updating standalone
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / phys / module_fr_sfire_driver.F
2 ! SFIRE - Spread fire model in WRF-Fire
4 !*** Jan Mandel August 2007 - March 2011 
5 !*** email: Jan.Mandel@gmail.com
7 ! For support please subscribe to the wrf-fire mailing list at NCAR at
8 ! http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/wrf-fire
9 ! or go to http://www.openwfm.org/wiki/WRF-Fire_user_support 
11 ! Current drafts of the technical documentation and
12 ! user's guide can be found at
14 ! http://www.openwfm.org/wiki/WRF-Fire_documentation
15 ! http://www.openwfm.org/wiki/WRF-Fire_publications
17 ! This module is the only entry point from WRF-ARW to the wildland 
18 ! fire model. The call to sfire_driver advances the fire model by 
19 ! one timestep. The fire model inputs the wind and outputs 
20 ! temperature and humidity tendencies. The fire model also inputs a 
21 ! number of constant arrays (fuel data, topography). Additional 
22 ! arguments are model state (for data assimilation) and constant arrays 
23 ! the model gives to WRF for safekeeping because it is not allowed 
24 ! to save anything.
26 ! This code as of mid-2011 is described in [1]. If you use this code, 
27 ! please acknowledge our work by citing [1].
28 ! Thank you.
30 ! Acknowledgements
32 ! The fire physics code is adapted from the CAWFE code [2].
33 ! The coupling with WRF is adapted from a code by Ned Patton, 
34 ! coupling a Fortran 90 port of the CAWFE fire module to WRF [3].
35 ! Support of refined fire grids in WRF was provided by John Michalakes.
36 ! Jonathan D. Beezley has set up and maintained the WRF build and
37 ! execution environment, provided software engineering infrastructure 
38 ! including synchronization with the WRF repository, and was responsibe
39 ! for all aspects of WRF modification. UCD students Minjeong Kim and
40 ! Volodymyr Kondratenko have contributed to the implementation of the
41 ! fire propagation by the level set method.
43 ! Refefences
45 ! [1] Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, and Adam K. Kochanski, "Coupled
46 ! atmosphere-wildland fire modeling with WRF 3.3 and SFIRE 2011, 
47 ! Geoscientific Model Development (GMD) 4, 591-610, 2011. 
48 ! doi:10.5194/gmd-4-591-2011
50 ! [2] T. L. Clark, J. Coen, and D. Latham, Description of a coupled 
51 ! atmosphere-fire model, Intl. J. Wildland Fire, vol. 13, pp. 49-64, 
52 ! 2004
54 ! [3] Edward G. Patton and Janice L. Coen, WRF-Fire: A Coupled 
55 ! Atmosphere-Fire Module for WRF, Preprints of Joint MM5/Weather 
56 ! Research and Forecasting Model Users' Workshop, Boulder, CO, 
57 ! June 22-25, 2004, pp. 221-223, NCAR
59 ! ---------------------------------------------
63 ! For current activity and development trends please check out
64 ! http://ccm.ucdenver.edu/wiki/User:Jmandel/blog
65 ! http://www.openwfm.org/wiki/WRF-Fire_development_notes
68 module module_fr_sfire_driver
69 ! use this module for standalone call, you only need to provide some mock-up wrf modules  
71 use module_fr_sfire_model, only: sfire_model
72 use module_fr_sfire_phys, only: fire_params, init_fuel_cats, fuel_moisture, &
73    advance_moisture, moisture_classes, &
74    fire_rate_of_spread
75 use module_fr_sfire_atm, only: apply_windrf,interpolate_wind2fire_height,interpolate_atm2fire, &
76    interpolate_z2fire,setup_wind_log_interpolation
77 use module_fr_sfire_util
78 !use module_fr_sfire_util, only: lines_type,fire_max_lines
79 ! Driver layer modules
80 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
81     USE module_dm        , ONLY : ntasks_x,ntasks_y,local_communicator,mytask,ntasks,wrf_dm_sum_reals
82     USE module_comm_dm , ONLY : halo_fire_fuel_sub, halo_fire_tign_sub, halo_fire_wind_f_sub, &
83 halo_fire_wind_a_sub, halo_fire_ph_sub, halo_fire_zsf_sub, halo_fire_longlat_sub, &
84 halo_fire_phb_sub, halo_fire_z0_sub, halo_fire_lfn_sub, HALO_FIRE_MAG_sub, HALO_FIRE_MFG_sub, &
85 halo_fire_ndwi_sub
86 #endif
87 use module_fr_sfire_atm, only: read_emissions_table, add_fire_emissions
90 ! WRF dependencies
91 USE module_domain, only: domain
92 USE module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type
93 use module_model_constants, only: reradius,    & ! 1/earth radiusw
94                                   pi2            ! 2*pi
96 implicit none
99 private
100 public sfire_driver_em,use_atm_vars,set_flags, &
101        set_fp_from_grid, fire_ignition_convert
102 public ifun_beg, ifun_step, ifun_end
104 logical:: use_atm_vars=.true.   !  interpolate wind from atm mesh and average output fluxes back
105 logical:: interpolate_long_lat=.true. ! get fxlong fxlat by interpolation
107 logical:: fmoist_run, fmoist_interp, fire_run  ! which kind of model to run overall
109 integer, parameter:: ifun_beg=1, ifun_step=3, ifun_end=6  
111 contains
113 ! to write debugging information
114 #define DEBUG_OUT
116 subroutine sfire_driver_em ( grid , config_flags                    & 
117             ,time_step_start,dt                                     &
118             ,fire_ifun_start,fire_ifun_end,tsteps                   &
119             ,ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde                              &
120             ,ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme                              &
121             ,ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe                              &
122             ,ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde                                   &
123             ,ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme                                   &
124             ,ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe                                   &
125             ,rho,z_at_w,dz8w                                        &
128 !*** purpose: driver from grid structure
132     implicit none
133 !*** arguments
134     TYPE(domain) , TARGET :: grid                             ! state 
135     TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)  :: config_flags ! namelist
136     real, intent(in):: time_step_start, dt
137     integer, intent(in)::     fire_ifun_start,fire_ifun_end,tsteps ! driver cycle controls
138     integer, intent(in):: &
139              ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                              &
140              ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                              &
141              ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe,                              &
142              ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde,                                   &
143              ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                                   &
144              ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe 
145     real,dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme),intent(in), optional::rho,z_at_w,dz8w
147 !*** local
148     TYPE(lines_type):: ignition, hfx
149     integer::fire_ifun,ir,jr,istep,itimestep,i,ipe1,kpe1,jpe1,j
150     logical::restart
151     real, dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::lfn_out  
152     real:: corner_ll,corner_ul,corner_ur,corner_lr, max_u, max_v, max_w, max_rho, min_rho
153     character(len=128)msg
154     type(fire_params)::fp
155     real:: moisture_time
157     logical:: run_advance_moisture,run_fuel_moisture, moisture_initializing
158     real::    dt_moisture
162 !*** executable
164     call sfire_debug_hook(config_flags%fire_debug_hook_sec)
165     call time_start
166     if(fire_ifun_start.le.1)call print_id  ! print id only once, during initialization
171 ! populate our structures from wrf
173     call set_fp_from_grid(grid,fp)
175 ! copy configuration flags to sfire internal structures
176     call set_flags(config_flags)
179     ! get ignition data 
180     call fire_ignition_convert (config_flags,ignition,               &
181              grid%fxlong, grid%fxlat,                                &
182              ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde,                                   &
183              ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                                   &
184              ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe )
185     call fire_hfx_convert (config_flags,hfx)
187 ! store computed mesh units  
188     grid%unit_fxlong = ignition%unit_fxlong
189     grid%unit_fxlat = ignition%unit_fxlat
194 !   see what we got from wrf
195 !! need to replace ipe by min(ide-1,ipe) and similarly jpe
197     if(fire_print_msg.ge.2 .and. fire_ifun_start .gt. 1)then
199       ipe1=min(ide-1,ipe)
200       jpe1=min(jde-1,jpe)
201       kpe1=kpe-1
203       max_u=fun_real(REAL_AMAX,  &
204         ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme, &                ! memory dims
205         ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde, &                ! domain dims
206         ips,ipe1,kps,kpe1,jps,jpe1, &                ! patch or tile dims
207         1,0,0,       &                            ! staggering
208         grid%u_2,grid%u_2)
210       max_v=fun_real(REAL_AMAX,  &
211         ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme, &                ! memory dims
212         ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde, &                ! domain dims
213         ips,ipe1,kps,kpe1,jps,jpe1, &                ! patch or tile dims
214         0,0,1,       &                            ! staggering
215         grid%v_2,grid%v_2)
217       max_w=fun_real(REAL_AMAX,  &
218         ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme, &                ! memory dims
219         ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde, &                ! domain dims
220         ips,ipe1,kps,kpe1,jps,jpe1, &                ! patch or tile dims
221         0,1,0,       &                            ! staggering
222         grid%w_2,grid%w_2)
224       !write(msg,93)time_step_start,'Maximal u v w  wind',max_u,max_v,max_w,'m/s'
225       !call message(msg,0)
226       !write(msg,92)time_step_start,'Min and max rho    ',min_rho,max_rho,'kg/m^3'
227       !call message(msg,0)
229       write(msg,91)time_step_start,'Maximal u wind      ',max_u,'m/s'
230       call message(msg,0)
231       write(msg,91)time_step_start,'Maximal v wind      ',max_v,'m/s'
232       call message(msg,0)
233       write(msg,91)time_step_start,'Maximal w wind      ',max_w,'m/s'
234       call message(msg,0)
236       if (present(rho)) then
238         max_rho=fun_real(REAL_MAX,  &
239           ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme, &                ! memory dims
240           ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde, &                ! domain dims
241           ips,ipe1,kps,kpe1,jps,jpe1, &                ! patch or tile dims
242           0,0,0,       &                            ! staggering
243           rho,rho)
245         min_rho=fun_real(REAL_MIN,  &
246           ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme, &                ! memory dims
247           ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde, &                ! domain dims
248           ips,ipe1,kps,kpe1,jps,jpe1, &                ! patch or tile dims
249           0,0,0,       &                            ! staggering
250           rho,rho)
253         write(msg,91)time_step_start,'Minimal rho         ',min_rho,'kg/m^3'
254         call message(msg,0)
255         write(msg,91)time_step_start,'Maximal rho         ',max_rho,'kg/m^3'
256         call message(msg,0)
258       endif
261 93    format('Time ',f11.3,' s ',a,3e12.3,1x,a)
262 92    format('Time ',f11.3,' s ',a,2e12.3,1x,a)
263 91    format('Time ',f11.3,' s ',a,e12.3,1x,a)
266     endif
267 #endif
270     ! refinement r
271     ir=grid%sr_x ! refinement ratio
272     jr=grid%sr_y
273     write(msg,'(a,2i4)')'fire mesh refinement ratios', ir,jr
274     call message(msg)
275     if(ir.le.0.or.jr.le.0)then
276         call crash('fire mesh refinement ratio must be positive')
277     endif
278     itimestep=grid%itimestep
279     restart=config_flags%restart .or. config_flags%cycling .or. config_flags%fire_restart ! skip state initialization
283     ! **** moisture model
285     ! decide what to run - moisture, interpolation, or fire model itself
286     fmoist_run    = config_flags%fmoist_run
287     fmoist_interp = config_flags%fmoist_interp 
288     if(fire_fmc_read.ne.0.and.fmoist_run)call crash('fmoist_run=T requires fire_fmc_read=0')
289     fire_run = .not. config_flags%fmoist_only
291     !decide what to run
292     moisture_time = time_step_start
293     run_advance_moisture = .false. ! default
294     run_fuel_moisture = .false. ! default
295     moisture_initializing = fire_ifun_start < 3
299     if(fmoist_run)then
300         if(moisture_initializing)then
301             if(fire_ifun_end>2)call crash('initialization must be run separately')
302             grid%fmoist_lasttime=moisture_time ! initialize the last time the model has run to start of run
303             grid%fmoist_nexttime=moisture_time 
304             call message('moisture initialization')
305             run_advance_moisture = .true.
306         else ! regular timestep
307             if(config_flags%fmoist_freq > 0)then  ! regular timestep. go by multiples?
308                 if(mod(grid%itimestep,config_flags%fmoist_freq) .eq. 0)then
309                     write(msg,'(a,i10,a,i10)')'moisture model runs because timestep ',grid%itimestep,' is a multiple of ',config_flags%fmoist_freq
310                     call message(msg)
311                     run_advance_moisture = .true.
312                 endif
313             else
314                 if(.not. moisture_time  < grid%fmoist_nexttime) then ! no, by time interval
315                     write(msg,'(a,f12.2,a)')'moisture model runs because time ',grid%fmoist_nexttime,'s has arrived'
316                     call message(msg)
317                     run_advance_moisture = .true.
318                 endif
319             endif
320             if(run_advance_moisture)then ! decide on timing
321                 dt_moisture  = moisture_time - grid%fmoist_lasttime  ! Time since moisture model run the last time. Should be long.
322                 grid%fmoist_lasttime = moisture_time
323                 if(config_flags%fmoist_freq > 0)then
324                     write(msg,'(a,f12.2,a,i10,a)')'moisture time step is ',dt_moisture,'s running every ',config_flags%fmoist_freq,' steps'
325                     call message(msg)
326                 else
327                     grid%fmoist_nexttime = moisture_time + config_flags%fmoist_dt
328                     write(msg,'(a,f12.2,a,f12.2,a)')'moisture time step is ',dt_moisture,'s next run at ',grid%fmoist_nexttime,'s'
329                     call message(msg)
330                 endif
331                 if(fmoist_interp)then
332                     call message('moisture interpolation to fuels will run because moisture model does')
333                     run_fuel_moisture=.true.
334                 endif
335             endif
336         endif
337     elseif(itimestep.eq.1.and.fmoist_interp)then
338             call message('initializing, moisture interpolation to fuels will run from input data')
339             run_fuel_moisture=.true.
340     endif
343     write(msg,'(a,i1,a,i1,a,l1)') &
344        'sfire_driver_em: ifun from ',fire_ifun_start,' to ',fire_ifun_end,' restart=',restart
346     call message(msg)
348     do istep=0,tsteps ! istep >0 is for testing only, exit after the first call
349       itimestep = grid%itimestep + istep ! in the first call, do fire_test_steps steps of the fire model
351       do fire_ifun=fire_ifun_start,fire_ifun_end
353         ! 1 = moisture_initialize run pass 1: interpolate height to zsf=terrain
354         ! 2 = initialize run pass 2: set fuel data, terrain gradient
355         ! 3 = initialize timestep: interpolate winds, check for ignition, time step on moisture model
356         ! 4 = do one timestep
357         ! 5 = copy timestep output to input
358         ! 6 = compute output fluxes
360 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
362        if(fire_run)then
364         if(fire_ifun.eq.1)then
366 !       halo exchange on topography
367 #include "HALO_FIRE_LONGLAT.inc"
368 !!            if(fire_topo_from_atm.eq.1)then
369 !!#include "HALO_FIRE_HT.inc"
370 !!            endif 
371 ! base geopotential and roughness
372 #include "HALO_FIRE_PHB.inc"
373 #include "HALO_FIRE_Z0.inc"
374         if(kfmc_ndwi > 0 .and. fndwi_from_ndwi .eq.1)then
375 #include "HALO_FIRE_NDWI.inc"
376         endif
378         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.2)then
379 !           halo exchange on zsf width 2
380 #include "HALO_FIRE_ZSF.inc"
382             if(config_flags%chem_opt>0 .or. config_flags%tracer_opt > 0)then
383                 ! need reading fuel categories first
384                 call read_emissions_table(config_flags%chem_opt,config_flags%tracer_opt)
385             endif
388         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.3)then
389 !           halo exchange on atm winds and geopotential, width 1 for interpolation
390 #include "HALO_FIRE_WIND_A.inc"
391 #include "HALO_FIRE_PH.inc"
393         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.4)then
394 !           halo exchange on fire winds width 2 for a 2-step RK method
395 #include "HALO_FIRE_WIND_F.inc"
397             if(run_fuel_moisture)then
398             ! have interpolated to the fire grid
399 #include "HALO_FIRE_MFG.inc"
400             endif
402         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.6)then
403 !           computing fuel_left needs ignition time from neighbors
404 #include "HALO_FIRE_TIGN.inc"
405             call message('halo exchange on lfn width 2')
406 #include "HALO_FIRE_LFN.inc"
408         endif
409        endif
410 #endif
411         ! print *,'dt: ',dt,grid%dt,' diff ', dt-grid%dt
412         ! need domain by 1 smaller, in last row.col winds are not set properly
413         call sfire_driver_phys ( &
414             fire_ifun,                  &
415             ids,ide-1, kds,kde, jds,jde-1,                          &
416             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                          &
417             ips,min(ipe,ide-1), kps,kpe, jps,min(jpe,jde-1),                          & 
418             ifds,ifde-ir, jfds,jfde-jr,                    &
419             ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                    &
420             ifps,min(ifpe,ifde-ir), jfps,min(jfpe,jfde-jr),      &
421             ir,jr,                                      & ! atm/fire grid ratio
422             grid%num_tiles,                             & ! atm grid tiling
423             grid%i_start,min(grid%i_end,ide-1),                    &
424             grid%j_start,min(grid%j_end,jde-1),                    &                 
425             itimestep,restart,config_flags%fire_fuel_read,config_flags%fire_fuel_cat, &  ! in scalars
426             time_step_start,dt,grid%dx,grid%dy,                    &
427             grid%u_frame,grid%v_frame,                  &
428             config_flags%fire_ext_grnd,config_flags%fire_ext_crwn,config_flags%fire_crwn_hgt, &
429             ignition,hfx,              &  ! lines
430             grid%u_2,grid%v_2,           &          ! atm arrays in
431             grid%ph_2,grid%phb,               & ! geopotential
432             grid%z0,                        & ! roughness height
433             grid%ht,                        &                         ! terrain height
434             grid%xlong,grid%xlat,                         & ! coordinates of atm grid centers, for ignition location           
435             grid%lfn,grid%tign_g,grid%fuel_frac,          & ! state arrays, fire grid
436             grid%fire_area,                               & ! redundant, for display, fire grid
437             grid%fuel_frac_burnt,                         &
438             lfn_out,                                      & ! work - one timestep    
439             grid%avg_fuel_frac,                           & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid
440             grid%grnhfx,grid%grnqfx,grid%canhfx,grid%canqfx, & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid
441             grid%uah,grid%vah,                            &
442             grid%fgrnhfx,grid%fgrnqfx,grid%fcanhfx,grid%fcanqfx, & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid
443             grid%ros,grid%flineint,grid%flineint2,         & ! diagnostic variables
444             grid%f_ros0,grid%f_rosx,grid%f_rosy,grid%f_ros,& ! fire risk spread 
445             grid%f_int,grid%f_lineint,grid%f_lineint2,     & ! fire risk intensities 
446             grid%f_ros11,grid%f_ros12,grid%f_ros13,grid%f_ros21,  & ! fire spread in nodal directions
447             grid%f_ros23,grid%f_ros31,grid%f_ros32,grid%f_ros33,  & ! fire spread in nodal directions
448             grid%fxlong,grid%fxlat,                           &       
449             grid%fire_hfx,                                & !
450             grid%nfuel_cat,                               & ! input, or internal for safekeeping
451             grid%fuel_time,                      & 
452             grid%fz0, grid%fwh,                    &
453             fp,                                    & ! structure with pointers passed to spread rate calculation
454             config_flags%nfmc,         & ! moisture model variables start
455             run_advance_moisture,run_fuel_moisture,dt_moisture,     &    ! moisture model control
456             config_flags%fmep_decay_tlag,                               & ! moisture extended model assim. diffs decay time lag
457             grid%rainc, grid%rainnc,                       & ! accumulated rain from different sources
458             grid%t2, grid%q2, grid%psfc,               & ! temperature (K), vapor contents (kg/kg), pressure (Pa) at the surface
459             grid%rain_old,                   & ! previous value of accumulated rain
460             grid%t2_old, grid%q2_old, grid%psfc_old,   & ! previous values of the atmospheric state at surface
461             grid%rh_fire,                    & ! relative humidity, diagnostics
462             grid%fmc_gc,                      & ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class, assumed set to something reasonable
463             grid%fmep,                      & ! fuel moisture extended model parameters
464             grid%fmc_equi,                      & ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class, equilibrium diagnostic 
465             grid%fmc_lag,                      & ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class, tendency diagnostic
466             fp%fmc_g, &                             !  write-only alias. need to exit before using fp again
467             grid%ndwi, &
468             grid%fndwi)
471 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
472           if(fire_run)then
473               if(fire_ifun.eq.2)then
474 !                 halo exchange on all fuel data width 2
475 #include "HALO_FIRE_FUEL.inc"
476 !                 fire state was initialized
477                   call message('halo exchange on lfn width 2')
478 #include "HALO_FIRE_LFN.inc"
479               endif
480               if(run_fuel_moisture)then
481                   if(fire_ifun.eq.3)then
482                      ! prepare for interpolation to the fire grid
483 #include "HALO_FIRE_MAG.inc"
484                   endif
485               endif
486           endif
487 #endif
489      if(fire_ifun.eq.6)then
490          if(config_flags%chem_opt>0 .or. config_flags%tracer_opt>0)then
491              if(.not.(present(rho).and.present(dz8w)))then
492                  call crash('sfire_driver_em: must have rho and dz8w to call add_fire_emissions')
493              endif
494              call add_fire_emissions( &
495                  config_flags%chem_opt,config_flags%tracer_opt,dt,grid%dx,grid%dy,      &
496                  ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    &
497                  ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,    &               ! use patch instead of tile
498                  ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde,          &
499                  ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,          &
500                  ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,          &
501                  rho,dz8w,                         & ! from atmosphere state
502                  grid%fgip, grid%fuel_frac_burnt, grid%nfuel_cat, & ! from fire state
503                  grid%chem,grid%tracer)              ! update/output
504           endif
505      endif
508       enddo
509     enddo
511     if(tsteps>0)call crash('sfire_driver_em: test run of uncoupled fire model completed')
512     call time_end('sfire')
514 end subroutine sfire_driver_em
517 !*******************
520 subroutine sfire_driver_phys (ifun,    &
521     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
522     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
523     ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe,                    &
524     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
525     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
526     ifps, ifpe, jfps, jfpe,                       & ! fire patch in - will use smaller
527     ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
528     num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end,        & ! atm grid tiling
529     itimestep,restart,ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,       & ! in scalars
530     time_step_start,dt,dx,dy,                     & ! in scalars
531     u_frame,v_frame,                              &
532     fire_ext_grnd,fire_ext_crwn,fire_crwn_hgt,    &
533     ignition,hfx,                                 & ! lines
534     u,v,                                          & ! in arrays, atm grid
535     ph,phb,                                       &
536     z0,zs,                                        & 
537     xlong,xlat,                                   &
538     lfn,tign,fuel_frac,                           & ! state arrays, fire grid
539     fire_area,                                    & ! redundant state, fire grid
540     fuel_frac_burnt,                              & 
541     lfn_out,                                      & ! out level set function    
542     avg_fuel_frac,                                &
543     grnhfx,grnqfx,canhfx,canqfx,                  & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid  
544     uah,vah,                                      & ! out atm grid
545     fgrnhfx,fgrnqfx,fcanhfx,fcanqfx,              & ! out redundant arrays, fire grid
546     ros,flineint,flineint2,                       & ! diagnostic variables
547     f_ros0,f_rosx,f_rosy,f_ros,                   & ! fire risk spread 
548     f_int,f_lineint,f_lineint2,                   & ! fire risk intensities 
549     f_ros11,f_ros12,f_ros13,f_ros21,  & ! fire spread in nodal directions
550     f_ros23,f_ros31,f_ros32,f_ros33,  & ! fire spread in nodal directions
551     fxlong,fxlat,                                 & !  
552     fire_hfx,                                     & ! 
553     nfuel_cat,                                    & ! in array, data, fire grid, or constant internal
554     fuel_time,                                & ! save constant internal data, fire grid
555     fz0,fwh,                                      &
556     fp,                                           & ! fire params
557     nfmc,                                     & ! number of fuel moisture classes
558     run_advance_moisture,run_fuel_moisture,dt_moisture,& ! moisture model control
559     fmep_decay_tlag,                              & ! moist. extended model assim. diffs time lag
560     rainc,rainnc,               & ! accumulated rain from different sources
561     t2, q2, psfc,               & ! temperature (K), vapor contents (kg/kg), pressure (Pa) at the surface
562     rain_old,                   & ! previous value of accumulated rain
563     t2_old, q2_old, psfc_old,   & ! previous values of the atmospheric state at surface
564     rh_fire,                    & ! relative humidity, diagnostics
565     fmc_gc,                     &  ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class, assumed set to something reasonable
566     fmep,                       &  ! fuel moisture extended model parameters
567     fmc_equi,                   &  ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class equilibrium diagnostic
568     fmc_lag,                    &  ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class tendency diagnostic
569     fmc_g,                      &  ! fuel moisture, alias of fp%fmc_g
570     ndwi,                       &
571     fndwi)                         ! ndwi on fire grid
574 implicit none
576 !*** arguments
578 integer, intent(in)::ifun,                        &
579     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm domain bounds
580     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    & ! atm memory bounds 
581     ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe,                    & ! atm patch bounds
582     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire domain bounds
583     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       & ! fire memory bounds
584     ifps, ifpe, jfps, jfpe,                       & ! fire patch bounds
585     ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid refinement ratio
586     nfmc,                                     & ! number of fuel moisture classes
587     itimestep,                                    & ! number of this timestep
588     ifuelread,                                    & ! how to initialize nfuel_cat:
589                                                        ! -1=not at all, done outside 
590                                                        ! 0=from nfuel_cat0
591                                                        ! 1=from altitude
592                                                        ! 2=from file
593     nfuel_cat0,                                   & ! fuel category to initialize everything to
594     num_tiles                                       ! number of tiles
596 logical, intent(in)::restart
598 integer,dimension(num_tiles),intent(in) :: i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end  ! atm grid tiling
600 real, intent(in):: &
601     time_step_start,                              & ! time step start
602     dt,                                           & ! time step length
603     dx,dy,                                        & ! atm grid step
604     u_frame,v_frame,                              & ! velocity offset
605     fire_crwn_hgt,                                & ! lowest height crown fire heat is released (m)
606     fire_ext_grnd,                                & ! extinction depth of ground fire heat (m)
607     fire_ext_crwn                                   ! and for the canopy (m) 
610 TYPE (lines_type), intent(inout):: ignition,hfx
612 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme)::u,v, & ! wind velocity (m/s) (staggered atm grid) 
613                               ph, phb                      ! geopotential (w-points atm grid)
614 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme)::   z0, &    ! roughness height
615                                                 zs       ! terrain height  
616 real,intent(out),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme)::&
617     uah,                                           & ! atm wind at fire_wind_height, diagnostics
618     vah                                              ! atm wind at fire_wind_height, diagnostics
620 real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), intent(inout)::xlong, xlat, ndwi ! inout because of extension at bdry
622 real, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: & ! fuel data; can be also set inside (cell based, fire grid)
623     fz0,fwh,                                          &  
624     nfuel_cat,fndwi                                      
626 real, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::     &
627     lfn,tign,fuel_frac,                        &     ! state: level function, ign time, fuel left
628     lfn_out                                    ! fire wind velocities
630 real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::  &
631     fire_area, &                               ! fraction of each cell burning
632     fuel_frac_burnt
634 real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme):: &  ! redundant arrays, for display purposes only (atm grid)
635     avg_fuel_frac,                               &  ! average fuel fraction
636     grnhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
637     grnqfx,                                      &  ! moisture flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
638     canhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
639     canqfx                                         ! moisture flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
641 real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme):: &  ! redundant arrays, for display only, fire grid
642     fgrnhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
643     fgrnqfx,                                      &  ! moisture flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
644     fcanhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
645     fcanqfx,                                      &  ! moisture flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
646     ros,flineint,flineint2,                       & ! diagnostic variables
647     f_ros0,f_rosx,f_rosy,f_ros,                   & ! fire risk spread 
648     f_int,f_lineint,f_lineint2,                   &  ! fire risk intensities 
649     f_ros11,f_ros12,f_ros13,f_ros21,  & ! fire spread in nodal directions
650     f_ros23,f_ros31,f_ros32,f_ros33     ! fire spread in nodal directions
653 ! moisture model arguments
654 logical, intent(in)::run_advance_moisture,run_fuel_moisture
655 real, intent(in)::dt_moisture
656 real, intent(in)::fmep_decay_tlag
657 real, intent(in), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: t2, q2, psfc, rainc, rainnc
658 real, intent(inout), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: t2_old, q2_old, psfc_old, rain_old 
659 real, intent(out),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: rh_fire
660 real, intent(inout), dimension(ims:ime,nfmc,jms:jme):: fmc_gc
661 real, intent(inout), dimension(ims:ime,2,jms:jme):: fmep
662 real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime,nfmc,jms:jme):: fmc_equi,fmc_lag
663 real, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: fmc_g
667 !  ***** data (constant in time) *****
669 real, dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme), intent(inout)::fxlong,fxlat, & ! fire mesh coordinates
670     fire_hfx
671 real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::fuel_time   ! fire params arrays
673 type(fire_params),intent(inout)::fp
675 !*** local
676 real :: dxf,dyf,time_start,latm, s
677 integer :: its,ite,jts,jte,kts,kte, &            ! tile
678     ij,i,j,k,id,pid,ipe1,jpe1,ite1,jte1, &
679     ii,jj,                                 &
680     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte                          ! fire tile
681 character(len=128)::msg
682 character(len=3)::kk
683 real, parameter::zero=0.
685 !*** executable
687 ! time - assume dt does not change
688 ! time_start = (itimestep-1) * dt     ! timestep 1 starts at 0
689 ! print *,'time_start: ',time_start,time_step_start,' diff ', time_start-time_step_start
690 time_start = time_step_start ! use the time passed from wrf
692 ! fire mesh step
693 dxf=dx/ir
694 dyf=dy/jr
698 write(msg,'(a,i5)')'sfire_driver_phys stage ',ifun
699 call message(msg)
700 write(msg,'(a,2f15.6)')'atmosphere mesh step:',dx,dy
701 call message(msg)
702 write(msg,'(a,2f15.6)')'fire mesh step:      ',dxf,dyf
703 call message(msg)
704 write(msg,7001)'atm domain      ','ids',ids,ide,jds,jde
705 call message(msg)                    
706 write(msg,7001)'atm memory      ','ims',ims,ime,jms,jme
707 call message(msg)                    
708 write(msg,7001)'atm patch       ','ips',ips,ipe,jps,jpe
709 call message(msg)                    
710 write(msg,7001)'fire domain     ','ifds',ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde
711 call message(msg)                    
712 write(msg,7001)'fire memory     ','ifms',ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme
713 call message(msg)                    
714 write(msg,7001)'fire patch      ','ifps',ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe
715 call message(msg)                    
718 ! check mesh dimensions
719 call check_fmesh(ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir,'id')           ! check if atm and fire grids line up
720 call check_fmesh(jds,jde,jfds,jfde,jr,'jd')
721 call check_fmesh(ips,ipe,ifps,ifpe,ir,'ip')
722 call check_fmesh(jps,jpe,jfps,jfpe,jr,'jp')
723 call check_mesh_2dim(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme)        ! check if atm patch fits in atm array
724 call check_mesh_2dim(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme) ! check if fire patch fits in fire array
725 call check_mesh_2dim(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ids,ide,jds,jde)        ! check if atm patch fits in atm domain
726 call check_mesh_2dim(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde) ! check if fire patch fits in fire domain
728 pid=0
729 if(fire_print_file.gt.0)then
730     if(itimestep.le.fire_print_file.or.mod(itimestep,fire_print_file).eq.0)pid=itimestep ! print 1-fire_print_file then every fire_print_file-th
731 endif
734 if(ifun.eq.1)then
735          call init_fuel_cats(fmoist_run .or. fmoist_interp) ! properties of fuel categories and moisture classes from namelist.fire
736 endif
738 if(ifun.eq.3)then
739  call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde,ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,1,0,0,u,'u')
740  call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde,ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,0,0,1,v,'v')
741  call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,ids,ide,kds,kde,jds,jde,ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,0,1,0,ph,'ph')
742 endif
744 call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,lfn,'lfn')
745 call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,tign,'tign')
748 ! fake atm tile bounds
749 kts=kps
750 kte=kpe
752 ! staggered atm patch bounds
753 ipe1=ifval(ipe.eq.ide,ipe+1,ipe)
754 jpe1=ifval(jpe.eq.jde,jpe+1,jpe)
756 ! set up fire tiles & interpolate to fire grid
757 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ij,its,ite,jts,jte,ite1,jte1,ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,msg,id) &
759 do ij=1,num_tiles
761     id = ifval(pid.ne.0,pid+ij*10000,0) ! for print
763     ! set up tile bounds    
764     its = i_start(ij)  ! start atmospheric tile in i
765     ite = i_end(ij)    ! end atmospheric tile in i
766     jts = j_start(ij)  ! start atmospheric tile in j
767     jte = j_end(ij)    ! end atmospheric tile in j
768     ifts= (its-ids)*ir+ifds       ! start fire tile in i
769     ifte= (ite-ids+1)*ir+ifds-1   ! end fire tile in i
770     jfts= (jts-jds)*jr+jfds       ! start fire tile in j
771     jfte= (jte-jds+1)*jr+jfds-1   ! end fire tile in j
773 ! staggered atm tile bounds
774     ite1=ifval(ite.eq.ide,ite+1,ite)
775     jte1=ifval(jte.eq.jde,jte+1,jte)
778     write(msg,'(a,i3,1x,a,i7,1x,a,i3)')'tile=',ij,' id=',id,' ifun=',ifun
779     call message(msg)
780     write(msg,7001)'atm tile   ','its',its,ite,jts,jte
781     call message(msg)                   
782     write(msg,7001)'fire tile  ','ifts',ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte
783     call message(msg)                    
786     ! check the tiles
787     call check_mesh_2dim(its,ite,jts,jte,ips,ipe,jps,jpe)                 ! check if atm tile fits in atm patch
788     call check_mesh_2dim(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe)         ! check if fire tile fits in fire patch
789     call check_mesh_2dim(ifts-2,ifte+2,jfts-2,jfte+2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme)! check if fire node tile fits in memory
793     write(msg,'(a,i6,a,2(f15.6,a))')'time step',itimestep,' at',time_start,' duration',dt,'s'
794     call message(msg)
795     7001 format(a,' dimensions ',a4,':',i6,' to ',i6,' by ',i6,' to ',i6)
796     write(msg,'(a,2i9)')'refinement ratio:',ir,jr
799     if(run_advance_moisture)then
800       if(ifun.eq.3)then 
802       ! one timestep of the moisture model
803           call message('advance_moisture start')
804           call advance_moisture(    &
805               itimestep.eq.1,             & ! initialize?
806               ims,ime,  jms,jme,          & ! memory dimensions
807               its,ite,  jts,jte,          & ! tile dimensions
808               nfmc,                       & ! number of moisture fields
809               dt_moisture,                & ! moisture model time step
810               fmep_decay_tlag,            & ! moisture extended model assim. diffs decay tlag
811               rainc, rainnc,              & ! accumulated rain 
812               t2, q2, psfc,               & ! temperature (K), vapor contents (kg/kg), pressure (Pa) at the surface
813               rain_old,                   & ! previous value of accumulated rain
814               t2_old, q2_old, psfc_old,   & ! previous values of the atmospheric state at surface
815               rh_fire,                    & ! relative humidity, diagnostics
816               fmc_gc,                     & ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class, assumed set to something reasonable
817               fmep,                       & ! fuel moisture extended model parameters
818               fmc_equi,                   & ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class equilibrium diagnostic
819               fmc_lag                     & ! fuel moisture fields updated, by class tendency diagnostic
820           )
821           call message('advance_moisture end')
822       endif
823     endif
825     if(fire_run)then
827      if(ifun.eq.2)then   ! interpolate
829       if(restart)then
831           call message('restart - interpolation skipped')
833       else
834         if(kfmc_ndwi > 0 .and. fndwi_from_ndwi .eq.1)then
835             call print_2d_stats(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,fndwi,'driver:ndwi')
836             call interpolate_z2fire(id,0,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output, extend strip
837                 ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
838                 ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
839                 ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
840                 its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
841                 ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
842                 ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
843                 ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
844                 ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
845                 ndwi,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
846                 fndwi)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
847             call print_2d_stats(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fndwi,'driver:fndwi')
848          endif
850 !        call print_2d_stats(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,zs,'driver:zs')
851 !    
852 !        ! interpolate terrain height
853 !        if(fire_topo_from_atm.eq.1)then
854 !            call interpolate_z2fire(id,1,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
855 !                ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
856 !                ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
857 !                ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
858 !                its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
859 !                ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
860 !                ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
861 !                ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
862 !                ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
863 !                zs,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
864 !                fp%zsf)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
865 !        else
867 !           write(msg,'(a,i3,a)')'fire_topo_from_atm=',fire_topo_from_atm,' assuming ZSF set, interpolation skipped'
869 !        endif
871         if(ignition%longlat .eq.0)then
872             ! set ideal fire mesh coordinates - used for ignition only
873             ! do not forget to set unit_fxlong, unit_fxlat outside of parallel loop
874             !call set_ideal_coord( dxf,dyf, &
875             !    ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,  &
876             !    ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
877             !    ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
878             !    fxlong,fxlat          )
879             !call set_ideal_coord( dx,dy, &
880             !    ids,ide,jds,jde,  &
881             !    ims,ime,jms,jme,  &
882             !    its,ite,jts,jte,  &
883             !    xlong,xlat          )
884         elseif(use_atm_vars)then
885             ! assume halo xlong xlat
886             ! interpolate nodal coordinates
888 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
889          call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,xlat,'xlat',id)
890          call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,xlong,'xlong',id)
891 #endif
893         if (interpolate_long_lat)then
894          call message('Intepolating node longitude and latitude to fire mesh')
895          call interpolate_z2fire(id,1,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
896             ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
897             ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
898             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
899             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
900             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
901             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
902             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
903             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
904             xlat,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
905             fxlat)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
907         call interpolate_z2fire(id,1,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
908             ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
909             ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
910             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
911             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
912             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
913             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
914             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
915             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
916             xlong,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
917             fxlong)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
918         endif
920         ! after the loop where zsf created exited and all synced
921         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fp%zsf,'driver_phys:zsf')        
923         ! cannot initialize moisture model because T2 Q2 PSFC are not set yet
924         endif
925      endif
927     elseif(ifun.eq.3)then  ! interpolate winds to the fire grid
929       if(use_atm_vars)then                                  
931         call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,z0,'z0',id)
932         call write_array_m3(its,ite1,kts,kde-1,jts,jte,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,u,'u_2',id)
933         call write_array_m3(its,ite,kts,kde-1,jts,jte1,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,v,'v_2',id)
934         call write_array_m3(its,ite,kts,kde,jts,jte,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,ph,'ph_2',id)
935         call write_array_m3(its,ite,kts,kde,jts,jte,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,phb,'phb',id)
937         if(fire_wind_log_interp.eq.4)then
938           call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,z0,'driver_phys:z0')
939           call interpolate_atm2fire(id,                     & ! flag for debug output
940             ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
941             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
942             ips,ipe, jps,jpe,                             &
943             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &                    
944             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
945             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
946             ifps, ifpe, jfps, jfpe,                       & ! fire patch bounds
947             ifts, ifte, jfts, jfte,                       &
948             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
949             u_frame, v_frame,                             & ! velocity frame correction
950             u,v,                                          & ! 3D atm grid arrays in
951             ph,phb,                                       &
952             z0,zs,                                        & ! 2D atm grid arrays in
953             uah,vah,                                      & ! 2D atm grid out
954             fp%vx,fp%vy)                                    ! fire grid arrays out
956           call apply_windrf(                        &
957             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,                    &
958             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                    &
959             nfuel_cat,fp%vx,fp%vy)
961         else
962           call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fz0,'driver_phys:fz0')        
963           call interpolate_wind2fire_height(id,       & ! to identify debugging prints and files if needed
964             ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
965             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
966             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
967             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
968             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
969             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
970             ifps, ifpe, jfps, jfpe,                       & ! fire patch bounds
971             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
972             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
973             u_frame, v_frame,                             & ! velocity frame correction
974             u,v,ph,phb,                                   & ! input atmospheric arrays
975             fz0,fwh,                                      & ! input fire arrays
976             fp%vx,fp%vy)                                          ! output fire arrays
978           if(fire_use_windrf.eq.1)then
979             call apply_windrf(                      &
980             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,                    &
981             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                    &
982             nfuel_cat,fp%vx,fp%vy)
983           endif
985         endif
988       endif
990     elseif(ifun.eq.4)then
992       ! interpolate and compute weighted average to get the fuel moisture
993       !! print *,'ifun=4, run_fuel_moisture=',run_fuel_moisture
994       if(run_fuel_moisture)then
995         call message('fuel_moisture start')
996         call fuel_moisture(                &
997         id,                                     & ! for prints and maybe file names
998         nfmc,                                &
999         ids,ide, jds,jde,               & ! atm grid dimensions
1000         ims,ime, jms,jme,           &
1001         ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                &
1002         its,ite,jts,jte,                     &
1003         ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,         & ! fire grid dimensions
1004         ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,     &
1005         ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                 &
1006         ir,jr,                                   & ! atm/fire grid ratio
1007         nfuel_cat,                         & ! fuel data
1008         fndwi,                             & ! satellite sensing interpolated on fire grid
1009         fmc_gc,                             & ! moisture contents by class on atmospheric grid
1010         fmc_g                                & ! weighted fuel moisture contents on fire grid
1011         )
1012         call message('fuel_moisture end')
1013       endif
1015       call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fmc_g,'driver_phys:fmc_g')        
1016     endif
1020     call sfire_model (id,ifun,restart,  &
1021         run_fuel_moisture,                      & ! if fuel moisture needs to be updated
1022         ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,                   & ! initialize fuel categories
1023         ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,                    & ! fire domain dims
1024         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,                    & ! fire memory dims
1025         ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,                    &
1026         ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                    & ! fire patch dims
1027         time_start,dt,                          & ! time and increment
1028         dxf,dyf,                                & ! fire mesh spacing
1029         ignition,hfx,                           & ! description of ignition lines
1030         fxlong,fxlat,                           & ! fire mesh coordinates
1031         fire_hfx,                               & ! given heat flux
1032         lfn,lfn_out,tign,fuel_frac,             & ! state: level function, ign time, fuel left
1033         fire_area,                              & ! output: fraction of cell burning
1034         fuel_frac_burnt,                        & ! output: fuel fraction burned in this step
1035         fgrnhfx,fgrnqfx,                        & ! output: heat fluxes
1036         ros,flineint,flineint2,                 & ! diagnostic variables
1037         f_ros0,f_rosx,f_rosy,f_ros,             & ! fire risk spread 
1038         f_int,f_lineint,f_lineint2,             & ! fire risk intensities 
1039         nfuel_cat,                              & ! fuel data per point 
1040         fuel_time,fwh,fz0,                      & ! save derived internal data
1041         fp                                      & ! fire coefficients
1042     )
1044      if(ifun.eq.2)then
1045         call setup_wind_log_interpolation(           &
1046             ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
1047             ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
1048             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
1049             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
1050             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
1051             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
1052             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
1053             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
1054             z0,                                           & ! atm grid arrays in
1055             nfuel_cat,                              & ! fuel data per point 
1056             fz0,fwh)                                  ! fire arrays out
1059     elseif(ifun.eq.6)then 
1061     ! populate the rate of spread in the 8 directions
1062     do j=jfts,jfte
1063        do i=ifts,ifte
1064           f_ros11(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(1-2), dyf*(1-2), i,j,fp)
1065           f_ros12(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(1-2), dyf*(2-2), i,j,fp)
1066           f_ros13(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(1-2), dyf*(3-2), i,j,fp)
1067           f_ros21(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(2-2), dyf*(1-2), i,j,fp)
1068           f_ros23(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(2-2), dyf*(3-2), i,j,fp)
1069           f_ros31(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(3-2), dyf*(1-2), i,j,fp)
1070           f_ros32(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(3-2), dyf*(2-2), i,j,fp)
1071           f_ros33(i,j)=fire_rate_of_spread( dxf*(3-2), dyf*(3-2), i,j,fp)
1072        enddo
1073     enddo
1074     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros11,'driver_phys:f_ros11')        
1075     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros12,'driver_phys:f_ros12')        
1076     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros13,'driver_phys:f_ros13')        
1077     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros21,'driver_phys:f_ros21')        
1078     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros23,'driver_phys:f_ros23')        
1079     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros31,'driver_phys:f_ros31')        
1080     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros32,'driver_phys:f_ros32')        
1081     call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,f_ros33,'driver_phys:f_ros33')        
1083     ! heat fluxes into the atmosphere    
1085         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnhfx,'fire_driver:fgrnhfx')
1086         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnqfx,'fire_driver:fgrnqfx')
1088         ! sum the fluxes over atm cells
1089         if(use_atm_vars)then                                  
1090           call sum_2d_cells(        &
1091             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
1092             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
1093             fuel_frac,              &
1094             ims, ime, jms, jme,   &
1095             its,ite,jts,jte,      &
1096             avg_fuel_frac)
1097           call sum_2d_cells(        &
1098             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
1099             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
1100             fgrnhfx,              &
1101             ims, ime, jms, jme,   &
1102             its,ite,jts,jte,      &
1103             grnhfx)
1104 !comment out the next call to get results as before commit 55fd92051196b796891b60cb7ec1c4bdb8800078
1105           call sum_2d_cells(        &
1106             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
1107             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
1108             fgrnqfx,              &
1109             ims, ime, jms, jme,   &
1110             its,ite,jts,jte,      &
1111             grnqfx)
1114           write(msg,'(a,f6.3)')'fire-atmosphere feedback scaling ',fire_atm_feedback
1116           call message(msg)
1117           s = 1./(ir*jr)
1118           do j=jts,jte
1119             do i=its,ite
1120                 ! scale ground fluxes to get the averages
1121                 avg_fuel_frac(i,j)=avg_fuel_frac(i,j)*s
1122                 grnhfx(i,j)=fire_atm_feedback*grnhfx(i,j)*s
1123                 grnqfx(i,j)=fire_atm_feedback*grnqfx(i,j)*s
1124                 ! we do not have canopy fluxes yet...
1125                 canhfx(i,j)=0
1126                 canqfx(i,j)=0
1127             enddo
1128           enddo
1130           call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnhfx,'fire_driver:grnhfx')
1131           call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnqfx,'fire_driver:grnqfx')
1132        endif
1134     endif ! ifun=6
1135   endif
1137 enddo ! tiles
1140 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
1141 if(ifun.eq.1)then
1142     if(pid.ne.0)then
1143         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,zs,'zs',pid)
1144         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fp%zsf,'zsf',pid)
1145     endif
1146 endif
1147 #endif
1149 if (ifun.eq.3)then
1150  call print_3d_stats_by_slice(ips,ipe,1,moisture_classes,jps,jpe,ims,ime,1,nfmc,jms,jme,fmc_gc,'fmc_gc')
1151  call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,1,nfmc,jms,jme,ids,ide,1,moisture_classes,jds,jde,ips,ipe,1,moisture_classes,jps,jpe,0,0,0,fmc_gc,'fmc_gc')
1152 endif
1154 if (ifun.eq.4)then
1156  call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,fmc_g,'fmc_g')
1157  !call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,1,1,jms,jme,ids,ide,1,1,jds,jde,ips,ipe,1,1,jps,jpe,1,0,0,uah,'uah')
1158  !call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,1,1,jms,jme,ids,ide,1,1,jds,jde,ips,ipe,1,1,jps,jpe,0,0,1,vah,'vah')
1159  call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,fp%vx,'uf')
1160  call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,fp%vy,'vf')
1161  call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,lfn,'lfn')
1162  call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,tign,'tign')
1164 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
1165     if(pid.gt.0)then
1166  !       call write_array_m(ips,ipe1,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,uah,'uah',pid)
1167  !       call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe1,ims,ime,jms,jme,vah,'vah',pid)
1168         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnhfx,'grnhfx',pid)
1169         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnqfx,'grnqfx',pid)
1170         call write_array_m3(ips,ipe1,kds,kde+1,jps,jpe,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,u,'u',pid)
1171         call write_array_m3(ips,ipe,kds,kde+1,jps,jpe1,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,v,'v',pid)
1172         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fp%vx,'uf',pid)
1173         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fp%vy,'vf',pid)
1174     endif
1175 #endif
1176 endif
1178 if(ifun.eq.5)then
1179 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
1180     if(pid.gt.0)then
1181         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,lfn,'lfn',pid)
1182         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,tign,'tign',pid)
1183     endif
1184 #endif
1185 endif
1187 if(ifun.eq.6)then
1188     call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,fgrnhfx,'fgrnhfx')
1189     call print_chsum(itimestep,ifms,ifme,1,1,jfms,jfme,ifds,ifde,1,1,jfds,jfde,ifps,ifpe,1,1,jfps,jfpe,0,0,0,fgrnqfx,'fgrnqfx')
1190     call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,1,1,jms,jme,ids,ide,1,1,jds,jde,ips,ipe,1,1,jps,jpe,0,0,0,grnhfx,'grnhfx')
1191     call print_chsum(itimestep,ims,ime,1,1,jms,jme,ids,ide,1,1,jds,jde,ips,ipe,1,1,jps,jpe,0,0,0,grnqfx,'grnqfx')
1192 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
1193     if(pid.gt.0)then
1194         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnhfx,'grnhfx',pid)
1195         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnqfx,'grnqfx',pid)
1196         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fuel_frac,'fuel_frac',pid)
1197         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnhfx,'fgrnhfx',pid)
1198         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnqfx,'fgrnqfx',pid)
1199     endif
1200 #endif
1201 endif
1203 end subroutine sfire_driver_phys
1206 !***
1209 subroutine check_fmesh(ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir,s)
1210 !*** purpose: check if fire and atm meshes line up
1211 implicit none
1212 !*** arguments
1213 integer, intent(in)::ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir
1214 character(len=*),intent(in)::s
1215 !*** local
1216 character(len=128)msg
1217 !*** executable
1218 if ((ide-ids+1)*ir.ne.(ifde-ifds+1))then
1220     write(msg,1)s,ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir
1221 1   format('module_fr_sfire_driver: incompatible bounds ',a,' atm ',i5,':',i5,' fire ',i5,':',i5,' ratio ',i3)    
1223     call crash(msg)
1224 endif
1225 end subroutine check_fmesh
1227 subroutine fire_ignition_convert (config_flags,ignition,             &
1228              fxlong, fxlat,                                          &
1229              ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde,                                   &
1230              ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                                   &
1231              ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe )
1232     implicit none
1233 ! create ignition arrays from scalar flags
1234 !*** arguments
1235     TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)          :: config_flags
1236     TYPE (lines_type), INTENT(OUT):: ignition ! any values from input discarded 
1237     integer::ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde,                                   &
1238              ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                                   &
1239              ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe 
1240     real, dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: fxlong,fxlat
1241 !*** local
1242     integer::i,j,ii,jj
1243     logical:: real,ideal
1244     character(len=128)msg
1245     real:: corner_longlat(2,2,2), corner_longlat_1(8), corner_longlat_2(8),lon(2),lat(2)
1246     real, dimension(2,2):: corner_long,corner_lat ! coordinates of fire mesh corner cells
1248 !*** executable
1251     ignition%max_lines=5 ! number of lines that have entries in the namelist
1252     ignition%num_lines=config_flags%fire_num_ignitions
1254     ! this is only until I figure out how to input arrays through the namelist...
1255     if(fire_max_lines.lt.ignition%max_lines)call crash('fire_max_lines too small')
1257     ! figure out which kind of coordinates from the first given
1258     ideal=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x1 .ne.0. .or. config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y1 .ne. 0.
1259     real=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lon1 .ne. 0. .or. config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat1 .ne. 0.
1260     if(ideal)call message('Using ideal ignition coordinates, m from the lower left domain corner')
1261     if(real)call message('Using real ignition coordinates, longitude and latitude')
1262     if(ideal.and.real)call crash('Only one of the ideal or real coordinates may be given')
1264     ignition%longlat=0  ! default, if no ignition
1265     if(ideal)then
1266        ! use values from _x and _y variables
1267        ignition%longlat=0
1268        ignition%line(1)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x1
1269        ignition%line(1)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y1
1270        ignition%line(1)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x1
1271        ignition%line(1)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y1
1272        ignition%line(2)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x2
1273        ignition%line(2)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y2
1274        ignition%line(2)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x2
1275        ignition%line(2)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y2
1276        ignition%line(3)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x3
1277        ignition%line(3)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y3
1278        ignition%line(3)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x3
1279        ignition%line(3)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y3
1280        ignition%line(4)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x4
1281        ignition%line(4)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y4
1282        ignition%line(4)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x4
1283        ignition%line(4)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y4
1284        ignition%line(5)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x5
1285        ignition%line(5)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y5
1286        ignition%line(5)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x5
1287        ignition%line(5)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y5
1288     endif
1289     if(real)then
1290         ! use values from _long and _lat
1291        ignition%longlat=1
1292        ignition%line(1)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lon1
1293        ignition%line(1)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat1
1294        ignition%line(1)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lon1
1295        ignition%line(1)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat1
1296        ignition%line(2)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lon2
1297        ignition%line(2)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat2
1298        ignition%line(2)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lon2
1299        ignition%line(2)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat2
1300        ignition%line(3)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lon3
1301        ignition%line(3)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat3
1302        ignition%line(3)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lon3
1303        ignition%line(3)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat3
1304        ignition%line(4)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lon4
1305        ignition%line(4)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat4
1306        ignition%line(4)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lon4
1307        ignition%line(4)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat4
1308        ignition%line(5)%start_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lon5
1309        ignition%line(5)%start_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat5
1310        ignition%line(5)%end_x=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lon5
1311        ignition%line(5)%end_y=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat5
1312     endif
1313     ! common to both cases
1314        ignition%line(1)%ros=config_flags%fire_ignition_ros1 
1315        ignition%line(1)%radius=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius1 
1316        ignition%line(1)%start_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_time1 
1317        ignition%line(1)%end_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_time1 
1318        ignition%line(2)%ros=config_flags%fire_ignition_ros2 
1319        ignition%line(2)%radius=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius2 
1320        ignition%line(2)%start_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_time2 
1321        ignition%line(2)%end_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_time2 
1322        ignition%line(3)%ros=config_flags%fire_ignition_ros3 
1323        ignition%line(3)%radius=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius3 
1324        ignition%line(3)%start_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_time3 
1325        ignition%line(3)%end_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_time3 
1326        ignition%line(4)%ros=config_flags%fire_ignition_ros4 
1327        ignition%line(4)%radius=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius4 
1328        ignition%line(4)%start_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_time4 
1329        ignition%line(4)%end_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_time4 
1330        ignition%line(5)%ros=config_flags%fire_ignition_ros5 
1331        ignition%line(5)%radius=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius5 
1332        ignition%line(5)%start_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_time5
1333        ignition%line(5)%end_time=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_time5
1335        call postprocess_lines(ignition,'ros',config_flags)
1337 !       get the coordinates of the corner cells
1338         corner_longlat=0.
1339         if(ifds.eq.ifps.and.jfds.eq.jfps)then     
1340             corner_longlat(1,1,1)=fxlong(ifps,jfps)
1341             corner_longlat(1,1,2)=fxlat(ifps,jfps)
1342         endif
1343         if(ifds.eq.ifps.and.jfde.eq.jfpe)then 
1344             corner_longlat(1,2,1)=fxlong(ifps,jfpe)
1345             corner_longlat(1,2,2)=fxlat(ifps,jfpe)
1346         endif
1347         if(ifde.eq.ifpe.and.jfds.eq.jfps)then 
1348             corner_longlat(2,1,1)=fxlong(ifpe,jfps)
1349             corner_longlat(2,1,2)=fxlat(ifpe,jfps)
1350         endif
1351         if(ifde.eq.ifpe.and.jfde.eq.jfpe)then 
1352             corner_longlat(2,2,1)=fxlong(ifpe,jfpe)
1353             corner_longlat(2,2,2)=fxlat(ifpe,jfpe)
1354         endif
1355         corner_longlat_1=reshape(corner_longlat,(/8/))
1356 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
1357         call wrf_dm_sum_reals(corner_longlat_1,corner_longlat_2)
1358 #else
1359         corner_longlat_2=corner_longlat_1
1360 #endif
1361         corner_longlat=reshape(corner_longlat_2,(/2,2,2/))
1362         corner_long=corner_longlat(1:2,1:2,1)
1363         corner_lat=corner_longlat(1:2,1:2,2)
1364         if(fire_print_msg.ge.2)then
1365             do i=1,2
1366                 do j=1,2
1367                      write(msg,'(a,2i2,a,2f14.8)')'corner',i,j,' coordinates ',corner_long(i,j),corner_lat(i,j)
1368                      call message(msg)
1369                 enddo
1370             enddo
1371         endif
1372         lon(1)=(corner_long(1,1)+corner_long(1,2))/2.
1373         lon(2)=(corner_long(2,1)+corner_long(2,2))/2.
1374         lat(1)=(corner_lat(1,1)+corner_lat(2,1))/2.
1375         lat(2)=(corner_lat(1,2)+corner_lat(2,2))/2.
1376         if(fire_print_msg.ge.2)then
1377             write(msg,'(4(a,f14.8))')'coordinates ',lon(1),':',lon(2),',',lat(1),':',lat(2)
1378             call message(msg)
1379         endif
1381        do i=1,ignition%num_lines
1382            call check_ignition_coordinate(ignition%line(i)%start_x,lon(1),lon(2))
1383            call check_ignition_coordinate(ignition%line(i)%start_y,lat(1),lat(2))
1384            call check_ignition_coordinate(ignition%line(i)%end_x,lon(1),lon(2))
1385            call check_ignition_coordinate(ignition%line(i)%end_y,lat(1),lat(2))
1386        enddo
1388        if (fire_ignition_clamp>0) then
1389        do i=1,ignition%num_lines
1390            call clamp_to_grid(ignition%line(i)%start_x,lon(1),lon(2),ifds,ifde,ignition%line(i)%start_x,ii)
1391            call clamp_to_grid(ignition%line(i)%start_y,lat(1),lat(2),jfds,jfde,ignition%line(i)%start_y,jj)
1392            call display_clamp
1393            call clamp_to_grid(ignition%line(i)%end_x,lon(1),lon(2),ifds,ifde,ignition%line(i)%end_x,ii)
1394            call clamp_to_grid(ignition%line(i)%end_y,lat(1),lat(2),jfds,jfde,ignition%line(i)%end_y,jj)
1395            call display_clamp
1396            ! for now, ii jj ignored. In future replace by fxlong(ii,jj), fxlat(ii,jj) to guard against rounding
1397        enddo
1398        endif
1399        contains
1400        subroutine display_clamp
1401         character(len=128)::msg
1402         real::d1,d2
1403            if(ii>=ifps.and.ii<=ifpe.and.jj>=jfps.and.jj<=jfpe)then
1404                write(msg,'(a,2f14.8,a,2i6)')'grid node ',fxlong(ii,jj),fxlat(ii,jj),' index',ii,jj
1405                call message(msg)
1406            endif
1407        end subroutine display_clamp
1408     end subroutine fire_ignition_convert
1410      subroutine check_ignition_coordinate(x,x1,x2)
1411 !***    arguments
1412         real, intent(in)::x,x1,x2
1413         character(len=128)::msg
1414         if (.not.(x>x1 .and. x<x2))then
1415             write(msg,'(a,f14.8,a,2f14.8)')'ignition point coordinate',x,' must be inside the bounds',x1,x2
1416             call crash(msg)
1417         endif
1418      end subroutine check_ignition_coordinate
1420      subroutine clamp_to_grid(x,x1,x2,i1,i2,xout,iout)
1421 !***    round point on uniform mesh to a mesh node
1422 !***    arguments
1423         real, intent(in)::x,x1,x2
1424         integer, intent(in)::i1,i2
1425         real, intent(out)::xout
1426         integer, intent(out)::iout
1427 !***    local
1428         character(len=128)::msg
1429         integer:: i
1430         real::r,dx,xr
1431 !***    executable
1432         dx=(x2-x1)/(i2-i1)
1433         r=i1+(x-x1)/dx
1434         iout=nint(r)
1435         xr=x1+(iout-i1)*dx
1436         if(fire_print_msg.ge.2)then
1437             write(msg,'(a,f14.8,a,f14.8,a,i6)')'coordinate ',x,' clamped to ',xr,' index',iout
1438             call message(msg)
1439         endif
1440         xout=xr
1441     end subroutine clamp_to_grid
1443 !***
1445      subroutine postprocess_lines(lines,value_name,config_flags)
1446 !      count lines, fill endpoints, print stats
1447 !***   arguments
1448         type(lines_type), intent(inout)::lines
1449         character(len=3), intent(in)::value_name  
1450         TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)  :: config_flags ! namelist
1451 !***   local
1452      integer::i,n
1453      real::value
1454      real::lat_ctr,lon_ctr
1455      character(len=128)msg,f2,f3
1456 !***   executable
1458         n=lines%num_lines
1459         do i=1,n
1460             ! find the last line that has positive radius and reset num_lines if needed
1461             if(lines%line(i)%radius.gt.0.)lines%num_lines=i
1462             ! expand ignition data given as zero
1463             if(lines%line(i)%end_x.eq.0.)lines%line(i)%end_x=lines%line(i)%start_x
1464             if(lines%line(i)%end_y.eq.0.)lines%line(i)%end_y=lines%line(i)%start_y
1465             if(lines%line(i)%end_time.eq.0.)lines%line(i)%end_time=lines%line(i)%start_time
1466         enddo
1468     if(lines%longlat .eq. 0)then
1469        ! ideal
1470        !  ignition is in m
1471        lines%unit_fxlong=1.  
1472        lines%unit_fxlat=1.
1473        ! will set fire mesh coordinates to uniform mesh below
1474     else
1475        ! real
1476        lat_ctr=config_flags%cen_lat
1477        lon_ctr=config_flags%cen_lon
1478        ! 1 degree in m (approximate OK)
1479        lines%unit_fxlat=pi2/(360.*reradius)  ! earth circumference in m / 360 degrees
1480        lines%unit_fxlong=cos(lat_ctr*pi2/360.)*lines%unit_fxlat  ! latitude
1481     endif
1483     if(fire_print_msg.ge.2)then
1485        if(lines%longlat .eq. 0)then
1486          write(msg,1)'start x','start y','end x','end y','start t','end t',value_name,'radius'
1487        else
1488          write(msg,1)'start lon','start lat','end lon','end lat','start time','end time',value_name,'radius'
1489        endif
1490 1      format(4a10,4a9)
1491        call message(msg)
1492        do i=1,lines%num_lines
1493          select case (value_name)
1494               case ('ros')
1495                   value = lines%line(i)%ros
1496                   f2='(4f10.3,4f9.2)'
1497                   f3='(4f10.5,4f9.2)'
1498               case ('hfx')
1499                   value = lines%line(i)%hfx_value
1500                   f2='(4f10.3,2f9.2,e9.2,f9.2)'
1501                   f3='(4f10.5,2f9.2,e9.2,f9.2)'
1502               case default
1503                   call crash('postprocess_lines: bad value_name '//value_name)
1504          end select
1505          if(lines%longlat .eq. 0)then
1506            write(msg,f2)lines%line(i)%start_x, lines%line(i)%start_y, &
1507                       lines%line(i)%end_x,  lines%line(i)%end_y,        &
1508                       lines%line(i)%start_time, lines%line(i)%end_time, &
1509                       value, lines%line(i)%radius
1510          else
1511            write(msg,f3)lines%line(i)%start_x, lines%line(i)%start_y, &
1512                       lines%line(i)%end_x,  lines%line(i)%end_y,        &
1513                       lines%line(i)%start_time, lines%line(i)%end_time, &
1514                       value, lines%line(i)%radius
1515          endif
1516          call message(msg)
1517          if(lines%line(i)%start_time > lines%line(i)%end_time)then
1518               call crash('start time may not be after end time')
1519          endif
1520        enddo
1522      endif
1523 end subroutine postprocess_lines
1526 subroutine fire_hfx_convert (config_flags,hfx)
1527     implicit none
1528 ! create heat flux line(s) from scalar flags
1529 !*** arguments
1530     TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)          :: config_flags
1531     TYPE (lines_type), INTENT(OUT):: hfx ! any values from input discarded 
1532 !*** local
1533     integer::i
1534     logical:: real,ideal
1535     real::lat_ctr,lon_ctr
1536     character(len=128)msg
1537 !*** executable
1538     ! this is only until I figure out how to input arrays through the namelist...
1539     hfx%num_lines=config_flags%fire_hfx_num_lines
1540     if(fire_max_lines.lt.hfx%num_lines)call crash('fire_max_lines too small')
1542     ! figure out which kind of coordinates from the first given
1543     ideal=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_x1 .ne.0. .or. config_flags%fire_hfx_start_y1 .ne. 0.
1544     real=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_lon1 .ne. 0. .or. config_flags%fire_hfx_start_lat1 .ne. 0.
1545     if(ideal)call message('Using ideal heat flux line coordinates, m from the lower left domain corner')
1546     if(real)call message('Using real heat flux line coordinates, longitude and latitude')
1547     if(ideal.and.real)call crash('Only one of the ideal or real coordinates may be given')
1549     hfx%longlat=0  ! default, if no ignition
1550     if(ideal)then
1551        ! use values from _x and _y variables
1552        hfx%longlat=0
1553        hfx%line(1)%start_x=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_x1
1554        hfx%line(1)%start_y=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_y1
1555        hfx%line(1)%end_x=config_flags%fire_hfx_end_x1
1556        hfx%line(1)%end_y=config_flags%fire_hfx_end_y1
1557     endif
1558     if(real)then
1559         ! use values from _long and _lat
1560        hfx%longlat=1
1561        hfx%line(1)%start_x=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_lon1
1562        hfx%line(1)%start_y=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_lat1
1563        hfx%line(1)%end_x=config_flags%fire_hfx_end_lon1
1564        hfx%line(1)%end_y=config_flags%fire_hfx_end_lat1
1565     endif
1566     ! common to both cases
1567        hfx%line(1)%radius=config_flags%fire_hfx_radius1 
1568        hfx%line(1)%start_time=config_flags%fire_hfx_start_time1 
1569        hfx%line(1)%end_time=config_flags%fire_hfx_end_time1 
1570        hfx%line(1)%trans_time=config_flags%fire_hfx_trans_time1 
1571        hfx%line(1)%hfx_value=config_flags%fire_hfx_value1 
1573        call postprocess_lines(hfx,'hfx',config_flags)
1575 end subroutine fire_hfx_convert
1577 subroutine set_flags(config_flags)
1578 USE module_configure
1579 implicit none
1580 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)          :: config_flags
1581 ! copy flags from wrf to module_fr_sfire_util
1582 ! for instructions how to add a flag see the top of module_fr_sfire_util.F
1584 fire_perimeter_time     = config_flags%fire_perimeter_time
1585 fire_print_msg          = config_flags%fire_print_msg
1586 fire_print_file         = config_flags%fire_print_file
1587 fuel_left_method        = config_flags%fire_fuel_left_method
1588 fuel_left_irl           = config_flags%fire_fuel_left_irl
1589 fuel_left_jrl           = config_flags%fire_fuel_left_jrl
1590 fire_atm_feedback       = config_flags%fire_atm_feedback
1591 fire_hfx_given          = config_flags%fire_hfx_given
1592 fire_hfx_num_lines      = config_flags%fire_hfx_num_lines
1593 fire_hfx_latent_part    = config_flags%fire_hfx_latent_part
1594 boundary_guard          = config_flags%fire_boundary_guard
1595 fire_back_weight        = config_flags%fire_back_weight
1596 fire_grows_only         = config_flags%fire_grows_only
1597 fire_upwinding          = config_flags%fire_upwinding
1598 fire_viscosity          = config_flags%fire_viscosity 
1599 fire_lfn_ext_up         = config_flags%fire_lfn_ext_up 
1600 fire_test_steps         = config_flags%fire_test_steps 
1601 !fire_topo_from_atm     = config_flags%fire_topo_from_atm
1602 fire_advection          = config_flags%fire_advection
1603 fire_wind_log_interp    = config_flags%fire_wind_log_interp
1604 fire_use_windrf         = config_flags%fire_use_windrf
1605 fire_fmc_read           = config_flags%fire_fmc_read
1606 fire_ignition_clamp     = config_flags%fire_ignition_clamp
1607 kfmc_ndwi               = config_flags%kfmc_ndwi
1608 fndwi_from_ndwi         = config_flags%fndwi_from_ndwi 
1610 end subroutine set_flags
1613 !*****************************
1617 subroutine set_fp_from_grid(grid,fp)
1618     implicit none
1619     type(domain),intent(in)::grid
1620     type(fire_params),intent(out)::fp
1622     ! pointers to be passed to fire spread formulas
1623     fp%vx => grid%uf         ! fire winds
1624     fp%vy => grid%vf         ! fire winds
1625     fp%zsf => grid%zsf       ! terrain height
1626     fp%dzdxf => grid%dzdxf   ! terrain grad
1627     fp%dzdyf => grid%dzdyf   ! terrain grad
1628     fp%bbb => grid%bbb       ! spread formula coeff
1629     fp%phisc => grid%phisc   ! spread formula coeff
1630     fp%phiwc => grid%phiwc   ! spread formula coeff
1631     fp%r_0 => grid%r_0       ! spread formula coeff
1632     fp%fgip => grid%fgip     ! spread formula coeff
1633     fp%ischap => grid%ischap ! spread formula coeff
1634     fp%fuel_time => grid%fuel_time ! time for fuel to burn to 1/e
1635     fp%fmc_g => grid%fmc_g   ! fuel moisture, ground
1636     fp%nfuel_cat => grid%nfuel_cat ! fuel category
1639 end subroutine set_fp_from_grid
1642 subroutine print_id
1643 character(len=128)::id,msg
1644 #include "sfire_id.inc"
1645 msg=id
1646 call message(msg,level=1)
1647 end subroutine print_id
1649 end module module_fr_sfire_driver