WPrefs: new Docks pannel, to change auto-expand/collapse/etc delays
[wmaker-crm.git] / WindowMaker / menu.zh_CN
1 /*
2  * Root Menu definition for WindowMaker
3  *
4  * Syntax is:
5  *
6  * <Title> [SHORTCUT <Shortcut>] <Command> <Parameters>
7  *
8  * <Title> is any string to be used as title. Must be enclosed with " if it
9  *      has spaces
10  * 
11  * SHORTCUT specifies a shortcut for that item. <Shortcut> has the
12  * same syntax of the shortcuts key options in the 
13  * $HOME/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker file, such as RootMenuKey or MiniaturizeKey.
14  *
15  * You can't specify a shortcut for a MENU or OPEN_MENU entry.
16  * 
17  * <Command> one of the valid commands: 
18  *      MENU - starts (sub)menu definition
19  *      END  - end (sub)menu definition
20  *      OPEN_MENU - opens a menu from a file, pipe or directory(ies) contents
21  *                  and eventually precede each with a command.
22  *      WORKSPACE_MENU - adds a submenu for workspace operations. Only one
23  *                  workspace_menu is allowed.          
24  *      EXEC <program> - executes an external program
25  *      SHEXEC <command> - executes a shell command (like gimp > /dev/null)
26  *      EXIT - exits the window manager
27  *      RESTART [<window manager>] - restarts WindowMaker or start another
28  *                      window manager
29  *      REFRESH - refreshes the desktop
30  *      ARRANGE_ICONS - rearranges the icons on the workspace
31  *      SHUTDOWN - kills all clients (and close the X window session)
32  *      SHOW_ALL - unhides all windows on workspace
33  *      HIDE_OTHERS - hides all windows on the workspace, except the
34  *              focused one (or the last one that received focus)
35  *      SAVE_SESSION - saves the current state of the desktop, which include
36  *                     all running applications, all their hints (geometry,
37  *                     position on screen, workspace they live on, the dock
38  *                     or clip from where they were launched, and
39  *                     if minimized, shaded or hidden. Also saves the current
40  *                     workspace the user is on. All will be restored on every
41  *                     start of windowmaker until another SAVE_SESSION or
42  *                     CLEAR_SESSION is used. If SaveSessionOnExit = Yes; in
43  *                     WindowMaker domain file, then saving is automatically
44  *                     done on every windowmaker exit, overwriting any
45  *                     SAVE_SESSION or CLEAR_SESSION (see below).
46  *      CLEAR_SESSION - clears any previous saved session. This will not have
47  *                     any effect if SaveSessionOnExit is True.
48  *      INFO - shows the Info Panel
49  *
50  * OPEN_MENU syntax:
51  *   1. File menu handling.
52  *      // opens file.menu which must contain a valid menu file and inserts
53  *      // it in current position
54  *      OPEN_MENU file.menu
55  *   2. Pipe menu handling.
56  *      // opens command and uses it's stdout to construct menu.
57  *      // Command's output must be a valid menu description.
58  *      // The space between '|' and command itself is optional.
59  *      OPEN_MENU | command
60  *   3. Directory handling.
61  *      // Opens one or more directories and construct a menu with all
62  *      // the subdirectories and executable files in them sorted
63  *      // alphabetically.
64  *      OPEN_MENU /some/dir [/some/other/dir ...]
65  *   4. Directory handling with command.
66  *      // Opens one or more directories and construct menu with all
67  *      // subdirectories and readable files in them sorted alphabetically,
68  *      // preceding each of them with command.
69  *      OPEN_MENU [options] /some/dir [/some/other/dir ...] WITH command -options
70  *              Options:
71  *                      -noext  strip whatever is after the last dot in the
72  *                              file name
73  *
74  * <Parameters> is the program to execute.
75  *
76  * ** Options for command line in EXEC:
77  * %s - substitute with current selection
78  * %a(title[,prompt]) - opens a input box with the specified title and the
79  *                      optional prompt and do substitution with what you typed
80  * %w - substitute with XID for the current focused window
81  * %W - substitute with the number of the current workspace
82  * 
83  * You can override special characters (as % and ") with the \ character:
84  * ex: xterm -T "\"Hello World\""
85  *
86  * You can also use character escapes, like \n
87  *
88  * Each MENU statement must have one mathching END statement at the end.
89  *
90  * Example:
91  *
92  * "Test" MENU
93  *      "XTerm" EXEC xterm
94  *              // creates a submenu with the contents of /usr/openwin/bin
95  *      "XView apps" OPEN_MENU "/usr/openwin/bin"
96  *              // some X11 apps in different directories
97  *      "X11 apps" OPEN_MENU /usr/X11/bin $HOME/bin/X11
98  *              // set some background images
99  *      "Background" OPEN_MENU -noext $HOME/images /usr/share/images WITH wmsetbg -u -t
100  *              // inserts the style.menu in this entry
101  *      "Style" OPEN_MENU style.menu
102  * "Test" END
103  */
105 #include "wmmacros"
107 "应用程序" MENU
108         "信息" MENU
109                 "信息面板..." INFO_PANEL
110                 "版权..." LEGAL_PANEL
111                 "系统控制台" EXEC xconsole
112                 "系统负载" SHEXEC xosview || xload
113                 "进程列表" EXEC xterm -e top
114                 "手册浏览器" EXEC xman
115         "信息" END
116         "运行..." EXEC %a(运行,要执行的命令:)
117         "XTerm" EXEC xterm -sb 
118         "Rxvt" EXEC rxvt -bg black -fg white -fn fixed
119         "工作空间" WORKSPACE_MENU
120         "应用程序" OPEN_MENU
121                 "图形" MENU
122                         "Gimp" SHEXEC gimp >/dev/null
123                         "XV" EXEC xv
124                         "XPaint" EXEC xpaint
125                         "XFig" EXEC xfig
126                 "图形" END
127                 "X文件管理器" EXEC xfm
128                 "OffiX Files" EXEC files
129                 "LyX" EXEC lyx
130                 "Netscape" EXEC netscape
131                 "Ghostview" EXEC ghostview %a(GhostView,输入要查看的文件名)
132                 "Acrobat" EXEC /usr/local/Acrobat3/bin/acroread %a(Acrobat,输入要查看的PDF文件名)
133                 "TkDesk" EXEC tkdesk
134         "应用程序" END
135         "编辑器" MENU
136                 "XFte" EXEC xfte
137                 "XEmacs" SHEXEC xemacs || emacs
138                 "XJed" EXEC xjed
139                 "NEdit" EXEC nedit
140                 "Xedit" EXEC xedit
141                 "VI" EXEC xterm -e vi
142         "编辑器" END
143         "其他" MENU
144                 "Xmcd" SHEXEC xmcd 2> /dev/null
145                 "Xplaycd" EXEC xplaycd
146                 "Xmixer" EXEC xmixer
147         "其他" END
148         "工具" MENU
149                 "计算器" EXEC xcalc
150                 "窗口属性" SHEXEC xprop | xmessage -center -title 'xpro
151 p' -file -
152                 "字体选择" EXEC xfontsel
153                 "终端模拟器" EXEC xminicom
154                 "放大" EXEC xmag
155                 "颜色表" EXEC xcmap
156                 "XKill" EXEC xkill
157                 "剪贴板" EXEC xclipboard
158         "工具" END
160         "选择" MENU
161                 "复制" SHEXEC echo '%s' | wxcopy
162                 "发送邮件" EXEC xterm -name mail -T "Pine" -e pine %s
163                 "浏览" EXEC netscape %s
164                 "查找手册" SHEXEC MANUAL_SEARCH(%s)
165         "选择" END
167         "工作空间" MENU
168                 "隐藏其他" HIDE_OTHERS
169                 "显示所有" SHOW_ALL
170                 "排列图标" ARRANGE_ICONS
171                 "刷新" REFRESH
172                 "锁住屏幕" EXEC xlock -allowroot -usefirst
173                 "保存会话" SAVE_SESSION
174                 "清除保存的会话" CLEAR_SESSION
175         "工作空间" END
177         "外观" MENU
178                 "主题" OPEN_MENU -noext THEMES_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle
179                 "风格" OPEN_MENU -noext STYLES_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle
180                 "图标集" OPEN_MENU -noext ICON_SETS_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets WITH seticons
181                 "背景" MENU
182                         "单色" MENU
183                                 "黑" WS_BACK '(solid, black)'
184                                 "蓝"  WS_BACK '(solid, "#505075")'
185                                 "青" WS_BACK '(solid, "#243e6c")'
186                                 "深蓝" WS_BACK '(solid, "#224477")'
187                                 "紫" WS_BACK '(solid, "#554466")'
188                                 "淡黄"  WS_BACK '(solid, "wheat4")'
189                                 "深灰"  WS_BACK '(solid, "#333340")'
190                                 "酒红" WS_BACK '(solid, "#400020")'
191                         "单色" END
192                         "过渡色" MENU
193                                 "日落" WS_BACK '(mvgradient, deepskyblue4, black, deepskyblue4, tomato4)'
194                                 "天空" WS_BACK '(vgradient, blue4, white)'
195                                 "蓝色阴影" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#7080a5", "#101020")'
196                                 "青色阴影" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#746ebc", "#242e4c")'
197                                 "紫色阴影" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#654c66", "#151426")'
198                                 "淡黄色阴影" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#a09060", "#302010")'
199                                 "灰色阴影" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#636380", "#131318")'
200                                 "酒红色阴影" WS_BACK '(vgradient, "#600040", "#180010")'
201                         "过渡色" END
202                         "图像" OPEN_MENU -noext BACKGROUNDS_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -t
203                 "背景" END
204                 "保存主题" SHEXEC getstyle -t $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/"%a(主题名,输入文件名:)"
205                 "保存图标集" SHEXEC geticonset $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets/"%a(图标集名,输入文件名:)"
206         "外观" END
208         "退出"    MENU
209                 "重新启动" RESTART
210                 "启动 BlackBox" RESTART blackbox
211                 "启动 kwm" RESTART kwm
212                 "启动 IceWM" RESTART icewm
213                 "退出..."  EXIT
214         "退出" END
215 "应用程序" END