Fix 'make install' from silent compilation
[wmaker-crm.git] / util / wmgenmenu.h
1 /* Copyright (C) 2010 Carlos R. Mafra */
3 /*
4 * If the program should run from inside a terminal it has
5 * to end with a space followed by '!', e.g. "mutt !"
6 */
8 char *terminals[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
9 "xterm -bg black -fg white +sb +sm -fn 10x20 -sl 4000 -cr yellow",
10 "mrxvt -rv -shade 00 -vb +sb +sm -tr -sl 2000 -trt -itabbg black -hb -tabfg yellow -fn 10x20 -cr yellow",
11 "konsole"
14 char *file_managers[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
15 "dolphin", "thunar", "rox", "GWorkspace", "mc !",
16 "xftree", "konqueror", "nautilus --no-desktop", "fsviewer", "xfe"
19 char *Mathematiks[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
20 "xmaxima", "maple" , "scilab" "maxima !", "bc !",
21 "kcalc", "xcalc", "mathematica", "math"
24 char *Astronomie[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
25 "xplns", "stellarium"
28 char *Graphics[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
29 "gimp", "sodipodi", "killustrator", "krayon", "kpovmodeler",
30 "bitmap", "xpaint", "xfig", "kpaint", "blender", "ksnapshot",
31 "gphoto", "dia", "compupic", "gqview", "kview", "pixie",
32 "display", "xv", "eog", "qiv !"
35 char *Multimedia[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
36 "audacious2", "kaffeine", "audacity", "xmms", "k9copy", "acidrip",
37 "avidemux2_gtk", "gqmpeg", "freeamp", "realplay",
38 "kmid", "kmidi", "gtcd", "grip", "aviplay", "gtv", "gvlc", "sinek",
39 "xine", "aktion", "gcd", "xawtv", "xcdroast", "xplaycd"
42 char *internet[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
43 "chromium", "google-chrome", "firefox",
44 "galeon", "skipstone", "konqueror",
45 "dillo", "epiphany", "opera", "midori", "seamonkey",
46 "kazehakase", "links !", "lynx !"
49 char *email[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
50 "thunderbird", "mutt !", "GNUMail", "evolution",
51 "kleopatra", "sylpheed", "spruce", "kmail", "exmh",
52 "pine !", "elm !"
55 char *Sound[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
56 "soundkonverter", "krecord", "grecord", "alsamixer !", "sndconfig !",
57 "aumix !", "gmix"
60 char *Editors[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
61 "xjed", "jed !", "emacs", "xemacs", "gvim", "vi !", "vim !", "gedit",
62 "kedit", "xedit", "kwrite", "kate", "pico !", "nano !", "joe !"
65 char *Comics[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
66 "omnia_data", "comix", "qcomicbook"
69 char *Viewers[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
70 "evince", "kghostview", "gv", "ggv", "xdvi", "kdvi", "xpdf",
71 "acroread", "gless"
74 char *Utilities[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
75 "gdlinux", "k3b", "gtkfind", "gdict", "gpsdrive", "wfcmgr", "switch",
76 "kaddressbook", "kab", "kfind", "oclock", "rclock", "xclock", "kppp"
79 char *Video[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
80 "kaffeine", "gnomemeeting"
83 char *Chat[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
84 "pidgin", "skype", "gizmo", "kopete", "xchat", "kvirc", "BitchX !",
85 "epic !", "epic4 !", "irssi !", "tinyirc !", "ksirc", "gtalk",
86 "gnome-icu", "licq", "amsn"
89 char *P2P[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
90 "amule", "gftp", "smb4k", "ktorrent", "bittorrent-gui",
91 "!ftp", "!sftp", "pavuk", "gtm","!gnut", "gtk-gnutella", "gnutmeg"
94 char *Games[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
95 "fgfs", "tremulous", "xboard", "gnome-chess", "quake2", "quake3",
96 "q3ut2", "sof", "rune", "tribes2", "unreal", "descent3", "myth2",
97 "rt2", "heretic2", "kohan", "xqf"
100 char *Office[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
101 "oowriter", "oocalc", "ooconfigimport", "oodraw", "ooffice",
102 "ooimpress", "oomath", "ooregcomp", "abiword", "kword",
103 "smath", "swriterkpresenter", "lyx", "klyx", "gnucash", "gnumeric",
104 "kspread", "kchart","gnomecal", "gnomecard", "korganizer"
107 char *development[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
108 "gitk", "gitview", "qgit", "git-gui", "glimmer", "glade", "kdevelop",
109 "designer", "kbabel", "idle", "ghex", "hexedit !", "memprof", "tclsh !",
110 "gdb !", "xxgdb", "xev !"
113 char *System[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
114 "iotop -d 4 --only !", "keybconf", "gtop", "top !", "kpm", "gw", "gnomecc", "gkrellm",
115 "tksysv", "ksysv", "gnome-ppp", "iostat -p -k 5 !"
118 char *OpenSUSE[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
119 "yast2", "yast !", "systemsettings", "umtsmon"
122 char *Mandriva[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
123 "draknetcenter", "rpmdrake", "harddrake", "drakconf",
124 "MandrakeUpdate", "Xdrakres"
127 char *WindowMaker[MAX_NR_APPS] = {
128 "wmnet -d 100000 -Weth0", "wmpower", "wmlaptop2", "wmwifi -s", "wmifinfo",
129 "wmWeather", "wmstickynotes", "wmmixer++ -w", "wmWeather -m -s EDDB",
130 "wmcpuload", "wmcpufreq", "wmclockmon", "wmnd", "wmCalclock -S",
131 "wmtime", "wmdate", "wmmon", "wmsysmon", "wmSMPmon", "wmifs",
132 "wmnd", "wmbutton", "wmxmms", "wmpower", "wmagnify"
135 char *other_wm[MAX_WMS] = {
136 "icewm", "kwin", "twm", "fluxbox", "blackbox", "ion", "mwm"