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[wnstats.git] / public / javascripts / jqplot / examples / point-labels.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
3 <html>
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6 <title>Data Point labels</title>
8 <link class="include" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../jquery.jqplot.min.css" />
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34 <style type="text/css">
35 #chart3 .jqplot-point-label {
36 border: 1.5px solid #aaaaaa;
37 padding: 1px 3px;
38 background-color: #eeccdd;
40 </style>
42 <!-- Example scripts go here -->
43 <P>The pointLabels plugin places labels on the plot at the data point locations. Labeles can use the series data array or a separate labels array. If using the series data, the last value in the data point array is used as the label by default.</p>
45 <div id="chart1" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>
47 <pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>
49 <P>Additional data can be added to the series and it will be used for labels. If additional data is provided, each data point must have a value for the label, even if it is "null".</p>
51 <div id="chart2" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>
53 <pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>
55 <P>Labels work with Bar charts as well. Here, the Labels have been supplied through the "labels" array on the "pointLabels" option to the series. Also, additional css styling has been provided to the labels.</p>
57 <div id="chart3" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>
59 <pre class="prettyprint brush: html">
60 <style type="text/css">
61 #chart3 .jqplot-point-label {
62 border: 1.5px solid #aaaaaa;
63 padding: 1px 3px;
64 background-color: #eeccdd;
66 </style>
67 </pre>
68 <pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>
70 <P>Point labels can be used on stacked bar charts. If no labels array is specified, they will use data from the chart. Values can be displayed individually for each series (stackedValue option is false, the default), or cumulative values for all series can be displayed (stackedValue option is true).</p>
72 <div id="chart4" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>
74 <pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>
76 <P>Data point labels have an "edgeTolerance" option. This options controls how close the data point label can be to an axis edge and still be drawn. The default of 0 allows labels to touch the axis. Positive values will increase the required distance between the axis and label, negative values will allow labels to overlap axes.</p>
78 <div id="chart5" style="height:300px; width:500px;"></div>
80 <pre class="code prettyprint brush: js"></pre>
82 <script class="code" type="text/javascript">
83 $(document).ready(function(){
84 var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40, 47, 53, 67];
85 var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [line1], {
86 title: 'Chart with Point Labels',
87 seriesDefaults: {
88 showMarker:false,
89 pointLabels: { show:true }
91 });
92 });
93 </script>
96 <script class="code" type="text/javascript">
97 $(document).ready(function(){
98 var line1 = [[-12, 7, null], [-3, 14, null], [2, -1, '(low)'],
99 [7, -1, '(low)'], [11, 11, null], [13, -1, '(low)']];
100 var plot2 = $.jqplot('chart2', [line1], {
101 title: 'Point Labels From Extra Series Data',
102 seriesDefaults: {
103 showMarker:false,
104 pointLabels:{ show:true, location:'s', ypadding:3 }
106 axes:{ yaxis:{ pad: 1.3 } }
109 </script>
112 <script class="code" type="text/javascript">
113 $(document).ready(function(){
114 var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40];
115 var plot3 = $.jqplot('chart3', [line1], {
116 title: 'Bar Chart with Point Labels',
117 seriesDefaults: {renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer},
118 series:[
119 {pointLabels:{
120 show: true,
121 labels:['fourteen', 'thirty two', 'fourty one', 'fourty four', 'fourty']
122 }}],
123 axes: {
124 xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer},
125 yaxis:{padMax:1.3}}
128 </script>
130 <script class="code" type="text/javascript">
131 $(document).ready(function(){
132 var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40, 37, 29];
133 var line2 = [7, 12, 15, 17, 20, 27, 39];
134 var plot4 = $.jqplot('chart4', [line1, line2], {
135 title: 'Stacked Bar Chart with Cumulative Point Labels',
136 stackSeries: true,
137 seriesDefaults: {
138 renderer: $.jqplot.BarRenderer,
139 rendererOptions:{barMargin: 25},
140 pointLabels:{show:true, stackedValue: true}
142 axes: {
143 xaxis:{renderer:$.jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer}
147 </script>
150 <script class="code" type="text/javascript">
151 $(document).ready(function(){
152 var line1 = [14, 32, 41, 44, 40, 47, 53, 67];
153 var plot5 = $.jqplot('chart5', [line1], {
154 title: 'Chart with Point Labels',
155 seriesDefaults: {
156 showMarker:false,
157 pointLabels: {
158 show: true,
159 edgeTolerance: 5
161 axes:{
162 xaxis:{min:3}
166 </script>
168 <!-- End example scripts -->
170 <!-- Don't touch this! -->
173 <script class="include" type="text/javascript" src="../jquery.jqplot.min.js"></script>
174 <script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shCore.min.js"></script>
175 <script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushJScript.min.js"></script>
176 <script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushXml.min.js"></script>
177 <!-- End Don't touch this! -->
179 <!-- Additional plugins go here -->
180 <script class="include" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.barRenderer.min.js"></script>
181 <script class="include" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.categoryAxisRenderer.min.js"></script>
182 <script class="include" language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jqplot.pointLabels.min.js"></script>
184 <!-- End additional plugins -->
187 </div>
188 <script type="text/javascript" src="example.min.js"></script>
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