Original WRF subgrid support version from John Michalakes without fire
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / external / RSL / RSL / comp_sten.c
1 /***********************************************************************
5 The following is a notice of limited availability of the code and
6 Government license and disclaimer which must be included in the
7 prologue of the code and in all source listings of the code.
9 Copyright notice
10 (c) 1977 University of Chicago
12 Permission is hereby granted to use, reproduce, prepare
13 derivative works, and to redistribute to others at no charge. If
14 you distribute a copy or copies of the Software, or you modify a
15 copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming
16 a work based on the Software and make and/or distribute copies of
17 such work, you must meet the following conditions:
19 a) If you make a copy of the Software (modified or verbatim)
20 it must include the copyright notice and Government
21 license and disclaimer.
23 b) You must cause the modified Software to carry prominent
24 notices stating that you changed specified portions of
25 the Software.
27 This software was authored by:
29 Argonne National Laboratory
30 J. Michalakes: (630) 252-6646; email: michalak@mcs.anl.gov
31 Mathematics and Computer Science Division
32 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
41 This computer code material was prepared, in part, as an account
42 of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.
43 The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its
44 behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in
45 this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute
46 copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and
47 to permit others to do so. NEITHER THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
55 ***************************************************************************/
57 #include <stdio.h>
58 #include <stdlib.h>
59 #include "rsl.h"
62 Here's a drawing of the graph this routine is trying to construct:
64 (stencil_desc)
65 | |
66 | |
67 | array of message_descs corresponding to stencil pts
68 | msg1 msg2 msg3 msg4 ...
69 | 0 1 2 3
70 | \
71 array of processor lists \ <---pointers back to message structures
72 on list for each domain \ |
73 | | |
74 d ^ \ v +-------------------------+
75 o (0) --> procrec --> | \ |there is one node for |
76 m | | \ |each physical processor |
77 a (1) | | \ |this processor will need |
78 i | ^ \ |to communicate with for |
79 n . | | \ |this stencil. |
80 . v | ^ +-------------------------+
81 . (list_t) | |
82 | \ ^ ^ +-------------------------+
83 | ( ptrec ) --> (list_t) --> (list_t) |1 for each msg associated|
84 | | |with the point |
85 | \ +-------------------------+
86 v \+-------------------------------------------------+
87 (list_t) |points to the entry for the local point in domain|
88 | |data structure. |
89 | +-------------------------------------------------+
94 **************
95 Algorithm:
97 P is a remote processor, M is me
99 1 To work out sends to P from M:
100 1.1 for each ghost point GP from P
101 1.1.1 for each point p on GP's stencil
102 if p is on M
103 add p to list of points going to P (if not already on)
104 add message from p to p's entry in the aforementioned list
106 2 To work out receives from P to M:
107 2.1 for each ghost point GP from P
108 2.1.1 for each point p on GP's stencil
109 if p is on M
110 add GP to list of points being sent from P (if not already on)
111 add message from GP to GP's entry in the aforementioned list
113 Combined algorithm;
115 1 To work out receives from P to M:
116 1.1 for each ghost point GP from P
117 1.1.1 for each point p on GP's stencil
118 if p is on M
119 add p to list of points going to P (if not already on)
120 add message from p to p's entry in the aforementioned list
121 add GP to list of points being sent from P (if not already on)
122 add message from GP to GP's entry in the aforementioned list
126 /* used by compile_stencil, below */
127 static stencil_desc_t *sd ; /* set in compile_stencil */
128 static rsl_procrec_t *procrec ; /* set in compile_stencil */
129 static int send_accum ;
130 static int recv_accum ;
132 #if 0
133 /* this is a linked list that is used for the receives from the remote
134 processor (the GP list in the above algorithmic descriptions). We are
135 only counting bytes for these messages (to allocated the correctly sized
136 buffers) so this is just a temporary data structure that is cleaned up
137 on each call to rsl_compile_stencil */
138 static rsl_list_t *recv_point_list = NULL ; /* 940308 */
139 #endif
141 dstry_ptrec_list( recv_ptrec )
142 rsl_ptrec_t *recv_ptrec ;
144 destroy_list( &(recv_ptrec->recv_messages), NULL ) ;
147 rsl_processor_t idx_ ;
149 #ifdef NEC_TUNE
152 quick tables to speed up link list searching in routine check_local_pts.
153 tbl_'id'_... used for searching rsl_point_t id's.
155 static int ntbl_id_max = 128 ; /* Note first allocation will be of size 256 */
156 static int ntbl_id = 0 ;
157 static rsl_point_id_t *tbl_id = NULL ;
158 static rsl_ptrec_t **tbl_ptrec = NULL ;
159 static rsl_procrec_t *prev_procrec = NULL ;
160 #endif
161 /* 1.1.1 (continued) */
162 /* this routine is called for each point on the ghost point's stencil */
163 check_local_pts( d, m, n, hm, hn, pt, ipt )
164 rsl_index_t d ; /* domain index */
165 rsl_index_t m, n ; /* this point */
166 rsl_index_t hm, hn ; /* home point (whose stencil I'm on) */
167 rsl_index_t pt ; /* point in stencil */
168 rsl_index_t ipt ; /* inverse point in stencil */
170 int mlen ; /* length of minor domain dimension */
171 rsl_fldspec_t *fp, *fpm, *prev, *new ;
172 int message, found ;
173 rsl_processor_t P ;
174 rsl_point_id_t id ;
175 rsl_ptrec_t *ptrec, *recv_ptrec ;
176 int recv_npts ; /* dummy */
177 rsl_list_t *lp ;
178 message_desc_t *msg ;
179 rsl_domain_info_t *dinfo ;
180 rsl_point_t *domain ;
181 #ifdef NEC_TUNE
182 int i ;
183 #endif
185 dinfo = &(domain_info[d]) ;
186 domain = dinfo->domain ;
187 mlen = dinfo->len_m ;
189 /* P is proc of ghost point */
190 P = domain[INDEX_2(hn,hm,mlen)].P ;
191 /* */
192 if ( rsl_c_comp2phys_proc (domain[INDEX_2(n,m,mlen)].P) == rsl_myproc )
194 /* */
195 id = POINTID(d,n,m) ;
196 found = 0 ;
197 #ifndef NEC_TUNE
198 for ( lp = procrec->point_list ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
200 ptrec = (rsl_ptrec_t *)lp->data ;
201 if ( ptrec->pt->id == id )
203 found = 1 ;
204 break ;
207 #else
208 if ( prev_procrec != procrec )
210 ntbl_id = 0 ;
211 prev_procrec = procrec ;
213 for ( i = 0 ; i < ntbl_id ; i++ )
215 if ( tbl_id[i] == id )
217 found = 1 ;
218 break ;
221 if ( found ) ptrec = tbl_ptrec[i] ;
222 #endif
223 if ( !found ) /* add it */
225 lp = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t, 1 ) ;
226 ptrec = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_ptrec_t, 1 ) ;
227 ptrec->pt = &(domain[INDEX_2(n,m,mlen)]) ;
228 ptrec->ig = m ;
229 ptrec->jg = n ;
230 ptrec->nsendmsgs = 0 ;
231 ptrec->nrecvmsgs = 0 ;
232 ptrec->send_messages = NULL ;
233 ptrec->recv_messages = NULL ;
234 lp->data = ptrec ;
235 lp->next = procrec->point_list ;
236 procrec->point_list = lp ;
237 procrec->npts++ ;
238 send_accum += sizeof( rsl_point_hdr_t ) ;
239 #ifdef NEC_TUNE
240 if ( ntbl_id == ntbl_id_max || tbl_id == NULL )
242 ntbl_id_max *= 2 ;
243 tbl_id = (rsl_point_id_t *)realloc((void *)tbl_id, ntbl_id_max*sizeof(rsl_point_id_t *)) ;
244 tbl_ptrec = (rsl_ptrec_t **)realloc((void *)tbl_ptrec, ntbl_id_max*sizeof(rsl_ptrec_t *)) ;
246 tbl_id[ntbl_id] = id ;
247 tbl_ptrec[ntbl_id] = ptrec ;
248 ntbl_id++ ;
249 #endif
252 /* */
253 /* add the ghost point to the list of points from which we
254 will receive messages */
255 id = POINTID(d,hn,hm) ;
256 found = 0 ;
257 for ( lp = procrec->recv_point_list ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
259 recv_ptrec = (rsl_ptrec_t *)lp->data ;
260 if ( recv_ptrec->pt->id == id )
262 found = 1 ;
263 break ;
266 if ( !found ) /* add it */
268 lp = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t, 1 ) ;
269 recv_ptrec = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_ptrec_t, 1 ) ;
270 recv_ptrec->pt = &(domain[INDEX_2(hn,hm,mlen)]) ;
271 recv_ptrec->ig = hm ;
272 recv_ptrec->jg = hn ;
273 recv_ptrec->nsendmsgs = 0 ;
274 recv_ptrec->nrecvmsgs = 0 ;
275 recv_ptrec->send_messages = NULL ;
276 recv_ptrec->recv_messages = NULL ;
277 lp->data = recv_ptrec ;
278 lp->next = procrec->recv_point_list ;
279 procrec->recv_point_list = lp ;
280 procrec->recv_npts++ ;
281 recv_accum += sizeof( rsl_point_hdr_t ) ;
285 /* */
286 /* at this point ptrec points to a ptrec (for the local point) in the
287 list for the non-local processor. */
288 msg = sd->msgs[d][ pt-1 ] ;
289 if ( msg != NULL )
291 /* iterate through message list for ptrec and add the message
292 to be sent to the ghost point from this local point to the list
293 for the local point if it isn't there */
294 for ( lp = ptrec->send_messages, found = 0 ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
296 if ( msg == ( message_desc_t * )lp->data )
298 found = 1 ;
299 break ;
302 if ( !found ) /* add it */
304 lp = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t, 1 ) ;
305 lp->data = msg ;
306 lp->next = ptrec->send_messages ;
307 lp->info1 = pt ; /* index of stencil point */
308 ptrec->send_messages = lp ;
309 send_accum += message_size( msg ) ;
310 send_accum += sizeof(int) ; /* for send of stencil point index */
311 ptrec->nsendmsgs++ ;
315 /* */
316 /* repeat for the receives, but note, that for the receives we
317 are only interested in the size of the messages. Also, we're
318 interested in the ghost-point, not the point.*/
319 msg = sd->msgs[d][ ipt-1 ] ; /* ipt instead of pt used for index */
320 if ( msg != NULL )
322 /* iterate through message list for recv_ptrec and if message to be
323 received is not there add it. */
324 for ( lp = recv_ptrec->recv_messages, found = 0 ;
325 lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
327 if ( msg == ( message_desc_t * )lp->data )
329 found = 1 ;
330 break ;
333 if ( !found )
335 lp = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t, 1 ) ;
336 lp->data = msg ;
337 lp->next = recv_ptrec->recv_messages ;
338 lp->info2 = ipt ; /* inverse stencil point */
339 recv_ptrec->recv_messages = lp ;
340 recv_accum += message_size( msg ) ;
341 recv_accum += sizeof(int) ; /* for send of stencil point index */
342 recv_ptrec->nrecvmsgs++ ;
343 ptrec->nrecvmsgs = recv_ptrec->nrecvmsgs ; /* intentional (ptrec) */
349 check_sten ( s_p )
350 int_p s_p ;
352 int s ;
354 s = *s_p ;
356 "rsl_compile_stencil: bad stencil descriptor" ) ;
357 RSL_TEST_ERR((sd = (stencil_desc_t *)sh_descriptors[s]) == NULL,
358 "compile_descriptor: null stencil descriptor" ) ;
359 fprintf(stderr,"DEBUG CHECK_STEN: s %d, sd->tag %d\n", s, sd->tag ) ;
360 RSL_TEST_ERR( sd->tag != STENCIL_DESC,
361 "compile_descriptor: bad stencil descriptor" ) ;
364 /* this is now used internally only -- this will be called automatically
365 whenever a stencil exchange is attempted on a stencil that has not
366 yet been compiled */
367 rsl_compile_stencil( d_p, s_p )
368 int_p d_p, s_p ;
370 int d, s ;
371 int i, j, k ;
372 int len_plist ;
373 int (*ptfcn)() ;
374 rsl_list_t *lp, *lp2, *destr, *destr2, *ghost_points ;
375 rsl_domain_info_t *dp ;
376 rsl_point_t *pt ;
377 rsl_dimlen_t mlen, nlen ;
378 int m, n ;
379 rsl_processor_t P, Plist[RSL_MAXPROC] ;
380 int check_local_pts() ;
382 d = *d_p ;
383 s = *s_p ;
385 RSL_TEST_ERR(d < 0 || d >= RSL_MAXDOMAINS,
386 "rsl_compile_stencil: bad domain descriptor" ) ;
387 RSL_TEST_ERR( domain_info[d].valid != RSL_VALID,
388 "rsl_compile_stencil: descriptor for invalid domain" ) ;
390 mlen = domain_info[d].len_m ;
391 nlen = domain_info[d].len_n ;
393 /* sd is static so that check_local_pts can get at it */
395 "rsl_compile_stencil: bad stencil descriptor" ) ;
396 RSL_TEST_ERR((sd = (stencil_desc_t *)sh_descriptors[s]) == NULL,
397 "compile_descriptor: null stencil descriptor" ) ;
398 RSL_TEST_ERR( sd->tag != STENCIL_DESC,
399 "compile_descriptor: bad stencil descriptor" ) ;
400 RSL_TEST_ERR( sd->compiled[d] != 0,
401 "compile_stencil: stencil has already been compiled for this domain") ;
403 sd->compiled[d] = 1 ;
404 ptfcn = sd->f[d].ptfcn ;
405 dp = &(domain_info[d]) ;
407 if ( dp->decomposed != 1 )
409 default_decomposition( d_p,
410 &(domain_info[*d_p].loc_m),
411 &(domain_info[*d_p].loc_n) ) ;
413 /* get a list of the processors that have ghost points and store in
414 Plist; len_plist is the number of processors stored */
415 for ( i = 0 ; i < RSL_MAXPROC ; i++ )
416 Plist[i] = 0 ;
417 for ( lp = dp->ghost_pts ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
419 idx_ = ((rsl_point_t *)lp->data)->P ;
420 if ( idx_ < 0 || idx_ >= RSL_MAXPROC )
422 sprintf(mess,"domain %d: idx_ = %d\n",d, idx_ );
423 RSL_TEST_WRN(1,mess) ;
425 Plist[ idx_ ] = 1 ;
427 for ( len_plist = 0, i = 0 ; i < RSL_MAXPROC ; i++ )
428 if ( Plist[i] == 1 ) Plist[ len_plist++ ] = i ;
430 for ( k = 0 ; k < len_plist ; k++ )
432 P = Plist[k] ;
434 procrec = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_procrec_t, 1 ) ;
435 procrec->P = P ;
436 procrec->next = sd->procs[d] ;
437 sd->procs[d] = procrec ;
439 #if 0
440 destroy_list( &recv_point_list, dstry_ptrec_list ) ;
441 recv_point_list = NULL ;
442 #endif
444 /* 1.1 */
445 /* for every ghost point from P, mark any local point that lies
446 on its stencil (using the point function associated with the
447 stencil. */
448 procrec->npts = 0 ;
449 procrec->recv_npts = 0 ;
450 send_accum = 0 ;
451 recv_accum = 0 ;
452 for ( n = 0 ; n < nlen ; n++ )
453 for ( m = 0 ; m < mlen ; m++ )
454 if ( dp->domain[ INDEX_2( n, m, mlen ) ].P == P )
456 /* 1.1.1 */
457 (*ptfcn)( d, m, mlen, n, nlen, check_local_pts ) ;
460 procrec->nsends = 0 ;
461 procrec->nrecvs = 0 ;
462 procrec->sendsize = send_accum + sizeof(int) ; /* extra word for count */
463 procrec->recvsize = recv_accum + sizeof(int) ; /* extra word for count */
465 #define NEW
466 #ifdef NEW
468 int ig, jg, i, j ;
469 rsl_list_t *lp1 ;
470 void * base ;
471 int elemsz, t0, t1, pack_table_size ;
472 stencil_desc_t * sten ;
473 rsl_ptrec_t * ptrec ;
474 message_desc_t * msg ;
475 rsl_fldspec_t * fld ;
477 sten = (stencil_desc_t *) sh_descriptors[ s ] ;
478 for ( procrec = sten->procs[d] ; procrec != NULL ; procrec = procrec->next )
480 init_process_refs() ;
481 for ( lp = procrec->point_list ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
483 ptrec = (rsl_ptrec_t *) lp->data ;
484 ig = ptrec->ig ;
485 jg = ptrec->jg ;
486 i = ig - domain_info[d].ilocaloffset ;
487 j = jg - domain_info[d].jlocaloffset ;
489 for ( lp1 = ptrec->send_messages ; lp1 != NULL ; lp1 = lp1->next )
491 msg = (message_desc_t *) lp1->data ;
492 for ( fld = msg->fldspecs ; fld != NULL ; fld = fld->next )
494 if ( fld->type >= 100 ) sten->has_f90_fields = 1 ;
495 base = fld->base ;
496 elemsz = fld->elemsz ;
497 switch (fld->strategy)
499 case MINNS_MAJEW_2D : /* <MM> eg: psa(i,j) */
500 t0 = fld->llen[0] ;
501 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i+j*t0)*elemsz, elemsz, 1, elemsz) ;
502 break ;
503 case MINEW_MAJNS_2D : /* xxx(j,i) */
504 t0 = fld->llen[0] ;
505 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (j+i*t0)*elemsz, elemsz, 1, elemsz) ;
506 break ;
507 case MINNS_MAJEW_K_3D : /* <MM> eg: ua(i,j,k) */
508 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
509 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i+j*t0)*elemsz, elemsz,
510 fld->llen[2],
511 t1*elemsz) ;
512 break ;
513 case MINEW_MAJNS_K_3D : /* <MM> eg: u(j,i,k) */
514 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
515 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (j+i*t0)*elemsz, elemsz,
516 fld->llen[2],
517 t1*elemsz) ;
518 break ;
519 case K_MIDNS_MAJEW_3D : /* <MM> eg: u(k,i,j) */
520 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
521 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i*t0+j*t1)*elemsz, elemsz * t0, 1, elemsz) ;
522 break ;
523 case MINNS_K_MAJEW_3D : /* <MM> eg: u(i,k,j) */
524 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
525 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i+j*t1)*elemsz, elemsz, fld->llen[1], t0*elemsz) ;
526 break ;
527 default:
528 RSL_TEST_ERR(1,"new pack comp: strategy not supported" ) ;
529 break ;
534 process_refs( &(procrec->pack_table),
535 &(procrec->pack_table_size),
536 &(procrec->pack_table_nbytes), 1 ) ;
537 #if 0
538 fprintf(stderr,"pack P = %3d:\n",procrec->P ) ;
539 show_pack_table( procrec->pack_table,
540 procrec->pack_table_size,
541 procrec->pack_table_nbytes ) ;
542 #endif
546 int ig, jg, i, j ;
547 rsl_list_t *lp1 ;
548 void * base ;
549 int elemsz, t0, t1, pack_table_size ;
550 stencil_desc_t * sten ;
551 rsl_ptrec_t * ptrec ;
552 message_desc_t * msg ;
553 rsl_fldspec_t * fld ;
555 sten = (stencil_desc_t *) sh_descriptors[ s ] ;
556 for ( procrec = sten->procs[d] ; procrec != NULL ; procrec = procrec->next )
558 init_process_refs() ;
559 for ( lp = procrec->recv_point_list ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
561 ptrec = (rsl_ptrec_t *) lp->data ;
562 ig = ptrec->ig ;
563 jg = ptrec->jg ;
564 i = ig - domain_info[d].ilocaloffset ;
565 j = jg - domain_info[d].jlocaloffset ;
567 for ( lp1 = ptrec->recv_messages ; lp1 != NULL ; lp1 = lp1->next )
569 msg = (message_desc_t *) lp1->data ;
570 for ( fld = msg->fldspecs ; fld != NULL ; fld = fld->next )
572 if ( fld->type >= 100 ) sten->has_f90_fields = 1 ;
573 base = fld->base ;
574 elemsz = fld->elemsz ;
575 switch (fld->strategy)
577 case MINNS_MAJEW_2D : /* <MM> eg: psa(i,j) */
578 t0 = fld->llen[0] ;
579 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i+j*t0)*elemsz, elemsz, 1, elemsz) ;
580 break ;
581 case MINEW_MAJNS_2D : /* xxx(j,i) */
582 t0 = fld->llen[0] ;
583 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (j+i*t0)*elemsz, elemsz, 1, elemsz) ;
584 break ;
585 case MINNS_MAJEW_K_3D : /* <MM> eg: ua(i,j,k) */
586 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
587 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i+j*t0)*elemsz, elemsz,
588 fld->llen[2],
589 t1*elemsz) ;
590 break ;
591 case MINEW_MAJNS_K_3D : /* <MM> eg: u(j,i,k) */
592 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
593 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (j+i*t0)*elemsz, elemsz,
594 fld->llen[2],
595 t1*elemsz) ;
596 break ;
597 case K_MIDNS_MAJEW_3D : /* <MM> eg: u(k,i,j) */
598 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
599 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i*t0+j*t1)*elemsz, elemsz * t0, 1, elemsz) ;
600 break ;
601 case MINNS_K_MAJEW_3D : /* <MM> eg: u(i,k,j) */
602 t0 = fld->llen[0] ; t1 = fld->llen[1]*t0 ;
603 store_process_refs( base, fld->f90_table_index, (i+j*t1)*elemsz, elemsz, fld->llen[1], t0*elemsz) ;
604 break ;
605 default:
606 RSL_TEST_ERR(1,"new pack comp: strategy not supported" ) ;
607 break ;
612 process_refs( &(procrec->unpack_table),
613 &(procrec->unpack_table_size),
614 &(procrec->unpack_table_nbytes), 1 ) ;
615 #if 0
616 fprintf(stderr,"upack P = %3d:\n",procrec->P ) ;
617 show_pack_table( procrec->unpack_table,
618 procrec->unpack_table_size,
619 procrec->unpack_table_nbytes ) ;
620 #endif
623 #endif
626 show_pack_table( pack_table, pack_table_size, pack_table_nbytes )
627 packrec_t pack_table[] ;
628 int pack_table_size ;
629 int pack_table_nbytes ;
631 int i,ii,jj ;
632 for ( i = 0 ; i < pack_table_size ; i++ )
634 fprintf(stderr,
635 " base %08x %12d offset %10d f90 index %d n %3d nelem %5d stride %5d valid %2d\n",
636 pack_table[i].base,
637 pack_table[i].base,
638 pack_table[i].offset,
639 pack_table[i].f90_table_index,
640 pack_table[i].n,
641 pack_table[i].nelems,
642 pack_table[i].stride,
643 pack_table[i].valid ) ;
644 #if 0
645 for ( jj = 0 ; jj < pack_table[i].nelems ; jj++ )
646 for ( ii = 0 ; ii < pack_table[i].n ; ii += 4 )
648 fprintf(stderr,"** elem %d, n %d, %16lx, %f\n",jj,ii,
649 (float *)( (char *)
650 pack_table[i].base +
651 pack_table[i].offset +
652 jj * pack_table[i].stride +
653 ii ),
654 *((float *)( (char *)
655 pack_table[i].base +
656 pack_table[i].offset +
657 jj * pack_table[i].stride +
658 ii ))
661 #endif
664 fprintf(stderr," table nbytes=%d\n", pack_table_nbytes ) ;
669 SHOW_STEN_DIAGS - Show run time information about stencil performance.
671 Input parameter:
672 . d - domain descriptor
673 . s - stencil descriptor
675 Synopsis:
676 subroutine SHOW_STEN_DIAGS ( d, s )
677 integer d
678 integer s
680 Notes:
681 Information is sent to a file sten_diags_<pid> for each
682 processor.
684 See also:
689 static int show_sten_diags_first = 1 ;
691 SHOW_STEN_DIAGS ( d_p, s_p )
692 int_p d_p, s_p ;
694 int d, s, P, nsends, nbytes ;
695 stencil_desc_t *sp ;
696 rsl_procrec_t *procrec ;
697 rsl_ptrec_t *ptrec ;
698 FILE *fp ;
699 char fname[80], *code ;
700 int smsgs, rmsgs ;
701 rsl_list_t *lp ;
703 s = *s_p ;
704 d = *d_p ;
705 RSL_TEST_ERR( d < 0 || d >= RSL_MAXDOMAINS,
706 "show_sten_diags: bad domain descriptor") ;
707 RSL_TEST_ERR( domain_info[d].valid != RSL_VALID,
708 "show_sten_diags: invalid domain descriptor" ) ;
709 sp = (stencil_desc_t *)sh_descriptors[s] ;
710 if ( sp == NULL ) return ;
711 if ( show_sten_diags_first )
713 code = "w" ;
714 show_sten_diags_first = 0 ;
716 else
718 code = "a" ;
720 sprintf(fname,"sten_diags_%04d",rsl_myproc) ;
721 if (( fp = fopen ( fname, code )) == NULL )
723 perror(fname) ;
724 exit(2) ;
726 fprintf(fp,"Diagnostics for stencil %3d, domain %3d\n",s,d) ;
728 for ( procrec = sp->procs[d] ; procrec != NULL ; procrec = procrec->next )
730 smsgs = 0 ; rmsgs = 0 ;
731 for ( lp = procrec->point_list ; lp != NULL ; lp = lp->next )
733 ptrec = (rsl_ptrec_t *) lp->data ;
734 smsgs += ptrec->nsendmsgs ;
735 rmsgs += ptrec->nrecvmsgs ;
737 fprintf(fp," to %4d : %5d of %10d bytes (%10d tot), pts %4d, msgs %4d\n",
738 procrec->P,
739 procrec->nsends,
740 procrec->sendsize,
741 procrec->nsends*procrec->sendsize,
742 procrec->npts,
743 smsgs ) ;
744 fprintf(fp," from %4d : %5d of %10d bytes (%10d tot), pts %4d, msgs %4d\n",
745 procrec->P,
746 procrec->nrecvs,
747 procrec->recvsize,
748 procrec->nrecvs*procrec->recvsize,
749 procrec->recv_npts,
750 rmsgs ) ;
752 fclose(fp) ;
755 static FILE * fp = NULL ;
756 static int show_first = 1 ;
757 SHOW_MESSAGE ( mh_p )
758 int_p mh_p ;
760 int mh ;
761 message_desc_t *msg ;
762 rsl_fldspec_t *fld ;
763 int dim ;
764 char * code ;
765 char fname[80] ;
767 mh = *mh_p ;
768 if ( show_first )
770 code = "w" ;
771 show_first = 0 ;
772 sprintf(fname,"show_def_%04d",rsl_myproc) ;
773 if (( fp = fopen ( fname, code )) == NULL )
775 perror(fname) ;
776 exit(2) ;
779 if ( mh == RSL_INVALID )
781 fprintf(fp,"MESSAGE HANDLE: RSL_INVALID\n" ) ;
783 else
785 msg = (message_desc_t *)mh_descriptors[mh] ;
786 show_message_desc( msg ) ;
790 show_message_desc( msg )
791 message_desc_t * msg ;
793 rsl_fldspec_t *fld ;
794 int dim ;
795 int mh ;
797 if ( msg == NULL ) return ;
798 fprintf(fp,"MESSAGE HANDLE: %d\n",msg->mh ) ;
799 fprintf(fp," tag: %d\n",msg->tag ) ;
800 fprintf(fp," nflds: %d\n",msg->nflds ) ;
801 for ( fld = msg->fldspecs ; fld != NULL ; fld=fld->next )
803 fprintf(fp," FLD:\n") ;
804 fprintf(fp," base: %x\n",fld->base ) ;
805 fprintf(fp," ndim: %d\n",fld->ndim ) ;
806 fprintf(fp," elemsz: %d\n",fld->elemsz ) ;
807 for ( dim = 0 ; dim < fld->ndim && dim < RSL_MAXDIM ; dim++ )
809 fprintf(fp," decomp[%3d]: %d\n",dim,fld->decomp[dim] ) ;
810 fprintf(fp," gdex[%3d]: %d\n",dim,fld->gdex[dim] ) ;
811 fprintf(fp," glen[%3d]: %d\n",dim,fld->glen[dim] ) ;
812 fprintf(fp," llen[%3d]: %d\n",dim,fld->llen[dim] ) ;
818 SHOW_STENCIL - Show information about the stencil structure
820 Input parameter:
821 . s - domain descriptor
823 Synopsis:
824 subroutine SHOW_STENCIL ( s )
825 integer s
827 Notes:
828 Information is sent to a file show_def_<pid> for each
829 processor.
831 See also:
836 SHOW_STENCIL ( d_p, sh_p )
837 int_p d_p ;
838 int_p sh_p ;
840 int sh, d ;
841 int spt ;
842 stencil_desc_t * sten ;
843 char * code ;
844 char fname[80] ;
846 d = *d_p ;
847 sh = *sh_p ;
848 if ( show_first )
850 code = "w" ;
851 show_first = 0 ;
852 sprintf(fname,"show_def_%04d",rsl_myproc) ;
853 if (( fp = fopen ( fname, code )) == NULL )
855 perror(fname) ;
856 exit(2) ;
859 sten = (stencil_desc_t *)sh_descriptors[sh] ;
860 if ( sten == NULL ) return ;
861 fprintf(fp,"STENCIL HANDLE: %d\n",sh ) ;
862 fprintf(fp," tag: %d\n",sten->tag ) ;
863 fprintf(fp," npts: %d\n",sten->npts[d] ) ;
864 fprintf(fp," maskid: %d\n",sten->maskid[d] ) ;
866 for ( spt = 0 ; spt < sten->npts[d] && spt < RSL_MAXSTEN+1 ; spt++ )
868 fprintf(fp," stencil pt: %d\n",spt ) ;
869 show_message_desc( sten->msgs[d][spt] ) ;
872 /* code to show processor lists not here yet */