[wrffire.git] / standalone / atm.F
1 module module_model_test
2 use module_fr_sfire_util, only: message,crash
3 implicit none
5 contains 
7 subroutine sub_main
9 !*** purpose: standalone driver with compatible files to WRF-Fire
11 use module_fr_sfire_driver, only: sfire_driver_em, use_atm_vars
12 use module_domain, only: domain
13 use module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type,read_namelist
14 use wrf_netcdf, only : grid_info, set_info_from_file, &
15                        create_output_file,write_vars,output_vars, &
16                        input_vars_fire,read_vars_fire
17 implicit none
19 !*** local
21 ! arguments to SFIRE
23 type(domain)::grid          ! all: state+inputs+outputs, compatible with wrf
24 TYPE (grid_config_rec_type):: config_flags ! the namelist
25 integer::  &                ! atmosphere mesh dimensions, for compatibility
26     ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde,& 
27     ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme,&
28     ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe
29 integer::  &                ! fire mesh dimensions
30     ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, &  ! the physical domain
31     ifps,ifpe,jfps,jfpe, &  ! patch - assigned to one process. Here the same as domain.
32     ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme     ! memory allocated, needs a strip around the patch
34 ! I/O interface
35 character(len=*),parameter::inputfile='fire_input.nc'
36 character(len=*),parameter::outputfile='fire_output.nc'
37 type(output_vars)::output                ! output arrays
38 type(input_vars_fire)::input                  ! input arrays_fire
40 ! other derived types
41 type(grid_info)::info                    ! dimensions, grid controls
43 ! scalars
44 integer:: nx,ny,nz,nfx,nfy,nfz,nsteps,itimestep,sr_x,sr_y
45 integer::nhalo=5
46 double precision:: dt, duration_s  ! may need more accurate time computation to get the number of timesteps right
47 real:: time,time_step_start, dts
48 logical::do_ouput
50 !*** executable
52 call read_namelist(config_flags)           ! read flags from namelist.input
53 call set_info_from_file(inputfile,info)     ! get dimensions
55 ! set dimensions
56 !nx=info%natmx
57 !ny=info%natmy
58 !nz=info%natmz
59 nfx=info%nfirex
60 nfy=info%nfirey
61 sr_x=info%sr_x
62 sr_y=info%sr_y
64 !write(6,2)' atmospheric domain size               ',config_flags%e_we,config_flags%e_sn,config_flags%e_vert
65 !if(config_flags%e_we.ne.nx+1 .or. config_flags%e_sn.ne.ny+1 .or. config_flags%e_vert.ne.nz+1)then
66 !  write(6,*)'dimensions in input file are ',nx,ny,nz,' must be 1 less than in namelist.input'
67 !  call crash('inconsistent input files')
68 !endif
71 ! set atm domain size
72 !ids=1
73 !ide=nx+1
74 !jds=1
75 !jde=ny+1
76 !kds=1
77 !kde=nz+1
78 !ims=ids-nhalo
79 !ime=ide+nhalo
80 !jms=jds-nhalo
81 !jme=jde+nhalo
82 !kms=kds
83 !kme=kde
84 !ips=ids
85 !ipe=ide
86 !jps=jds
87 !jpe=jde
88 !kps=kds
89 !kpe=kde
91 !write(6,2)'fire_mesh refinement ratio  ',info%sr_x,info%sr_y
93 write(6,2)'fire domain size            ',nfx,nfy
95 !if(nfx.ne.sr_x*nx .or. nfy.ne.sr_y*ny)then
96 !   call crash('fire domain size is not multiple of atmospheric domain size')
97 !endif
100 ! set fire domain size
101 ifds=1
102 ifde=nfx+sr_x
103 jfds=1
104 jfde=nfy+sr_y
105 ifms=ifds-sr_x*nhalo
106 ifme=ifde+sr_x*nhalo
107 jfms=ifds-sr_y*nhalo
108 jfme=ifde+sr_y*nhalo
109 ifps=1
110 ifpe=nfx
111 jfps=1
112 jfpe=nfy
114 !write(6,2)'atmospheric domain dimensions',ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde
115 !write(6,2)'atmospheric memory dimensions',ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme
116 write(6,2)'fire domain dimensions       ',ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde
117 write(6,2)'fire memory dimensions       ',ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme
118 2 format(a,6i6)
120 ! allocate
122 ! inputs
123 call allocate2d(grid%uf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'uf')              ! fire winds
124 call allocate2d(grid%vf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'vf')              ! fire winds
125 call allocate2d(grid%zsf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'zsf')             ! terrain height
126 call allocate2d(grid%dzdxf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'dzdxf')           ! terrain grad
127 call allocate2d(grid%dzdyf,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'dzdyf')           ! terrain grad
128 call allocate2d(grid%fxlong,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fxlong')          ! 
129 call allocate2d(grid%fxlat,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fxlat')           !
130 call allocate2d(grid%nfuel_cat,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'nfuel_cat')          ! 
132 ! state
133 call allocate2d(grid%bbb,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'bbb')             ! spread formula coeff
134 call allocate2d(grid%betafl,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'betafl')          ! spread formula coeff
135 call allocate2d(grid%phiwc,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'phiwc')           ! spread formula coeff
136 call allocate2d(grid%r_0,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'r_0')             ! spread formula coeff
137 call allocate2d(grid%fgip,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fgip')            ! spread formula coeff
138 call allocate2d(grid%ischap,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'ischap')          ! spread formula coeff
139 call allocate2d(grid%fuel_time,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fuel_time')        ! 
140 call allocate2d(grid%lfn,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'lfn') 
141 call allocate2d(grid%tign_g,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'tign') 
142 call allocate2d(grid%fuel_frac,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fuel_frac') 
143 call allocate2d(grid%fuel_frac_burnt,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fuel_frac_burnt') 
144 call allocate2d(grid%fire_area,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fire_area') 
145 call allocate2d(grid%lfn_out,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'lfn_out') 
146 call allocate2d(grid%ros,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'ros') 
148 ! output
149 call allocate2d(grid%fgrnhfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fgrnhfx')          ! 
150 call allocate2d(grid%fgrnqfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fgrnqfx')          ! 
151 call allocate2d(grid%fcanhfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fcanhfx')          ! 
152 call allocate2d(grid%fcanqfx,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,'fcanqfx')          ! 
154 ! atmosphere input/output compatibility arrays
155 !call allocate2d(grid%avg_fuel_frac,ims,ime,jms,jme,'avg_fuel_frac') 
156 !call allocate2d(grid%xlong,ims,ime,jms,jme,'xlong') 
157 !call allocate2d(grid%xlat,ims,ime,jms,jme,'xlat') 
158 !call allocate2d(grid%ht,ims,ime,jms,jme,'ht') 
159 !call allocate2d(grid%z0,ims,ime,jms,jme,'z0') 
160 !call allocate2d(grid%grnhfx,ims,ime,jms,jme,'grnhfx') 
161 !call allocate2d(grid%grnqfx,ims,ime,jms,jme,'qrnqfx') 
162 !call allocate2d(grid%canhfx,ims,ime,jms,jme,'canhfx')
163 !call allocate2d(grid%canqfx,ims,ime,jms,jme,'canqfx') 
164 !call allocate3d(grid%ph_2,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,'ph_2') 
165 !call allocate3d(grid%phb,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,'phb') 
166 !call allocate3d(grid%u_2,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,'u_2') 
167 !call allocate3d(grid%v_2,ims,ime,kms,kme,jms,jme,'v_2') 
168 !call allocate2d(grid%uah,ims,ime,jms,jme,'uah')                  ! 
169 !call allocate2d(grid%vah,ims,ime,jms,jme,'vah')                  ! 
171 ! prepare reading input file
172 input%nfuel_cat=>grid%nfuel_cat(1:nfx,1:nfy)
173 input%zsf      =>grid%zsf(1:nfx,1:nfy)
174 input%dzdxf    =>grid%dzdxf(1:nfx,1:nfy)
175 input%dzdyf    =>grid%dzdyf(1:nfx,1:nfy)
176 input%vf       =>grid%uf(1:nfx,1:nfy)
177 input%uf       =>grid%vf(1:nfx,1:nfy)
178 input%lfn      =>grid%lfn(1:nfx,1:nfy)
179 input%tign     =>grid%tign_g(1:nfx,1:nfy)
180 input%fuel_frac   =>grid%fuel_frac(1:nfx,1:nfy)
181 !call allocate3d(input%ph  ,1,nx,1,ny,1,nz+1,'ph') 
182 !call allocate3d(input%phb, 1,nx,1,ny,1,nz+1,'phb') 
183 !call allocate3d(input%u,   1,nx+1,1,ny,1,nz,'u') 
184 !call allocate3d(input%v,   1,nx,1,ny+1,1,nz,'v') 
186 call read_vars_fire(inputfile,info,input)
188 ! sfire uses wrf ordering of dimensions
189 !grid%ph_2(1:nx,1:nz+1,1:ny)=reshape(input%ph, (/nx,nz+1,ny/),order=(/1,3,2/))
190 !grid%phb (1:nx,1:nz+1,1:ny)=reshape(input%phb,(/nx,nz+1,ny/),order=(/1,3,2/))
191 !deallocate(input%ph)
192 !deallocate(input%phb)
193 !grid%u_2(1:nx+1,1:nz,1:ny)=reshape(input%u,(/nx+1,nz,ny/),order=(/1,3,2/))
194 !grid%v_2(1:nx,1:nz,1:ny+1)=reshape(input%v,(/nx,nz,ny+1/),order=(/1,3,2/))
195 !deallocate(input%u)
196 !deallocate(input%v)
197 !grid%z0(1:nx,1:ny)=input%z0
198 !deallocate(input%z0)
200 ! time control
201 ! NOTE: dt in the netcdf input file as returned in info%dt is WRONG !!
202 dt=config_flags%time_step
203 if(config_flags%time_step_fract_den.ne.0)then
204   dt=dt+dble(config_flags%time_step_fract_num)/dble(config_flags%time_step_fract_den)
205 endif
206 duration_s = config_flags%run_seconds           &
207            + 60d0*(config_flags%run_minutes     &
208            + 60d0*(config_flags%run_hours       &
209            + 24d0*(config_flags%run_days)))       
210 nsteps = nint( duration_s / dt ) ! number of time steps
212 ! divide up for shared memory parallel execution
213 call set_tiles(1,1,ips,ipe,jps,jpe,grid%num_tiles,grid%i_start,grid%i_end,grid%j_start,grid%j_end)
215 ! set the scalars in grid type
216 grid%sr_x = sr_x
217 grid%sr_y = sr_y
218 grid%dt = dt
219 grid%dx = info%dx
220 grid%dy = info%dy
221 grid%itimestep=0
222 grid%u_frame=0.
223 grid%v_frame=0.
225 ! start output file
226 call create_output_file(outputfile,info)
228 ! initialize model
229    time_step_start  =0.
230    dts=dt
231 call sfire_driver_em ( grid , config_flags                          &
232             ,time_step_start,dts                                    &
233             ,1,2,0                                                 &
234             ,ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde                              &
235             ,ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme                              &
236             ,ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe                              &
237             ,ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde                                   &
238             ,ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme                                   &
239             ,ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe )
241 do itimestep=1,nsteps
242 ! run  model
243    grid%itimestep = itimestep
244    time_step_start = itimestep*dt
245    dts=dt
246    call sfire_driver_em ( grid , config_flags                          &
247             ,time_step_start,dts                                    &
248             ,3,6,0                                                  &
249             ,ids,ide, kds,kde, jds,jde                              &
250             ,ims,ime, kms,kme, jms,jme                              &
251             ,ips,ipe, kps,kpe, jps,jpe                              &
252             ,ifds,ifde, jfds,jfde                                   &
253             ,ifms,ifme, jfms,jfme                                   &
254             ,ifps,ifpe, jfps,jfpe )
256     if(itimestep.le.10.or.mod(itimestep,10).eq.0)then
257         time = dt*itimestep
258         output%lfn=>grid%lfn(ifps:ifpe,jfps:jfpe)
259         output%tign=>grid%tign_g(ifps:ifpe,jfps:jfpe)
260         output%fgrnhfx=>grid%fgrnhfx(ifps:ifpe,jfps:jfpe)
261         call write_vars(outputfile,output,time)
262     endif
263 enddo
265 end subroutine sub_main
268 !******************************
271 subroutine set_tiles(itiles,jtiles,ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end)
272 !*** set tiles for standalone/testing
273 implicit none
274 !*** arguments
275 integer,intent(in)::itiles,jtiles,ips,ipe,jps,jpe
276 integer,intent(out)::num_tiles
277 integer,intent(out),dimension(itiles*jtiles)::i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end
278 !*** local
279 integer::i,j,istep,jstep,ij
280 character(len=128)::msg
281 write(msg,1)'patch',ips,':',ipe,jps,':',jpe
282 1 format(a,5x,i6,a,2i6,a,i6)
283 call message(msg,level=-1)
284 if(ips.ge.ipe.or.jps.ge.jpe)call crash('bad domain bounds')
285 num_tiles=itiles*jtiles
286 istep=(ipe-ips+itiles)/itiles
287 jstep=(jpe-jps+jtiles)/jtiles
288 do i=1,itiles
289     do j=1,jtiles
290         ij=j+(i-1)*jtiles
291         i_start(ij)=min(ipe,ips+(i-1)*istep)
292         i_end(ij)  =min(ipe,ips+(i  )*istep-1)
293         j_start(ij)=min(jpe,jps+(j-1)*jstep)
294         j_end(ij)  =min(jpe,jps+(j  )*jstep-1)
295     enddo
296 enddo
297 call check_tiles(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end)
298 end subroutine set_tiles
301 subroutine check_tiles(ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles,i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end)
302 implicit none
303 !*** purpose: check if tiles fit
304 !*** arguments
305 integer,intent(in)::ips,ipe,jps,jpe,num_tiles
306 integer,intent(in),dimension(num_tiles)::i_start,i_end,j_start,j_end
307 !*** local
308 character(len=128)::msg
309 integer:: ij,ie
310 !*** executable
311 if(num_tiles.lt.1)call crash('check_tiles: need at least one tile')
312 ie=0
313 do ij=1,num_tiles
314     if(i_start(ij).lt.ips.or.i_end(ij).gt.ipe &
315     .or.j_start(ij).lt.jps.or.j_end(ij).gt.jpe)then
316         write(msg,1)'patch',ips,':',ipe,jps,':',jpe
317 1       format(a,5x,i6,a,2i6,a,i6)
318         call message(msg,level=-1)
319         write(msg,2)'tile',ij,i_start(ij),':',i_end(ij),j_start(ij),':',j_end(ij)
320 2       format(a,2i6,a,2i6,a,i6)
321         call message(msg,level=-1)
322         call crash('bad tile bounds')
323     endif
324 enddo
325 end subroutine check_tiles
328 subroutine allocate2d(p,ims,ime,jms,jme,s) 
329 !*** allocate a pointer with error checking and initialization
330 implicit none
331 !*** arguments
332 real, pointer, intent(out), dimension(:,:)::p
333 integer, intent(in):: ims,ime,jms,jme
334 character(len=*),intent(in)::s
335 !*** local
336 integer::err
337 !*** executable
338 write(6,1) ims,ime,jms,jme,trim(s)
339 if(associated(p))call crash('already allocated')
340 1 format('allocate2d',2(1x,i6,' :',i6),1x,a)
341 allocate(p(ims:ime,jms:jme),stat=err)
342 if(err.ne.0)then
343    write(6,1)ims,ime,jms,jme,trim(s)
344    call crash('memory allocation failed')
345 endif
346 p=0.
347 end subroutine allocate2d
349 subroutine allocate3d(p,ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,s) 
350 !*** allocate a pointer with error checking and initialization
351 implicit none
352 !*** arguments
353 real, pointer, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:)::p
354 integer, intent(in):: ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme
355 character(len=*),intent(in)::s
356 !*** local
357 integer::err
358 !*** executable
359 write(6,1) ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,trim(s)
360 1 format('allocate3d',3(1x,i6,' :',i6),1x,a)
361 if(associated(p))call crash('already allocated')
362 allocate(p(ims:ime,jms:jme,kms:kme),stat=err)
363 if(err.ne.0)then
364    write(6,1)ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme,trim(s)
365    call crash('memory allocation failed')
366 endif
367 p=0.
368 end subroutine allocate3d
371 end module module_model_test
374 !******************************
378 program model_test_main
379 use module_model_test, only: sub_main
380 call  sub_main
381 end program model_test_main