wrf svn trunk commit r4103
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / phys / module_fr_sfire_driver.F
3 !*** Jan Mandel August 2007 - February 2008
4 !*** email: jmandel@ucar.edu or Jan.Mandel@gmail.com or Jan.Mandel@cudenver.edu
6 ! For support please subscribe to the wrf-fire mailing list at NCAR at
7 ! http://mailman.ucar.edu/mailman/listinfo/wrf-fire
11 ! This module is the only entry point from WRF-ARW to the wildland 
12 ! fire model. The call to sfire_driver advances the fire model by 
13 ! one timestep. The fire model inputs the wind and outputs 
14 ! temperature and humidity tendencies. The fire model also inputs a 
15 ! number of constant arrays (fuel data, topography). Additional 
16 ! arguments are model state (for data assimilation) and constant arrays 
17 ! the model gives to WRF for safekeeping because it is not allowed 
18 ! to save anything.
20 ! This model is described in [1]. The fire model is coupled with WRF 
21 ! but the fire code itself is not dependent on WRF in any way other 
22 ! than calls to few WRF utilities from module_fr_sfire_util. This 
23 ! model uses a level set function method for advancing the fireline. 
24 ! It is a reimplementation of an earlier model, which used fireline 
25 ! propagation by tracers and was coupled with the Clark-Hall 
26 ! atmospheric code, described in [2]. For WRF documentation see [3].
28 ! Acknowledgements: Contributions to the level set method by Mijeong 
29 ! Kim. The fire physics is adapted from an earlier code by Terry  
30 ! L. Clark, Janice L. Coen, and Don Latham. The coupling with WRF is 
31 ! adapted from a code by Ned Patton for coupling of the earlier fire
32 ! model with WRF, with contributions by Jonathan D. Beezley. The
33 ! WRF build and execution environment was set up by Jonathan Beezley.
35 ! [1] Jan Mandel, Jonathan D. Beezley, Janice L. Coen, and Minjeong Kim,
36 ! Data Asimilation for Wildland Fires: Ensemble Kalman filters in 
37 ! coupled atmosphere-surface models, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 
38 ! submitted, 2007
40 ! [2] T. L. Clark, J. Coen, and D. Latham, Description of a coupled 
41 ! atmosphere-fire model, Intl. J. Wildland Fire, vol. 13, pp. 49-64, 
42 ! 2004
44 ! [3] http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/OnLineTutorial/Introduction/index.html
46 #define DEBUG_OUT
48 module module_fr_sfire_driver
50 use module_model_constants, only: cp,xlv
51 use module_fr_sfire_model
52 use module_fr_sfire_phys
53 use module_fr_sfire_atm
54 use module_fr_sfire_util
56 contains
59 subroutine sfire_driver_em ( grid , config_flags                   & 
60             ,ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde                              &
61             ,ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme                              &
62             ,ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe                              &
63             ,ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde                        &
64             ,ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme                        &
65             ,ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe                       &
66             ,rho,z_at_w,dz8w                            &
68 !*** purpose: driver from grid structure
70 ! Driver layer modules
71     USE module_domain
72     USE module_configure
73     USE module_driver_constants
74     USE module_machine
75     USE module_tiles
76 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
77     USE module_dm        , ONLY : ntasks_x,ntasks_y,local_communicator,mytask,ntasks
78     USE module_comm_dm   , ONLY : halo_fire_lfn_sub,halo_fire_longlat_sub,halo_fire_ht_sub   &
79                                 ,halo_fire_zsf_sub, halo_fire_fuel_sub,halo_fire_wind_a_sub &
80                                 ,halo_fire_wind_f_sub,halo_fire_tign_sub
81 #endif
83     implicit none
84 !*** arguments
85     TYPE(domain) , TARGET          :: grid   ! data
86     !  Structure that contains run-time configuration (namelist) data for domain
87     TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)          :: config_flags
88     integer, intent(in):: &
89              ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde                              &
90             ,ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme                              &
91             ,ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe                              &
92             ,ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde                        &
93             ,ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme                        &
94             ,ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe
95     real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme)::rho,  &! air density  (kg/m^3) (cell based, atm grid) 
96                                 z_at_w,dz8w                 ! ????????
98 !*** local
99     INTEGER:: fire_num_ignitions
100     integer, parameter::fire_max_ignitions=5
101     REAL, DIMENSION(fire_max_ignitions)::  fire_ignition_start_x, &
102         fire_ignition_start_y, &
103         fire_ignition_end_x, &
104         fire_ignition_end_y, &
105         fire_ignition_time, &
106         fire_ignition_radius
107     integer::fire_ifun,fire_ifun_start,ir,jr,fire_ignition_longlat,istep,itimestep
108     logical::need_lfn_update
109     !real, dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::uf,vf,lfn_out  
110     ! uf vf only do not need to be in the state but we need halo on them
111     real, dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::lfn_out  
112     real::lat_ctr,lon_ctr
114 !*** executable
116     call print_id
119     ! populate our structures from wrf
120     call fire_ignition_convert (config_flags,fire_max_ignitions,fire_ignition_longlat, &
121         fire_ignition_start_x,fire_ignition_start_y,fire_ignition_end_x,fire_ignition_end_y, &
122         fire_ignition_radius,fire_ignition_time,fire_num_ignitions)
123     call set_flags(config_flags)
125     ir=grid%sr_x ! refinement ratio
126     jr=grid%sr_y
127     itimestep=grid%itimestep
129     lat_ctr=config_flags%cen_lat
130     lon_ctr=config_flags%cen_lon
132     do istep=0,fire_test_steps ! istep >0 is for testing only, exit after the first call
133       itimestep = itimestep + istep ! in the first call, do fire_test_steps steps of the fire model
135       fire_ifun_start=1  ! initialize?
136       if(itimestep.ne.1)fire_ifun_start=3  ! should find a better distinction when to initialize
138       need_lfn_update=.false.
139       do fire_ifun=fire_ifun_start,6
141         ! 1 = initialize run pass 1: interpolate height to zsf=terrain
142         ! 2 = initialize run pass 2: set fuel data, terrain gradient
143         ! 3 = initialize timestep: interpolate winds, check for ignition
144         ! 4 = do one timestep 
145         ! 5 = copy timestep output to input
146         ! 6 = compute output fluxes
148 #ifdef DM_PARALLEL
149         if(need_lfn_update)then
150 !           halo exchange on lfn width 2
151 #include "HALO_FIRE_LFN.inc"
152         endif
154         if(fire_ifun.eq.1)then
155 !       halo exchange on topography
156 #include "HALO_FIRE_LONGLAT.inc"
157             if(fire_topo_from_atm.eq.1)then
158 #include "HALO_FIRE_HT.inc"
159             endif 
161         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.2)then
162 !           halo exchange on zsf width 2
163 #include "HALO_FIRE_ZSF.inc"
165         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.3)then
166             if(fire_ifun_start<3)then
167 !               halo exchange on all fuel data width 2
168 #include "HALO_FIRE_FUEL.inc"
169             endif
170 !           halo exchange on atm winds width 1 for interpolation
171 #include "HALO_FIRE_WIND_A.inc"
173         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.4)then
174 !           halo exchange on fire winds width 2 for a 2-step RK method
175 #include "HALO_FIRE_WIND_F.inc"
177         elseif(fire_ifun.eq.6)then
178 !           computing fuel_left needs ignition time from neighbors
179 #include "HALO_FIRE_TIGN.inc"
181         endif
182 #endif
183         ! need domain by 1 smaller, in last row.col winds are not set properly
184         call sfire_driver_phys ( &
185             fire_ifun,need_lfn_update,                  &
186             ids,ide-1, kds,kde, jds,jde-1,                          &
187             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                          &
188             ips,min(ipe,ide-1), kps,kpe, jps,min(jpe,jde-1),                          & 
189             ifds,ifde-ir, jfds,jfde-jr,                    &
190             ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme,                    &
191             ifps,min(ifpe,ifde-ir), jfps,min(jfpe,jfde-jr),      &
192             ir,jr,                                      & ! atm/fire grid ratio
193             grid%num_tiles,                             & ! atm grid tiling
194             grid%i_start,min(grid%i_end,ide-1),                    &
195             grid%j_start,min(grid%j_end,jde-1),                    &                 
196             itimestep,config_flags%fire_fuel_read,config_flags%fire_fuel_cat, &  ! in scalars
197             grid%dt,grid%dx,grid%dy,                    &
198             grid%u_frame,grid%v_frame,                  &
199             lat_ctr,lon_ctr,                           & ! coordinates of grid center
200             config_flags%fire_ext_grnd,config_flags%fire_ext_crwn,config_flags%fire_crwn_hgt, &
201             fire_num_ignitions,                                & 
202             fire_ignition_longlat,      &
203             fire_ignition_start_x,fire_ignition_start_y, & ! ignition - small arrays
204             fire_ignition_end_x,fire_ignition_end_y,     &
205             fire_ignition_radius,fire_ignition_time,     &
206             grid%u_2,grid%v_2,grid%mut,rho,grid%ht,      & ! in arrays, on atm grid
207             z_at_w,dz8w,                                  &
208             grid%xlong,grid%xlat,                         & ! coordinates of atm grid centers, for ignition location           
209             grid%lfn,grid%tign_g,grid%fuel_frac,          & ! state arrays, fire grid
210             grid%fire_area,                               & ! redundant, for display, fire grid
211             grid%uf,grid%vf,lfn_out,                      & ! arrays to persist only over one timestep    
212             grid%rthfrten,grid%rqvfrten,                & ! out arrays, atm grid
213             grid%grnhfx,grid%grnqfx,grid%canhfx,grid%canqfx, & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid
214             grid%fgrnhfx,grid%fgrnqfx,grid%fcanhfx,grid%fcanqfx, & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid
215             grid%fxlong,grid%fxlat,                           &       
216             grid%nfuel_cat,                               & ! input, or internal for safekeeping
217             grid%fuel_time,grid%zsf,                      & 
218             grid%bbb,grid%betafl,grid%phiwc,grid%r_0,grid%fgip,grid%ischap&
219         )
220       enddo
221     enddo
222     if(fire_test_steps>0)call crash('sfire_driver_em: test run of uncoupled fire model completed')
224 end subroutine sfire_driver_em
227 !*******************
230 ! module_fr_sfire_driver%%sfire_driver
231 subroutine sfire_driver_phys (ifun,need_lfn_update,    &
232     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
233     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
234     ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe,                    &
235     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
236     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
237     ifps, ifpe, jfps, jfpe,                       & ! fire patch in - will use smaller
238     ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
239     num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end,        & ! atm grid tiling
240     itimestep,ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,dt,dx,dy,      & ! in scalars
241     u_frame,v_frame,                              &
242     lat_ctr,lon_ctr,                             &
243     fire_ext_grnd,fire_ext_crwn,fire_crwn_hgt,                              &
244     num_ignitions,                                & 
245     ignition_longlat,                             &
246     ignition_start_x,ignition_start_y,            & ! ignition - small arrays
247     ignition_end_x,ignition_end_y,                &
248     ignition_radius,                              &
249     ignition_time,                                &
250     u,v,mu,rho,zs,                                & ! in arrays, atm grid
251     z_at_w,dz8w,                                  &
252     xlong,xlat,                                   &
253     lfn,tign,fuel_frac,                           & ! state arrays, fire grid
254     fire_area,                                    & ! redundant state, fire grid
255     uf,vf,lfn_out,                                & ! fire wind velocities, out level set function    
256     rthfrten,rqvfrten,                            & ! out arrays, atm grid
257     grnhfx,grnqfx,canhfx,canqfx,                  & ! out redundant arrays, atm grid  
258     fgrnhfx,fgrnqfx,fcanhfx,fcanqfx,              & ! out redundant arrays, fire grid
259     fxlong,fxlat,                            & !  
260     nfuel_cat,                                    & ! in array, data, fire grid, or constant internal
261     fuel_time,zsf,                                & ! save constant internal data, fire grid
262     bbb,betafl,phiwc,r_0,fgip,ischap&
263     )
265 implicit none
267 !*** arguments
269 integer, intent(in)::ifun,                        &
270     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm domain bounds
271     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    & ! atm memory bounds 
272     ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe,                    & ! atm patch bounds
273     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire domain bounds
274     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       & ! fire memory bounds
275     ifps, ifpe, jfps, jfpe,                       & ! fire patch bounds
276     ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid refinement ratio
277     itimestep,                                    & ! number of this timestep
278     ifuelread,                                    & ! how to initialize nfuel_cat:
279                                                        ! -1=not at all, done outside 
280                                                        ! 0=from nfuel_cat0
281                                                        ! 1=from altitude
282                                                        ! 2=from file
283     nfuel_cat0,                                   & ! fuel category to initialize everything to
284     num_tiles                                       ! number of tiles
287 logical, intent(out)::need_lfn_update
289 integer,dimension(num_tiles),intent(in) :: i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end  ! atm grid tiling
291 real, intent(in):: &
292     dt,                                           & ! time step
293     dx,dy,                                        & ! atm grid step
294     u_frame,v_frame,                              & ! velocity offset
295     lat_ctr,lon_ctr,                             & ! coordinates of domain center
296     fire_crwn_hgt,                                & ! lowest height crown fire heat is released (m)
297     fire_ext_grnd,                                & ! extinction depth of ground fire heat (m)
298     fire_ext_crwn                                   !  extinction depth of crown fire heat (m)
301 integer, intent(in):: num_ignitions                 ! number of ignitions, can be 0
302 real, dimension(num_ignitions), intent(in):: &   
303     ignition_start_x,ignition_start_y, &
304     ignition_end_x,ignition_end_y,ignition_radius, & ! start, end, radius, time
305     ignition_time                           !  of ignition lines
306 integer, intent(in):: ignition_longlat       ! if 1 ignition give as long/lat, otherwise as m from lower left corner
308 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme)::u,v ! wind velocity (m/s) (node based, atm grid) 
309 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme)::mu          ! dry air mass (Pa)  pressure??  (cell based, atm grid)
310 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme)::  zs ! terrain height  
311 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme)::rho, &  ! air density  (kg/m^3) (cell based, atm grid) 
312                 z_at_w,dz8w                         ! height of some sort??
314 real, dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme), intent(inout)::xlong, xlat ! inout because of extension at bdry
316 real, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: &
317     nfuel_cat                                       ! fuel data; can be also set inside (cell based, fire grid)
319 real, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::     &
320     lfn,tign,fuel_frac,                        &     ! state: level function, ign time, fuel left
321     uf,vf,lfn_out                                    ! fire wind velocities
323 real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::  &
324     fire_area                                        ! fraction of each cell burning
326 real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme):: &
327     rthfrten,rqvfrten                              ! temperature and humidity tendencies (atm grid)
329 real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme):: &  ! redundant arrays, for display purposes only (atm grid)
330     grnhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
331     grnqfx,                                      &  ! moisture flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
332     canhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
333     canqfx                                         ! moisture flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
335 real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme):: &  ! redundant arrays, for display only, fire grid
336     fgrnhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
337     fgrnqfx,                                      &  ! moisture flux from ground fire (W/m^2) 
338     fcanhfx,                                      &  ! heat flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
339     fcanqfx                                         ! moisture flux from crown fire (W/m^2) 
341 !  ***** data (constant in time) *****
343 real, dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme), intent(inout)::fxlong,fxlat ! fire mesh coordinates
345 real, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme):: &
346     fuel_time,zsf,                               &
347     bbb,betafl,phiwc,r_0,fgip
348 integer, intent(inout), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme):: ischap
350 !*** local
351 real :: dxf,dyf,time_start,latm
352 integer :: its,ite,jts,jte,kts,kte, &            ! tile
353     ij,i,j,k,id,pid,kpe1, &
354     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte                          ! fire tile
355 character(len=128)::msg
356 character(len=3)::kk
357 real:: unit_fxlong,unit_fxlat                  ! fxlong, fxlat units in m  
360 !*** executable
362 ! time - assume dt does not change
363 time_start = itimestep * dt
365 ! fire mesh step
366 dxf=dx/ir
367 dyf=dy/jr
371 write(msg,'(a,2f15.6)')'atmosphere mesh step:',dx,dy
372 call message(msg)
373 write(msg,'(a,2f15.6)')'fire mesh step:      ',dxf,dyf
374 call message(msg)
375 write(msg,7001)'atm domain      ','ids',ids,ide,jds,jde
376 call message(msg)                    
377 write(msg,7001)'atm memory      ','ims',ims,ime,jms,jme
378 call message(msg)                    
379 write(msg,7001)'atm patch       ','ips',ips,ipe,jps,jpe
380 call message(msg)                    
381 write(msg,7001)'fire domain     ','ifds',ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde
382 call message(msg)                    
383 write(msg,7001)'fire memory     ','ifms',ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme
384 call message(msg)                    
385 write(msg,7001)'fire patch      ','ifps',ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe
386 call message(msg)                    
388 ! check mesh dimensions
389 call check_fmesh(ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir,'id')           ! check if atm and fire grids line up
390 call check_fmesh(jds,jde,jfds,jfde,jr,'jd')
391 call check_fmesh(ips,ipe,ifps,ifpe,ir,'ip')
392 call check_fmesh(jps,jpe,jfps,jfpe,jr,'jp')
393 call check_mesh_2dim(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme)        ! check if atm patch fits in atm array
394 call check_mesh_2dim(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme) ! check if fire patch fits in fire array
395 call check_mesh_2dim(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ids,ide,jds,jde)        ! check if atm patch fits in atm domain
396 call check_mesh_2dim(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde) ! check if fire patch fits in fire domain
399 ! init rest of fuel tables with derived constants
400 if(ifun.eq.1) then
401    call init_fuel_cats  ! common for all threads
402 endif
406 pid=0
407 if(itimestep.le.10.or.mod(itimestep,10).eq.0)pid=itimestep ! print 1-10 then every 10th
408 !pid=itimestep
410 if(ignition_longlat .eq.0)then
411    !  ignition is in m
412    unit_fxlong=1.  
413    unit_fxlat=1.
414    ! will set fire mesh coordinates to uniform mesh below
415 else
416    ! check for zero long 
417    if(xlong(ips,jps).eq.0. .and. xlong(ipe,jpe).eq. 0.) then
418        call crash('sfire_driver_phys: xlong xlat not set, use fire_ignition_longlat=0 or run real not ideal')
419    endif
420    ! 1 degree in m (approximate OK)
421    unit_fxlat=6378e3*2*3.14159/360.   ! earth circumference in m / 360 degrees
422    unit_fxlong=cos(lat_ctr*3.14159/180.)*unit_fxlat  ! latitude
423    ! will interpolate nodal coordinates to the fire mesh 
424 endif
426 ! fake atm tile bounds
427 kts=kps
428 kte=kpe
430 ! set up fire tiles & interpolate to fire grid
431 !$OMP PARALLEL DO PRIVATE(ij,its,ite,jts,jte,ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,msg,id) &
433 do ij=1,num_tiles
435     id=0  ! do not print/write anything
436     if(itimestep.le.10.or.mod(itimestep,10).eq.0)id=itimestep+ij*10000
439     ! set up tile bounds    
440     its = i_start(ij)  ! start atmospheric tile in i
441     ite = i_end(ij)    ! end atmospheric tile in i
442     jts = j_start(ij)  ! start atmospheric tile in j
443     jte = j_end(ij)    ! end atmospheric tile in j
444     ifts= (its-ids)*ir+ifds       ! start fire tile in i
445     ifte= (ite-ids+1)*ir+ifds-1   ! end fire tile in i
446     jfts= (jts-jds)*jr+jfds       ! start fire tile in j
447     jfte= (jte-jds+1)*jr+jfds-1   ! end fire tile in j
449     write(msg,*)'tile=',ij,' id=',id,' ifun=',ifun
450     call message(msg)
451     write(msg,7001)'atm tile   ','its',its,ite,jts,jte
452     call message(msg)                   
453     write(msg,7001)'fire tile  ','ifts',ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte
454     call message(msg)                    
456     ! check the tiles
457     call check_mesh_2dim(its,ite,jts,jte,ips,ipe,jps,jpe)                 ! check if atm tile fits in atm patch
458     call check_mesh_2dim(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe)         ! check if fire tile fits in fire patch
459     call check_mesh_2dim(ifts-2,ifte+2,jfts-2,jfte+2,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme)! check if fire node tile fits in memory
462     write(msg,'(a,i6,a,2(f15.6,a))')'time step',itimestep,' at',time_start,' duration',dt,'s'
463     call message(msg)
464     7001 format(a,' dimensions ',a4,':',i6,' to ',i6,' by ',i6,' to ',i6)
465     write(msg,'(a,2i9)')'refinement ratio:',ir,jr
466     if(ifun.eq.1)then   ! set terrain
468         call print_2d_stats(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,zs,'driver:zs')
470         ! interpolate terrain height
472         if(fire_topo_from_atm.eq.1)then
473             call interpolate_z2fire(id,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
474                 ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
475                 ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
476                 ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
477                 its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
478                 ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
479                 ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
480                 ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
481                 ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
482                 zs,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
483                 zsf)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
484         else
485            write(msg,'(a,i3,a)')'fire_topo_from_atm=',fire_topo_from_atm,' assuming ZSF set, interpolation skipped'
486         endif
488         if(ignition_longlat .eq.0)then
489             ! set ideal fire mesh coordinates - used for ignition only
490             ! do not forget to set unit_fxlong, unit_fxlat outside of parallel loop
491             call set_ideal_coord( dxf,dyf, &
492                 ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,  &
493                 ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
494                 ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
495                 fxlong,fxlat          )
496         else
497             ! assume halo xlong xlat
498             ! interpolate nodal coordinates
500 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
501          call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,xlat,'xlat',id)
502          call write_array_m(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,xlong,'xlong',id)
503 #endif
504         call interpolate_z2fire(id,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
505             ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
506             ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
507             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
508             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
509             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
510             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
511             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
512             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
513             xlat,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
514             fxlat)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
516         call interpolate_z2fire(id,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
517             ids,ide,  jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
518             ims,ime,  jms,jme,                    &
519             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
520             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
521             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
522             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
523             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
524             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
525             xlong,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
526             fxlong)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
528         endif
530     elseif(ifun.eq.2)then  
532         ! after the loop where zsf created exited and all synced
533         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,zsf,'driver_phys:zsf')        
534     elseif(ifun.eq.3)then  ! interpolate winds to the fire grid
536         call interpolate_atm2fire(id,                     & ! flag for debug output
537             ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
538             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
539             ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
540             its,ite,jts,jte,                              &                    
541             ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
542             ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
543             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
544             ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
545             u_frame, v_frame,                             & ! velocity frame correction
546             u,v,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
547             uf,vf)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
549     endif
551     call sfire_model (id,ifun,need_lfn_update,  &
552         num_ignitions,                          & ! switches
553         ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,                   & ! initialize fuel categories
554         ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde,                    & ! fire domain dims
555         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,                    & ! fire memory dims
556         ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,                    &
557         ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                    & ! fire patch dims
558         time_start,dt,                          & ! time and increment
559         dxf,dyf,                                & ! fire mesh spacing
560         ignition_start_x,ignition_start_y,      & ! ignition - small arrays
561         ignition_end_x,ignition_end_y,          &
562         ignition_radius,                        &
563         ignition_time,                          &
564         fxlong,fxlat,unit_fxlong,unit_fxlat,      & ! fire mesh coordinates
565         zsf,                                    & ! terrain height (for gradient)
566         uf,vf,                                  & ! input: wind
567         lfn,lfn_out,tign,fuel_frac,                     & ! state: level function, ign time, fuel left
568         fire_area,                              & ! output: fraction of cell burning
569         fgrnhfx,fgrnqfx,                        & ! output: heat fluxes
570         nfuel_cat,                              & ! fuel data per point 
571         fuel_time,                              & ! save derived internal data
572         bbb,betafl,phiwc,r_0,fgip,ischap &
573     )
575     if(ifun.eq.6)then ! heat fluxes into the atmosphere    
577         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnhfx,'fire_driver:fgrnhfx')
578         call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnqfx,'fire_driver:fgrnqfx')
580         ! sum the fluxes over atm cells
581         call sum_2d_cells(        &
582             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
583             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
584             fgrnhfx,              &
585             ims, ime, jms, jme,   &
586             its,ite,jts,jte,      &
587             grnhfx)
588 !comment out the next call to get results as before commit 55fd92051196b796891b60cb7ec1c4bdb8800078
589         call sum_2d_cells(        &
590             ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,  &
591             ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,  &
592             fgrnqfx,              &
593             ims, ime, jms, jme,   &
594             its,ite,jts,jte,      &
595             grnqfx)
597         write(msg,'(a,f6.3)')'fire-atmosphere feedback scaling ',fire_atm_feedback
598         do j=jts,jte
599             do i=its,ite
600                 ! scale ground fluxes to get the averages
601                 grnhfx(i,j)=fire_atm_feedback*grnhfx(i,j)/(ir*jr)
602                 grnqfx(i,j)=fire_atm_feedback*grnqfx(i,j)/(ir*jr)
603                 ! we do not have canopy fluxes yet...
604                 canhfx(i,j)=0
605                 canqfx(i,j)=0
606             enddo
607         enddo
609         do j=jts,jte
610             do k=kts,min(kte+1,kde)
611                do i=its,ite
612                    rthfrten(i,k,j)=0.
613                    rqvfrten(i,k,j)=0.
614                enddo
615             enddo
616         enddo
619         ! --- add heat and moisture fluxes to tendency variables by postulated decay
621        call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnhfx,'fire_driver:grnhfx')
622        call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnqfx,'fire_driver:grnqfx')
624        call fire_tendency(                 &
625             ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,      & ! dimensions
626             ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,      &
627             its,ite, kts,kte, jts,jte,      & ! 
628             grnhfx,grnqfx,canhfx,canqfx,        & ! fluxes on atm grid 
629             fire_ext_grnd,fire_ext_crwn,fire_crwn_hgt,                &
630             zs,z_at_w,dz8w,mu,rho,          &
631             rthfrten,rqvfrten)                ! out
633        ! debug print to compare
635        call print_3d_stats(its,ite,kts,kte,jts,jte,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rthfrten,'fire_driver_phys:rthfrten')
636        call print_3d_stats(its,ite,kts,kte,jts,jte,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rqvfrten,'fire_driver_phys:rqvfrten')
639     endif ! ifun=6
641 enddo ! tiles
644 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
645 if(ifun.eq.1)then
646     if(pid.ne.0)then
647         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,zs,'zs',pid)
648         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,zsf,'zsf',pid)
649     endif
650 #endif
651 elseif(ifun.eq.3)then
652 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
653     if(pid.gt.0)then
654         call write_array_m3(ips,ipe+1,kds,kds+1,jps,jpe+1,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,u,'u',pid)
655         call write_array_m3(ips,ipe+1,kds,kds+1,jps,jpe+1,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,v,'v',pid)
656         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,uf,'uf',pid)
657         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,vf,'vf',pid)
658     endif
659 #endif
660 elseif(ifun.eq.5)then
661 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
662     if(pid.gt.0)then
663         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,lfn,'lfn',pid)
664         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,tign,'tign',pid)
665     endif
666 #endif
667 elseif(ifun.eq.6)then
668 #ifdef DEBUG_OUT
669     if(pid.gt.0)then
670         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnhfx,'grnhfx',pid)
671         call write_array_m(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,grnqfx,'grnqfx',pid)
672         call write_array_m3(ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rthfrten,'rthfrten',pid)
673         call write_array_m3(ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rqvfrten,'rqvfrten',pid)
674         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fuel_frac,'fuel_frac',pid)
675         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnhfx,'fgrnhfx',pid)
676         call write_array_m(ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fgrnqfx,'fgrnqfx',pid)
677     endif
678 #endif
679     !call print_2d_stats(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,jms,jme,mu,'driver:mu')
680     !call print_3d_stats(ips,ipe,kps,kpe,jps,jpe,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rho,'driver:rho')
681     kpe1=min(kps+1,kpe)
682     !kpe1=kps-1
683     do k=kts,min(kte,kts+3)
684         write(kk,'(i2)')k
685         call print_3d_stats(ips,ipe,k,k,jps,jpe,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rthfrten,kk//'driver_phys:rthfrten')
686         call print_3d_stats(ips,ipe,k,k,jps,jpe,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,rqvfrten,kk//'driver_phys:rqvfrten')
687     enddo
688 endif
690 end subroutine sfire_driver_phys
692 !*******************
695 subroutine fire_ignition_convert (config_flags,fire_max_ignitions,ignition_longlat, &
696     fire_ignition_start_x,fire_ignition_start_y,fire_ignition_end_x,fire_ignition_end_y, &
697     fire_ignition_radius,fire_ignition_time,fire_num_ignitions)
698     USE module_configure
699     implicit none
700 !*** arguments
701     TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)          :: config_flags
702     integer, intent(in)::fire_max_ignitions
703     real, dimension(fire_max_ignitions), intent(out):: &
704         fire_ignition_start_x,fire_ignition_start_y,fire_ignition_end_x,fire_ignition_end_y, &
705         fire_ignition_radius,fire_ignition_time
706     integer, intent(out)::fire_num_ignitions,ignition_longlat
707 !*** local
708     integer::i
709     logical:: real,ideal
710 !*** executable
711     ! this is only until I figure out how to input arrays through the namelist...
712     if(fire_max_ignitions.lt.5)call crash('fire_max_ignitions too small')
713     ! figure out which kind of coordinates from the first given
714     ideal=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x1 .ne.0. .or. config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y1 .ne. 0.
715     real=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_long1 .ne. 0. .or. config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat1 .ne. 0.
716     if(ideal)call message('Using ideal ignition coordinates, m from the lower left domain corner')
717     if(real)call message('Using real ignition coordinates, longitude and latitude')
718     if(ideal.and.real)call crash('Only one of the ideal or real coordinates may be given')
719     if(ideal)then
720         ! use values from _x and _y variables
721         ignition_longlat=0
722         fire_ignition_start_x(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x1
723         fire_ignition_start_y(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y1
724         fire_ignition_end_x(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x1
725         fire_ignition_end_y(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y1
726         fire_ignition_start_x(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x2
727         fire_ignition_start_y(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y2
728         fire_ignition_end_x(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x2
729         fire_ignition_end_y(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y2
730         fire_ignition_start_x(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x3
731         fire_ignition_start_y(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y3
732         fire_ignition_end_x(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x3
733         fire_ignition_end_y(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y3
734         fire_ignition_start_x(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x4
735         fire_ignition_start_y(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y4
736         fire_ignition_end_x(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x4
737         fire_ignition_end_y(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y4
738         fire_ignition_start_x(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_x5
739         fire_ignition_start_y(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_y5
740         fire_ignition_end_x(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_x3
741         fire_ignition_end_y(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_y3
742     endif
743     if(real)then
744         ! use values from _long and _lat
745         ignition_longlat=1
746         fire_ignition_start_x(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_long1
747         fire_ignition_start_y(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat1
748         fire_ignition_end_x(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_long1
749         fire_ignition_end_y(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat1
750         fire_ignition_start_x(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_long2
751         fire_ignition_start_y(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat2
752         fire_ignition_end_x(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_long2
753         fire_ignition_end_y(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat2
754         fire_ignition_start_x(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_long3
755         fire_ignition_start_y(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat3
756         fire_ignition_end_x(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_long3
757         fire_ignition_end_y(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat3
758         fire_ignition_start_x(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_long4
759         fire_ignition_start_y(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat4
760         fire_ignition_end_x(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_long4
761         fire_ignition_end_y(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat4
762         fire_ignition_start_x(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_long5
763         fire_ignition_start_y(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_start_lat5
764         fire_ignition_end_x(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_long3
765         fire_ignition_end_y(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_end_lat3
766     endif
767     ! common to both cases
768         fire_ignition_radius(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius1 
769         fire_ignition_time(1)=config_flags%fire_ignition_time1 
770         fire_ignition_radius(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius2 
771         fire_ignition_time(2)=config_flags%fire_ignition_time2 
772         fire_ignition_radius(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius3 
773         fire_ignition_time(3)=config_flags%fire_ignition_time3 
774         fire_ignition_radius(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius4 
775         fire_ignition_time(4)=config_flags%fire_ignition_time4 
776         fire_ignition_radius(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_radius5 
777         fire_ignition_time(5)=config_flags%fire_ignition_time5
779     ! 
780         fire_num_ignitions=0      
781         do i=1,min(5,config_flags%fire_num_ignitions)
782             ! count the ignitions 
783             if(fire_ignition_radius(i).gt.0.)fire_num_ignitions=i
784             ! expand the point ignitions given as zero
785             if(fire_ignition_end_x(i).eq.0.)fire_ignition_end_x(i)=fire_ignition_start_x(i)
786             if(fire_ignition_end_y(i).eq.0.)fire_ignition_end_y(i)=fire_ignition_start_y(i)
787         enddo
789 end subroutine fire_ignition_convert
792 !*****************************
794 !module_fr_sfire_driver%%interpolate_atm2fire
796 subroutine interpolate_atm2fire(id,               & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
797     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
798     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    &
799     ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
800     its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
801     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
802     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
803     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
804     ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
805     u_frame, v_frame,                             & ! velocity frame correction
806     u,v,                                          & ! atm grid arrays in
807     uf,vf)                                          ! fire grid arrays out
809 implicit none
810 !*** purpose: interpolate winds and height
812 !*** arguments
813 integer, intent(in)::id,                          &
814     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,                    & ! atm domain bounds
815     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,                    & ! atm memory bounds 
816     ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
817     its,ite,jts,jte,                              & ! atm tile bounds
818     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire domain bounds
819     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       & ! fire memory bounds
820     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          & ! fire tile bounds
821     ir,jr                                         ! atm/fire grid refinement ratio
822 real, intent(in):: u_frame, v_frame                 ! velocity frame correction
823 real,intent(in),dimension(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme)::&
824     u,v                                             ! atm wind velocity, staggered  
825 real,intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme)::&
826     uf,vf                                           ! wind velocity fire grid nodes 
829 !*** local
830 #define TDIMS its-1,ite+2,jts-1,jte+2
831 real, dimension(its-1:ite+2,jts-1:jte+2):: ua,va   ! atm winds, averaged over height
832 integer:: i,j,k,ifts1,ifte1,jfts1,jfte1
834 !*** executable
836     k=kds             ! the ground
837     do j = jts-1,jte+2
838         do i = its-1,ite+2 
839             ! average 1st 2 layers, correct const shift
840             ua(i,j)=0.5*( u(i,k,j) + u(i,k+1,j)) + u_frame
841             va(i,j)=0.5*( v(i,k,j) + v(i,k+1,j)) + v_frame
842         enddo
843     enddo
845     ! extend the winds by one beyond the domain boundary 
846     call continue_at_boundary(1,0,0., & ! do x direction or y direction
847     TDIMS,           &                ! memory dims
848     ids,ide+1,jds,jde+1, &            ! domain dims - winds defined up to +1
849     ips,ipe+1,jps,jpe+1, &            ! patch dims - winds defined up to +1
850     its,ite+1,jts,jte+1, &                ! tile dims
851     va)                               ! array
853     call continue_at_boundary(0,1,0., & ! do x direction or y direction
854     TDIMS,           &                ! memory dims
855     ids,ide+1,jds,jde+1, &            ! domain dims - winds defined up to +1
856     ips,ipe+1,jps,jpe+1, &            ! patch dims - winds defined up to +1
857     its,ite+1,jts,jte+1, &                ! tile dims
858     ua)                               ! array
860 !if (id.gt.0) then
861 !    call write_array_m(TDIMS,TDIMS,ua,'ua',id)
862 !    call write_array_m(TDIMS,TDIMS,va,'va',id)
863 !endif
865 call print_2d_stats_vec(its,ite+1,jts,jte+1,TDIMS,ua,va, &
866     'driver: atm wind (m/s)')
869 !      ---------------
870 !     | F | F | F | F |   Example of atmospheric and fire grid with
871 !     |-------|-------|   ir=jr=4.
872 !     | F | F | F | F |   Winds are given at the midpoints of the sides of the coarse grid,
873 !     u-------z-------|   interpolated to midpoints of the cells of the fine fire grid F.
874 !     | F | F | F | F |
875 !     |---------------|
876 !     | * | F | F | F |
877 !      -------v-------
879 ! Meshes are aligned by the lower left cell of the domain. Then in the above figure
880 ! u = node with the ua component of the wind at (ids,jds), midpoint of side
881 ! v = node with the va component of the wind at (ids,jds), midpoint of side
882 ! * = fire grid node at (ifds,jfds)
883 ! z = node with height, midpoint of cell
885 ! ua(ids,jds)=uf(ifds-0.5,jfds+jr/2+0.5)
886 ! va(ids,jds)=vf(ifds+ir/2+0.5,jfds-0.5)
887 ! za(ids,jds)=zsf(ifds+ir/2+0.5,jfds+jr/2+0.5)
889     ifts1=snode(ifts,ifds,-1) ! go 1 beyond domain boundary but not between tiles
890     ifte1=snode(ifte,ifde,+1)
891     jfts1=snode(jfts,jfds,-1)
892     jfte1=snode(jfte,jfde,+1)
894     call interpolate_2d(  &
895         TDIMS,                  & ! memory dims atm grid tile
896         TDIMS,                  & ! where atm grid values set
897         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    & ! array dims fire grid
898         ifts1,ifte1,jfts1,jfte1,& ! dimensions on the fire grid to interpolate to
899         ir,jr,                  & ! refinement ratio
900         real(ids),real(jds),ifds-.5,jfds+(jr+1)*.5, & ! line up by lower left corner of domain
901         ua,                     & ! in atm grid     
902         uf)                      ! out fire grid
904     call interpolate_2d(  &
905         TDIMS,                  & ! memory dims atm grid tile
906         TDIMS,                  & ! where atm grid values set
907         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    & ! array dims fire grid
908         ifts1,ifte1,jfts1,jfte1,& ! dimensions on the fire grid to interpolate to
909         ir,jr,                  & ! refinement ratio
910         real(ids),real(jds),ifds+(ir+1)*.5,jfds-0.5, & ! line up by lower left corner of domain
911         va,                     & ! in atm grid     
912         vf)                      ! out fire grid
914 !call print_2d_stats_vec(ifts-1,ifte+1,jfts-1,jfte+1,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,uf,vf,'fire wind (m/s)')
917 end subroutine interpolate_atm2fire
920 !*****************************
923 subroutine interpolate_z2fire(id,                 & ! for debug output, <= 0 no output
924     ids,ide, jds,jde,                    & ! atm grid dimensions
925     ims,ime, jms,jme,                    &
926     ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
927     its,ite,jts,jte,                              &
928     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire grid dimensions
929     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       &
930     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          &
931     ir,jr,                                        & ! atm/fire grid ratio
932     zs,                                       & ! atm grid arrays in
933     zsf)                                      ! fire grid arrays out
935 implicit none
936 !*** purpose: interpolate height
938 !*** arguments
939 integer, intent(in)::id,                          &
940     ids,ide, jds,jde,                    & ! atm domain bounds
941     ims,ime,jms,jme,                    & ! atm memory bounds 
942     ips,ipe,jps,jpe,                              &
943     its,ite,jts,jte,                              & ! atm tile bounds
944     ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde,                       & ! fire domain bounds
945     ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme,                       & ! fire memory bounds
946     ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,                          & ! fire tile bounds
947     ir,jr                                         ! atm/fire grid refinement ratio
948 real, intent(in), dimension(ims:ime, jms:jme):: zs  ! terrain height at atm cell centers                                        & ! terrain height  
949 real,intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme)::&
950     zsf                                             ! terrain height fire grid nodes
953 !*** local
954 real, dimension(its-2:ite+2,jts-2:jte+2):: za      ! terrain height
955 integer:: i,j,jts1,jte1,its1,ite1,jfts1,jfte1,ifts1,ifte1
957 ! terrain height
959     jts1=max(jts-1,jds) ! lower loop limit by one less when at end of domain
960     its1=max(its-1,ids) ! ASSUMES THE HALO IS THERE if patch != domain
961     jte1=min(jte+1,jde) 
962     ite1=min(ite+1,ide)
963     do j = jts1,jte1
964         do i = its1,ite1 
965             ! copy to local array
966             za(i,j)=zs(i,j)           
967         enddo
968     enddo
970     call continue_at_boundary(1,1,0., & ! do x direction or y direction
971     its-2,ite+2,jts-2,jte+2,           &                ! memory dims
972     ids,ide,jds,jde, &            ! domain dims - winds defined up to +1
973     ips,ipe,jps,jpe, &            ! patch dims - winds defined up to +1
974     its1,ite1,jts1,jte1, &                ! tile dims
975     za)                               ! array
977     ! interpolate to tile plus strip along domain boundary if at boundary
978     jfts1=snode(jfts,jfds,-1) ! lower loop limit by one less when at end of domain
979     ifts1=snode(ifts,ifds,-1)
980     jfte1=snode(jfte,jfde,+1) 
981     ifte1=snode(ifte,ifde,+1)
983     call interpolate_2d(  &
984         its-2,ite+2,jts-2,jte+2, & ! memory dims atm grid tile
985         its1-1,ite1+1,jts1-1,jte1+1, & ! where atm grid values set
986         ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,    & ! array dims fire grid
987         ifts1,ifte1,jfts1,jfte1,  & ! dimensions fire grid tile
988         ir,jr,                  & ! refinement ratio
989         real(ids),real(jds),ifds+(ir+1)*.5,jfds+(jr+1)*.5, & ! line up by lower left corner of domain
990         za,                     & ! in atm grid     
991         zsf)                      ! out fire grid
993 end subroutine interpolate_z2fire
995 !*****************************
998 subroutine check_fmesh(ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir,s)
999 !*** purpose: check if fire and atm meshes line up
1000 implicit none
1001 !*** arguments
1002 integer, intent(in)::ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir
1003 character(len=*),intent(in)::s
1004 !*** local
1005 character(len=128)msg
1006 !*** executable
1007 if ((ide-ids+1)*ir.ne.(ifde-ifds+1))then
1008     write(msg,1)s,ids,ide,ifds,ifde,ir
1009 1   format('module_fr_sfire_driver: incompatible bounds ',a,' atm ',i5,':',i5,' fire ',i5,':',i5,' ratio ',i3)    
1010     call crash(msg)
1011 endif
1012 end subroutine check_fmesh
1015 !*****************************
1017 subroutine set_flags(config_flags)
1018 USE module_configure
1019 use module_fr_sfire_util
1020 implicit none
1021 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN)          :: config_flags
1022 ! copy flags from wrf to module_fr_sfire_util
1023 ! for instructions how to add a flag see the top of module_fr_sfire_util.F
1026 fire_print_msg          = config_flags%fire_print_msg
1027 fire_print_file         = config_flags%fire_print_file
1028 fuel_left_method        = config_flags%fire_fuel_left_method
1029 fuel_left_irl           = config_flags%fire_fuel_left_irl
1030 fuel_left_jrl           = config_flags%fire_fuel_left_jrl
1031 fire_atm_feedback       = config_flags%fire_atm_feedback
1032 boundary_guard          = config_flags%fire_boundary_guard
1033 fire_back_weight        = config_flags%fire_back_weight
1034 fire_grows_only         = config_flags%fire_grows_only
1035 fire_upwinding          = config_flags%fire_upwinding
1036 fire_upwind_split       = config_flags%fire_upwind_split 
1037 fire_viscosity          = config_flags%fire_viscosity 
1038 fire_lfn_ext_up         = config_flags%fire_lfn_ext_up 
1039 fire_test_steps         = config_flags%fire_test_steps 
1040 fire_topo_from_atm      = config_flags%fire_topo_from_atm
1045 end subroutine set_flags
1047 subroutine print_id
1048 character(len=128)::id,msg
1049 !#include "sfire_id.inc"
1050 id='5ef422698db930faf5f742c098480859b7b24790'
1051 msg='version '//id
1052 call message(msg)
1053 end subroutine print_id
1055 end module module_fr_sfire_driver