Original WRF subgrid support version from John Michalakes without fire
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / external / RSL / RSL / compat.h
1 /***********************************************************************
5 The following is a notice of limited availability of the code and
6 Government license and disclaimer which must be included in the
7 prologue of the code and in all source listings of the code.
9 Copyright notice
10 (c) 1977 University of Chicago
12 Permission is hereby granted to use, reproduce, prepare
13 derivative works, and to redistribute to others at no charge. If
14 you distribute a copy or copies of the Software, or you modify a
15 copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming
16 a work based on the Software and make and/or distribute copies of
17 such work, you must meet the following conditions:
19 a) If you make a copy of the Software (modified or verbatim)
20 it must include the copyright notice and Government
21 license and disclaimer.
23 b) You must cause the modified Software to carry prominent
24 notices stating that you changed specified portions of
25 the Software.
27 This software was authored by:
29 Argonne National Laboratory
30 J. Michalakes: (630) 252-6646; email: michalak@mcs.anl.gov
31 Mathematics and Computer Science Division
32 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
41 This computer code material was prepared, in part, as an account
42 of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.
43 The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its
44 behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in
45 this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute
46 copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and
47 to permit others to do so. NEITHER THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
55 ***************************************************************************/
59 #ifndef COMPAT_H
60 #define COMPAT_H
62 /*
63 Note that when using these macros, you *HAVE* to leave a space
64 between the routine name and its argument list. Example:
68 This applies both to declaration and use from C.
71 #ifndef T3D
73 # ifndef NOUNDERSCORE
75 /********************************************* F2CSTYLE *****/
76 # ifdef F2CSTYLE
78 # define RSL_INITIALIZE rsl_initialize__
79 # define RSL_INITIALIZE1 rsl_initialize1__
80 # define RSL_SHUTDOWN rsl_shutdown__
81 # define RSL_MESH rsl_mesh__
82 # define RSL_MOTHER_DOMAIN rsl_mother_domain__
83 # define RSL_MOTHER_DOMAIN3D rsl_mother_domain3d__
84 # define RSL_SPAWN_REGULAR_NEST rsl_spawn_regular_nest__
85 # define RSL_SPAWN_REGULAR_NEST1 rsl_spawn_regular_nest1__
86 # define RSL_SPAWN_IRREG_NEST rsl_spawn_irreg_nest__
87 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LPT rsl_get_bdy_lpt__
88 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LARRAY rsl_get_bdy_larray__
89 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LARRAY2 rsl_get_bdy_larray2__
90 # define RSL_GET_BDY_GPT rsl_get_bdy_gpt__
91 # define RSL_GET_BDY_GARRAY rsl_get_bdy_garray__
92 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_LPT rsl_get_bdy4_lpt__
93 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_LARRAY rsl_get_bdy4_larray__
94 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_GPT rsl_get_bdy4_gpt__
95 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_GARRAY rsl_get_bdy4_garray__
96 # define RSL_PATCH_DECOMPOSE rsl_patch_decompose__
97 # define RSL_FDECOMPOSE rsl_fdecompose__
98 # define RSL_FCN_REMAP rsl_fcn_remap__
99 # define RSL_FCN_DECOMPOSE rsl_fcn_decompose__
100 # define RSL_NEW_DECOMPOSITION rsl_new_decomposition__
101 # define RSL_IAMMONITOR rsl_iammonitor__
102 # define RSL_C_IAMMONITOR rsl_c_iammonitor__
103 # define RSL_MONITOR_PROC rsl_monitor_proc__
104 # define RSL_IAMCOMPUTE rsl_iamcompute__
105 # define RSL_C_IAMCOMPUTE rsl_c_iamcompute__
106 # define RSL_PHYS2COMP_C rsl_phys2comp_c__
107 # define RSL_COMP2PHYS_C rsl_comp2phys_c__
108 # define RSL_CREATE_STENCIL rsl_create_stencil__
109 # define RSL_CREATE_XPOSE rsl_create_xpose__
110 # define RSL_CREATE_MESSAGE rsl_create_message__
111 # define RSL_BUILD_MESSAGE rsl_build_message__
112 # define RSL_BLANK_MESSAGE rsl_blank_message__
113 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_STENCIL rsl_describe_stencil__
114 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_XPOSE rsl_describe_xpose__
115 # define RSL_EXCH_STENCIL rsl_exch_stencil__
116 # define RSL_COMPILE_STENCIL rsl_compile_stencil__
117 # define RSL_INIT_NEXTCELL rsl_init_nextcell__
118 # define RSL_INIT_GHOST rsl_init_ghost__
119 # define RSL_C_NEXTCELL rsl_c_nextcell__
120 # define RSL_READ rsl_read__
121 # define RSL_WRITE rsl_write__
122 # define RSL_IOSERVE rsl_ioserve__
123 # define RSL_IO_SHUTDOWN rsl_io_shutdown__
124 # define RSL_INIT_FORTRAN rsl_init_fortran__
125 # define RSL_CLOSE rsl_close__
126 # define SHOW_DOMAIN_DECOMP show_domain_decomp__
127 # define READ_DOMAIN_DECOMP read_domain_decomp__
128 # define GET_DOMAIN_DECOMP get_domain_decomp__
129 # define SHOW_STEN_DIAGS show_sten_diags__
130 # define SHOW_MESSAGE show_message__
131 # define SHOW_STENCIL show_stencil__
133 # define RSL_CREATE_PERIOD rsl_create_period__
134 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_PERIOD rsl_describe_period__
135 # define RSL_EXCH_PERIOD rsl_exch_period__
136 # define RSL_COMPILE_PERIOD rsl_compile_period__
138 # define FORT_COMPLEXREAD fort_complexread__
139 # define FORT_INTREAD fort_intread__
140 # define FORT_CHARACTERREAD fort_characterread__
141 # define FORT_DOUBLEREAD fort_doubleread__
142 # define FORT_REALREAD fort_realread__
143 # define FORT_COMPLEXWRITE fort_complexwrite__
144 # define FORT_INTWRITE fort_intwrite__
145 # define FORT_CHARACTERWRITE fort_characterwrite__
146 # define FORT_DOUBLEWRITE fort_doublewrite__
147 # define FORT_REALWRITE fort_realwrite__
148 # define FORT_CLOSE fort_close__
150 # define RSL_MM_BDY_IN rsl_mm_bdy_in__
151 # define RSL_MM_DIST_BDY rsl_mm_dist_bdy__
152 # define RSL_READ_REPL rsl_read_repl__
153 # define RSL_READ_REPLW rsl_read_replw__
154 # define FORT_BDYIN_REAL fort_bdyin_real__
155 # define FORT_BDYIN_DBL fort_bdyin_dbl__
157 # define RSL_F_SET_PADAREA rsl_f_set_padarea__
158 # define RSL_SET_PADAREA rsl_set_padarea__
160 # define RSL_TO_CHILD_INFO rsl_to_child_info__
161 # define RSL_TO_CHILD_MSG rsl_to_child_msg__
162 # define RSL_BCAST_MSGS rsl_bcast_msgs__
163 # define RSL_FROM_PARENT_INFO rsl_from_parent_info__
164 # define RSL_FROM_PARENT_MSG rsl_from_parent_msg__
166 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_INFO rsl_to_parent_info__
167 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_MSG rsl_to_parent_msg__
168 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_MSGX rsl_to_parent_msgx__
169 # define RSL_MERGE_MSGS rsl_merge_msgs__
170 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_INFO rsl_from_child_info__
171 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_MSG rsl_from_child_msg__
172 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_MSGX rsl_from_child_msgx__
174 # define RSL_WITHIN_NESTED_BOUNDARY rsl_within_nested_boundary__
175 # define RSL_WITHIN_NESTED_BETA rsl_within_nested_beta__
177 # define RSL_NL rsl_nl__
180 # define RSL_FUNIT_CLOSE rsl_funit_close__
181 # define RSL_ORDER rsl_order__
183 # define RSL_DEBUG rsl_debug__
185 # define RSL_MON_BCAST rsl_mon_bcast__
187 # ifdef MPI
188 # define MPI_INIT_F mpi_init_f__
189 # endif
191 /* socket stuff */
192 # define RSL_SOCKOPEN rsl_sockopen__
193 # define RSL_SOCKWRITE rsl_sockwrite__
194 # define RSL_SOCKREAD rsl_sockread_ /* not yet */
195 # define RSL_SOCKCLOSE rsl_sockclose__
197 /* slab stuff added 1/9/95 */
198 # define RSL_INIT_NEXTISLAB rsl_init_nextislab__
199 # define RSL_C_NEXTISLAB rsl_c_nextislab__
201 # define RSL_COMPUTE rsl_compute__
202 # define RSL_GET_RUN_INFO rsl_get_run_info__
203 # define RSL_GET_RUN_INFOP rsl_get_run_infop__
204 # define RSL_REG_RUN_INFOP rsl_reg_run_infop__
205 # define RSL_DYNPAD_7 rsl_dynpad_7__
207 # define RSL_CHILD_INFO rsl_child_info__
208 # define RSL_CHILD_INFO1 rsl_child_info1__
210 # define RSL_REMAP_STATE rsl_remap_state__
211 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_STATE rsl_describe_state__
213 # define RSL_PATCH_DECOMP rsl_patch_decomp__
214 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_FCN set_def_decomp_fcn__
215 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_FCN1 set_def_decomp_fcn1__
216 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_INFO set_def_decomp_info__
218 # define BOUNDARY_SAFE boundary_safe__
220 # define RSL_BDY_TIEBRK rsl_bdy_tiebrk__
222 # define RSL_OLD_OFFSETS rsl_old_offsets__
224 # define RSL_ERROR_DUP rsl_error_dup__
225 # define RSL_ERROR_DUP1 rsl_error_dup1__
227 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_WRITE rsl_output_buffer_write__
228 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_YES rsl_output_buffer_yes__
229 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_NO rsl_output_buffer_no__
230 # define RSL_IO_NODE_YES rsl_io_node_yes__
231 # define RSL_IO_NODE_NO rsl_io_node_no__
232 # define RSL_WRITE_MM5V3_SM_HEADER rsl_write_mm5v3_sm_header__
233 # define RSL_WRITE_MM5V3_BIG_HEADER rsl_write_mm5v3_big_header__
234 # define RSL_WRITE_1D_DATA rsl_write_1d_data__
236 # define RSL_REGISTER_F90 rsl_register_f90__
237 # define RSL_REGISTER_F90_BASE_AND_SIZE rsl_register_f90_base_and_size__
238 # define RSL_START_REGISTER_F90 rsl_start_register_f90__
239 # define RSL_END_REGISTER_F90 rsl_end_register_f90__
241 # define RSL_RESET_STAGING rsl_reset_staging__
243 # define RSL_TO_OH_INFO rsl_to_oh_info__
244 # define RSL_TO_OH_MSG rsl_to_oh_msg__
245 # define RSL_FROM_TH_INFO rsl_from_th_info__
246 # define RSL_FROM_TH_MSG rsl_from_th_msg__
247 # define RSL_FORCE_HEMI rsl_force_hemi__
248 # define RSL_POINT_ON_PROC rsl_point_on_proc__
249 # define RSL_PROC_FOR_POINT rsl_proc_for_point__
251 # define VRCOPY vrcopy_
253 # define RSL_SET_REGULAR_DECOMP rsl_set_regular_decomp__
254 # define RSL_ALLOW_DYNPAD rsl_allow_dynpad__
255 # define RSL_GET_COMMUNICATOR rsl_get_communicator__
256 # define RSL_SET_COMMUNICATOR rsl_set_communicator__
258 # define RSL_XPOSE_MN_MZ rsl_xpose_mn_mz__
259 # define RSL_XPOSE_MZ_MN rsl_xpose_mz_mn__
260 # define RSL_XPOSE_MZ_NZ rsl_xpose_mz_nz__
261 # define RSL_XPOSE_NZ_MZ rsl_xpose_nz_mz__
262 # define RSL_XPOSE_NZ_MN rsl_xpose_nz_mn__
263 # define RSL_XPOSE_MN_NZ rsl_xpose_mn_nz__
265 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_MN rsl_reg_patchinfo_mn__
266 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_MZ rsl_reg_patchinfo_mz__
267 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_NZ rsl_reg_patchinfo_nz__
269 # define COLLECT_ON_COMM collect_on_comm__
270 # define INT_PACK_DATA int_pack_data__
272 # define GET_NEXT_DOMAIN_DESCRIPTOR get_next_domain_descriptor__
273 # define RSL_GET_GLEN rsl_get_glen__
274 # define RSL_REMAP_ARRAY rsl_remap_array__
275 # define RSL_MOVE_NEST rsl_move_nest__
277 # define RSL_INTERNAL_MILLICLOCK rsl_internal_milliclock__
278 # define RSL_INTERNAL_MICROCLOCK rsl_internal_microclock__
280 # else
282 /********************************************* UNDERSCORE *****/
284 # define RSL_INITIALIZE rsl_initialize_
285 # define RSL_INITIALIZE1 rsl_initialize1_
286 # define RSL_SHUTDOWN rsl_shutdown_
287 # define RSL_MESH rsl_mesh_
288 # define RSL_MOTHER_DOMAIN rsl_mother_domain_
289 # define RSL_MOTHER_DOMAIN3D rsl_mother_domain3d_
290 # define RSL_SPAWN_REGULAR_NEST rsl_spawn_regular_nest_
291 # define RSL_SPAWN_REGULAR_NEST1 rsl_spawn_regular_nest1_
292 # define RSL_SPAWN_IRREG_NEST rsl_spawn_irreg_nest_
293 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LPT rsl_get_bdy_lpt_
294 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LARRAY rsl_get_bdy_larray_
295 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LARRAY2 rsl_get_bdy_larray2_
296 # define RSL_GET_BDY_GPT rsl_get_bdy_gpt_
297 # define RSL_GET_BDY_GARRAY rsl_get_bdy_garray_
298 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_LPT rsl_get_bdy4_lpt_
299 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_LARRAY rsl_get_bdy4_larray_
300 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_GPT rsl_get_bdy4_gpt_
301 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_GARRAY rsl_get_bdy4_garray_
302 # define RSL_PATCH_DECOMPOSE rsl_patch_decompose_
303 # define RSL_FDECOMPOSE rsl_fdecompose_
304 # define RSL_FCN_REMAP rsl_fcn_remap_
305 # define RSL_FCN_DECOMPOSE rsl_fcn_decompose_
306 # define RSL_NEW_DECOMPOSITION rsl_new_decomposition_
307 # define RSL_IAMMONITOR rsl_iammonitor_
308 # define RSL_C_IAMMONITOR rsl_c_iammonitor_
309 # define RSL_MONITOR_PROC rsl_monitor_proc_
310 # define RSL_IAMCOMPUTE rsl_iamcompute_
311 # define RSL_C_IAMCOMPUTE rsl_c_iamcompute_
312 # define RSL_PHYS2COMP_C rsl_phys2comp_c_
313 # define RSL_COMP2PHYS_C rsl_comp2phys_c_
314 # define RSL_CREATE_STENCIL rsl_create_stencil_
315 # define RSL_CREATE_XPOSE rsl_create_xpose_
316 # define RSL_CREATE_MESSAGE rsl_create_message_
317 # define RSL_BUILD_MESSAGE rsl_build_message_
318 # define RSL_BLANK_MESSAGE rsl_blank_message_
319 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_STENCIL rsl_describe_stencil_
320 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_XPOSE rsl_describe_xpose_
321 # define RSL_EXCH_STENCIL rsl_exch_stencil_
322 # define RSL_COMPILE_STENCIL rsl_compile_stencil_
323 # define RSL_INIT_NEXTCELL rsl_init_nextcell_
324 # define RSL_INIT_GHOST rsl_init_ghost_
325 # define RSL_C_NEXTCELL rsl_c_nextcell_
326 # define RSL_READ rsl_read_
327 # define RSL_WRITE rsl_write_
328 # define RSL_IOSERVE rsl_ioserve_
329 # define RSL_IO_SHUTDOWN rsl_io_shutdown_
330 # define RSL_INIT_FORTRAN rsl_init_fortran_
331 # define RSL_CLOSE rsl_close_
332 # define SHOW_DOMAIN_DECOMP show_domain_decomp_
333 # define READ_DOMAIN_DECOMP read_domain_decomp_
334 # define GET_DOMAIN_DECOMP get_domain_decomp_
335 # define SHOW_STEN_DIAGS show_sten_diags_
336 # define SHOW_MESSAGE show_message_
337 # define SHOW_STENCIL show_stencil_
339 # define RSL_CREATE_PERIOD rsl_create_period_
340 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_PERIOD rsl_describe_period_
341 # define RSL_EXCH_PERIOD rsl_exch_period_
342 # define RSL_COMPILE_PERIOD rsl_compile_period_
344 # define FORT_COMPLEXREAD fort_complexread_
345 # define FORT_INTREAD fort_intread_
346 # define FORT_CHARACTERREAD fort_characterread_
347 # define FORT_DOUBLEREAD fort_doubleread_
348 # define FORT_REALREAD fort_realread_
349 # define FORT_COMPLEXWRITE fort_complexwrite_
350 # define FORT_INTWRITE fort_intwrite_
351 # define FORT_CHARACTERWRITE fort_characterwrite_
352 # define FORT_DOUBLEWRITE fort_doublewrite_
353 # define FORT_REALWRITE fort_realwrite_
354 # define FORT_CLOSE fort_close_
356 # define RSL_MM_BDY_IN rsl_mm_bdy_in_
357 # define RSL_MM_DIST_BDY rsl_mm_dist_bdy_
358 # define RSL_READ_REPL rsl_read_repl_
359 # define RSL_READ_REPLW rsl_read_replw_
360 # define FORT_BDYIN_REAL fort_bdyin_real_
361 # define FORT_BDYIN_DBL fort_bdyin_dbl_
363 # define RSL_F_SET_PADAREA rsl_f_set_padarea_
364 # define RSL_SET_PADAREA rsl_set_padarea_
366 # define RSL_TO_CHILD_INFO rsl_to_child_info_
367 # define RSL_TO_CHILD_MSG rsl_to_child_msg_
368 # define RSL_BCAST_MSGS rsl_bcast_msgs_
369 # define RSL_FROM_PARENT_INFO rsl_from_parent_info_
370 # define RSL_FROM_PARENT_MSG rsl_from_parent_msg_
372 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_INFO rsl_to_parent_info_
373 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_MSG rsl_to_parent_msg_
374 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_MSGX rsl_to_parent_msgx_
375 # define RSL_MERGE_MSGS rsl_merge_msgs_
376 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_INFO rsl_from_child_info_
377 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_MSG rsl_from_child_msg_
378 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_MSGX rsl_from_child_msgx_
380 # define RSL_WITHIN_NESTED_BOUNDARY rsl_within_nested_boundary_
381 # define RSL_WITHIN_NESTED_BETA rsl_within_nested_beta_
383 # define RSL_NL rsl_nl_
386 # define RSL_FUNIT_CLOSE rsl_funit_close_
387 # define RSL_ORDER rsl_order_
389 # define RSL_DEBUG rsl_debug_
391 # define RSL_MON_BCAST rsl_mon_bcast_
393 # ifdef MPI
394 # define MPI_INIT_F mpi_init_f_
395 # endif
397 /* socket stuff */
398 # define RSL_SOCKOPEN rsl_sockopen_
399 # define RSL_SOCKWRITE rsl_sockwrite_
400 # define RSL_SOCKREAD rsl_sockread_ /* not yet */
401 # define RSL_SOCKCLOSE rsl_sockclose_
403 /* slab stuff added 1/9/95 */
404 # define RSL_INIT_NEXTISLAB rsl_init_nextislab_
405 # define RSL_C_NEXTISLAB rsl_c_nextislab_
407 # define RSL_COMPUTE rsl_compute_
408 # define RSL_GET_RUN_INFO rsl_get_run_info_
409 # define RSL_GET_RUN_INFOP rsl_get_run_infop_
410 # define RSL_REG_RUN_INFOP rsl_reg_run_infop_
411 # define RSL_DYNPAD_7 rsl_dynpad_7_
413 # define RSL_CHILD_INFO rsl_child_info_
414 # define RSL_CHILD_INFO1 rsl_child_info1_
416 # define RSL_REMAP_STATE rsl_remap_state_
417 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_STATE rsl_describe_state_
419 # define RSL_PATCH_DECOMP rsl_patch_decomp_
420 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_FCN set_def_decomp_fcn_
421 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_FCN1 set_def_decomp_fcn1_
422 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_INFO set_def_decomp_info_
424 # define BOUNDARY_SAFE boundary_safe_
426 # define RSL_BDY_TIEBRK rsl_bdy_tiebrk_
428 # define RSL_OLD_OFFSETS rsl_old_offsets_
430 # define RSL_ERROR_DUP rsl_error_dup_
431 # define RSL_ERROR_DUP1 rsl_error_dup1_
433 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_WRITE rsl_output_buffer_write_
434 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_YES rsl_output_buffer_yes_
435 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_NO rsl_output_buffer_no_
436 # define RSL_IO_NODE_YES rsl_io_node_yes_
437 # define RSL_IO_NODE_NO rsl_io_node_no_
438 # define RSL_WRITE_MM5V3_SM_HEADER rsl_write_mm5v3_sm_header_
439 # define RSL_WRITE_MM5V3_BIG_HEADER rsl_write_mm5v3_big_header_
440 # define RSL_WRITE_1D_DATA rsl_write_1d_data_
442 # define RSL_REGISTER_F90 rsl_register_f90_
443 # define RSL_START_REGISTER_F90 rsl_start_register_f90_
444 # define RSL_REGISTER_F90_BASE_AND_SIZE rsl_register_f90_base_and_size_
445 # define RSL_END_REGISTER_F90 rsl_end_register_f90_
447 # define RSL_RESET_STAGING rsl_reset_staging_
449 # define RSL_TO_OH_INFO rsl_to_oh_info_
450 # define RSL_TO_OH_MSG rsl_to_oh_msg_
451 # define RSL_FROM_TH_INFO rsl_from_th_info_
452 # define RSL_FROM_TH_MSG rsl_from_th_msg_
453 # define RSL_FORCE_HEMI rsl_force_hemi_
454 # define RSL_POINT_ON_PROC rsl_point_on_proc_
455 # define RSL_PROC_FOR_POINT rsl_proc_for_point_
457 # define VRCOPY vrcopy_
459 # define RSL_SET_REGULAR_DECOMP rsl_set_regular_decomp_
460 # define RSL_ALLOW_DYNPAD rsl_allow_dynpad_
462 # define RSL_GET_COMMUNICATOR rsl_get_communicator_
463 # define RSL_SET_COMMUNICATOR rsl_set_communicator_
465 # define RSL_XPOSE_MN_MZ rsl_xpose_mn_mz_
466 # define RSL_XPOSE_MZ_MN rsl_xpose_mz_mn_
467 # define RSL_XPOSE_MZ_NZ rsl_xpose_mz_nz_
468 # define RSL_XPOSE_NZ_MZ rsl_xpose_nz_mz_
469 # define RSL_XPOSE_NZ_MN rsl_xpose_nz_mn_
470 # define RSL_XPOSE_MN_NZ rsl_xpose_mn_nz_
472 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_MN rsl_reg_patchinfo_mn_
473 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_MZ rsl_reg_patchinfo_mz_
474 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_NZ rsl_reg_patchinfo_nz_
476 # define COLLECT_ON_COMM collect_on_comm_
477 # define INT_PACK_DATA int_pack_data_
479 # define GET_NEXT_DOMAIN_DESCRIPTOR get_next_domain_descriptor_
480 # define RSL_GET_GLEN rsl_get_glen_
481 # define RSL_REMAP_ARRAY rsl_remap_array_
482 # define RSL_MOVE_NEST rsl_move_nest_
484 # define RSL_INTERNAL_MILLICLOCK rsl_internal_milliclock_
485 # define RSL_INTERNAL_MICROCLOCK rsl_internal_microclock_
487 # endif
489 # else
491 /********************************************* NOUNDERSCORE ***/
493 # define RSL_INITIALIZE rsl_initialize
494 # define RSL_INITIALIZE1 rsl_initialize1
495 # define RSL_SHUTDOWN rsl_shutdown
496 # define RSL_MESH rsl_mesh
497 # define RSL_MOTHER_DOMAIN rsl_mother_domain
498 # define RSL_MOTHER_DOMAIN3D rsl_mother_domain3d
499 # define RSL_SPAWN_REGULAR_NEST rsl_spawn_regular_nest
500 # define RSL_SPAWN_REGULAR_NEST1 rsl_spawn_regular_nest1
501 # define RSL_SPAWN_IRREG_NEST rsl_spawn_irreg_nest
502 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LPT rsl_get_bdy_lpt
503 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LARRAY rsl_get_bdy_larray
504 # define RSL_GET_BDY_LARRAY2 rsl_get_bdy_larray2
505 # define RSL_GET_BDY_GPT rsl_get_bdy_gpt
506 # define RSL_GET_BDY_GARRAY rsl_get_bdy_garray
507 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_LPT rsl_get_bdy4_lpt
508 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_LARRAY rsl_get_bdy4_larray
509 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_GPT rsl_get_bdy4_gpt
510 # define RSL_GET_BDY4_GARRAY rsl_get_bdy4_garray
511 # define RSL_PATCH_DECOMPOSE rsl_patch_decompose
512 # define RSL_FDECOMPOSE rsl_fdecompose
513 # define RSL_FCN_REMAP rsl_fcn_remap
514 # define RSL_FCN_DECOMPOSE rsl_fcn_decompose
515 # define RSL_NEW_DECOMPOSITION rsl_new_decomposition
516 # define RSL_IAMMONITOR rsl_iammonitor
517 # define RSL_C_IAMMONITOR rsl_c_iammonitor
518 # define RSL_MONITOR_PROC rsl_monitor_proc
519 # define RSL_IAMCOMPUTE rsl_iamcompute
520 # define RSL_C_IAMCOMPUTE rsl_c_iamcompute
521 # define RSL_PHYS2COMP_C rsl_phys2comp_c
522 # define RSL_COMP2PHYS_C rsl_comp2phys_c
523 # define RSL_CREATE_STENCIL rsl_create_stencil
524 # define RSL_CREATE_XPOSE rsl_create_xpose
525 # define RSL_CREATE_MESSAGE rsl_create_message
526 # define RSL_BUILD_MESSAGE rsl_build_message
527 # define RSL_BLANK_MESSAGE rsl_blank_message
528 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_STENCIL rsl_describe_stencil
529 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_XPOSE rsl_describe_xpose
530 # define RSL_EXCH_STENCIL rsl_exch_stencil
531 # define RSL_COMPILE_STENCIL rsl_compile_stencil
532 # define RSL_INIT_NEXTCELL rsl_init_nextcell
533 # define RSL_INIT_GHOST rsl_init_ghost
534 # define RSL_C_NEXTCELL rsl_c_nextcell
535 # define RSL_READ rsl_read
536 # define RSL_WRITE rsl_write
537 # define RSL_IOSERVE rsl_ioserve
538 # define RSL_IO_SHUTDOWN rsl_io_shutdown
539 # define RSL_INIT_FORTRAN rsl_init_fortran
540 # define RSL_CLOSE rsl_close
541 # define SHOW_DOMAIN_DECOMP show_domain_decomp
542 # define READ_DOMAIN_DECOMP read_domain_decomp
543 # define GET_DOMAIN_DECOMP get_domain_decomp
544 # define SHOW_STEN_DIAGS show_sten_diags
545 # define SHOW_MESSAGE show_message
546 # define SHOW_STENCIL show_stencil
548 # define RSL_CREATE_PERIOD rsl_create_period
549 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_PERIOD rsl_describe_period
550 # define RSL_EXCH_PERIOD rsl_exch_period
551 # define RSL_COMPILE_PERIOD rsl_compile_period
553 # define FORT_COMPLEXREAD fort_complexread
554 # define FORT_INTREAD fort_intread
555 # define FORT_CHARACTERREAD fort_characterread
556 # define FORT_DOUBLEREAD fort_doubleread
557 # define FORT_REALREAD fort_realread
558 # define FORT_COMPLEXWRITE fort_complexwrite
559 # define FORT_INTWRITE fort_intwrite
560 # define FORT_CHARACTERWRITE fort_characterwrite
561 # define FORT_DOUBLEWRITE fort_doublewrite
562 # define FORT_REALWRITE fort_realwrite
563 # define FORT_CLOSE fort_close
565 # define RSL_MM_BDY_IN rsl_mm_bdy_in
566 # define RSL_MM_DIST_BDY rsl_mm_dist_bdy
567 # define RSL_READ_REPL rsl_read_repl
568 # define RSL_READ_REPLW rsl_read_replw
569 # define FORT_BDYIN_REAL fort_bdyin_real
570 # define FORT_BDYIN_DBL fort_bdyin_dbl
572 # define RSL_F_SET_PADAREA rsl_f_set_padarea
573 # define RSL_SET_PADAREA rsl_set_padarea
575 # define RSL_TO_CHILD_INFO rsl_to_child_info
576 # define RSL_TO_CHILD_MSG rsl_to_child_msg
577 # define RSL_BCAST_MSGS rsl_bcast_msgs
578 # define RSL_FROM_PARENT_INFO rsl_from_parent_info
579 # define RSL_FROM_PARENT_MSG rsl_from_parent_msg
581 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_INFO rsl_to_parent_info
582 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_MSG rsl_to_parent_msg
583 # define RSL_TO_PARENT_MSGX rsl_to_parent_msgx
584 # define RSL_MERGE_MSGS rsl_merge_msgs
585 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_INFO rsl_from_child_info
586 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_MSG rsl_from_child_msg
587 # define RSL_FROM_CHILD_MSGX rsl_from_child_msgx
589 # define RSL_WITHIN_NESTED_BOUNDARY rsl_within_nested_boundary
590 # define RSL_WITHIN_NESTED_BETA rsl_within_nested_beta
592 # define RSL_NL rsl_nl
594 # define RSL_FUNIT_CLOSE rsl_funit_close
595 # define RSL_ORDER rsl_order
597 # define RSL_DEBUG rsl_debug
599 # define RSL_MON_BCAST rsl_mon_bcast
601 # ifdef MPI
602 # define MPI_INIT_F mpi_init_f
603 # endif
605 /* socket stuff */
606 # define RSL_SOCKOPEN rsl_sockopen
607 # define RSL_SOCKWRITE rsl_sockwrite
608 # define RSL_SOCKREAD rsl_sockread /* not yet */
609 # define RSL_SOCKCLOSE rsl_sockclose
611 /* slab stuff added 1/9/95 */
612 # define RSL_INIT_NEXTISLAB rsl_init_nextislab
613 # define RSL_C_NEXTISLAB rsl_c_nextislab
615 # define RSL_COMPUTE rsl_compute
616 # define RSL_GET_RUN_INFO rsl_get_run_info
617 # define RSL_GET_RUN_INFOP rsl_get_run_infop
618 # define RSL_REG_RUN_INFOP rsl_reg_run_infop
619 # define RSL_DYNPAD_7 rsl_dynpad_7
621 # define RSL_CHILD_INFO rsl_child_info
622 # define RSL_CHILD_INFO1 rsl_child_info1
624 # define RSL_REMAP_STATE rsl_remap_state
625 # define RSL_DESCRIBE_STATE rsl_describe_state
627 # define RSL_PATCH_DECOMP rsl_patch_decomp
628 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_FCN set_def_decomp_fcn
629 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_FCN1 set_def_decomp_fcn1
630 # define SET_DEF_DECOMP_INFO set_def_decomp_info
632 # define BOUNDARY_SAFE boundary_safe
634 # define RSL_BDY_TIEBRK rsl_bdy_tiebrk
636 # define RSL_OLD_OFFSETS rsl_old_offsets
638 # define RSL_ERROR_DUP rsl_error_dup
639 # define RSL_ERROR_DUP1 rsl_error_dup1
641 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_WRITE rsl_output_buffer_write
642 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_YES rsl_output_buffer_yes
643 # define RSL_OUTPUT_BUFFER_NO rsl_output_buffer_no
644 # define RSL_IO_NODE_YES rsl_io_node_yes
645 # define RSL_IO_NODE_NO rsl_io_node_no
646 # define RSL_WRITE_MM5V3_SM_HEADER rsl_write_mm5v3_sm_header
647 # define RSL_WRITE_MM5V3_BIG_HEADER rsl_write_mm5v3_big_header
648 # define RSL_WRITE_1D_DATA rsl_write_1d_data
650 # define RSL_REGISTER_F90 rsl_register_f90
651 # define RSL_START_REGISTER_F90 rsl_start_register_f90
652 # define RSL_REGISTER_F90_BASE_AND_SIZE rsl_register_f90_base_and_size
653 # define RSL_END_REGISTER_F90 rsl_end_register_f90
655 # define RSL_RESET_STAGING rsl_reset_staging
657 # define RSL_TO_OH_INFO rsl_to_oh_info
658 # define RSL_TO_OH_MSG rsl_to_oh_msg
659 # define RSL_FROM_TH_INFO rsl_from_th_info
660 # define RSL_FROM_TH_MSG rsl_from_th_msg
661 # define RSL_FORCE_HEMI rsl_force_hemi
662 # define RSL_POINT_ON_PROC rsl_point_on_proc
663 # define RSL_PROC_FOR_POINT rsl_proc_for_point
665 # define VRCOPY vrcopy
667 # define RSL_SET_REGULAR_DECOMP rsl_set_regular_decomp
668 # define RSL_ALLOW_DYNPAD rsl_allow_dynpad
670 # define RSL_GET_COMMUNICATOR rsl_get_communicator
671 # define RSL_SET_COMMUNICATOR rsl_set_communicator
673 # define RSL_XPOSE_MN_MZ rsl_xpose_mn_mz
674 # define RSL_XPOSE_MZ_MN rsl_xpose_mz_mn
675 # define RSL_XPOSE_MZ_NZ rsl_xpose_mz_nz
676 # define RSL_XPOSE_NZ_MZ rsl_xpose_nz_mz
677 # define RSL_XPOSE_NZ_MN rsl_xpose_nz_mn
678 # define RSL_XPOSE_MN_NZ rsl_xpose_mn_nz
680 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_MN rsl_reg_patchinfo_mn
681 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_MZ rsl_reg_patchinfo_mz
682 # define RSL_REG_PATCHINFO_NZ rsl_reg_patchinfo_nz
684 # define COLLECT_ON_COMM collect_on_comm
685 # define INT_PACK_DATA int_pack_data
687 # define GET_NEXT_DOMAIN_DESCRIPTOR get_next_domain_descriptor
688 # define RSL_GET_GLEN rsl_get_glen
689 # define RSL_REMAP_ARRAY rsl_remap_array
690 # define RSL_MOVE_NEST rsl_move_nest
692 # define RSL_INTERNAL_MILLICLOCK rsl_internal_milliclock
693 # define RSL_INTERNAL_MICROCLOCK rsl_internal_microclock
695 # endif
696 #endif
698 #endif /* nothing after this */