Change directory for user menus and add global directory for them.
[wmaker-crm.git] / WindowMaker /
1 /*
2  * Root Menu definition for WindowMaker
3  *
4  * Syntax is:
5  *
6  * <Title> <Command> <Parameters>
7  *
8  * <Title> is any string to be used as title. Must be enclosed with " if it
9  *      has spaces
10  *
11  * <Command> one of the valid commands: 
12  *      MENU - starts (sub)menu definition
13  *      OPEN_MENU - opens a menu from a file, pipe or directory(ies) contents
14  *                  and eventually precede each with a command.
15  *      END  - end (sub)menu definition
16  *      WORKSPACE_MENU - adds a submenu for workspace operations
17  *      EXEC <program> - executes an external program
18  *      EXIT - exits the window manager
19  *      RESTART [<window manager>] - restarts WindowMaker or start another
20  *                      window manager
21  *      REFRESH - refreshes the desktop
22  *      ARRANGE_ICONS - rearranges the icons on the workspace
23  *      SHUTDOWN - kills all clients (and close the X window session)
24  *      SHOW_ALL - unhides all windows on workspace
25  *      HIDE_OTHERS - hides all windows on the workspace, except the
26  *              focused one (or the last one that received focus)
27  *      SAVE_SESSION - saves the current state of the desktop, which include
28  *                     all running applications, all their hints (geometry,
29  *                     position on screen, workspace they live on, the dock
30  *                     or clip from where they were launched, and
31  *                     if minimized, shaded or hidden. Also saves the current
32  *                     workspace the user is on. All will be restored on every
33  *                     start of windowmaker until another SAVE_SESSION or
34  *                     CLEAR_SESSION is used. If SaveSessionOnExit = Yes; in
35  *                     WindowMaker domain file, then saving is automatically
36  *                     done on every windowmaker exit, overwriting any
37  *                     SAVE_SESSION or CLEAR_SESSION (see below).
38  *      CLEAR_SESSION - clears any previous saved session. This will not have
39  *                     any effect if SaveSessionOnExit is True.
40  *
41  * OPEN_MENU syntax:
42  *   1. File menu handling.
43  *      // opens which must contain a valid menu file and inserts
44  *      // it in current position
45  *      OPEN_MENU
46  *   2. Pipe menu handling.
47  *      // opens command and uses it's stdout to construct menu.
48  *      // Command's output must be a valid menu description.
49  *      // The space between '|' and command itself is optional.
50  *      OPEN_MENU | command
51  *   3. Directory handling.
52  *      // Opens one or more directories and construct a menu with all
53  *      // the subdirectories and executable files in them sorted
54  *      // alphabetically.
55  *      OPEN_MENU /some/dir [/some/other/dir ...]
56  *   4. Directory handling with command.
57  *      // Opens one or more directories and construct menu with all
58  *      // subdirectories and readable files in them sorted alphabetically,
59  *      // preceding each of them with command.
60  *      OPEN_MENU /some/dir [/some/other/dir ...] WITH command -options
61  *
62  *
63  * <Parameters> is the program to execute.
64  *
65  * ** Options for command line in EXEC:
66  * %s - substitute with current selection
67  * %a(message) - opens a input box with the message and do substitution with
68  *              what you typed
69  * %w - substitute with XID for the current focused window
70  *
71  * You can override special characters (as % and ") with the \ character:
72  * ex: xterm -T "\"Hello World\""
73  *
74  * You can also use character escapes, like \n
75  *
76  * Each MENU statement must have one mathching END statement at the end.
77  *
78  * Example:
79  *
80  * "Test" MENU
81  *      "XTerm" EXEC xterm
82  *              // creates a submenu with the contents of /usr/openwin/bin
83  *      "XView apps" OPEN_MENU "/usr/openwin/bin"
84  *              // some X11 apps in different directories
85  *      "X11 apps" OPEN_MENU /usr/X11/bin $HOME/bin/X11
86  *              // set some background images
87  *      "Background" OPEN_MENU $HOME/images /usr/share/images WITH wmsetbg -u -t
88  *              // inserts the in this entry
89  *      "Style" OPEN_MENU
90  * "Test" END
91  */
93 #include "wmmacros"
95 "Sovellukset" MENU
96         "Tietoja" MENU
97                 "Info Panel..." INFO_PANEL
98                 "Legal" LEGAL_PANEL
99                 "Järjestelmän konsoli" EXEC xconsole
100                 "Järjestelmän kuorma" EXEC xosview || xload
101                 "Prosessilista" EXEC xterm -e top
102                 "Manuaalin selain" EXEC xman
103         "Info" END
104         "XTerm" EXEC xterm -sb 
105         "Rxvt" EXEC rxvt -bg black -fg white -fn fixed
106         "Työtilat" WORKSPACE_MENU
107         "Sovellukset" MENU
108                 "Grafiikka" MENU
109                         "Gimp" EXEC gimp >/dev/null
110                         "XV" EXEC xv
111                         "XPaint" EXEC xpaint
112                         "XFig" EXEC xfig
113                 "Grafiikka" END
114                 "Xfm" EXEC xfm
115                 "OffiX Files" EXEC files
116                 "LyX" EXEC lyx
117                 "Netscape" EXEC netscape 
118                 "Ghostview" EXEC ghostview %a(Enter file to view)
119                 "Acrobat" EXEC /usr/local/Acrobat3/bin/acroread %a(Enter PDF to view)
120                 "TkDesk" EXEC tkdesk
121         "Sovellukset" END
122         "Editorit" MENU
123                 "XFte" EXEC xfte
124                 "XEmacs" EXEC xemacs || emacs
125                 "XJed" EXEC xjed 
126                 "NEdit" EXEC nedit
127                 "Xedit" EXEC xedit
128                 "VI" EXEC xterm -e vi
129         "Editorit" END
130         "Muut" MENU
131                 "Xmcd" EXEC xmcd 2> /dev/null
132                 "Xplaycd" EXEC xplaycd
133                 "Xmixer" EXEC xmixer
134         "Muut" END
135         "Työkalut" MENU
136                 "Laskin" EXEC xcalc
137                 "Ikkunoiden asetukset" EXEC xprop | xmessage -center -title 'xprop' -file -
138                 "Kirjasinlajin valitsin" EXEC xfontsel
139                 "Pääte-emulaattori" EXEC xminicom
140                 "Suurenuslasi" EXEC xmag
141                 "Väripaletti" EXEC xcmap
142                 "XKill" EXEC xkill
143                 "ASClock" EXEC asclock -shape
144                 "Leikepöytä" EXEC xclipboard
145         "Työkalut" END
147         "Leikkaa-liimaa" MENU
148                 "Kopioi" EXEC echo '%s' | wxcopy
149                 "Lähetä sähköpostilla" EXEC xterm -name mail -T "Pine" -e pine %s
150                 "Selaa" EXEC netscape %s
151                 "Etsi manuaalista" EXEC MANUAL_SEARCH(%s)
152         "Leikkaa-liimaa" END
154         "Työtilat" MENU
155                 "Piilota muut" HIDE_OTHERS
156                 "Näytä kaikki" SHOW_ALL
157                 "Järjestele kuvakkeet" ARRANGE_ICONS
158                 "Päivitä" REFRESH
159                 "Lukitse" EXEC xlock -allowroot -usefirst
160                 "Talleta istunto" SAVE_SESSION
161                 "Tyhjennä talletettu istunto" CLEAR_SESSION
162         "Työtilat" END
164         "Ulkonäkö" MENU
165                 "Teemat" OPEN_MENU -noext  THEMES_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes WITH setstyle
166                 "Tyylit" OPEN_MENU -noext  STYLES_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Styles WITH setstyle
167                 "Kuvakeryhmät" OPEN_MENU -noext  ICON_SETS_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets WITH seticons
168                 "Taustat" MENU
169                         "Taustaväri" MENU
170                                 "Musta" WS_BACK '(solid, black)'
171                                 "Sininen"  WS_BACK '(solid, "#505075")'
172                                 "Indigo" WS_BACK '(solid, "#243e6c")'
173                                 "Tumman Sininen" WS_BACK '(solid, "#180090")'
174                                 "Purppura" WS_BACK '(solid, "#554466")'
175                                 "Wheat"  WS_BACK '(solid, "wheat4")'
176                                 "Tumman harmaa"  WS_BACK '(solid, "#333340")'
177                                 "Viini" WS_BACK '(solid, "#400020")'
178                         "Taustaväri" END
179                         "Liukuväri" MENU
180                                 "Lippu" WS_BACK '(mdgradient, green, red, white, green)'
181                                 "Taivas" WS_BACK '(vgradient, blue4, white)'
182                         "Liukuväri" END
183                         "Taustakuvat" OPEN_MENU -noext  BACKGROUNDS_DIR $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Backgrounds WITH wmsetbg -u -t
184                 "Taustat" END
185                 "Talleta teema" EXEC getstyle -t $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes/"%a(Theme name)"
186                 "Talleta kuvakeryhmät" EXEC geticonset $HOME/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/IconSets/"%a(IconSet name)"
187         "Ulkonäkö" END
189         "Poistu"        MENU
190                 "Uudelleen käynnistä" RESTART
191                 "Käynnistä AfterStep" RESTART afterstep
192                 "Kirjaudu ulos..."  EXIT
193                 "Sammuta..." SHUTDOWN
194         "Poistu" END
195 "Sovellukset" END