Worldwind public release 0.2
[worldwind-tracker.git] / gov / nasa / worldwind / globes /
1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 2001, 2006 United States Government
3 as represented by the Administrator of the
4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
5 All Rights Reserved.
6 */
7 package gov.nasa.worldwind.globes;
9 import com.sun.opengl.util.*;
10 import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
11 import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
13 import*;
14 import java.nio.*;
15 import java.util.*;
17 /**
18 * @author tag
19 * @version $Id: 1787 2007-05-08 17:11:30Z dcollins $
21 public class EllipsoidRectangularTessellator extends WWObjectImpl implements Tessellator
23 // TODO: Make all this configurable
24 private static final int DEFAULT_DENSITY = 24;
25 private static final double DEFAULT_LOG10_RESOLUTION_TARGET = 1.3;
26 private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL = 12;
27 private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_LAT_SUBDIVISIONS = 5;
28 private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_LON_SUBDIVISIONS = 10;
30 private static class RenderInfo
32 private final int density;
33 private final Point referenceCenter;
34 private final DoubleBuffer vertices;
35 private final DoubleBuffer texCoords;
36 private final IntBuffer indices;
37 private final int resolution;
39 private RenderInfo(int density, DoubleBuffer vertices, DoubleBuffer texCoords, Point refCenter, int resolution)
41 this.density = density;
42 this.vertices = vertices;
43 this.texCoords = texCoords;
44 this.referenceCenter = refCenter;
45 this.indices = RectTile.getIndices(this.density);
46 this.resolution = resolution;
49 private long getSizeInBytes()
51 return 16 + (this.vertices.limit() + this.texCoords.limit()) * Double.SIZE;
55 private static class CacheKey
57 private final Sector sector;
58 private int resolution;
59 private final double verticalExaggeration;
60 private int density;
62 private CacheKey(RectTile tile, int resolution, double verticalExaggeration, int density)
64 this.sector = tile.sector;
65 this.resolution = resolution;
66 this.verticalExaggeration = verticalExaggeration;
67 this.density = density;
70 @Override
71 public String toString()
73 return "density " + this.density + " ve " + this.verticalExaggeration + " resolution " + this.resolution
74 + " sector " + this.sector;
77 public boolean equals(Object o)
79 if (this == o)
80 return true;
81 if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
82 return false;
84 CacheKey cacheKey = (CacheKey) o;
86 if (density != cacheKey.density)
87 return false;
88 if (resolution != cacheKey.resolution)
89 return false;
90 if (, verticalExaggeration) != 0)
91 return false;
92 //noinspection RedundantIfStatement
93 if (sector != null ? !sector.equals(cacheKey.sector) : cacheKey.sector != null)
94 return false;
96 return true;
99 public int hashCode()
101 int result;
102 long temp;
103 result = (sector != null ? sector.hashCode() : 0);
104 result = 31 * result + resolution;
105 temp = verticalExaggeration != +0.0d ? Double.doubleToLongBits(verticalExaggeration) : 0L;
106 result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32));
107 result = 31 * result + density;
108 return result;
112 private static class RectTile implements SectorGeometry
114 private static final HashMap<Integer, DoubleBuffer> parameterizations = new HashMap<Integer, DoubleBuffer>();
115 private static final HashMap<Integer, IntBuffer> indexLists = new HashMap<Integer, IntBuffer>();
117 private final Globe globe;
118 private final int level;
119 private final Sector sector;
120 private final Cylinder extent; // extent of triangle in object coordinates
121 private final int density;
122 private final double log10CellSize;
123 private long byteSize;
124 private RenderInfo ri;
126 private PickSupport pickSupport = new PickSupport();
127 private int minColorCode = 0;
128 private int maxColorCode = 0;
130 public RectTile(Globe globe, int level, int density, Sector sector)
132 this.globe = globe;
133 this.level = level;
134 this.density = density;
135 this.sector = sector;
136 this.extent = Sector.computeBoundingCylinder(globe, 1d, this.getSector());
137 double cellSize = (sector.getDeltaLatRadians() * globe.getRadius()) / density;
138 this.log10CellSize = Math.log10(cellSize);
141 public Sector getSector()
143 return this.sector;
146 public Extent getExtent()
148 return this.extent;
151 public long getSizeInBytes()
153 return this.byteSize;
156 private RectTile[] split()
158 Sector[] sectors = this.sector.subdivide();
160 RectTile[] subTiles = new RectTile[4];
161 subTiles[0] = new RectTile(this.globe, this.level + 1, this.density, sectors[0]);
162 subTiles[1] = new RectTile(this.globe, this.level + 1, this.density, sectors[1]);
163 subTiles[2] = new RectTile(this.globe, this.level + 1, this.density, sectors[2]);
164 subTiles[3] = new RectTile(this.globe, this.level + 1, this.density, sectors[3]);
166 return subTiles;
169 private void makeVerts(DrawContext dc)
171 int resolution = dc.getGlobe().getElevationModel().getTargetResolution(dc, this.sector, this.density);
173 if (this.ri != null && this.ri.resolution >= resolution)
174 return;
176 CacheKey cacheKey = new CacheKey(this, resolution, dc.getVerticalExaggeration(), this.density);
177 this.ri = (RenderInfo) WorldWind.memoryCache().getObject(cacheKey);
178 if (this.ri != null)
179 return;
181 this.ri = this.buildVerts(dc, this.density, resolution, true);
182 if (this.ri != null && this.ri.resolution >= 0)//&& this.ri.elevationsFullyResolved)
183 WorldWind.memoryCache().add(this.ri.resolution, this.ri, this.byteSize = this.ri.getSizeInBytes());
186 private RenderInfo buildVerts(DrawContext dc, int density, int resolution, boolean makeSkirts)
188 int numVertices = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
189 java.nio.DoubleBuffer verts = BufferUtil.newDoubleBuffer(numVertices * 3);
191 Globe globe = dc.getGlobe();
192 ElevationModel.Elevations elevations = globe.getElevationModel().getElevations(this.sector, resolution);
194 double latMin = this.sector.getMinLatitude().radians;
195 double latMax = this.sector.getMaxLatitude().radians;
196 double dLat = (latMax - latMin) / density;
198 double lonMin = this.sector.getMinLongitude().radians;
199 double lonMax = this.sector.getMaxLongitude().radians;
200 double dLon = (lonMax - lonMin) / density;
202 int iv = 0;
203 double lat = latMin;
204 double verticalExaggeration = dc.getVerticalExaggeration();
205 double exaggeratedMinElevation = makeSkirts ? globe.getMinElevation() * verticalExaggeration : 0;
206 double equatorialRadius = globe.getEquatorialRadius();
207 double eccentricity = globe.getEccentricitySquared();
209 LatLon centroid = sector.getCentroid();
210 Point refCenter = globe.computePointFromPosition(centroid.getLatitude(), centroid.getLongitude(), 0d);
212 for (int j = 0; j <= density + 2; j++)
214 double cosLat = Math.cos(lat);
215 double sinLat = Math.sin(lat);
216 double rpm = equatorialRadius / Math.sqrt(1.0 - eccentricity * sinLat * sinLat);
217 double lon = lonMin;
218 for (int i = 0; i <= density + 2; i++)
220 double elevation = verticalExaggeration * elevations.getElevation(lat, lon);
221 if (j == 0 || j >= density + 2 || i == 0 || i >= density + 2)
222 { // use abs to account for negative elevation.
223 elevation -= exaggeratedMinElevation >= 0 ? exaggeratedMinElevation : -exaggeratedMinElevation;
226 double x = ((rpm + elevation) * cosLat * Math.sin(lon)) - refCenter.getX();
227 double y = ((rpm * (1.0 - eccentricity) + elevation) * sinLat) - refCenter.getY();
228 double z = ((rpm + elevation) * cosLat * Math.cos(lon)) - refCenter.getZ();
230 verts.put(iv++, x).put(iv++, y).put(iv++, z);
232 if (i > density)
233 lon = lonMax;
234 else if (i != 0)
235 lon += dLon;
237 if (j > density)
238 lat = latMax;
239 else if (j != 0)
240 lat += dLat;
243 return new RenderInfo(density, verts, getParameterization(density), refCenter, elevations.getResolution());
246 public void renderMultiTexture(DrawContext dc, int numTextureUnits)
248 if (dc == null)
250 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
251 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
252 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
255 if (numTextureUnits < 1)
257 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("generic.NumTextureUnitsLessThanOne");
258 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
259 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
262 this.render(dc, numTextureUnits);
265 public void render(DrawContext dc)
267 if (dc == null)
269 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
270 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
271 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
274 this.render(dc, 1);
277 private long render(DrawContext dc, int numTextureUnits)
279 if (this.ri == null)
281 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.RenderInfoIsNull");
282 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
283 throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
286 dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, ri.referenceCenter);
288 GL gl = dc.getGL();
289 gl.glPushClientAttrib(GL.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT);
290 gl.glEnableClientState(GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
291 gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_DOUBLE, 0, this.ri.vertices.rewind());
293 for (int i = 0; i < numTextureUnits; i++)
295 gl.glClientActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0 + i);
296 gl.glEnableClientState(GL.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
297 gl.glTexCoordPointer(2, GL.GL_DOUBLE, 0, ri.texCoords.rewind());
300 gl.glDrawElements(, this.ri.indices.limit(),
301, this.ri.indices.rewind());
303 gl.glPopClientAttrib();
305 dc.getView().popReferenceCenter(dc);
307 return this.ri.indices.limit() - 2; // return number of triangles rendered
310 public void renderWireframe(DrawContext dc, boolean showTriangles, boolean showTileBoundary)
312 if (dc == null)
314 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
315 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
316 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
319 if (this.ri == null)
321 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.RenderInfoIsNull");
322 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
323 throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
326 java.nio.IntBuffer indices = getIndices(this.ri.density);
327 indices.rewind();
329 dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, this.ri.referenceCenter);
331 gl = dc.getGL();
332 gl.glPushAttrib(
334 gl.glEnable(GL.GL_BLEND);
335 gl.glBlendFunc(GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE);
336 gl.glDisable(;
337 gl.glEnable(;
338 gl.glCullFace(;
339 gl.glDisable(;
340 gl.glColor4d(1d, 1d, 1d, 0.2);
341 gl.glPolygonMode(,;
343 if (showTriangles)
345 gl.glPushClientAttrib(GL.GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT);
346 gl.glEnableClientState(GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
348 gl.glVertexPointer(3, GL.GL_DOUBLE, 0, this.ri.vertices);
349 gl.glDrawElements(, indices.limit(),
350, indices);
352 gl.glPopClientAttrib();
355 dc.getView().popReferenceCenter(dc);
357 if (showTileBoundary)
358 this.renderPatchBoundary(dc, gl);
360 gl.glPopAttrib();
363 private void renderPatchBoundary(DrawContext dc, GL gl)
365 // TODO: Currently only works if called from renderWireframe because no state is set here.
366 // TODO: Draw the boundary using the vertices along the boundary rather than just at the corners.
367 gl.glColor4d(1d, 0, 0, 1d);
368 Point[] corners = this.sector.computeCornerPoints(dc.getGlobe());
370 gl.glBegin(;
371 gl.glVertex3d(corners[0].x(), corners[0].y(), corners[0].z());
372 gl.glVertex3d(corners[1].x(), corners[1].y(), corners[1].z());
373 gl.glVertex3d(corners[2].x(), corners[2].y(), corners[2].z());
374 gl.glVertex3d(corners[3].x(), corners[3].y(), corners[3].z());
375 gl.glEnd();
378 public void renderBoundingVolume(DrawContext dc)
380 ((Cylinder) this.getExtent()).render(dc);
383 public void pick(DrawContext dc, java.awt.Point pickPoint)
385 if (this.ri == null)
386 return;
388 renderTrianglesWithUniqueColors(dc, ri);
390 int colorCode = pickSupport.getTopColor(dc, pickPoint);
391 if (colorCode < minColorCode || colorCode > maxColorCode)
392 return;
394 double EPSILON = (double) 0.00001f;
396 int triangleIndex = colorCode - minColorCode - 1;
398 if ((null != ri.indices) && (triangleIndex < ri.indices.capacity() - 2))
400 double centerX = ri.referenceCenter.getX();
401 double centerY = ri.referenceCenter.getY();
402 double centerZ = ri.referenceCenter.getZ();
404 int vIndex = 3 * ri.indices.get(triangleIndex);
405 Point v0 = new Point((ri.vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerX),
406 (ri.vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerY),
407 (ri.vertices.get(vIndex) + centerZ));
409 vIndex = 3 * ri.indices.get(triangleIndex + 1);
410 Point v1 = new Point((ri.vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerX),
411 (ri.vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerY),
412 (ri.vertices.get(vIndex) + centerZ));
414 vIndex = 3 * ri.indices.get(triangleIndex + 2);
415 Point v2 = new Point((ri.vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerX),
416 (ri.vertices.get(vIndex++) + centerY),
417 (ri.vertices.get(vIndex) + centerZ));
419 // get triangle edge vectors and plane normal
420 Point e1 = v1.subtract(v0);
421 Point e2 = v2.subtract(v0);
422 Point N = e1.cross(e2); // if N is 0, the triangle is degenerate, we are not dealing with it
424 Line ray = dc.getView().computeRayFromScreenPoint(pickPoint.getX(), pickPoint.getY());
426 Point w0 = ray.getOrigin().subtract(v0);
427 double a =;
428 double b =;
429 if (java.lang.Math.abs(b) < EPSILON) // ray is parallel to triangle plane
430 return; // if a == 0 , ray lies in triangle plane
431 double r = a / b;
433 Point intersect = ray.getOrigin().add(ray.getDirection().multiply(r));
434 Position pp = dc.getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(intersect);
436 // Draw the elevation from the elevation model, not the geode.
437 double elev = dc.getGlobe().getElevation(pp.getLatitude(), pp.getLongitude());
438 Position p = new Position(pp.getLatitude(), pp.getLongitude(), elev);
440 PickedObject po = new PickedObject(colorCode, p, pp.getLatitude(), pp.getLongitude(), elev, true);
441 dc.addPickedObject(po);
445 private void renderTrianglesWithUniqueColors(DrawContext dc, RenderInfo ri)
447 if (dc == null)
449 String message = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
450 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, message);
451 throw new IllegalStateException(message);
454 if (ri.vertices == null)
455 return;
457 ri.vertices.rewind();
458 ri.indices.rewind();
460 gl = dc.getGL();
462 if (null != ri.referenceCenter)
463 dc.getView().pushReferenceCenter(dc, ri.referenceCenter);
465 minColorCode = dc.getUniquePickColor().getRGB();
466 int trianglesNum = ri.indices.capacity() - 2;
468 gl.glBegin(GL.GL_TRIANGLES);
469 for (int i = 0; i < trianglesNum; i++)
471 java.awt.Color color = dc.getUniquePickColor();
472 gl.glColor3ub((byte) (color.getRed() & 0xFF),
473 (byte) (color.getGreen() & 0xFF),
474 (byte) (color.getBlue() & 0xFF));
476 int vIndex = 3 * ri.indices.get(i);
477 gl.glVertex3d(ri.vertices.get(vIndex), ri.vertices.get(vIndex + 1), ri.vertices.get(
478 vIndex + 2));
480 vIndex = 3 * ri.indices.get(i + 1);
481 gl.glVertex3d(ri.vertices.get(vIndex), ri.vertices.get(vIndex + 1), ri.vertices.get(
482 vIndex + 2));
484 vIndex = 3 * ri.indices.get(i + 2);
485 gl.glVertex3d(ri.vertices.get(vIndex), ri.vertices.get(vIndex + 1), ri.vertices.get(
486 vIndex + 2));
488 gl.glEnd();
489 maxColorCode = dc.getUniquePickColor().getRGB();
491 if (null != ri.referenceCenter)
492 dc.getView().popReferenceCenter(dc);
495 public Point getSurfacePoint(Angle latitude, Angle longitude, double metersOffset)
497 if (latitude == null || longitude == null)
499 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.LatLonIsNull");
500 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
501 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
504 if (!this.sector.contains(latitude, longitude))
506 // not on this geometry
507 return null;
510 if (this.ri == null)
511 return null;
513 double lat = latitude.getDegrees();
514 double lon = longitude.getDegrees();
516 double bottom = this.sector.getMinLatitude().getDegrees();
517 double top = this.sector.getMaxLatitude().getDegrees();
518 double left = this.sector.getMinLongitude().getDegrees();
519 double right = this.sector.getMaxLongitude().getDegrees();
521 double leftDecimal = (lon - left) / (right - left);
522 double bottomDecimal = (lat - bottom) / (top - bottom);
524 int row = (int) (bottomDecimal * (this.density));
525 int column = (int) (leftDecimal * (this.density));
527 double l = createPosition(column, leftDecimal, ri.density);
528 double h = createPosition(row, bottomDecimal, ri.density);
530 Point result = RectTile.interpolate(row, column, l, h, ri);
531 result = result.add(ri.referenceCenter);
532 if (metersOffset != 0)
533 result = applyOffset(this.globe, result, metersOffset);
535 return result;
539 * Offsets <code>point</code> by <code>metersOffset</code> meters.
541 * @param globe the <code>Globe</code> from which to offset
542 * @param point the <code>Point</code> to offset
543 * @param metersOffset the magnitude of the offset
544 * @return <code>point</code> offset along its surface normal as if it were on <code>globe</code>
546 private static Point applyOffset(Globe globe, Point point, double metersOffset)
548 Point normal = globe.computeSurfaceNormalAtPoint(point);
549 point = Point.fromOriginAndDirection(metersOffset, normal, point);
550 return point;
554 * Computes from a column (or row) number, and a given offset ranged [0,1] corresponding to the distance along
555 * the edge of this sector, where between this column and the next column the corresponding position will fall,
556 * in the range [0,1].
558 * @param start the number of the column or row to the left, below or on this position
559 * @param decimal the distance from the left or bottom of the current sector that this position falls
560 * @param density the number of intervals along the sector's side
561 * @return a decimal ranged [0,1] representing the position between two columns or rows, rather than between two
562 * edges of the sector
564 private static double createPosition(int start, double decimal, int density)
566 double l = ((double) start) / (double) density;
567 double r = ((double) (start + 1)) / (double) density;
569 return (decimal - l) / (r - l);
573 * Calculates a <code>Point</code> that sits at <code>xDec</code> offset from <code>column</code> to
574 * <code>column + 1</code> and at <code>yDec</code> offset from <code>row</code> to <code>row + 1</code>.
575 * Accounts for the diagonals.
577 * @param row represents the row which corresponds to a <code>yDec</code> value of 0
578 * @param column represents the column which corresponds to an <code>xDec</code> value of 0
579 * @param xDec constrained to [0,1]
580 * @param yDec constrained to [0,1]
581 * @param ri the render info holding the vertices, etc.
582 * @return a <code>Point</code> geometrically within or on the boundary of the quadrilateral whose bottom left
583 * corner is indexed by (<code>row</code>, <code>column</code>)
585 private static Point interpolate(int row, int column, double xDec, double yDec, RenderInfo ri)
587 row++;
588 column++;
590 int numVerticesPerEdge = ri.density + 3;
592 int bottomLeft = row * numVerticesPerEdge + column;
594 bottomLeft *= 3;
596 int numVertsTimesThree = numVerticesPerEdge * 3;
598 Point bL = new Point(ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft), ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 1), ri.vertices.get(
599 bottomLeft + 2));
600 Point bR = new Point(ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 3), ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 4),
601 ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 5));
603 bottomLeft += numVertsTimesThree;
605 Point tL = new Point(ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft), ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 1), ri.vertices.get(
606 bottomLeft + 2));
607 Point tR = new Point(ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 3), ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 4),
608 ri.vertices.get(bottomLeft + 5));
610 return interpolate(bL, bR, tR, tL, xDec, yDec);
614 * Calculates the point at (xDec, yDec) in the two triangles defined by {bL, bR, tL} and {bR, tR, tL}. If
615 * thought of as a quadrilateral, the diagonal runs from tL to bR. Of course, this isn't a quad, it's two
616 * triangles.
618 * @param bL the bottom left corner
619 * @param bR the bottom right corner
620 * @param tR the top right corner
621 * @param tL the top left corner
622 * @param xDec how far along, [0,1] 0 = left edge, 1 = right edge
623 * @param yDec how far along, [0,1] 0 = bottom edge, 1 = top edge
624 * @return the point xDec, yDec in the co-ordinate system defined by bL, bR, tR, tL
626 private static Point interpolate(Point bL, Point bR, Point tR, Point tL, double xDec, double yDec)
628 double pos = xDec + yDec;
629 if (pos == 1)
631 // on the diagonal - what's more, we don't need to do any "oneMinusT" calculation
632 return new Point(tL.x() * yDec + bR.x() * xDec, tL.y() * yDec + bR.y() * xDec,
633 tL.z() * yDec + bR.z() * xDec);
635 else if (pos > 1)
637 // in the "top right" half
639 // vectors pointing from top right towards the point we want (can be thought of as "negative" vectors)
640 Point horizontalVector = (tL.subtract(tR)).multiply(1 - xDec);
641 Point verticalVector = (bR.subtract(tR)).multiply(1 - yDec);
643 return tR.add(horizontalVector).add(verticalVector);
645 else
647 // pos < 1 - in the "bottom left" half
649 // vectors pointing from the bottom left towards the point we want
650 Point horizontalVector = (bR.subtract(bL)).multiply(xDec);
651 Point verticalVector = (tL.subtract(bL)).multiply(yDec);
653 return bL.add(horizontalVector).add(verticalVector);
657 public String toString()
659 return "level " + this.level + ", density " + this.density + ", sector " + this.sector;
662 protected static java.nio.DoubleBuffer getParameterization(int density)
664 if (density < 1)
666 density = 1;
669 // Approximate 1 to avoid shearing off of right and top skirts in SurfaceTileRenderer.
670 // TODO: dig into this more: why are the skirts being sheared off?
671 final double one = 0.999999;
673 java.nio.DoubleBuffer p = parameterizations.get(density);
674 if (p != null)
675 return p;
677 int coordCount = (density + 3) * (density + 3);
678 p = com.sun.opengl.util.BufferUtil.newDoubleBuffer(2 * coordCount);
679 double delta = 1d / density;
680 int k = 2 * (density + 3);
681 for (int j = 0; j < density; j++)
683 double v = j * delta;
685 // skirt column; duplicate first column
686 p.put(k++, 0d);
687 p.put(k++, v);
689 // interior columns
690 for (int i = 0; i < density; i++)
692 p.put(k++, i * delta); // u
693 p.put(k++, v);
696 // last interior column; force u to 1.
697 p.put(k++, one);//1d);
698 p.put(k++, v);
700 // skirt column; duplicate previous column
701 p.put(k++, one);//1d);
702 p.put(k++, v);
705 // Last interior row
706 //noinspection UnnecessaryLocalVariable
707 double v = one;//1d;
708 p.put(k++, 0d); // skirt column
709 p.put(k++, v);
711 for (int i = 0; i < density; i++)
713 p.put(k++, i * delta); // u
714 p.put(k++, v);
716 p.put(k++, one);//1d); // last interior column
717 p.put(k++, v);
719 p.put(k++, one);//1d); // skirt column
720 p.put(k++, v);
722 // last skirt row
723 int kk = k - 2 * (density + 3);
724 for (int i = 0; i < density + 3; i++)
726 p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
727 p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
730 // first skirt row
731 k = 0;
732 kk = 2 * (density + 3);
733 for (int i = 0; i < density + 3; i++)
735 p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
736 p.put(k++, p.get(kk++));
739 parameterizations.put(density, p);
741 return p;
744 private static java.nio.IntBuffer getIndices(int density)
746 if (density < 1)
747 density = 1;
749 // return a pre-computed buffer if possible.
750 java.nio.IntBuffer buffer = indexLists.get(density);
751 if (buffer != null)
752 return buffer;
754 int sideSize = density + 2;
756 int indexCount = 2 * sideSize * sideSize + 4 * sideSize - 2;
757 buffer = com.sun.opengl.util.BufferUtil.newIntBuffer(indexCount);
758 int k = 0;
759 for (int i = 0; i < sideSize; i++)
761 buffer.put(k);
762 if (i > 0)
764 buffer.put(++k);
765 buffer.put(k);
768 if (i % 2 == 0) // even
770 buffer.put(++k);
771 for (int j = 0; j < sideSize; j++)
773 k += sideSize;
774 buffer.put(k);
775 buffer.put(++k);
778 else // odd
780 buffer.put(--k);
781 for (int j = 0; j < sideSize; j++)
783 k -= sideSize;
784 buffer.put(k);
785 buffer.put(--k);
790 indexLists.put(density, buffer);
792 return buffer;
796 private final java.util.ArrayList<RectTile> topLevels;
797 private SectorGeometryList currentTiles = new SectorGeometryList();
798 private Frustum currentFrustum;
799 private int currentLevel;
800 private int maxLevel = DEFAULT_MAX_LEVEL;//14; // TODO: Make configurable
801 private Sector sector; // union of all tiles selected during call to render()
802 private int density = DEFAULT_DENSITY; // TODO: make configurable
804 public EllipsoidRectangularTessellator(Globe globe)
806 this.topLevels = createTopLevelTiles(globe, DEFAULT_NUM_LAT_SUBDIVISIONS, DEFAULT_NUM_LON_SUBDIVISIONS);
809 public Sector getSector()
811 return this.sector;
814 private ArrayList<RectTile> createTopLevelTiles(Globe globe, int nRows, int nCols)
816 ArrayList<RectTile> tops = new ArrayList<RectTile>(nRows * nCols);
818 double deltaLat = 180d / nRows;
819 double deltaLon = 360d / nCols;
820 Angle lastLat = Angle.NEG90;
822 for (int row = 0; row < DEFAULT_NUM_LAT_SUBDIVISIONS; row++)
824 Angle lat = lastLat.addDegrees(deltaLat);
825 if (lat.getDegrees() + 1d > 90d)
826 lat = Angle.POS90;
828 Angle lastLon = Angle.NEG180;
830 for (int col = 0; col < DEFAULT_NUM_LON_SUBDIVISIONS; col++)
832 Angle lon = lastLon.addDegrees(deltaLon);
833 if (lon.getDegrees() + 1d > 180d)
834 lon = Angle.POS180;
836 tops.add(new RectTile(globe, 0, this.density, new Sector(lastLat, lat, lastLon, lon)));
837 lastLon = lon;
839 lastLat = lat;
842 return tops;
845 public SectorGeometryList tessellate(DrawContext dc)
847 if (dc == null)
849 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
850 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
851 throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
854 if (dc.getView() == null)
856 String msg = WorldWind.retrieveErrMsg("nullValue.ViewIsNull");
857 WorldWind.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINE, msg);
858 throw new IllegalStateException(msg);
861 this.currentTiles.clear();
862 this.currentLevel = 0;
863 this.sector = null;
865 this.currentFrustum = dc.getView().getFrustumInModelCoordinates();
866 for (RectTile tile : topLevels)
868 this.selectVisibleTiles(dc, tile);
871 dc.setVisibleSector(this.getSector());
873 for (SectorGeometry tile : this.currentTiles)
875 ((RectTile) tile).makeVerts(dc);
878 return this.currentTiles;
881 private void selectVisibleTiles(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
883 if (!tile.getExtent().intersects(this.currentFrustum))
884 return;
886 if (this.currentLevel < this.maxLevel && needToSplit(dc, tile))
888 ++this.currentLevel;
889 RectTile[] subtiles = tile.split();
890 for (RectTile child : subtiles)
892 this.selectVisibleTiles(dc, child);
894 --this.currentLevel;
895 return;
897 this.sector = tile.getSector().union(this.sector);
898 this.currentTiles.add(tile);
901 private static boolean needToSplit(DrawContext dc, RectTile tile)
903 Point[] corners = tile.sector.computeCornerPoints(dc.getGlobe());
904 Point centerPoint = tile.sector.computeCenterPoint(dc.getGlobe());
906 View view = dc.getView();
907 double d1 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo(corners[0]);
908 double d2 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo(corners[1]);
909 double d3 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo(corners[2]);
910 double d4 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo(corners[3]);
911 double d5 = view.getEyePoint().distanceTo(centerPoint);
913 double minDistance = d1;
914 if (d2 < minDistance)
915 minDistance = d2;
916 if (d3 < minDistance)
917 minDistance = d3;
918 if (d4 < minDistance)
919 minDistance = d4;
920 if (d5 < minDistance)
921 minDistance = d5;
923 double logDist = Math.log10(minDistance);
924 boolean useTile = tile.log10CellSize <= (logDist - DEFAULT_LOG10_RESOLUTION_TARGET);
926 return !useTile;
929 public static void main(String[] args)
931 int density = 5;
933 DoubleBuffer tcs = RectTile.getParameterization(density);
934 IntBuffer indices = RectTile.getIndices(density);
936 tcs.rewind();
937 indices.rewind();
938 for (int i = 0; i < indices.limit(); i++)
940 int index = indices.get(i);
941 System.out.println(index + ": " + tcs.get(2 * index) + ", " + tcs.get(2 * index + 1));