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</div><div class=SBorder
><table border=
0 cellspacing=
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0 class=STable
><tr class=
"SMain"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay" >$.jqplot.
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.objects" id=link1
"ShowTip(event, 'tt1', 'link1')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.name" >name
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Optional name for the overlay object.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.show" >show
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>true to show (draw), false to not draw.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.lineWidth" >lineWidth
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Width of the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.lineCap" >lineCap
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Type of ending placed on the line [
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.color" >color
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>color of the line
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.shadow" >shadow
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>wether or not to draw a shadow on the line
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.shadowAngle" >shadowAngle
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Shadow angle in degrees
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.shadowOffset" >shadowOffset
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Shadow offset from line in pixels
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.shadowDepth" >shadowDepth
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.shadowAlpha" >shadowAlpha
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Alpha channel transparency of shadow.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.xaxis" >xaxis
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>X axis to use for positioning/scaling the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.yaxis" >yaxis
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Y axis to use for positioning/scaling the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.showTooltip" >showTooltip
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Show a tooltip with data point values.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.showTooltipPrecision" >showTooltipPrecision
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Controls how close to line cursor must be to show tooltip.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.tooltipLocation" >tooltipLocation
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Where to position tooltip,
’</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.fadeTooltip" >fadeTooltip
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>true = fade in/out tooltip, flase = show/hide tooltip
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.tooltipFadeSpeed" >tooltipFadeSpeed
</a></td><td class=SDescription
’, or number of milliseconds.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.tooltipOffset" >tooltipOffset
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Pixel offset of tooltip from the highlight.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#$.jqplot.CanvasOverlay.tooltipFormatString" id=link2
"ShowTip(event, 'tt2', 'link2')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Format string passed the x and y values of the cursor on the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SClass"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line" >Line
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>A straight line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line.start" >start
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>[x, y] coordinates for the start of the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line.stop" id=link3
"ShowTip(event, 'tt3', 'link3')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>[x, y] coordinates for the end of the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SClass"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine" >HorizontalLine
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>A straight horizontal line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.y" >y
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>y value to position the line
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.xmin" >xmin
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>x value for the start of the line, null to scale to axis min.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.xmax" >xmax
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>x value for the end of the line, null to scale to axis max.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SClass"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedHorizontalLine" >DashedHorizontalLine
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>A straight dashed horizontal line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedHorizontalLine.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedHorizontalLine.dashPattern" id=link4
"ShowTip(event, 'tt4', 'link4')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SClass"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#VerticalLine" >VerticalLine
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>A straight vertical line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SClass"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedVerticalLine" >DashedVerticalLine
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>A straight dashed vertical line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedVerticalLine.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedVerticalLine.dashPattern" id=link5
"ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link5')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
16 <div class=
"CGroup"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
18 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><blockquote><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=Prototype
><tr><td>this.objects = []
20 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Optional name for the overlay object.
Can be later used to retrieve the object by name.
22 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>true to show (draw), false to not draw.
24 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Width of the line.
26 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Type of ending placed on the line [
28 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>color of the line
30 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>wether or not to draw a shadow on the line
32 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Shadow angle in degrees
34 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Shadow offset from line in pixels
36 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Number of times shadow is stroked, each stroke offset shadowOffset from the last.
38 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Alpha channel transparency of shadow.
0 = transparent.
40 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>X axis to use for positioning/scaling the line.
42 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Y axis to use for positioning/scaling the line.
44 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Show a tooltip with data point values.
46 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Controls how close to line cursor must be to show tooltip.
Higher number = closer to line, lower number = farther from line.
1.0 = cursor must be over line.
48 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Where to position tooltip,
50 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>true = fade in/out tooltip, flase = show/hide tooltip
52 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
’, or number of milliseconds.
54 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>Pixel offset of tooltip from the highlight.
56 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><blockquote><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=Prototype
><tr><td>tooltipFormatString: '%d, %d' }
</td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Format string passed the x and y values of the cursor on the line. e.g.,
‘Dogs: %
.2f, Cats: %d
58 <div class=
"CClass"><div class=CTopic
><h2 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h2><div class=CBody
><p>A straight line.
</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary
><div class=STitle
</div><div class=SBorder
><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=STable
><tr class=
"SGroup"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line.start" >start
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>[x, y] coordinates for the start of the line.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#Line.stop" id=link6
"ShowTip(event, 'tt3', 'link6')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>[x, y] coordinates for the end of the line.
60 <div class=
"CGroup"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
62 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>[x, y] coordinates for the start of the line.
64 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><blockquote><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=Prototype
><tr><td>stop: [] }
</td></tr></table></blockquote><p>[x, y] coordinates for the end of the line.
66 <div class=
"CClass"><div class=CTopic
><h2 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h2><div class=CBody
><p>A straight horizontal line.
</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary
><div class=STitle
</div><div class=SBorder
><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=STable
><tr class=
"SGroup"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.y" >y
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>y value to position the line
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.xmin" >xmin
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>x value for the start of the line, null to scale to axis min.
</td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#HorizontalLine.xmax" >xmax
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>x value for the end of the line, null to scale to axis max.
68 <div class=
"CGroup"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
70 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>y value to position the line
72 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>x value for the start of the line, null to scale to axis min.
74 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><p>x value for the end of the line, null to scale to axis max.
76 <div class=
"CClass"><div class=CTopic
><h2 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h2><div class=CBody
><p>A straight dashed horizontal line.
</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary
><div class=STitle
</div><div class=SBorder
><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=STable
><tr class=
"SGroup"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedHorizontalLine.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedHorizontalLine.dashPattern" id=link7
"ShowTip(event, 'tt4', 'link7')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
78 <div class=
"CGroup"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
80 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><blockquote><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=Prototype
><tr><td>dashPattern: [
8] }
</td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
Default is
8 pixel of line,
8 pixel of space.
Note, limit to a
2 element array b/c of bug with higher order arrays.
82 <div class=
"CClass"><div class=CTopic
><h2 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h2><div class=CBody
><p>A straight vertical line.
84 <div class=
"CClass"><div class=CTopic
><h2 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h2><div class=CBody
><p>A straight dashed vertical line.
</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary
><div class=STitle
</div><div class=SBorder
><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=STable
><tr class=
"SGroup"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedVerticalLine.Properties" >Properties
</a></td><td class=SDescription
></td></tr><tr class=
"SProperty SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry
><a href=
"#DashedVerticalLine.dashPattern" id=link8
"ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link8')" onMouseOut=
</a></td><td class=SDescription
>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
86 <div class=
"CGroup"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
88 <div class=
"CProperty"><div class=CTopic
><h3 class=CTitle
><a name=
</h3><div class=CBody
><blockquote><table border=
0 cellspacing=
0 cellpadding=
0 class=Prototype
><tr><td>dashPattern: [
8] }
</td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
Default is
8 pixel of line,
8 pixel of space.
Note, limit to a
2 element array b/c of bug with higher order arrays.
93 <div id=Footer
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2010 Chris Leonello
· Updated October
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</td></tr></table></blockquote>Format string passed the x and y values of the cursor on the line.
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</td></tr></table></blockquote>[x, y] coordinates for the end of the line.
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"tt4"><div class=CProperty
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0 cellspacing=
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0 class=Prototype
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8] }
</td></tr></table></blockquote>Array of line, space settings in pixels.
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"tt5"><div class=CProperty
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8] }
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