standard WRF version
[wrffire.git] / wrfv2_fire / Registry / Registry.EM_NL
1 # Registry file, EM
2 #                                               
3 # At the present time this file is managed manually and edited by hand.                                         
4 #                                               
5 ################################################################################
6 # Dimension specifications
8 # This section of the Registry file is used to specify the dimensions
9 # that will be used to define arrays. Dim is the one-letter name of the
10 # dimension.  How defined can either be "standard_domain", which means
11 # that the dimension (1) is one of the three spatial dimensions and (2)
12 # it will be set using the standard namelist mechanism and domain data
13 # structure dimension fields (e.g. sd31,ed31,sd32...).
15 # Order refers to which of the three sets of just-mentioned internal
16 # dimension variables the dimension is referred to by in the driver.
17 # That is, is it the first, second, or third dimension.  The registry
18 # infers the mapping of its internal dimensions according to the
19 # combination of Order and Coord-axis that are specified in this table.
20 # Note that it is all right to more than one dimension name for, say, the
21 # x dimension.  However, the Order and Coord-axis relationship must be
22 # consistent throughout.
24 # Note: these entries do not enforce storage order on a particular field.
25 # That is determined by the dimension strings for each field. But it does
26 # relate the dimspec to the internal data structures that the driver uses
27 # to maintain the three physical domain dimensions.
29 # "How defined" can also specify the name of a namelist variable from which
30 # the definition for the dimension will come; this is specified as
31 # "namelist=<variable name>".  The namelist variable must have been
32 # defined as an integer and with only one entry in the rconfig table. Or
33 # a constant can be specified.  The coordinate axis for the dimension is
34 # either X, Y, Z, or C (for "not a spatial dimension").  The Dimname is
35 # the descriptive name of the dimension that will be included in the
36 # metadata in data sets.  Note that the b, f, and t modifiers that appear
37 # as the last characters of dimension strings used # in state and # i1
38 # registry definitions are not dimensions and do not need to be declared
39 # here.
42 # Available characters for dimspec: 0123456789@%+=|?.!&[{}]
44 #<Table>  <Dim>  <Order> <How defined>         <Coord-axis>  <Dimname in Datasets>
45 dimspec    i      1     standard_domain              x          west_east
46 dimspec    j      3     standard_domain              y          south_north
47 dimspec    k      2     standard_domain              z          bottom_top
48 dimspec    l      2     namelist=num_soil_layers     z          soil_layers
49 dimspec    u      2     namelist=num_land_cat        z          land_cat
50 dimspec    s      2     namelist=num_soil_cat        z          soil_cat
51 dimspec    p      -     constant=7501                c          microphysics_rstrt_state
52 dimspec    w      -     namelist=spec_bdy_width      c          spec_bdy_width
53 dimspec    e      3     namelist=ensdim              z          ensemble dimension
54 dimspec    n      1     namelist=dfi_time_dim        c          dfi time dimension
55 dimspec    z      -     namelist=max_obs          c          max_obs
56 dimspec    h      -     namelist=nobs_err_flds    c          nobs_err_flds
57 dimspec    r      -     namelist=nobs_ndg_vars    c          nobs_ndg_vars
58 dimspec    g      2     namelist=num_metgrid_levels  z          num_metgrid_levels
59 dimspec    m      2     constant=12                  z          months_per_year
60 dimspec    a      -     namelist=cam_abs_dim1     c          cam_abs_dim1
61 dimspec    c      -     namelist=cam_abs_dim2     z          cam_abs_dim2
62 dimspec    q      2     namelist=levsiz           z          levsiz
63 dimspec    d      2     namelist=paerlev          z          paerlev
64 dimspec    v      -     constant=1                z          one
67 ################################################################################
68 ################################################################################
69 ################################################################################
71 #state    real   floob       ikjb     dyn_em      1         -    
72 #state    real   floob_x     ikjx     dyn_em      1         -     
73 #state    real   floob_y     ikjy     dyn_em      1         - 
74 #xpose FLOOB dyn_em floob,floob_x,floob_y
76 #state real xxx ijk misc 2 - h6ud
77 #halo  HALO_FLOOB dyn_em  4:xxx_2
79 # Lines that start with the word 'state' form a table that is                                           
80 # used by the script use_registry to generate module_state_descript.F                                           
81 # and other files.  Also see documentation in use_registry.                                             
82 #                                               
83 # table entries are of the form                                         
84 #<Table> <Type> <Sym>         <Dims>   <Use>   <NumTLev> <Stagger> <IO>     <DNAME>             <DESCRIP>     <UNITS>   
87 # It is required that LU_INDEX appears before any variable that is
88 # interpolated with a mask, as lu_index supplies that mask.
89 # this next 1 is for the HFSoLE/PET demo; writing these to auxhist1 output over MCEL for coupling
90 # with wave model, only if compiled with -DMCELIO, JM 2003/05/29
91 state    real  LU_INDEX         ij      misc        1         -     irh012d=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)   "LU_INDEX"              "LAND USE CATEGORY"         ""
92 state    real  LU_MASK          ij      misc        1         -     i3h1     "LU_MASK"              "0 land 1 water"         ""
95 # Variables from WPS
97 state    real   u_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        XZ    i1  "UU"     "x-wind component"    "m s-1"
98 state    real   v_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        YZ    i1  "VV"     "y-wind component"    "m s-1"
99 state    real   t_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "TT"     "temperature"         "K"
100 state    real   rh_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "RH"    "relative humidity"   "%"
101 state    real   ght_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "GHT"   "geopotential height" "m"
102 state    real   p_gc           igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "PRES"   "pressure"            "Pa"
103 state    real   xlat_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "XLAT_M" "latitude, positive north" "degrees"
104 state    real   xlong_gc       ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "XLONG_M" "longitude, positive east" "degrees"
105 state    real   ht_gc          ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "HGT_M" "topography elevation" "m"
106 state    real   tsk_gc         ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "SKINTEMP"  "skin temperature"  "K"
107 state    real   tavgsfc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "TAVGSFC"  "daily mean of surface air temperature"  "K"
108 state    real   tmn_gc         ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "SOILTEMP"  "annual mean deep soil temperature"  "K"
109 state    real   pslv_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     i1  "PMSL"  "sea level pressure"  "Pa"
110 state    real   greenfrac      imj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "GREENFRAC" "monthly greenness fraction" "0 - 1 fraction"
111 state    real   albedo12m      imj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "ALBEDO12M" "background albedo" "0 - 1 fraction"
112 state    real   pd_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     -   "PD"    "dry pressure"        "Pa"
113 state    real   psfc_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -      -  "PSFC_GC"     "surface pressure"            "Pa"
114 state    real   intq_gc        ij       dyn_em      1        -     -   "INTQ"  "integrated mixing ratio" "Pa"
115 state    real   pdhs           ij       dyn_em      1        -     -   "PDHS"  "hydrostatic dry surface pressure" "Pa"
116 state    real   qv_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QV"     "mixing ratio"        "kg kg-1"
117 ifdef RUC_CLOUD
118 state    real   qr_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QR"    "rain water mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
119 state    real   qc_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QC"    "cloud water mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
120 state    real   qs_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QS"    "snow mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
121 state    real   qi_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QI"    "cloud ice mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
122 state    real   qg_gc          igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QG"    "graupel mixing ratio"   "kg kg-1"
123 state    real   qni_gc         igj      dyn_em      1        Z     i1  "QNI"   "ice no concentration"   "m-3"
124 endif
126 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 #                                               
128 # Variables for Eulerian mass coordinate dynamics                                            
129 #                                               
132 # Velocities
134 # U Vel
135 state    real   u              ikjb     dyn_em      2         X     \
136      i01rh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)       "U"                      "x-wind component"   "m s-1"
137 state    real   ru             ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "MU_U"        "mu-coupled u"   "Pa m s-1"
138 state    real   ru_m           ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "ru_m"        ""   ""
139 state    real   ru_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "ru_tend"        ""   ""                                   
140 i1       real   ru_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         X                                          
141 state    real   u_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -        "u_save"
142 #                                               
143 # V Vel
144 state    real   v              ikjb     dyn_em      2         Y     \
145      i01rh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)        "V"                     "y-wind component"   "m s-1"
146 state    real   rv             ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "MU_V"        "mu-coupled v"   "Pa m s-1"
147 state    real   rv_m           ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "rv_m"
148 state    real   rv_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "rv_tend"
149 i1       real   rv_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         Y                                          
150 state    real   v_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -        "v_save"                   
151 #                                               
152 # Vertical Vel                                          
153 state    real   w              ikjb     dyn_em      2         Z     \
154         irh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "w"                          "z-wind component"   "m s-1"
155 state    real   ww             ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r         "ww"   "mu-coupled eta-dot"    "Pa s-1"
156 state    real   rw             ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         "rw"   "mu-coupled w"          "Pa m s-1"
157 i1       real   ww1            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
158 state    real   ww_m           ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r         "ww_m"   "time-avg mu-coupled eta-dot"    "Pa s-1"
159 i1       real   wwp            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
160 i1       real   rw_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
161 i1       real   rw_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
162 i1       real   w_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z                                          
164 # Geopotential
165 state    real   ph             ikjb     dyn_em      2         Z     \
166        irh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "ph"   "perturbation geopotential"  "m2 s-2"
167 state    real   phb            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z     irhdus "phb"  "base-state geopotential"  "m2 s-2"
168 state    real   phb_fine       ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -     "phb_fine"  "for nesting, temp holding interpolated coarse grid phb"  "m2 s-2"
169 state    real   ph0            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r     "ph0"  "initial geopotential"     "m2 s-2"
170 state    real   php            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      r     "php"  "geopotential"             "m2 s-2"
171 i1       real   ph_tend        ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
172 i1       real   ph_tendf       ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
173 i1       real   ph_save        ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
175 # Potential Temperature
176 state    real   t              ikjb     dyn_em      2         -     \
177        i01rh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "t"      "perturbation potential temperature (theta-t0)" "K"
179 state    real   t_init         ikj     dyn_em      1         -      ir       "t_init" "initial potential temperature" "K"
180 i1       real   t_tend         ikj     dyn_em      1         -  
181 i1       real   t_tendf        ikj     dyn_em      1         -  
182 state    real   tp             ikj     dyn_em      2         -  
183 i1       real   t_2save        ikj     dyn_em      1         -   
184 state    real   t_save         ikj     dyn_em      1         -               "t_save"
188 # Mass
189 state    real   mu              ijb     dyn_em      2         -     \
190      irh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)   "mu"  "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa"
191 state    real   mub             ij     dyn_em      1         -     irhdus       "mub" "base state dry air mass in column" "Pa"
192 state    real   mub_fine        ij     dyn_em      1         -      -           "mub_fine" "nest temp, holds interpolated coarse grid mub" "Pa"
193 state    real   mub_save        ij     dyn_em      1         -      -           "mub_save" "nest temp, holds orig fine grid mub" "Pa"
194 state    real   mu0             ij     dyn_em      1         -     i01rh2du       "mu0" "initial dry mass in column" "Pa"
195 state    real   mudf            ij     dyn_em      1         -      -           "mudf" "" ""
196 state    real   muu             ij     dyn_em      1          -                 "muu"
197 i1       real   muus            ij     dyn_em      1          -     
198 state    real   muv             ij     dyn_em      1          -                 "muv"
199 i1       real   muvs            ij     dyn_em      1          -     
200 state    real   mut             ij     dyn_em      1          -                 "mut"
201 state    real   muts            ij     dyn_em      1          -                 "muts"
202 i1       real   muave           ij     dyn_em      1          -     
203 i1       real   mu_save         ij     dyn_em      1          -     
204 i1       real   mu_tend         ij     dyn_em      1          -     
205 i1       real   mu_tendf        ij     dyn_em      1          -     
207 #diagnostic for looking at nest position in output. A mungy version of terrain height.
208 state    real   nest_pos        ij     misc        1   -   rhu=(mark_domain)  "NEST_POS"
209 state    real   nest_mask       ij     misc        1   -   ru=(mark_domain)   "NEST_MASK"     "LOCATION OF NEST IF ANY"
210 state    real   ht_coarse       ij     misc        1   -     r                -              "STORAGE FOR LOW-RES TERRAIN"
213 # TKE
214 state    real   tke            ikj     dyn_em      2         -       r        "tke"          "TURBULENCE KINETIC ENERGY"     "m2 s-2"
215 i1       real   tke_tend       ikj     dyn_em      1         -      
217 # Pressure and Density
218 state    real   p              ikj     dyn_em      1         -      rh02        "p"           "perturbation pressure"         "Pa"
219 state    real   al             ikj     dyn_em      1         -      rh2         "al"          "inverse perturbation density"  "m3 kg-1"
220 state    real   alt            ikj     dyn_em      1         -      rh2         "alt"         "inverse density"               "m3 kg-1"
221 state    real   alb            ikj     dyn_em      1         -      rh2dus      "alb"         "inverse base density"          "m3 kg-1"
222 state    real   zx             ikj     dyn_em      1         X      -         " "  " "  " "    
223 state    real   zy             ikj     dyn_em      1         Y      -         " "  " "  " "   
224 state    real   rdz            ikj     dyn_em      1         Z      -         " "  " "  " "   
225 state    real   rdzw           ikj     dyn_em      1         Z       -        " "  " "  " "   
226 state    real   pb             ikj     dyn_em      1         -      rhdus     "pb"          "BASE STATE PRESSURE "          "Pa"
228 #                                               
229 # Other dyn                                             
230 #                                               
231 i1       real   advect_tend    ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                          
232 i1       real   alpha          ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                                  
233 i1       real   a              ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                                  
234 i1       real   gamma          ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                                  
235 i1       real   c2a            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
236 i1       real   rho            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
237 i1       real   phm            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
238 i1       real   cqu            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
239 i1       real   cqv            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
240 i1       real   cqw            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
241 i1       real   pm1            ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -
242 state    real   sr             ij      dyn_em      1         -      irh         "sr" "fraction of frozen precipitation"
243 state    real   potevp         ij      dyn_em      1         -       rh         "potevp" "accumulated potential evaporation" "W m-2"
244 state    real   snopcx         ij      dyn_em      1         -       rh         "snopcx" "snow phase change heat flux" "W m-2"
245 state    real   soiltb         ij      dyn_em      1         -        h         "soiltb" "bottom soil temperature" "K"
246 state    real    fnm            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "fnm"  "upper weight for vertical stretching"  ""
247 state    real    fnp            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "fnp"  "lower weight for vertical stretching"  ""
248 state    real    rdnw           k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "rdnw"  "inverse d(eta) values between full (w) levels"   ""
249 state    real    rdn            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "rdn"  "inverse d(eta) values between half (mass) levels"   ""
250 state    real    dnw            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "dnw" "d(eta) values between full (w) levels"   ""
251 state    real    dn             k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "dn " "d(eta) values between half (mass) levels"   ""
252 state    real    znu            k       dyn_em      1         -     irh02       "znu"  "eta values on half (mass) levels"  ""
253 state    real    znw            k       dyn_em      1         Z     i01rh02     "znw"  "eta values on full (w) levels"  ""
254 state    real    t_base         k       dyn_em      1         -     ir        "t_base"               "BASE STATE IN IDEALIZED CASES"         "K"      
255 state    real    z              ikj     dyn_em      1         -     -         " " " " " "
256 i1       real    mu_3d          ikj     dyn_em      1         -                                          
257 i1       real    z_at_w         ikj     dyn_em      1         Z 
258 state    real    cfn            -       misc      -         -     irh02       "cfn"    "extrapolation constant"  ""
259 state    real    cfn1           -       misc      -         -     irh02       "cfn1"   "extrapolation constant"  ""
260 state    integer step_number    -       misc      -         -     ir        "step_number"  ""
262 # 2m and 10m output diagnostics
263 state    real   Q2               ij     misc        1         -     irh02d      "Q2"                   "QV at 2 M"         "kg kg-1"
264 state    real   T2               ij     misc        1         -     irh02d      "T2"                   "TEMP at 2 M"       "K"
265 state    real   TH2              ij     misc        1         -     irh02d      "TH2"                  "POT TEMP at 2 M"   "K"
266 state    real   PSFC             ij     misc        1         -     i01rhd      "PSFC"                 "SFC PRESSURE"      "Pa"
268 # these next 2 are for the HFSoLE/PET demo; writing these to auxhist1 output over MCEL for coupling
269 # with wave model, only if compiled with -DMCELIO, JM 2003/05/29
270 state    real   U10              ij     misc        1         -     irh012d      "U10"                "U at 10 M"         "m s-1"
271 state    real   V10              ij     misc        1         -     irh012d      "V10"                "V at 10 M"         "m s-1"
273 # these next 4 are for observational nudging
274 state    real   uratx           ij      misc        1         -      r          "URATX"            "Ratio of U over U10 on mass points "         "dimensionless"
275 state    real   vratx           ij      misc        1         -      r          "VRATX"            "Ratio of V over V10 on mass points "         "dimensionless"   
276 state    real   tratx           ij      misc        1         -      r          "TRATX"            "Ratio of T over TH2 on mass points "         "dimensionless"   
277 state    real   obs_savwt      hikj     dyn_em      1         X      -       "OBS_SAVWT"
279 # Other
280 state   real    rdx            -        misc      -         -     irh02       "rdx"                   "INVERSE X GRID LENGTH"         ""      
281 state   real    rdy            -        misc      -         -     irh02       "rdy"                   "INVERSE Y GRID LENGTH"         ""      
282 state   real    dts            -        misc      -         -     irh2        "dts"                   "SMALL TIMESTEP"         ""      
283 state   real    dtseps         -        misc      -         -     irh2        "dtseps"                "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS"         ""      
284 state   real    resm           -        misc      -         -     irh02       "resm"                  "TIME WEIGHT CONSTANT FOR SMALL STEPS"         ""      
285 state   real    zetatop        -        misc      -         -     irh02       "zetatop"               "ZETA AT MODEL TOP"         ""      
286 state   real    cf1            -        misc      -         -     irh02       "cf1"                   "2nd order extrapolation constant"         ""      
287 state   real    cf2            -        misc      -         -     irh02       "cf2"                   "2nd order extrapolation constant"         ""      
288 state   real    cf3            -        misc      -         -     irh02       "cf3"                   "2nd order extrapolation constant"         ""      
289 state   integer number_at_same_level    -        -          -         -     -        "number_at_same_level"  ""         ""      
291 # State for derived time quantities.  
292 state   integer itimestep      -        -          -         -     rh         "itimestep"             ""         ""      
293 state   real    xtime          -        -          -         -     rh         "xtime"                 "minutes since simulation start"         ""      
294 state   real    julian         -        -          -         -     -          "julian"                "day of year, 0.0 at 0Z on 1 Jan."         "days"      
297 # input file descriptor for lbcs on parent domain                                               
298 state   integer lbc_fid        -        -          -         -     -         "lbc_fid"               ""         ""      
299 # indicates if tiling has been computed                                         
300 state   logical tiled          -        -          -         -     -         "tiled"                 ""         ""      
301 # indicates if patches have been computed                                               
302 state   logical patched        -        -          -         -     -         "patched"               ""         ""      
303 # indicates whether to read input from file or generate                                         
304 #state   logical input_from_file        -        -          -         -     -         "input_from_file"         ""         ""    
305 # indicates whether to recompute mu                                                             
306 state   logical press_adj      -        -          -         -     -         "press_adj"         "T/F flag adjust mu"         ""    
308 # Mask for moving nest interpolations
309 state    integer imask_nostag         ij      misc     1     -
310 state    integer imask_xstag          ij      misc     1     X
311 state    integer imask_ystag          ij      misc     1     Y
312 state    integer imask_xystag         ij      misc     1     XY 
313 # vortex center indices; need for restarts of moving nests
314 state    real    xi                   -       misc     -     -    r
315 state    real    xj                   -       misc     -     -    r
316 state    real    vc_i                 -       misc     -     -    r
317 state    real    vc_j                 -       misc     -     -    r
319 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 # Scalar (4D) arrays
322 # Moist Scalars
323 #                                               
324 # The first line ensures that there will be identifiers named moist and                                         
325 # moist_tend even if there are not any moist scalars (so the essentially                                                
326 # dry code will will still link properly)                                               
327 #                                               
328 state   real    -              ikjftb   moist       1         -     -    -
329 state   real    qv             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
330    i01rh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QVAPOR"           "Water vapor mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
331 state   real    qc             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
332    i01rh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QCLOUD"           "Cloud water mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
333 state   real    qr             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
334    i01rh02usdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QRAIN"            "Rain water mixing ratio"       "kg kg-1"
335 state   real    qi             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
336    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QICE"             "Ice mixing ratio"              "kg kg-1"
337 state   real    qs             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
338    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QSNOW"            "Snow mixing ratio"             "kg kg-1"
339 state   real    qg             ikjftb   moist       1         -     \
340    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "QGRAUP"           "Graupel mixing ratio"          "kg kg-1"
341 state   real    -              ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     -    -
342 state   real    dfi_qv         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
343    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QVAPOR"       "Water vapor mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
344 state   real    dfi_qc         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
345    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QCLOUD"       "Cloud water mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
346 state   real    dfi_qr         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
347    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QRAIN"        "Rain water mixing ratio"       "kg kg-1"
348 state   real    dfi_qi         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
349    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QICE"         "Ice mixing ratio"              "kg kg-1"
350 state   real    dfi_qs         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
351    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QSNOW"        "Snow mixing ratio"             "kg kg-1"
352 state   real    dfi_qg         ikjftb   dfi_moist       1         -     \
353    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)  "DFI_QGRAUP"       "Graupel mixing ratio"          "kg kg-1"
355 # Chem Scalars
356 state   real    -              ikjftb   chem        1         -     -    -                                       
358 # Other Scalars
359 state   real    -              ikjftb  scalar      1         -     -   -
360 state   real    qndrop         ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
361    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNDROP"        "Droplet number mixing ratio"        "# kg-1"
362 state   real    qni            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
363    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNICE"         "Ice Number concentration" "# kg-1"
364 state   real    qt             ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
365    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "CWM"           "Total condensate mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
366 state   real    qns            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
367    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNSNOW"         "Snow Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
368 state   real    qnr            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
369    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNRAIN"        "Rain Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
370 state   real    qng            ikjftb  scalar      1         -     \
371    i01rhusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "QNGRAUPEL"     "Graupel Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
372 state   real    -              ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     -   -
373 state   real    dfi_qndrop     ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
374    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNDROP"    "Droplet number mixing ratio"        "# kg-1"
375 state   real    dfi_qni        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
376    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNICE"     "Ice Number concentration" "# kg-1"
377 state   real    dfi_qt         ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
378    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_CWM"       "Total condensate mixing ratio"      "kg kg-1"
379 state   real    dfi_qns        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
380    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNSNOW"    "Snow Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
381 state   real    dfi_qnr        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
382    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNRAIN"    "Rain Number concentration"   "# kg(-1)"
383 state   real    dfi_qng        ikjftb  dfi_scalar      1         -     \
384    rusdf=(bdy_interp:dt)    "DFI_QNGRAUPEL" "Graupel Number concentration" "# kg(-1)"
386 #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
388 # Arrays for Specified LBCs  (lbc arrays REMOVED; Boundary arrays are now specified with the state array; see above, 20050413 JM )
390 state    real   fcx            w         misc     -         -      irh2       "fcx"                  "RELAXATION TERM FOR BOUNDARY ZONE"         ""
391 state    real   gcx            w         misc     -         -      irh2       "gcx"                  "2ND RELAXATION TERM FOR BOUNDARY ZONE"         ""
392 state    real   dtbc            -        misc     -         -      irh2       "dtbc"                 "TIME SINCE BOUNDARY READ"         ""
394 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
395 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
396 # Physics Related State Varibles
398 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
399 # SI - start variables from netCDF format from Standard Initialization, most eventually for use in LSM schemes
400 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
402 state   real   sm000007            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM000007"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
403 state   real   sm007028            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM007028"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
404 state   real   sm028100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM028100"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
405 state   real   sm100255            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM100255"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
406 state   real   st000007            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST000007"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
407 state   real   st007028            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST007028"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
408 state   real   st028100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST028100"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
409 state   real   st100255            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST100255"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
410 state   real   sm000010            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM000010"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
411 state   real   sm010040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM010040 "     "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
412 state   real   sm040100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM040100 "     "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
413 state   real   sm100200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM100200 "     "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
414 state   real   sm010200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SM010200"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
415 state   real   soilm000            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM000"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
416 state   real   soilm005            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM005"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
417 state   real   soilm020            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM020"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
418 state   real   soilm040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM040"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
419 state   real   soilm160            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM160"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
420 state   real   soilm300            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILM300"      "LAYER SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
421 state   real   sw000010            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW000010"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
422 state   real   sw010040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW010040"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
423 state   real   sw040100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW040100"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
424 state   real   sw100200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW100200"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
425 state   real   sw010200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SW010200"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
426 state   real   soilw000            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW000"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
427 state   real   soilw005            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW005"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
428 state   real   soilw020            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW020"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
429 state   real   soilw040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW040"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
430 state   real   soilw160            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW160"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
431 state   real   soilw300            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILW300"      "LAYER SOIL LIQUID" "m3 m-3"
432 state   real   st000010            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST000010"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
433 state   real   st010040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST010040"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
434 state   real   st040100            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST040100"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
435 state   real   st100200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST100200"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
436 state   real   st010200            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "ST010200"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
437 state   real   soilt000            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT000"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
438 state   real   soilt005            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT005"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
439 state   real   soilt020            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT020"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
440 state   real   soilt040            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT040"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
441 state   real   soilt160            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT160"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
442 state   real   soilt300            ij    misc          1     -     i1      "SOILT300"      "LAYER SOIL TEMPERATURE" "K"
443 state   real   landmask            ij    misc          1     -     i012rh02d=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)   "LANDMASK"      "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 0 FOR WATER)"  ""
444 state   real   topostdv            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "TOPOSTDV"      "ELEVATION STD DEV"  "m"
445 state   real   toposlpx            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "TOPOSLPX"      "ELEVATION X SLOPE"  ""
446 state   real   toposlpy            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "TOPOSLPY"      "ELEVATION Y SLOPE"  ""
447 state   real   shdmax              ij    misc          1     -     i012r   "SHDMAX"        "ANNUAL MAX VEG FRACTION" ""
448 state   real   shdmin              ij    misc          1     -     i012r   "SHDMIN"        "ANNUAL MIN VEG FRACTION" ""
449 state   real   snoalb              ij    misc          1     -     i012r   "SNOALB"        "ANNUAL MAX SNOW ALBEDO IN FRACTION" ""
450 state   real   slopecat            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "SLOPECAT"      "SLOPE CATEGORY"  ""
451 state   real   toposoil            ij    misc          1     -     i12     "SOILHGT"       "ELEVATION OF LSM DATA"  "m"
452 state   real   landusef            iuj   misc          1     Z     i12     "LANDUSEF"      "LANDUSE FRACTION BY CATEGORY"  ""
453 state   real   soilctop            isj   misc          1     Z     i12     "SOILCTOP"      "SOIL CAT FRACTION (TOP)"  ""
454 state   real   soilcbot            isj   misc          1     Z     i1      "SOILCBOT"      "SOIL CAT FRACTION (BOTTOM)"  ""
455 state   real   soilcat             ij    misc          1     -     i12     "SOILCAT"       "SOIL CAT DOMINANT TYPE" ""
456 state   real   vegcat              ij    misc          1     -     i12     "VEGCAT"        "VEGETATION CAT DOMINANT TYPE" ""
458 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
459 # SI - end variables from netCDF format from Standard Initialization
460 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462 # soil model variables  (Note that they are marked as staggered in the vertical dimension
463 # because they are "fully dimensioned" -- they use every element in that dim
464 state    real   TSLB           ilj       misc      1         Z     i02rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)           "TSLB"     "SOIL TEMPERATURE"   "K"
465 state    real   ZS              l        misc      -         Z     irh02       "ZS"                    "DEPTHS OF CENTERS OF SOIL LAYERS"         "m"
466 state    real   DZS             l        misc      -         Z     irh02       "DZS"                   "THICKNESSES OF SOIL LAYERS"               "m"
468 # urban model variables
469 state    real   DZR             l        em      -            Z     r        "DZR"            "THICKNESSES OF ROOF LAYERS"                      "m"
470 state    real   DZB             l        em      -            Z     r        "DZB"            "THICKNESSES OF WALL LAYERS"                      "m"
471 state    real   DZG             l        em      -            Z     r        "DZG"            "THICKNESSES OF ROAD LAYERS"                      "m"
473 # lsm State Variables
475 state    real   SMOIS            ilj     -          1         Z     i02rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SMOIS"            "SOIL MOISTURE"     "m3 m-3"
476 state    real   SH2O             ilj     -          1         Z     i02rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SH2O"             "SOIL LIQUID WATER" "m3 m-3"
477 state    real   XICE             ij     misc        1         -     i012rh02d=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)  "SEAICE"             "SEA ICE FLAG"  ""
478 state    real   XICEM            ij     misc        1         -     rhd=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)  "XICEM"             "SEA ICE FLAG (PREVIOUS STEP)"  ""
479 state    real   SMSTAV           ij     misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)       "SMSTAV"           "MOISTURE AVAILABILITY" ""
480 state    real   SMSTOT           ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SMSTOT"           "TOTAL SOIL MOISTURE" "m3 m-3"
482 state    real   SFCRUNOFF        ij     misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)      "SFROFF"           "SURFACE RUNOFF"     "mm"
483 state    real   UDRUNOFF         ij     misc        1         -      rhd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)      "UDROFF"           "UNDERGROUND RUNOFF" "mm"
484 state  integer  IVGTYP           ij     misc        1         -     i02rh02d=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)            "IVGTYP"           "DOMINANT VEGETATION CATEGORY" ""
485 state  integer  ISLTYP           ij     misc        1         -     i02rh02d=(interp_fcni)u=(copy_fcni)            "ISLTYP"           "DOMINANT SOIL CATEGORY"       ""
486 state    real   VEGFRA           ij     misc        1         -     i0124rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)   "VEGFRA"           "VEGETATION FRACTION" ""
487 state    real   SFCEVP           ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SFCEVP"           "SURFACE EVAPORATION" "kg m-2"
488 state    real   GRDFLX           ij     misc        1         -      rh                                         "GRDFLX"           "GROUND HEAT FLUX" "W m-2"
489 state    real   SFCEXC           ij     misc        1         -      r                                          "SFCEXC "          "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT"   "m s-1"
491 state    real   ACSNOW           ij     misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)       "ACSNOW"           "ACCUMULATED SNOW"         "kg m-2"
492 state    real   ACSNOM           ij     misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)       "ACSNOM"           "ACCUMULATED MELTED SNOW"  "kg m-2"
493 state    real   SNOW             ij     misc        1         -     i01rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SNOW"             "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT"    "kg m-2"
494 state    real   SNOWH            ij     misc        1         -     i01rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "SNOWH"            "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH"      "m"
495 state    real   RHOSN            ij     misc        1         -     i01rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "RHOSN"            " SNOW DENSITY"      "kg m-3" 
496 state    real   CANWAT           ij     misc        1         -     i01rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)    "CANWAT"           "CANOPY WATER"             "kg m-2"
497 state    real   SST              ij     misc        1         -     i0124rh02d=(interp_mask_water_field:lu_index)   "SST"              "SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE" "K"
498 state  integer  IFNDSNOWH        -      misc        1         -     i         "FNDSNOWH" "SNOWH_LOGICAL"
499 state  integer  IFNDSOILW        -      misc        1         -     i         "FNDSOILW" "SOILW_LOGICAL"
501 # DFI variables
502 state   real   hcoeff           n    misc        1         -     -    "HCOEFF"               "initialization weights"
503 state   real   hcoeff_tot       -    misc        1         -     -    "HCOEFF_TOT"               "initialization weights"
504 state   real   dfi_p           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "P_DFI"           "perturbation pressure"         "Pa"
505 state   real   dfi_al          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "AL_DFI"          "inverse perturbation density"  "m3 kg-1"
506 state   real   dfi_mu          ij    misc        1         -     r    "MU_DFI"  "perturbation dry air mass in column" "Pa"
507 state   real   dfi_phb         ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "PHB_DFI"  "base-state geopotential"  "m2 s-2"
508 state   real   dfi_ph0         ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "PH0_DFI"  "initial geopotential"     "m2 s-2"
509 state   real   dfi_php         ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "PHP_DFI"  "geopotential"             "m2 s-2"
510 state   real   dfi_u           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "U_DFI"               "u accumulation array"          "   "
511 state   real   dfi_v           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "V_DFI"               "v accumulation array"          "   "
512 state   real   dfi_w           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "W_DFI"               "w accumulation array"          "   "
513 state   real   dfi_ww          ikj   misc        1         Z     r    "WW_DFI"              "mu-coupled eta-dot"    "Pa s-1"
514 state   real   dfi_t           ikj   misc        1         -     r    "TT_DFI"               "t accumulation array"          "   "
515 state   real   dfi_ph          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "PH_DFI"               "p accumulation array"          "   "
516 state   real   dfi_pb          ikj   misc        1         -     r    "PB_DFI"               "pb accumulation array"          "   "
517 state   real   dfi_alt         ikj   misc        1         -     r    "ALT_DFI"             "1/rho accumulation array"          "   "
518 state   real   dfi_tke         ikj   misc        1         -     r    "TKE_DFI"          "TURBULENCE KINETIC ENERGY"     "m2 s-2"
520 state    real  dfi_TSLB        ilj   misc        1         Z     r    "TSLB_dfi"         "SOIL TEMPERATURE"   "K"
521 state    real  dfi_SMOIS       ilj    -          1         Z     r    "SMOIS_dfi"        "SOIL MOISTURE"     "m3 m-3"
522 state    real  dfi_SNOW        ij    misc        1         -     r    "SNOW_dfi"         "SNOW WATER EQUIVALENT"    "kg m-2"
523 state    real  dfi_SNOWH       ij    misc        1         -     r    "SNOWH_dfi"        "PHYSICAL SNOW DEPTH"      "m"
524 state    real  dfi_CANWAT      ij    misc        1         -     r    "CANWAT_dfi"       "CANOPY WATER"             "kg m-2"
525 state    real  dfi_SMFR3D      ilj   misc        1         Z     r    "SMFR3D_dfi"           "SOIL ICE" ""
526 state    real  dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG ilj  misc        1         Z     r    "KEEPFR3DFLAG_dfi"     "FLAG - 1. FROZEN SOIL YES, 0 - NO"             ""
528 # urban state variables
529 state    real   TR_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TR_URB"              "URBAN ROOF SKIN TEMPERATURE"        "K"
530 state    real   TB_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TB_URB"              "URBAN WALL SKIN TEMPERATURE"        "K" 
531 state    real   TG_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TG_URB"              "URBAN ROAD SKIN TEMPERATURE"        "K" 
532 state    real   TC_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TC_URB"              "URBAN CANOPY TEMPERATURE"           "K"
533 state    real   QC_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "QC_URB"              "URBAN CANOPY HUMIDITY"          "kg kg{-1}"
534 state    real   UC_URB2D         ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "UC_URB"              "URBAN CANOPY WIND"          "m s{-1}"
535 state    real   XXXR_URB2D       ij     misc        1         -     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "XXXR_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN ROOF"   "dimensionless"
536 state    real   XXXB_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "XXXB_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN WALL"   "dimensionless"
537 state    real   XXXG_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)       "XXXG_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN ROAD"   "dimensionless"
538 state    real   XXXC_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -      rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)       "XXXC_URB" "M-O LENGTH ABOVE URBAN CANOPY" "dimensionless"
539 state    real   TRL_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TRL_URB" "ROOF LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
540 state    real   TBL_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TBL_URB" "WALL LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
541 state    real   TGL_URB3D        ilj    misc        1         Z     rd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "TGL_URB" "ROAD LAYER TEMPERATURE"          "K"
542 state    real   SH_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -     r       "SH_URB"  "SENSIBLE HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"  "W m{-2}"
543 state    real   LH_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -     r       "LH_URB"  "LATENT HEAT FLUX FROM URBAN SFC"    "W m{-2}"
544 state    real   G_URB2D         ij    misc        1         -     r        "G_URB"  "GROUND HEAT FLUX INTO URBAN"        "W m{-2}"
545 state    real   RN_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -     r       "RN_URB"  "NET RADIATION ON URBAN SFC"         "W m{-2}"
546 state    real   TS_URB2D        ij    misc        1         -     r       "TS_URB"  "SKIN TEMPERATURE"          "K"
547 state    real   FRC_URB2D       ij    misc        1         -     rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)       "FRC_URB"  "URBAN FRACTION"         "dimensionless"
548 state    integer   UTYPE_URB2D  ij    misc        1         -     rd=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)       "UTYPE_URB"  "URBAN TYPE"         "dimensionless"
551 # urban variables from radiation model
552 state    real   COSZ_URB2D       ij     misc        1         -      r       "COSZ_URB"  "COS of SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE"         "dimensionless"
553 state    real   OMG_URB2D        ij     misc        1         -      r       "OMG_URB"   "SOLAR HOUR ANGLE"         "dimensionless"
554 state    real   DECLIN_URB       -     misc        1         -       r       "DECLIN_URB"  "SOLAR DECLINATION"         "dimensionless"
557 # RUC LSM
558 state    real   SMFR3D           ilj    misc        1         Z      r        "SMFR3D"               "SOIL ICE" ""
559 state    real   KEEPFR3DFLAG     ilj    misc        1         Z      r        "KEEPFR3DFLAG"          "FLAG - 1. FROZEN SOIL YES, 0 - NO"             ""
561 # MRF PBL variables
562 i1      real   PSIM           ij     misc        1         -     -         "PSIM"                "SIMILARITY FUNCTION FOR MOMENTUM"     ""
563 i1      real   PSIH           ij     misc        1         -     -         "PSIH"                "SIMILARITY FUNCTION FOR HEAT"         ""
564 i1      real   WSPD           ij     misc        1         -     -         "WSPD"                "Wind speed"                           "m s-1"
565 i1      real   GZ1OZ0         ij     misc        1         -     -         "GZ1OZ0"              "LOG OF Z1 over Z0"                     ""
566 i1      real   BR             ij     misc        1         -     -         "BR"                  "Bulk Richardson"                       ""
568 # MYJ PBL variables
569 state    real   tke_myj        ikj     misc        1         -      r        "tke_myj"               "TKE FROM MELLOR-YAMADA-JANJIC"      "m2 s-2"
570 state    real   EL_MYJ          ikj     misc        1         -     -        "el_myj"                "MIXING LENGTH FROM MELLOR-YAMADA-JANJIC"     "m"
571 state    real   EXCH_H          ikj     misc        1         -     r          "EXCH_H"               "EXCHANGE COEFFICIENTS "
572 state    real  CT              ij      misc        1         -      r        "CT"                    "COUNTERGRADIENT TERM"    "K"
573 state   real   THZ0             ij     misc        1         -      r        "THZ0"                  "POTENTIAL TEMPERATURE AT ZNT"                 "K"
574 state    real  Z0               ij     misc        1         -      r        "Z0"                    "Background ROUGHNESS LENGTH"                  "m"
575 state   real   QZ0              ij     misc        1         -      r        "QZ0"                   "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT ZNT"                     "kg kg-1"
576 state   real   UZ0              ij     misc        1         -      r        "UZ0"                   "U WIND COMPONENT AT ZNT"                      "m s-1"
577 state   real   VZ0              ij     misc        1         -      r        "VZ0"                   "V WIND COMPONENT AT ZNT"                      "m s-1"
578 state   real   QSFC             ij     misc        1         -      r        "QSFC"                  "SPECIFIC HUMIDITY AT LOWER BOUNDARY"          "kg kg-1"
579 state   real   AKHS             ij     misc        1         -      r        "AKHS"                  "SFC EXCH COEFF FOR HEAT"                      "m s-1"    
580 state   real   AKMS             ij     misc        1         -      r        "AKMS"                  "SFC EXCH COEFF FOR MOMENTUM"                  "m s-1"    
581 state   integer KPBL            ij     misc        1         -     r         "KPBL"                  "LEVEL OF PBL TOP"                             ""
582 state   real   TSHLTR           ij     misc        1         -     ir        "TSHLTR"                "SHELTER THETA FROM MYJ"                       "K"
583 state   real   QSHLTR           ij     misc        1         -     ir        "QSHLTR"                "SHELTER SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM MYJ"           "kg kg-1"
584 state   real   PSHLTR           ij     misc        1         -     ir        "PSHLTR"                "SHELTER PRESSURE FROM MYJ"           "Pa"
585 state   real   TH10             ij     misc        1         -     ir        "TH10"                  "10-M THETA FROM MYJ"                          "K"
586 state   real   Q10              ij     misc        1         -     ir        "Q10"                   "10-M SPECIFIC HUMIDITY FROM MYJ"              "kg kg-1"
587 i1      real   CHKLOWQ          ij     misc        1         -     -         "CHKLOWQ"               "SURFACE SATURATION FLAG"        ""
589 # gfdl (eta) radiation State Variables
590 state    real    HTOP            ij     misc        1         -      r        "HTOP"                 "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL"         ""
591 state    real    HBOT            ij     misc        1         -      r        "HBOT"                 "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL"         ""
592 state    real    HTOPR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "HTOPR"                "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL FOR RADIATION"    ""
593 state    real    HBOTR           ij     misc        1         -      r        "HBOTR"                "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL FOR RADIATION"    ""
594 state    real    CUTOP           ij     misc        1         -      r        "CUTOP"                "TOP OF CONVECTION LEVEL FROM CUMULUS PAR"    ""
595 state    real    CUBOT           ij     misc        1         -      r        "CUBOT"                "BOT OF CONVECTION LEVEL FROM CUMULUS PAR"    ""
596 state    REAL      CUPPT         ij     misc        1         -      r        "CUPPT"                "ACCUMULATED CONVECTIVE RAIN SINC LAST CALL TO THE RADIATION"         ""
597 state  real   rswtoa    ij    misc        1    -    i
598 state  real   rlwtoa    ij    misc        1    -    i
599 state  real   czmean    ij    misc      1    -     i
600 state  real   cfracl    ij    misc      1    -     i
601 state  real   cfracm    ij    misc      1    -     i
602 state  real   cfrach    ij    misc      1    -     i
603 state  real   acfrst    ij    misc        1    -    i
604 state integer ncfrst    ij    misc        1    -    i
605 state  real   acfrcv    ij    misc        1    -    i
606 state integer ncfrcv    ij    misc        1    -    i
608 # cam radiation variables
609 state  real    -       iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
610 state  real   mth01    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
611 state  real   mth02    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
612 state  real   mth03    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
613 state  real   mth04    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
614 state  real   mth05    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
615 state  real   mth06    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
616 state  real   mth07    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
617 state  real   mth08    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
618 state  real   mth09    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
619 state  real   mth10    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
620 state  real   mth11    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
621 state  real   mth12    iqjf ozmixm      1    -   -     -
622 state  real   pin       q     misc      1    -   -      "PIN"             "PRESSURE LEVEL OF OZONE MIXING RATIO"  "millibar"
623 state  real   m_ps       ij   misc      2    -   -      "m_ps"            "PS from MATCH on WRF grids"
624 state  real    -       idjf aerosolc    2    -   -       -
625 state  real   SUL      idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "SUL"        "SUL aerosol concentration"
626 state  real   SSLT     idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "SSLT"        "SSLT aerosol concentration"
627 state  real   DUST1    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST1"        "DUST1 aerosol concentration"
628 state  real   DUST2    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST2"        "DUST2 aerosol concentration"
629 state  real   DUST3    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST3"        "DUST3 aerosol concentration"
630 state  real   DUST4    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "DUST4"        "DUST4 aerosol concentration"
631 state  real   OCPHO    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "OCPHO"        "OCPHO aerosol concentration"
632 state  real   BCPHO    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "BCPHO"        "BCPHO aerosol concentration"
633 state  real   OCPHI    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "OCPHI"        "OCPHI aerosol concentration"
634 state  real   BCPHI    idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "BCPHI"        "BCPHI aerosol concentration"
635 state  real   BG       idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "BG"        "BG aerosol concentration"
636 state  real   VOLC     idjf aerosolc    2    -   -     "VOLC"        "VOLC aerosol concentration"
637 state  real   m_hybi    d     misc      1    -   -     "m_hybi"         "MATCH hybi"
639 # new eta microphpysics State Variables
640 state    real    F_ICE_PHY       ikj    misc        1         -      rdu      "F_ICE_PHY"            "FRACTION OF ICE"         ""
641 state    real    F_RAIN_PHY      ikj    misc        1         -      rdu      "F_RAIN_PHY"           "FRACTION OF RAIN "         ""
642 state    real    F_RIMEF_PHY     ikj    misc        1         -      rdu      "F_RIMEF_PHY"          "MASS RATIO OF RIMED ICE "         ""
643 state    real    qndropsource    ikj    misc        1         -      h        "qndropsource"         "Droplet number source"   "#/kg/s"
645 # Other Misc State Variables                                            
646 state   real    h_diabatic     ikj     misc         1         -      rdu      "h_diabatic"            "PREVIOUS TIMESTEP CONDENSATIONAL HEATING"         "K s-1"      
647 state   real    msft           ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_M"         "Map scale factor on mass grid" ""
648 state   real    msfu           ij      misc         1         X     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_U"         "Map scale factor on u-grid" ""
649 state   real    msfv           ij      misc         1         Y     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_V"         "Map scale factor on v-grid" ""
650 state   real    msftx          ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_MX"         "Map scale factor on mass grid, x direction" ""
651 state   real    msfty          ij      misc         1         -     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_MY"         "Map scale factor on mass grid, y direction" ""
652 state   real    msfux          ij      misc         1         X     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_UX"         "Map scale factor on u-grid, x direction" ""
653 state   real    msfuy          ij      misc         1         X     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_UY"         "Map scale factor on u-grid, y direction" ""
654 state   real    msfvx          ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_VX"         "Map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" ""
655 state   real    msfvx_inv      ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MF_VX_INV"         "Inverse map scale factor on v-grid, x direction" ""
656 state   real    msfvy          ij      misc         1         Y     i012rhdu=(copy_fcnm)    "MAPFAC_VY"         "Map scale factor on v-grid, y direction" ""
658 state   real    f              ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "f"                "Coriolis sine latitude term"  "s-1"
659 state   real    e              ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "e"                "Coriolis cosine latitude term"  "s-1"
660 state   real    sina           ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "SINALPHA"         "Local sine of map rotation"   ""
661 state   real    cosa           ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "COSALPHA"         "Local cosine of map rotation"  ""
662 state   real    ht             ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02dus  "HGT"              "Terrain Height"   "m"
663 state   real    ht_fine        ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_FINE"         "Fine Terrain Height"   "m"
664 state   real    ht_int         ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_INT"          "Terrain Height Horizontally Interpolated"   "m"
665 state   real    ht_input       ij      misc         1         -     -          "HGT_INPUT"        "Terrain Height from FG Input File"   "m"
667 state   real    TSK            ij      misc         1         -     i012rh02du=(copy_fcnm)    "TSK"                   "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE"                  "K"
668 state   real    dfi_TSK        ij      misc         1         -     r                       "TSK_dfi"               "saved SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE"
669 state   real    TSK_SAVE       ij      misc         1         -     -         "TSK_SAVE" "SURFACE SKIN TEMPERATURE, EXTRA COPY FOR SEA ICE TESTS in REAL"       "K"
670 state   real    u_base         k       misc         1         -     ir        "u_base"                "BASE STATE X WIND IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
671 state   real    v_base         k       misc         1         -     ir        "v_base"                "BASE STATE Y WIND IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
672 state   real    qv_base        k       misc         1         -     ir        "qv_base"               "BASE STATE QV IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
673 state   real    z_base         k       misc         1         -     ir        "z_base"                "BASE STATE HEIGHT IN IDEALIZED CASES"         ""      
674 state   real    u_frame        -       misc         1         -     ir        "u_frame"               "FRAME X WIND"         "m s-1"      
675 state   real    v_frame        -       misc         1         -     ir        "v_frame"               "FRAME Y WIND"         "m s-1"      
676 # p_top appears as metadata between SI and real but as a state variable in real and WRF
677 # since it is a scalar and a constant, it makes sense to have it as metadata -- there
678 # are, however, probably post-processing programs that expect to see it as an I/O record
679 # another problem: share/input_wrf tries to read this as metadata (fine for real reading
680 # SI, but with model reading real output, it generates a warning when debug is > 0 in
681 # namelist and causes repeated questions from users.  A third problem is the potential
682 # collision between a metadata name and a field record in the I/O data
683 # resolve this how?  Have the real program throw a switch to tell the code to get it
684 # from the metadata?  Otherwise it's a field?
685 state   real    p_top          -       misc         -         -     irh       "p_top"                 "PRESSURE TOP OF THE MODEL"  "Pa"
686 state   real    max_msftx      -       misc         -         -      rh       "max_mstfx"             "Max map factor in domain"  ""
687 state   real    max_msfty      -       misc         -         -      rh       "max_mstfy"             "Max map factor in domain"  ""
689 # Other physics variables
691 state    real  RTHCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHCUTEN"              "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"     "Pa K s-1"
692 state    real  RQVCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVCUTEN"              "COUPLED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
693 state    real  RQRCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQRCUTEN"              "COUPLED Q_R TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
694 state    real  RQCCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCCUTEN"              "COUPLED Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
695 state    real  RQSCUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQSCUTEN"              "COUPLED Q_S TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
696 state    real  RQICUTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQICUTEN"              "COUPLED Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO CUMULUS SCHEME"       "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
697 state    real  W0AVG           ikj      misc        1         -      r        "W0AVG"                 "AVERAGE VERTICAL VELOCITY FOR KF CUMULUS SCHEME"         "m s-1"
699 state    real  RAINC            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "RAINC"                 "ACCUMULATED TOTAL CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                 "mm"      
700 state    real  RAINNC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "RAINNC"                "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE PRECIPITATION"              "mm"      
701 state    real  RAINCV           ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINCV"                "TIME-STEP CUMULUS PRECIPITATION"                         "mm"      
702 state    real  RAINNCV          ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINNCV"               "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE PRECIPITATION"                   "mm"
703 state    real  RAINBL           ij      misc        1         -      r        "RAINBL"                "PBL TIME-STEP TOTAL PRECIPITATION"                       "mm"      
704 state    real  SNOWNC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SNOWNC"                "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE SNOW AND ICE"               "mm"
705 state    real  GRAUPELNC        ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "GRAUPELNC"             "ACCUMULATED TOTAL GRID SCALE GRAUPEL"                    "mm"
706 state    real  SNOWNCV          ij      misc        1         -      r        "SNOWNCV"               "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE SNOW AND ICE"                    "mm"
707 state    real  GRAUPELNCV       ij      misc        1         -      r        "GRAUPELNCV"            "TIME-STEP NONCONVECTIVE GRAUPEL"                      "mm"
708 state    real  NCA              ij      misc        1         -      r        "NCA"                   "COUNTER OF THE CLOUD RELAXATION TIME IN KF CUMULUS SCHEME"    ""      
709 state    integer  LOWLYR        ij      misc        1         -     -         "LOWLYR"                "INDEX OF LOWEST MODEL LAYER ABOVE THE GROUND IN BMJ SCHEME"   ""      
710 state    real  MASS_FLUX        ij      misc        1         -      r        "MASS_FLUX"             "DOWNDRAFT MASS FLUX FOR IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "mb hour-1"
711 state    real  apr_gr           ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_GR"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE OLD_GRELL"   "mm hour-1"
712 state    real  apr_w            ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_W"                 "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE W"           "mm hour-1"
713 state    real  apr_mc           ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_MC"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE KRISH MV"    "mm hour-1"
714 state    real  apr_st           ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_ST"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE STABILITY"   "mm hour-1"
715 state    real  apr_as           ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_AS"                "PRECIP FROM CLOSURE AS-TYPE"     "mm hour-1"
716 state    real  apr_capma        ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_CAPMA"             "PRECIP FROM MAX CAP"             "mm hour-1"
717 state    real  apr_capme        ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_CAPME"             "PRECIP FROM MEAN CAP"            "mm hour-1"
718 state    real  apr_capmi        ij      misc         1         -      r       "APR_CAPMI"             "PRECIP FROM MIN CAP"             "mm hour-1"
719 state    real  xf_ens           ije     misc        1         Z      r        "XF_ENS"                "MASS FLUX PDF IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"    "mb hour-1"  
720 state    real  pr_ens           ije     misc        1         Z      r        "PR_ENS"                "PRECIP RATE PDF IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "mb hour-1" 
721 state    real  RTHFTEN          ikj     misc        1         -      r        "RTHFTEN"               "TEMPERATURE TENDENCY USED IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"  "K s-1"      
722 state    real  RQVFTEN          ikj     misc        1         -      r        "RQVFTEN"               "MOISTURE TENDENCY USED IN GRELL CUMULUS SCHEME"     "kg s-1"
724 state integer  STEPCU          -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPCU"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN CONVECTION CALLS"  ""
726 state    real  RTHRATEN        ikj      misc        1         -      rd       "RTHRATEN"              "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO RADIATION"              "Pa K s-1"
727 state    real  RTHRATENLW      ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHRATLW"              "UNCOUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO LONG WAVE RADIATION"    "K s-1"
728 state    real  RTHRATENSW      ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHRATSW"              "UNCOUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO SHORT WAVE RADIATION"   "K s-1"
729 state    real  CLDFRA          ikj      misc        1         -      r        "CLDFRA"                "CLOUD FRACTION"                                       ""
731 state    real  SWDOWN           ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "SWDOWN"                "DOWNWARD SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"           "W m-2"      
732 state    real  SWDOWNC          ij      misc        1         -      -        "SWDOWNC"               "DOWNWARD CLEAR-SKY SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"           "W m-2"      
733 state    real  GSW              ij      misc        1         -      rd       "GSW"                   "NET SHORT WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"           "W m-2"      
734 state    real  GLW              ij      misc        1         -      rhd      "GLW"                   "DOWNWARD LONG WAVE FLUX AT GROUND SURFACE"            "W m-2"      
736 # upward and downward clearsky and total diagnostic fluxes for CAM radiation
737 #state    real  ACSWUPT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPT"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
738 #state    real  ACSWUPTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPTC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
739 #state    real  ACSWDNT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNT"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
740 #state    real  ACSWDNTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNTC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
741 #state    real  ACSWUPB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPB"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
742 #state    real  ACSWUPBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWUPBC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
743 #state    real  ACSWDNB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNB"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
744 #state    real  ACSWDNBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACSWDNBC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
745 #state    real  ACLWUPT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPT"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
746 #state    real  ACLWUPTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPTC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
747 #state    real  ACLWDNT          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNT"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
748 #state    real  ACLWDNTC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNTC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
749 #state    real  ACLWUPB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPB"               "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
750 #state    real  ACLWUPBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWUPBC"              "ACCUMULATED UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
751 #state    real  ACLWDNB          ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNB"               "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
752 #state    real  ACLWDNBC         ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "ACLWDNBC"              "ACCUMULATED DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
753 #state    real  SWUPT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
754 #state    real  SWUPTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
755 #state    real  SWDNT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
756 #state    real  SWDNTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
757 #state    real  SWUPB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
758 #state    real  SWUPBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWUPBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
759 #state    real  SWDNB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
760 #state    real  SWDNBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "SWDNBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY SHORTWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
761 #state    real  LWUPT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
762 #state    real  LWUPTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
763 #state    real  LWDNT            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNT"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP"          "J m-2"
764 #state    real  LWDNTC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNTC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT TOP" "J m-2"
765 #state    real  LWUPB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
766 #state    real  LWUPBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWUPBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS UPWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
767 #state    real  LWDNB            ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNB"                 "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM"          "J m-2"
768 #state    real  LWDNBC           ij      misc        1         -      rhdu     "LWDNBC"                "INSTANTANEOUS DOWNWELLING CLEAR SKY LONGWAVE FLUX AT BOTTOM" "J m-2"
770 state    real  SWCF             ij      misc        1         -      r         "SWCF"                  "SHORT WAVE CLOUD FORCING AT TOA"                     "W m-2"
771 state    real  LWCF             ij      misc        1         -      r         "LWCF"                  "LONG WAVE CLOUD FORCING AT TOA"                      "W m-2"
772 state    real  OLR              ij      misc        1         -      rh        "OLR"                   "TOA OUTGOING LONG WAVE"                              "W m-2"
774 # these next 2 are for the HFSoLE/PET demo; writing these to auxhist1 output over MCEL for coupling
775 # with wave model, only if compiled with -DMCELIO, JM 2003/05/29
776 state    real  XLAT             ij      misc        1         -     i0123rh012du=(copy_fcnm)      "XLAT"                "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_north"
777 state    real  XLONG            ij      misc        1         -     i0123rh012du=(copy_fcnm)      "XLONG"               "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_east"
778 state    real  XLAT_U           ij      dyn_em      1         X     i012rh01du=(copy_fcnm)       "XLAT_U"              "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_north"
779 state    real  XLONG_U          ij      dyn_em      1         X     i012rh01du=(copy_fcnm)       "XLONG_U"             "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_east"
780 state    real  XLAT_V           ij      dyn_em      1         Y     i012rh01du=(copy_fcnm)       "XLAT_V"              "LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_north"
781 state    real  XLONG_V          ij      dyn_em      1         Y     i012rh01du=(copy_fcnm)       "XLONG_V"             "LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                                          "degree_east"
782 state    real  ALBEDO           ij      misc        1         -      rh          "ALBEDO"                   "ALBEDO"
783 state    real  CLAT             ij      misc        1         -     i012rdu=(copy_fcnm)          "CLAT"                "COMPUTATIONAL GRID LATITUDE, SOUTH IS NEGATIVE"                       "degree_north"
784 state    real  CLONG            ij      misc        1         -     i012rdu=(copy_fcnm)          "CLONG"               "COMPUTATIONAL GRID LONGITUDE, WEST IS NEGATIVE"                       "degree_east"
785 state    real  ALBBCK           ij      misc        1         -     i012rh2        "ALBBCK"                   "BACKGROUND ALBEDO"        ""
786 state    real  EMBCK            ij      misc        1         -      r        "EMBCK"                 "BACKGROUND EMISSIVITY"         ""
787 state    real  EMISS            ij      misc        1         -      r        "EMISS"                 "SURFACE EMISSIVITY"         "" 
789 state    real  CLDEFI           ij      misc        1         -      r        "CLDEFI"                "precipitation efficiency in BMJ SCHEME"    ""      
790 state integer  STEPRA          -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPRA"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN RADIATION CALLS"        ""
792 state    real  RUBLTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RUBLTEN"               "COUPLED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"  "Pa m s-2"
793 state    real  RVBLTEN         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RVBLTEN"               "COUPLED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"  "Pa m s-2"
794 state    real  RTHBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHBLTEN"              "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"   "Pa K s-1"
795 state    real  RQVBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVBLTEN"              "COUPLED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"     "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
796 state    real  RQCBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQCBLTEN"              "COUPLED Q_C TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"     "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
797 state    real  RQIBLTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQIBLTEN"              "COUPLED Q_I TENDENCY DUE TO PBL PARAMETERIZATION"     "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"      
799 # State vector for etampnew microphysics. Must be declared state because it is not read-once and is needed for restarting.
800 state    real  mp_restart_state   p      misc        1         -      r       "MP_RESTART_STATE"       "STATE VECTOR FOR MICROPHYSICS RESTARTS"
801 state    real  tbpvs_state        p      misc        1         -      r        "TBPVS_STATE"           "STATE FOR ETAMPNEW MICROPHYSICS"
802 state    real  tbpvs0_state       p      misc        1         -      r        "TBPVS0_STATE"          "STATE FOR ETAMPNEW MICROPHYSICS"
804 # State variables for landuse_init, Must be declared state because they are read in and needed for restarts. Had been SAVE vars in
805 # landuse_init (phys/module_physics_init.F)
806 state    integer  landuse_isice   -      misc       -          -     r
807 state    integer  landuse_lucats  -      misc       -          -     r
808 state    integer  landuse_luseas  -      misc       -          -     r
809 state    integer  landuse_isn     -      misc       -          -     r
810 state    real     lu_state        p      misc       -          -     r
812 i1       real  th_phy          ikj      misc        1         -                                          
813 i1       real  pi_phy          ikj      misc        1         -                                          
814 i1       real  p_phy           ikj      misc        1         -                                          
815 i1       real  t_phy           ikj      misc        1         -                                          
816 i1       real  u_phy           ikj      misc        1         -                                          
817 i1       real  v_phy           ikj      misc        1         -                                          
818 i1       real  dz8w            ikj      misc        1         Z                                          
819 i1       real  p8w             ikj      misc        1         Z                                          
820 i1       real  t8w             ikj      misc        1         Z                                          
821 i1       real  rho_phy         ikj      misc        1         -                                          
822 i1    logical  CU_ACT_FLAG     ij       misc        1         -
825 state    real  TMN              ij      misc        1         -     i012rh02d=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)     "TMN"                   "SOIL TEMPERATURE AT LOWER BOUNDARY"           "K"
826 state    real  XLAND            ij      misc        1         -     i02rh02d=(interp_fcnm)u=(copy_fcnm)       "XLAND"                 "LAND MASK (1 FOR LAND, 2 FOR WATER)"          ""      
827 state    real  ZNT              ij      misc        1         -      i3rh2      "ZNT"                   "TIME-VARYING ROUGHNESS LENGTH"                "m"      
828 state    real  UST              ij      misc        1         -      rh       "UST"                   "U* IN SIMILARITY THEORY"                      "m s-1"      
829 i1       real  HOL              ij      misc        1         -      -        "HOL"                   "PBL HEIGHT OVER MONIN-OBUKHOV LENGTH"         ""
830 state    real  RMOL             ij      misc        1         -     r        "RMOL"                   "1./Monin Ob. Length"                      ""
831 state    real  MOL              ij      misc        1         -      r        "MOL"                   "T* IN SIMILARITY THEORY"                      "K"      
832 state    real  PBLH             ij      misc        1         -      rh       "PBLH"                  "PBL HEIGHT"         "m"      
833 state    real  CAPG             ij      misc        1         -      r        "CAPG"                  "HEAT CAPACITY FOR SOIL"                       "J K-1 m-3"      
834 state    real  THC              ij      misc        1         -      r        "THC"                   "THERMAL INERTIA"                              "Cal cm-1 K-1 s-0.5"      
835 state    real  HFX              ij      misc        1         -      rh       "HFX"                   "UPWARD HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"              "W m-2"      
836 state    real  QFX              ij      misc        1         -      rh       "QFX"                   "UPWARD MOISTURE FLUX AT THE SURFACE"          "kg m-2 s-1"      
837 state    real  LH               ij      misc        1         -      rh       "LH"                    "LATENT HEAT FLUX AT THE SURFACE"              "W m-2"
838 state    real  FLHC             ij      misc        1         -      r        "FLHC"                  "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT FOR HEAT"       ""
839 state    real  FLQC             ij      misc        1         -      r        "FLQC"                  "SURFACE EXCHANGE COEFFICIENT FOR MOISTURE"   ""
840 state    real  QSG              ij      misc        1         -      r        "QSG"                   "SURFACE SATURATION WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO"   "kg kg-1"
841 state    real  QVG              ij      misc        1         -      r        "QVG"                   "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE"      "kg kg-1"
842 state    real  dfi_QVG          ij      misc        1         -      r        "QVG_dfi"               "WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE"      "kg kg-1"
843 state    real  QCG              ij      misc        1         -      r        "QCG"                   "CLOUD WATER MIXING RATIO AT THE SURFACE"      "kg kg-1"
844 state    real  SOILT1           ij      misc        1         -      r        "SOILT1"                "TEMPERATURE INSIDE SNOW "    "K"
845 state    real  dfi_SOILT1       ij      misc        1         -      r        "SOILT1_dfi"            "TEMPERATURE INSIDE SNOW "    "K"
846 state    real  TSNAV            ij      misc        1         -      r        "TSNAV"                 "AVERAGE SNOW TEMPERATURE "                    "C"
847 state    real  dfi_TSNAV        ij      misc        1         -      r        "TSNAV_dfi"             "AVERAGE SNOW TEMPERATURE "                    "C"
848 i1       real  REGIME           ij      misc        1         -                                          
849 state    real  SNOWC            ij      misc        1         -     irhd=(interp_mask_land_field:lu_index)u=(copy_fcnm)      "SNOWC"                 "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)"         ""
850 state    real  dfi_SNOWC        ij      misc        1         -      r        "SNOWC_dfi"             "FLAG INDICATING SNOW COVERAGE (1 FOR SNOW COVER)"         ""
851 state    real  MAVAIL           ij      misc        1         -      r        "MAVAIL"                "SURFACE MOISTURE AVAILABILITY"                ""
853 state   real   tkesfcf          ij      misc        1         -      r        "tkesfcf"               "TKE AT THE SURFACE"                           "m2 s-2"      
855 state integer  STEPBL          -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPBL"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN PBL CALLS" ""      
856 state    real  taucldi         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "TAUCLDI"               "CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS FOR ICE"              ""
857 state    real  taucldc         ikj      misc        1         -      r        "TAUCLDC"               "CLOUD OPTICAL THICKNESS FOR WATER"            ""
859 state   real  defor11          ikj      misc        1         -     r         "defor11"               "DEFORMATION 11"              "s-1"      
860 state   real  defor22          ikj      misc        1         -     r         "defor22"               "DEFORMATION 22"              "s-1"      
861 state   real  defor12          ikj      misc        1         -     r         "defor12"               "DEFORMATION 12"              "s-1"      
862 state   real  defor33          ikj      misc        1         z     r         "defor33"               "DEFORMATION 33"              "s-1"      
863 state   real  defor13          ikj      misc        1         z     r         "defor13"               "DEFORMATION 13"              "s-1"      
864 state   real  defor23          ikj      misc        1         z     r         "defor23"               "DEFORMATION 23"              "s-1"      
865 state   real   xkmv            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkmv"                  "VERTICAL EDDY VISCOSITY"     "m2 s-1"      
866 state   real   xkmh            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkmh"                  "HORIZONTAL EDDY VISCOSITY"   "m2 s-1"      
867 state   real   xkhv            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkhv"                  "VERTICAL EDDY DIFFUSIVITY OF HEAT"                               "m2 s-1"      
868 state   real   xkhh            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "xkhh"                  "HORIZONTAL EDDY DIFFUSIVITY OF HEAT"                             "m2 s-1"      
869 state   real    div            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "div"                   "DIVERGENCE"                                                      "s-1"
870 state   real    BN2            ikj      misc        1         -     r         "BN2"                   "BRUNT-VAISALA FREQUENCY"                                         "s-2"
871 state  logical warm_rain        -       misc        1         -     -         "warm_rain"              "WARM_RAIN_LOGICAL"
872 state  logical adv_moist_cond   -       misc        1         -     -         "adv_moist_cond"         "ADVECT MOIST CONDENSATES LOGICAL"
874 ## FDDA variables
876 state integer  STEPFG            -        misc        1         -      r        "STEPFG"                "NUMBER OF FUNDAMENTAL TIMESTEPS BETWEEN FDDA GRID CALLS" ""
877 state    real  RUNDGDTEN         ikj      misc        1         X      r        "RUNDGDTEN"               "COUPLED X WIND TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa m s-2"
878 state    real  RVNDGDTEN         ikj      misc        1         Y      r        "RVNDGDTEN"               "COUPLED Y WIND TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa m s-2"
879 state    real  RTHNDGDTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RTHNDGDTEN"              "COUPLED THETA TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"   "Pa K s-1"
880 state    real  RQVNDGDTEN        ikj      misc        1         -      r        "RQVNDGDTEN"              "COUPLED Q_V TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"     "Pa kg kg-1 s-1"
881 state    real  RMUNDGDTEN        ij       misc        1         -      r        "RMUNDGDTEN"              "MU TENDENCY DUE TO FDDA GRID NUDGING"     "Pa s-1"
882 state    real    -               ikjf     fdda3d      1         -     -    -
883 state    real  U_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         X      igr      "U_NDG_NEW"               "NEW X WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
884 state    real  V_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         Y      igr      "V_NDG_NEW"               "NEW Y WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
885 state    real  T_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      igr      "T_NDG_NEW"               "NEW PERT POT TEMP FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
886 state    real  Q_NDG_NEW         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      igr      "Q_NDG_NEW"               "NEW WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
887 state    real  PH_NDG_NEW        ikjf     fdda3d      1         Z      igr      "PH_NDG_NEW"              "NEW PERT GEOPOTENTIAL FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
888 state    real  U_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         X      igr      "U_NDG_OLD"               "OLD X WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
889 state    real  V_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         Y      igr      "V_NDG_OLD"               "OLD Y WIND FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "m s-1"
890 state    real  T_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      igr      "T_NDG_OLD"               "OLD PERT POT TEMP FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "K"
891 state    real  Q_NDG_OLD         ikjf     fdda3d      1         -      igr      "Q_NDG_OLD"               "OLD WATER VAPOR MIX RATIO FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
892 state    real  PH_NDG_OLD        ikjf     fdda3d      1         Z      igr      "PH_NDG_OLD"              "OLD PERT GEOPOTENTIAL FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "kg/kg"
893 state    real    -               ivjf     fdda2d      1         Z     -    -
894 state    real  MU_NDG_NEW        ivjf     fdda2d      1         Z      igr      "MU_NDG_NEW"              "NEW PERT COLUMN DRY MASS FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
895 state    real  MU_NDG_OLD        ivjf     fdda2d      1         Z      igr      "MU_NDG_OLD"              "OLD PERT COLUMN DRY MASS FOR FDDA GRID NUDGING"  "Pa"
898 # flag for nest movement
899 state  logical moved            -       misc        1         -     -          
901 # special cam radiation restart arrays
902 state  real   abstot   ikcj   misc      1    Z   -     ""   ""  " "
903 state  real   absnxt   ikaj   misc      1    -   -     ""   ""  " "
904 state  real   emstot   ikj    misc      1    Z   -     ""   ""  " "
906 # model diagnostics
907 state   real  dpsdt            ij       misc        1         -     -         "dpsdt"           "surface pressure tendency"                         "Pa/sec"
908 state   real  dmudt            ij       misc        1         -     -         "dmudt"           "mu tendency"                                       "Pa/sec"
909 state   real  pk1m             ij       misc        1         -     -         "pk1m"            "surface pressure at previous step"                 "Pa"
910 state   real  mu_2m            ij       misc        1         -     -         "mu_2m"           "mu_2 at previous step"                             "Pa"
913 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
914 #                                               
916 ######                                          
917 #                                               
918 # Variables that are set at run-time to control configuration  (namelist-settable)                                              
919 #                                               
920 #<Table>  <Type>  <Sym>                   <How set>          <Nentries>   <Default>                                             
923 # Time Control
924 rconfig   integer run_days                namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_days"              "NUMBER OF DAYS TO RUN"
925 rconfig   integer run_hours               namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_hours"             "NUMBER OF HOURS TO RUN"
926 rconfig   integer run_minutes             namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_minutes"           "NUMBER OF MINUTES TO RUN"
927 rconfig   integer run_seconds             namelist,time_control         1             0       irh   "run_seconds"           "NUMBER OF SECONDS TO RUN"
928 rconfig   integer start_year              namelist,time_control         max_domains    1993    irh   "start_year"            "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF MODEL" "YEARS"
929 rconfig   integer start_month             namelist,time_control         max_domains      03    irh   "start_month"           "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS"
930 rconfig   integer start_day               namelist,time_control         max_domains      13    irh   "start_day"             "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS"
931 rconfig   integer start_hour              namelist,time_control         max_domains      12    irh   "start_hour"            "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS"
932 rconfig   integer start_minute            namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "start_minute"          "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES"
933 rconfig   integer start_second            namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "start_second"          "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS"
934 rconfig   integer end_year                namelist,time_control         max_domains    1993    irh   "end_year"              "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF MODEL" "YEARS"
935 rconfig   integer end_month               namelist,time_control         max_domains      03    irh   "end_month"             "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF MODEL, 1-12" "MONTHS"
936 rconfig   integer end_day                 namelist,time_control         max_domains      14    irh   "end_day"               "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF MODEL, 1-31" "DAYS"
937 rconfig   integer end_hour                namelist,time_control         max_domains      12    irh   "end_hour"              "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF MODEL, 0-23" "HOURS"
938 rconfig   integer end_minute              namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "end_minute"            "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "MINUTES"
939 rconfig   integer end_second              namelist,time_control         max_domains      00    irh   "end_second"            "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF MODEL, 0-59" "SECONDS"
940 rconfig   integer interval_seconds        namelist,time_control         1             43200    irh   "interval_seconds"      "SECONDS BETWEEN ANALYSIS AND BOUNDARY PERIODS" "SECONDS"
941 rconfig   logical input_from_file         namelist,time_control         max_domains    .false. irh    "input_from_file"      "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM A SEPARATE INPUT FILE"  ""
942 rconfig   integer fine_input_stream       namelist,time_control         max_domains    0       irh    "fine_input_stream"      "0 THROUGH 11, WHAT INPUT STREAM IS FINE GRID IC FROM"  ""
943 rconfig   logical input_from_hires        namelist,time_control         max_domains    .false. irh    "input_from_hires"     "T/F INPUT FOR THIS DOMAIN FROM USGS HI RES TERRAIN"  ""
944 rconfig   character rsmas_data_path       namelist,time_control         1              "."     -    "rsmas_data_path"      ""  ""
945 rconfig   logical all_ic_times            namelist,time_control         1              .false. irh    "all_ic_times"     "T/F WRITE ALL IC TIME PERIODS"  ""
947 include registry.io_boilerplate
949 rconfig   integer JULYR                   namelist,time_control         max_domains    0       h    "JULYR"                 ""      ""
950 rconfig   integer JULDAY                  namelist,time_control         max_domains    1       h    "JULDAY"                ""      ""
951 rconfig   real    GMT                     namelist,time_control         max_domains    0.      h    "GMT"           ""      ""
952 rconfig   character  input_inname      namelist,time_control            1  "wrfinput_d<domain>"          -     "name of input   infile"   ""      ""
953 rconfig   character  input_outname     namelist,time_control            1  "wrfinput_d<domain>"          -     "name of input   outfile"  ""      ""
954 rconfig   character  bdy_inname        namelist,time_control            1  "wrfbdy_d<domain>"            -     "name of boundary infile"  ""      ""
955 rconfig   character  bdy_outname       namelist,time_control            1  "wrfbdy_d<domain>"            -     "name of boundary outfile" ""      ""
956 rconfig   character  rst_inname        namelist,time_control            1  "wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>"     -     "name of restrt infile"    ""      ""
957 rconfig   character  rst_outname       namelist,time_control            1  "wrfrst_d<domain>_<date>"     -     "name of restrt outfile"   ""      ""
958 rconfig   logical write_input             namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "write input data for 3dvar etc."              ""      ""
959 rconfig   logical write_restart_at_0h     namelist,time_control         1             .false. h    "write_restart_at_0h"              ""      ""
960 rconfig   logical adjust_output_times     namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "adjust_output_times"
961 rconfig   logical adjust_input_times      namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "adjust_input_times"
963 rconfig   integer diag_print              namelist,time_control         1              0      -    "print out time series of model diagnostics"
964 rconfig   logical nocolons                namelist,time_control         1             .false. -    "nocolons"
966 # DFI namelist
967 rconfig   integer dfi_opt                namelist,dfi_control   1       0     rh   "dfi_opt"                ""      ""
968 rconfig   integer dfi_nfilter            namelist,dfi_control   1       7     rh   "dfi_nfilter"                "Digital filter type"      ""
969 rconfig   logical dfi_write_filtered_input  namelist,dfi_control  1  .true.   rh   "dfi_write_filtered_input"                "Write a wrfinput_filtered_d0n file?"      ""
970 rconfig   logical dfi_write_dfi_history  namelist,dfi_control   1   .false.   rh   "dfi_write_dfi_history"    "Write history files during filtering?"      ""
971 rconfig   integer dfi_cutoff_seconds     namelist,dfi_control   1    3600     rh   "dfi_cutoff_seconds"       "Digital filter cutoff time"      ""
972 rconfig   integer dfi_time_dim           namelist,dfi_control   1    1000     rh   "dfi_time_dim"             "MAX DIMENSION FOR HCOEFF"
973 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_year       namelist,dfi_control   1    2004     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_year"         "4 DIGIT YEAR OF START OF DFI" "YEARS"
974 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_month      namelist,dfi_control   1      03     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_month"        "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF START OF DFI" "MONTHS"
975 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_day        namelist,dfi_control   1      13     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_day"          "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF START OF DFI" "DAYS"
976 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_hour       namelist,dfi_control   1      12     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_hour"         "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF START OF DFI" "HOURS"
977 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_minute     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_minute"       "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF START OF DFI" "MINUTES"
978 rconfig   integer dfi_fwdstop_second     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_fwdstop_second"       "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF START OF DFI" "SECONDS"
979 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_year       namelist,dfi_control   1    2004     rh   "dfi_bckstop_year"         "4 DIGIT YEAR OF END OF DFI" "YEARS"
980 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_month      namelist,dfi_control   1      03     rh   "dfi_bckstop_month"        "2 DIGIT MONTH OF THE YEAR OF END OF DFI" "MONTHS"
981 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_day        namelist,dfi_control   1      14     rh   "dfi_bckstop_day"          "2 DIGIT DAY OF THE MONTH OF END OF DFI" "DAYS"
982 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_hour       namelist,dfi_control   1      12     rh   "dfi_bckstop_hour"         "2 DIGIT HOUR OF THE DAY OF END OF DFI" "HOURS"
983 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_minute     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_bckstop_minute"       "2 DIGIT MINUTE OF THE HOUR OF END OF DFI" "MINUTES"
984 rconfig   integer dfi_bckstop_second     namelist,dfi_control   1      00     rh   "dfi_bckstop_second"       "2 DIGIT SECOND OF THE MINUTE OF END OF DFI" "SECONDS"
986 # Domains
987 rconfig   integer time_step               namelist,domains      1             -       ih   "time_step"     
988 rconfig   integer time_step_fract_num     namelist,domains      1             0       ih   "time_step_fract_num"     
989 rconfig   integer time_step_fract_den     namelist,domains      1             1       ih   "time_step_fract_den"     
990 rconfig   integer max_dom                 namelist,domains      1             1       irh  "max_dom"               ""      ""
991 rconfig   integer s_we                    namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "s_we"          ""      ""
992 rconfig   integer e_we                    namelist,domains      max_domains    32      irh    "e_we"          ""      ""
993 rconfig   integer s_sn                    namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "s_sn"          ""      ""
994 rconfig   integer e_sn                    namelist,domains      max_domains    32      irh    "e_sn"          ""      ""
995 rconfig   integer s_vert                  namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "s_vert"                ""      ""
996 rconfig   integer e_vert                  namelist,domains      max_domains    31      irh    "e_vert"                ""      ""
997 rconfig   integer num_metgrid_levels      namelist,domains      1              27      irh    "num_metgrid_levels"                ""      ""
998 rconfig   real    p_top_requested         namelist,domains      1              5000    irh    "p_top_requested" "Pa"      ""
999 rconfig   integer interp_type             namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "interp_type"  "1=interp in pressure, 2=interp in LOG pressure"  ""
1000 rconfig   integer extrap_type             namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "extrap_type"  "1= use 2 lowest levels, 2=constant"  ""
1001 rconfig   integer t_extrap_type           namelist,domains      1              2       irh    "t_extrap_type"  "1=isothermal, 2=6.5 K/km, 3=adiabatic"   ""
1002 rconfig   logical lowest_lev_from_sfc     namelist,domains      1             .false.  irh    "lowest_lev_from_sfc"                ""      ""
1003 rconfig   logical use_levels_below_ground namelist,domains      1             .true.   irh    "use_levels_below_ground"   "T/F: use input data levels below input sfc pres" ""
1004 rconfig   logical use_surface             namelist,domains      1             .true.   irh    "use_surface"   "T/F: use input surface level in interpolation" ""
1005 rconfig   integer lagrange_order          namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "lagrange_order"   "1=linear, 2=quadratic vertical interpolation"      ""
1006 rconfig   integer force_sfc_in_vinterp    namelist,domains      1              1       irh    "force_sfc_in_vinterp"   "number of eta levels forced to use sfc in vert interp"      ""
1007 rconfig   real    zap_close_levels        namelist,domains      1              500     irh    "zap_close_levels"   "delta p where level is removed in vert interp"      "Pa"
1008 rconfig   logical sfcp_to_sfcp            namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "afcp_to_sfcp"   "T/F use incoming sfc pres to compute new sfc pres"      "flag"
1009 rconfig   logical adjust_heights          namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "adjust_heights"   "T/F adjust pressure level input to match 500 mb height"      "flag"
1010 rconfig   logical smooth_cg_topo          namelist,domains      1              .false. irh    "smooth_cg_topo"   "T/F smooth CG topo on boundarries" "flag"
1011 rconfig   real    dx                      namelist,domains     max_domains    200     h     "dx"        "X HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION"   "METERS"
1012 rconfig   real    dy                      namelist,domains      max_domains    200     h     "dy"        "Y HORIZONTAL RESOLUTION"   "METERS"
1013 rconfig   integer grid_id                 namelist,domains      max_domains    1       irh    "id"            ""      ""
1014 rconfig   integer parent_id               namelist,domains      max_domains    0       h     "parent_id"             ""      ""
1015 rconfig   integer i_parent_start          namelist,domains      max_domains    1       rh     "i_parent_start"                ""      ""
1016 rconfig   integer j_parent_start          namelist,domains      max_domains    1       rh     "j_parent_start"                ""      ""
1017 rconfig   integer parent_grid_ratio       namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "parent_grid_ratio"             ""      ""
1018 rconfig   integer parent_time_step_ratio  namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "parent_time_step_ratio"                ""      ""
1019 rconfig   integer feedback                namelist,domains      1    1       h     "feedback"          ""      ""
1020 rconfig   integer smooth_option           namelist,domains      1    2       h     "smooth_option"          ""      ""
1021 rconfig   integer blend_width             namelist,domains      1    5       h     "blend_width"  "width of cg fg terrain blended zone"      ""
1022 rconfig   real    ztop                    namelist,domains      max_domains    15000.  h    "ztop"          ""      ""
1023 rconfig   integer moad_grid_ratio         namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "moad_grid_ratio"               ""      ""
1024 rconfig   integer moad_time_step_ratio    namelist,domains      max_domains    1       h     "moad_time_step_ratio"          ""      ""
1025 rconfig   integer shw                     namelist,domains      max_domains    2       h     "stencil_half_width"   "HORIZONTAL INTERPOLATION STENCIL HALF-WIDTH"  "GRID POINTS"
1026 rconfig   integer tile_sz_x               namelist,domains      1             0       -      "tile_sz_x"             ""      ""
1027 rconfig   integer tile_sz_y               namelist,domains      1             0       -      "tile_sz_y"             ""      ""
1028 rconfig   integer numtiles                namelist,domains      1             1       -      "numtiles"              ""      ""
1029 rconfig   integer nproc_x                 namelist,domains      1             -1       -      "nproc_x"              "-1 means not set"      ""
1030 rconfig   integer nproc_y                 namelist,domains      1             -1       -      "nproc_y"              "-1 means not set"      ""
1031 rconfig   integer irand                   namelist,domains      1             0       -      "irand"           ""      ""
1032 rconfig   real    dt                      derived              max_domains    2.      h     "dt"        "TEMPORAL RESOLUTION"      "SECONDS"
1033 rconfig   integer   num_moves       namelist,domains    1                0
1034 rconfig   integer   vortex_interval  namelist,domains   max_domains      15  -  "" "" "minutes"
1035 rconfig   integer   max_vortex_speed namelist,domains   max_domains      40  -  "" "" "meters per second"
1036 rconfig   integer   corral_dist     namelist,domains    max_domains      8
1037 rconfig   integer   move_id         namelist,domains    max_moves        0
1038 rconfig   integer   move_interval   namelist,domains    max_moves        999999999
1039 rconfig   integer   move_cd_x       namelist,domains    max_moves        0
1040 rconfig   integer   move_cd_y       namelist,domains    max_moves        0
1041 rconfig   logical   swap_x          namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "swap_x"            ""      ""
1042 rconfig   logical   swap_y          namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "swap_y"            ""      ""
1043 rconfig   logical   cycle_x         namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "cycle_x"            ""      ""
1044 rconfig   logical   cycle_y         namelist,domains    max_domains    .false. rh    "cycle_y"            ""      ""
1045 rconfig   logical   reorder_mesh    namelist,domains    1              .false. rh    "reorder_mesh"       ""      ""
1046 rconfig   logical   perturb_input   namelist,domains    1              .false. h     "" "" ""
1047 rconfig   real      eta_levels      namelist,domains    max_eta        -1.
1048 rconfig   real      max_dz          namelist,domains    1               1000.
1050 # Physics
1051 rconfig   integer     mp_physics          namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "mp_physics"            ""      ""
1052 rconfig   integer     progn               namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "progn"                 ""      ""
1053 rconfig   integer     ra_lw_physics       namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "ra_lw_physics"         ""      ""
1054 rconfig   integer     ra_sw_physics       namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "ra_sw_physics"         ""      ""
1055 rconfig   real    radt                    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "RADT"          ""      ""
1056 rconfig   real    naer                    namelist,physics      max_domains    1e9     rh   "NAER"          ""      ""
1057 rconfig   integer     sf_sfclay_physics   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "sf_sfclay_physics"             ""      ""
1058 rconfig   integer     sf_surface_physics  namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "sf_surface_physics"            ""      ""
1059 rconfig   integer     bl_pbl_physics      namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "bl_pbl_physics"                ""      ""
1060 rconfig   real    BLDT                    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "BLDT"          ""      ""
1061 rconfig   integer     cu_physics          namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "cu_physics"            ""      ""
1062 rconfig   real    CUDT                    namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "CUDT"          ""      ""
1063 rconfig   real    GSMDT                   namelist,physics      max_domains    0       h    "GSMDT"          ""      ""
1064 rconfig   integer ISFFLX                  namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "ISFFLX"                        ""      ""
1065 rconfig   integer IFSNOW                  namelist,physics      1             0       irh    "IFSNOW"                        ""      ""
1066 rconfig   integer ICLOUD                  namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "ICLOUD"                        ""      ""
1067 rconfig   real    swrad_scat              namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "SWRAD_SCAT" "SCATTERING FACTOR IN SWRAD"      ""
1068 rconfig   integer surface_input_source    namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "surface_input_source"          "1=static (fractional), 2=time dependent (dominant), 3=hybrid (not yet implemented)"      ""
1069 rconfig   integer num_soil_layers         namelist,physics      1             5       irh    "num_soil_layers"               ""      ""
1070 rconfig   integer num_months              namelist,physics      1            12       irh    "num_months"               ""      ""
1071 rconfig   integer maxiens                 namelist,physics      1             1       irh    "maxiens"                    ""      ""
1072 rconfig   integer maxens                  namelist,physics      1             3       irh    "maxens"                    ""      ""
1073 rconfig   integer maxens2                 namelist,physics      1             3       irh    "maxens2"                    ""      ""
1074 rconfig   integer maxens3                 namelist,physics      1            16       irh    "maxens3"                    ""      ""
1075 rconfig   integer ensdim                  namelist,physics      1            144      irh    "ensdim"                    ""      ""
1076 rconfig   integer     chem_opt            namelist,physics      max_domains    0       rh       "chem_opt"              ""      ""
1077 rconfig   integer num_land_cat            namelist,physics      1            24       -      "num_land_cat"                  ""      ""
1078 rconfig   integer num_soil_cat            namelist,physics      1            16       -      "num_soil_cat"                  ""      ""
1079 rconfig   integer mp_zero_out             namelist,physics      1             0       -      "mp_zero_out"  "microphysics fields set to zero  0=no action taken, 1=all fields but Qv, 2=all fields including Qv"      "flag"
1080 rconfig   real mp_zero_out_thresh         namelist,physics      1          1.e-8      -      "mp_zero_out_thresh"  "minimum threshold for non-Qv moist fields, below are set to zero"  "kg/kg"
1081 rconfig   real    seaice_threshold        namelist,physics      1            271       h    "seaice_threshold"  "tsk below which which water points are set to sea ice for slab scheme"   "K"
1082 rconfig   integer sst_update              namelist,physics      1            0         h    "sst_update"  "update sst from wrflowinp file  0=no, 1=yes"   ""
1083 rconfig   integer ucmcall                 namelist,physics      1            0         h    "ucmcall"     "activate urban model  0=no, 1=yes"   ""
1084 rconfig   integer co2tf                   namelist,physics      1            1         -    "co2tf" "GFDL radiation co2 flag" ""
1085 rconfig   integer ra_call_offset          namelist,physics      1            0         -    "ra_call_offset" "radiation call offset in timesteps (-1=old, 0=new offset)" ""
1086 rconfig   real    cam_abs_freq_s          namelist,physics      1         21600.      -      "cam_abs_freq_s" "CAM radiation frequency for clear-sky longwave calculations" "s"
1087 rconfig   integer levsiz                  namelist,physics      1             1       -      "levsiz" "Number of ozone data levels for CAM radiation (59)"  ""
1088 rconfig   integer paerlev                 namelist,physics      1             1       -      "paerlev" "Number of aerosol data levels for CAM radiation (29)"  ""
1089 rconfig   integer cam_abs_dim1            namelist,physics      1             1       -      "cam_abs_dim1" "dimension for absnxt in CAM radiation"  ""
1090 rconfig   integer cam_abs_dim2            namelist,physics      1             1       -      "cam_abs_dim2" "dimension for abstot in CAM radiation"  ""
1091 rconfig   logical cu_rad_feedback         namelist,physics      max_domains   .false.  -     "feedback cumulus to radiation"  ""
1093 #FDDA namelist parameters
1094 rconfig   real    FGDT                    namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       h        "FGDT"          ""      ""
1095 rconfig   integer  grid_fdda              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1096 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_uv   namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1097 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_t    namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1098 rconfig   integer  if_no_pbl_nudging_q    namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1099 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_uv             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1100 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_uv             namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1101 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_t              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1102 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_t              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1103 rconfig   integer  if_zfac_q              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1104 rconfig   integer   k_zfac_q              namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1105 rconfig   real        guv                 namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1106 rconfig   real        gt                  namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1107 rconfig   real        gq                  namelist,fdda         max_domains    0       rh       "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1108 rconfig   real    dtramp_min              namelist,fdda         1              0       h        "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1109 rconfig   integer if_ramping              namelist,fdda         1              0       h        "grid_fdda"            ""      ""
1111 #Observational Nudging
1112 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_opt       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_opt"     "Obs-nudging flag for domain"          ""
1113 rconfig   integer     max_obs             namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "max_obs"           "Maximum number of observations"       ""
1114 rconfig   integer     nobs_ndg_vars       namelist,fdda            1              5       h        "num_ndg_vars"      "Number of nudging variables"          ""
1115 rconfig   integer     nobs_err_flds       namelist,fdda            1              9       h        "num_err_flds"      "Number of error fields"               ""
1116 rconfig   real        fdda_start          namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "fdda_start"        "Nudging start time for domain"        "min"
1117 rconfig   real        fdda_end            namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "fdda_end"          "Nudging end time for domain"          "min"
1118 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_wind      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_wind"    "Wind-nudging flag for domain"         ""
1119 rconfig   real        obs_coef_wind       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_wind"     "Wind-nudging coeficient for domain"   "s-1"
1120 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_temp      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_temp"    "Temperature-nudging flag for domain"  ""
1121 rconfig   real        obs_coef_temp       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_temp"     "Temperature-nudging coef for domain"  "s-1"
1122 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_mois      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_mois"    "Moisture-nudging flag for domain"     ""
1123 rconfig   real        obs_coef_mois       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_mois"     "Moisture-nudging coef for domain"     "s-1"
1124 rconfig   integer     obs_nudge_pstr      namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_nudge_pstr"    "Not used"                             ""
1125 rconfig   real        obs_coef_pstr       namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_coef_pstr"     "Not used"                             ""
1126 rconfig   real        obs_rinxy           namelist,fdda            max_domains    0       rh       "obs_rinxy"         "Horizontal radius of influence"       "km"
1127 rconfig   real        obs_rinsig          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_rinsig"        "Vertical radius of influence"         "sigma"
1128 rconfig   real        obs_twindo          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_twindo"        "Half-period time window for nudging"  "min"
1129 rconfig   integer     obs_npfi            namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_npfi"          "Freq in cg timesteps for diag print"  ""
1130 rconfig   integer     obs_ionf            namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_ionf"          "Freq in cg timesteps for obs input and error calc"   ""
1131 rconfig   integer     obs_idynin          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_idynin"        "Flag for dynamic initialization"      ""
1132 rconfig   real        obs_dtramp          namelist,fdda            1              0       h        "obs_dtramp"        "Time period for ramping (idynin)"     "min"
1133 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_in4dob      namelist,fdda            1              .false. h        "obs_ipf_in4dob"    "Print obs input diagnostics"   "min"
1134 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_errob       namelist,fdda            1              .false. h        "obs_ipf_errob"     "Print obs error diagnostics"   "min"
1135 rconfig   logical     obs_ipf_nudob       namelist,fdda            1              .false. h        "obs_ipf_nudob"     "Print obs nudge diagnostics"   "min"
1138 # Dynamics
1139 # dynamics option (see package definitions, below)
1140 rconfig   integer dyn_opt                 namelist,dynamics     1             2       irh   "dyn_opt"               ""      ""
1141 rconfig   integer rk_ord                  namelist,dynamics     1             3       irh   "rk_order"               ""      ""
1142 rconfig   integer w_damping               namelist,dynamics     1             0       irh    "w_damping"             ""      ""
1143 # diff_opt 1=old diffusion, 2=new
1144 rconfig   integer diff_opt                namelist,dynamics     1             1       irh    "diff_opt"              ""      ""
1145 # km_opt   1=old coefs, 2=tke, 3=Smagorinksy
1146 rconfig   integer km_opt                  namelist,dynamics     1             1       irh    "km_opt"                ""      ""
1147 # km_opt_dfi is needed for backward integration in dfi
1148 rconfig   integer km_opt_dfi              namelist,dynamics     1             1       irh    "km_opt_dfi"                ""      ""
1149 rconfig   integer damp_opt                namelist,dynamics     1             0       irh    "damp_opt"              ""      ""
1150 rconfig   real    zdamp                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    5000.   h    "zdamp"         ""      ""
1151 rconfig   real    dampcoef                namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.      h    "dampcoef"              ""      ""
1152 rconfig   real    khdif                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h    "khdif"         ""      ""
1153 rconfig   real    kvdif                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h    "kvdif"         ""      ""
1154 rconfig   real    diff_6th_factor         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.12    h    "diff_6th_factor" "factor that controls rate of 6th-order numerical diffusion"
1155 rconfig   integer diff_6th_opt            namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0      irh   "diff_6th_opt" "switch for 6th-order numerical diffusion"
1156 rconfig   real    c_s                     namelist,dynamics    max_domains    0.25    h    "c_s"         "Smagorinsky coeff"      ""
1157 rconfig   real    c_k                     namelist,dynamics    max_domains    0.15    h    "c_k"         "TKE coeff"      ""
1158 rconfig   real    smdiv                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.1     h    "smdiv"         ""      ""
1159 rconfig   real    emdiv                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.01    h    "emdiv"         ""      ""
1160 rconfig   real    epssm                   namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .1      h    "epssm"         ""      ""
1161 rconfig   logical non_hydrostatic         namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "non_hydrostatic"    ""   ""
1162 rconfig   integer time_step_sound         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h     "time_step_sound"               ""      ""
1163 rconfig   integer     h_mom_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    5       rh       "h_mom_adv_order"               ""      ""
1164 rconfig   integer     v_mom_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    3       rh       "v_mom_adv_order"               ""      ""
1165 rconfig   integer     h_sca_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    5       rh       "h_sca_adv_order"               ""      ""
1166 rconfig   integer     v_sca_adv_order     namelist,dynamics     max_domains    3       rh       "v_sca_adv_order"               ""      ""
1167 rconfig   logical     pd_moist            namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false.  rh    "pd_moist"         "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
1168 rconfig   logical     pd_moist_dfi        namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false.  rh    "pd_moist_dfi"    "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
1169 rconfig   logical     pd_chem             namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "pd_chem"          "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
1170 rconfig   logical     pd_scalar           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "pd_scalar"        "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
1171 rconfig   logical     pd_tke              namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "pd_tke"           "positive-definite RK3 transport switch"      ""
1172 rconfig   logical top_radiation           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "top_radiation"         ""      ""
1173 rconfig   integer mix_isotropic           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0       h    "mix_isotropic"            "0=anistropic, 1=isotropic"      ""
1174 rconfig   real    mix_upper_bound         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.1     h    "mix_upper_bound"          "non-dimensional limit"      ""
1175 rconfig   logical top_lid                 namelist,dynamics     max_domains    .false. rh    "top_lid"               ""      ""
1176 rconfig   real    tke_upper_bound         namelist,dynamics     max_domains    1000.   h    "tke_upper_bound"            ""      ""
1177 rconfig   real    tke_drag_coefficient    namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.      h    "tke_drag_coefficient"       ""      "dimensionless"
1178 rconfig   real    tke_heat_flux           namelist,dynamics     max_domains    0.      h    "tke_heat_flux"              ""      "K m s-1"
1179 rconfig   logical pert_coriolis           namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .false.  irh  "pert_coriolis"    ""   ""
1180 rconfig   logical coriolis2d              namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .false.  irh  "coriolis2d"    ""   ""
1181 rconfig   logical mix_full_fields         namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .false.  irh  "mix_full_field"   ""   ""
1182 rconfig   real    base_pres               namelist,dynamics     1          100000.     h    "base_pres"  "Base state pressure - do not change (10^5 Pa), real only"      "Pa"
1183 rconfig   real    base_temp               namelist,dynamics     1             290.     h    "base_temp"  "Base state sea level temperature, real only"      "K"
1184 rconfig   real    base_lapse              namelist,dynamics     1              50.     h    "base_lapse" "Base state temperature difference between base pres and 1/e of atm depth - do not change, real only"      "K"
1185 rconfig   real    fft_filter_lat          namelist,dynamics     1              45.     h    "fft_filter_lat"   ""   "grid latitude to start polar filter"
1186 rconfig   logical rotated_pole            namelist,dynamics     1            .false.  irh   "rotated_pole"    ""   ""
1187 rconfig   logical do_coriolis             namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "do_coriolis"    ""   ""
1188 rconfig   logical do_curvature            namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "do_curvature"   ""   ""
1189 rconfig   logical do_gradp                namelist,dynamics     max_domains  .true.   irh  "do_gradp"    ""   ""
1192 # Bdy_control
1193 rconfig   integer spec_bdy_width          namelist,bdy_control          1             5       irh    "spec_bdy_width"                ""      ""
1194 rconfig   integer spec_zone               namelist,bdy_control          1             1       irh    "spec_zone"                     ""      ""
1195 rconfig   integer relax_zone              namelist,bdy_control          1             4       irh    "relax_zone"                    ""      ""
1196 rconfig   logical specified               namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "specified"             ""      ""
1197 rconfig   logical periodic_x              namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "periodic_x"            ""      ""
1198 rconfig   logical symmetric_xs            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_xs"          ""      ""
1199 rconfig   logical symmetric_xe            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_xe"          ""      ""
1200 rconfig   logical open_xs                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_xs"               ""      ""
1201 rconfig   logical open_xe                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_xe"               ""      ""
1202 rconfig   logical periodic_y              namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "periodic_y"            ""      ""
1203 rconfig   logical symmetric_ys            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_ys"          ""      ""
1204 rconfig   logical symmetric_ye            namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "symmetric_ye"          ""      ""
1205 rconfig   logical open_ys                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_ys"               ""      ""
1206 rconfig   logical open_ye                 namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "open_ye"               ""      ""
1207 rconfig   logical polar                   namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "polar"                 ""      ""
1208 rconfig   logical nested                  namelist,bdy_control  max_domains    .false. rh    "nested"                ""      ""
1209 rconfig   integer real_data_init_type     namelist,bdy_control          1                 1    irh   "real_data_init_type"   "REAL DATA INITIALIZATION OPTIONS: 1=SI, 2=MM5, 3=GENERIC" "PRE-PROCESSOR TYPES"
1211 rconfig   integer background_proc_id      namelist,grib2                1     255    rh    "background_proc_id"    "Background processing id for grib2"  ""
1212 rconfig   integer forecast_proc_id        namelist,grib2                1     255    rh    "forecast_proc_id"      "Analysis and forecast processing id for grib2"  ""
1213 rconfig   integer production_status       namelist,grib2                1     255    rh    "production_status"     "Background processing id for grib2"  ""
1214 rconfig   integer compression             namelist,grib2                1      40    rh    "compression"           "grib2 compression, 40 for JPEG2000 or 41 for PNG"  ""
1217 rconfig   real    cen_lat                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "cen_lat"              "center latitude"      "degrees, negative is south"
1218 rconfig   real    cen_lon                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "cen_lon"              "central longitude"      "degrees, negative is west"
1219 rconfig   real    truelat1                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "true_lat1"             "first standard parallel"      "degrees, negative is south"
1220 rconfig   real    truelat2                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "true_lat2"             "second standard parallel"      "degrees, negative is south"
1221 rconfig   real    moad_cen_lat            derived                  max_domains    0       -        "moad_cen_lat"             "center latitude of the most coarse grid"      "degrees, negative is south"
1222 rconfig   real    stand_lon               derived                  max_domains    0       -        "stand_lon"             "standard longitude, parallel to j-direction, perpendicular to i-direction "      "degrees, negative is west"
1223 rconfig   real    bdyfrq                  derived                  max_domains    0       -        "bdyfrq"               "lateral boundary input frequency"      "seconds"
1224 rconfig   integer iswater                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "iswater"              "land use index of water"      "index category"
1225 rconfig   integer isice                   derived                  max_domains    0       -        "isice"                "land use index of ice"        "index category"
1226 rconfig   integer isurban                 derived                  max_domains    0       -        "isurban"              "land use index for 'urban and built-up"     "index category"
1227 rconfig   integer isoilwater              derived                  max_domains    0       -        "isoilwater"           "land use index of water for soil"        "index category"
1228 rconfig   integer map_proj                derived                  max_domains    0       -        "map_proj"             "domain map projection"      "0=none (Cylindrical), 1=Lambert, 2=polar, 3=Mercator"
1229 rconfig   integer use_wps_input           derived                       1         0       -        "use_wps_input"        "0/1 flag, using wps input"      "0=no, 1=yes"
1230 rconfig   integer dfi_stage               derived                       1         3       -        "dfi_stage"            "current stage of DFI processing"      "0=DFI setup, 1=DFI backward integration, 2=DFI forward integration, 3=WRF forecast"
1231 rconfig   integer mp_physics_dfi          derived                  max_domains   -1       -        "mp_physics_dfi"       ""      "-1 = no DFI and so no need to allocate DFI moist and scalar variables, >0 = running with DFI, so allocate DFI moist and scalar variables appropriate for selected microphysics package"
1234 # Single dummy declaration to define a nodyn dyn option
1235 state integer nodyn_dummy - dyn_nodyn -  -  -  "" "" ""      
1238 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1239 # Package Declarations
1240 #                                               
1242 #key      package       associated                package          associated 4d scalars
1243 #         name          namelist choice           state vars
1245 package   dyn_nodyn    dyn_opt==0                   -             -
1246 package   dyn_em       dyn_opt==2                   -             -
1248 #package   passivec1     chem_opt==0                  -             
1249 package   passiveqv     mp_physics==0                -             moist:qv
1250 package   kesslerscheme mp_physics==1                -             moist:qv,qc,qr
1251 package   linscheme     mp_physics==2                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
1252 package   wsm3scheme    mp_physics==3                -             moist:qv,qc,qr
1253 package   wsm5scheme    mp_physics==4                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs
1254 package   etampnew      mp_physics==5                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qt
1255 package   wsm6scheme    mp_physics==6                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
1256 package   gsfcgcescheme mp_physics==7                -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg
1257 package   thompson       mp_physics==8               -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni
1258 package   morr_two_moment  mp_physics==10            -             moist:qv,qc,qr,qi,qs,qg;scalar:qni,qns,qnr,qng
1260 package   passiveqv     mp_physics_dfi==0            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv
1261 package   kesslerscheme mp_physics_dfi==1            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr
1262 package   linscheme     mp_physics_dfi==2            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg
1263 package   wsm3scheme    mp_physics_dfi==3            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr
1264 package   wsm5scheme    mp_physics_dfi==4            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs
1265 package   etampnew      mp_physics_dfi==5            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qt
1266 package   wsm6scheme    mp_physics_dfi==6            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg
1267 package   gsfcgcescheme mp_physics_dfi==7            -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg
1268 package   thompson       mp_physics_dfi==8           -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni
1269 package   morr_two_moment  mp_physics_dfi==10        -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qni,dfi_qns,dfi_qnr,dfi_qng
1271 package   noprogn       progn==0                     -             -
1272 package   progndrop     progn==1                     -             scalar:qndrop;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop
1274 package   rrtmscheme    ra_lw_physics==1             -             -
1275 package   camlwscheme   ra_lw_physics==3             -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;aerosolc:sul,sslt,dust1,dust2,dust3,dust4,ocpho,bcpho,ocphi,bcphi,bg,volc
1276 package   gfdllwscheme  ra_lw_physics==99            -             -
1277 package   heldsuarez    ra_lw_physics==31            -             -
1279 package   swradscheme   ra_sw_physics==1             -             -
1280 package   gsfcswscheme  ra_sw_physics==2             -             -
1281 package   camswscheme   ra_sw_physics==3             -             ozmixm:mth01,mth02,mth03,mth04,mth05,mth06,mth07,mth08,mth09,mth10,mth11,mth12;aerosolc:sul,sslt,dust1,dust2,dust3,dust4,ocpho,bcpho,ocphi,bcphi,bg,volc
1282 package   gfdlswscheme  ra_sw_physics==99            -             -
1284 package   sfclayscheme   sf_sfclay_physics==1        -             -
1285 package   myjsfcscheme   sf_sfclay_physics==2        -             -
1286 package   gfssfcscheme   sf_sfclay_physics==3        -             -
1287 package   slabscheme     sf_surface_physics==1       -             -
1288 package   lsmscheme      sf_surface_physics==2       -             -
1289 package   ruclsmscheme   sf_surface_physics==3       -             -
1290 package   ysuscheme      bl_pbl_physics==1           -             -
1291 package   myjpblscheme   bl_pbl_physics==2           -             -
1292 package   gfsscheme      bl_pbl_physics==3           -             -
1293 package   mrfscheme      bl_pbl_physics==99          -             -
1295 package   kfetascheme    cu_physics==1               -             -
1296 package   bmjscheme      cu_physics==2               -             -
1297 package   gdscheme       cu_physics==3               -             -
1298 package   sasscheme      cu_physics==4               -             -
1299 package   kfscheme       cu_physics==99              -             -
1301 package   psufddagd      grid_fdda==1                -             fdda3d:u_ndg_old,v_ndg_old,t_ndg_old,q_ndg_old,ph_ndg_old,u_ndg_new,v_ndg_new,t_ndg_new,q_ndg_new,ph_ndg_new;fdda2d:mu_ndg_old,mu_ndg_new;state:rundgdten,rvndgdten,rthndgdten,rqvndgdten,rmundgdten
1303 package   restofwrf      use_wps_input==0            -             -
1304 package   realonly       use_wps_input==1            -             state:u_gc,v_gc,t_gc,rh_gc,ght_gc,p_gc,xlat_gc,xlong_gc,ht_gc,tsk_gc,tavgsfc,tmn_gc,pslv_gc,greenfrac,albedo12m,pd_gc,psfc_gc,intq_gc,pdhs,qv_gc,qr_gc qc_gc qs_gc,qi_gc,qg_gc,qni_gc
1306 package   dfi_setup      dfi_stage==0                -             -
1307 package   dfi_bck        dfi_stage==1                -             -
1308 package   dfi_fwd        dfi_stage==2                -             -
1309 package   dfi_fst        dfi_stage==3                -             -
1311 #package   digifilter     dfi_opt==1                  -             dfi_moist:dfi_qv,dfi_qc,dfi_qr,dfi_qi,dfi_qs,dfi_qg;dfi_scalar:dfi_qndrop,dfi_qni,dfi_qt,dfi_qns,dfi_qnr,dfi_qng;state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt
1312 package   dfi_nodfi     dfi_opt==0                  -             -
1313 package   dfi_dfl       dfi_opt==1                  -             state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG
1314 package   dfi_ddfi      dfi_opt==2                  -             state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG
1315 package   dfi_tdfi      dfi_opt==3                  -             state:dfi_u,dfi_v,dfi_w,dfi_ph,dfi_phb,dfi_ph0,dfi_php,dfi_t,dfi_p,dfi_ww,dfi_mu,dfi_tke,dfi_pb,dfi_al,dfi_alt,dfi_TSLB,dfi_SMOIS,dfi_SNOW,dfi_SNOWH,dfi_CANWAT,dfi_SMFR3D,dfi_KEEPFR3DFLAG,dfi_TSK,dfi_SOILT1,dfi_TSNAV,dfi_SNOWC,dfi_QVG
1317 # only need to specify these once; not for every io_form* variable
1318 package   io_intio    io_form_restart==1                     -             -
1319 package   io_netcdf   io_form_restart==2                     -             -
1320 # Placeholders for additional packages (we can go beyond zzz
1321 # but that will entail modifying frame/module_io.F and frame/md_calls.m4)
1322 # Please note these are placeholders; HDF has not been implemented yet.
1323 package   io_hdf      io_form_restart==3                     -             -
1324 package   io_phdf5    io_form_restart==4                     -             -
1325 package   io_grib1    io_form_restart==5                     -             -
1326 package   io_mcel     io_form_restart==6                     -             -
1327 package   io_esmf     io_form_restart==7                     -             -
1328 package   io_yyy      io_form_restart==8                     -             -
1329 package   io_zzz      io_form_restart==9                     -             -
1330 package   io_grib2    io_form_restart==10                    -             -
1331 package   io_pnetcdf  io_form_restart==11                     -             -
1333 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1334 ## communications                                               
1336 ### 8. Edit the Registry file and create a halo-exchange for x_1.
1338 # Halo Update Communications
1340 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_1 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,ph_1,ph_2
1341 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_2 dyn_em 48:t_1,t_2,mu_1,mu_2,tke_1,tke_2,ww,phb
1342 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_3 dyn_em 48:ph0,php,t_init,mub,mu0,p,al,alt,alb
1343 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_4 dyn_em 48:pb,h_diabatic,msftx,msfty,msfux,msfuy,msfvx,msfvy,msfvx_inv,f,e,sina,cosa,ht,potevp,snopcx,soiltb,xlat,xlong,xlat_u,xlat_v,xlong_u,xlong_v,clat,clong
1344 halo      HALO_EM_INIT_5 dyn_em 48:moist,chem,scalar
1345 halo      HALO_EM_VINTERP_UV_1 dyn_em 8:pd_gc,pb
1346 halo      HALO_EM_A dyn_em  8:ru,rv,rw,ww,php,alt,al,p,muu,muv,mut
1347 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_A  dyn_em 4:u_2,v_2
1348 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_PBL dyn_em        4:rublten,rvblten
1349 halo      HALO_EM_FDDA dyn_em            4:rundgdten,rvndgdten
1350 halo      HALO_EM_PHYS_DIFFUSION dyn_em  4:defor11,defor22,defor12,defor13,defor23,div,xkmv,xkmh,xkhv,xkhh,tke_1,tke_2
1351 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_ADVECT_3 dyn_em 24:tke_2
1352 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_ADVECT_5 dyn_em 48:tke_2
1353 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_A dyn_em 4:ph_2,phb
1354 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_B dyn_em 4:z,rdz,rdzw,zx,zy
1355 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_C dyn_em 8:u_2,v_2,z,zx,zy,rdz,rdzw,ustm
1356 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_D dyn_em 8:defor11,defor22,defor33,defor12,defor13,defor23,div
1357 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_E dyn_em 8:xkmv,xkmh,xkhv,xkhh,BN2,moist
1358 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_DO2 dyn_em 24:zx,zy
1359 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_3 dyn_em   24:tke_1,tke_2
1360 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_5 dyn_em   48:tke_1,tke_2
1361 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_7 dyn_em   80:tke_1,tke_2
1362 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_F dyn_em   48:tke_1,tke_2
1363 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_OLD_E_5 dyn_em   48:tke_1
1364 halo      HALO_EM_TKE_OLD_E_7 dyn_em   80:tke_1
1365 halo      HALO_EM_B dyn_em 4:ph_2,al,p,t_1,t_save,u_save,v_save,mu_1,mu_2,mudf,php,alt,pb,h_div
1366 halo      HALO_EM_B2 dyn_em 4:ru_tend,rv_tend
1367 halo      HALO_EM_C dyn_em    4:u_2,v_2
1368 halo      HALO_EM_C2 dyn_em    4:ph_2,al,p,mu_2,muts,mudf,h_div
1369 halo      HALO_EM_D dyn_em    24:ru_m,rv_m,ww_m,mut
1370 halo      HALO_EM_D2_3 dyn_em 24:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2;24:moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_2,al
1371 halo      HALO_EM_D2_5 dyn_em 48:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2;24:moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_2,al
1372 halo      HALO_EM_D3_3 dyn_em 24:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_1,mu_2
1373 halo      HALO_EM_D3_5 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,moist,chem,scalar;4:mu_1,mu_2
1374 halo      HALO_EM_E_3 dyn_em 24:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,;4:mu_1,mu_2
1375 halo      HALO_EM_E_5 dyn_em 48:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,;4:mu_1,mu_2
1376 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_E_3 dyn_em 24:moist
1377 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_E_5 dyn_em 48:moist
1378 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_E_7 dyn_em 80:moist
1379 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_E_3 dyn_em 24:chem
1380 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_E_5 dyn_em 48:chem
1381 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_E_7 dyn_em 80:chem
1382 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_3 dyn_em 24:scalar
1383 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_5 dyn_em 48:scalar
1384 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_E_7 dyn_em 80:scalar
1386 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:moist_old
1387 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:moist_old
1388 halo      HALO_EM_MOIST_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:moist_old
1389 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:chem_old
1390 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:chem_old
1391 halo      HALO_EM_CHEM_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:chem_old
1392 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_3 dyn_em 24:scalar_old
1393 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_5 dyn_em 48:scalar_old
1394 halo      HALO_EM_SCALAR_OLD_E_7 dyn_em 80:scalar_old
1396 halo      HALO_EM_FEEDBACK   dyn_em 48:ht
1397 halo      HALO_EM_HYDRO_UV   dyn_em 8:u_2,v_2
1399 halo      HALO_EM_COUPLE_A   dyn_em 24:mub,mu_1,mu_2
1400 period    PERIOD_EM_COUPLE_A dyn_em 2:mub,mu_1,mu_2
1401 halo      HALO_EM_COUPLE_B   dyn_em 48:ph_1,ph_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,\
1402                                        moist,chem,scalar
1403 period    PERIOD_EM_COUPLE_B dyn_em 3:ph_1,ph_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,\
1404                                        moist,chem,scalar
1406 # For moving nests
1407 halo      em_shift_halo_y  dyn_em 48:imask_nostag,imask_xstag,imask_ystag,imask_xystag,u_2,v_2,t_2
1408 halo      em_shift_halo_x  dyn_em 48:imask_nostag,imask_xstag,imask_ystag,imask_xystag,u_2,v_2,t_2
1410 # For observational nudging
1411 halo      HALO_OBS_NUDGE dyn_em 24:pb,p,uratx,vratx,tratx
1413 # Periodic Boundary Communications
1415 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_INIT dyn_em 3:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,t_init,phb,ph0,php,pb,al,alt,alb,mu_1,mu_2,mub,mu0,ht,msftx,msfty,msfux,msfuy,msfvx,msfvy,msfvx_inv,sina,cosa,e,f
1416 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST dyn_em 3:moist
1417 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM dyn_em 3:chem
1418 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR dyn_em 3:scalar
1419 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST2 dyn_em 3:moist
1420 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM2 dyn_em 3:chem
1421 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR2 dyn_em 3:scalar
1422 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_MOIST_OLD dyn_em 3:moist_old
1423 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_CHEM_OLD dyn_em 3:chem_old
1424 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_SCALAR_OLD dyn_em 3:scalar_old
1425 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_TKE_OLD dyn_em 3:tke_1
1426 period    PERIOD_EM_HYDRO_UV dyn_em 1:u_2,v_2
1427 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_A dyn_em 2:ru,rv,rw,ww,php,alt,p,muu,muv,mut,ph_2,al
1428 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_A1  dyn_em 3:rdzw,rdz,z,zx,zy,ustm
1429 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_PHY_BC dyn_em 2:rublten,rvblten,xkmh,xkmv,xkhh,xkhv,div,defor11,defor22,defor12,defor13,defor23,defor33,tke_2,rdzw,rdz
1430 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_FDDA_BC dyn_em 2:rundgdten,rvndgdten
1431 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_B dyn_em 2:ru_tend,rv_tend,ph_2,al,p,t_1,t_save,u_save,v_save,mu_1,mu_2,mudf,php,alt,pb,h_div
1432 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_B3 dyn_em 2:ph_2,al,p,mu_2,muts,mudf,h_div
1433 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_B2 dyn_em 2:ru_tend,rv_tend
1434 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_C dyn_em 2:u_2,u_save,v_2,v_save,t_2,t_save,muv,msfvx,msfvy,muu,msfux,msfuy,msfvx_inv
1435 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_D dyn_em 3:u_2,v_2,w_2,t_2,ph_2,mu_2,tke_2
1436 period    PERIOD_BDY_EM_D3 dyn_em 3:u_1,u_2,v_1,v_2,w_1,w_2,t_1,t_2,ph_1,ph_2,tke_1,tke_2,mu_1,mu_2
1439 #swap SWAP_ETAMP_NEW  dyn_em 1:dz8w,p_phy,pi_phy,rho,th_phy,moist,F_ICE_PHY,F_RAIN_PHY,F_RIMEF_PHY,RAINNC,RAINNCV,SR,LOWLYR
1440 #swap SWAP_WSM3       dyn_em 1:th_phy,moist,w_2,rho,pi_phy,p_phy,dz8w,rainnc,rainncv
1441 #cycle CYCLE_TEST       dyn_em 1:xlong
1445 # FDDA (Observational-nudging) Variables
1446 typedef fdob_type integer domain_tot   # total number of domains to apply obs-nudging
1447 typedef fdob_type integer domain_init  # domain initialization flag
1448 typedef fdob_type integer IEODI        # end of obs data flag for current model step
1449 typedef fdob_type integer IWTSIG       # flag for nudging on pressure surfaces
1450 typedef fdob_type integer NSTAT        # number of obs stations used to nudge current model step
1451 typedef fdob_type integer KTAUR        # restart model step
1452 typedef fdob_type integer SN_MAXCG     # coarse domain grid dimension in south-north coordinate
1453 typedef fdob_type integer WE_MAXCG     # coarse domain grid dimension in west-east coordinate
1454 typedef fdob_type integer SN_END       # ending north-south grid index
1455 typedef fdob_type integer LEVIDN(max_domains)   # level of nest
1456 typedef fdob_type real    WINDOW       # time window half-period for nudging (in minutes) 
1457 typedef fdob_type real    RTLAST       # time in hours of last obs used in current model step
1458 typedef fdob_type real    DATEND       # time in minutes after which data are asuumed to have ended
1459 typedef fdob_type real    RINFMN       # minimum radius of influence
1460 typedef fdob_type real    RINFMX       # maximum radius of influence
1461 typedef fdob_type real    PFREE        # pressure level (cb) where terrain effect becomes small
1462 typedef fdob_type real    DCON         # 1/DPSMX
1463 typedef fdob_type real    DPSMX        # max pres change (cb) allowed within infl range of surf obs 
1464 typedef fdob_type real    TFACI        # scale factor used for ramp-down in dynamic initialization
1465 typedef fdob_type real    KNOWN_LAT    # Latitude  of origin point (i,j)=(1,1)
1466 typedef fdob_type real    KNOWN_LON    # Longitude of origin point (i,j)=(1,1)
1468 # table entries are of the form
1469 #      <Table>  <Type>  <Sym>                <Dims>   <Use>   <NumTLev> <Stagger> <IO>     <DNAME>             <DESCRIP>     <UNITS>
1470 #Grid variables
1471 typedef fdob_type real    varobs               rz       -         1        -       -       "varobs"          "observational values in each variable"
1472 typedef fdob_type real    errf                 hz       -         1        -       -       "errf"            "errors between model and obs values"
1473 typedef fdob_type real    timeob               z        -         1        -       -       "timeob"          "model times for each observation"          "hours"
1474 typedef fdob_type real    nlevs_ob             z        -         1        -       -       "nlevs_ob"        "numbers of levels in sounding obs"
1475 typedef fdob_type real    lev_in_ob            z        -         1        -       -       "lev_in_ob"       "level in sounding-type obs"
1476 typedef fdob_type real    plfo                 z        -         1        -       -       "plfo"            "index for type of obs-platform"
1477 typedef fdob_type real    elevob               z        -         1        -       -       "elevob"          "elevation of observation"                  "meters"
1478 typedef fdob_type real    rio                  z        -         1        -       -       "rio"             "west-east grid coordinate"
1479 typedef fdob_type real    rjo                  z        -         1        -       -       "rjo"             "south-north grid coordinate"
1480 typedef fdob_type real    rko                  z        -         1        -       -       "rko"             "vertical grid coordinate"
1482 state fdob_type fdob - -
1484 # xpose variables for polar fft
1485 state    real   t_xxx          ikjx    -           1        -
1486 state    real   u_xxx          ikjx    -           1        X
1487 state    real   ru_xxx         ikjx    -           1        X
1488 state    real   v_xxx          ikjx    -           1        Y
1489 state    real   rv_xxx         ikjx    -           1        Y
1490 state    real   w_xxx          ikjx    -           1        Z
1491 state    real   ww_xxx         ikjx    -           1        Z
1492 state    real   ph_xxx         ikjx    -           1        Z
1493 state    real   dum_yyy        ikjy    -           1        -
1494 state    real   fourd_xxx      ikjx    -           1        -
1495 state    real   clat_xxx       ijx     -           1        -
1496 state    real   ht_xxx         ijx     -           1        -
1497 state    real   mf_xxx         ijx     -           1        -
1499 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_TOPO dyn_em t_init,t_xxx,dum_yyy
1500 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_T  dyn_em t_2,t_xxx,dum_yyy
1501 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_U  dyn_em u_2,u_xxx,dum_yyy
1502 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_RU dyn_em ru_m,ru_xxx,dum_yyy
1503 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_V  dyn_em v_2,v_xxx,dum_yyy
1504 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_RV dyn_em rv_m,rv_xxx,dum_yyy
1505 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_W  dyn_em w_2,w_xxx,dum_yyy
1506 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_WW dyn_em ww_m,ww_xxx,dum_yyy
1507 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_PH dyn_em ph_2,ph_xxx,dum_yyy
1508 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_MOIST dyn_em moist,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy
1509 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_CHEM dyn_em chem,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy
1510 xpose XPOSE_POLAR_FILTER_SCALAR dyn_em scalar,fourd_xxx,dum_yyy