Merge branch 'master' into devel
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / external / RSL_LITE / rsl_bcast.c
1 /* #define LEARN_BCAST */
2 /***********************************************************************
6 The following is a notice of limited availability of the code and
7 Government license and disclaimer which must be included in the
8 prologue of the code and in all source listings of the code.
10 Copyright notice
11 (c) 1977 University of Chicago
13 Permission is hereby granted to use, reproduce, prepare
14 derivative works, and to redistribute to others at no charge. If
15 you distribute a copy or copies of the Software, or you modify a
16 copy or copies of the Software or any portion of it, thus forming
17 a work based on the Software and make and/or distribute copies of
18 such work, you must meet the following conditions:
20 a) If you make a copy of the Software (modified or verbatim)
21 it must include the copyright notice and Government
22 license and disclaimer.
24 b) You must cause the modified Software to carry prominent
25 notices stating that you changed specified portions of
26 the Software.
28 This software was authored by:
30 Argonne National Laboratory
31 J. Michalakes: (630) 252-6646; email:
32 Mathematics and Computer Science Division
33 Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439
42 This computer code material was prepared, in part, as an account
43 of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government.
44 The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its
45 behalf a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable worldwide license in
46 this data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute
47 copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and
48 to permit others to do so. NEITHER THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT
56 ***************************************************************************/
58 #define MOD_9707
60 #ifndef MS_SUA
61 # include <stdio.h>
62 #endif
63 #include <stdlib.h>
64 #ifndef STUBMPI
65 # include "mpi.h"
66 #endif
67 #include "rsl_lite.h"
69 typedef struct bcast_point_desc {
70 int ig ;
71 int jg ;
72 } bcast_point_desc_t ;
75 static destroy_par_info ( p )
76 char * p ;
78 if ( p != NULL ) RSL_FREE( p ) ;
81 static rsl_list_t *Xlist, *Xp, *Xprev ;
82 static rsl_list_t *stage ;
83 static int stage_len = 0 ; /* 96/3/15 */
85 static int Sendbufsize ;
86 static int Sendbufcurs ;
87 static char *Sendbuf ;
88 static int Sdisplacements[RSL_MAXPROC] ;
89 static int Ssizes[RSL_MAXPROC] ;
91 static int Recsizeindex ;
93 static int Rbufsize ;
94 static int Rbufcurs ;
95 static int Rpointcurs ;
96 static char *Recvbuf ;
97 static int Rdisplacements[RSL_MAXPROC+1] ;
98 static int Rsizes[RSL_MAXPROC] ;
99 static int Rreclen ;
101 static int s_d ;
102 static int s_nst ;
103 static int s_msize ;
104 static int s_idim ;
105 static int s_jdim ;
106 static int s_idim_nst ;
107 static int s_jdim_nst ;
108 static int s_irax_n ;
109 static int s_irax_m ;
110 static int s_ntasks_x ;
111 static int s_ntasks_y ;
112 static rsl_list_t **Plist ;
113 static int Psize[RSL_MAXPROC] ;
114 static char *s_parent_msgs ;
115 static int s_parent_msgs_curs ;
116 static int s_remaining ; /* number of bytes left in a parent message before
117 the next point descriptor */
119 /* add a field to a message outgoing for the specified child domain cell */
120 /* relies on rsl_ready_bcast having been called already */
121 /* sends are specified in terms of coarse domain */
123 static int s_i, s_j, s_ig, s_jg, s_cm, s_cn,
124 s_nig, s_njg ;
126 static int Pcurs ;
127 static rsl_list_t *Pptr ;
129 #ifdef LEARN_BCAST
130 static int s_putmsg = 0 ;
131 #endif
133 /* parent->nest */
134 RSL_LITE_TO_CHILD_INFO ( Fcomm, msize_p,
135 cips_p, cipe_p, cjps_p, cjpe_p, /* patch dims of SOURCE DOMAIN */
136 iids_p, iide_p, ijds_p, ijde_p, /* domain dims of INTERMEDIATE DOMAIN */
137 nids_p, nide_p, njds_p, njde_p, /* domain dims of CHILD DOMAIN */
138 pgr_p, shw_p , /* nest ratio and stencil half width */
139 ntasks_x_p , ntasks_y_p , /* proc counts in x and y */
140 min_subdomain , /* minimum width allowed for a subdomain in a dim ON PARENT */
141 icoord_p, jcoord_p,
142 idim_cd_p, jdim_cd_p,
143 ig_p, jg_p,
144 retval_p )
146 int_p
147 Fcomm /* Fortran version of MPI communicator */
148 ,cips_p, cipe_p, cjps_p, cjpe_p /* (i) c.d. patch dims */
149 ,iids_p, iide_p, ijds_p, ijde_p /* (i) n.n. global dims */
150 ,nids_p, nide_p, njds_p, njde_p /* (i) n.n. global dims */
151 ,pgr_p /* nesting ratio */
152 ,ntasks_x_p , ntasks_y_p /* proc counts in x and y */
153 ,min_subdomain
154 ,icoord_p /* i coordinate of nest in cd */
155 ,jcoord_p /* j coordinate of nest in cd */
156 ,shw_p /* stencil half width */
157 ,idim_cd_p /* i width of nest in cd */
158 ,jdim_cd_p /* j width of nest in cd */
159 ,msize_p /* (I) Message size in bytes. */
160 ,ig_p /* (O) Global N index of parent domain point. */
161 ,jg_p /* (O) Global N index of parent domain point. */
162 ,retval_p ; /* (O) =1 if a valid point returned; =0 (zero) otherwise. */
164 int P, Px, Py ;
166 rsl_list_t *q ;
167 int *r ;
168 int i, j, ni, nj ;
169 int coords[2] ;
170 int ierr ;
171 #ifndef STUBMPI
172 MPI_Comm *comm, dummy_comm ;
174 comm = &dummy_comm ;
175 *comm = MPI_Comm_f2c( *Fcomm ) ;
176 #endif
178 if ( Plist == NULL ) {
179 s_ntasks_x = *ntasks_x_p ;
180 s_ntasks_y = *ntasks_y_p ;
181 /* construct Plist */
182 Sendbufsize = 0 ;
183 Plist = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t * , s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y ) ; /* big enough for nest points */
184 for ( j = 0 ; j < s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y ; j++ ) {
185 Plist[j] = NULL ;
186 Sdisplacements[j] = 0 ;
187 Ssizes[j] = 0 ;
189 ierr = 0 ;
190 for ( j = *cjps_p ; j <= *cjpe_p ; j++ )
192 for ( i = *cips_p ; i <= *cipe_p ; i++ )
194 if ( ( *jcoord_p <= j && j <= *jcoord_p+*jdim_cd_p-1 ) && ( *icoord_p <= i && i <= *icoord_p+*idim_cd_p-1 ) ) {
195 ni = ( i - (*icoord_p + *shw_p) ) * *pgr_p + 1 + 1 ; /* add 1 to give center point */
196 nj = ( j - (*jcoord_p + *shw_p) ) * *pgr_p + 1 + 1 ;
198 #ifndef STUBMPI
199 TASK_FOR_POINT ( &ni, &nj, nids_p, nide_p, njds_p, njde_p, &s_ntasks_x, &s_ntasks_y, &Px, &Py,
200 min_subdomain, min_subdomain, &ierr ) ;
201 coords[1] = Px ; coords[0] = Py ;
202 MPI_Cart_rank( *comm, coords, &P ) ;
203 #else
204 P = 0 ;
205 #endif
206 q = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t , 1 ) ;
207 q->info1 = i ;
208 q->info2 = j ;
209 q->next = Plist[P] ;
210 Plist[P] = q ;
211 Sendbufsize += *msize_p + 3 * sizeof( int ) ; /* point data plus 3 ints for i, j, and size */
215 if ( ierr != 0 ) {
216 fprintf(stderr,"rsl_to_child_info: ") ;
219 Sendbuf = RSL_MALLOC( char , Sendbufsize ) ;
220 Sendbufcurs = 0 ;
221 Recsizeindex = -1 ;
222 Pcurs = -1 ;
223 Pptr = NULL ;
226 if ( Pptr != NULL ) {
227 Pptr = Pptr->next ;
230 if ( Recsizeindex >= 0 ) {
231 r = (int *) &(Sendbuf[Recsizeindex]) ;
232 *r = Sendbufcurs - Recsizeindex + 2 * sizeof(int) ;
233 Ssizes[Pcurs] += *r ;
236 while ( Pptr == NULL ) {
237 Pcurs++ ;
238 while ( Pcurs < s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y && Plist[Pcurs] == NULL ) Pcurs++ ;
239 if ( Pcurs < s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y ) {
240 Sdisplacements[Pcurs] = Sendbufcurs ;
241 Ssizes[Pcurs] = 0 ;
242 Pptr = Plist[Pcurs] ;
243 } else {
244 *retval_p = 0 ;
245 return ; /* done */
249 *ig_p = Pptr->info1 ;
250 *jg_p = Pptr->info2 ;
252 r = (int *) &(Sendbuf[Sendbufcurs]) ;
253 *r++ = Pptr->info1 ; Sendbufcurs += sizeof(int) ; /* ig to buffer */
254 *r++ = Pptr->info2 ; Sendbufcurs += sizeof(int) ; /* jg to buffer */
255 Recsizeindex = Sendbufcurs ;
256 *r++ = 0 ; Sendbufcurs += sizeof(int) ; /* store start for size */
257 *retval_p = 1 ;
259 return ;
262 /********************************************/
264 /* nest->parent */
265 RSL_LITE_TO_PARENT_INFO ( Fcomm, msize_p,
266 nips_p, nipe_p, njps_p, njpe_p, /* patch dims of SOURCE DOMAIN (CHILD) */
267 cids_p, cide_p, cjds_p, cjde_p, /* domain dims of TARGET DOMAIN (PARENT) */
268 ntasks_x_p , ntasks_y_p , /* proc counts in x and y */
269 min_subdomain ,
270 icoord_p, jcoord_p,
271 idim_cd_p, jdim_cd_p,
272 ig_p, jg_p,
273 retval_p )
274 int_p
275 Fcomm /* Fortran version of MPI communicator */
276 ,nips_p, nipe_p, njps_p, njpe_p /* (i) n.d. patch dims */
277 ,cids_p, cide_p, cjds_p, cjde_p /* (i) n.n. global dims */
278 ,ntasks_x_p , ntasks_y_p /* proc counts in x and y */
279 ,min_subdomain
280 ,icoord_p /* i coordinate of nest in cd */
281 ,jcoord_p /* j coordinate of nest in cd */
282 ,idim_cd_p /* i width of nest in cd */
283 ,jdim_cd_p /* j width of nest in cd */
284 ,msize_p /* (I) Message size in bytes. */
285 ,ig_p /* (O) Global N index of parent domain point. */
286 ,jg_p /* (O) Global N index of parent domain point. */
287 ,retval_p ; /* (O) =1 if a valid point returned; =0 (zero) otherwise. */
289 int P, Px, Py ;
290 rsl_list_t *q ;
291 int *r ;
292 int i, j ;
293 int coords[2] ;
294 int ierr ;
295 #ifndef STUBMPI
296 MPI_Comm *comm, dummy_comm ;
298 comm = &dummy_comm ;
299 *comm = MPI_Comm_f2c( *Fcomm ) ;
300 #endif
302 if ( Plist == NULL ) {
303 s_ntasks_x = *ntasks_x_p ;
304 s_ntasks_y = *ntasks_y_p ;
305 /* construct Plist */
306 Sendbufsize = 0 ;
307 Plist = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t * , s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y ) ;
308 for ( j = 0 ; j < s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y ; j++ ) {
309 Plist[j] = NULL ;
310 Sdisplacements[j] = 0 ;
311 Ssizes[j] = 0 ;
313 ierr = 0 ;
314 for ( j = *njps_p ; j <= *njpe_p ; j++ )
316 for ( i = *nips_p ; i <= *nipe_p ; i++ )
318 if ( ( *jcoord_p <= j && j <= *jcoord_p+*jdim_cd_p-1 ) && ( *icoord_p <= i && i <= *icoord_p+*idim_cd_p-1 ) ) {
319 #ifndef STUBMPI
320 TASK_FOR_POINT ( &i, &j, cids_p, cide_p, cjds_p, cjde_p, &s_ntasks_x, &s_ntasks_y, &Px, &Py,
321 min_subdomain, min_subdomain, &ierr ) ;
322 coords[1] = Px ; coords[0] = Py ;
323 MPI_Cart_rank( *comm, coords, &P ) ;
324 #else
325 P = 0 ;
326 #endif
327 q = RSL_MALLOC( rsl_list_t , 1 ) ;
328 q->info1 = i ;
329 q->info2 = j ;
330 q->next = Plist[P] ;
331 Plist[P] = q ;
332 Sendbufsize += *msize_p + 3 * sizeof( int ) ; /* point data plus 3 ints for i, j, and size */
336 if ( ierr != 0 ) {
337 fprintf(stderr,"rsl_to_parent_info: ") ;
340 Sendbuf = RSL_MALLOC( char , Sendbufsize ) ;
341 Sendbufcurs = 0 ;
342 Recsizeindex = -1 ;
343 Pcurs = -1 ;
344 Pptr = NULL ;
346 if ( Pptr != NULL ) {
347 Pptr = Pptr->next ;
350 if ( Recsizeindex >= 0 ) {
351 r = (int *) &(Sendbuf[Recsizeindex]) ;
352 *r = Sendbufcurs - Recsizeindex + 2 * sizeof(int) ;
353 Ssizes[Pcurs] += *r ;
356 while ( Pptr == NULL ) {
357 Pcurs++ ;
358 while ( Pcurs < s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y && Plist[Pcurs] == NULL ) Pcurs++ ;
359 if ( Pcurs < s_ntasks_x * s_ntasks_y ) {
360 Sdisplacements[Pcurs] = Sendbufcurs ;
361 Ssizes[Pcurs] = 0 ;
362 Pptr = Plist[Pcurs] ;
363 } else {
364 *retval_p = 0 ;
365 return ; /* done */
369 *ig_p = Pptr->info1 ;
370 *jg_p = Pptr->info2 ;
372 r = (int *) &(Sendbuf[Sendbufcurs]) ;
373 *r++ = Pptr->info1 ; Sendbufcurs += sizeof(int) ; /* ig to buffer */
374 *r++ = Pptr->info2 ; Sendbufcurs += sizeof(int) ; /* jg to buffer */
375 Recsizeindex = Sendbufcurs ;
376 *r++ = 0 ; Sendbufcurs += sizeof(int) ; /* store start for size */
377 *retval_p = 1 ;
379 return ;
383 /********************************************/
386 RSL_TO_CHILD_MSG -- Pack force data into a message for a nest point.
390 /* parent->nest */
391 RSL_LITE_TO_CHILD_MSG ( nbuf_p, buf )
392 int_p
393 nbuf_p ; /* (I) Number of bytes to be packed. */
394 char *
395 buf ; /* (I) Buffer containing the data to be packed. */
397 rsl_lite_to_peerpoint_msg ( nbuf_p, buf ) ;
400 /* nest->parent */
401 RSL_LITE_TO_PARENT_MSG ( nbuf_p, buf )
402 int_p
403 nbuf_p ; /* (I) Number of bytes to be packed. */
404 char *
405 buf ; /* (I) Buffer containing the data to be packed. */
407 rsl_lite_to_peerpoint_msg ( nbuf_p, buf ) ;
410 /* common code */
411 rsl_lite_to_peerpoint_msg ( nbuf_p, buf )
412 int_p
413 nbuf_p ; /* (I) Number of bytes to be packed. */
414 char *
415 buf ; /* (I) Buffer containing the data to be packed. */
417 int nbuf ;
418 int *p, *q ;
419 char *c, *d ;
420 int i ;
421 char mess[4096] ;
423 RSL_TEST_ERR(buf==NULL,"2nd argument is NULL. Field allocated?") ;
425 nbuf = *nbuf_p ;
427 if ( Sendbufcurs + nbuf >= Sendbufsize ) {
428 sprintf(mess,"RSL_LITE_TO_CHILD_MSG: Sendbufcurs + nbuf (%d) would exceed Sendbufsize (%d)\n",
429 Sendbufcurs + nbuf , Sendbufsize ) ;
430 RSL_TEST_ERR(1,mess) ;
433 if ( nbuf % sizeof(int) == 0 ) {
434 for ( p = (int *)buf, q = (int *) &(Sendbuf[Sendbufcurs]), i = 0 ; i < nbuf ; i += sizeof(int) )
436 *q++ = *p++ ;
439 else
441 for ( c = buf, d = &(Sendbuf[Sendbufcurs]), i = 0 ; i < nbuf ; i++ )
443 *d++ = *c++ ;
447 Sendbufcurs += nbuf ;
451 /********************************************/
453 /* parent->nest */
454 RSL_LITE_BCAST_MSGS ( mytask_p, ntasks_p, Fcomm )
455 int_p mytask_p, ntasks_p, Fcomm ;
457 #ifndef STUBMPI
458 MPI_Comm comm ;
460 comm = MPI_Comm_f2c( *Fcomm ) ;
461 #else
462 int comm ;
463 #endif
464 rsl_lite_allgather_msgs ( mytask_p, ntasks_p, comm ) ;
467 /* nest->parent */
468 RSL_LITE_MERGE_MSGS ( mytask_p, ntasks_p, Fcomm )
469 int_p mytask_p, ntasks_p, Fcomm ;
471 #ifndef STUBMPI
472 MPI_Comm comm ;
474 comm = MPI_Comm_f2c( *Fcomm ) ;
475 #else
476 int comm ;
477 #endif
478 rsl_lite_allgather_msgs ( mytask_p, ntasks_p, comm ) ;
481 /* common code */
482 rsl_lite_allgather_msgs ( mytask_p, ntasks_p, comm )
483 int_p mytask_p, ntasks_p ;
484 #ifndef STUBMPI
485 MPI_Comm comm ;
486 #else
487 int comm ;
488 #endif
490 int P ;
491 char *work ;
492 int * r ;
493 bcast_point_desc_t pdesc ;
494 int curs ;
495 int msglen, mdest, mtag ;
496 int ntasks, mytask ;
497 int ii, i, j ;
498 int ig, jg ;
499 int *Psize_all ;
500 int *sp, *bp ;
501 int rc ;
503 #ifndef STUBMPI
504 ntasks = *ntasks_p ;
505 mytask = *mytask_p ;
506 #else
507 ntasks = 1 ;
508 mytask = 0 ;
509 #endif
511 RSL_TEST_ERR( Plist == NULL,
512 "RSL_BCAST_MSGS: rsl_to_child_info not called first" ) ;
514 RSL_TEST_ERR( ntasks == RSL_MAXPROC ,
515 "RSL_BCAST_MSGS: raise the compile time value of MAXPROC" ) ;
517 Psize_all = RSL_MALLOC( int, ntasks * ntasks ) ;
519 #ifndef STUBMPI
520 MPI_Allgather( Ssizes, ntasks, MPI_INT , Psize_all, ntasks, MPI_INT, comm ) ;
521 #else
522 Psize_all[0] = Ssizes[0] ;
523 #endif
525 for ( j = 0 ; j < ntasks ; j++ )
526 Rsizes[j] = 0 ;
528 for ( j = 0 ; j < ntasks ; j++ )
530 Rsizes[j] += Psize_all[ INDEX_2( j , mytask , ntasks ) ] ;
533 for ( Rbufsize = 0, P = 0, Rdisplacements[0] = 0 ; P < ntasks ; P++ )
535 Rdisplacements[P+1] = Rsizes[P] + Rdisplacements[P] ;
537 Rbufsize += Rsizes[P] ;
540 /* this will be freed later */
542 Recvbuf = RSL_MALLOC( char , Rbufsize + 3 * sizeof(int) ) ; /* for sentinal record */
543 Rbufcurs = 0 ;
544 Rreclen = 0 ;
546 #ifndef STUBMPI
547 rc = MPI_Alltoallv ( Sendbuf, Ssizes, Sdisplacements, MPI_BYTE ,
548 Recvbuf, Rsizes, Rdisplacements, MPI_BYTE , comm ) ;
549 #else
550 work = Sendbuf ;
551 Sendbuf = Recvbuf ;
552 Recvbuf = work ;
553 #endif
555 /* add sentinel to the end of Recvbuf */
557 r = (int *)&(Recvbuf[Rbufsize + 2 * sizeof(int)]) ;
558 *r = RSL_INVALID ;
560 RSL_FREE( Sendbuf ) ;
561 RSL_FREE( Psize_all ) ;
563 for ( j = 0 ; j < *ntasks_p ; j++ ) {
564 destroy_list ( &(Plist[j]), NULL ) ;
566 RSL_FREE( Plist ) ;
567 Plist = NULL ;
571 /********************************************/
573 /* parent->nest */
574 RSL_LITE_FROM_PARENT_INFO ( ig_p, jg_p, retval_p )
575 int_p
576 ig_p /* (O) Global index in M dimension of nest. */
577 ,jg_p /* (O) Global index in N dimension of nest. */
578 ,retval_p ; /* (O) Return value; =1 valid point, =0 done. */
580 rsl_lite_from_peerpoint_info ( ig_p, jg_p, retval_p ) ;
583 /* nest->parent */
584 RSL_LITE_FROM_CHILD_INFO ( ig_p, jg_p, retval_p )
585 int_p
586 ig_p /* (O) Global index in M dimension of nest. */
587 ,jg_p /* (O) Global index in N dimension of nest. */
588 ,retval_p ; /* (O) Return value; =1 valid point, =0 done. */
590 rsl_lite_from_peerpoint_info ( ig_p, jg_p, retval_p ) ;
593 /* common code */
594 rsl_lite_from_peerpoint_info ( ig_p, jg_p, retval_p )
595 int_p
596 ig_p /* (O) Global index in M dimension of nest. */
597 ,jg_p /* (O) Global index in N dimension of nest. */
598 ,retval_p ; /* (O) Return value; =1 valid point, =0 done. */
600 int ii ;
602 Rbufcurs = Rbufcurs + Rreclen ;
603 Rpointcurs = 0 ;
604 *ig_p = *(int *)&( Recvbuf[Rbufcurs + Rpointcurs ] ) ; Rpointcurs += sizeof(int) ;
605 *jg_p = *(int *)&( Recvbuf[Rbufcurs + Rpointcurs ] ) ; Rpointcurs += sizeof(int) ;
606 /* read sentinel */
607 Rreclen = *(int *)&( Recvbuf[Rbufcurs + Rpointcurs ] ) ; Rpointcurs += sizeof(int) ;
608 *retval_p = 1 ;
609 if ( Rreclen == RSL_INVALID ) {
610 *retval_p = 0 ;
611 RSL_FREE( Recvbuf ) ;
614 return ;
617 /********************************************/
619 /* parent->nest */
620 RSL_LITE_FROM_PARENT_MSG ( len_p, buf )
621 int_p
622 len_p ; /* (I) Number of bytes to unpack. */
623 int *
624 buf ; /* (O) Destination buffer. */
626 rsl_lite_from_peerpoint_msg ( len_p, buf ) ;
629 /* nest->parent */
630 RSL_LITE_FROM_CHILD_MSG ( len_p, buf )
631 int_p
632 len_p ; /* (I) Number of bytes to unpack. */
633 int *
634 buf ; /* (O) Destination buffer. */
636 rsl_lite_from_peerpoint_msg ( len_p, buf ) ;
639 /* common code */
640 rsl_lite_from_peerpoint_msg ( len_p, buf )
641 int_p
642 len_p ; /* (I) Number of bytes to unpack. */
643 int *
644 buf ; /* (O) Destination buffer. */
646 int *p, *q ;
647 char *c, *d ;
648 int i ;
650 if ( *len_p % sizeof(int) == 0 ) {
651 for ( p = (int *)&(Recvbuf[Rbufcurs+Rpointcurs]), q = buf , i = 0 ; i < *len_p ; i += sizeof(int) )
653 *q++ = *p++ ;
655 } else {
656 for ( c = &(Recvbuf[Rbufcurs+Rpointcurs]), d = (char *) buf , i = 0 ; i < *len_p ; i++ )
658 *d++ = *c++ ;
662 Rpointcurs += *len_p ;
665 /********************************************/
667 destroy_list( list, dfcn )
668 rsl_list_t ** list ; /* pointer to pointer to list */
669 int (*dfcn)() ; /* pointer to function for destroying
670 the data field of the list */
672 rsl_list_t *p, *trash ;
673 if ( list == NULL ) return(0) ;
674 if ( *list == NULL ) return(0) ;
675 for ( p = *list ; p != NULL ; )
677 if ( dfcn != NULL ) (*dfcn)( p->data ) ;
678 trash = p ;
679 p = p->next ;
680 RSL_FREE( trash ) ;
682 *list = NULL ;
683 return(0) ;
686 /********************************************/