r4627 | gill | 2010-12-29 16:29:58 -0700 (Wed, 29 Dec 2010) | 5 lines
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / external / atm_pom / atm_comm.F
1       MODULE ATM_cc
3       USE CMP_COMM, ONLY: &
5      &   MPI_COMM_Atmos => COMM_local, &
7      &   Coupler_id, &
8      &   component_master_rank_local, &
9      &   process_rank_local, &
10      &   component_nprocs, &
11      &   ibuffer, &
14      &   kind_REAL,kind_alt_REAL, &
15      &   MPI_kind_REAL,MPI_kind_alt_REAL
17       implicit none
19       integer,parameter:: ND=2
20       integer Ocean_spec /-1/, WM_id /-10/
21       integer NSF
22       integer NSF_WM
23       real dtc,           &       !<- Coupling period
24      &     dta,           &     !<- AM time step ("physical")
25      &     dta2dtc              !<- AM time step / Coupling period
26       integer i_dtc2dta /100/   !<- Coupling period / AM time step
27       integer & !,dimension(ND)::
28      &ims,ime,jms,jme,its,ite,jts,jte,ids,idf,jds,jdf,  NGP
29       integer kms,kme,kts,kte,kds,kde
30       integer,parameter:: kind_R=kind_alt_REAL
31 !c     integer,parameter:: kind_tiling=kind_R
32       integer,parameter:: kind_sfcflux=kind_R, &
33      &                    kind_SST=kind_R, &
34      &                    kind_SLM=kind_R, &
35      &                    kind_lonlat=kind_R
36       integer MPI_kind_R, &
37      &MPI_kind_sfcflux,MPI_kind_SST,MPI_kind_SLM,MPI_kind_lonlat
38       integer n_ts(ND) /0,0/, gid
39       integer rc /5/
40       real,parameter:: &
41      &   SLM_OS_value=1.,  &!<-must be real open sea mask value in AM
42      &   unrealistically_low_SST=0.01, & ! <- must be unreal low but >=0.,
43                                        ! see interp. --- check!
44      &   unrealistically_low_SV=-1.E30, &
45                      ! <- must be negative unreal low surface flux
46                      ! or other surface value to be sent
47                      ! to Coupler, see Coupler code
48      &   unrealistically_low_SF=unrealistically_low_SV, & !<- same thing
49      &   unrealistically_low_SVp=0.99*unrealistically_low_SV
51       logical initialized /.false./
52       logical PHYS,zeroSF,nrmSF,sendSF,getSST
55         real(kind=kind_SST),dimension(:,:),pointer:: a 
57       TYPE SF_ARRAY
58         real(kind=kind_sfcflux),dimension(:,:,:),pointer:: a
61       TYPE (SST_ARRAY), dimension(ND):: SST_cc
62       TYPE (SF_ARRAY), dimension(ND):: sf
64       character*12 sgid
66 !Controls:
67       integer nunit_announce /6/, VerbLev /3/
69       SAVE
71       END MODULE ATM_cc
73 !C***********************************************************************
75       SUBROUTINE ATM_CMP_START(atm_comm)
77       USE ATM_cc
79       implicit none
81       integer atm_comm
83       integer Atmos_id /1/, Atmos_master_rank_local /0/, Atmos_spec /1/
84       integer ibuf(1),ierr
85       character*20 s
88                       !<-id of OM as a component of the coupled system
89       call CMP_INIT(Atmos_id,1)
90                              !<-"flexibility level"
91       if (Coupler_id.ge.0) VerbLev=min(VerbLev,ibuffer(4))
92       write(s,'(i2)') VerbLev
94       call CMP_INTRO(Atmos_master_rank_local)
95       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('back from CMP_INTRO, VerbLev='//s,2)
97       initialized=.true.
99       call CMP_INTEGER_SEND(Atmos_spec,1)
101       call CMP_gnr_RECV(Ocean_spec,1,MPI_INTEGER)
102       write(s,'(i2)') Ocean_spec
103       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('back from CMP_INTEGER_RECV, OM spec is '//s,2)
104       call MPI_BCAST(Ocean_spec,1,MPI_INTEGER, &
105      &component_master_rank_local,MPI_COMM_Atmos,ierr)
106       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_CMP_START: Ocean_spec broadcast',2)
108       call CMP_gnr_RECV(WM_id,1,MPI_INTEGER)
109       write(s,'(i2)') WM_id
110       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('back from CMP_INTEGER_RECV, WM id is '//s,2)
111       call MPI_BCAST(WM_id,1,MPI_INTEGER, &
112      &component_master_rank_local,MPI_COMM_Atmos,ierr)
113       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_CMP_START: WM_id broadcast',2)
114       if (WM_id.gt.0) then
115         NSF_WM=2
116       else
117         NSF_WM=0
118       end if
120       if (Ocean_spec.eq.1) then
121         NSF=4+NSF_WM
122       else if (Ocean_spec.eq.2) then
123         NSF=8+NSF_WM
124       else if (Ocean_spec.eq.0) then
125         NSF=NSF_WM
126       else if (Coupler_id.ge.0) then
127         call GLOB_ABORT(Ocean_spec-1, &
128      &  'ATM_CMP_START received wrong Ocean_spec value, aborted',rc)
129       else
130         Ocean_spec=1
131         NSF=4
132         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('AM is standalone: Ocean_spec=1, NSF=4'// &
133      &  ' assigned (as if for POM coupling)',2)
134       end if
136       if (kind_R.eq.kind_REAL) then
137         MPI_kind_R=MPI_kind_REAL
138       else 
139         MPI_kind_R=MPI_kind_alt_REAL
140       end if
141       if (kind_sfcflux.eq.kind_REAL) then
142         MPI_kind_sfcflux=MPI_kind_REAL
143       else 
144         MPI_kind_sfcflux=MPI_kind_alt_REAL
145       end if
146       if (kind_SST.eq.kind_REAL) then
147         MPI_kind_SST=MPI_kind_REAL
148       else 
149         MPI_kind_SST=MPI_kind_alt_REAL
150       end if
151       if (kind_SLM.eq.kind_REAL) then
152         MPI_kind_SLM=MPI_kind_REAL
153       else 
154         MPI_kind_SLM=MPI_kind_alt_REAL
155       end if
156       if (kind_lonlat.eq.kind_REAL) then
157         MPI_kind_lonlat=MPI_kind_REAL
158       else 
159         MPI_kind_lonlat=MPI_kind_alt_REAL
160       end if
162       atm_comm=MPI_COMM_Atmos
164       return
165       END
167 !C***********************************************************************
171       USE ATM_cc, ONLY: initialized,rc
173       implicit none
175       character*(*) s
177       if (.not. initialized) call GLOB_ABORT(1,s,rc)
179       return
180       END
182 !C***********************************************************************
184       subroutine ATM_TSTEP_INIT(NTSD,NPHS,gid_,dta_, &
185      &ids_,idf_,jds_,jdf_,its_,ite_,jts_,jte_,ims_,ime_,jms_,jme_, &
186        !<-"domain"         !<-"tile"           !<-"memory" (tile+halo)
187      &kds_,kde_,kts_,kte_,kms_,kme_, &
188      &HLON,HLAT,VLON,VLAT, &
189      &SLM, &
190      &i_parent_start,j_parent_start)
192       USE ATM_cc
194       implicit none
196       integer NTSD,NPHS,gid_
197       real dta_
198       integer ids_,idf_,jds_,jdf_,its_,ite_,jts_,jte_, &
199      &ims_,ime_,jms_,jme_,kds_,kde_,kts_,kte_,kms_,kme_
200       real(kind=kind_lonlat),dimension(ims_:ime_,jms_:jme_):: &
202       real(kind=kind_SLM),dimension(ims_:ime_,jms_:jme_):: SLM
203       integer i_parent_start,j_parent_start
205       integer KDT,buf(2) /0,0/
206       character*24 s
207       character*80 s1
209       SAVE
212       gid=gid_
213       call GLOB_ABORT((gid-1)*(gid-2), &
214      &'Abort: in ATM_TSTEP_INIT gid is neither 1 nor 2',rc)
215       KDT=NTSD/NPHS+1
216       PHYS=MOD(NTSD,NPHS).eq.0 ! .and. gid.eq.1 <-removed to bring MG in
217       dta=dta_ 
219       write(s1,'("gid=",i1," NTSD=",i5," NPHS=",i3," KDT=",i5,'// &
220      &'" PHYS=",L1)') gid,NTSD,NPHS,KDT,PHYS
221       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_TSTEP_INIT entered: '//trim(s1),3)
223 !c     IF (n_ts.eq.-1 .and. PHYS) THEN
224 !c       PHYS=.false.
225 !c       n_ts=0   ! init. value must be -1 . But if PHYS does not need
226 !c                ! this correction, init. value must be 0 (whereas this
227 !c                ! IF statement may stay)
228 !c     END IF
229       if (.not.PHYS) then
230         zeroSF=.false.
231         nrmSF=.false.
232         sendSF=.false.
233         RETURN
234       end if
236       n_ts(gid)=n_ts(gid)+1  ! init. value must be 0   ***0***
237       write(s,'(2i8)') KDT,n_ts(gid)
238       write(sgid,'(" grid id = ",i1)') gid
239       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_TSTEP_INIT working:'// &
240      &sgid//'; KDT, n_ts: '//s,3)
241       call GLOB_ABORT(KDT-n_ts(gid), &
242      &'Abort: in ATM_TSTEP_INIT KDT, n_ts(gid) differ '//s,rc)
244       call ATM_RECVdtc
246       zeroSF=((n_ts(gid)-1)/i_dtc2dta)*i_dtc2dta .eq. n_ts(gid)-1
247       nrmSF=(n_ts(gid)/i_dtc2dta)*i_dtc2dta .eq. n_ts(gid)
248       sendSF=(n_ts(gid)/i_dtc2dta)*i_dtc2dta .eq. n_ts(gid)
249                                     !<-check, this depends
250                                     ! on where ATM_SENDFLUXES is called.
251                                     ! MOD(n_ts,i_dtc2dta).eq.0 should
252                                     ! be good for calling it after
253                                     ! ATM_DOFLUXES at the same t.s.
255       ids=ids_
256       idf=idf_
257       jds=jds_
258       jdf=jdf_
259       its=its_
260       ite=ite_
261       jts=jts_
262       jte=jte_
263       ims=ims_
264       ime=ime_
265       jms=jms_
266       jme=jme_
268       kds=kds_
269       kde=kde_
270       kts=kts_
271       kms=kms_
272       kme=kme_
273       kte=kte_
275       NGP=(idf-ids+1)*(jdf-jds+1)
277       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_TSTEP_INIT to allocate sf, SST_cc',3)
279       IF (n_ts(gid).eq.1) THEN
280         allocate(sf(gid)%a(ims:ime,jms:jme,NSF))
281         allocate(SST_cc(gid)%a(ims:ime,jms:jme))
282       END IF
284       if (gid.eq.2) then
285         write(s,'(2i8)') i_parent_start,j_parent_start
286         if (zeroSF) then
287           buf(1)=i_parent_start
288           buf(2)=j_parent_start
289           call CMP_INTEGER_SEND(buf,2)
290           call ATM_ANNOUNCE( &
291      &    'ATM_TSTEP_INIT: i_parent_start, j_parent_start sent '//s,3)
292         else
293           call GLOB_ABORT(abs(i_parent_start-buf(1))+abs(j_parent_start- &
294      &    buf(2)),'NESTED GRID MOVED DURING C TIME STEP: ABORTED '// &
295      &    s,rc)
296         end if
297       end if
303       if (VerbLev.ge.2) print*,'AM: ATM_TSTEP_INIT: returning ',gid, &
304      &n_ts(gid),ids,idf,jds,jdf,its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,NGP,NSF
306       RETURN
307       end
309 !C***********************************************************************
313       USE ATM_cc
315       implicit none
317       real(kind=kind_R) buf(1),dtc2dta
318       integer ierr,i
319       logical first/.true./
320       character*20 s
321       SAVE
324       write(s,'(1pe20.12)') dta
325       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_RECVdtc: AM time step dta='//s,3)
327       IF (first) THEN
328         call ATM_ANNOUNCE( &
329      &  'ATM_RECVdtc: to receive C time step; AM time step dta='//s,2)
331         call CMP_gnr_RECV(buf,1,MPI_kind_R)
333         call MPI_BCAST(buf,1,MPI_kind_R, &
334      &  component_master_rank_local,MPI_COMM_Atmos,ierr)
335         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_RECVdtc: C time step broadcast',2)
336         dtc=buf(1)
338         if (Coupler_id.lt.0) then
339           if (gid.eq.1) then
340             dtc=dta*2            ! just having in mind that with gid=1
341           else                   ! dta value is 5 times its value with
342             dtc=dta*10           ! gid=2 (at this moment, 270s and 54s
343           end if                 ! respectively)
344           write(s,'(1pe20.12)') dtc
345           call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_RECVdtc: C time step assigned '// &
346      &    trim(s)//' : standalone mode',2)
347         else
348           write(s,'(1pe20.12)') buf
349           call ATM_ANNOUNCE( &
350      &    'ATM_RECVdtc: C time step dtc='//s//' received',2)
351         end if
352       END IF
354       dtc2dta=dtc/dta
355       i_dtc2dta=nint(dtc2dta)
356       if (abs(i_dtc2dta-dtc2dta).gt.1.E-5) call GLOB_ABORT(1, &
357      &'AM: ABORTED: dtc is not a multiple of dta',1)
359       i=3
360       if (n_ts(gid).eq.1) i=2
361       if (i_dtc2dta.eq.0) then
362         i_dtc2dta=4
363         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ratio of C/AM time steps =0, assigned 4 .'// &
364      &  ' This should only occur in standalone mode and ONLY IF dtc '// &
366       else
367         write(s,'(i2)') i_dtc2dta
368         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ratio of C/AM time steps: '//trim(s),i)
369       end if
371       dta2dtc=1./i_dtc2dta
373       first=.false.
375       RETURN
376       END
378 !C***********************************************************************
382       USE ATM_cc
384       implicit none
386       real(kind=kind_lonlat),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: &
389       real(kind=kind_lonlat),dimension(ids:idf,jds:jdf):: &
390      &ALONt,ALATt,ALONv,ALATv
392       integer buf(2)
395 !c     IF (gid.ne.1) RETURN ! only "parent grid" dim. and coor. are sent
397       IF (.not.PHYS .or. n_ts(gid).ne.1) RETURN
399 !temporarily excluded      if (Coupler_id.lt.0) return    !   <- standalone mode
401       buf(1)=idf-ids+1
402       buf(2)=jdf-jds+1
403       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('to send grid dimensions,'//sgid,1)
404       call CMP_INTEGER_SEND(buf,2)
405       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('grid dimensions sent,'//sgid,1)
407 !c     IF (gid.eq.1) THEN    !  only "parent grid" coordinates are sent
409         call ASSEMBLE(ALONt,HLON,kind_lonlat)
410         call ASSEMBLE(ALATt,HLAT,kind_lonlat)
411         call ASSEMBLE(ALONv,VLON,kind_lonlat)
412         call ASSEMBLE(ALATv,VLAT,kind_lonlat)
414         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('(BP) to send grid arrays (4 MPI calls)',2)
416         call CMP_gnr_SEND(ALONt,NGP,MPI_kind_lonlat)
417         call CMP_gnr_SEND(ALATt,NGP,MPI_kind_lonlat)
418         call CMP_gnr_SEND(ALONv,NGP,MPI_kind_lonlat)
419         call CMP_gnr_SEND(ALATv,NGP,MPI_kind_lonlat)
421         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('the 4 grid arrays sent',1)
423 !c     END IF
425       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('(BP) ATM_SENDGRIDS: returning',2)
427       return
428       END
430 !C***********************************************************************
434       USE ATM_cc
436       implicit none
438       real(kind=kind_SLM),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: SLM
440       real(kind=kind_SLM),dimension(ids:idf,jds:jdf):: SLM_g
441       integer buf(2)
444 !c     IF (gid.ne.1) RETURN  !  only "parent grid" mask is sent
445       IF (.not.PHYS .or. n_ts(gid).ne.1) RETURN
447 !temporarily excluded      if (Coupler_id.lt.0) return    !   <- standalone mode
449       call ASSEMBLE(SLM_g,SLM,kind_SLM)
451       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('(BP) to send SLM',2)
453       call CMP_gnr_SEND(SLM_g,NGP,MPI_kind_SLM)
454       call CMP_gnr_SEND(SLM_g,NGP,MPI_kind_SLM)
455            ! Coupler requires as many copies of mask as there are grids
457       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('(BP) ATM_SENDSLM: returning',2)
459       return
460       END
462 !C***********************************************************************
466       USE ATM_cc
468       implicit none
470       real(kind=kind_SST) SST(ims:ime,jms:jme)
471       real(kind=kind_SLM) SLM(ims:ime,jms:jme)
473       integer i,j
474       real(kind=kind_SST) SST_g(ids:idf,jds:jdf)
477       IF (.not.PHYS) RETURN
479       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_GETSST entered (PHYS=.true.)',3)
481       getSST=((n_ts(gid)-1)/i_dtc2dta)*i_dtc2dta .eq. n_ts(gid)-1
482       if (getSST.neqv.zeroSF) then
483         call GLOB_ABORT(1,'getSST differs from zeroSF, which screws'// &
484      &  ' up the design for exchanges with C',rc)
485       end if
487       if (getSST) then
488         if (n_ts(gid).eq.1 .and. gid.eq.1) then
489           call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_GETSST: to send ref. SST'//sgid,2)
490           call ASSEMBLE(SST_g,SST,kind_SST)
491           call CMP_gnr_SEND(SST_g,NGP,MPI_kind_SST)
492           call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_GETSST: ref. SST sent'//sgid,2)
493         end if
494         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_GETSST: to receive SST',3)
495         call CMP_gnr_RECV(SST_g,NGP,MPI_kind_SST)
496         call DISASSEMBLE(SST_g,SST_cc(gid)%a,kind_SST)
497         call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_GETSST: SST received',3)
498       end if
500       if (Coupler_id.lt.0) return    !   <- standalone mode
502       do j=jts,jte
503       do i=its,ite
504         if (abs(SLM(i,j)-SLM_OS_value).lt.0.01) then 
505                                   ! i.e. if it is OS (open sea) AMGP
506                                   !
507           if (SST_cc(gid)%a(i,j).gt.unrealistically_low_SST)  &
508                                           ! i.e. if there is a valid
509                                           ! result of interpolation from
510                                           ! OMG for this AMGP
511      &       SST(i,j)=SST_cc(gid)%a(i,j)
512         end if
513       end do
514       end do
516       return
517       END
519 !C***********************************************************************
522 !c    &USTAR,U10,V10,PINT,PREC)
523      &TX,TY,PINT,PREC,U10,V10)
525       USE ATM_cc
527       implicit none
529       real(kind=kind_sfcflux),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: &
532 !       Act. arg. for PINT is a 3d array - so this only is OK if
533 !       Ps=Act.arg.(:,:.1) - actually, Ps=PINT(:,1,:)
535       real(kind=kind_sfcflux),dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: SWR,R
536       real dtainv
539       IF (.not.PHYS) RETURN
540 ! Debug insertion:->
541 !c     if (PREC(ims+3,jms+3).ne.0 .or. PREC(ims+5,jms+5).ne.0) then
542 !c       print*,'ATM_DOFLUXES,gid,n_ts(gid),PREC(3,3),PREC(5,5): ',
543 !c    &  gid,n_ts(gid),PREC(ims+3,jms+3),PREC(ims+5,jms+5)
544 !c     end if
545 ! <-:Debug insertion
547       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_DOFLUXES entered',3)
549       dtainv=1./dta
551       if (zeroSF) sf(gid)%a=0.
553       SWR=-RSWIN+RSWOUT          ! Check sign! here SWR is meant to be
554                                  ! positive upward
555 !c     sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-1)-TX
556 !c     sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF)-TY
557 !c                    ! <- signs for stress components are     changed
558 !c                    ! so it is -stress
560 !c     R=SWR+RADOT-RLWIN          ! Check sign! here R (net radiation)
561                                  ! is meant to be positive upward
563 !oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
564       IF (Ocean_spec.eq.1) THEN
565 !oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
566         sf(gid)%a(:,:,1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,1)-TWBS-QWBS+RADOT-RLWIN
567                                        ! -TWBS (-QWBS) is supposed to
568                                        ! be sensible (latent) heat flux,
569                                        ! positive upward
570         sf(gid)%a(:,:,2)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,2)+SWR
571         sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM-1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM-1)-TX
572         sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM)-TY
573                      ! <- signs for stress components are changed
574 !ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
575       ELSE IF (Ocean_spec.eq.2) THEN
576 !ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
577         sf(gid)%a(:,:,1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,1)+PREC
578         sf(gid)%a(:,:,2)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,2)-TWBS
579         sf(gid)%a(:,:,3)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,3)-QWBS
580         sf(gid)%a(:,:,4)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,4)+PINT-101300.
581         sf(gid)%a(:,:,5)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,5)-SWR-RADOT+RLWIN
582         sf(gid)%a(:,:,6)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,6)-SWR
584         sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM-1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM-1)+TX
585         sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-NSF_WM)+TY
586                      ! <- signs for stress components are NOT changed
587         if (nrmSF) then
588           sf(gid)%a(:,:,1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,1)*dtainv
589                         ! so this will be m/s; check what OM wants
590         end if
591 !ooooooooooo
592       END IF
593 !ooooooooooo
596 !wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
597       IF (WM_id.gt.0) THEN
598 !wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
599         sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-1)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF-1)+U10
600         sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF)=sf(gid)%a(:,:,NSF)+V10
601 !wwwwwwwwwww
602       END IF
603 !wwwwwwwwwww
605       if (nrmSF) then
606         sf(gid)%a=sf(gid)%a*dta2dtc
607       end if
609       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_DOFLUXES to return',3)
611       return
612       END
614 !C***********************************************************************
618       USE ATM_cc
620       implicit none
622       real(kind=kind_sfcflux) F(ids:idf,jds:jdf)
623       integer n
626       if (.not.PHYS) RETURN
628       if (.not.sendSF) then
629         call ATM_ANNOUNCE( &
630      &  'ATM_SENDLUXES entered with PHYS but not sendSF: returning'// &
631      &  sgid,3)
632         RETURN
633       end if
635       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('In ATM_SENDLUXES'//sgid,3)
637       do n=1,NSF
638         call ASSEMBLE(F,sf(gid)%a(:,:,n),kind_sfcflux)
639         call CMP_gnr_SEND(F,NGP,MPI_kind_sfcflux)
640       end do
642       call ATM_ANNOUNCE('ATM_SENDFLUXES to return'//sgid,3)
644       return
645       END
647 !C***********************************************************************
651       USE ATM_cc, ONLY: nunit_announce,VerbLev,MPI_COMM_Atmos
653       implicit none
655       character*(*) s
656       integer DbgLev
658       integer ierr
660       if (DbgLev.le.VerbLev) then
661         if (s(1:5).eq.'(BP) ') then
662           call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_Atmos,ierr)
663         end if
664         CALL CMP_ANNOUNCE(nunit_announce,'AM: '//s)
665       end if
667       return
668       END