tya = .5 * tya * (1.-SIGN(1.,ABS(yfga-ylm(ic1))-.5))
4997           tyb = .5 * tyb * (1.-SIGN(1.,ABS(yfgb-ylm(ic1))-.5)) 
4999           is =   1 - 2 * (ic1-(ic1/2)*2)
5000           js = - 1 + 2 * ((ic1-1)/2)
5002           IF (txa+txb > 1.-ep .AND. tya+tyb > 1.-ep .AND. &
5003                                    tign_g(i+is,j+js) < -10.) THEN    !IGNITION
5005              xfg_ic1 = (txa*xfga+txb*xfgb)/(txa+txb+ep)
5006              yfg_ic1 = (tya*yfga+tyb*yfgb)/(tya+tyb+ep)
5007              nfl(i+is,j+js) = 1
5008              tign_g(i+is,j+js) = time
5009              xfg(i+is,j+js,ic2) = xlm(ic2)
5010              yfg(i+is,j+js,ic2) = ylm(ic2)
5011              xfg(i+is,j+js,ic3) = xlm(ic3)
5012              yfg(i+is,j+js,ic4) = ylm(ic4)
5013              yfg(i+is,j+js,ic3) = yfg_ic1 - FLOAT(js)*(1.-5.*ep)   !debug
5014              xfg(i+is,j+js,ic4) = xfg_ic1 - FLOAT(js)*(1.-5.*ep)   !debug
5015              xfg(i+is,j+js,ic1) = .5*(xfg(i+is,j+js,ic3)+xfg(i+is,j+js,ic4))
5016              yfg(i+is,j+js,ic1) = .5*(yfg(i+is,j+js,ic3)+yfg(i+is,j+js,ic4))
5018           END IF                                          ! WE HAVE IGNITION
5020        END IF                                              !NFL=1 NCT=3
5021     END DO
5022     END DO
5023 !end new version of 3/1 and 3/2 diagonal ignitions
5025     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
5026     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
5028        nct = nc(i,j)
5029        icls = icl(i,j)
5031           IF (nfl(i,j) == 1 .AND. nct == 1 .AND. icls == 4 .AND.  &
5032                                              tign_g(i,j) > ep) THEN  !NCT=1 ICLS=4
5033 ! debug section
5034           tx = MAX(ABS(xcn(i,j,1)),ABS(xcn(i,j,3)))
5035           ty = MAX(ABS(ycn(i,j,1)),ABS(ycn(i,j,3)))
5037           IF (tx > .5 .OR. ty > .5) THEN      !1/4 likely
5038              i1 = in1(i,j,1)
5039              j1 = in1(i,j,2)
5040              i2 = in2(i,j,1)
5041              j2 = in2(i,j,2)
5042              nh1 = ncod(i1,j1)
5043              nh2 = ncod(i2,j2)
5044              nh0 = ncod(i,j)
5045              ic1 = icn(i,j,1) + 2*icn(i,j,2) + 3*icn(i,j,3) + 4*icn(i,j,4)
5046              ic2 = 5 - ic1
5047              ic3 = ixb(i,j,1)*(1-iyb(i,j,1)) + 2*ixb(i,j,2)*(1-iyb(i,j,2)) + &
5048                  3*ixb(i,j,3)*(1-iyb(i,j,3)) + 4*ixb(i,j,4)*(1-iyb(i,j,4))
5049              ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
5050              iod = ic1 - 2*(ic1/2)
5051              is = 1 - 2*iod
5052              js = - 1 + 2*(ic1/3)
5053              isen = is*js
5054              x1 = xcn(i2,j2,2) + FLOAT(i2-i)
5055              y1 = ycn(i2,j2,2) + FLOAT(j2-j)
5056              x2 = xcn(i2,j2,1) + FLOAT(i2-i)
5057              y2 = ycn(i2,j2,1) + FLOAT(j2-j)
5058              x3 = xcn(i,j,2+isen)
5059              y3 = ycn(i,j,2+isen)
5060              x4 = xcn(i,j,2)
5061              y4 = ycn(i,j,2)
5062              x5 = xcn(i,j,2-isen)
5063              y5 = ycn(i,j,2-isen)
5064              x6 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
5065              y6 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
5066              x7 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
5067              y7 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
5068              IF (isen == -1) THEN
5069                 x1 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
5070                 y1 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1-1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
5071                 x2 = xcn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(i1-i)
5072                 y2 = ycn(i1,j1,nh1) + FLOAT(j1-j)
5073                 x6 = xcn(i2,j2,1) + FLOAT(i2-i)
5074                 y6 = ycn(i2,j2,1) + FLOAT(j2-j)
5075                 x7 = xcn(i2,j2,2) + FLOAT(i2-i)
5076                 y7 = ycn(i2,j2,2) + FLOAT(j2-j)
5077              END IF
5078              ihita = 0
5079              ihitb = 0
5080              IF (nfl(i-is,j) /= 1) THEN            !NFL(I-IS,J) NE 1
5081                 yfg_a4 = y4 + (xlm(ic3)-x4)*(y5-y4)/(x5-x4+SIGN(ep,x5-x4))
5082                 tj1 = (yfg_a4-ylm(ic3))*(ylm(ic2)-ylm(ic3))
5083                 tj2 = (xlm(ic3)-x5)*(xlm(ic1)-xlm(ic3))
5084                 tj3 = .75 - ABS(yfg_a4-ylm(ic3))
5085                 tja4 = MIN((tj1+ABS(tj1)),(tj2+ABS(tj2)),(tj3+ABS(tj3)))
5086                 ja4 = INT((tja4+ABS(tja4))/(2.*ABS(tja4)+ep)+.5)
5088                 xfg_a4 = x4 + (ylm(ic3)-y4)*(x5-x4)/(y5-y4+SIGN(ep,y5-y4))
5089                 ti1 = (xlm(ic3)-xfg_a4)*(xlm(ic1)-xlm(ic3))
5090                 ti2 = (xlm(ic3)-x5)*(xlm(ic1)-xlm(ic3))
5091                 ti3 = .75 - ABS(xfg_a4-xlm(ic3))
5092                 tia4 = MIN((ti1+ABS(ti1)),(ti2+ABS(ti2)),(ti3+ABS(ti3)))
5093                 ia4 = INT((tia4+ABS(tia4))/(2.*ABS(tia4)+ep)+.5)
5095                 xfg_a6 = x6 + (ylm(ic3)-y6)*(x7-x6)/(y7-y6+SIGN(ep,y7-y6))
5096                 ti1 = (xfg_a6-xlm(ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))
5097                 ti2 = (x6-xlm(ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))
5098                 ti3 = .75 - ABS(xfg_a6-xlm(ic3))
5099                 tia6 = MIN((ti1+ABS(ti1)),(ti2+ABS(ti2)),(ti3+ABS(ti3)))
5100                 ia6 = INT((tia6+ABS(tia6))/(2.*ABS(tia6)+ep)+.5)
5102                 yfg_a6 = y6 + (xlm(ic3)-x6)*(y7-y6)/(x7-x6+SIGN(ep,x7-x6))
5103                 tj1 = (yfg_a6-ylm(ic3))*(ylm(ic2)-ylm(ic3))
5104                 tj2 = (x6-xlm(ic3))*(xlm(ic3)-xlm(ic1))
5105                 tj3 = .75 - ABS(yfg_a6-ylm(ic3))
5106                 tja6 = MIN((tj1+ABS(tj1)),(tj2+ABS(tj2)),(tj3+ABS(tj3)))
5107                 ja6 = INT((tja6+ABS(tja6))/(2.*ABS(tja6)+ep)+.5)
5109 ! ----- ia6 takes priority over ia4
5110 ! ----- la4 takes priority over la6
5111                 ia4 = (1-ia6)*ia4
5112                 ja6 = (1-ja4)*ja6
5113                 xfg_a = (FLOAT(ia4)*xfg_a4+FLOAT(ia6)*xfg_a6)/(FLOAT(ia4+ia6)+ep)
5114                 yfg_a = (FLOAT(ja4)*yfg_a4+FLOAT(ja6)*yfg_a6)/(FLOAT(ja4+ja6)+ep)
5115                 IF (ia4+ia6 > 0 .AND. ja4+ja6 > 0) THEN
5116                    nfl(i-is,j) = 1
5117                    ihita = 1
5118                    tign_g(i-is,j) = time
5119                    xfg(i-is,j,ic1) = xlm(ic1)
5120                    yfg(i-is,j,ic1) = ylm(ic1)
5121                    xfg(i-is,j,ic3) = xfg_a + FLOAT(is)*(1.-5.*ep)
5122                    yfg(i-is,j,ic3) = ylm(ic3)
5123                    xfg(i-is,j,ic4) = xlm(ic4)
5124                    yfg(i-is,j,ic4) = yfg_a + SIGN(5.*ep,ylm(ic2)-ylm(ic3))
5125                    xfg(i-is,j,ic2) = .5*(xfg(i-is,j,ic3)+xfg(i-is,j,ic4))
5126                    yfg(i-is,j,ic2) = .5*(yfg(i-is,j,ic3)+yfg(i-is,j,ic4))
5127                 END IF
5128 !               IF (ihita == 1) THEN
5129                 IF (ihita == 3) THEN
5130                    PRINT *,'debug IHITA results follow'
5131                    PRINT *,'debug IC1 2 3 4=',ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
5132                    PRINT *,'debug I J=',i,j
5133                    PRINT *,'debug I1 J1=',i1,j1
5134                    PRINT *,'debug I2 J2=',i2,j2
5135                    PRINT *,'debug IOD IS JS=',iod,is,js
5136                    PRINT *,'debug XFG_A4 YFG_A4=',xfg_a4,yfg_a4
5137                    PRINT *,'debug IA4 JA4=',ia4,ja4
5138                    PRINT *,'debug XFG_A6 YFG_A6=',xfg_a6,yfg_a6
5139                    PRINT *,'debug IA6 JA6=',ia6,ja6
5140                    PRINT *,'debug X1 X2=',x1,x2
5141                    PRINT *,'debug Y1 Y2=',y1,y2
5142                    PRINT *,'debug X3 X4 X5=',x3,x4,x5
5143                    PRINT *,'debug Y3 Y4 Y5=',y3,y4,y5
5144                    PRINT *,'debug X6 X7=',x6,x7
5145                    PRINT *,'debug Y6 Y7=',y6,y7
5147                 END IF
5148              END IF                                !NFL(I-IS,J) NE 1
5150              IF (nfl(i,j-js) /= 1) THEN            !NFL(I,J-JS) NE 1
5152                 yfg_b1 = y1 + (xlm(ic4)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
5153                 tj1 = (yfg_b1-ylm(ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
5154                 tj2 = (y2-ylm(ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
5155                 tj3 = .75 - ABS(yfg_b1-ylm(ic4))
5156                 tjb1 = MIN((tj1+ABS(tj1)),(tj2+ABS(tj2)),(tj3+ABS(tj3)))
5157                 jb1 = INT((tjb1+ABS(tjb1))/(2.*ABS(tjb1)+ep)+.5)
5159                 xfg_b1 = x1 + (ylm(ic4)-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1+SIGN(ep,y2-y1))
5160                 ti1 = (xfg_b1-xlm(ic4))*(xlm(ic2)-xlm(ic4))
5161                 ti2 = (y2-ylm(ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
5162                 ti3 = .75 - ABS(xfg_b1-xlm(ic4))
5163                 tib1 = MIN((ti1+ABS(ti1)),(ti2+ABS(ti2)),(ti3+ABS(ti3)))
5164                 ib1 = INT((tib1+ABS(tib1))/(2.*ABS(tib1)+ep)+.5)
5166                 xfg_b3 = x3 + (ylm(ic4)-y3)*(x4-x3)/(y4-y3+SIGN(ep,y4-y3))
5167                 ti1 = (xfg_b3-xlm(ic4))*(xlm(ic2)-xlm(ic4))
5168                 ti2 = (y3-ylm(ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
5169                 ti3 = .75 - ABS(xfg_b3-xlm(ic4))
5170                 tib3 = MIN((ti1+ABS(ti1)),(ti2+ABS(ti2)),(ti3+ABS(ti3)))
5171                 ib3 = INT((tib3+ABS(tib3))/(2.*ABS(tib3)+ep)+.5)
5173                 yfg_b3 = y3 + (xlm(ic4)-x3)*(y4-y3)/(x4-x3+SIGN(ep,x4-x3))
5174                 tj1 = (yfg_b3-ylm(ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
5175                 tj2 = (y3-ylm(ic4))*(ylm(ic4)-ylm(ic1))
5176                 tj3 = .75 - ABS(yfg_b3-ylm(ic4))
5177                 tjb3 = MIN((tj1+ABS(tj1)),(tj2+ABS(tj2)),(tj3+ABS(tj3)))
5178                 jb3 = INT((tjb3+ABS(tjb3))/(2.*ABS(tjb3)+ep)+.5)
5180 ! ----- ib3 takes priority over ib1
5181 ! ----- jb1 takes priority over jb3
5182                 ib1 = (1-ib3)*ib1
5183                 jb3 = (1-jb1)*jb3
5184                 xfg_b = (FLOAT(ib1)*xfg_b1+FLOAT(ib3)*xfg_b3)/(FLOAT(ib1+ib3)+ep)
5185                 yfg_b = (FLOAT(jb1)*yfg_b1+FLOAT(jb3)*yfg_b3)/(FLOAT(jb1+jb3)+ep)
5186                 IF (ib1+ib3 > 0 .AND. jb1+jb3 > 0) THEN
5187                    nfl(i,j-js) = 1
5188                    ihitb = 1
5189                    tign_g(i,j-js) = time
5190                    xfg(i,j-js,ic1) = xlm(ic1)
5191                    yfg(i,j-js,ic1) = ylm(ic1)
5192                    xfg(i,j-js,ic3) = xfg_b + SIGN(5.*ep,xlm(ic2)-xlm(ic4))
5193                    yfg(i,j-js,ic3) = ylm(ic3)
5194                    xfg(i,j-js,ic4) = xlm(ic4)
5195                    yfg(i,j-js,ic4) = yfg_b + FLOAT(js)*(1.-5.*ep)
5196                    xfg(i,j-js,ic2) = .5*(xfg(i,j-js,ic3)+xfg(i,j-js,ic4))
5197                    yfg(i,j-js,ic2) = .5*(yfg(i,j-js,ic3)+yfg(i,j-js,ic4))
5198                 END IF
5199 !               IF (ihitb == 1) THEN
5200                 IF (ihitb == 3) THEN
5201                    PRINT *,'debug IHITB results follow'
5202                    PRINT *,'debug IC1 2 3 4=',ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
5203                    PRINT *,'debug I J=',i,j
5204                    PRINT *,'debug I1 J1=',i1,j1
5205                    PRINT *,'debug I2 J2=',i2,j2
5206                    PRINT *,'debug IOD IS JS=',iod,is,js
5207                    PRINT *,'debug XFG_B1 YFG_B1=',xfg_b1,yfg_b1
5208                    PRINT *,'debug XFG_B3 YFG_B3=',xfg_b3,yfg_b3
5209                    PRINT *,'debug X1 X2=',x1,x2
5210                    PRINT *,'debug Y1 Y2=',y1,y2
5211                    PRINT *,'debug X3 X4 X5=',x3,x4,x5
5212                    PRINT *,'debug Y3 Y4 Y5=',y3,y4,y5
5213                    PRINT *,'debug X6 X7=',x6,x7
5214                    PRINT *,'debug Y6 Y7=',y6,y7
5215                 END IF
5216              END IF                             !NFL(I,J-JS) NE 1
5217           END IF                                !1/4 likely
5218        END IF                                   !NCT=1 ICLS=4
5219 ! debug section
5220     END DO
5221     END DO
5223 ! ----- redundant check for unignited cells - likely missed by diagonal 1/3 or 2/3
5225     DO j = jf_st+1,jf_en-1
5226     DO i = if_st+1,if_en-1
5228        isum = nfl(i+1,j) + nfl(i-1,j) + nfl(i,j+1) + nfl(i,j-1)
5230        IF (tign_g(i,j) < -10. .AND. isum == 2) THEN  !unignited cell
5232 ! ----- corner = 1
5234           isumc = icn(i-1,j,2) + icn(i,j-1,3)
5235           isum = iyb(i-1,j,4) + ixb(i,j-1,4)
5236           IF (isumc == 2 .AND. isum >= 1) THEN
5237              PRINT *,'debug CN=1 redund igs hit at I J=',i,j
5238              tign_g(i,j) = time
5239              nfl(i,j) = 1
5240              x1 = xfg(i,j-1,4)
5241              y1 = yfg(i,j-1,4)-1.
5242              x2 = xfg(i-1,j,4)-1.
5243              y2 = yfg(i-1,j,4)
5244              xfg_2 = x1 + (ylm(2)-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1+SIGN(ep,y2-y1))
5245              yfg_3 = y1 + (xlm(3)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
5246              xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
5247              yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
5248              xfg(i,j,2) = xfg_2
5249              yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
5250              xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
5251              yfg(i,j,3) = yfg_3
5252              xfg(i,j,4) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
5253              yfg(i,j,4) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
5254           END IF
5256 ! ----- corner = 2
5258           isumc = icn(i+1,j,1) + icn(i,j-1,4)
5259           isum = iyb(i+1,j,3) + ixb(i,j-1,3)
5260           IF (isumc == 2 .AND. isum >= 1) THEN
5261              PRINT *,'debug CN=2 redund igs hit at I J=',i,j
5262              tign_g(i,j) = time
5263              nfl(i,j) = 1
5264              x1 = xfg(i+1,j,3) + 1.
5265              y1 = yfg(i+1,j,3)
5266              x2 = xfg(i,j-1,3)
5267              y2 = yfg(i,j-1,3) - 1.
5268              xfg_1 = x1 + (ylm(1)-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1+SIGN(ep,y2-y1))
5269              yfg_4 = y1 + (xlm(4)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
5270              xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
5271              yfg(i,j,2) = ylm(2)
5272              xfg(i,j,1) = xfg_1
5273              yfg(i,j,1) = ylm(1)
5274              xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
5275              yfg(i,j,4) = yfg_4
5276              xfg(i,j,3) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
5277              yfg(i,j,3) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
5278           END IF
5280 ! ----- corner = 3
5282           isumc = icn(i-1,j,4) + icn(i,j+1,1)
5283           isum = iyb(i-1,j,2) + ixb(i,j+1,2)
5284           IF (isumc == 2 .AND. isum >= 1) THEN
5285              PRINT *,'debug CN=3 redund igs hit at I J=',i,j
5286              tign_g(i,j) = time
5287              nfl(i,j) = 1
5288              x1 = xfg(i-1,j,2) - 1.
5289              y1 = yfg(i-1,j,2)
5290              x2 = xfg(i,j+1,2)
5291              y2 = yfg(i,j+1,2) + 1.
5292              xfg_4 = x1 + (ylm(4)-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1+SIGN(ep,y2-y1))
5293              yfg_1 = y1 + (xlm(1)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
5294              xfg(i,j,3) = xlm(3)
5295              yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
5296              xfg(i,j,4) = xfg_4
5297              yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
5298              xfg(i,j,1) = xlm(1)
5299              yfg(i,j,1) = yfg_1
5300              xfg(i,j,2) = .5*(xfg(i,j,1)+xfg(i,j,4))
5301              yfg(i,j,2) = .5*(yfg(i,j,1)+yfg(i,j,4))
5302           END IF
5304 ! ----- corner = 4
5305           isumc = icn(i+1,j,3) + icn(i,j+1,2)
5306           isum = iyb(i+1,j,1) + ixb(i,j+1,1)
5307           IF (isumc == 2 .AND. isum >= 1) THEN
5308              PRINT *,'debug CN=4 redund igs hit at I J=',i,j
5309              tign_g(i,j) = time
5310              nfl(i,j) = 1
5311              x1 = xfg(i,j+1,1)
5312              y1 = yfg(i,j+1,1)+1.
5313              x2 = xfg(i+1,j,1)+1.
5314              y2 = yfg(i+1,j,1)
5315              xfg_3 = x1 + (ylm(3)-y1)*(x2-x1)/(y2-y1+SIGN(ep,y2-y1))
5316              yfg_2 = y1 + (xlm(2)-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1+SIGN(ep,x2-x1))
5317              xfg(i,j,4) = xlm(4)
5318              yfg(i,j,4) = ylm(4)
5319              xfg(i,j,3) = xfg_3
5320              yfg(i,j,3) = ylm(3)
5321              xfg(i,j,2) = xlm(2)
5322              yfg(i,j,2) = yfg_2
5323              xfg(i,j,1) = .5*(xfg(i,j,2)+xfg(i,j,3))
5324              yfg(i,j,1) = .5*(yfg(i,j,2)+yfg(i,j,3))
5325           END IF
5327        END IF                                       !unignited cell
5328     END DO
5329     END DO
5331     RETURN
5333 END SUBROUTINE fire_igs
5335 ! =========================================================================
5337 SUBROUTINE fire_burn_fcn(i,j,                              & ! incoming
5338                          nfuel_cat,nfl,ncod,in1,in2,       &
5339                          ixb,iyb,icn,time,area2,           &
5340                          tign_g,tign_crt,                  &
5341                          xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,xfg,yfg,          &
5342                          ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,        &
5343                          ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,        &
5344                          its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,        &
5345                          ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,  &
5346                          if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en,          &
5347                          nfrx,nfry,                        &
5348                          burn_frac)                          ! outgoing
5350 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5351 !     This subroutine gives a fit to the mass loss curve.
5352 !        It calculates the fraction of mass left in the cell's ignited
5353 !        area at the time given.
5354 !        The function approximates a decreasing exponential with
5355 !        weighting value WEIGHT ranging from 20 (fast burnup) to 1000
5356 !        ( ~40% decrease in mass over 10 min).
5357 !     BURN_FRAC= fraction of fuel mass in cell that has been burned in
5358 !       last timestep.
5359 !     TIGN_CRT(I,L): if fuel cell is not fully ignited, it is negative.
5360 !       If fuel cell fully ignited, it is dimensionless (universal) time
5361 !     TCELL :  time since cell ignition (s)
5362 !     TMCRIT : first time since cell ignition that whole cell is burning (s)
5363 ! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5365    USE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
5369 ! ------ incoming variables
5371    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde
5372    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme
5373    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
5374    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
5375    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
5376    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: nfrx,nfry
5378    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i,j
5380    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfuel_cat
5381    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nfl,ncod
5382    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,2 ) :: in1,in2
5383    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
5385    REAL, INTENT(in) :: time
5387    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: area2
5388    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: tign_g,tign_crt
5389    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcd,ycd
5390    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xcn,ycn
5391    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: xfg,yfg
5393 ! ------ outgoing variables
5395    REAL, INTENT(out) :: burn_frac
5397 ! ------ local variables
5399    INTEGER :: iflt
5401    REAL :: are1
5402    REAL :: tcell
5403    REAL :: burn_fracc
5404    REAL :: tmcrit
5406 ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5408    are1 = area2(i,j)
5410 ! ----- CVMGP: returns x1 if x3 >=0, x2 if x3 < 0
5411    tcell = cvmgp( time-tign_g(i,j), 0., tign_g(i,j) )  
5413    IF (tign_crt(i,j) < 0.) THEN   ! fuel cell not yet fully burning
5415       IF (tcell > ep) THEN
5416          burn_frac = are1 + are1*weight(nfuel_cat(i,j))/tcell &
5417                    * (EXP(-tcell/weight(nfuel_cat(i,j)))-1.)
5418       ELSE
5419          burn_frac = 0.
5420       END IF
5422    ELSE                              !fuel cell is fully burning
5424       tmcrit = tign_crt(i,j) - tign_g(i,j)
5426       IF (tmcrit > ep) THEN
5428          burn_fracc = are1 + are1*weight(nfuel_cat(i,j))/tmcrit  &
5429                     *(EXP(-tmcrit/weight(nfuel_cat(i,j)))-1.)
5431          burn_frac = burn_fracc + weight(nfuel_cat(i,j))/tmcrit  &
5432                  *(1.-EXP(-tmcrit/weight(nfuel_cat(i,j))))       &
5433                  *(1.-EXP( (tmcrit-tcell)/weight(nfuel_cat(i,j)) ))
5435       ELSE   ! fuel cell is ~instantly fully lit (kin test)
5437          burn_frac = 1.-EXP(-tmcrit/weight(nfuel_cat(i,j))) ! test: point burning
5439          IF (tign_crt(i,j) > ep .AND. ABS(time-tign_crt(i,j)) < ep)  &
5440                   THEN    !avoid initialization cases
5442             PRINT 66,tmcrit,burn_frac,i,j,time
5443   66        FORMAT(1X,'Warning 215- TMCRIT BURN_FRAC =',2F5.2,   &
5444                   ', I J =',2I4,', TIME =',F8.2)
5445          END IF
5446       END IF
5448       IF (tmcrit > tcell) THEN 
5449          WRITE (6,*) 'STOP 213: BURN_FRAC,ARE1,WEIGHT,TCELL,TMCRIT=',  &
5450               i,j,burn_frac,are1,weight(nfuel_cat(i,j)),tcell,tmcrit
5451          iflt = 213
5452          CALL fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,                        &
5453                                time,in1,in2,tign_g,             &
5454                                nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,    &
5455                                ixb,iyb,xfg,yfg,                 &
5456                                ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
5457                                if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
5458       END IF                    
5459    END IF
5461    RETURN
5463 END SUBROUTINE fire_burn_fcn
5465 ! =========================================================================
5467 SUBROUTINE fire_ros( i,j,                             &    ! incoming
5468                      ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme, &
5469                      speed,tanphi,ibeh,nfuel_cat,     &
5470                      bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0,            &
5471                      ros)                                 ! outgoing
5473 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5474 !     ... calculates the rate of fire spread with mcarthur formula or behave
5475 !           using fuel type of fuel cell
5476 !         
5477 !     m/s = (ft/min) *.3048/60. = (ft/min) * .00508 ! conversion rate
5478 !     ft/min = m/s * 2.2369 * 88. = m/s *  196.850  ! conversion rate
5479 !         
5480 !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
5482    USE module_fr_cawfe_fuel
5486 ! ------ incoming variables
5488    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
5489    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ibeh
5490    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i,j
5492    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nfuel_cat
5494    REAL, INTENT(in) :: speed,tanphi
5496    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: bbb,phiwc,betafl,r_0
5498 ! ------ in and out going variables
5501 ! ------ outgoing variables
5503    REAL, INTENT(out) :: ros
5505 ! ------ local variables
5507    REAL :: spd_ms,spd_fm
5508    REAL :: phis,phiw,sp_n
5509    CHARACTER(LEN=96) :: msg
5511 ! ------ begin routine
5513    IF (ichap(nfuel_cat(i,j)) == 0) THEN  ! not chaparral 
5515       IF (ibeh == 1) THEN                ! BEHAVE
5517 ! --- if wind is 0 or into fireline, phiw=0, this reduces to backing r.o.s.
5519          spd_ms = .5*(speed + ABS(speed)) 
5520          spd_ms = MIN(spd_ms,10.)          ! max input wind spd is 10 m/s  !param
5522          spd_fm = spd_ms * 196.850         ! convert wind spd from m/s to ft/min
5524 ! ----- wind factor : phiw = c * spd_fm**bbb(i,j) * (betafl(i,j)/betaop)**(-e)
5526          phiw = spd_fm**bbb(i,j) * phiwc(i,j) ! wind coef  
5528 ! --- slope factor
5530          phis = 0.
5531          IF (tanphi  >  0.) THEN
5532             phis = 5.275 *(betafl(i,j))**(-0.3) *tanphi**2   ! slope factor 
5533          END IF
5535 ! --- spread rate (m/s)
5537          ros = r_0(i,j) * (1. + phiw + phis) * .00508
5539          WRITE (msg,'(x,a,2i4,5(x,e12.3) )') 'i,j,ros,r0,phiw,phis=',  &
5540                                               i,j,ros,r_0(i,j),phiw,phis
5541          CALL wrf_message( msg )
5543          IF (ros  >  1.) WRITE (6,*) 'speed=',speed,' tanphi=',tanphi
5545       ELSE IF (ibeh == 0) THEN                              !MACARTHUR FORMULA
5547          ros = 0.18 * EXP(0.8424*.5*(speed+ABS(speed))) 
5549       END IF
5551    ELSE IF (ichap(nfuel_cat(i,j)) == 1) THEN   ! chaparral
5552 !        .... spread rate has no dependency on fuel character, only windspeed.
5553       spd_ms = .5*(speed+ABS(speed))
5554       ros = 1.2974 * spd_ms**1.41       ! spread rate, m/s
5555 ! -- note: backing r.o.s. is 0 for chaparral without setting nozero value below
5556       sp_n =.03333           ! Chaparral backing fire spread rate 0.033 m/s
5557       ros = MAX(ros, sp_n)   ! no less than backing r.o.s.
5558    END IF
5560 !     ----------NOTE!  Put an 6 m/s cap on max spread rate -----------
5562    ros = MIN(ros, 6.)         ! no faster than this cap   ! param ! 
5564 !  IF (spd_ms  >  0) THEN
5565 !     WRITE (6,120) i,j,'  spd_ms,ros =',spd_ms,ros,'  phiw,r0_ms=',  &
5566 !          phiw, r_0(i,j)*0.00508
5567 !  END IF
5568 !120 FORMAT (1x,2i3,a,2f10.4,a,2f10.4)
5570    RETURN
5572 END SUBROUTINE fire_ros
5574 ! =========================================================================
5576 SUBROUTINE fire_valid14(i,j,ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4,ita,itb,itc,nc, &
5577                         icl,xfg,yfg,ixb,iyb,icn,            &
5578                         ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme)
5580 ! ----- routine checks the validity of fire points
5584 ! ----- incoming variables
5586    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
5587    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i,j
5589 ! ----- inout variables
5591    INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: ic1,ic2,ic3,ic4
5592    INTEGER, INTENT(inout) :: ita,itb,itc
5594    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
5595    INTEGER, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )   :: nc,icl
5597    REAL, INTENT(inout), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme,4 )  :: xfg,yfg
5599 ! ----- local variables
5601    INTEGER :: iod
5602    INTEGER :: is,js
5604 ! ----- begin routine
5606     ic1 = icn(i,j,1) + 2*icn(i,j,2) + 3*icn(i,j,3) + 4*icn(i,j,4)
5607     ic2 = 5 - ic1
5608     ic3 = ixb(i,j,1)*(1-iyb(i,j,1)) + 2*ixb(i,j,2)*(1-iyb(i,j,2)) + &
5609         3*ixb(i,j,3)*(1-iyb(i,j,3)) + 4*ixb(i,j,4)*(1-iyb(i,j,4))
5610     ic4 = 10 - ic1 - ic2 - ic3
5611     iod = ic1 - 2*(ic1/2)
5612     is = 1 - 2*iod
5613     js = -1 + 2*(ic1/3)
5614     ita = icn(i-is,j,ic1) + icn(i-is,j+js,ic4)
5615     itb = icn(i+is,j-js,ic3) + icn(i,j-js,ic1)
5616     itc = icn(i-is,j,ic4) + icn(i-is,j-js,ic1) + icn(i,j-js,ic3)
5618     IF (ita > 0) then
5619        xfg(i,j,ic3) = xlm(ic3)
5620        yfg(i,j,ic3) = ylm(ic3)
5621        icn(i,j,ic3) = 1
5622        ixb(i,j,ic3) = 0
5623        iyb(i,j,ic3) = 0
5624        xfg(i,j,ic2) = xlm(ic2)
5625        yfg(i,j,ic2) = ylm(ic3) + 5.*ep*(ylm(ic2)-ylm(ic3))
5626     END IF
5628     IF (itb > 0) THEN
5629        xfg(i,j,ic4) = xlm(ic4)
5630        yfg(i,j,ic4) = ylm(ic4)
5631        icn(i,j,ic4) = 1
5632        ixb(i,j,ic4) = 0
5633        iyb(i,j,ic4) = 0
5634        xfg(i,j,ic2) = xlm(ic4) + 5.*ep*(xlm(ic2)-xlm(ic4))
5635        yfg(i,j,ic2) = ylm(ic2)
5636     END IF
5638     IF (itc > 0) THEN
5639        xfg(i,j,ic2) = xlm(ic2)
5640        yfg(i,j,ic2) = ylm(ic2)
5641        icn(i,j,ic2) = 1
5642        ixb(i,j,ic2) = 0
5643        iyb(i,j,ic2) = 0
5644     END IF
5646 ! ??????
5647     IF (ita > 0 .AND. itb > 0 .AND. itc == 0) THEN
5648 ! ----- chose IC2 coordinate positions
5649     END IF
5651     nc(i,j)  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
5652     icl(i,j) = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) + &
5653                iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)
5655     RETURN
5657 END SUBROUTINE fire_valid14
5659 ! =========================================================================
5661 SUBROUTINE fire_error_debug(i,j,iflt,time,in1,in2,tign_g,          &
5662                             nfl,ncod,xcd,ycd,xcn,ycn,icn,ixb,iyb,  &
5663                             xfg,yfg,                               &
5664                             ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme,       &
5665                             if_st,if_en,jf_st,jf_en)
5667 ! ------- this routine writes debug to stdout and to ncar graphics
5669     USE module_wrf_error
5673 ! ------- incoming variables
5675    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ifms,ifme, kfms,kfme, jfms,jfme
5676    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: if_st,if_en, jf_st,jf_en
5678    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i,j,iflt
5681    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )    :: nfl,ncod
5682    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme, 2 ) :: in1,in2
5683    INTEGER, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme, 4 ) :: ixb,iyb,icn
5685    REAL, INTENT(in) :: time
5687    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme )       :: tign_g
5688    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme, 4 )    :: xcd,ycd
5689    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme, 4 )    :: xcn,ycn
5690    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme, 4 )    :: xfg,yfg
5692 ! ------ local variables
5694    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ierrf = 6
5695    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: lunit = 2
5696    INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iwkid = 1 
5698    INTEGER :: ii,jj,it,ic,ierr,nct,icls,ixn,jyn,i1,j1,iszdm
5699    INTEGER :: idl,jdl,i2,j2,iix,jjy,npd
5701    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme ) :: nc,icc
5703    REAL :: txn,tyn,x1,x2,y1,y2,xx1,yy1,xx2,yy2,xx3,yy3,dl,rwidth
5705    CHARACTER (LEN=4)   :: flitnu
5706    CHARACTER (LEN=80)  :: lhead
5707    CHARACTER (LEN=80)  :: cdum
5708    CHARACTER (LEN=21)  :: fnmi
5709    CHARACTER (LEN=5)   :: iflg
5710    CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: msg 
5712 ! ---------- end declarations, begin processing
5714    DO jj = jf_st,jf_en
5715    DO ii = if_st,if_en
5716       nc(ii,jj) = 0
5717       icc(ii,jj) = 0
5718       DO it=1,4
5719          nc(ii,jj)  = nc(ii,jj)  + icn(ii,jj,it)
5720          icc(ii,jj) = icc(ii,jj) + ixb(ii,jj,it) + iyb(ii,jj,it)
5721       END DO
5722    END DO
5723    END DO
5725    PRINT 11,time,i,j,iflt
5726 11 FORMAT(1x,'ERROR DEBUG AT TIME=',f9.3,' I J=',2i4,' IFLT=',i4)
5728    PRINT 80,i,j,ncod(i,j),(in1(i,j,ic),ic=1,2),(in2(i,j,ic),ic=1,2)
5729 80 FORMAT(1x,'I J NCOD=',3i4/4x,'IN1=',2i4/4x,'IN2=',2i4)
5731    PRINT 84,((time-tign_g(ii,jj),ii=i-1,i+1),jj=j+1,j-1,-1)
5732 84 FORMAT(1x,'TIME-TIGN_G=',3f14.4)
5734    PRINT 85,((nfl(ii,jj),ii=i-1,i+1),jj=j+1,j-1,-1)
5735 85 FORMAT(1x,'  NFL      =',3i10)
5736    PRINT 135,((nc(ii,jj),ii=i-1,i+1),jj=j+1,j-1,-1)
5737 135 FORMAT(1X,'  NC       =',3i10)
5738    PRINT 136,((icc(ii,jj),ii=i-1,i+1),jj=j+1,j-1,-1)
5739 136 FORMAT(1X,'  ICLS     =',3i10)
5741    PRINT 63,(xcd(i,j,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i,j,it),it=1,4)
5742 63 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(I  J )=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(I  J =',4f10.7)
5743    PRINT 67,(xcd(i+1,j,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i+1,j,it),it=1,4)
5744 67 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(IP J )=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(IP J =',4f10.7)
5745    PRINT 68,(xcd(i-1,j,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i-1,j,it),it=1,4)
5746 68 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(IM J )=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(IM J =',4f10.7)
5747    PRINT 69,(xcd(i,j+1,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5748 69 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(I  JP)=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(I  JP=',4f10.7)
5749    PRINT 70,(xcd(i,j-1,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5750 70 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(I  JM)=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(I  JM=',4f10.7)
5751    PRINT 71,(xcd(i+1,j+1,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i+1,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5752 71 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(IP JP)=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(IP JP=',4f10.7)
5753    PRINT 72,(xcd(i-1,j-1,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i-1,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5754 72 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(IM JM)=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(IM JM=',4f10.7)
5755    PRINT 79,(xcd(i+1,j-1,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i+1,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5756 79 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(IP JM)=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(IP JM=',4f10.7)
5757    PRINT 83,(xcd(i-1,j+1,it),it=1,4),(ycd(i-1,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5758 83 FORMAT(1x,'XCD(IM JP)=',4f10.7/1x,'YCD(IM JP=',4f10.7)
5760    PRINT 65,(xcn(i,j,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i,j,it),it=1,4)
5761 65 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(I  J =',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(I  J =',4f10.7)
5762    PRINT 73,(xcn(i+1,j,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i+1,j,it),it=1,4)
5763 73 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(IP J =',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(IP J =',4f10.7)
5764    PRINT 74,(xcn(i-1,j,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i-1,j,it),it=1,4)
5765 74 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(IM J =',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(IM J =',4f10.7)
5766    PRINT 75,(xcn(i,j+1,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5767 75 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(I  JP=',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(I  JP=',4f10.7)
5768    PRINT 76,(xcn(i,j-1,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5769 76 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(I  JM=',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(I  JM=',4f10.7)
5770    PRINT 77,(xcn(i+1,j+1,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i+1,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5771 77 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(IP JP=',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(IP JP=',4f10.7)
5772    PRINT 78,(xcn(i-1,j-1,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i-1,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5773 78 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(IM JM=',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(IM JM=',4f10.7)
5774    PRINT 81,(xcn(i+1,j-1,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i+1,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5775 81 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(IP JM=',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(IP JM=',4f10.7)
5776    PRINT 82,(xcn(i-1,j+1,it),it=1,4),(ycn(i-1,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5777 82 FORMAT(1x,'XCN(IM JP=',4f10.7/1x,'YCN(IM JP=',4f10.7)
5779    nct  = icn(i,j,1) + icn(i,j,2) + icn(i,j,3) + icn(i,j,4)
5780    icls = ixb(i,j,1) + ixb(i,j,2) + ixb(i,j,3) + ixb(i,j,4) + &
5781           iyb(i,j,1) + iyb(i,j,2) + iyb(i,j,3) + iyb(i,j,4)
5783    PRINT 32,nct,icls,(icn(i,j,it),it=1,4),nfl(i,j)
5784 32 FORMAT(1x,'NCT ICLS=',2i4/5x,'ICN=',4i4/5x,'NFL=',i4)
5786    PRINT 49,i  ,j,(xfg(i  ,j,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i  ,j,it),it=1,4)
5787    PRINT 50,i+1,j,(xfg(i+1,j,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i+1,j,it),it=1,4)
5788    PRINT 51,i-1,j,(xfg(i-1,j,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i-1,j,it),it=1,4)
5789    PRINT 52,i,j+1,(xfg(i,j+1,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5790    PRINT 53,i,j-1,(xfg(i,j-1,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5791 49 FORMAT(1x,'I  J  =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5792 50 FORMAT(1x,'IP J  =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5793 51 FORMAT(1x,'IM J  =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5794 52 FORMAT(1x,'I  JP =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5795 53 FORMAT(1x,'I  JM =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5797    PRINT 54,i+1,j+1,(xfg(i+1,j+1,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i+1,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5798    PRINT 55,i+1,j-1,(xfg(i+1,j-1,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i+1,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5799    PRINT 56,i-1,j+1,(xfg(i-1,j+1,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i-1,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5800    PRINT 57,i-1,j-1,(xfg(i-1,j-1,it),it=1,4),(yfg(i-1,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5801 54 FORMAT(1x,'IP JP =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5802 55 FORMAT(1x,'IP JM =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5803 56 FORMAT(1x,'IM JP =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5804 57 FORMAT(1x,'IM JM =',2i4,' XFG=',4f10.7/16x,' YFG=',4f10.7)
5806    PRINT 33,(ixb(i,j,it),it=1,4),(iyb(i,j,it),it=1,4)
5807    PRINT 34,(ixb(i+1,j,it),it=1,4),(iyb(i+1,j,it),it=1,4)
5808    PRINT 35,(ixb(i-1,j,it),it=1,4),(iyb(i-1,j,it),it=1,4)
5809    PRINT 36,(ixb(i,j+1,it),it=1,4),(iyb(i,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5810    PRINT 37,(ixb(i,j-1,it),it=1,4),(iyb(i,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5811 33 FORMAT(1x,'IXB(I  J )=',4i4/1x,'IYB(I  J )=',4i4)
5812 34 FORMAT(1x,'IXB(IP J )=',4i4/1x,'IYB(IP J )=',4i4)
5813 35 FORMAT(1x,'IXB(IM J )=',4i4/1x,'IYB(IM J )=',4i4)
5814 36 FORMAT(1x,'IXB(I  JP)=',4i4/1x,'IYB(I  JP)=',4i4)
5815 37 FORMAT(1x,'IXB(I  JM)=',4I4/1x,'IYB(I  JM)=',4i4)
5817 ! ---- EGP commented out printing the winds...
5818 !     ... print winds used to spread fire
5819 !  PRINT 180,i  ,j,(ug(i  ,j,it),it=1,4),(vg(i  ,j,it),it=1,4)
5820 !  PRINT 181,i+1,j,(ug(i+1,j,it),it=1,4),(vg(i+1,j,it),it=1,4)
5821 !  PRINT 182,i-1,j,(ug(i-1,j,it),it=1,4),(vg(i-1,j,it),it=1,4)
5822 !  PRINT 183,i,j+1,(ug(i,j+1,it),it=1,4),(vg(i,j+1,it),it=1,4)
5823 !  PRINT 184,i,j-1,(ug(i,j-1,it),it=1,4),(vg(i,j-1,it),it=1,4)
5824 180 FORMAT(1x,'I  J  =',2i4,' UG=',4f9.3/16x,' VG=',4f9.3)
5825 181 FORMAT(1x,'IP J  =',2i4,' UG=',4f9.3/16x,' VG=',4f9.3)
5826 182 FORMAT(1x,'IM J  =',2i4,' UG=',4f9.3/16x,' VG=',4f9.3)
5827 183 FORMAT(1x,'I  JP =',2i4,' UG=',4f9.3/16x,' VG=',4f9.3)
5828 184 FORMAT(1x,'I  JM =',2i4,' UG=',4f9.3/16x,' VG=',4f9.3)
5830    WRITE (iflg,'(I5.5)') iflt
5831    WRITE (msg,*) 'fire_error_debug: FATAL '//iflg
5832    CALL wrf_error_fatal ( msg )
5834    RETURN
5836 END SUBROUTINE fire_error_debug
5838 ! =========================================================================
5840 REAL FUNCTION cvmgp(a,b,c)
5842 ! ----- returns x1 if x3 >=0 
5843 !            or x2 if x3 < 0
5845     REAL, INTENT(in) :: a,b,c
5847 ! ----- begin
5849     IF (c >= 0.) THEN
5850        cvmgp = a
5851     ELSE
5852        cvmgp = b
5853     END IF
5855 END FUNCTION cvmgp
5857 ! =========================================================================
5859 SUBROUTINE fire_emissions(grnhfx,canhfx,dt,dz8w,rho,num_scalars,  &  ! incoming
5860                           ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,              &
5861                           ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,              &
5862                           its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,              &
5863                           scalar)                                    ! outgoing
5865 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5866 !  this routine handles the emission of carbonaceous particles assuming
5867 !  a specified percent of the fuel mass to be emitted as smoke.
5869 !  this routine will serve as a template for further chemical emissions.
5870 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
5874 ! --- incoming variables
5876    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde, &
5877                           ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme, &
5878                           its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
5880    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: num_scalars
5882    REAL, INTENT(in) :: dt
5883    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: grnhfx,canhfx
5884    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: dz8w
5885    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: rho
5887 ! --- outgoing variables
5889    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme,1:num_scalars ) :: scalar
5891 ! --- local variables
5893    INTEGER :: i,j,k
5895    REAL :: smoke_fac
5896    REAL :: del_g,del_c
5897    REAL :: density_g,density_c
5898    REAL :: zbox_g,zbox_c
5899    REAL :: tracer_g,tracer_c
5901 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
5903    smoke_fac = 0.02     ! 2% of fuel mass becomes smoke
5905    DO j = MAX(jts,jds+1),MIN(jte,jde-1)
5906       DO i = MAX(its,ids+1),MIN(ite,ide-1)
5908          del_g = grnhfx(i,j) * dt / cmbcnst
5909          del_c = canhfx(i,j) * dt / cmbcnst
5911          density_g = rho(i,1,j)
5912          density_c = rho(i,2,j)
5914          zbox_g = dz8w(i,1,j)
5915          zbox_c = dz8w(i,2,j)
5917          ! --- tracer_g/c in kg of tracer per kg of air
5919          tracer_g = smoke_fac * del_g / (zbox_g * density_g)
5920          tracer_c = smoke_fac * del_c / (zbox_c * density_c)
5922          scalar(i,1,j) = scalar(i,1,j) + tracer_g
5923          scalar(i,2,j) = scalar(i,2,j) + tracer_c
5925       END DO
5926    END DO
5928 END SUBROUTINE fire_emissions
5930 ! =========================================================================
5932 SUBROUTINE fire_winds(u,v,                       &  ! incoming
5933                      ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde, &
5934                      ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme, &
5935                      its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte, &
5936                      u_i,v_i)                      ! outgoing
5938 ! --- this routine takes u and v from the arakawa c-grid and interpolates
5939 !     them horizontally and upward to the w-level (i.e. to the grid cube corners)
5940 !     as desired by the fire code.  note that the final values are two 
5941 !     dimensional arrays that are six grid points tall valid at the w-levels 
5942 !     and that the exterior single grid point on all four edges of the domain 
5943 !     are not filled.
5945 !                v(1,2)                u(1,2)            u(2,2)
5946 !              ----*----               v(1,2) *--------* v(2,2)
5947 !              |       |                      |        |
5948 !      u(1,1)  *       * u(2,1)  ===>         |        |
5949 !              |       |                      |        |
5950 !  ^ y         ----*----               u(1,1) *--------* u(2,1)
5951 !  |             v(1,1)                v(1,1)            v(2,1)
5952 !  |
5953 !  *----> x                             and shifted up to w-level
5957    INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde, &
5958                            ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme, &
5959                            its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
5961    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: u,v
5963    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme,6 ) :: u_i,v_i
5965    INTEGER :: i,j,k
5966    INTEGER :: i_st,i_en
5967    INTEGER :: j_st,j_en
5969    ! --- set indicies
5971    i_st = MAX(its,ids+1)
5972    i_en = MIN(ite,ide-1)
5973    j_st = MAX(jts,jds+1)
5974    j_en = MIN(jte,jde-1)
5976    ! --- get velocities
5978    DO k = 1,6
5979       DO j = j_st,j_en
5980       DO i = i_st,i_en
5981          u_i(i,j,k) = .25*( u(i,k,j) + u(i,k,j+1) + u(i,k+1,j) + u(i,k+1,j+1) )
5982          v_i(i,j,k) = .25*( v(i-1,k,j) + v(i,k,j) + v(i-1,k+1,j) + v(i,k+1,j) )
5983       END DO
5984       END DO
5985    END DO
5987    RETURN
5989 END SUBROUTINE fire_winds
5991 ! =========================================================================
5993 SUBROUTINE fire_tendency(grnhfx,grnqfx,canhfx,canqfx, &  ! incoming
5994                          alfg,alfc,z1can,             &
5995                          zs,z_at_w,dz8w,mu,rho,       &
5996                          ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,   &
5997                          ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,   &
5998                          its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,   &
5999                          rthfrten,rqvfrten)              ! outgoing
6001 ! --- this routine takes fire generated heat and moisture fluxes and
6002 !     calculates their influence on the theta and water vapor 
6004 ! --- note that these tendencies are valid at the Arakawa-A location
6008 ! --- incoming variables
6010    INTEGER , INTENT(in) :: ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde, &
6011                            ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme, &
6012                            its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte
6014    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: grnhfx,grnqfx  ! W/m^2
6015    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: canhfx,canqfx  ! W/m^2
6016    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: zs  ! topography (m abv sealvl)
6017    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,jms:jme ) :: mu  ! dry air mass (Pa)
6019    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: z_at_w ! m abv sealvl
6020    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: dz8w   ! dz across w-lvl
6021    REAL, INTENT(in), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: rho    ! density
6023    REAL, INTENT(in) :: alfg     ! extinction depth ground fire heat (m)
6024    REAL, INTENT(in) :: alfc     ! extinction depth crown  fire heat (m)
6025    REAL, INTENT(in) :: z1can    ! height of crown fire heat release (m)
6027 ! --- outgoing variables
6029    REAL, INTENT(out), DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) ::   &
6030                                           rthfrten, & ! theta tendency from fire (in mass units)
6031                                           rqvfrten    ! Qv tendency from fire (in mass units)
6032 ! --- local variables
6034    INTEGER :: i,j,k
6035    INTEGER :: i_st,i_en, j_st,j_en, k_st,k_en
6037    REAL :: cp_i
6038    REAL :: rho_i
6039    REAL :: xlv_i
6040    REAL :: z_w,dz
6041    REAL :: fact_g, fact_c
6043    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme ) :: hfx,qfx
6045 ! --- set some local constants
6047    cp_i = 1./cp         ! inverse of specific heat
6048    xlv_i = 1./xlv       ! inverse of latent heat
6050 ! --- set loop indicies : note that 
6052    i_st = MAX(its,ids+1)
6053    i_en = MIN(ite,ide-1)
6054    k_st = kts
6055    k_en = MIN(kte,kde-1)
6056    j_st = MAX(jts,jds+1)
6057    j_en = MIN(jte,jde-1)
6059 ! --- distribute fluxes
6061    DO j = j_st,j_en
6062       DO k = k_st,k_en
6063          DO i = i_st,i_en
6065             ! --- set z (in meters above ground)
6067             z_w = z_at_w(i,k,j) - zs(i,j) ! should be zero when k=k_st
6069             ! --- heat flux
6071             fact_g = cp_i * EXP( - alfg * z_w )
6072             IF ( z_w < z1can ) THEN
6073                fact_c = cp_i
6074             ELSE
6075                fact_c = cp_i * EXP( - alfc * (z_w - z1can) )
6076             END IF
6077             hfx(i,k,j) = fact_g * grnhfx(i,j) + fact_c * canhfx(i,j) 
6079             ! --- vapor flux
6081             fact_g = xlv_i * EXP( - alfg * z_w )
6082             IF (z_w < z1can) THEN
6083                fact_c = xlv_i
6084             ELSE
6085                fact_c = xlv_i * EXP( - alfc * (z_w - z1can) )
6086             END IF
6087             qfx(i,k,j) = fact_g * grnqfx(i,j) + fact_c * canqfx(i,j) 
6089          END DO
6090       END DO
6091    END DO
6093 ! --- add flux divergence to tendencies
6095 !       multiply by dry air mass (mu) to eliminate the need to 
6096 !       call sr. calculate_phy_tend (in dyn_em/module_em.F)
6098    DO j = j_st,j_en
6099       DO k = k_st,k_en-1
6100          DO i = i_st,i_en
6102             rho_i = 1./rho(i,k,j)
6104             rthfrten(i,k,j) = - mu(i,j) * rho_i * (hfx(i,k+1,j)-hfx(i,k,j)) / dz8w(i,k,j)
6105             rqvfrten(i,k,j) = - mu(i,j) * rho_i * (qfx(i,k+1,j)-qfx(i,k,j)) / dz8w(i,k,j)
6107          END DO
6108       END DO
6109    END DO
6111    RETURN
6113 END SUBROUTINE fire_tendency
6115 ! =========================================================================
6117 END MODULE module_fr_cawfe