Merge branch 'master' into devel
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / phys / module_cu_g3.F
4 MODULE module_cu_g3
8 !-------------------------------------------------------------
9    SUBROUTINE G3DRV(                                            &
10                DT,itimestep,DX                                  &
11               ,rho,RAINCV,PRATEC                                &
12               ,U,V,t,W,q,p,pi                                   &
13               ,dz8w,p8w,XLV,CP,G,r_v                            &
14               ,STEPCU,htop,hbot                                 &
15               ,CU_ACT_FLAG,warm_rain                            &
16               ,APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS                &
17               ,APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI                    &
18               ,MASS_FLUX,XF_ENS,PR_ENS,HT,XLAND,gsw,edt_out     &
19               ,GDC,GDC2 ,kpbl,k22_shallow,kbcon_shallow         &
20               ,ktop_shallow,xmb_shallow                         &
21               ,cugd_tten,cugd_qvten ,cugd_qcten                 &
22               ,cugd_ttens,cugd_qvtens,cugd_avedx,imomentum      &
23               ,ensdim,maxiens,maxens,maxens2,maxens3,ichoice    &
24               ,ishallow_g3,ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde            &
25               ,ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme                        &
26               ,ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe                        &
27               ,its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                        &
28               ,periodic_x,periodic_y                            &
29               ,RQVCUTEN,RQCCUTEN,RQICUTEN                       &
30               ,RQVFTEN,RTHFTEN,RTHCUTEN                         &
31               ,rqvblten,rthblten                                &
32               ,F_QV    ,F_QC    ,F_QR    ,F_QI    ,F_QS         &
33 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
34                  ! Optional CAP suppress option
35               ,do_capsuppress,cap_suppress_loc                  &
36 #endif                                 
37                                                                 )
38 !-------------------------------------------------------------
40 !-------------------------------------------------------------
41    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ::                               &
42                                   ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde,    & 
43                                   ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,    & 
44                                   ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe,    & 
45                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
46    LOGICAL periodic_x,periodic_y
47                integer, parameter  :: ens4_spread = 3 ! max(3,cugd_avedx)
48                integer, parameter  :: ens4=ens4_spread*ens4_spread
50    integer, intent (in   )              ::                      &
51                        ensdim,maxiens,maxens,maxens2,maxens3,ichoice
53    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) :: STEPCU, ITIMESTEP,cugd_avedx, &
54                                   ishallow_g3,imomentum
55    LOGICAL,      INTENT(IN   ) :: warm_rain
57    REAL,         INTENT(IN   ) :: XLV, R_v
58    REAL,         INTENT(IN   ) :: CP,G
60    REAL,  DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme )         ,    &
61           INTENT(IN   ) ::                                      &
62                                                           U,    &
63                                                           V,    &
64                                                           W,    &
65                                                          pi,    &
66                                                           t,    &
67                                                           q,    &
68                                                           p,    &
69                                                        dz8w,    &
70                                                        p8w,    &
71                                                         rho
72    REAL,  DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme )         ,    &
73           OPTIONAL                                         ,    &
74           INTENT(INOUT   ) ::                                   &
75                GDC,GDC2
77    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ),INTENT(IN) :: GSW,HT,XLAND
78    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ),INTENT(IN) :: KPBL
79    INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ),INTENT(INOUT) :: k22_shallow, &
80                  kbcon_shallow,ktop_shallow
82    REAL, INTENT(IN   ) :: DT, DX
85    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ),                        &
86          INTENT(INOUT) ::           pratec,RAINCV, MASS_FLUX,   &
87                           APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,    &
88                          edt_out,APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI, &
89                          htop,hbot,xmb_shallow
90 !+lxz
91 !  REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) :: & !, INTENT(INOUT) ::       &
92 !        HTOP,     &! highest model layer penetrated by cumulus since last reset in radiation_driver
93 !        HBOT       ! lowest  model layer penetrated by cumulus since last reset in radiation_driver
94 !                   ! HBOT>HTOP follow physics leveling convention
96    LOGICAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ),                     &
97          INTENT(INOUT) ::                       CU_ACT_FLAG
100 ! Optionals
102    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ),              &
103          OPTIONAL,                                              &
104          INTENT(INOUT) ::                           RTHFTEN,    &
105                             cugd_tten,cugd_qvten,cugd_qcten,    &
106                             cugd_ttens,cugd_qvtens,             &
107                                                     RQVFTEN
109    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ),              &
110          OPTIONAL,                                              &
111          INTENT(INOUT) ::                                       &
112                                                    RTHCUTEN,    &
113                                                    RQVCUTEN,    &
114                                                    RQVBLTEN,    &
115                                                    RTHBLTEN,    &
116                                                    RQCCUTEN,    &
117                                                    RQICUTEN
119 ! Flags relating to the optional tendency arrays declared above
120 ! Models that carry the optional tendencies will provdide the
121 ! optional arguments at compile time; these flags all the model
122 ! to determine at run-time whether a particular tracer is in
123 ! use or not.
125    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL ::                                      &
126                                                    F_QV      &
127                                                   ,F_QC      &
128                                                   ,F_QR      &
129                                                   ,F_QI      &
130                                                   ,F_QS
133 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
135 !  option of cap suppress: 
136 !        do_capsuppress = 1   do
137 !        do_capsuppress = other   don't
140    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ,OPTIONAL   :: do_capsuppress
141    REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ),INTENT(IN   ),OPTIONAL  :: cap_suppress_loc
142    REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite ) :: cap_suppress_j
143 #endif
147      real,    dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme,1:ensdim),intent(inout) ::      &
148         xf_ens,pr_ens
149      real,    dimension ( its:ite , jts:jte , 1:ensdim) ::      &
150         massflni,xfi_ens,pri_ens
151    REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite , jts:jte ) ::            MASSI_FLX,    &
152                           APRi_GR,APRi_W,APRi_MC,APRi_ST,APRi_AS,    &
153                          edti_out,APRi_CAPMA,APRi_CAPME,APRi_CAPMI,gswi
154      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                    &
155         SUBT,SUBQ,OUTT,OUTQ,OUTQC,phh,subm,cupclw,dhdt,         &
156         outts,outqs
157      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                    &
158         pret, ter11, aa0, fp,xlandi
159 !+lxz
160      integer, dimension (its:ite) ::                            &
161         kbcon, ktop,kpbli,k22s,kbcons,ktops
162 !.lxz
163      integer, dimension (its:ite,jts:jte) ::                    &
164         iact_old_gr
165      integer :: iens,ibeg,iend,jbeg,jend,n,nn,ens4n
166      integer :: ibegh,iendh,jbegh,jendh
167      integer :: ibegc,iendc,jbegc,jendc
170 ! basic environmental input includes moisture convergence (mconv)
171 ! omega (omeg), windspeed (us,vs), and a flag (aaeq) to turn off
172 ! convection for this call only and at that particular gridpoint
174      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                    &
175         T2d,q2d,PO,P2d,US,VS,tn,qo,tshall,qshall
176      real,    dimension (ips-2:ipe+2,kps:kpe,jps-2:jpe+2) ::    &
177         ave_f_t,ave_f_q
178      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1:ens4) ::                    &
179         omeg,tx,qx
180      real, dimension (its:ite)            ::                    &
181         Z1,PSUR,AAEQ,direction,cuten,umean,vmean,pmean,xmbs
182      real, dimension (its:ite,1:ens4)     ::                    &
183         mconv
185    INTEGER :: i,j,k,ICLDCK,ipr,jpr
186    REAL    :: tcrit,tscl_KF,dp,dq,sub_spread,subcenter
187    INTEGER :: itf,jtf,ktf,iss,jss,nbegin,nend
188    INTEGER :: high_resolution
189    REAL    :: rkbcon,rktop        !-lxz
190 ! ruc variable
191      real, dimension (its:ite)            ::  tkm
193   ! A. Betts for shallow convection: suggestion for the KF timescale < DELTAX  / 25 m/s
194    tscl_kf=dx/25.
195   !
196 !   write(0,*)'ishallow = ',ishallow_g3
197    high_resolution=0
198    if( high_resolution=1
199    subcenter=0.
200 !  subcenter=1./float(cugd_avedx)
201    sub_spread=max(1.,float(cugd_avedx*cugd_avedx-1))
202    sub_spread=(1.-subcenter)/sub_spread
203    iens=1
204    ipr=43
205    jpr=1
206    ipr=0
207    jpr=0
208 !  if(itimestep.eq.8)then
209 !   ipr=37
210 !   jpr=16
211 !  endif
212    IF ( periodic_x ) THEN
213       ibeg=max(its,ids)
214       iend=min(ite,ide-1)
215       ibegc=max(its,ids)
216       iendc=min(ite,ide-1)
217    ELSE
218       ibeg=max(its,ids)
219       iend=min(ite,ide-1)
220       ibegc=max(its,ids+4)
221       iendc=min(ite,ide-5)
222    END IF
223    IF ( periodic_y ) THEN
224       jbeg=max(jts,jds)
225       jend=min(jte,jde-1)
226       jbegc=max(jts,jds)
227       jendc=min(jte,jde-1)
228    ELSE
229       jbeg=max(jts,jds)
230       jend=min(jte,jde-1)
231       jbegc=max(jts,jds+4)
232       jendc=min(jte,jde-5)
233    END IF
234    do j=jts,jte
235    do i=its,ite
236      k22_shallow(i,j)=0
237      kbcon_shallow(i,j)=0
238      ktop_shallow(i,j)=0
239      xmb_shallow(i,j)=0
240    enddo
241    enddo
242    tcrit=258.
243    ave_f_t=0.
244    ave_f_q=0.
246    itf=MIN(ite,ide-1)
247    ktf=MIN(kte,kde-1)
248    jtf=MIN(jte,jde-1)
249 !                                                                      
250 #if ( EM_CORE == 1 )
251      if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
253 ! calculate these on the halo...the incominh tendencies have been exchanged on a 24pt halo
254 ! only neede for high resolution run
256      ibegh=its
257      jbegh=jts
258      iendh=ite
259      jendh=jte
260      if(its.eq.ips)ibegh=max(its-1,ids)
261      if(jts.eq.jps)jbegh=max(jts-1,jds)
262      if(jte.eq.jpe)jendh=min(jte+1,jde-1)
263      if(ite.eq.ipe)iendh=min(ite+1,ide-1)
264         DO J = jbegh,jendh
265         DO k= kts,ktf
266         DO I= ibegh,iendh
267           ave_f_t(i,k,j)=(rthften(i-1,k,j-1)+rthften(i-1,k,j) + rthften(i-1,k,j+1)+ &
268                          rthften(i,k,j-1)   +rthften(i,k,j)   +rthften(i,k,j+1)+         &
269                          rthften(i+1,k,j-1) +rthften(i+1,k,j) +rthften(i+1,k,j+1))/9.
270           ave_f_q(i,k,j)=(rqvften(i-1,k,j-1)+rqvften(i-1,k,j) + rqvften(i-1,k,j+1)+ &
271                          rqvften(i,k,j-1)   +rqvften(i,k,j)   +rqvften(i,k,j+1)+         &
272                          rqvften(i+1,k,j-1) +rqvften(i+1,k,j) +rqvften(i+1,k,j+1))/9.
273 !         ave_f_t(i,k,j)=rthften(i,k,j)
274 !         ave_f_q(i,k,j)=rqvften(i,k,j)
275         ENDDO
276         ENDDO
277         ENDDO
278      endif
279 #endif
280      DO 100 J = jts,jtf  
281      DO n= 1,ensdim
282      DO I= its,itf
283        xfi_ens(i,j,n)=0.
284        pri_ens(i,j,n)=0.
285 !      xfi_ens(i,j,n)=xf_ens(i,j,n)
286 !      pri_ens(i,j,n)=pr_ens(i,j,n)
287      ENDDO
288      ENDDO
289      DO I= its,itf
290         kbcon(i)=0
291         ktop(i)=0
292         tkm(i)=0.
293         HBOT(I,J)  =REAL(KTE)
294         HTOP(I,J)  =REAL(KTS)
295         iact_old_gr(i,j)=0
296         mass_flux(i,j)=0.
297         massi_flx(i,j)=0.
298         raincv(i,j)=0.
299         pratec (i,j)=0.
300         edt_out(i,j)=0.
301         edti_out(i,j)=0.
302         gswi(i,j)=gsw(i,j)
303         xlandi(i)=xland(i,j)
304         APRi_GR(i,j)=apr_gr(i,j)
305         APRi_w(i,j)=apr_w(i,j)
306         APRi_mc(i,j)=apr_mc(i,j)
307         APRi_st(i,j)=apr_st(i,j)
308         APRi_as(i,j)=apr_as(i,j)
309         APRi_capma(i,j)=apr_capma(i,j)
310         APRi_capme(i,j)=apr_capme(i,j)
311         APRi_capmi(i,j)=apr_capmi(i,j)
312         CU_ACT_FLAG(i,j) = .true.
313      ENDDO
314      do k=kts,kte
315      DO I= its,itf
316        cugd_tten(i,k,j)=0.
317        cugd_ttens(i,k,j)=0.
318        cugd_qvten(i,k,j)=0.
319        cugd_qvtens(i,k,j)=0.
320        cugd_qcten(i,k,j)=0.
321      ENDDO
322      ENDDO
323      DO n=1,ens4
324      DO I= its,itf
325         mconv(i,n)=0.
326      ENDDO
327      do k=kts,kte
328      DO I= its,itf
329          omeg(i,k,n)=0.
330          tx(i,k,n)=0.
331          qx(i,k,n)=0.
332      ENDDO
333      ENDDO
334      ENDDO
335      DO k=1,ensdim
336      DO I= its,itf
337         massflni(i,j,k)=0.
338      ENDDO
339      ENDDO
340      !  put hydrostatic pressure on half levels
341      DO K=kts,ktf
342      DO I=ITS,ITF
343          phh(i,k) = p(i,k,j)
344      ENDDO
345      ENDDO
347      DO I=ITS,ITF
348          PSUR(I)=p8w(I,1,J)*.01
349 !        PSUR(I)=p(I,1,J)*.01
350          TER11(I)=HT(i,j)
351          aaeq(i)=0.
352          direction(i)=0.
353          pret(i)=0.
354          umean(i)=0.
355          vmean(i)=0.
356          pmean(i)=0.
357          kpbli(i)=kpbl(i,j)
358      ENDDO
359 !    if(j.eq.jpr)write(0,*)'psur(ipr),ter11(ipr),kpbli(ipr)'
360 !    if(j.eq.jpr)write(0,*)psur(ipr),ter11(ipr),kpbli(ipr),r_v
361      DO K=kts,ktf
362      DO I=ITS,ITF
363          po(i,k)=phh(i,k)*.01
364          subm(i,k)=0.
365          P2d(I,K)=PO(i,k)
366          US(I,K) =u(i,k,j)
367          VS(I,K) =v(i,k,j)
368          T2d(I,K)=t(i,k,j)
369          q2d(I,K)=q(i,k,j)
370          IF(Q2d(I,K).LT.1.E-08)Q2d(I,K)=1.E-08
371          SUBT(I,K)=0.
372          SUBQ(I,K)=0.
373          OUTT(I,K)=0.
374          OUTQ(I,K)=0.
375          OUTQC(I,K)=0.
376          OUTTS(I,K)=0.
377          OUTQS(I,K)=0.
378          TN(I,K)=t2d(i,k)+RTHFTEN(i,k,j)*dt
379          QO(I,K)=q2d(i,k)+RQVFTEN(i,k,j)*dt
380          TSHALL(I,K)=t2d(i,k)+RTHBLTEN(i,k,j)*pi(i,k,j)*dt
381          DHDT(I,K)=cp*RTHBLTEN(i,k,j)*pi(i,k,j)+ XLV*RQVBLTEN(i,k,j)
382          QSHALL(I,K)=q2d(i,k)+RQVBLTEN(i,k,j)*dt
383          if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
384             TN(I,K)=t2d(i,k)+ave_f_t(i,k,j)*dt
385             QO(I,K)=q2d(i,k)+ave_f_q(i,k,j)*dt
386          endif
387          IF(TN(I,K).LT.200.)TN(I,K)=T2d(I,K)
388          IF(QO(I,K).LT.1.E-08)QO(I,K)=1.E-08
389 !        if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
390 !         write(0,123)k,p2d(i,k),t2d(i,k),tn(i,k),q2d(i,k),QO(i,k),RTHBLTEN(i,k,j),RQVBLTEN(i,k,j)
391 !        endif
392      ENDDO
393      ENDDO
394 123  format(1x,i2,f8.0,1x,2(1x,f8.3),4(1x,e12.4))
395      ens4n=0
396      nbegin=0
397      nend=0
398      if(
399      nbegin=-ens4_spread/2
400      nend=ens4_spread/2
401      endif
402      do nn=nbegin,nend,1
403        jss=max(j+nn,jds+0)
404        jss=min(jss,jde-1)
405        do n=nbegin,nend,1
406          ens4n=ens4n+1
407          DO K=kts,ktf
408          DO I=ITS,ITF
409           iss=max(i+n,ids+0)
410           iss=min(iss,ide-1)
411          omeg(I,K,ens4n)= -g*rho(i,k,j)*w(iss,k,jss)
412 !        omeg(I,K,ens4n)= -g*rho(i,k,j)*w(i,k,j)
413          Tx(I,K,ens4n)=t2d(i,k)+RTHFTEN(iss,k,jss)*dt
414 !        Tx(I,K,ens4n)=t2d(i,k)+RTHFTEN(i,k,j)*dt
415          if(high_resolution.eq.1)Tx(I,K,ens4n)=t2d(i,k)+ave_f_t(iss,k,jss)*dt
416          IF(Tx(I,K,ens4n).LT.200.)Tx(I,K,ens4n)=T2d(I,K)
417          Qx(I,K,ens4n)=q2d(i,k)+RQVFTEN(iss,k,jss)*dt
418          Qx(I,K,ens4n)=q2d(i,k)+RQVFTEN(i,k,j)*dt
419          if(high_resolution.eq.1)qx(I,K,ens4n)=q2d(i,k)+ave_f_q(iss,k,jss)*dt
420          IF(Qx(I,K,ens4n).LT.1.E-08)Qx(I,K,ens4n)=1.E-08
421         enddo
422         enddo
423       enddo !n
424       enddo !nn
425       do k=  kts+1,ktf-1
426       DO I = its,itf
427          if((p2d(i,1)-p2d(i,k)).gt.150.and.p2d(i,k).gt.300)then
428             dp=-.5*(p2d(i,k+1)-p2d(i,k-1))
429             umean(i)=umean(i)+us(i,k)*dp
430             vmean(i)=vmean(i)+vs(i,k)*dp
431             pmean(i)=pmean(i)+dp
432          endif
433       enddo
434       enddo
435       DO I = its,itf
436          umean(i)=umean(i)/pmean(i)
437          vmean(i)=vmean(i)/pmean(i)
438          direction(i)=(atan2(umean(i),vmean(i))+3.1415926)*57.29578
439          if(direction(i).gt.360.)direction(i)=direction(i)-360.
440       ENDDO
441       do n=1,ens4
442       DO K=kts,ktf-1
443       DO I = its,itf
444         dq=(q2d(i,k+1)-q2d(i,k))
445         mconv(i,n)=mconv(i,n)+omeg(i,k,n)*dq/g
446       enddo
447       ENDDO
448       ENDDO
449       do n=1,ens4
450       DO I = its,itf
451         if(mconv(i,n).lt.0.)mconv(i,n)=0.
452       ENDDO
453       ENDDO
457 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
458       if(do_capsuppress == 1 ) then
459         DO I= its,itf
460             cap_suppress_j(i)=cap_suppress_loc(i,j)
461         ENDDO
462       endif
463 #endif
464       CALL CUP_enss_3d(outqc,j,AAEQ,T2d,Q2d,TER11,subm,TN,QO,PO,PRET,&
465            P2d,OUTT,OUTQ,DT,itimestep,tkm,PSUR,US,VS,tcrit,iens,tx,qx,          &
466            tshall,qshall,kpbli,DHDT,outts,outqs,tscl_kf,           &
467            k22s,kbcons,ktops,xmbs,                                 &
468            mconv,massflni,iact_old_gr,omeg,direction,MASSi_FLX,  &
469            maxiens,maxens,maxens2,maxens3,ensdim,                 &
470            APRi_GR,APRi_W,APRi_MC,APRi_ST,APRi_AS,                &
471            APRi_CAPMA,APRi_CAPME,APRi_CAPMI,kbcon,ktop,cupclw,    &
472            xfi_ens,pri_ens,XLANDi,gswi,edti_out,subt,subq,        &
473 ! ruc          lv_p,rv_p,cpd_p,g0_p,ichoice,ipr,jpr,                  &
474            xlv,r_v,cp,g,ichoice,ipr,jpr,ens4,high_resolution,     &
475            ishallow_g3,itf,jtf,ktf,                               &
476            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                              &
477 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
478            ,do_capsuppress,cap_suppress_j                         &             
479 #endif
480                                                              )
483             if( to 100
484             DO I=ibegc,iendc
485               xmb_shallow(i,j)=xmbs(i)
486               k22_shallow(i,j)=k22s(i)
487               kbcon_shallow(i,j)=kbcons(i)
488               ktop_shallow(i,j)=ktops(i)
489               cuten(i)=0.
490               if(pret(i).gt.0.)then
491                  cuten(i)=1.
492 !                raincv(i,j)=pret(i)*dt
493               endif
494             ENDDO
495 !           if(j.eq.jpr)write(0,*)'precip,ktop,kbcon = ',pret(ipr),ktop(ipr),kbcon(ipr)
496             DO I=ibegc,iendc
497             DO K=kts,ktf
498                cugd_ttens(I,K,J)=subt(i,k)*cuten(i)*sub_spread
499                cugd_qvtens(I,K,J)=subq(i,k)*cuten(i)*sub_spread
500 !              cugd_tten(I,K,J)=outt(i,k)*cuten(i) 
501 !              cugd_qvten(I,K,J)=outq(i,k)*cuten(i)
502                cugd_tten(I,K,J)=outts(i,k)+outt(i,k)*cuten(i)
503                cugd_qvten(I,K,J)=outqs(i,k)+outq(i,k)*cuten(i)
504                cugd_qcten(I,K,J)=outqc(i,k)*cuten(i)
505 !              if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
506 !                write(0,*)subt(i,k)+outt(i,k),subq(i,k)+outq(i,k),outts(i,k),outqs(i,k)
507 !              endif
508             ENDDO
509             ENDDO
510             DO I=ibegc,iendc
511               if(pret(i).gt.0.)then
512                  raincv(i,j)=pret(i)*dt
513                  pratec(i,j)=pret(i)
514                  rkbcon = kte+kts - kbcon(i)
515                  rktop  = kte+kts -  ktop(i)
516                  if (ktop(i)  > HTOP(i,j)) HTOP(i,j) = ktop(i)+.001
517                  if (kbcon(i) < HBOT(i,j)) HBOT(i,j) = kbcon(i)+.001
518               endif
519             ENDDO
520             DO n= 1,ensdim
521             DO I= ibegc,iendc
522               xf_ens(i,j,n)=xfi_ens(i,j,n)
523               pr_ens(i,j,n)=pri_ens(i,j,n)
524             ENDDO
525             ENDDO
526             DO I= ibegc,iendc
527                APR_GR(i,j)=apri_gr(i,j)
528                APR_w(i,j)=apri_w(i,j)
529                APR_mc(i,j)=apri_mc(i,j)
530                APR_st(i,j)=apri_st(i,j)
531                APR_as(i,j)=apri_as(i,j)
532                APR_capma(i,j)=apri_capma(i,j)
533                APR_capme(i,j)=apri_capme(i,j)
534                APR_capmi(i,j)=apri_capmi(i,j)
535                mass_flux(i,j)=massi_flx(i,j)
536                edt_out(i,j)=edti_out(i,j)
537             ENDDO
538             IF(PRESENT(RQCCUTEN)) THEN
539               IF ( F_QC ) THEN
540                 DO K=kts,ktf
541                 DO I=ibegc,iendc
542                    RQCCUTEN(I,K,J)=outqc(I,K)*cuten(i)
543                    IF ( PRESENT( GDC ) ) GDC(I,K,J)=CUPCLW(I,K)*cuten(i)
544                    IF ( PRESENT( GDC2 ) ) GDC2(I,K,J)=0.
545                 ENDDO
546                 ENDDO
547               ENDIF
548             ENDIF
553               IF (F_QI) THEN
554                 DO K=kts,ktf
555                   DO I=ibegc,iendc
556                    if(t2d(i,k).lt.258.)then
557                       RQICUTEN(I,K,J)=outqc(I,K)*cuten(i)
558                       cugd_qcten(i,k,j)=0.
559                       RQCCUTEN(I,K,J)=0.
560                       IF ( PRESENT( GDC2 ) ) GDC2(I,K,J)=CUPCLW(I,K)*cuten(i)
561                    else
562                       RQICUTEN(I,K,J)=0.
563                       RQCCUTEN(I,K,J)=outqc(I,K)*cuten(i)
564                       IF ( PRESENT( GDC ) ) GDC(I,K,J)=CUPCLW(I,K)*cuten(i)
565                    endif
566                 ENDDO
567                 ENDDO
568               ENDIF
569             ENDIF
571  100    continue
575    SUBROUTINE CUP_enss_3d(OUTQC,J,AAEQ,T,Q,Z1,sub_mas,                    &
576               TN,QO,PO,PRE,P,OUTT,OUTQ,DTIME,ktau,tkmax,PSUR,US,VS,    &
577               TCRIT,iens,tx,qx,                                        &
578               tshall,qshall,kpbl,dhdt,outts,outqs,tscl_kf,             &
579               k23,kbcon3,ktop3,xmb3,                                   &
580               mconv,massfln,iact,                                      &
581               omeg,direction,massflx,maxiens,                          &
582               maxens,maxens2,maxens3,ensdim,                           &
583               APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,                       &
584               APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,kbcon,ktop,cupclw,         &   !-lxz
585               xf_ens,pr_ens,xland,gsw,edt_out,subt,subq,               &
586               xl,rv,cp,g,ichoice,ipr,jpr,ens4,high_resolution,         &
587               ishallow_g3,itf,jtf,ktf,                                 &
588               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                                &
589 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
590                  ! Optional CAP suppress option
591                      ,do_capsuppress,cap_suppress_j                  &
592 #endif                                 
593                                                 )
597      integer                                                           &
598         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
599         itf,jtf,ktf,ktau,                                              &
600         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ipr,jpr,ens4,high_resolution
601      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
602         j,ensdim,maxiens,ishallow_g3,maxens,maxens2,maxens3,ichoice,iens
603   !
604   ! 
605   !
606      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte,1:ensdim)                     &
607         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
608         massfln,xf_ens,pr_ens
609      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
610         ,intent (inout )                  ::                           &
611                APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,APR_CAPMA,     &
612                APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,massflx,edt_out
613      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
614         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
615                gsw
616      integer, dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
617         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
618         iact
619   ! outtem = output temp tendency (per s)
620   ! outq   = output q tendency (per s)
621   ! outqc  = output qc tendency (per s)
622   ! pre    = output precip
623      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
624         ,intent (inout  )                   ::                           &
625         DHDT,OUTT,OUTQ,OUTQC,subt,subq,sub_mas,cupclw,outts,outqs
626      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
627         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
628         pre,xmb3
629      integer,    dimension (its:ite)                                   &
630         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
631         kbcon,ktop,k23,kbcon3,ktop3
632      integer,    dimension (its:ite)                                   &
633         ,intent (in  )                   ::                           &
634         kpbl
635   !
636   ! basic environmental input includes moisture convergence (mconv)
637   ! omega (omeg), windspeed (us,vs), and a flag (aaeq) to turn off
638   ! convection for this call only and at that particular gridpoint
639   !
640      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
641         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
642         T,PO,P,US,VS,tn,tshall,qshall
643      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1:ens4)                       &
644         ,intent (inout   )                   ::                           &
645         omeg,tx,qx
646      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
647         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
648          Q,QO
649      real, dimension (its:ite)                                         &
650         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
651         Z1,PSUR,AAEQ,direction,tkmax,xland
652      real, dimension (its:ite,1:ens4)                                         &
653         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
654         mconv
657        real                                                            &
658         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
659         dtime,tcrit,xl,cp,rv,g,tscl_kf
661 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
663 !  option of cap suppress: 
664 !        do_capsuppress = 1   do
665 !        do_capsuppress = other   don't
668    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ,OPTIONAL   :: do_capsuppress
669    REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite ),INTENT(IN   ) ,OPTIONAL   :: cap_suppress_j
670 #endif
673 !  local ensemble dependent variables in this routine
675      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens)  ::                         &
676         xaa0_ens
677      real,    dimension (1:maxens)  ::                                 &
678         mbdt_ens
679      real,    dimension (1:maxens2) ::                                 &
680         edt_ens
681      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens2) ::                         &
682         edtc
683      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1:maxens2) ::                 &
684         dellat_ens,dellaqc_ens,dellaq_ens,pwo_ens,subt_ens,subq_ens
688 !***************** the following are your basic environmental
689 !                  variables. They carry a "_cup" if they are
690 !                  on model cloud levels (staggered). They carry
691 !                  an "o"-ending (z becomes zo), if they are the forced
692 !                  variables. They are preceded by x (z becomes xz)
693 !                  to indicate modification by some typ of cloud
695   ! z           = heights of model levels
696   ! q           = environmental mixing ratio
697   ! qes         = environmental saturation mixing ratio
698   ! t           = environmental temp
699   ! p           = environmental pressure
700   ! he          = environmental moist static energy
701   ! hes         = environmental saturation moist static energy
702   ! z_cup       = heights of model cloud levels
703   ! q_cup       = environmental q on model cloud levels
704   ! qes_cup     = saturation q on model cloud levels
705   ! t_cup       = temperature (Kelvin) on model cloud levels
706   ! p_cup       = environmental pressure
707   ! he_cup = moist static energy on model cloud levels
708   ! hes_cup = saturation moist static energy on model cloud levels
709   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
712   ! hcd = moist static energy in downdraft
713   ! zd normalized downdraft mass flux
714   ! dby = buoancy term
715   ! entr = entrainment rate
716   ! zd   = downdraft normalized mass flux
717   ! entr= entrainment rate
718   ! hcd = h in model cloud
719   ! bu = buoancy term
720   ! zd = normalized downdraft mass flux
721   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
722   ! mentr_rate = entrainment rate
723   ! qcd = cloud q (including liquid water) after entrainment
724   ! qrch = saturation q in cloud
725   ! pwd = evaporate at that level
726   ! pwev = total normalized integrated evaoprate (I2)
727   ! entr= entrainment rate
728   ! z1 = terrain elevation
729   ! entr = downdraft entrainment rate
730   ! jmin = downdraft originating level
731   ! kdet = level above ground where downdraft start detraining
732   ! psur        = surface pressure
733   ! z1          = terrain elevation
734   ! pr_ens = precipitation ensemble
735   ! xf_ens = mass flux ensembles
736   ! massfln = downdraft mass flux ensembles used in next timestep
737   ! omeg = omega from large scale model
738   ! mconv = moisture convergence from large scale model
739   ! zd      = downdraft normalized mass flux
740   ! zu      = updraft normalized mass flux
741   ! dir     = "storm motion"
742   ! mbdt    = arbitrary numerical parameter
743   ! dtime   = dt over which forcing is applied
744   ! iact_gr_old = flag to tell where convection was active
745   ! kbcon       = LFC of parcel from k22
746   ! k22         = updraft originating level
747   ! icoic       = flag if only want one closure (usually set to zero!)
748   ! dby = buoancy term
749   ! ktop = cloud top (output)
750   ! xmb    = total base mass flux
751   ! hc = cloud moist static energy
752   ! hkb = moist static energy at originating level
753   ! mentr_rate = entrainment rate
754      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                           &
755         he3,hes3,qes3,z3,zdo3,zu3_0,hc3_0,dby3_0,gamma3_0_cup,         &
756         qes3_cup,q3_cup,he3_cup,hes3_cup,z3_cup,gamma3_cup,t3_cup,     &
757         xhe3,xhes3,xqes3,xz3,xt3,xq3,                                  &
758         xqes3_cup,xq3_cup,xhe3_cup,xhes3_cup,xz3_cup,xgamma3_cup,      &
759         xt3_cup,                                                       &
760         xdby3,xqc3,xhc3,xqrc3,xzu3,                                    &
761         dby3,qc3,pw3,hc3,qrc3,zu3,cd3,DELLAH3,DELLAQ3,                 &
762         dsubt3,dsubq3,DELLAT3,DELLAQC3
764      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                           &
765         he,hes,qes,z,                                                  &
766         heo,heso,qeso,zo,                                              &
767         xhe,xhes,xqes,xz,xt,xq,                                        &
769         qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup,      &
770         qeso_cup,qo_cup,heo_cup,heso_cup,zo_cup,po_cup,gammao_cup,     &
771         tn_cup,                                                        &
772         xqes_cup,xq_cup,xhe_cup,xhes_cup,xz_cup,xp_cup,xgamma_cup,     &
773         xt_cup,                                                        &
775         dby,qc,qrcd,pwd,pw,hcd,qcd,dbyd,hc,qrc,zu,zd,clw_all,          &
776         dbyo,qco,qrcdo,pwdo,pwo,hcdo,qcdo,dbydo,hco,qrco,zuo,zdo,      &
777         xdby,xqc,xqrcd,xpwd,xpw,xhcd,xqcd,xhc,xqrc,xzu,xzd,            &
779   ! cd  = detrainment function for updraft
780   ! cdd = detrainment function for downdraft
781   ! dellat = change of temperature per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
782   ! dellaq = change of q per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
783   ! dellaqc = change of qc per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
785         cd,cdd,scr1,DELLAH,DELLAQ,DELLAT,DELLAQC,dsubt,dsubq
787   ! aa0 cloud work function for downdraft
788   ! edt = epsilon
789   ! aa0     = cloud work function without forcing effects
790   ! aa1     = cloud work function with forcing effects
791   ! xaa0    = cloud work function with cloud effects (ensemble dependent)
792   ! edt     = epsilon
794      real,    dimension (its:ite) ::                                   &
795        aa3_0,aa3,hkb3,qkb3,pwav3,bu3,xaa3,xhkb3,                       &
796        hkb3_0,edt,edto,edtx,AA1,AA0,XAA0,HKB,                          &
797        HKBO,aad,XHKB,QKB,QKBO,edt3,                                    &
798        XMB,XPWAV,XPWEV,PWAV,PWEV,PWAVO,                                &
799        PWEVO,BU,BUO,cap_max,xland1,                                    &
800        cap_max_increment,closure_n,cap_max3
801      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:ens4) ::                                   &
802         axx
803      integer,    dimension (its:ite) ::                                &
804        kzdown,KDET,K22,KB,JMIN,kstabi,kstabm,K22x,jmin3,kdet3,         &   !-lxz
805        KBCONx,KBx,KTOPx,ierr,ierr2,ierr3,KBMAX,ierr5,ierr5_0 
807      integer                              ::                           &
808        nall,iedt,nens,nens3,ki,I,K,KK,iresult
809      real                                 ::                           &
810       day,dz,mbdt,mbdt_s,entr_rate,radius,entrd_rate,mentr_rate,mentrd_rate,  &
811       zcutdown,edtmax,edtmin,depth_min,zkbmax,z_detr,zktop,            &
812       massfld,dh,cap_maxs,trash,entr_rate3,mentr_rate3
814      integer :: jmini
815      logical :: keep_going
816      real xff_shal(9),blqe,xkshal
820       day=86400.
821       do i=its,itf
822         xmb3(i)=0.
823         closure_n(i)=16.
824         xland1(i)=1.
825         if(xland(i).gt.1.5)xland1(i)=0.
826 !       cap_max_increment(i)=50.
827         cap_max_increment(i)=25.
828       enddo
830 !--- specify entrainmentrate and detrainmentrate
832       if(iens.le.4)then
833       radius=14000.-float(iens)*2000.
834       else
835       radius=12000.
836       endif
838 !--- gross entrainment rate (these may be changed later on in the
839 !--- program, depending what your detrainment is!!)
841       entr_rate =.2/radius
842       entr_rate3=.2/200.
844 !--- entrainment of mass
846       mentrd_rate=0.
847       mentr_rate=entr_rate
848       mentr_rate3=entr_rate3
850 !--- initial detrainmentrates
852       do k=kts,ktf
853       do i=its,itf
854         cupclw(i,k)=0.
855         cd(i,k)=0.01*entr_rate
856         cd3(i,k)=entr_rate3
857         cdd(i,k)=0.
858         zdo3(i,k)=0.
859         hcdo(i,k)=0.
860         qrcdo(i,k)=0.
861         dellaqc(i,k)=0.
862       enddo
863       enddo
865 !--- max/min allowed value for epsilon (ratio downdraft base mass flux/updraft
866 !    base mass flux
868       edtmax=1.
869       edtmin=.2
871 !--- minimum depth (m), clouds must have
873       depth_min=500.
875 !--- maximum depth (mb) of capping 
876 !--- inversion (larger cap = no convection)
878 !     cap_maxs=125.
879       cap_maxs=75.
880       DO i=its,itf
881         kbmax(i)=1
882         jmin3(i)=0
883         kdet3(i)=0
884         aa0(i)=0.
885         aa3_0(i)=0.
886         aa1(i)=0.
887         aa3(i)=0.
888         aad(i)=0.
889         edt(i)=0.
890         edt3(i)=0.
891         kstabm(i)=ktf-1
892         IERR(i)=0
893         IERR2(i)=0
894         IERR3(i)=0
895         IERR5(i)=0
896         IERR5_0(i)=0
897  enddo
899 !--- first check for upstream convection
901 #if ( WRF_DFI_RADAR == 1 )
902   if(do_capsuppress == 1) then
903       do i=its,itf
904           cap_max(i)=cap_maxs
905           cap_max3(i)=25.
906           if(gsw(i,j).lt.1.or.high_resolution.eq.1)cap_max(i)=25.
907           if (abs(cap_suppress_j(i) - 1.0 ) < 0.1 ) then
908              cap_max(i)=cap_maxs+75.
909           elseif (abs(cap_suppress_j(i) - 0.0 ) < 0.1 ) then
910              cap_max(i)=10.0
911           endif
912           iresult=0
913       enddo
914   else
915      do i=its,itf
916          cap_max(i)=cap_maxs
917           cap_max3(i)=25.
918          if(gsw(i,j).lt.1.or.high_resolution.eq.1)cap_max(i)=25.
919        iresult=0
920      enddo
921   endif
923       do i=its,itf
924         edt_out(i,j)=cap_max(i)
925       enddo
926 #else
927       do i=its,itf
928           cap_max(i)=cap_maxs
929           cap_max3(i)=25.
930           if(gsw(i,j).lt.1.or.high_resolution.eq.1)cap_max(i)=25.
931         iresult=0
933       enddo
934 #endif
936 !--- max height(m) above ground where updraft air can originate
938       zkbmax=4000.
940 !--- height(m) above which no downdrafts are allowed to originate
942       zcutdown=3000.
944 !--- depth(m) over which downdraft detrains all its mass
946       z_detr=1250.
948       do nens=1,maxens
949          mbdt_ens(nens)=(float(nens)-3.)*dtime*1.e-3+dtime*5.E-03
950       enddo
951       do nens=1,maxens2
952          edt_ens(nens)=.95-float(nens)*.01
953       enddo
955 !--- environmental conditions, FIRST HEIGHTS
957       do i=its,itf
958          if(ierr(i).ne.20)then
959             do k=1,maxens*maxens2*maxens3
960                xf_ens(i,j,(iens-1)*maxens*maxens2*maxens3+k)=0.
961                pr_ens(i,j,(iens-1)*maxens*maxens2*maxens3+k)=0.
962             enddo
963          endif
964       enddo
966 !--- calculate moist static energy, heights, qes
968       call cup_env(z,qes,he,hes,t,q,p,z1, &
969            psur,ierr,tcrit,0,xl,cp,   &
970            itf,jtf,ktf, &
971            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
972       call cup_env(zo,qeso,heo,heso,tn,qo,po,z1, &
973            psur,ierr,tcrit,0,xl,cp,   &
974            itf,jtf,ktf, &
975            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
977 !--- environmental values on cloud levels
979       call cup_env_clev(t,qes,q,he,hes,z,p,qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup, &
980            hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup,psur, &
981            ierr,z1,xl,rv,cp,          &
982            itf,jtf,ktf, &
983            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
984       call cup_env_clev(tn,qeso,qo,heo,heso,zo,po,qeso_cup,qo_cup, &
985            heo_cup,heso_cup,zo_cup,po_cup,gammao_cup,tn_cup,psur,  &
986            ierr,z1,xl,rv,cp,          &
987            itf,jtf,ktf, &
988            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
989       do i=its,itf
990         if(aaeq(i).lt.-0.1)then
991            ierr(i)=20
992         endif
993 !     if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
995       do k=kts,ktf
996         if(zo_cup(i,k).gt.zkbmax+z1(i))then
997           kbmax(i)=k
998           go to 25
999         endif
1000       enddo
1001  25   continue
1003 !--- level where detrainment for downdraft starts
1005       do k=kts,ktf
1006         if(zo_cup(i,k).gt.z_detr+z1(i))then
1007           kdet(i)=k
1008           go to 26
1009         endif
1010       enddo
1011  26   continue
1013 !     endif
1014       enddo
1020       CALL cup_MAXIMI(HEO_CUP,3,KBMAX,K22,ierr, &
1021            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1022            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1023        DO 36 i=its,itf
1024          IF(ierr(I).eq.0.)THEN
1025          IF(K22(I).GE.KBMAX(i))ierr(i)=2
1026          endif
1027  36   CONTINUE
1031       call cup_kbcon(cap_max_increment,1,k22,kbcon,heo_cup,heso_cup, &
1032            ierr,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max, &
1033            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1034            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1036 !--- increase detrainment in stable layers
1038       CALL cup_minimi(HEso_cup,Kbcon,kstabm,kstabi,ierr,  &
1039            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1040            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1041       do i=its,itf
1042       IF(ierr(I).eq.0.)THEN
1043         if(kstabm(i)
1044            do k=kstabi(i),kstabm(i)-1
1045              cd(i,k)=cd(i,k-1)+.15*entr_rate
1046              if(cd(i,k).gt.1.0*entr_rate)cd(i,k)=1.0*entr_rate
1047            enddo
1048         ENDIF
1049       ENDIF
1050       ENDDO
1052 !--- calculate incloud moist static energy
1054       call cup_up_he(k22,hkb,z_cup,cd,mentr_rate,he_cup,hc, &
1055            kbcon,ierr,dby,he,hes_cup,'deep', &
1056            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1057            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1058       call cup_up_he(k22,hkbo,zo_cup,cd,mentr_rate,heo_cup,hco, &
1059            kbcon,ierr,dbyo,heo,heso_cup,'deep', &
1060            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1061            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1065       call cup_ktop(1,dbyo,kbcon,ktop,ierr, &
1066            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1067            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1068       DO 37 i=its,itf
1069          kzdown(i)=0
1070          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1071             zktop=(zo_cup(i,ktop(i))-z1(i))*.6
1072             zktop=min(zktop+z1(i),zcutdown+z1(i))
1073             do k=kts,kte
1074               if(zo_cup(i,k).gt.zktop)then
1075                  kzdown(i)=k
1076                  go to 37
1077               endif
1078               enddo
1079          endif
1080  37   CONTINUE
1084       call cup_minimi(HEso_cup,K22,kzdown,JMIN,ierr, &
1085            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1086            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1087       DO 100 i=its,ite
1088       IF(ierr(I).eq.0.)THEN
1090 !--- check whether it would have buoyancy, if there where
1091 !--- no entrainment/detrainment
1093       jmini = jmin(i)
1094       keep_going = .TRUE.
1095       do while ( keep_going )
1096         keep_going = .FALSE.
1097         if ( jmini - 1 .lt. kdet(i)   ) kdet(i) = jmini-1
1098         if ( jmini     .ge. ktop(i)-1 ) jmini = ktop(i) - 2
1099         ki = jmini
1100         hcdo(i,ki)=heso_cup(i,ki)
1101         DZ=Zo_cup(i,Ki+1)-Zo_cup(i,Ki)
1102         dh=0.
1103         do k=ki-1,1,-1
1104           hcdo(i,k)=heso_cup(i,jmini)
1105           DZ=Zo_cup(i,K+1)-Zo_cup(i,K)
1106           dh=dh+dz*(HCDo(i,K)-heso_cup(i,k))
1107           if(
1108             jmini=jmini-1
1109             if ( jmini .gt. 3 ) then
1110               keep_going = .TRUE.
1111             else
1112               ierr(i) = 9
1113               exit
1114             endif
1115           endif
1116         enddo
1117       enddo
1118       jmin(i) = jmini 
1119       if ( jmini .le. 3 ) then
1120         ierr(i)=4
1121       endif
1122       ENDIF
1123 100   continue
1125 ! - Must have at least depth_min m between cloud convective base
1126 !     and cloud top.
1128       do i=its,itf
1129       IF(ierr(I).eq.0.)THEN
1130       IF(-zo_cup(I,KBCON(I))+zo_cup(I,KTOP(I)).LT.depth_min)then
1131             ierr(i)=6
1132       endif
1133       endif
1134       enddo
1137 !c--- normalized updraft mass flux profile
1139       call cup_up_nms(zu,z_cup,mentr_rate,cd,kbcon,ktop,ierr,k22, &
1140            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1141            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1142       call cup_up_nms(zuo,zo_cup,mentr_rate,cd,kbcon,ktop,ierr,k22, &
1143            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1144            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1146 !c--- normalized downdraft mass flux profile,also work on bottom detrainment
1147 !--- in this routine
1149       call cup_dd_nms(zd,z_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate,jmin,ierr, &
1150            0,kdet,z1,                 &
1151            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1152            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1153       call cup_dd_nms(zdo,zo_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate,jmin,ierr, &
1154            1,kdet,z1,                 &
1155            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1156            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1158 !--- downdraft moist static energy
1160       call cup_dd_he(hes_cup,zd,hcd,z_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate, &
1161            jmin,ierr,he,dbyd,he_cup,  &
1162            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1163            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1164       call cup_dd_he(heso_cup,zdo,hcdo,zo_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate, &
1165            jmin,ierr,heo,dbydo,he_cup,&
1166            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1167            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1169 !--- calculate moisture properties of downdraft
1171       call cup_dd_moisture_3d(zd,hcd,hes_cup,qcd,qes_cup, &
1172            pwd,q_cup,z_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate,jmin,ierr,gamma_cup, &
1173            pwev,bu,qrcd,q,he,t_cup,2,xl,high_resolution, &
1174            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1175            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1176       call cup_dd_moisture_3d(zdo,hcdo,heso_cup,qcdo,qeso_cup, &
1177            pwdo,qo_cup,zo_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate,jmin,ierr,gammao_cup, &
1178            pwevo,bu,qrcdo,qo,heo,tn_cup,1,xl,high_resolution, &
1179            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1180            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1182 !--- calculate moisture properties of updraft
1184       call cup_up_moisture('deep',ierr,z_cup,qc,qrc,pw,pwav, &
1185            kbcon,ktop,cd,dby,mentr_rate,clw_all,      &
1186            q,GAMMA_cup,zu,qes_cup,k22,q_cup,xl, &
1187            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1188            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1189       do k=kts,ktf
1190       do i=its,itf
1191          cupclw(i,k)=qrc(i,k)
1192       enddo
1193       enddo
1194       call cup_up_moisture('deep',ierr,zo_cup,qco,qrco,pwo,pwavo, &
1195            kbcon,ktop,cd,dbyo,mentr_rate,clw_all, &
1196            qo,GAMMAo_cup,zuo,qeso_cup,k22,qo_cup,xl,&
1197            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1198            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1200 !--- calculate workfunctions for updrafts
1202       call cup_up_aa0(aa0,z,zu,dby,GAMMA_CUP,t_cup, &
1203            kbcon,ktop,ierr,           &
1204            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1205            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1206       call cup_up_aa0(aa1,zo,zuo,dbyo,GAMMAo_CUP,tn_cup, &
1207            kbcon,ktop,ierr,           &
1208            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1209            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1210       do i=its,itf
1211          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1212            if(aa1(i).eq.0.)then
1213                ierr(i)=17
1214            endif
1215          endif
1216       enddo
1217 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1218 !    NEXT section for shallow convection
1220       if(ishallow_g3.eq.1)then
1221 !     write(0,*)'now do shallow for j = ',j
1222       call cup_env(z3,qes3,he3,hes3,tshall,qshall,po,z1, &
1223            psur,ierr5,tcrit,0,xl,cp,   &
1224            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1225            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1226       call cup_env_clev(tshall,qes3,qshall,he3,hes3,z3,po,qes3_cup,q3_cup, &
1227            he3_cup,hes3_cup,z3_cup,po_cup,gamma3_cup,t3_cup,psur,  &
1228            ierr5,z1,xl,rv,cp,          &
1229            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1230            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1231       CALL cup_MAXIMI(HE3_CUP,1,kbmax,K23,ierr5, &
1232            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1233            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1234        DO i=its,itf
1235          if(kpbl(i).gt.5)cap_max3(i)=po_cup(i,kpbl(i))
1236          IF(ierr5(I).eq.0.)THEN
1237          IF(K23(I).Gt.Kbmax(i))ierr5(i)=2
1238          if(kpbl(i).gt.5)k23(i)=kpbl(i)
1239          endif
1240          ierr5_0(i)=ierr5(i)
1241        ENDDO
1242       call cup_kbcon(cap_max_increment,5,k23,kbcon3,he3_cup,hes3_cup, &
1243            ierr5,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max3, &
1244 !          ierr5,kpbl,po_cup,cap_max3, &
1245            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1246            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1247       call cup_up_he(k23,hkb3,z3_cup,cd3,mentr_rate3,he3_cup,hc3, &
1248            kbcon3,ierr5,dby3,he3,hes3_cup,'shallow', &
1249            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1250            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1251       call cup_up_he(k23,hkb3_0,z_cup,cd3,mentr_rate3,he_cup,hc3_0, &
1252            kbcon3,ierr5,dby3_0,he,hes_cup,'shallow', &
1253            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1254            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1255       call cup_ktop(1,dby3,kbcon3,ktop3,ierr5, &
1256            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1257            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1258       call cup_up_nms(zu3,z3_cup,mentr_rate3,cd3,kbcon3,ktop3,    &
1259            ierr5,k23, &
1260            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1261            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1262       call cup_up_nms(zu3_0,z_cup,mentr_rate3,cd3,kbcon3,ktop3,    &
1263            ierr5,k23, &
1264            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1265            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1267 ! first calculate aa3_0_cup
1269       call cup_up_aa0(aa3_0,z,zu3_0,dby3_0,GAMMA3_0_CUP,t_cup, &
1270            kbcon3,ktop3,ierr5,           &
1271            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1272           its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1274 !  now what is necessary for aa3 and feedbacks
1276       call cup_up_moisture('shallow',ierr5,z3_cup,qc3,qrc3,pw3,pwav3, &
1277            kbcon3,ktop3,cd3,dby3,mentr_rate3,clw_all, &
1278            qshall,GAMMA3_cup,zu3,qes3_cup,k23,q3_cup,xl,&
1279            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1280            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1281       call cup_up_aa0(aa3,z3,zu3,dby3,GAMMA3_CUP,t3_cup, &
1282            kbcon3,ktop3,ierr5,           &
1283            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1284           its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1285 !     do i=its,itf
1286 !        if(ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1287 !          if(aa3(i).eq.0.)then
1288 !              ierr5(i)=17
1289 !          endif
1290 !        endif
1291 !     enddo
1292 !     call cup_dellabot('shallow',ipr,jpr,q3_cup,ierr5,z3_cup,po,qrcdo,edto, &
1293 !          zdo,cdd,q3,dellaq3,dsubq,j,mentrd_rate,z3,g,&
1294 !          itf,jtf,ktf, &
1295 !          its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1296       call cup_dellas_3d(ierr5,z3_cup,po_cup,hcdo,edt3,zdo3,cdd,    &
1297            he3,dellah3,dsubt3,j,mentrd_rate,zu3,g,                     &
1298            cd3,hc3,ktop3,k23,kbcon3,mentr_rate3,jmin,he3_cup,kdet, &
1299            k23,ipr,jpr,'shallow',0,                                 &
1300            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1301            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1302       call cup_dellas_3d(ierr5,z3_cup,po_cup,qrcdo,edt3,zdo3,cdd, &
1303            qshall,dellaq3,dsubq3,j,mentrd_rate,zu3,g, &
1304            cd3,qc3,ktop3,k23,kbcon3,mentr_rate3,jmin,q3_cup,kdet, &
1305            k23,ipr,jpr,'shallow',0,               &
1306               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
1307               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte    )
1308               mbdt_s=1.e-1*mbdt_ens(1)
1309               do k=kts,ktf
1310               do i=its,itf
1311                  dellat3(i,k)=0.
1312                  if(ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1313                     trash=dsubt3(i,k)
1314                     XHE3(I,K)=(dsubt3(i,k)+DELLAH3(I,K))*MBDT_S+HE3(I,K)
1315                     XQ3(I,K)=(dsubq3(i,k)+DELLAQ3(I,K))*MBDT_S+QSHALL(I,K)
1316                     DELLAT3(I,K)=(1./cp)*(DELLAH3(I,K)-xl*DELLAQ3(I,K))
1317                     dSUBT3(I,K)=(1./cp)*(dsubt3(i,k)-xl*dsubq3(i,k))
1318                     XT3(I,K)= (DELLAT3(I,K)+dsubt3(i,k))*MBDT_S+TSHALL(I,K)
1319                     IF(XQ3(I,K).LE.0.)XQ3(I,K)=1.E-08
1320 !                    if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
1321 !                      write(0,*)k,trash,DELLAQ3(I,K),dsubq3(I,K),dsubt3(i,k)
1322 !                    endif
1323                  ENDIF
1324               enddo
1325               enddo
1326       do i=its,itf
1327       if(ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1328       XHE3(I,ktf)=HE3(I,ktf)
1329       XQ3(I,ktf)=QSHALL(I,ktf)
1330       XT3(I,ktf)=TSHALL(I,ktf)
1331       IF(XQ3(I,ktf).LE.0.)XQ3(I,ktf)=1.E-08
1332       endif
1333       enddo
1335 !--- calculate moist static energy, heights, qes
1337       call cup_env(xz3,xqes3,xhe3,xhes3,xt3,xq3,po,z1, &
1338            psur,ierr5,tcrit,2,xl,cp,   &
1339            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1340            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1342 !--- environmental values on cloud levels
1344       call cup_env_clev(xt3,xqes3,xq3,xhe3,xhes3,xz3,po,xqes3_cup,xq3_cup, &
1345            xhe3_cup,xhes3_cup,xz3_cup,po_cup,gamma3_cup,xt3_cup,psur,   &
1346            ierr5,z1,xl,rv,cp,          &
1347            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1348            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1349 !     
1350 !     
1351 !**************************** static control
1352 !     
1353 !--- moist static energy inside cloud
1355       do i=its,itf
1356         if(ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1357           xhkb3(i)=xhe3(i,k23(i))
1358         endif
1359       enddo
1360       call cup_up_he(k23,xhkb3,xz3_cup,cd3,mentr_rate3,xhe3_cup,xhc3, &
1361            kbcon3,ierr5,xdby3,xhe3,xhes3_cup,'shallow', &
1362            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1363            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1364 !          
1365 !c--- normalized mass flux profile and CWF
1366 !          
1367       call cup_up_nms(xzu3,xz3_cup,mentr_rate3,cd3,kbcon3,ktop3,ierr5,k23, &
1368            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1369            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1370       call cup_up_aa0(xaa3,xz3,xzu3,xdby3,GAMMA3_CUP,xt3_cup, &
1371            kbcon3,ktop3,ierr5,           &
1372            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1373            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1375 ! now for shallow forcing
1377        do i=its,itf
1378         xmb3(i)=0.
1379         xff_shal(1:9)=0.
1380         if(ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1381           xkshal=(xaa3(i)-aa3(i))/mbdt_s
1382           if(
1383           if( .and.
1384           xff_shal(1)=max(0.,-(aa3(i)-aa3_0(i))/(xkshal*dtime))
1385           xff_shal(2)=max(0.,-(aa3(i)-aa3_0(i))/(xkshal*dtime))
1386           xff_shal(3)=max(0.,-(aa3(i)-aa3_0(i))/(xkshal*dtime))
1387           if(aa3_0(i).le.0)then
1388            xff_shal(1)=0.
1389            xff_shal(2)=0.
1390            xff_shal(3)=0.
1391           endif
1392           if(aa3(i)-aa3_0(i).le.0.)then
1393            xff_shal(1)=0.
1394            xff_shal(2)=0.
1395            xff_shal(3)=0.
1396           endif
1397 ! boundary layer QE (from Saulo Freitas)
1398           blqe=0.
1399           trash=0.
1400           if(k23(i).lt.kpbl(i)+1)then
1401              do k=1,kbcon3(i)-1
1402                 blqe=blqe+100.*dhdt(i,k)*(p_cup(i,k)-p_cup(i,k+1))/g
1403              enddo
1404              trash=max((hc3(i,kbcon3(i))-he_cup(i,kbcon3(i))),1.e1)
1405              xff_shal(7)=max(0.,blqe/trash)
1406              xff_shal(7)=min(0.1,xff_shal(7))
1407           else
1408              xff_shal(7)=0.
1409           endif
1410           if(( .and.  &
1411              ((aa3(i)-aa3_0(i).gt.0.) .or. (xff_shal(7).gt.0)))then
1412           xff_shal(4)=max(0.,-aa3(i)/(xkshal*tscl_KF))
1413           xff_shal(4)=min(0.1,xff_shal(4))
1414           xff_shal(5)=xff_shal(4)
1415           xff_shal(6)=xff_shal(4)
1416           else
1417            xff_shal(4)=0.
1418            xff_shal(5)=0.
1419            xff_shal(6)=0.
1420           endif
1421 !         write(0,888)'i0=',i,j,kpbl(i),blqe,xff_shal(7)
1422 888       format(a3,3(1x,i3),2e12.4)
1423           xff_shal(8)= xff_shal(7)
1424           xff_shal(9)= xff_shal(7)
1425           do k=1,9
1426            xmb3(i)=xmb3(i)+xff_shal(k)
1427           enddo
1428           xmb3(i)=min(.1,xmb3(i)/9.)
1429 !         if(xmb3(i).eq.10.1 )then
1430 !           write(0,*)'i0,xmb3,blqe,xkshal = ',i,j,xmb3(i),blqe,xkshal
1431 !           if(xff_shal(7).ge.0.1)then
1432 !             write(0,*)'i1,blqe,trash = ',blqe,trash
1433 !           endif
1434 !           if(xff_shal(7).eq.0 .and. xff_shal(1).ge.0.1)then
1435 !              write(0,*)'i2,aa3_0(i),aa3(i),xaa3(i) = ',aa3_0(i),aa3(i),xaa3(i)
1436 !           endif
1437 !           if(xff_shal(5).ge.0.1)then
1438 !              write(0,*)'i3,aa3(i),a0,xkshal= ',aa3(i),aa3_0(i),xkshal
1439 !           endif
1440 !           write(0,*)'i0, xff_shallow = ',xff_shal
1441 !         endif
1442 !!         if(xff_shal(7).eq.0 .and. xff_shal(4).gt.0 .and. xmb3(i).eq.0.5)then
1443 !!           write(0,*)'i4,xmb3 = ',i,j,xmb3(i),xkshal
1444 !!           write(0,*)'xff_shallow = ',xff_shal
1445 !!           write(0,*)aa3(i),xaa3(i),blqe
1446 !!         endif
1447           if(xmb3(i).eq.0.)ierr5(i)=22
1448           if(xmb3(i).lt.0.)then
1449              ierr5(i)=21
1450 !            write(0,*)'neg xmb,i,j,xmb3 for shallow = ',i,j,k23(i),ktop3(i),kbcon3(i),kpbl(i)
1451           endif
1452         endif
1453 !         if(ierr5(i).eq.0)write(0,*)'i,j,xmb3 for shallow = ',i,j,xmb3(i),k23(i),ktop3(i)
1454 !         if(ierr5(i).eq.0.and.i.eq.12.and.j.eq.25)write(0,*)'i,j,xmb3 for shallow = ',k23(i),ktop3(i),kbcon3(i),kpbl(i)
1455 !         if(ierr5(i).eq.0)write(0,*)'i,j,xmb3 for shallow = ',i,j,k23(i),ktop3(i),kbcon3(i),kpbl(i)
1456         if(ierr5(i).ne.0)then
1457            k23(i)=0
1458            kbcon3(i)=0
1459            ktop3(i)=0
1460            xmb3(i)=0
1461            do k=kts,ktf
1462               outts(i,k)=0.
1463               outqs(i,k)=0.
1464            enddo
1465         else if(ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1467 ! got the mass flux, sanity check, first for heating rates
1469           trash=0.
1470           do k=2,ktop3(i)
1471            trash=max(trash,86400.*(dsubt3(i,k)+dellat3(i,k))*xmb3(i))
1472           enddo
1473           if(*150./trash
1475 ! sanity check on moisture tendencies: do not allow anything that may allow neg tendencies
1477           do k=2,ktop3(i)
1478            trash=q(i,k)+(dsubq3(i,k)+dellaq3(i,k))*xmb3(i)*dtime
1479           if(
1480 ! max allowable tendency over tendency that would lead to too small mix ratios
1482             trash=((1.e-12-q(i,k))/dtime)                   &
1483                   /((dsubq3(i,k)+dellaq3(i,k))*xmb3(i))
1484             trash=max(0.,trash)
1485             trash=min(1.,trash)
1486             xmb3(i)=trash*xmb3(i)
1487           endif
1488           enddo
1490 ! final tendencies
1492           do k=2,ktop3(i)
1493            outts(i,k)=(dsubt3(i,k)+dellat3(i,k))*xmb3(i)
1494            outqs(i,k)=(dsubq3(i,k)+dellaq3(i,k))*xmb3(i)
1495           enddo
1496         endif
1497        enddo
1498 !       if(j.eq.-25)then
1499 !!        write(0,*)'!!!!!!!! j = ',j,' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
1500         i=12
1501 !        write(0,*)k23(i),kbcon3(i),ktop3(i)
1502 !        write(0,*)kpbl(i),ierr5(i),ierr(i)
1503 !        write(0,*)xmb3(i),xff_shal(1:9)
1504 !        write(0,*)xaa3(i),aa1(i),aa0(i),aa3(i)
1505 !        do k=1,ktf
1506 !          write(0,*)po(i,k),he3(i,k),hes3(i,k),dellah3(i,k)
1507 !        enddo
1508 !        do k=1,ktf
1509 !          write(0,*)zu3(i,k),hc3(i,k),dsubt3(i,k),dellat3(i,k)
1510 !        enddo
1511 !        do k=1,ktop3(i)+1
1512 !          blqe=cp*outts(i,k)+xl*outqs(i,k)
1513 !          write(0,*)outts(i,k),outqs(i,k),blqe
1514 !        enddo
1515 !       endif
1516 !      
1517 ! done shallow
1518 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1519        ENDIF
1520 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1523       call cup_axx(tcrit,kbmax,z1,p,psur,xl,rv,cp,tx,qx,axx,ierr,    &
1524            cap_max,cap_max_increment,entr_rate,mentr_rate,&
1525            j,itf,jtf,ktf, &
1526            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ens4)
1531       call cup_dd_edt(ierr,us,vs,zo,ktop,kbcon,edt,po,pwavo, &
1532            pwevo,edtmax,edtmin,maxens2,edtc, &
1533            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1534            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1535       do 250 iedt=1,maxens2
1536         do i=its,itf
1537          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1538          edt(i)=edtc(i,iedt)
1539          edto(i)=edtc(i,iedt)
1540          edtx(i)=edtc(i,iedt)
1541          edt_out(i,j)=edtc(i,2)
1542          if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
1543             edt(i)=edtc(i,3)
1544             edto(i)=edtc(i,3)
1545             edtx(i)=edtc(i,3)
1546             edt_out(i,j)=edtc(i,3)
1547          endif
1548          endif
1549         enddo
1550         do k=kts,ktf
1551         do i=its,itf
1552            subt_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1553            subq_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1554            dellat_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1555            dellaq_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1556            dellaqc_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1557            pwo_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1558         enddo
1559         enddo
1561 !      if(
1562 !!      if(j.eq.jpr)then
1563 !         i=ipr
1564 !!        write(0,*)'in 250 loop ',iedt,edt(ipr),ierr(ipr)
1565 !!       if(ierr(i).eq.0.or.ierr(i).eq.3)then
1566 !         write(0,*)'250',k22(I),kbcon(i),ktop(i),jmin(i)
1567 !         write(0,*)edt(i),aa0(i),aa1(i)
1568 !         do k=kts,ktf
1569 !           write(0,*)k,z(i,k),he(i,k),hes(i,k)
1570 !         enddo
1571 !         write(0,*)'end 250 loop ',iedt,edt(ipr),ierr(ipr)
1572 !         do k=1,ktop(i)+1
1573 !           write(0,*)zu(i,k),zd(i,k),pw(i,k),pwd(i,k)
1574 !         enddo
1575 !!        endif
1576 !      endif
1577       do i=its,itf
1578         aad(i)=0.
1579       enddo
1581 !--- change per unit mass that a model cloud would modify the environment
1583 !--- 1. in bottom layer
1585       call cup_dellabot('deep',ipr,jpr,heo_cup,ierr,zo_cup,po,hcdo,edto, &
1586            zdo,cdd,heo,dellah,dsubt,j,mentrd_rate,zo,g, &
1587            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1588            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1589       call cup_dellabot('deep',ipr,jpr,qo_cup,ierr,zo_cup,po,qrcdo,edto, &
1590            zdo,cdd,qo,dellaq,dsubq,j,mentrd_rate,zo,g,&
1591            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1592            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1594 !--- 2. everywhere else
1596       call cup_dellas_3d(ierr,zo_cup,po_cup,hcdo,edto,zdo,cdd,    &
1597            heo,dellah,dsubt,j,mentrd_rate,zuo,g,                     &
1598            cd,hco,ktop,k22,kbcon,mentr_rate,jmin,heo_cup,kdet, &
1599            k22,ipr,jpr,'deep',high_resolution,                                 &
1600            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1601            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1603 !-- take out cloud liquid water for detrainment
1605 !??   do k=kts,ktf
1606       do k=kts,ktf-1
1607       do i=its,itf
1608        scr1(i,k)=0.
1609        dellaqc(i,k)=0.
1610        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1611          scr1(i,k)=qco(i,k)-qrco(i,k)
1612          if(k.eq.ktop(i)-0)dellaqc(i,k)= &
1613                       .01*zuo(i,ktop(i))*qrco(i,ktop(i))* &
1614                       9.81/(po_cup(i,k)-po_cup(i,k+1))
1615          if(
1616            dz=zo_cup(i,k+1)-zo_cup(i,k)
1617            dellaqc(i,k)=.01*9.81*cd(i,k)*dz*zuo(i,k) &
1618                         *.5*(qrco(i,k)+qrco(i,k+1))/ &
1619                         (po_cup(i,k)-po_cup(i,k+1))
1620          endif
1621        endif
1622       enddo
1623       enddo
1624       call cup_dellas_3d(ierr,zo_cup,po_cup,qrcdo,edto,zdo,cdd, &
1625            qo,dellaq,dsubq,j,mentrd_rate,zuo,g, &
1626            cd,qco,ktop,k22,kbcon,mentr_rate,jmin,qo_cup,kdet, &
1627            k22,ipr,jpr,'deep',high_resolution,               &
1628               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
1629               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte    )
1631 !--- using dellas, calculate changed environmental profiles
1633 !     do 200 nens=1,maxens
1634       mbdt=mbdt_ens(2)
1635       do i=its,itf
1636       xaa0_ens(i,1)=0.
1637       xaa0_ens(i,2)=0.
1638       xaa0_ens(i,3)=0.
1639       enddo
1641 !      if(j.eq.jpr)then
1642 !               write(0,*)'xt',xl,'DELLAH(I,K),DELLAQ(I,K),dsubq(I,K),dsubt(i,k)'
1643 !      endif
1644       do k=kts,ktf
1645       do i=its,itf
1646          dellat(i,k)=0.
1647          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1648             trash=dsubt(i,k)
1649             XHE(I,K)=(dsubt(i,k)+DELLAH(I,K))*MBDT+HEO(I,K)
1650             XQ(I,K)=(dsubq(i,k)+DELLAQ(I,K))*MBDT+QO(I,K)
1651             DELLAT(I,K)=(1./cp)*(DELLAH(I,K)-xl*DELLAQ(I,K))
1652             dSUBT(I,K)=(1./cp)*(dsubt(i,k)-xl*dsubq(i,k))
1653             XT(I,K)= (DELLAT(I,K)+dsubt(i,k))*MBDT+TN(I,K)
1654             IF(XQ(I,K).LE.0.)XQ(I,K)=1.E-08
1655 !             if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
1656 !               write(0,*)k,trash,DELLAQ(I,K),dsubq(I,K),dsubt(i,k)
1657 !             endif
1658          ENDIF
1659       enddo
1660       enddo
1661       do i=its,itf
1662       if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1663       XHE(I,ktf)=HEO(I,ktf)
1664       XQ(I,ktf)=QO(I,ktf)
1665       XT(I,ktf)=TN(I,ktf)
1666       IF(XQ(I,ktf).LE.0.)XQ(I,ktf)=1.E-08
1667       endif
1668       enddo
1670 !--- calculate moist static energy, heights, qes
1672       call cup_env(xz,xqes,xhe,xhes,xt,xq,po,z1, &
1673            psur,ierr,tcrit,2,xl,cp,   &
1674            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1675            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1677 !--- environmental values on cloud levels
1679       call cup_env_clev(xt,xqes,xq,xhe,xhes,xz,po,xqes_cup,xq_cup, &
1680            xhe_cup,xhes_cup,xz_cup,po_cup,gamma_cup,xt_cup,psur,   &
1681            ierr,z1,xl,rv,cp,          &
1682            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1683            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1686 !**************************** static control
1688 !--- moist static energy inside cloud
1690       do i=its,itf
1691         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1692           xhkb(i)=xhe(i,k22(i))
1693         endif
1694       enddo
1695       call cup_up_he(k22,xhkb,xz_cup,cd,mentr_rate,xhe_cup,xhc, &
1696            kbcon,ierr,xdby,xhe,xhes_cup,'deep', &
1697            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1698            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1700 !c--- normalized mass flux profile
1702       call cup_up_nms(xzu,xz_cup,mentr_rate,cd,kbcon,ktop,ierr,k22, &
1703            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1704            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1706 !--- moisture downdraft
1708       call cup_dd_nms(xzd,xz_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate,jmin,ierr, &
1709            1,kdet,z1,                 &
1710            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1711            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1712       call cup_dd_he(xhes_cup,xzd,xhcd,xz_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate, &
1713            jmin,ierr,xhe,dbyd,xhe_cup,&
1714            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1715            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1716       call cup_dd_moisture_3d(xzd,xhcd,xhes_cup,xqcd,xqes_cup, &
1717            xpwd,xq_cup,xz_cup,cdd,mentrd_rate,jmin,ierr,gamma_cup, &
1718            xpwev,bu,xqrcd,xq,xhe,xt_cup,3,xl,high_resolution, &
1719            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1720            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1723 !------- MOISTURE updraft
1725       call cup_up_moisture('deep',ierr,xz_cup,xqc,xqrc,xpw,xpwav, &
1726            kbcon,ktop,cd,xdby,mentr_rate,clw_all, &
1727            xq,GAMMA_cup,xzu,xqes_cup,k22,xq_cup,xl, &
1728            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1729            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1731 !--- workfunctions for updraft
1733       call cup_up_aa0(xaa0,xz,xzu,xdby,GAMMA_CUP,xt_cup, &
1734            kbcon,ktop,ierr,           &
1735            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1736            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1737       do 200 nens=1,maxens
1738       do i=its,itf 
1739          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1740            xaa0_ens(i,nens)=xaa0(i)
1741            nall=(iens-1)*maxens3*maxens*maxens2 &
1742                 +(iedt-1)*maxens*maxens3 &
1743                 +(nens-1)*maxens3
1744            do k=kts,ktf
1745               if(k.le.ktop(i))then
1746                  do nens3=1,maxens3
1747                  if(nens3.eq.7)then
1748 !--- b=0
1749                  pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)=pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)  &
1750                                  +edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)             &
1751                                     +pwo(i,k) 
1752 !--- b=beta
1753                  else if(nens3.eq.8)then
1754                  pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)=pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)+ &
1755                                     pwo(i,k)
1756 !--- b=beta/2
1757                  else if(nens3.eq.9)then
1758                  pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)=pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)  &
1759                                  +.5*edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)          &
1760                                  +  pwo(i,k)
1761                  else
1762                  pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)=pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)+ &
1763                                     pwo(i,k)+edto(i)*pwdo(i,k)
1764                  endif
1765                  enddo
1766               endif
1767            enddo
1768          if(pr_ens(i,j,nall+7).lt.1.e-6)then
1769             ierr(i)=18
1770             do nens3=1,maxens3
1771                pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)=0.
1772             enddo
1773          endif
1774          do nens3=1,maxens3
1775            if(pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3).lt.1.e-4)then
1776             pr_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)=0.
1777            endif
1778          enddo
1779          endif
1780       enddo
1781  200  continue
1786 !------- CHECK wether aa0 should have been zero
1789       CALL cup_MAXIMI(HEO_CUP,3,KBMAX,K22x,ierr, &
1790            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1791            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1792       do i=its,itf
1793          ierr2(i)=ierr(i)
1794          ierr3(i)=ierr(i)
1795       enddo
1796       call cup_kbcon(cap_max_increment,2,k22x,kbconx,heo_cup, &
1797            heso_cup,ierr2,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max, &
1798            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1799            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1800       call cup_kbcon(cap_max_increment,3,k22x,kbconx,heo_cup, &
1801            heso_cup,ierr3,kbmax,po_cup,cap_max, &
1802            itf,jtf,ktf, &
1803            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1808       call cup_forcing_ens_3d(closure_n,xland1,aa0,aa1,xaa0_ens,mbdt_ens,dtime,   &
1809            ierr,ierr2,ierr3,xf_ens,j,'deeps',axx,                 &
1810            maxens,iens,iedt,maxens2,maxens3,mconv,            &
1811            po_cup,ktop,omeg,zdo,k22,zuo,pr_ens,edto,kbcon,    &
1812            massflx,iact,direction,ensdim,massfln,ichoice,edt_out,     &
1813            high_resolution,itf,jtf,ktf, &
1814            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ens4,ktau)
1816       do k=kts,ktf
1817       do i=its,itf
1818         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1819            subt_ens(i,k,iedt)=dsubt(i,k)
1820            subq_ens(i,k,iedt)=dsubq(i,k)
1821            dellat_ens(i,k,iedt)=dellat(i,k)
1822            dellaq_ens(i,k,iedt)=dellaq(i,k)
1823            dellaqc_ens(i,k,iedt)=dellaqc(i,k)
1824            pwo_ens(i,k,iedt)=pwo(i,k)+edt(i)*pwdo(i,k)
1825         else 
1826            subt_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1827            subq_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1828            dellat_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1829            dellaq_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1830            dellaqc_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1831            pwo_ens(i,k,iedt)=0.
1832         endif
1833 !       if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
1834 !         write(0,*)'1',iens,iedt,dellat(i,k),dellat_ens(i,k,iedt), &
1835 !           dellaq(i,k), dellaqc(i,k)
1836 !         write(0,*)'2',k,subt_ens(i,k,iedt),subq_ens(i,k,iedt)
1837 !       endif
1838       enddo
1839       enddo
1840  250  continue
1842 !--- FEEDBACK
1844       call cup_output_ens_3d(xf_ens,ierr,dellat_ens,dellaq_ens, &
1845            dellaqc_ens,subt_ens,subq_ens,subt,subq,outt,     &
1846            outq,outqc,zuo,sub_mas,pre,pwo_ens,xmb,ktop,      &
1847            j,'deep',maxens2,maxens,iens,ierr2,ierr3,         &
1848            pr_ens,maxens3,ensdim,massfln,                    &
1849            APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,                &
1850            APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,closure_n,xland1,   &
1851            itf,jtf,ktf,                        &
1852            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
1853       k=1
1854       do i=its,itf
1855           if(ierr(i).eq.0.and.ierr5(i).eq.0.and.kbcon(i).lt.ktop3(i)+1)then
1856 !            write(0,*)'both ier and ier5=0 at i,j=',i,j,kbcon(i),ktop3(i)
1857              if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
1858                 outts(i,kts:kte)=0.
1859                 outqs(i,kts:kte)=0.
1860              endif
1861           elseif (ierr5(i).eq.0)then
1862 !            write(0,*)'ier5=0 at i,j=',i,j,k23(i),ktop3(i)
1863           endif
1865            PRE(I)=MAX(PRE(I),0.)
1866 !           if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
1867 !             write(0,*)'i,j,pre(i),aa0(i),aa1(i)'
1868 !             write(0,*)i,j,pre(i),aa0(i)
1869 !           endif
1870       enddo
1872 !---------------------------done------------------------------
1874 !      do i=its,itf
1875 !        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
1876 !       if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
1877 !         write(0,*)'on output, pre =',pre(i),its,itf,kts,ktf
1878 !         do k=kts,ktf
1879 !           write(0,*)z(i,k),outt(i,k)*86400.,subt(i,k)*86400.
1880 !         enddo
1881 !         write(0,*)i,j,(axx(i,k),k=1,ens4)
1882 !       endif
1883 !       endif
1884 !      enddo
1885 !     print *,'ierr(i) = ',ierr(i),pre(i)
1887    END SUBROUTINE CUP_enss_3d
1890    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_aa0(edt,ierr,aa0,jmin,gamma_cup,t_cup, &
1891               hcd,hes_cup,z,zd,                             &
1892               itf,jtf,ktf,                    &
1893               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                    )
1897 !  on input
1900    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
1902      integer                                                           &
1903         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1904         itf,jtf,ktf,                                     &
1905         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
1906   ! aa0 cloud work function for downdraft
1907   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
1908   ! t_cup = temperature (Kelvin) on model cloud levels
1909   ! hes_cup = saturation moist static energy on model cloud levels
1910   ! hcd = moist static energy in downdraft
1911   ! edt = epsilon
1912   ! zd normalized downdraft mass flux
1913   ! z = heights of model levels 
1914   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
1915   !
1916      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
1917         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1918         z,zd,gamma_cup,t_cup,hes_cup,hcd
1919      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1920         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1921         edt
1922      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1923         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1924         jmin
1926 ! input and output
1930      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1931         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
1932         ierr
1933      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1934         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
1935         aa0
1937 !  local variables in this routine
1940      integer                              ::                           &
1941         i,k,kk
1942      real                                 ::                           &
1943         dz
1945        do i=its,itf
1946         aa0(i)=0.
1947        enddo
1949 !??    DO k=kts,kte-1
1950        DO k=kts,ktf-1
1951        do i=its,itf
1952          IF(ierr(I)
1953          KK=JMIN(I)-K
1955 !--- ORIGINAL
1957          DZ=(Z(I,KK)-Z(I,KK+1))
1958          AA0(I)=AA0(I)+zd(i,kk)*EDT(I)*DZ*(9.81/(1004.*T_cup(I,KK))) &
1959             *((hcd(i,kk)-hes_cup(i,kk))/(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,kk)))
1960          endif
1961       enddo
1962       enddo
1964    END SUBROUTINE CUP_dd_aa0
1967    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_edt(ierr,us,vs,z,ktop,kbcon,edt,p,pwav, &
1968               pwev,edtmax,edtmin,maxens2,edtc,               &
1969               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
1970               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
1974      integer                                                           &
1975         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1976         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
1977         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
1978      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
1979         maxens2
1980   !
1981   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
1982   !
1983      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
1984         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1985         us,vs,z,p
1986      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens2)                            &
1987         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
1988         edtc
1989      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1990         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
1991         edt
1992      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1993         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1994         pwav,pwev
1995      real                                                              &
1996         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
1997         edtmax,edtmin
1998      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
1999         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2000         ktop,kbcon
2001      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2002         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2003         ierr
2005 !  local variables in this routine
2008      integer i,k,kk
2009      real    einc,pef,pefb,prezk,zkbc
2010      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                           &
2011       vshear,sdp,vws
2016 ! */ calculate an average wind shear over the depth of the cloud
2018        do i=its,itf
2019         edt(i)=0.
2020         vws(i)=0.
2021         sdp(i)=0.
2022         vshear(i)=0.
2023        enddo
2024        do k=1,maxens2
2025        do i=its,itf
2026         edtc(i,k)=0.
2027        enddo
2028        enddo
2029        do kk = kts,ktf-1
2030          do 62 i=its,itf
2031           IF(ierr(i).ne.0)GO TO 62
2032           if (kk .le. min0(ktop(i),ktf) .and. kk .ge. kbcon(i)) then
2033              vws(i) = vws(i)+ &
2034               (abs((us(i,kk+1)-us(i,kk))/(z(i,kk+1)-z(i,kk))) &
2035           +   abs((vs(i,kk+1)-vs(i,kk))/(z(i,kk+1)-z(i,kk)))) * &
2036               (p(i,kk) - p(i,kk+1))
2037             sdp(i) = sdp(i) + p(i,kk) - p(i,kk+1)
2038           endif
2039           if (kk .eq. ktf-1)vshear(i) = 1.e3 * vws(i) / sdp(i)
2040    62   continue
2041        end do
2042       do i=its,itf
2043          IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2044             pef=(1.591-.639*VSHEAR(I)+.0953*(VSHEAR(I)**2) &
2045                -.00496*(VSHEAR(I)**3))
2046             if(
2047             if(
2049 !--- cloud base precip efficiency
2051             zkbc=z(i,kbcon(i))*3.281e-3
2052             prezk=.02
2053             if(
2054                prezk=.96729352+zkbc*(-.70034167+zkbc*(.162179896+zkbc &
2055                *(- 1.2569798E-2+zkbc*(4.2772E-4-zkbc*5.44E-6))))
2056             endif
2057             if(
2058                prezk=2.4
2059             endif
2060             pefb=1./(1.+prezk)
2061             if(
2062             if(
2063             EDT(I)=1.-.5*(pefb+pef)
2064 !--- edt here is 1-precipeff!
2065             einc=.2*edt(i)
2066             do k=1,maxens2
2067                 edtc(i,k)=edt(i)+float(k-2)*einc
2068             enddo
2069          endif
2070       enddo
2071       do i=its,itf
2072          IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2073             do k=1,maxens2
2074                EDTC(I,K)=-EDTC(I,K)*PWAV(I)/PWEV(I)
2075                IF(EDTC(I,K).GT.edtmax)EDTC(I,K)=edtmax
2076                IF(EDTC(I,K).LT.edtmin)EDTC(I,K)=edtmin
2077             enddo
2078          endif
2079       enddo
2081    END SUBROUTINE cup_dd_edt
2084    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_he(hes_cup,zd,hcd,z_cup,cdd,entr,       &
2085               jmin,ierr,he,dby,he_cup,                       &
2086               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
2087               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
2091 !  on input
2094    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
2096      integer                                                           &
2097         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2098                                   itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2099                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2100   ! hcd = downdraft moist static energy
2101   ! he = moist static energy on model levels
2102   ! he_cup = moist static energy on model cloud levels
2103   ! hes_cup = saturation moist static energy on model cloud levels
2104   ! dby = buoancy term
2105   ! cdd= detrainment function 
2106   ! z_cup = heights of model cloud levels 
2107   ! entr = entrainment rate
2108   ! zd   = downdraft normalized mass flux
2109   !
2110      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2111         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2112         he,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,cdd,zd
2113   ! entr= entrainment rate 
2114      real                                                              &
2115         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2116         entr
2117      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2118         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2119         jmin
2121 ! input and output
2124    ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2126      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2127         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2128         ierr
2130      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2131         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2132         hcd,dby
2134 !  local variables in this routine
2137      integer                              ::                           &
2138         i,k,ki
2139      real                                 ::                           &
2140         dz
2143       do k=kts+1,ktf
2144       do i=its,itf
2145       dby(i,k)=0.
2146       IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
2147          hcd(i,k)=hes_cup(i,k)
2148       endif
2149       enddo
2150       enddo
2152       do 100 i=its,itf
2153       IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
2154       k=jmin(i)
2155       hcd(i,k)=hes_cup(i,k)
2156       dby(i,k)=hcd(i,jmin(i))-hes_cup(i,k)
2158       do ki=jmin(i)-1,1,-1
2159          DZ=Z_cup(i,Ki+1)-Z_cup(i,Ki)
2160          HCD(i,Ki)=(HCD(i,Ki+1)*(1.-.5*CDD(i,Ki)*DZ) &
2161                   +entr*DZ*HE(i,Ki) &
2162                   )/(1.+entr*DZ-.5*CDD(i,Ki)*DZ)
2163          dby(i,ki)=HCD(i,Ki)-hes_cup(i,ki)
2164       enddo
2166       endif
2167 !--- end loop over i
2168 100    continue
2171    END SUBROUTINE cup_dd_he
2174    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_moisture_3d(zd,hcd,hes_cup,qcd,qes_cup,    &
2175               pwd,q_cup,z_cup,cdd,entr,jmin,ierr,            &
2176               gamma_cup,pwev,bu,qrcd,                        &
2177               q,he,t_cup,iloop,xl,high_resolution,           &
2178               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
2179               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
2183      integer                                                           &
2184         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2185                                   itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2186                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,high_resolution
2187   ! cdd= detrainment function 
2188   ! q = environmental q on model levels
2189   ! q_cup = environmental q on model cloud levels
2190   ! qes_cup = saturation q on model cloud levels
2191   ! hes_cup = saturation h on model cloud levels
2192   ! hcd = h in model cloud
2193   ! bu = buoancy term
2194   ! zd = normalized downdraft mass flux
2195   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
2196   ! mentr_rate = entrainment rate
2197   ! qcd = cloud q (including liquid water) after entrainment
2198   ! qrch = saturation q in cloud
2199   ! pwd = evaporate at that level
2200   ! pwev = total normalized integrated evaoprate (I2)
2201   ! entr= entrainment rate 
2202   !
2203      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2204         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2205         zd,t_cup,hes_cup,hcd,qes_cup,q_cup,z_cup,cdd,gamma_cup,q,he 
2206      real                                                              &
2207         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2208         entr,xl
2209      integer                                                           &
2210         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2211         iloop
2212      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2213         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2214         jmin
2215      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2216         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2217         ierr
2218      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2219         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2220         qcd,qrcd,pwd
2221      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2222         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2223         pwev,bu
2225 !  local variables in this routine
2228      integer                              ::                           &
2229         i,k,ki
2230      real                                 ::                           &
2231         dh,dz,dqeva
2233       do i=its,itf
2234          bu(i)=0.
2235          pwev(i)=0.
2236       enddo
2237       do k=kts,ktf
2238       do i=its,itf
2239          qcd(i,k)=0.
2240          qrcd(i,k)=0.
2241          pwd(i,k)=0.
2242       enddo
2243       enddo
2247       do 100 i=its,itf
2248       IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
2249       k=jmin(i)
2250       DZ=Z_cup(i,K+1)-Z_cup(i,K)
2251       qcd(i,k)=q_cup(i,k)
2252       if(high_resolution.eq.1)qcd(i,k)=.5*(qes_cup(i,k)+q_cup(i,k))
2253       qrcd(i,k)=qes_cup(i,k)
2254       pwd(i,jmin(i))=min(0.,qcd(i,k)-qrcd(i,k))
2255       pwev(i)=pwev(i)+pwd(i,jmin(i))
2256       qcd(i,k)=qes_cup(i,k)
2258       DH=HCD(I,k)-HES_cup(I,K)
2259       bu(i)=dz*dh
2260       do ki=jmin(i)-1,1,-1
2261          DZ=Z_cup(i,Ki+1)-Z_cup(i,Ki)
2262          QCD(i,Ki)=(qCD(i,Ki+1)*(1.-.5*CDD(i,Ki)*DZ) &
2263                   +entr*DZ*q(i,Ki) &
2264                   )/(1.+entr*DZ-.5*CDD(i,Ki)*DZ)
2266 !--- to be negatively buoyant, hcd should be smaller than hes!
2268          DH=HCD(I,ki)-HES_cup(I,Ki)
2269          bu(i)=bu(i)+dz*dh
2270          QRCD(I,Ki)=qes_cup(i,ki)+(1./XL)*(GAMMA_cup(i,ki) &
2271                   /(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,ki)))*DH
2272          dqeva=qcd(i,ki)-qrcd(i,ki)
2273          if(
2274          pwd(i,ki)=zd(i,ki)*dqeva
2275          qcd(i,ki)=qrcd(i,ki)
2276          pwev(i)=pwev(i)+pwd(i,ki)
2277 !        if(iloop.eq.1.and.i.eq.102.and.j.eq.62)then
2278 !         print *,'in cup_dd_moi ', hcd(i,ki),HES_cup(I,Ki),dh,dqeva
2279 !        endif
2280       enddo
2282 !--- end loop over i
2283        if(pwev(I).eq.0.and.iloop.eq.1)then
2284 !        print *,'problem with buoy in cup_dd_moisture',i
2285          ierr(i)=7
2286        endif
2287        if(BU(I).GE.0.and.iloop.eq.1)then
2288 !        print *,'problem with buoy in cup_dd_moisture',i
2289          ierr(i)=7
2290        endif
2291       endif
2292 100    continue
2294    END SUBROUTINE cup_dd_moisture_3d
2297    SUBROUTINE cup_dd_nms(zd,z_cup,cdd,entr,jmin,ierr,        &
2298               itest,kdet,z1,                                 &
2299               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
2300               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
2304 !  on input
2307    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
2309      integer                                                           &
2310         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2311                                   itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2312                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2313   ! z_cup = height of cloud model level
2314   ! z1 = terrain elevation
2315   ! entr = downdraft entrainment rate
2316   ! jmin = downdraft originating level
2317   ! kdet = level above ground where downdraft start detraining
2318   ! itest = flag to whether to calculate cdd
2320      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2321         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2322         z_cup
2323      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2324         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2325         z1 
2326      real                                                              &
2327         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2328         entr 
2329      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2330         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2331         jmin,kdet
2332      integer                                                           &
2333         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2334         itest
2336 ! input and output
2339    ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2341      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2342         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2343                                                                  ierr
2344    ! zd is the normalized downdraft mass flux
2345    ! cdd is the downdraft detrainmen function
2347      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2348         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2349                                                              zd
2350      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2351         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2352                                                              cdd
2354 !  local variables in this routine
2357      integer                              ::                           &
2358                                                   i,k,ki
2359      real                                 ::                           &
2360                                             a,perc,dz
2363 !--- perc is the percentage of mass left when hitting the ground
2365       perc=.03
2367       do k=kts,ktf
2368       do i=its,itf
2369          zd(i,k)=0.
2370          if(itest.eq.0)cdd(i,k)=0.
2371       enddo
2372       enddo
2373       a=1.-perc
2377       do 100 i=its,itf
2378       IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
2379       zd(i,jmin(i))=1.
2381 !--- integrate downward, specify detrainment(cdd)!
2383       do ki=jmin(i)-1,1,-1
2384          DZ=Z_cup(i,Ki+1)-Z_cup(i,Ki)
2385          if(ki.le.kdet(i).and.itest.eq.0)then
2386            cdd(i,ki)=entr+(1.- (a*(z_cup(i,ki)-z1(i)) &
2387                      +perc*(z_cup(i,kdet(i))-z1(i)) ) &
2388                          /(a*(z_cup(i,ki+1)-z1(i)) &
2389                       +perc*(z_cup(i,kdet(i))-z1(i))))/dz
2390          endif
2391          zd(i,ki)=zd(i,ki+1)*(1.+(entr-cdd(i,ki))*dz)
2392       enddo
2394       endif
2395 !--- end loop over i
2396 100    continue
2398    END SUBROUTINE cup_dd_nms
2401    SUBROUTINE cup_dellabot(name,ipr,jpr,he_cup,ierr,z_cup,p_cup,  &
2402               hcd,edt,zd,cdd,he,della,subs,j,mentrd_rate,z,g,     &
2403               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
2404               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
2408      integer                                                           &
2409         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2410         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2411         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2412      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
2413         j,ipr,jpr
2414       character *(*), intent (in)        ::                           &
2415        name
2416   !
2417   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2418   !
2419      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2420         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2421         della,subs
2422      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2423         ,intent (in  )                   ::                           &
2424         z_cup,p_cup,hcd,zd,cdd,he,z,he_cup
2425      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2426         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2427         edt
2428      real                                                              &
2429         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2430         g,mentrd_rate
2431      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2432         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2433         ierr
2435 !  local variables in this routine
2438       integer i
2439       real detdo,detdo1,detdo2,entdo,dp,dz,subin,                      &
2440       totmas
2443 !     if(name.eq.'shallow')then
2444 !        edt(:)=0.
2445 !        cdd(:,:)=0.
2446 !     endif
2447       do 100 i=its,itf
2448       della(i,1)=0.
2449       subs(i,1)=0.
2450       if(ierr(i).ne.0)go to 100
2451       dz=z_cup(i,2)-z_cup(i,1)
2452       DP=100.*(p_cup(i,1)-P_cup(i,2))
2453       detdo1=edt(i)*zd(i,2)*CDD(i,1)*DZ
2454       detdo2=edt(i)*zd(i,1)
2455       entdo=edt(i)*zd(i,2)*mentrd_rate*dz
2456       subin=-EDT(I)*zd(i,2)
2457       detdo=detdo1+detdo2-entdo+subin
2458       DELLA(I,1)=(detdo1*.5*(HCD(i,1)+HCD(i,2)) &
2459                  +detdo2*hcd(i,1) &
2460                  +subin*he_cup(i,2) &
2461                  -entdo*he(i,1))*g/dp
2462       SUBS(I,1)=0.
2463 !      if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
2464 !       write(0,*)'db1',della(i,1),subs(i,1),subin,entdo
2465 !       write(0,*)'db2',detdo1,detdo2,detdo1+detdo2-entdo+subin
2466 !      endif
2467  100  CONTINUE
2469    END SUBROUTINE cup_dellabot
2472    SUBROUTINE cup_dellas_3d(ierr,z_cup,p_cup,hcd,edt,zd,cdd,              &
2473               he,della,subs,j,mentrd_rate,zu,g,                             &
2474               cd,hc,ktop,k22,kbcon,mentr_rate,jmin,he_cup,kdet,kpbl,   &
2475               ipr,jpr,name,high_res,                                            &
2476               itf,jtf,ktf,                               &
2477               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                               )
2481      integer                                                           &
2482         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2483         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2484         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2485      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
2486         j,ipr,jpr,high_res
2487   !
2488   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2489   !
2490      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2491         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2492         della,subs
2493      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2494         ,intent (in  )                   ::                           &
2495         z_cup,p_cup,hcd,zd,cdd,he,hc,cd,zu,he_cup
2496      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2497         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2498         edt
2499      real                                                              &
2500         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2501         g,mentrd_rate,mentr_rate
2502      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2503         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2504         kbcon,ktop,k22,jmin,kdet,kpbl
2505      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2506         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2507         ierr
2508       character *(*), intent (in)        ::                           &
2509        name
2511 !  local variables in this routine
2514       integer i,k,kstart
2515       real detdo1,detdo2,entdo,dp,dz,subin,detdo,entup,                &
2516       detup,subdown,entdoj,entupk,detupk,totmas
2518       i=ipr
2519       kstart=kts+1
2520       if(name.eq.'shallow')kstart=kts
2521        DO K=kstart,ktf
2522        do i=its,itf
2523           della(i,k)=0.
2524           subs(i,k)=0.
2525        enddo
2526        enddo
2528 ! no downdrafts for shallow convection
2530        DO 100 k=kts+1,ktf-1
2531        DO 100 i=its,ite
2532          IF(ierr(i).ne.0)GO TO 100
2533          IF(K.Gt.KTOP(I))GO TO 100
2534          if('shallow')GO TO 100
2539          DZ=Z_cup(I,K+1)-Z_cup(I,K)
2540          detdo=edt(i)*CDD(i,K)*DZ*ZD(i,k+1)
2541          entdo=edt(i)*mentrd_rate*dz*zd(i,k+1)
2542 !3d        subin=zu(i,k+1)-zd(i,k+1)*edt(i)
2543          subin=-zd(i,k+1)*edt(i)
2544          entup=0.
2545          detup=0.
2546          if(
2547             entup=mentr_rate*dz*zu(i,k)
2548             detup=CD(i,K+1)*DZ*ZU(i,k)
2549          endif
2550 !3d        subdown=(zu(i,k)-zd(i,k)*edt(i))
2551          subdown=-zd(i,k)*edt(i)
2552          entdoj=0.
2553          entupk=0.
2554          detupk=0.
2556          if(k.eq.jmin(i))then
2557          entdoj=edt(i)*zd(i,k)
2558          endif
2560          if(k.eq.k22(i)-1)then
2561          entupk=zu(i,kpbl(i))
2562          subin=zu(i,k+1)-zd(i,k+1)*edt(i)
2563          if(high_res.eq.1)subin=-zd(i,k+1)*edt(i)
2564 !        subin=-zd(i,k+1)*edt(i)
2565          endif
2567          if(
2568             detdo=0.
2569          endif
2571          if(k.eq.ktop(i)-0)then
2572          detupk=zu(i,ktop(i))
2573          subin=0.
2575 ! this subsidene for ktop now in subs term!
2576 !        subdown=zu(i,k)
2577          subdown=0.
2578          endif
2579          if(
2580             detup=0.
2581          endif
2585          totmas=subin-subdown+detup-entup-entdo+ &
2586                  detdo-entupk-entdoj+detupk
2587 !         if(j.eq.jpr.and.i.eq.ipr)print *,'k,totmas,sui,sud = ',k,
2588 !     1   totmas,subin,subdown
2589 !         if(j.eq.jpr.and.i.eq.ipr)print *,'updr stuff = ',detup,
2590 !     1      entup,entupk,detupk
2591 !         if(j.eq.jpr.and.i.eq.ipr)print *,'dddr stuff = ',entdo,
2592 !     1      detdo,entdoj
2593          if(abs(totmas).gt.1.e-6)then
2594 !           print *,'*********************',i,j,k,totmas,name
2595 !           print *,kpbl(i),k22(i),kbcon(i),ktop(i)
2596 !c          print *,'updr stuff = ',subin,
2597 !c    1      subdown,detup,entup,entupk,detupk
2598 !c          print *,'dddr stuff = ',entdo,
2599 !c    1      detdo,entdoj
2600 !        call wrf_error_fatal ( 'totmas .gt.1.e-6' )
2601          endif
2602          dp=100.*(p_cup(i,k-1)-p_cup(i,k))
2603          della(i,k)=(detup*.5*(HC(i,K+1)+HC(i,K)) &
2604                     +detdo*.5*(HCD(i,K+1)+HCD(i,K)) &
2605                     -entup*he(i,k) &
2606                     -entdo*he(i,k) &
2607                     +subin*he_cup(i,k+1) &
2608                     -subdown*he_cup(i,k) &
2609                     +detupk*(hc(i,ktop(i))-he_cup(i,ktop(i)))    &
2610                     -entupk*he_cup(i,k22(i)) &
2611                     -entdoj*he_cup(i,jmin(i)) &
2612                      )*g/dp
2613            if(high_res.eq.1)then
2614 ! the first term includes entr and detr into/from updraft as well as (entup-detup)*he(i,k) from
2615 !  neighbouring point, to make things mass consistent....
2616 !            if(
2617                 della(i,k)=(                          &
2618                     detup*.5*(HC(i,K+1)+HC(i,K))-entup*he(i,k)+(entup-detup)*he(i,k) &
2619                     +detdo*.5*(HCD(i,K+1)+HCD(i,K)) &
2620                     -entdo*he(i,k) &
2621                     +subin*he_cup(i,k+1) &
2622                     -subdown*he_cup(i,k) &
2623                     +detupk*(hc(i,ktop(i))-he(i,ktop(i)))    &
2624                     -entdoj*he_cup(i,jmin(i)) &
2625                     -entupk*he_cup(i,k22(i))+entupk*he(i,k) &
2626                      )*g/dp
2627 !             else if(k.eq.k22(i)-1)then
2628 !                  della(i,k)=(-entupk*he_cup(i,k22(i))+entupk*he(i,k))*g/dp
2629            endif
2630 !3d        subin=zu(i,k+1)-zd(i,k+1)*edt(i)
2632 ! updraft subsidence only
2634          if(
2635          subs(i,k)=(zu(i,k+1)*he_cup(i,k+1) &
2636                     -zu(i,k)*he_cup(i,k))*g/dp
2637 !        else if(k.eq.ktop(i))then
2638 !        subs(i,k)=-detupk*he_cup(i,k)*g/dp
2639          endif
2641 ! in igh res case, subsidence terms are for meighbouring points only. This has to be 
2642 ! done mass consistent with the della term
2643          if(high_res.eq.1)then
2644             if(
2645                subs(i,k)=(zu(i,k+1)*he_cup(i,k+1)-zu(i,k)*he_cup(i,k)-(entup-detup)*he(i,k))*g/dp
2646             else if(k.eq.ktop(i))then
2647                subs(i,k)=detupk*(he(i,ktop(i))-he_cup(i,ktop(i)))*g/dp
2648             else if(k.eq.k22(i)-1)then
2649                subs(i,k)=(entupk*he(i,k)-entupk*he_cup(i,k))*g/dp
2650          endif
2651          endif
2652 !       if(i.eq.ipr.and.j.eq.jpr)then
2653 !         write(0,*)'d',k,della(i,k),subs(i,k),subin,subdown
2654 !!        write(0,*)'d',detup,entup,entdo,entupk,entdoj
2655 !!        print *,k,della(i,k),subin*he_cup(i,k+1),subdown*he_cup(i,k),
2656 !!     1            detdo*.5*(HCD(i,K+1)+HCD(i,K))
2657 !!        print *,k,detup*.5*(HC(i,K+1)+HC(i,K)),detupk*hc(i,ktop(i)),
2658 !!     1         entup*he(i,k),entdo*he(i,k)
2659 !!        print *,k,he_cup(i,k+1),he_cup(i,k),entupk*he_cup(i,k)
2660 !       endif
2662  100  CONTINUE
2664    END SUBROUTINE cup_dellas_3d
2667    SUBROUTINE cup_direction2(i,j,dir,id,massflx,             &
2668               iresult,imass,massfld,                         &
2669               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
2670               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
2674      integer                                                           &
2675         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2676         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2677         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2678      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
2679         i,j,imass
2680      integer, intent (out  )              ::                           &
2681         iresult
2682   !
2683   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2684   !
2685      integer,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                           &
2686         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2687         id
2688      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
2689         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2690         massflx
2691      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2692         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2693         dir
2694      real                                                              &
2695         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2696         massfld
2698 !  local variables in this routine
2701        integer k,ia,ja,ib,jb
2702        real diff
2706        if(imass.eq.1)then
2707            massfld=massflx(i,j)
2708        endif
2709        iresult=0
2710 !      return
2711        diff=22.5
2712        if(dir(i).lt.22.5)dir(i)=360.+dir(i)
2713        if(id(i,j).eq.1)iresult=1
2714 !      ja=max(2,j-1)
2715 !      ia=max(2,i-1)
2716 !      jb=min(mjx-1,j+1)
2717 !      ib=min(mix-1,i+1)
2718        ja=j-1
2719        ia=i-1
2720        jb=j+1
2721        ib=i+1
2722         if(dir(i).gt.90.-diff.and.dir(i).le.90.+diff)then
2723 !--- steering flow from the east
2724           if(id(ib,j).eq.1)then
2725             iresult=1
2726             if(imass.eq.1)then
2727                massfld=max(massflx(ib,j),massflx(i,j))
2728             endif
2729             return
2730           endif
2731         else if(dir(i).gt.135.-diff.and.dir(i).le.135.+diff)then
2732 !--- steering flow from the south-east
2733           if(id(ib,ja).eq.1)then
2734             iresult=1
2735             if(imass.eq.1)then
2736                massfld=max(massflx(ib,ja),massflx(i,j))
2737             endif
2738             return
2739           endif
2740 !--- steering flow from the south
2741         else if(dir(i).gt.180.-diff.and.dir(i).le.180.+diff)then
2742           if(id(i,ja).eq.1)then
2743             iresult=1
2744             if(imass.eq.1)then
2745                massfld=max(massflx(i,ja),massflx(i,j))
2746             endif
2747             return
2748           endif
2749 !--- steering flow from the south west
2750         else if(dir(i).gt.225.-diff.and.dir(i).le.225.+diff)then
2751           if(id(ia,ja).eq.1)then
2752             iresult=1
2753             if(imass.eq.1)then
2754                massfld=max(massflx(ia,ja),massflx(i,j))
2755             endif
2756             return
2757           endif
2758 !--- steering flow from the west
2759         else if(dir(i).gt.270.-diff.and.dir(i).le.270.+diff)then
2760           if(id(ia,j).eq.1)then
2761             iresult=1
2762             if(imass.eq.1)then
2763                massfld=max(massflx(ia,j),massflx(i,j))
2764             endif
2765             return
2766           endif
2767 !--- steering flow from the north-west
2768         else if(dir(i).gt.305.-diff.and.dir(i).le.305.+diff)then
2769           if(id(ia,jb).eq.1)then
2770             iresult=1
2771             if(imass.eq.1)then
2772                massfld=max(massflx(ia,jb),massflx(i,j))
2773             endif
2774             return
2775           endif
2776 !--- steering flow from the north
2777         else if(dir(i).gt.360.-diff.and.dir(i).le.360.+diff)then
2778           if(id(i,jb).eq.1)then
2779             iresult=1
2780             if(imass.eq.1)then
2781                massfld=max(massflx(i,jb),massflx(i,j))
2782             endif
2783             return
2784           endif
2785 !--- steering flow from the north-east
2786         else if(dir(i).gt.45.-diff.and.dir(i).le.45.+diff)then
2787           if(id(ib,jb).eq.1)then
2788             iresult=1
2789             if(imass.eq.1)then
2790                massfld=max(massflx(ib,jb),massflx(i,j))
2791             endif
2792             return
2793           endif
2794         endif
2796    END SUBROUTINE cup_direction2
2799    SUBROUTINE cup_env(z,qes,he,hes,t,q,p,z1,                 &
2800               psur,ierr,tcrit,itest,xl,cp,                   &
2801               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
2802               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
2806      integer                                                           &
2807         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2808         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2809         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2810   !
2811   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2812   ! q           = environmental mixing ratio
2813   ! qes         = environmental saturation mixing ratio
2814   ! t           = environmental temp
2815   ! tv          = environmental virtual temp
2816   ! p           = environmental pressure
2817   ! z           = environmental heights
2818   ! he          = environmental moist static energy
2819   ! hes         = environmental saturation moist static energy
2820   ! psur        = surface pressure
2821   ! z1          = terrain elevation
2822   ! 
2823   !
2824      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2825         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2826         p,t,q
2827      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2828         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2829         he,hes,qes
2830      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2831         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2832         z
2833      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2834         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2835         psur,z1
2836      real                                                              &
2837         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2838         xl,cp
2839      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2840         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2841         ierr
2842      integer                                                           &
2843         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2844         itest
2846 !  local variables in this routine
2849      integer                              ::                           &
2850        i,k,iph
2851       real, dimension (1:2) :: AE,BE,HT
2852       real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) :: tv
2853       real :: tcrit,e,tvbar
2856       HT(1)=XL/CP
2857       HT(2)=2.834E6/CP
2858       BE(1)=.622*HT(1)/.286
2859       AE(1)=BE(1)/273.+ALOG(610.71)
2860       BE(2)=.622*HT(2)/.286
2861       AE(2)=BE(2)/273.+ALOG(610.71)
2862 !      print *, 'TCRIT = ', tcrit,its,ite
2863       DO k=kts,ktf
2864       do i=its,itf
2865         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2866 !Csgb - IPH is for phase, dependent on TCRIT (water or ice)
2867         IPH=1
2868         IF(T(I,K).LE.TCRIT)IPH=2
2869 !       print *, 'AE(IPH),BE(IPH) = ',AE(IPH),BE(IPH),AE(IPH)-BE(IPH),T(i,k),i,k
2870         E=EXP(AE(IPH)-BE(IPH)/T(I,K))
2871 !       print *, 'P, E = ', P(I,K), E
2872         QES(I,K)=.622*E/(100.*P(I,K)-E)
2873         IF(QES(I,K).LE.1.E-08)QES(I,K)=1.E-08
2874         IF(QES(I,K).LT.Q(I,K))QES(I,K)=Q(I,K)
2875 !       IF(Q(I,K).GT.QES(I,K))Q(I,K)=QES(I,K)
2876         TV(I,K)=T(I,K)+.608*Q(I,K)*T(I,K)
2877         endif
2878       enddo
2879       enddo
2881 !--- z's are calculated with changed h's and q's and t's
2882 !--- if itest=2
2884       if(
2885          do i=its,itf
2886            if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2887              Z(I,1)=max(0.,Z1(I))-(ALOG(P(I,1))- &
2888                  ALOG(PSUR(I)))*287.*TV(I,1)/9.81
2889            endif
2890          enddo
2892 ! --- calculate heights
2893          DO K=kts+1,ktf
2894          do i=its,itf
2895            if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2896               TVBAR=.5*TV(I,K)+.5*TV(I,K-1)
2897               Z(I,K)=Z(I,K-1)-(ALOG(P(I,K))- &
2898                ALOG(P(I,K-1)))*287.*TVBAR/9.81
2899            endif
2900          enddo
2901          enddo
2902       else
2903          do k=kts,ktf
2904          do i=its,itf
2905            if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2906              z(i,k)=(he(i,k)-1004.*t(i,k)-2.5e6*q(i,k))/9.81
2907              z(i,k)=max(1.e-3,z(i,k))
2908            endif
2909          enddo
2910          enddo
2911       endif
2913 !--- calculate moist static energy - HE
2914 !    saturated moist static energy - HES
2916        DO k=kts,ktf
2917        do i=its,itf
2918          if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2919          if(itest.eq.0)HE(I,K)=9.81*Z(I,K)+1004.*T(I,K)+2.5E06*Q(I,K)
2920          HES(I,K)=9.81*Z(I,K)+1004.*T(I,K)+2.5E06*QES(I,K)
2921          IF(HE(I,K).GE.HES(I,K))HE(I,K)=HES(I,K)
2922          endif
2923       enddo
2924       enddo
2926    END SUBROUTINE cup_env
2929    SUBROUTINE cup_env_clev(t,qes,q,he,hes,z,p,qes_cup,q_cup,   &
2930               he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup,psur, &
2931               ierr,z1,xl,rv,cp,                                &
2932               itf,jtf,ktf,                       &
2933               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                       )
2937      integer                                                           &
2938         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2939         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
2940         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
2941   !
2942   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
2943   ! q           = environmental mixing ratio
2944   ! q_cup       = environmental mixing ratio on cloud levels
2945   ! qes         = environmental saturation mixing ratio
2946   ! qes_cup     = environmental saturation mixing ratio on cloud levels
2947   ! t           = environmental temp
2948   ! t_cup       = environmental temp on cloud levels
2949   ! p           = environmental pressure
2950   ! p_cup       = environmental pressure on cloud levels
2951   ! z           = environmental heights
2952   ! z_cup       = environmental heights on cloud levels
2953   ! he          = environmental moist static energy
2954   ! he_cup      = environmental moist static energy on cloud levels
2955   ! hes         = environmental saturation moist static energy
2956   ! hes_cup     = environmental saturation moist static energy on cloud levels
2957   ! gamma_cup   = gamma on cloud levels
2958   ! psur        = surface pressure
2959   ! z1          = terrain elevation
2960   ! 
2961   !
2962      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2963         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2964         qes,q,he,hes,z,p,t
2965      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
2966         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
2967         qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup
2968      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2969         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2970         psur,z1
2971      real                                                              &
2972         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
2973         xl,rv,cp
2974      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
2975         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
2976         ierr
2978 !  local variables in this routine
2981      integer                              ::                           &
2982        i,k
2985       do k=kts+1,ktf
2986       do i=its,itf
2987         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
2988         qes_cup(i,k)=.5*(qes(i,k-1)+qes(i,k))
2989         q_cup(i,k)=.5*(q(i,k-1)+q(i,k))
2990         hes_cup(i,k)=.5*(hes(i,k-1)+hes(i,k))
2991         he_cup(i,k)=.5*(he(i,k-1)+he(i,k))
2992         if(he_cup(i,k).gt.hes_cup(i,k))he_cup(i,k)=hes_cup(i,k)
2993         z_cup(i,k)=.5*(z(i,k-1)+z(i,k))
2994         p_cup(i,k)=.5*(p(i,k-1)+p(i,k))
2995         t_cup(i,k)=.5*(t(i,k-1)+t(i,k))
2996         gamma_cup(i,k)=(xl/cp)*(xl/(rv*t_cup(i,k) &
2997                        *t_cup(i,k)))*qes_cup(i,k)
2998         endif
2999       enddo
3000       enddo
3001       do i=its,itf
3002         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3003         qes_cup(i,1)=qes(i,1)
3004         q_cup(i,1)=q(i,1)
3005         hes_cup(i,1)=hes(i,1)
3006         he_cup(i,1)=he(i,1)
3007         z_cup(i,1)=.5*(z(i,1)+z1(i))
3008         p_cup(i,1)=.5*(p(i,1)+psur(i))
3009         t_cup(i,1)=t(i,1)
3010         gamma_cup(i,1)=xl/cp*(xl/(rv*t_cup(i,1) &
3011                        *t_cup(i,1)))*qes_cup(i,1)
3012         endif
3013       enddo
3015    END SUBROUTINE cup_env_clev
3018    SUBROUTINE cup_forcing_ens_3d(closure_n,xland,aa0,aa1,xaa0,mbdt,dtime,ierr,ierr2,ierr3,&
3019               xf_ens,j,name,axx,maxens,iens,iedt,maxens2,maxens3,mconv,    &
3020               p_cup,ktop,omeg,zd,k22,zu,pr_ens,edt,kbcon,massflx,      &
3021               iact_old_gr,dir,ensdim,massfln,icoic,edt_out,            &
3022               high_resolution,itf,jtf,ktf,               &
3023               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ens4,ktau                )
3027      integer                                                           &
3028         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3029         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
3030         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ens4,high_resolution,ktau
3031      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
3032         j,ensdim,maxens,iens,iedt,maxens2,maxens3
3033   !
3034   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
3035   ! pr_ens = precipitation ensemble
3036   ! xf_ens = mass flux ensembles
3037   ! massfln = downdraft mass flux ensembles used in next timestep
3038   ! omeg = omega from large scale model
3039   ! mconv = moisture convergence from large scale model
3040   ! zd      = downdraft normalized mass flux
3041   ! zu      = updraft normalized mass flux
3042   ! aa0     = cloud work function without forcing effects
3043   ! aa1     = cloud work function with forcing effects
3044   ! xaa0    = cloud work function with cloud effects (ensemble dependent)
3045   ! edt     = epsilon
3046   ! dir     = "storm motion"
3047   ! mbdt    = arbitrary numerical parameter
3048   ! dtime   = dt over which forcing is applied
3049   ! iact_gr_old = flag to tell where convection was active
3050   ! kbcon       = LFC of parcel from k22
3051   ! k22         = updraft originating level
3052   ! icoic       = flag if only want one closure (usually set to zero!)
3053   ! name        = deep or shallow convection flag
3054   !
3055      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte,1:ensdim)                     &
3056         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3057         pr_ens
3058      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte,1:ensdim)                     &
3059         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
3060         xf_ens,massfln
3061      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
3062         ,intent (inout   )                   ::                           &
3063         edt_out
3064      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
3065         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3066         massflx
3067      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3068         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3069         zd,zu,p_cup
3070      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1:ens4)                              &
3071         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3072         omeg
3073      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:maxens)                             &
3074         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3075         xaa0
3076      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3077         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3078         aa1,edt,dir,xland
3079      real,    dimension (its:ite,1:ens4)                                      &
3080         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3081         mconv,axx
3082      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3083         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3084         aa0,closure_n
3085      real,    dimension (1:maxens)                                     &
3086         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3087         mbdt
3088      real                                                              &
3089         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3090         dtime
3091      integer, dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
3092         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3093         iact_old_gr
3094      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3095         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3096         k22,kbcon,ktop
3097      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3098         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3099         ierr,ierr2,ierr3
3100      integer                                                           &
3101         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3102         icoic
3103       character *(*), intent (in)         ::                           &
3104        name
3106 !  local variables in this routine
3109      real,    dimension (1:maxens3)       ::                           &
3110        xff_ens3
3111      real,    dimension (1:maxens)        ::                           &
3112        xk
3113      integer                              ::                           &
3114        i,k,nall,n,ne,nens,nens3,iresult,iresultd,iresulte,mkxcrt,kclim
3115      parameter (mkxcrt=15)
3116      real                                 ::                           &
3117        fens4,a1,massfld,a_ave,xff0,xff00,xxx,xomg,aclim1,aclim2,aclim3,aclim4
3118      real,    dimension(1:mkxcrt)         ::                           &
3119        pcrit,acrit,acritt
3121      integer :: nall2,ixxx,irandom
3122      integer,  dimension (12) :: seed
3125       DATA PCRIT/850.,800.,750.,700.,650.,600.,550.,500.,450.,400.,    &
3126                  350.,300.,250.,200.,150./
3127       DATA ACRIT/.0633,.0445,.0553,.0664,.075,.1082,.1521,.2216,       &
3128                  .3151,.3677,.41,.5255,.7663,1.1686,1.6851/
3130       DATA ACRITT/.203,.515,.521,.566,.625,.665,.659,.688,             &
3131                   .743,.813,.886,.947,1.138,1.377,1.896/
3133        seed=0
3134        seed(2)=j
3135        seed(3)=ktau
3136        nens=0
3137        irandom=1
3138        if(high_resolution.eq.1)irandom=0
3139        irandom=0
3140        fens4=float(ens4)
3144        DO 100 i=its,itf
3145           if(name.eq.'deeps'.and.ierr(i).gt.995)then
3146            aa0(i)=0.
3147            ierr(i)=0
3148           endif
3149           IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3151 !---
3153              if(name.eq.'deeps')then
3155                 a_ave=0.
3156                 do ne=1,ens4
3157                   a_ave=a_ave+axx(i,ne)
3158                 enddo
3159                 a_ave=max(0.,a_ave/fens4)
3160                 a_ave=min(a_ave,aa1(i))
3161                 a_ave=max(0.,a_ave)
3162                 do ne=1,16
3163                   xff_ens3(ne)=0.
3164                 enddo
3165                 xff0= (AA1(I)-AA0(I))/DTIME
3166                 if(high_resolution.eq.1)xff0= (a_ave-AA0(I))/DTIME
3167                 xff_ens3(1)=(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime
3168                 xff_ens3(2)=(a_ave-AA0(I))/dtime
3169                 if(irandom.eq.1)then
3170                    seed(1)=i
3171                    call random_seed (PUT=seed)
3172                    call random_number (xxx)
3173                    ixxx=min(ens4,max(1,int(fens4*xxx+1.e-8)))
3174                    xff_ens3(3)=(axx(i,ixxx)-AA0(I))/dtime
3175                    call random_number (xxx)
3176                    ixxx=min(ens4,max(1,int(fens4*xxx+1.e-8)))
3177                    xff_ens3(13)=(axx(i,ixxx)-AA0(I))/dtime
3178                 else
3179                    xff_ens3(3)=(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime
3180                    xff_ens3(13)=(AA1(I)-AA0(I))/dtime
3181                 endif
3182                 if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
3183                    xff_ens3(1)=(a_ave-AA0(I))/dtime
3184                    xff_ens3(2)=(a_ave-AA0(I))/dtime
3185                    xff_ens3(3)=(a_ave-AA0(I))/dtime
3186                    xff_ens3(13)=(a_ave-AA0(I))/dtime
3187                 endif
3188 !   
3189 !--- more original Arakawa-Schubert (climatologic value of aa0)
3192 !--- omeg is in bar/s, mconv done with omeg in Pa/s
3193 !     more like Brown (1979), or Frank-Cohen (199?)
3195                 xff_ens3(14)=0.
3196                 do ne=1,ens4
3197                   xff_ens3(14)=xff_ens3(14)-omeg(i,k22(i),ne)/(fens4*9.81)
3198                 enddo
3199                 if(xff_ens3(14).lt.0.)xff_ens3(14)=0.
3200                 xff_ens3(5)=0.
3201                 do ne=1,ens4
3202                   xff_ens3(5)=xff_ens3(5)-omeg(i,kbcon(i),ne)/(fens4*9.81)
3203                 enddo
3204                 if(xff_ens3(5).lt.0.)xff_ens3(5)=0.
3205 !  
3206 ! minimum below kbcon
3208                 if(high_resolution.eq.0)then
3209                    xff_ens3(4)=-omeg(i,2,1)/9.81
3210                    do k=2,kbcon(i)-1
3211                    do ne=1,ens4
3212                      xomg=-omeg(i,k,ne)/9.81
3213                      if(
3214                    enddo
3215                    enddo
3216                    if(xff_ens3(4).lt.0.)xff_ens3(4)=0.
3218 ! max below kbcon
3219                    xff_ens3(6)=-omeg(i,2,1)/9.81
3220                    do k=2,kbcon(i)-1
3221                    do ne=1,ens4
3222                      xomg=-omeg(i,k,ne)/9.81
3223                      if(
3224                    enddo
3225                    enddo
3226                    if(xff_ens3(6).lt.0.)xff_ens3(6)=0.
3227                 endif
3228                 if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
3229                    xff_ens3(5)=min(xff_ens3(5),xff_ens3(14))
3230                    xff_ens3(4)=xff_ens3(5)
3231                    xff_ens3(6)=xff_ens3(5)
3232                 endif
3234 !--- more like Krishnamurti et al.; pick max and average values
3236                 xff_ens3(7)=mconv(i,1)
3237                 xff_ens3(8)=mconv(i,1)
3238                 xff_ens3(9)=mconv(i,1)
3239                 if(
3240                    do ne=2,ens4
3241                       if (mconv(i,ne).gt.xff_ens3(7))xff_ens3(7)=mconv(i,ne)
3242                    enddo
3243                    do ne=2,ens4
3244                       if (mconv(i,ne).lt.xff_ens3(8))xff_ens3(8)=mconv(i,ne)
3245                    enddo
3246                    do ne=2,ens4
3247                       xff_ens3(9)=xff_ens3(9)+mconv(i,ne)
3248                    enddo
3249                    xff_ens3(9)=xff_ens3(9)/fens4
3250                 endif
3251                 if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
3252                    xff_ens3(7)=xff_ens3(9)
3253                    xff_ens3(8)=xff_ens3(9)
3254                    xff_ens3(15)=xff_ens3(9)
3255                 endif
3257                 if(high_resolution.eq.0)then
3258                 if(irandom.eq.1)then
3259                    seed(1)=i
3260                    call random_seed (PUT=seed)
3261                    call random_number (xxx)
3262                    ixxx=min(ens4,max(1,int(fens4*xxx+1.e-8)))
3263                    xff_ens3(15)=mconv(i,ixxx)
3264                 else
3265                    xff_ens3(15)=mconv(i,1)
3266                 endif
3267                 endif
3269 !--- more like Fritsch Chappel or Kain Fritsch (plus triggers)
3271                 xff_ens3(10)=A_AVE/(60.*40.)
3272                 xff_ens3(11)=AA1(I)/(60.*40.)
3273                 if(irandom.eq.1)then
3274                    seed(1)=i
3275                    call random_seed (PUT=seed)
3276                    call random_number (xxx)
3277                    ixxx=min(ens4,max(1,int(fens4*xxx+1.e-8)))
3278                    xff_ens3(12)=AXX(I,ixxx)/(60.*40.)
3279                 else
3280                    xff_ens3(12)=AA1(I)/(60.*40.)
3281                 endif
3282                 if(high_resolution.eq.1)then
3283                    xff_ens3(11)=xff_ens3(10)
3284                    xff_ens3(12)=xff_ens3(10)
3285                 endif
3286 !  
3287 !--- more original Arakawa-Schubert (climatologic value of aa0)
3289 !               edt_out(i,j)=xff0
3290                 if(icoic.eq.0)then
3291                 if(
3292                      xff_ens3(1)=0.
3293                      xff_ens3(2)=0.
3294                      xff_ens3(3)=0.
3295                      xff_ens3(13)=0.
3296                      xff_ens3(10)=0.
3297                      xff_ens3(11)=0.
3298                      xff_ens3(12)=0.
3299                 endif
3300                 endif
3304                 do nens=1,maxens
3305                    XK(nens)=(XAA0(I,nens)-AA1(I))/MBDT(2)
3306                    if(xk(nens).le.0.and.xk(nens).gt.-1.e-6) &
3307                            xk(nens)=-1.e-6
3308                    if(xk(nens).gt.0.and.xk(nens).lt.1.e-6) &
3309                            xk(nens)=1.e-6
3310                 enddo
3312 !--- add up all ensembles
3314                 do 350 ne=1,maxens
3316 !--- for every xk, we have maxens3 xffs
3317 !--- iens is from outermost ensemble (most expensive!
3319 !--- iedt (maxens2 belongs to it)
3320 !--- is from second, next outermost, not so expensive
3322 !--- so, for every outermost loop, we have maxens*maxens2*3
3323 !--- ensembles!!! nall would be 0, if everything is on first
3324 !--- loop index, then ne would start counting, then iedt, then iens....
3326                    iresult=0
3327                    iresultd=0
3328                    iresulte=0
3329                    nall=(iens-1)*maxens3*maxens*maxens2 &
3330                         +(iedt-1)*maxens*maxens3 &
3331                         +(ne-1)*maxens3
3333 ! over water, enfor!e small cap for some of the closures
3335                 if(xland(i).lt.0.1)then
3336                  if(ierr2(i).gt.0.or.ierr3(i).gt.0)then
3337                       xff_ens3(1) =0.
3338                       massfln(i,j,nall+1)=0.
3339                       xff_ens3(2) =0.
3340                       massfln(i,j,nall+2)=0.
3341                       xff_ens3(3) =0.
3342                       massfln(i,j,nall+3)=0.
3343                       xff_ens3(10) =0.
3344                       massfln(i,j,nall+10)=0.
3345                       xff_ens3(11) =0.
3346                       massfln(i,j,nall+11)=0.
3347                       xff_ens3(12) =0.
3348                       massfln(i,j,nall+12)=0.
3349                       xff_ens3(7) =0.
3350                       massfln(i,j,nall+7)=0.
3351                       xff_ens3(8) =0.
3352                       massfln(i,j,nall+8)=0.
3353                       xff_ens3(9) =0.
3354                       massfln(i,j,nall+9)=0.
3355                       xff_ens3(13) =0.
3356                       massfln(i,j,nall+13)=0.
3357                       xff_ens3(15) =0.
3358                       massfln(i,j,nall+15)=0.
3359                 endif
3360                 endif
3362 ! end water treatment
3365 !--- check for upwind convection
3366 !                  iresult=0
3367                    massfld=0.
3369 !                  call cup_direction2(i,j,dir,iact_old_gr, &
3370 !                       massflx,iresult,1,                  &
3371 !                       massfld,                            &
3372 !                       itf,jtf,ktf,          &
3373 !                       ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme,          &
3374 !                       its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte          )
3375 !                  if(
3376 !                  if(
3377 !                   print *,massfld,ne,iedt,iens
3378 !                   print *,xk(ne),xff_ens3(1),xff_ens3(2),xff_ens3(3)
3379 !                  endif
3380 !                  print *,i,j,massfld,aa0(i),aa1(i)
3381                    IF(XK(ne)
3382                    iresulte=max(iresult,iresultd)
3383                    iresulte=1
3384                    if(iresulte.eq.1)then
3386 !--- special treatment for stability closures
3389                       if(
3390                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+1)=massfld
3391                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+2)=massfld
3392                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+3)=massfld
3393                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+13)=massfld
3394                          if(xff_ens3(1).gt.0)xf_ens(i,j,nall+1)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(1)/xk(ne)) &
3395                                         +massfld
3396                          if(xff_ens3(2).gt.0)xf_ens(i,j,nall+2)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(2)/xk(ne)) &
3397                                         +massfld
3398                          if(xff_ens3(3).gt.0)xf_ens(i,j,nall+3)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(3)/xk(ne)) &
3399                                         +massfld
3400                          if(xff_ens3(13).gt.0)xf_ens(i,j,nall+13)=max(0.,-xff_ens3(13)/xk(ne)) &
3401                                         +massfld
3402 !                       endif
3403                       else
3404                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+1)=massfld
3405                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+2)=massfld
3406                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+3)=massfld
3407                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+13)=massfld
3408                       endif
3410 !--- if iresult.eq.1, following independent of xff0
3412                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+4)=max(0.,xff_ens3(4) &
3413                             +massfld)
3414                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+5)=max(0.,xff_ens3(5) &
3415                                         +massfld)
3416                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+6)=max(0.,xff_ens3(6) &
3417                                         +massfld)
3418                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+14)=max(0.,xff_ens3(14) &
3419                                         +massfld)
3420                          a1=max(1.e-3,pr_ens(i,j,nall+7))
3421                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+7)=max(0.,xff_ens3(7) &
3422                                      /a1)
3423                          a1=max(1.e-3,pr_ens(i,j,nall+8))
3424                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+8)=max(0.,xff_ens3(8) &
3425                                      /a1)
3426                          a1=max(1.e-3,pr_ens(i,j,nall+9))
3427                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+9)=max(0.,xff_ens3(9) &
3428                                      /a1)
3429                          a1=max(1.e-3,pr_ens(i,j,nall+15))
3430                          xf_ens(i,j,nall+15)=max(0.,xff_ens3(15) &
3431                                      /a1)
3432                          if(XK(ne).lt.0.)then
3433                             xf_ens(i,j,nall+10)=max(0., &
3434                                         -xff_ens3(10)/xk(ne)) &
3435                                         +massfld
3436                             xf_ens(i,j,nall+11)=max(0., &
3437                                         -xff_ens3(11)/xk(ne)) &
3438                                         +massfld
3439                             xf_ens(i,j,nall+12)=max(0., &
3440                                         -xff_ens3(12)/xk(ne)) &
3441                                         +massfld
3442                          else
3443                             xf_ens(i,j,nall+10)=massfld
3444                             xf_ens(i,j,nall+11)=massfld
3445                             xf_ens(i,j,nall+12)=massfld
3446                          endif
3447                       if(
3448                       closure_n(i)=0.
3449                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+1)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3450                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+2)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3451                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+3)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3452                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+4)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3453                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+5)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3454                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+6)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3455                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+7)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3456                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+8)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3457                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+9)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3458                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+10)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3459                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+11)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3460                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+12)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3461                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+13)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3462                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+14)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3463                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+15)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3464                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+16)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+icoic)
3465                       endif
3467 ! 16 is a randon pick from the oher 15
3469                 if(irandom.eq.1)then
3470                    call random_number (xxx)
3471                    ixxx=min(15,max(1,int(15.*xxx+1.e-8)))
3472                    xf_ens(i,j,nall+16)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+ixxx)
3473                 else
3474                    xf_ens(i,j,nall+16)=xf_ens(i,j,nall+1)
3475                 endif
3478 !--- store new for next time step
3480                       do nens3=1,maxens3
3481                         massfln(i,j,nall+nens3)=edt(i) &
3482                                                 *xf_ens(i,j,nall+nens3)
3483                         massfln(i,j,nall+nens3)=max(0., &
3484                                               massfln(i,j,nall+nens3))
3485                       enddo
3488 !--- do some more on the caps!!! ne=1 for 175, ne=2 for 100,....
3490 !     do not care for caps here for closure groups 1 and 5,
3491 !     they are fine, do not turn them off here
3494                 if(ne.eq.2.and.ierr2(i).gt.0)then
3495                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+1) =0.
3496                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+2) =0.
3497                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+3) =0.
3498                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+4) =0.
3499                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+5) =0.
3500                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+6) =0.
3501                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+7) =0.
3502                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+8) =0.
3503                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+9) =0.
3504                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+10)=0.
3505                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+11)=0.
3506                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+12)=0.
3507                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+13)=0.
3508                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+14)=0.
3509                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+15)=0.
3510                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+16)=0.
3511                       massfln(i,j,nall+1)=0.
3512                       massfln(i,j,nall+2)=0.
3513                       massfln(i,j,nall+3)=0.
3514                       massfln(i,j,nall+4)=0.
3515                       massfln(i,j,nall+5)=0.
3516                       massfln(i,j,nall+6)=0.
3517                       massfln(i,j,nall+7)=0.
3518                       massfln(i,j,nall+8)=0.
3519                       massfln(i,j,nall+9)=0.
3520                       massfln(i,j,nall+10)=0.
3521                       massfln(i,j,nall+11)=0.
3522                       massfln(i,j,nall+12)=0.
3523                       massfln(i,j,nall+13)=0.
3524                       massfln(i,j,nall+14)=0.
3525                       massfln(i,j,nall+15)=0.
3526                       massfln(i,j,nall+16)=0.
3527                 endif
3528                 if(ne.eq.3.and.ierr3(i).gt.0)then
3529                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+1) =0.
3530                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+2) =0.
3531                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+3) =0.
3532                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+4) =0.
3533                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+5) =0.
3534                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+6) =0.
3535                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+7) =0.
3536                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+8) =0.
3537                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+9) =0.
3538                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+10)=0.
3539                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+11)=0.
3540                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+12)=0.
3541                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+13)=0.
3542                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+14)=0.
3543                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+15)=0.
3544                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+16)=0.
3545                       massfln(i,j,nall+1)=0.
3546                       massfln(i,j,nall+2)=0.
3547                       massfln(i,j,nall+3)=0.
3548                       massfln(i,j,nall+4)=0.
3549                       massfln(i,j,nall+5)=0.
3550                       massfln(i,j,nall+6)=0.
3551                       massfln(i,j,nall+7)=0.
3552                       massfln(i,j,nall+8)=0.
3553                       massfln(i,j,nall+9)=0.
3554                       massfln(i,j,nall+10)=0.
3555                       massfln(i,j,nall+11)=0.
3556                       massfln(i,j,nall+12)=0.
3557                       massfln(i,j,nall+13)=0.
3558                       massfln(i,j,nall+14)=0.
3559                       massfln(i,j,nall+15)=0.
3560                       massfln(i,j,nall+16)=0.
3561                 endif
3563                    endif
3564  350            continue
3565 ! ne=1, cap=175
3567                    nall=(iens-1)*maxens3*maxens*maxens2 &
3568                         +(iedt-1)*maxens*maxens3
3569 ! ne=2, cap=100
3571                    nall2=(iens-1)*maxens3*maxens*maxens2 &
3572                         +(iedt-1)*maxens*maxens3 &
3573                         +(2-1)*maxens3
3574                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+4) = xf_ens(i,j,nall2+4)
3575                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+5) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+5)
3576                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+6) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+6)
3577                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+14) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+14)
3578                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+7) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+7)
3579                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+8) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+8)
3580                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+9) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+9)
3581                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+15) =xf_ens(i,j,nall2+15)
3582                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+10)=xf_ens(i,j,nall2+10)
3583                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+11)=xf_ens(i,j,nall2+11)
3584                       xf_ens(i,j,nall+12)=xf_ens(i,j,nall2+12)
3585                 go to 100
3586              endif
3587           elseif(ierr(i).ne.20.and.ierr(i).ne.0)then
3588              do n=1,ensdim
3589                xf_ens(i,j,n)=0.
3590                massfln(i,j,n)=0.
3591              enddo
3592           endif
3593  100   continue
3595    END SUBROUTINE cup_forcing_ens_3d
3598    SUBROUTINE cup_kbcon(cap_inc,iloop,k22,kbcon,he_cup,hes_cup, &
3599               ierr,kbmax,p_cup,cap_max,                         &
3600               itf,jtf,ktf,                        &
3601               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                        )
3606    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3608      integer                                                           &
3609         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3610         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
3611         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
3612   ! 
3613   ! 
3614   ! 
3615   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
3616   !
3617      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3618         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3619         he_cup,hes_cup,p_cup
3620      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3621         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3622         cap_max,cap_inc
3623      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3624         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3625         kbmax
3626      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3627         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3628         kbcon,k22,ierr
3629      integer                                                           &
3630         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3631         iloop
3633 !  local variables in this routine
3636      integer                              ::                           &
3637         i,k
3638      real                                 ::                           &
3639         pbcdif,plus,hetest
3643        DO 27 i=its,itf
3644       kbcon(i)=1
3645       IF(ierr(I).ne.0)GO TO 27
3646       KBCON(I)=K22(I)
3647       GO TO 32
3648  31   CONTINUE
3649       KBCON(I)=KBCON(I)+1
3650       IF(KBCON(I).GT.KBMAX(i)+2)THEN
3651          if(
3652 !        if(
3653         GO TO 27
3654       ENDIF
3655  32   CONTINUE
3656       hetest=HE_cup(I,K22(I))
3657       if(iloop.eq.5)then
3658        do k=1,k22(i)
3659          hetest=max(hetest,he_cup(i,k))
3660        enddo
3661       endif
3662       IF(HETEST.LT.HES_cup(I,KBCON(I)))GO TO 31
3664 !     cloud base pressure and max moist static energy pressure
3665 !     i.e., the depth (in mb) of the layer of negative buoyancy
3666       if(KBCON(I)-K22(I).eq.1)go to 27
3667       PBCDIF=-P_cup(I,KBCON(I))+P_cup(I,K22(I))
3668       plus=max(25.,cap_max(i)-float(iloop-1)*cap_inc(i))
3669       if(iloop.eq.4)plus=cap_max(i)
3671 ! for shallow convection, if cap_max is greater than 25, it is the pressure at pbltop
3672       if(iloop.eq.5)plus=25.
3673       if(iloop.eq.5.and.cap_max(i).gt.25)pbcdif=-P_cup(I,KBCON(I))+cap_max(i)
3674       IF(
3675         K22(I)=K22(I)+1
3676         KBCON(I)=K22(I)
3677         GO TO 32
3678       ENDIF
3679  27   CONTINUE
3681    END SUBROUTINE cup_kbcon
3684    SUBROUTINE cup_ktop(ilo,dby,kbcon,ktop,ierr,              &
3685               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
3686               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
3690 !  on input
3693    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3695      integer                                                           &
3696         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3697         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
3698         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
3699   ! dby = buoancy term
3700   ! ktop = cloud top (output)
3701   ! ilo  = flag
3702   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
3703   !
3704      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3705         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3706         dby
3707      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3708         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3709         kbcon
3710      integer                                                           &
3711         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3712         ilo
3713      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3714         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
3715         ktop
3716      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3717         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3718         ierr
3720 !  local variables in this routine
3723      integer                              ::                           &
3724         i,k
3726         DO 42 i=its,itf
3727         ktop(i)=1
3728          IF(ierr(I).EQ.0)then
3729           DO 40 K=KBCON(I)+1,ktf-1
3730             IF(DBY(I,K).LE.0.)THEN
3731                 KTOP(I)=K-1
3732                 GO TO 41
3733              ENDIF
3734   40      CONTINUE
3735           if(ilo.eq.1)ierr(i)=5
3736 !         if(ilo.eq.2)ierr(i)=998
3737           GO TO 42
3738   41     CONTINUE
3739          do k=ktop(i)+1,ktf
3740            dby(i,k)=0.
3741          enddo
3742          endif
3743   42     CONTINUE
3745    END SUBROUTINE cup_ktop
3748    SUBROUTINE cup_MAXIMI(ARRAY,KS,KE,MAXX,ierr,              &
3749               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
3750               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
3754 !  on input
3757    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3759      integer                                                           &
3760         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3761          itf,jtf,ktf,                                    &
3762          its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
3763   ! array input array
3764   ! x output array with return values
3765   ! kt output array of levels
3766   ! ks,kend  check-range
3767      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3768         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3769          array
3770      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3771         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3772          ierr,ke
3773      integer                                                           &
3774         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3775          ks
3776      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3777         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
3778          maxx
3779      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                           &
3780          x
3781      real                                 ::                           &
3782          xar
3783      integer                              ::                           &
3784          i,k
3786        DO 200 i=its,itf
3787        MAXX(I)=KS
3788        if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3789       X(I)=ARRAY(I,KS)
3791        DO 100 K=KS,KE(i)
3792          XAR=ARRAY(I,K)
3793          IF(XAR.GE.X(I)) THEN
3794             X(I)=XAR
3795             MAXX(I)=K
3796          ENDIF
3797  100  CONTINUE
3798       endif
3799  200  CONTINUE
3804    SUBROUTINE cup_minimi(ARRAY,KS,KEND,KT,ierr,              &
3805               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
3806               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
3810 !  on input
3813    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3815      integer                                                           &
3816         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3817          itf,jtf,ktf,                                    &
3818          its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
3819   ! array input array
3820   ! x output array with return values
3821   ! kt output array of levels
3822   ! ks,kend  check-range
3823      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3824         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3825          array
3826      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3827         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3828          ierr,ks,kend
3829      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3830         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
3831          kt
3832      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                           &
3833          x
3834      integer                              ::                           &
3835          i,k,kstop
3837        DO 200 i=its,itf
3838       KT(I)=KS(I)
3839       if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3840       X(I)=ARRAY(I,KS(I))
3841        KSTOP=MAX(KS(I)+1,KEND(I))
3843        DO 100 K=KS(I)+1,KSTOP
3844          IF(ARRAY(I,K).LT.X(I)) THEN
3845               X(I)=ARRAY(I,K)
3846               KT(I)=K
3847          ENDIF
3848  100  CONTINUE
3849       endif
3850  200  CONTINUE
3855    SUBROUTINE cup_output_ens_3d(xf_ens,ierr,dellat,dellaq,dellaqc,  &
3856               subt_ens,subq_ens,subt,subq,outtem,outq,outqc,     &
3857               zu,sub_mas,pre,pw,xmb,ktop,                 &
3858               j,name,nx,nx2,iens,ierr2,ierr3,pr_ens,             &
3859               maxens3,ensdim,massfln,                            &
3860               APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,                 &
3861               APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,closure_n,xland1,    &
3862               itf,jtf,ktf, &
3863               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
3867 !  on input
3870    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
3872      integer                                                           &
3873         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3874         itf,jtf,ktf,           &
3875         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
3876      integer, intent (in   )              ::                           &
3877         j,ensdim,nx,nx2,iens,maxens3
3878   ! xf_ens = ensemble mass fluxes
3879   ! pr_ens = precipitation ensembles
3880   ! dellat = change of temperature per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
3881   ! dellaq = change of q per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
3882   ! dellaqc = change of qc per unit mass flux of cloud ensemble
3883   ! outtem = output temp tendency (per s)
3884   ! outq   = output q tendency (per s)
3885   ! outqc  = output qc tendency (per s)
3886   ! pre    = output precip
3887   ! xmb    = total base mass flux
3888   ! xfac1  = correction factor
3889   ! pw = pw -epsilon*pd (ensemble dependent)
3890   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
3891   !
3892      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte,1:ensdim)                     &
3893         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3894        xf_ens,pr_ens,massfln
3895      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                              &
3896         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3897                APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,APR_CAPMA,            &
3898                APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI 
3900      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3901         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
3902         outtem,outq,outqc,subt,subq,sub_mas
3903      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
3904         ,intent (in  )                   ::                           &
3905         zu
3906      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3907         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
3908         pre,xmb
3909      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3910         ,intent (inout  )                   ::                           &
3911         closure_n,xland1
3912      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1:nx)                     &
3913         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3914        subt_ens,subq_ens,dellat,dellaqc,dellaq,pw
3915      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3916         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
3917         ktop
3918      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
3919         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
3920         ierr,ierr2,ierr3
3922 !  local variables in this routine
3925      integer                              ::                           &
3926         i,k,n,ncount
3927      real                                 ::                           &
3928         outtes,ddtes,dtt,dtq,dtqc,dtpw,tuning,prerate,clos_wei,xmbhelp
3929      real                                 ::                           &
3930         dtts,dtqs
3931      real,    dimension (its:ite)         ::                           &
3932        xfac1,xfac2
3933      real,    dimension (its:ite)::                           &
3934        xmb_ske,xmb_ave,xmb_std,xmb_cur,xmbweight
3935      real,    dimension (its:ite)::                           &
3936        pr_ske,pr_ave,pr_std,pr_cur
3937      real,    dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)::                           &
3938                pr_gr,pr_w,pr_mc,pr_st,pr_as,pr_capma,     &
3939                pr_capme,pr_capmi
3940      real, dimension (5) :: weight,wm,wm1,wm2,wm3
3941      real, dimension (its:ite,5) :: xmb_w
3944       character *(*), intent (in)        ::                           &
3945        name
3947      weight(1) = -999.  !this will turn off weights
3948      wm(1)=-999.
3950      tuning=0.
3953       DO k=kts,ktf
3954       do i=its,itf
3955         outtem(i,k)=0.
3956         outq(i,k)=0.
3957         outqc(i,k)=0.
3958         subt(i,k)=0.
3959         subq(i,k)=0.
3960         sub_mas(i,k)=0.
3961       enddo
3962       enddo
3963       do i=its,itf
3964         pre(i)=0.
3965         xmb(i)=0.
3966          xfac1(i)=0.
3967          xfac2(i)=0.
3968         xmbweight(i)=1.
3969       enddo
3970       do i=its,itf
3971         IF(ierr(i).eq.0)then
3972         do n=(iens-1)*nx*nx2*maxens3+1,iens*nx*nx2*maxens3
3973            if(pr_ens(i,j,n).le.0.)then
3974              xf_ens(i,j,n)=0.
3975            endif
3976         enddo
3977         endif
3978       enddo
3980 !--- calculate ensemble average mass fluxes
3982        call massflx_stats(xf_ens,ensdim,nx2,nx,maxens3,      &
3983             xmb_ave,xmb_std,xmb_cur,xmb_ske,j,ierr,1,    &
3984             APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,           &
3985             APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,               &
3986             pr_gr,pr_w,pr_mc,pr_st,pr_as,                &
3987             pr_capma,pr_capme,pr_capmi,                  &
3988             itf,jtf,ktf,                   &
3989             its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                   )
3990        xmb_w=0.
3991        call massflx_stats(pr_ens,ensdim,nx2,nx,maxens3,  &
3992             pr_ave,pr_std,pr_cur,pr_ske,j,ierr,2,        &
3993             APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,           &
3994             APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,               &
3995             pr_gr,pr_w,pr_mc,pr_st,pr_as,                &
3996             pr_capma,pr_capme,pr_capmi,                  &
3997             itf,jtf,ktf,                   &
3998             its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                   )
4000 !-- now do feedback
4002       ddtes=100.
4003       do i=its,itf
4004         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4005          if(xmb_ave(i).le.0.)then
4006               ierr(i)=13
4007               xmb_ave(i)=0.
4008          endif
4009          xmb(i)=max(.1*xmb_ave(i),xmb_ave(i)-tuning*xmb_std(i))
4010 ! --- Now use proper count of how many closures were actually
4011 !       used in cup_forcing_ens (including screening of some
4012 !       closures over water) to properly normalize xmb
4013            clos_wei=16./max(1.,closure_n(i))
4014            if (xland1(i).lt.0.5)xmb(i)=xmb(i)*clos_wei
4015            if(xmb(i).eq.0.)then
4016               ierr(i)=19
4017            endif
4018            if(xmb(i).gt.100.)then
4019               ierr(i)=19
4020            endif
4021            xfac1(i)=xmb(i)
4022            xfac2(i)=xmb(i)
4024         endif
4025 !       if(weight(1).lt.-100.)xfac1(i)=xmb_ave(i)
4026 !       if(weight(1).lt.-100.)xfac2(i)=xmb_ave(i)
4027       ENDDO
4028       DO k=kts,ktf
4029       do i=its,itf
4030             dtt=0.
4031             dtts=0.
4032             dtq=0.
4033             dtqs=0.
4034             dtqc=0.
4035             dtpw=0.
4036         IF(ierr(i).eq.0.and.k.le.ktop(i))then
4037            do n=1,nx
4038               dtt=dtt+dellat(i,k,n)
4039               dtts=dtts+subt_ens(i,k,n)
4040               dtq=dtq+dellaq(i,k,n)
4041               dtqs=dtqs+subq_ens(i,k,n)
4042               dtqc=dtqc+dellaqc(i,k,n)
4043               dtpw=dtpw+pw(i,k,n)
4044            enddo
4045            OUTTEM(I,K)=XMB(I)*dtt/float(nx)
4046            SUBT(I,K)=XMB(I)*dtts/float(nx)
4047            OUTQ(I,K)=XMB(I)*dtq/float(nx)
4048            SUBQ(I,K)=XMB(I)*dtqs/float(nx)
4049            OUTQC(I,K)=XMB(I)*dtqc/float(nx)
4050            PRE(I)=PRE(I)+XMB(I)*dtpw/float(nx)
4051            sub_mas(i,k)=zu(i,k)*xmb(i)
4052         endif
4053       enddo
4054       enddo
4056       do i=its,itf
4057         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4058         do k=(iens-1)*nx*nx2*maxens3+1,iens*nx*nx2*maxens3
4059           massfln(i,j,k)=massfln(i,j,k)*xfac1(i)
4060           xf_ens(i,j,k)=xf_ens(i,j,k)*xfac1(i)
4061         enddo
4062         endif
4063       ENDDO
4065    END SUBROUTINE cup_output_ens_3d
4068    SUBROUTINE cup_up_aa0(aa0,z,zu,dby,GAMMA_CUP,t_cup,       &
4069               kbcon,ktop,ierr,                               &
4070               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
4071               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
4075 !  on input
4078    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
4080      integer                                                           &
4081         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4082         itf,jtf,ktf,                                     &
4083         its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
4084   ! aa0 cloud work function
4085   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
4086   ! t_cup = temperature (Kelvin) on model cloud levels
4087   ! dby = buoancy term
4088   ! zu= normalized updraft mass flux
4089   ! z = heights of model levels 
4090   ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
4091   !
4092      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4093         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4094         z,zu,gamma_cup,t_cup,dby
4095      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4096         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4097         kbcon,ktop
4099 ! input and output
4103      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4104         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
4105         ierr
4106      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4107         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4108         aa0
4110 !  local variables in this routine
4113      integer                              ::                           &
4114         i,k
4115      real                                 ::                           &
4116         dz,da
4118         do i=its,itf
4119          aa0(i)=0.
4120         enddo
4121         DO 100 k=kts+1,ktf
4122         DO 100 i=its,itf
4123          IF(ierr(i).ne.0)GO TO 100
4124          IF(K.LE.KBCON(I))GO TO 100
4125          IF(K.Gt.KTOP(I))GO TO 100
4126          DZ=Z(I,K)-Z(I,K-1)
4127          da=zu(i,k)*DZ*(9.81/(1004.*( &
4128                 (T_cup(I,K)))))*DBY(I,K-1)/ &
4129              (1.+GAMMA_CUP(I,K))
4130          IF(K.eq.KTOP(I).and.da.le.0.)go to 100
4131          AA0(I)=AA0(I)+da
4132          if(aa0(i).lt.0.)aa0(i)=0.
4133 100     continue
4135    END SUBROUTINE cup_up_aa0
4138    SUBROUTINE cup_up_he(k22,hkb,z_cup,cd,entr,he_cup,hc,     &
4139               kbcon,ierr,dby,he,hes_cup,name,                &
4140               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
4141               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
4145 !  on input
4148    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
4150      integer                                                           &
4151         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4152                                   itf,jtf,ktf,           &
4153                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
4154       character *(*), intent (in)        ::                           &
4155        name
4156   ! hc = cloud moist static energy
4157   ! hkb = moist static energy at originating level
4158   ! he = moist static energy on model levels
4159   ! he_cup = moist static energy on model cloud levels
4160   ! hes_cup = saturation moist static energy on model cloud levels
4161   ! dby = buoancy term
4162   ! cd= detrainment function 
4163   ! z_cup = heights of model cloud levels 
4164   ! entr = entrainment rate
4165   !
4166      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4167         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4168         he,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,cd
4169   ! entr= entrainment rate 
4170      real                                                              &
4171         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4172         entr
4173      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4174         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4175         kbcon,k22
4177 ! input and output
4180    ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
4182      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4183         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
4184         ierr
4186      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4187         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4188         hc,dby
4189      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4190         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4191         hkb
4193 !  local variables in this routine
4196      integer                              ::                           &
4197         i,k
4198      real                                 ::                           &
4199         dz
4201 !--- moist static energy inside cloud
4203       do k=kts,ktf
4204       do i=its,itf
4205          hc(i,k)=0.
4206          DBY(I,K)=0.
4207       enddo
4208       enddo
4209       do i=its,itf
4210          hkb(i)=0.
4211       enddo
4212       do i=its,itf
4213         if(ierr(i).eq.0.)then
4214           hkb(i)=he_cup(i,k22(i))
4215           if(name.eq.'shallow')then
4216              do k=1,k22(i)
4217                hkb(i)=max(hkb(i),he_cup(i,k))
4218              enddo
4219           endif
4220           do k=1,k22(i)
4221               hc(i,k)=he_cup(i,k)
4222           enddo
4223           do k=k22(i),kbcon(i)-1
4224               hc(i,k)=hkb(i)
4225           enddo
4226           k=kbcon(i)
4227           hc(i,k)=hkb(i)
4228           DBY(I,Kbcon(i))=Hkb(I)-HES_cup(I,K)
4229         endif
4230       enddo
4231       do k=kts+1,ktf
4232       do i=its,itf
4233         if(
4234            DZ=Z_cup(i,K)-Z_cup(i,K-1)
4235            HC(i,K)=(HC(i,K-1)*(1.-.5*CD(i,K)*DZ)+entr* &
4236                 DZ*HE(i,K-1))/(1.+entr*DZ-.5*cd(i,k)*dz)
4237            DBY(I,K)=HC(I,K)-HES_cup(I,K)
4238         endif
4239       enddo
4241       enddo
4243    END SUBROUTINE cup_up_he
4246    SUBROUTINE cup_up_moisture(name,ierr,z_cup,qc,qrc,pw,pwav,     &
4247               kbcon,ktop,cd,dby,mentr_rate,clw_all,                  &
4248               q,GAMMA_cup,zu,qes_cup,k22,qe_cup,xl,          &
4249               itf,jtf,ktf,                     &
4250               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                     )
4254 !  on input
4257    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
4259      integer                                                           &
4260         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4261                                   itf,jtf,ktf,           &
4262                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
4263   ! cd= detrainment function 
4264   ! q = environmental q on model levels
4265   ! qe_cup = environmental q on model cloud levels
4266   ! qes_cup = saturation q on model cloud levels
4267   ! dby = buoancy term
4268   ! cd= detrainment function 
4269   ! zu = normalized updraft mass flux
4270   ! gamma_cup = gamma on model cloud levels
4271   ! mentr_rate = entrainment rate
4272   !
4273      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4274         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4275         q,zu,gamma_cup,qe_cup,dby,qes_cup,z_cup,cd
4276   ! entr= entrainment rate 
4277      real                                                              &
4278         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4279         mentr_rate,xl
4280      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4281         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4282         kbcon,ktop,k22
4284 ! input and output
4287    ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
4289      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4290         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
4291         ierr
4292       character *(*), intent (in)        ::                           &
4293        name
4294    ! qc = cloud q (including liquid water) after entrainment
4295    ! qrch = saturation q in cloud
4296    ! qrc = liquid water content in cloud after rainout
4297    ! pw = condensate that will fall out at that level
4298    ! pwav = totan normalized integrated condensate (I1)
4299    ! c0 = conversion rate (cloud to rain)
4301      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4302         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4303         qc,qrc,pw,clw_all
4304      real,    dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4305         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4306         pwav
4308 !  local variables in this routine
4311      integer                              ::                           &
4312         iall,i,k
4313      real                                 ::                           &
4314         dh,qrch,c0,dz,radius
4316         iall=0
4317         c0=.002
4319 !--- no precip for small clouds
4321         if(name.eq.'shallow')c0=0.
4322         do i=its,itf
4323           pwav(i)=0.
4324         enddo
4325         do k=kts,ktf
4326         do i=its,itf
4327           pw(i,k)=0.
4328           qc(i,k)=0.
4329           if(ierr(i).eq.0)qc(i,k)=qes_cup(i,k)
4330           clw_all(i,k)=0.
4331           qrc(i,k)=0.
4332         enddo
4333         enddo
4334       do i=its,itf
4335       if(ierr(i).eq.0.)then
4336       do k=k22(i),kbcon(i)-1
4337         qc(i,k)=qe_cup(i,k22(i))
4338       enddo
4339       endif
4340       enddo
4342         DO 100 k=kts+1,ktf
4343         DO 100 i=its,itf
4344          IF(ierr(i).ne.0)GO TO 100
4345          IF(K.Lt.KBCON(I))GO TO 100
4346          IF(K.Gt.KTOP(I))GO TO 100
4347          DZ=Z_cup(i,K)-Z_cup(i,K-1)
4349 !------    1. steady state plume equation, for what could
4350 !------       be in cloud without condensation
4353         QC(i,K)=(QC(i,K-1)*(1.-.5*CD(i,K)*DZ)+mentr_rate* &
4354                 DZ*Q(i,K-1))/(1.+mentr_rate*DZ-.5*cd(i,k)*dz)
4356 !--- saturation  in cloud, this is what is allowed to be in it
4358          QRCH=QES_cup(I,K)+(1./XL)*(GAMMA_cup(i,k) &
4359               /(1.+GAMMA_cup(i,k)))*DBY(I,K)
4361 !------- LIQUID WATER CONTENT IN cloud after rainout
4363         clw_all(i,k)=QC(I,K)-QRCH
4364         QRC(I,K)=(QC(I,K)-QRCH)/(1.+C0*DZ*zu(i,k))
4365         if(qrc(i,k).lt.0.)then
4366           qrc(i,k)=0.
4367         endif
4369 !-------   3.Condensation
4371          PW(i,k)=c0*dz*QRC(I,K)*zu(i,k)
4372         if(iall.eq.1)then
4373           qrc(i,k)=0.
4374           pw(i,k)=(QC(I,K)-QRCH)*zu(i,k)
4375           if(pw(i,k).lt.0.)pw(i,k)=0.
4376         endif
4378 !----- set next level
4380          QC(I,K)=QRC(I,K)+qrch
4382 !--- integrated normalized ondensate
4384          PWAV(I)=PWAV(I)+PW(I,K)
4385  100     CONTINUE
4387    END SUBROUTINE cup_up_moisture
4390    SUBROUTINE cup_up_nms(zu,z_cup,entr,cd,kbcon,ktop,ierr,k22,  &
4391               itf,jtf,ktf,                        &
4392               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte                        )
4397 !  on input
4400    ! only local wrf dimensions are need as of now in this routine
4402      integer                                                           &
4403         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4404          itf,jtf,ktf,                                    &
4405          its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
4406   ! cd= detrainment function 
4407      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4408         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4409          z_cup,cd
4410   ! entr= entrainment rate 
4411      real                                                              &
4412         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4413          entr
4414      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4415         ,intent (in   )                   ::                           &
4416          kbcon,ktop,k22
4418 ! input and output
4421    ! ierr error value, maybe modified in this routine
4423      integer, dimension (its:ite)                                      &
4424         ,intent (inout)                   ::                           &
4425          ierr
4426    ! zu is the normalized mass flux
4428      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                              &
4429         ,intent (out  )                   ::                           &
4430          zu
4432 !  local variables in this routine
4435      integer                              ::                           &
4436          i,k
4437      real                                 ::                           &
4438          dz
4440 !   initialize for this go around
4442        do k=kts,ktf
4443        do i=its,itf
4444          zu(i,k)=0.
4445        enddo
4446        enddo
4448 ! do normalized mass budget
4450        do i=its,itf
4451           IF(ierr(I).eq.0)then
4452              do k=k22(i),kbcon(i)
4453                zu(i,k)=1.
4454              enddo
4455              DO K=KBcon(i)+1,KTOP(i)
4456                DZ=Z_cup(i,K)-Z_cup(i,K-1)
4457                ZU(i,K)=ZU(i,K-1)*(1.+(entr-cd(i,k))*DZ)
4458              enddo
4459           endif
4460        enddo
4462    END SUBROUTINE cup_up_nms
4464 !====================================================================
4466                         MASS_FLUX,cp,restart,                       &
4467                         P_QC,P_QI,P_FIRST_SCALAR,                   &
4468                         RTHFTEN, RQVFTEN,                           &
4469                         APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,          &
4470                         APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,              &
4471                         cugd_tten,cugd_ttens,cugd_qvten,            &
4472                         cugd_qvtens,cugd_qcten,                     &
4473                         allowed_to_read,                            &
4474                         ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,               &
4475                         ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,               &
4476                         its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte               )
4477 !--------------------------------------------------------------------   
4479 !--------------------------------------------------------------------
4480    LOGICAL , INTENT(IN)           ::  restart,allowed_to_read
4481    INTEGER , INTENT(IN)           ::  ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, &
4482                                       ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, &
4483                                       its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte
4484    INTEGER , INTENT(IN)           ::  P_FIRST_SCALAR, P_QI, P_QC
4485    REAL,     INTENT(IN)           ::  cp
4487    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::       &
4488                                                           CUGD_TTEN,         &
4489                                                           CUGD_TTENS,        &
4490                                                           CUGD_QVTEN,        &
4491                                                           CUGD_QVTENS,       &
4492                                                           CUGD_QCTEN
4493    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::       &
4494                                                           RTHCUTEN, &
4495                                                           RQVCUTEN, &
4496                                                           RQCCUTEN, &
4497                                                           RQICUTEN   
4499    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::       &
4500                                                           RTHFTEN,  &
4501                                                           RQVFTEN
4503    REAL,     DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , INTENT(OUT) ::        &
4504                                 APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,  &
4505                                 APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,      &
4506                                 MASS_FLUX
4508    INTEGER :: i, j, k, itf, jtf, ktf
4510    jtf=min0(jte,jde-1)
4511    ktf=min0(kte,kde-1)
4512    itf=min0(ite,ide-1)
4514    IF(.not.restart)THEN
4515      DO j=jts,jte
4516      DO k=kts,kte
4517      DO i=its,ite
4518         RTHCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4519         RQVCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4520      ENDDO
4521      ENDDO
4522      ENDDO
4523      DO j=jts,jte
4524      DO k=kts,kte
4525      DO i=its,ite
4526        cugd_tten(i,k,j)=0.
4527        cugd_ttens(i,k,j)=0.
4528        cugd_qvten(i,k,j)=0.
4529        cugd_qvtens(i,k,j)=0.
4530      ENDDO
4531      ENDDO
4532      ENDDO
4534      DO j=jts,jtf
4535      DO k=kts,ktf
4536      DO i=its,itf
4537         RTHFTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4538         RQVFTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4539      ENDDO
4540      ENDDO
4541      ENDDO
4543      IF (P_QC .ge. P_FIRST_SCALAR) THEN
4544         DO j=jts,jtf
4545         DO k=kts,ktf
4546         DO i=its,itf
4547            RQCCUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4548            cugd_qcten(i,k,j)=0.
4549         ENDDO
4550         ENDDO
4551         ENDDO
4552      ENDIF
4554      IF (P_QI .ge. P_FIRST_SCALAR) THEN
4555         DO j=jts,jtf
4556         DO k=kts,ktf
4557         DO i=its,itf
4558            RQICUTEN(i,k,j)=0.
4559         ENDDO
4560         ENDDO
4561         ENDDO
4562      ENDIF
4564      DO j=jts,jtf
4565      DO i=its,itf
4566         mass_flux(i,j)=0.
4567      ENDDO
4568      ENDDO
4570      DO j=jts,jtf
4571      DO i=its,itf
4572         APR_GR(i,j)=0.
4573         APR_ST(i,j)=0.
4574         APR_W(i,j)=0.
4575         APR_MC(i,j)=0.
4576         APR_AS(i,j)=0.
4577         APR_CAPMA(i,j)=0.
4578         APR_CAPME(i,j)=0.
4579         APR_CAPMI(i,j)=0.
4580      ENDDO
4581      ENDDO
4583    ENDIF
4585    END SUBROUTINE g3init
4588    SUBROUTINE massflx_stats(xf_ens,ensdim,maxens,maxens2,maxens3, &
4589               xt_ave,xt_std,xt_cur,xt_ske,j,ierr,itest,           &
4590               APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,                  &
4591               APR_CAPMA,APR_CAPME,APR_CAPMI,                      &
4592               pr_gr,pr_w,pr_mc,pr_st,pr_as,                       &
4593               pr_capma,pr_capme,pr_capmi,                         &
4594               itf,jtf,ktf,  &
4595               its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
4599    integer, intent (in   )              ::                                    &
4600                      j,ensdim,maxens3,maxens,maxens2,itest
4601    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ::                                             &
4602                                   itf,jtf,ktf,                  &
4603                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte
4606      real, dimension (its:ite)                                                &
4607          , intent(inout) ::                                                   &
4608            xt_ave,xt_cur,xt_std,xt_ske
4609      integer, dimension (its:ite), intent (in) ::                             &
4610            ierr
4611      real, dimension (its:ite,jts:jte,1:ensdim)                               &
4612          , intent(in   ) ::                                                   &
4613            xf_ens
4614      real, dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                                        &
4615          , intent(inout) ::                                                   &
4616            APR_GR,APR_W,APR_MC,APR_ST,APR_AS,                                 &
4618      real, dimension (its:ite,jts:jte)                                        &
4619          , intent(inout) ::                                                   &
4620            pr_gr,pr_w,pr_mc,pr_st,pr_as,                                      &
4621            pr_capma,pr_capme,pr_capmi
4624 ! local stuff
4626      real, dimension (its:ite , 1:maxens3 )       ::                          &
4627            x_ave,x_cur,x_std,x_ske
4628      real, dimension (its:ite , 1:maxens  )       ::                          &
4629            x_ave_cap
4632       integer, dimension (1:maxens3) :: nc1
4633       integer :: i,k
4634       integer :: num,kk,num2,iedt
4635       real :: a3,a4
4637       num=ensdim/maxens3
4638       num2=ensdim/maxens
4639       if(itest.eq.1)then
4640       do i=its,ite
4641        pr_gr(i,j) =  0.
4642        pr_w(i,j) =  0.
4643        pr_mc(i,j) = 0.
4644        pr_st(i,j) = 0.
4645        pr_as(i,j) = 0.
4646        pr_capma(i,j) =  0.
4647        pr_capme(i,j) = 0.
4648        pr_capmi(i,j) = 0.
4649       enddo
4650       endif
4652       do k=1,maxens
4653       do i=its,ite
4654         x_ave_cap(i,k)=0.
4655       enddo
4656       enddo
4657       do k=1,maxens3
4658       do i=its,ite
4659         x_ave(i,k)=0.
4660         x_std(i,k)=0.
4661         x_ske(i,k)=0.
4662         x_cur(i,k)=0.
4663       enddo
4664       enddo
4665       do i=its,ite
4666         xt_ave(i)=0.
4667         xt_std(i)=0.
4668         xt_ske(i)=0.
4669         xt_cur(i)=0.
4670       enddo
4671       do kk=1,num
4672       do k=1,maxens3
4673       do i=its,ite
4674         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4675         x_ave(i,k)=x_ave(i,k)+xf_ens(i,j,maxens3*(kk-1)+k)
4676         endif
4677       enddo
4678       enddo
4679       enddo
4680       do iedt=1,maxens2
4681       do k=1,maxens
4682       do kk=1,maxens3
4683       do i=its,ite
4684         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4685         x_ave_cap(i,k)=x_ave_cap(i,k)                               &
4686             +xf_ens(i,j,maxens3*(k-1)+(iedt-1)*maxens*maxens3+kk)
4687         endif
4688       enddo
4689       enddo
4690       enddo
4691       enddo
4692       do k=1,maxens
4693       do i=its,ite
4694         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4695         x_ave_cap(i,k)=x_ave_cap(i,k)/float(num2)
4696         endif
4697       enddo
4698       enddo
4700       do k=1,maxens3
4701       do i=its,ite
4702         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4703         x_ave(i,k)=x_ave(i,k)/float(num)
4704         endif
4705       enddo
4706       enddo
4707       do k=1,maxens3
4708       do i=its,ite
4709         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4710         xt_ave(i)=xt_ave(i)+x_ave(i,k)
4711         endif
4712       enddo
4713       enddo
4714       do i=its,ite
4715         if(ierr(i).eq.0)then
4716         xt_ave(i)=xt_ave(i)/float(maxens3)
4717         endif
4718       enddo
4720 !--- now do std, skewness,curtosis
4722       do kk=1,num
4723       do k=1,maxens3
4724       do i=its,ite
4725         if(ierr(i).eq.0.and.x_ave(i,k).gt.0.)then
4726 !       print *,i,j,k,kk,x_std(i,k),xf_ens(i,j,maxens3*(kk-1)+k),x_ave(i,k)
4727         x_std(i,k)=x_std(i,k)+(xf_ens(i,j,maxens3*(kk-1)+k)-x_ave(i,k))**2
4728         x_ske(i,k)=x_ske(i,k)+(xf_ens(i,j,maxens3*(kk-1)+k)-x_ave(i,k))**3
4729         x_cur(i,k)=x_cur(i,k)+(xf_ens(i,j,maxens3*(kk-1)+k)-x_ave(i,k))**4
4730         endif
4731       enddo
4732       enddo
4733       enddo
4734       do k=1,maxens3
4735       do i=its,ite
4736         if(ierr(i).eq.0.and.xt_ave(i).gt.0.)then
4737         xt_std(i)=xt_std(i)+(x_ave(i,k)-xt_ave(i))**2
4738         xt_ske(i)=xt_ske(i)+(x_ave(i,k)-xt_ave(i))**3
4739         xt_cur(i)=xt_cur(i)+(x_ave(i,k)-xt_ave(i))**4
4740         endif
4741       enddo
4742       enddo
4743       do k=1,maxens3
4744       do i=its,ite
4745         if(ierr(i).eq.0.and.x_std(i,k).gt.0.)then
4746            x_std(i,k)=x_std(i,k)/float(num)
4747            a3=max(1.e-6,x_std(i,k))
4748            x_std(i,k)=sqrt(a3)
4749            a3=max(1.e-6,x_std(i,k)**3)
4750            a4=max(1.e-6,x_std(i,k)**4)
4751            x_ske(i,k)=x_ske(i,k)/float(num)/a3
4752            x_cur(i,k)=x_cur(i,k)/float(num)/a4
4753         endif
4754 !       print*,'                               '
4755 !       print*,'Some statistics at gridpoint i,j, ierr',i,j,ierr(i)
4756 !       print*,'statistics for closure number ',k
4757 !       print*,'Average= ',x_ave(i,k),'  Std= ',x_std(i,k)
4758 !       print*,'Skewness= ',x_ske(i,k),' Curtosis= ',x_cur(i,k)
4759 !       print*,'                               '
4761       enddo
4762       enddo
4763       do i=its,ite
4764         if(ierr(i).eq.0.and.xt_std(i).gt.0.)then
4765            xt_std(i)=xt_std(i)/float(maxens3)
4766            a3=max(1.e-6,xt_std(i))
4767            xt_std(i)=sqrt(a3)
4768            a3=max(1.e-6,xt_std(i)**3)
4769            a4=max(1.e-6,xt_std(i)**4)
4770            xt_ske(i)=xt_ske(i)/float(maxens3)/a3
4771            xt_cur(i)=xt_cur(i)/float(maxens3)/a4
4772 !       print*,'                               '
4773 !       print*,'Total ensemble independent statistics at i =',i
4774 !       print*,'Average= ',xt_ave(i),'  Std= ',xt_std(i)
4775 !       print*,'Skewness= ',xt_ske(i),' Curtosis= ',xt_cur(i)
4776 !       print*,'                               '
4778 !  first go around: store massflx for different closures/caps
4780       if(itest.eq.1)then
4781        pr_gr(i,j) = .25*(x_ave(i,1)+x_ave(i,2)+x_ave(i,3)+x_ave(i,13))
4782        pr_w(i,j) = .25*(x_ave(i,4)+x_ave(i,5)+x_ave(i,6)+x_ave(i,14))
4783        pr_mc(i,j) = .25*(x_ave(i,7)+x_ave(i,8)+x_ave(i,9)+x_ave(i,15))
4784        pr_st(i,j) = .333*(x_ave(i,10)+x_ave(i,11)+x_ave(i,12))
4785        pr_as(i,j) = x_ave(i,16)
4786        pr_capma(i,j) = x_ave_cap(i,1)
4787        pr_capme(i,j) = x_ave_cap(i,2)
4788        pr_capmi(i,j) = x_ave_cap(i,3)
4790 !  second go around: store preciprates (mm/hour) for different closures/caps
4792         else if (itest.eq.2)then
4793        APR_GR(i,j)=.25*(x_ave(i,1)+x_ave(i,2)+x_ave(i,3)+x_ave(i,13))*      &
4794                   3600.*pr_gr(i,j) +APR_GR(i,j)
4795        APR_W(i,j)=.25*(x_ave(i,4)+x_ave(i,5)+x_ave(i,6)+x_ave(i,14))*       &
4796                   3600.*pr_w(i,j) +APR_W(i,j)
4797        APR_MC(i,j)=.25*(x_ave(i,7)+x_ave(i,8)+x_ave(i,9)+x_ave(i,15))*      &
4798                   3600.*pr_mc(i,j) +APR_MC(i,j)
4799        APR_ST(i,j)=.333*(x_ave(i,10)+x_ave(i,11)+x_ave(i,12))*   &
4800                   3600.*pr_st(i,j) +APR_ST(i,j)
4801        APR_AS(i,j)=x_ave(i,16)*                       &
4802                   3600.*pr_as(i,j) +APR_AS(i,j)
4803        APR_CAPMA(i,j) = x_ave_cap(i,1)*                          &
4804                   3600.*pr_capma(i,j) +APR_CAPMA(i,j)
4805        APR_CAPME(i,j) = x_ave_cap(i,2)*                          &
4806                   3600.*pr_capme(i,j) +APR_CAPME(i,j)
4807        APR_CAPMI(i,j) = x_ave_cap(i,3)*                          &
4808                   3600.*pr_capmi(i,j) +APR_CAPMI(i,j)
4809         endif
4810         endif
4811       enddo
4813    END SUBROUTINE massflx_stats
4815    SUBROUTINE cup_axx(tcrit,kbmax,z1,p,psur,xl,rv,cp,tx,qx,axx,ierr,    &
4816            cap_max,cap_max_increment,entr_rate,mentr_rate,&
4817            j,itf,jtf,ktf, &
4818            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ens4)
4820    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   ) ::                                             &
4821                                   j,itf,jtf,ktf,                &
4822                                   its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte,ens4
4823      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte,1:ens4)                                 &
4824          , intent(inout) ::                                                   &
4825            tx,qx
4826      real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte)                                 &
4827          , intent(in) ::                                                   &
4828            p
4829      real, dimension (its:ite)                                 &
4830          , intent(in) ::                                                   &
4831            z1,psur,cap_max,cap_max_increment
4832      real, intent(in) ::                                                   &
4833            tcrit,xl,rv,cp,mentr_rate,entr_rate
4834      real, dimension (its:ite,1:ens4)                                 &
4835          , intent(out) ::                                                   &
4836            axx
4837      integer, dimension (its:ite), intent (in) ::                             &
4838            ierr,kbmax
4839      integer, dimension (its:ite) ::                             &
4840            ierrxx,k22xx,kbconxx,ktopxx,kstabm,kstabi
4841       real, dimension (1:2) :: AE,BE,HT
4842       real, dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) :: tv
4843       real :: e,tvbar
4844      integer n,i,k,iph
4845      real,    dimension (its:ite,kts:kte) ::                           &
4846         he,hes,qes,z,                                                  &
4847         qes_cup,q_cup,he_cup,hes_cup,z_cup,p_cup,gamma_cup,t_cup,      &
4848         tn_cup,                                                        &
4849         dby,qc,qrcd,pwd,pw,hcd,qcd,dbyd,hc,qrc,zu,zd,cd
4851      real,    dimension (its:ite) ::                                   &
4852        AA0,HKB,QKB,          &
4853        PWAV,BU
4854       do n=1,ens4
4855       do i=its,ite
4856        axx(i,n)=0.
4857       enddo
4858       enddo
4859      HT(1)=XL/CP
4860      HT(2)=2.834E6/CP
4861      BE(1)=.622*HT(1)/.286
4862      AE(1)=BE(1)/273.+ALOG(610.71)
4863      BE(2)=.622*HT(2)/.286
4864      AE(2)=BE(2)/273.+ALOG(610.71)
4867      do 100 n=1,ens4
4869       do k=kts,ktf
4870       do i=its,itf
4871         cd(i,k)=0.1*entr_rate
4872       enddo
4873       enddo
4876       do i=its,itf
4877         ierrxx(i)=ierr(i)
4878         k22xx(i)=1
4879         kbconxx(i)=1
4880         ktopxx(i)=1
4881         kstabm(i)=ktf-1
4882       enddo
4883       DO k=kts,ktf
4884       do i=its,itf
4885         if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)then
4886         IPH=1
4887         IF(Tx(I,K,n).LE.TCRIT)IPH=2
4888         E=EXP(AE(IPH)-BE(IPH)/TX(I,K,N))
4889         QES(I,K)=.622*E/(100.*P(I,K)-E)
4890         IF(QES(I,K).LE.1.E-08)QES(I,K)=1.E-08
4891         IF(Qx(I,K,N).GT.QES(I,K))Qx(I,K,N)=QES(I,K)
4892         TV(I,K)=Tx(I,K,N)+.608*Qx(I,K,N)*Tx(I,K,N)
4893         endif
4894       enddo
4895       enddo
4897          do i=its,itf
4898            if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)then
4899              Z(I,KTS)=max(0.,Z1(I))-(ALOG(P(I,KTS))- &
4900                  ALOG(PSUR(I)))*287.*TV(I,KTS)/9.81
4901            endif
4902          enddo
4904 ! --- calculate heights
4905          DO K=kts+1,ktf
4906          do i=its,itf
4907            if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)then
4908               TVBAR=.5*TV(I,K)+.5*TV(I,K-1)
4909               Z(I,K)=Z(I,K-1)-(ALOG(P(I,K))- &
4910                ALOG(P(I,K-1)))*287.*TVBAR/9.81
4911            endif
4912          enddo
4913          enddo
4915 !--- calculate moist static energy - HE
4916 !    saturated moist static energy - HES
4918        DO k=kts,ktf
4919        do i=its,itf
4920          if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)then
4921          HE(I,K)=9.81*Z(I,K)+1004.*Tx(I,K,n)+2.5E06*Qx(I,K,n)
4922          HES(I,K)=9.81*Z(I,K)+1004.*Tx(I,K,n)+2.5E06*QES(I,K)
4923          IF(HE(I,K).GE.HES(I,K))HE(I,K)=HES(I,K)
4924          endif
4925       enddo
4926       enddo
4928 ! cup levels
4930       do k=kts+1,ktf
4931       do i=its,itf
4932         if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)then
4933         qes_cup(i,k)=.5*(qes(i,k-1)+qes(i,k))
4934         q_cup(i,k)=.5*(qx(i,k-1,n)+qx(i,k,n))
4935         hes_cup(i,k)=.5*(hes(i,k-1)+hes(i,k))
4936         he_cup(i,k)=.5*(he(i,k-1)+he(i,k))
4937         if(he_cup(i,k).gt.hes_cup(i,k))he_cup(i,k)=hes_cup(i,k)
4938         z_cup(i,k)=.5*(z(i,k-1)+z(i,k))
4939         p_cup(i,k)=.5*(p(i,k-1)+p(i,k))
4940         t_cup(i,k)=.5*(tx(i,k-1,n)+tx(i,k,n))
4941         gamma_cup(i,k)=(xl/cp)*(xl/(rv*t_cup(i,k) &
4942                        *t_cup(i,k)))*qes_cup(i,k)
4943         endif
4944       enddo
4945       enddo
4946       do i=its,itf
4947         if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)then
4948         qes_cup(i,1)=qes(i,1)
4949         q_cup(i,1)=qx(i,1,n)
4950         hes_cup(i,1)=hes(i,1)
4951         he_cup(i,1)=he(i,1)
4952         z_cup(i,1)=.5*(z(i,1)+z1(i))
4953         p_cup(i,1)=.5*(p(i,1)+psur(i))
4954         t_cup(i,1)=tx(i,1,n)
4955         gamma_cup(i,1)=xl/cp*(xl/(rv*t_cup(i,1) &
4956                        *t_cup(i,1)))*qes_cup(i,1)
4957         endif
4958       enddo
4963       CALL cup_MAXIMI(HE_CUP,3,KBMAX,K22XX,ierrxx, &
4964            itf,jtf,ktf, &
4965            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
4966        DO 36 i=its,itf
4967          IF(ierrxx(I).eq.0.)THEN
4968          IF(K22xx(I).GE.KBMAX(i))ierrxx(i)=2
4969          endif
4970  36   CONTINUE
4974       call cup_kbcon(cap_max_increment,1,k22xx,kbconxx,he_cup,hes_cup, &
4975            ierrxx,kbmax,p_cup,cap_max, &
4976            itf,jtf,ktf, &
4977            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
4979 !--- increase detrainment in stable layers
4981       CALL cup_minimi(HEs_cup,Kbconxx,kstabm,kstabi,ierrxx,  &
4982            itf,jtf,ktf, &
4983            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
4984       do i=its,itf
4985       IF(ierrxx(I).eq.0.)THEN
4986         if(kstabm(i)
4987            do k=kstabi(i),kstabm(i)-1
4988              cd(i,k)=cd(i,k-1)+1.5*entr_rate
4989              if(cd(i,k).gt.10.0*entr_rate)cd(i,k)=10.0*entr_rate
4990            enddo
4991         ENDIF
4992       ENDIF
4993       ENDDO
4995 !--- calculate incloud moist static energy
4997       call cup_up_he(k22xx,hkb,z_cup,cd,mentr_rate,he_cup,hc, &
4998            kbconxx,ierrxx,dby,he,hes_cup,'deep', &
4999            itf,jtf,ktf, &
5000            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
5004       call cup_ktop(1,dby,kbconxx,ktopxx,ierrxx, &
5005            itf,jtf,ktf, &
5006            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
5008 !c--- normalized updraft mass flux profile
5010       call cup_up_nms(zu,z_cup,mentr_rate,cd,kbconxx,ktopxx,ierrxx,k22xx, &
5011            itf,jtf,ktf, &
5012            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
5014 !--- calculate workfunctions for updrafts
5016       call cup_up_aa0(aa0,z,zu,dby,GAMMA_CUP,t_cup, &
5017            kbconxx,ktopxx,ierrxx,           &
5018            itf,jtf,ktf, &
5019            its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte)
5020       do i=its,itf
5021        if(ierrxx(i).eq.0)axx(i,n)=aa0(i)
5022       enddo
5023 100   continue
5024      END SUBROUTINE cup_axx
5026       SUBROUTINE conv_grell_spread3d(rthcuten,rqvcuten,rqccuten,raincv,   &
5027      &         cugd_avedx,cugd_tten,cugd_qvten,rqicuten,cugd_ttens,       &
5028      &         cugd_qvtens,cugd_qcten,pi_phy,moist_qv,pratec,dt,num_tiles,&
5029      &         imomentum,F_QV    ,F_QC    ,F_QR    ,F_QI    ,F_QS,        &
5030      &         ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,                              &
5031      &         ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe,                              &
5032      &         ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme,                              &
5033      &         its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte   )
5037    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   )    ::   num_tiles,imomentum
5038    INTEGER,      INTENT(IN   )    ::   ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde,&
5039                                        ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, &
5040                                        ips,ipe, jps,jpe, kps,kpe, &
5041                                        its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, &
5042                                        cugd_avedx
5043    REAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme), optional,INTENT (INOUT) ::     &
5044      &  rthcuten,rqvcuten,rqccuten,rqicuten
5045    REAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme), optional,INTENT (IN   ) ::     &
5046      &  cugd_tten,cugd_qvten,cugd_ttens,cugd_qvtens,cugd_qcten
5047    REAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme),INTENT (IN) ::        &
5048           moist_qv
5049    REAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme), INTENT (IN) ::        &
5050           PI_PHY
5051    REAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime,jms:jme), INTENT (INOUT) ::             &
5052           raincv,pratec
5053    REAL,                              INTENT(IN) ::   dt
5054    INTEGER                        :: ikk1,ikk2,ikk11,i,j,k,kk,nn,smoothh,smoothv
5055    INTEGER                        :: ifs,ife,jfs,jfe,ido,jdo,cugd_spread
5056    LOGICAL                        :: new
5058 ! Flags relating to the optional tendency arrays declared above
5059 ! Models that carry the optional tendencies will provdide the
5060 ! optional arguments at compile time; these flags all the model
5061 ! to determine at run-time whether a particular tracer is in
5062 ! use or not.
5064    LOGICAL, OPTIONAL ::                                      &
5065                                                    F_QV      &
5066                                                   ,F_QC      &
5067                                                   ,F_QR      &
5068                                                   ,F_QI      &
5069                                                   ,F_QS
5070    REAL, DIMENSION (its-2:ite+2,kts:kte,jts-2:jte+2) ::     &
5071           RTHcutent,RQVcutent
5072    real, dimension (its-2:ite+2,jts-2:jte+2) :: Qmem
5073    real, dimension (its-1:ite+1,jts-1:jte+1) :: smTT,smTQ
5074    real, dimension (kts:kte) :: conv_TRASHT,conv_TRASHQ
5075    REAL                           :: Qmem1,Qmem2,Qmemf,Thresh
5077    smoothh=1
5078    smoothv=1
5079    cugd_spread=cugd_avedx/2
5081    ifs=max(its,ids)
5082    jfs=max(jts,jds)
5083    ife=min(ite,ide-1)
5084    jfe=min(jte,jde-1)
5086    do j=jfs-2,jfe+2
5087    do i=ifs-2,ife+2
5088      Qmem(i,j)=1.
5089    enddo
5090    enddo
5091    do j=jfs-1,jfe+1
5092    do i=ifs-1,ife+1
5093      smTT(i,j)=0.
5094      smTQ(i,j)=0.
5095    enddo
5096    enddo
5097    do j=jfs,jfe              
5098    do k=kts,kte              
5099    do i=ifs,ife
5100      rthcuten(i,k,j)=0. 
5101      rqvcuten(i,k,j)=0.      
5102    enddo
5103    enddo
5104    enddo
5105    do j=jfs-2,jfe+2              
5106    do k=kts,kte              
5107    do i=ifs-2,ife+2
5108      RTHcutent(i,k,j)=0. 
5109      RQVcutent(i,k,j)=0.      
5110    enddo
5111    enddo
5112    enddo
5113 !     
5115 !       
5116 !  
5117 ! prelims finished, now go real for every grid point
5118 !  
5119    if(
5120       !if(its.eq.ips)ifs=max(its-1,ids)
5121       !if(ite.eq.ipe)ife=min(ite+1,ide-1)
5122       !if(jts.eq.jps)jfs=max(jts-1,jds)
5123       !if(jte.eq.jpe)jfe=min(jte+1,jde-1)
5124       ifs=max(its-1,ids)
5125       ife=min(ite+1,ide-1)
5126       jfs=max(jts-1,jds)
5127       jfe=min(jte+1,jde-1)
5128    endif
5130 ! *** jm note -- for smoothing this goes out one row/column beyond tile in i and j
5131    do j=jfs,jfe
5132      do i=ifs,ife
5134        do k=kts,kte
5135          RTHcutent(i,k,j)=cugd_tten(i,k,j)
5136          RQVcutent(i,k,j)=cugd_qvten(i,k,j)
5137        enddo
5139 ! for high res run, spread the subsidence
5140 ! this is tricky......only consider grid points where there was no rain,
5141 ! so cugd_tten and such are zero!
5143        if(
5144          do k=kts,kte
5145            do nn=-1,1,1
5146              jdo=max(j+nn,jds)
5147              jdo=min(jdo,jde-1)
5148              do kk=-1,1,1
5149                ido=max(i+kk,ids)
5150                ido=min(ido,ide-1)
5151                RTHcutent(i,k,j)=RTHcutent(i,k,j)     &
5152                                     +Qmem(ido,jdo)*cugd_ttens(ido,k,jdo)
5153                RQVcutent(i,k,j)=RQVcutent(i,k,j)     &
5154                                     +Qmem(ido,jdo)*cugd_qvtens(ido,k,jdo)
5155              enddo
5156            enddo
5157          enddo
5158        endif
5159 !       
5160 ! end spreading
5162        if(cugd_spread.eq.0)then
5163          do k=kts,kte
5164            RTHcutent(i,k,j)=RTHcutent(i,k,j)+cugd_ttens(i,k,j)
5165            RQVcutent(i,k,j)=RQVcutent(i,k,j)+cugd_qvtens(i,k,j)
5166          enddo
5167        endif
5168      enddo  ! end j
5169    enddo  ! end i
5171 ! smooth
5172    do k=kts,kte
5173      if(smoothh.eq.0)then
5174           ifs=max(its,ids+4)
5175           ife=min(ite,ide-5)
5176           jfs=max(jts,jds+4)
5177           jfe=min(jte,jde-5)
5178           do i=ifs,ife
5179             do j=jfs,jfe
5180               rthcuten(i,k,j)=RTHcutent(i,k,j)
5181               rqvcuten(i,k,j)=RQVcutent(i,k,j)
5182             enddo  ! end j
5183           enddo  ! end j
5184      else if(smoothh.eq.1)then   ! smooth
5185           ifs=max(its,ids)
5186           ife=min(ite,ide-1)
5187           jfs=max(jts,jds)
5188           jfe=min(jte,jde-1)
5189 ! we need an extra row for j (halo comp)
5190           !if(jts.eq.jps)jfs=max(jts-1,jds)
5191           !if(jte.eq.jpe)jfe=min(jte+1,jde-1)
5192           jfs=max(jts-1,jds)
5193           jfe=min(jte+1,jde-1)
5194           do i=ifs,ife
5195             do j=jfs,jfe
5196                smTT(i,j)=.25*(RTHcutent(i-1,k,j)+2.*RTHcutent(i,k,j)+RTHcutent(i+1,k,j))
5197                smTQ(i,j)=.25*(RQVcutent(i-1,k,j)+2.*RQVcutent(i,k,j)+RQVcutent(i+1,k,j))
5198             enddo  ! end j
5199           enddo  ! end j
5200           ifs=max(its,ids+4)
5201           ife=min(ite,ide-5)
5202           jfs=max(jts,jds+4)
5203           jfe=min(jte,jde-5)
5204           do i=ifs,ife
5205             do j=jfs,jfe
5206               rthcuten(i,k,j)=.25*(smTT(i,j-1)+2.*smTT(i,j)+smTT(i,j+1))
5207               rqvcuten(i,k,j)=.25*(smTQ(i,j-1)+2.*smTQ(i,j)+smTQ(i,j+1))
5208             enddo  ! end j
5209           enddo  ! end i
5210       endif  ! smoothh
5211     enddo  ! end k
5212 !       
5213 ! check moistening rates
5214 !         
5215     ifs=max(its,ids+4)
5216     ife=min(ite,ide-5)
5217     jfs=max(jts,jds+4)
5218     jfe=min(jte,jde-5)
5219     do j=jfs,jfe
5220       do i=ifs,ife
5221         Qmemf=1.
5222         Thresh=1.e-20
5223         do k=kts,kte              
5224           if(rqvcuten(i,k,j).lt.0.)then
5225             Qmem1=moist_qv(i,k,j)+rqvcuten(i,k,j)*dt
5226             if(
5227               Qmem1=rqvcuten(i,k,j)
5228               Qmem2=(Thresh-moist_qv(i,k,j))/dt
5229               Qmemf=min(Qmemf,Qmem2/Qmem1)
5230               Qmemf=max(0.,Qmemf)
5231               Qmemf=min(1.,Qmemf)
5232             endif
5233           endif
5234         enddo
5235         do k=kts,kte
5236           rqvcuten(i,k,j)=rqvcuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5237           rthcuten(i,k,j)=rthcuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5238         enddo
5239         if(present(rqccuten))then
5240           if(f_qc) then
5241             do k=kts,kte
5242               rqccuten(i,k,j)=rqccuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5243             enddo
5244           endif
5245         endif
5246         if(present(rqicuten))then
5247           if(f_qi) then
5248             do k=kts,kte
5249               rqicuten(i,k,j)=rqicuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5250             enddo
5251           endif
5252         endif
5253         raincv(I,J)=raincv(I,J)*Qmemf
5254         pratec(I,J)=pratec(I,J)*Qmemf
5256 ! check heating rates
5259         Thresh=200.
5260         Qmemf=1.
5261         Qmem1=0.
5262         do k=kts,kte
5263           Qmem1=abs(rthcuten(i,k,j))*86400. 
5265           if(
5266             Qmem2=Thresh/Qmem1
5267             Qmemf=min(Qmemf,Qmem2)
5268             Qmemf=max(0.,Qmemf) 
5269           endif
5271         enddo
5272         raincv(i,j)=raincv(i,j)*Qmemf
5273         pratec(i,j)=pratec(i,j)*Qmemf
5274         do k=kts,kte
5275           rqvcuten(i,k,j)=rqvcuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5276           rthcuten(i,k,j)=rthcuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5277         enddo
5278         if(present(rqccuten))then
5279           if(f_qc) then
5280             do k=kts,kte
5281               rqccuten(i,k,j)=rqccuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5282             enddo
5283           endif
5284         endif
5285         if(present(rqicuten))then
5286           if(f_qi) then
5287             do k=kts,kte
5288               rqicuten(i,k,j)=rqicuten(i,k,j)*Qmemf
5289             enddo
5290           endif
5291         endif
5292         if(smoothv.eq.1)then
5294 ! smooth for now
5296           do k=kts+2,kte-2
5297             conv_TRASHT(k)= .25*(rthcuten(i,k-1,j)+2.*rthcuten(i,k,j)+rthcuten(i,k+1,j))
5298             conv_TRASHQ(k)= .25*(rqvcuten(i,k-1,j)+2.*rqvcuten(i,k,j)+rqvcuten(i,k+1,j))
5299           enddo
5300           do k=kts+2,kte-2
5301             rthcuten(i,k,j)=conv_TRASHT(k)
5302             rqvcuten(i,k,j)=conv_TRASHQ(k)
5303           enddo
5304         endif
5305         do k=kts,kte
5306           rthcuten(i,k,j)=rthcuten(i,k,j)/pi_phy(i,k,j)
5307         enddo
5308       enddo  ! end j
5309     enddo  ! end i
5312 !-------------------------------------------------------
5313 END MODULE module_cu_g3