Remove local declarations already in included public headers.
[wine/multimedia.git] / dlls / unicows / main.c
1 /*
2 * Implementation of the unicows dll
4 * Copyright (C) 2003 Alexandre Julliard
6 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
18 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
21 #include <stdarg.h>
23 #include "windef.h"
24 #include "winbase.h"
25 #include "winreg.h"
26 #include "winnls.h"
27 #include "wingdi.h"
28 #include "winuser.h"
29 #include "winver.h"
30 #include "winspool.h"
31 #include "commdlg.h"
32 #include "wincrypt.h"
33 #include "ddeml.h"
34 #include "wincon.h"
35 #include "oledlg.h"
36 #include "ras.h"
37 #include "sspi.h"
38 #include "mmsystem.h"
39 #include "shlobj.h"
40 #include "shellapi.h"
41 #include "vfw.h"
42 #include "winnetwk.h"
43 #include "sensapi.h"
45 /* Create a dummy reference to every function we need so that
46 * the linker will import them.
48 const void *dummy_references[] =
50 AcquireCredentialsHandleW,
51 AddAtomW,
52 AddFontResourceW,
53 AddJobW,
54 AddMonitorW,
55 AddPortW,
56 AddPrinterDriverW,
57 AddPrinterW,
58 AddPrintProcessorW,
59 AddPrintProvidorW,
60 AdvancedDocumentPropertiesW,
61 AppendMenuW,
62 BeginUpdateResourceA,
63 BeginUpdateResourceW,
64 BroadcastSystemMessageW,
65 BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW,
66 BuildCommDCBW,
67 CallMsgFilterW,
68 CallNamedPipeW,
69 CallWindowProcA,
70 CallWindowProcW,
71 ChangeDisplaySettingsExW,
72 ChangeDisplaySettingsW,
73 ChangeMenuW,
74 CharLowerBuffW,
75 CharLowerW,
76 CharNextW,
77 CharPrevW,
78 CharToOemBuffW,
79 CharToOemW,
80 CharUpperBuffW,
81 CharUpperW,
82 ChooseColorW,
83 ChooseFontW,
84 CommConfigDialogW,
85 CompareStringW,
86 ConfigurePortW,
87 CopyAcceleratorTableW,
88 CopyEnhMetaFileW,
89 CopyFileExW ,
90 CopyFileW,
91 CopyMetaFileW,
92 CreateAcceleratorTableW,
93 CreateColorSpaceW,
94 CreateDCW,
95 CreateDialogIndirectParamW,
96 CreateDialogParamW,
97 CreateDirectoryExW,
98 CreateDirectoryW,
99 CreateEnhMetaFileW,
100 CreateEventW,
101 CreateFileMappingW,
102 CreateFileW,
103 CreateFontIndirectW,
104 CreateFontW,
105 CreateICW,
106 CreateMDIWindowW,
107 CreateMailslotW,
108 CreateMetaFileW,
109 CreateMutexW,
110 CreateNamedPipeW,
111 CreateProcessW,
112 CreateScalableFontResourceW,
113 CreateSemaphoreW,
114 CreateWaitableTimerW,
115 CreateWindowExW,
116 CryptAcquireContextW,
117 CryptEnumProviderTypesW,
118 CryptEnumProvidersW,
119 CryptGetDefaultProviderW,
120 CryptSetProviderExW,
121 CryptSetProviderW,
122 CryptSignHashW,
123 CryptVerifySignatureW,
124 DdeConnect,
125 DdeConnectList,
126 DdeCreateStringHandleW,
127 DdeInitializeW,
128 DdeQueryConvInfo,
129 DdeQueryStringW,
130 DefDlgProcW,
131 DefFrameProcW,
132 DefMDIChildProcW,
133 DefWindowProcW,
134 DeleteFileW,
135 DeleteMonitorW,
136 DeletePortW,
137 DeletePrinterDriverW,
138 DeletePrintProcessorW,
139 DeletePrintProvidorW,
140 DeviceCapabilitiesW,
141 DialogBoxIndirectParamW,
142 DialogBoxParamW,
143 DispatchMessageW,
144 DlgDirListComboBoxW,
145 DlgDirListW,
146 DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW,
147 DlgDirSelectExW,
148 DocumentPropertiesW,
149 DragQueryFileW,
150 DrawStateW,
151 DrawTextExW,
152 DrawTextW,
153 EnableWindow,
154 EndUpdateResourceA,
155 EndUpdateResourceW,
156 EnumCalendarInfoExW,
157 EnumCalendarInfoW,
158 EnumClipboardFormats,
159 EnumDateFormatsExW,
160 EnumDateFormatsW,
161 EnumDisplayDevicesW,
162 EnumDisplaySettingsExW,
163 EnumDisplaySettingsW,
164 EnumFontFamiliesExW,
165 EnumFontFamiliesW,
166 EnumFontsW,
167 EnumICMProfilesW,
168 EnumMonitorsW,
169 EnumPortsW,
170 EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW,
171 EnumPrintProcessorsW,
172 EnumPrinterDriversW,
173 EnumPrintersW,
174 EnumPropsA,
175 EnumPropsExA,
176 EnumPropsExW,
177 EnumPropsW,
178 EnumSystemCodePagesW,
179 EnumSystemLocalesW,
180 EnumTimeFormatsW,
181 EnumerateSecurityPackagesW,
182 ExpandEnvironmentStringsW,
183 ExtTextOutW,
184 ExtractIconExW,
185 ExtractIconW,
186 FatalAppExitW,
187 FillConsoleOutputCharacterW,
188 FindAtomW,
189 FindExecutableW,
190 FindFirstChangeNotificationW,
191 FindFirstFileW,
192 FindNextFileW,
193 FindResourceExW,
194 FindResourceW,
195 FindTextW,
196 FindWindowExW,
197 FindWindowW,
198 FormatMessageW,
199 FreeContextBuffer,
200 FreeEnvironmentStringsW,
201 GetAltTabInfoW,
202 GetAtomNameW,
203 GetCPInfo,
204 GetCPInfoExW,
205 GetCalendarInfoW,
206 GetCharABCWidthsFloatW,
207 GetCharABCWidthsW,
208 GetCharWidth32W,
209 GetCharWidthFloatW,
210 GetCharWidthW,
211 GetCharacterPlacementW,
212 GetClassInfoExW,
213 GetClassInfoW,
214 GetClassLongW,
215 GetClassNameW,
216 GetClipboardData,
217 GetClipboardFormatNameW,
218 GetComputerNameW,
219 GetConsoleTitleW,
220 GetCurrencyFormatW,
221 GetCurrentDirectoryW,
222 GetCurrentHwProfileW,
223 GetDateFormatW,
224 GetDefaultCommConfigW,
225 GetDiskFreeSpaceExW ,
226 GetDiskFreeSpaceW,
227 GetDlgItemTextW,
228 GetDriveTypeW,
229 GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionW,
230 GetEnhMetaFileW,
231 GetEnvironmentStringsW,
232 GetEnvironmentVariableW,
233 GetFileAttributesExW,
234 GetFileAttributesW,
235 GetFileTitleW,
236 GetFileVersionInfoSizeW,
237 GetFileVersionInfoW,
238 GetFullPathNameW,
239 GetGlyphOutlineW,
240 GetICMProfileW,
241 GetJobW,
242 GetKerningPairsW,
243 GetKeyNameTextW,
244 GetKeyboardLayoutNameW,
245 GetLocaleInfoW,
246 GetLogColorSpaceW,
247 GetLogicalDriveStringsW,
248 GetLongPathNameW ,
249 GetMenuItemInfoW,
250 GetMenuStringW,
251 GetMessageW,
252 GetMetaFileW,
253 GetModuleFileNameW,
254 GetModuleHandleW,
255 GetMonitorInfoW,
256 GetNamedPipeHandleStateW,
257 GetNumberFormatW,
258 GetObjectW,
259 GetOpenFileNamePreviewW,
260 GetOpenFileNameW,
261 GetOutlineTextMetricsW,
262 GetPrinterDataW,
263 GetPrinterDriverDirectoryW,
264 GetPrinterDriverW,
265 GetPrinterW,
266 GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW,
267 GetPrivateProfileIntW,
268 GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW,
269 GetPrivateProfileSectionW,
270 GetPrivateProfileStringW,
271 GetPrivateProfileStructW,
272 GetProcAddress,
273 GetProfileIntW,
274 GetProfileSectionW,
275 GetProfileStringW,
276 GetPropA,
277 GetPropW,
278 GetSaveFileNamePreviewW,
279 GetSaveFileNameW,
280 GetShortPathNameW,
281 GetStartupInfoW,
282 GetStringTypeExW,
283 GetStringTypeW,
284 GetSystemDirectoryW,
285 GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW,
286 GetTabbedTextExtentW,
287 GetTempFileNameW,
288 GetTempPathW,
289 GetTextExtentExPointW,
290 GetTextExtentPoint32W,
291 GetTextExtentPointW,
292 GetTextFaceW,
293 GetTextMetricsW,
294 GetTimeFormatW,
295 GetUserNameW,
296 GetVersionExW,
297 GetVolumeInformationW,
298 GetWindowLongA,
299 GetWindowLongW,
300 GetWindowModuleFileNameW,
301 GetWindowTextLengthW,
302 GetWindowTextW,
303 GetWindowsDirectoryW,
304 GlobalAddAtomW,
305 GlobalFindAtomW,
306 GlobalGetAtomNameW,
307 GrayStringW,
308 InitSecurityInterfaceW,
309 InitializeSecurityContextW,
310 InsertMenuItemW,
311 InsertMenuW,
312 IsBadStringPtrW,
313 IsCharAlphaNumericW,
314 IsCharAlphaW,
315 IsCharLowerW,
316 IsCharUpperW,
317 IsClipboardFormatAvailable,
318 IsDestinationReachableW,
319 IsDialogMessageW,
320 IsTextUnicode,
321 IsValidCodePage,
322 IsWindowUnicode,
323 LCMapStringW,
324 LoadAcceleratorsW,
325 LoadBitmapW,
326 LoadCursorFromFileW,
327 LoadCursorW,
328 LoadIconW,
329 LoadImageW,
330 LoadKeyboardLayoutW,
331 LoadLibraryExW,
332 LoadLibraryW,
333 LoadMenuIndirectW,
334 LoadMenuW,
335 LoadStringW,
336 MCIWndCreateW,
337 MapVirtualKeyExW,
338 MapVirtualKeyW,
339 MessageBoxExW,
340 MessageBoxIndirectW,
341 MessageBoxW,
342 ModifyMenuW,
343 MoveFileW,
344 MultiByteToWideChar,
345 MultinetGetConnectionPerformanceW,
346 OemToCharBuffW,
347 OemToCharW,
348 OleUIAddVerbMenuW,
349 OleUIBusyW,
350 OleUIChangeIconW,
351 OleUIChangeSourceW,
352 OleUIConvertW,
353 OleUIEditLinksW,
354 OleUIInsertObjectW,
355 OleUIObjectPropertiesW,
356 OleUIPasteSpecialW,
357 OleUIPromptUserW,
358 OleUIUpdateLinksW,
359 OpenEventW,
360 OpenFileMappingW,
361 OpenMutexW,
362 OpenPrinterW,
363 OpenSemaphoreW,
364 OpenWaitableTimerW,
365 OutputDebugStringW,
366 PageSetupDlgW,
367 PeekConsoleInputW,
368 PeekMessageW,
369 PlaySoundW,
370 PolyTextOutW,
371 PostMessageW,
372 PostThreadMessageW,
373 PrintDlgW,
374 QueryContextAttributesW,
375 QueryCredentialsAttributesW,
376 QueryDosDeviceW,
377 QuerySecurityPackageInfoW,
378 RasConnectionNotificationW,
379 RasCreatePhonebookEntryW,
380 RasDeleteEntryW,
381 RasDeleteSubEntryW,
382 RasDialW,
383 RasEditPhonebookEntryW,
384 RasEnumConnectionsW,
385 RasEnumDevicesW,
386 RasEnumEntriesW,
387 RasGetConnectStatusW,
388 RasGetEntryDialParamsW,
389 RasGetEntryPropertiesW,
390 RasGetErrorStringW,
391 RasGetProjectionInfoW,
392 RasHangUpW,
393 RasRenameEntryW,
394 RasSetEntryDialParamsW,
395 RasSetEntryPropertiesW,
396 RasSetSubEntryPropertiesW,
397 RasValidateEntryNameW,
398 ReadConsoleInputW,
399 ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW,
400 ReadConsoleOutputW,
401 ReadConsoleW,
402 RegConnectRegistryW,
403 RegCreateKeyExW,
404 RegCreateKeyW,
405 RegDeleteKeyW,
406 RegDeleteValueW,
407 RegEnumKeyExW,
408 RegEnumKeyW,
409 RegEnumValueW,
410 RegLoadKeyW,
411 RegOpenKeyExW,
412 RegOpenKeyW,
413 RegQueryInfoKeyW,
414 RegQueryMultipleValuesW,
415 RegQueryValueExW,
416 RegQueryValueW,
417 RegReplaceKeyW,
418 RegSaveKeyW,
419 RegSetValueExW,
420 RegSetValueW,
421 RegUnLoadKeyW,
422 RegisterClassExW,
423 RegisterClassW,
424 RegisterClipboardFormatW,
425 RegisterDeviceNotificationW,
426 RegisterWindowMessageW,
427 RemoveDirectoryW,
428 RemoveFontResourceW,
429 RemovePropA,
430 RemovePropW,
431 ReplaceTextW,
432 ResetDCW,
433 ResetPrinterW,
434 SHBrowseForFolderW,
435 SHChangeNotify ,
436 SHFileOperationW,
437 SHGetFileInfoW,
438 SHGetNewLinkInfoW,
439 SHGetPathFromIDListW,
440 ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW,
441 SearchPathW,
442 SendDlgItemMessageW,
443 SendMessageCallbackW,
444 SendMessageTimeoutW,
445 SendMessageW,
446 SendNotifyMessageW,
447 SetCalendarInfoW,
448 SetClassLongW,
449 SetComputerNameW,
450 SetConsoleTitleW,
451 SetCurrentDirectoryW,
452 SetDefaultCommConfigW,
453 SetDlgItemTextW,
454 SetEnvironmentVariableW,
455 SetFileAttributesW,
456 SetICMProfileW,
457 SetJobW,
458 SetLocaleInfoW,
459 SetMenuItemInfoW,
460 SetPrinterDataW,
461 SetPrinterW,
462 SetPropA,
463 SetPropW,
464 SetVolumeLabelW,
465 SetWindowLongA,
466 SetWindowLongW,
467 SetWindowTextW,
468 SetWindowsHookExW,
469 SetWindowsHookW,
470 ShellAboutW,
471 ShellExecuteExW ,
472 ShellExecuteW ,
473 Shell_NotifyIconW,
474 StartDocPrinterW,
475 StartDocW,
476 SystemParametersInfoW,
477 TabbedTextOutW,
478 TextOutW,
479 TranslateAcceleratorW,
480 UnregisterClassW,
481 UpdateICMRegKeyW,
482 UpdateResourceA,
483 UpdateResourceW,
484 VerFindFileW,
485 VerInstallFileW,
486 VerLanguageNameW,
487 VerQueryValueW,
488 VkKeyScanExW,
489 VkKeyScanW,
490 WNetAddConnection2W,
491 WNetAddConnection3W,
492 WNetAddConnectionW,
493 WNetCancelConnection2W,
494 WNetCancelConnectionW,
495 WNetConnectionDialog1W,
496 WNetDisconnectDialog1W,
497 WNetEnumResourceW,
498 WNetGetConnectionW,
499 WNetGetLastErrorW,
500 WNetGetNetworkInformationW,
501 WNetGetProviderNameW,
502 WNetGetResourceInformationW,
503 WNetGetResourceParentW,
504 WNetGetUniversalNameW ,
505 WNetGetUserW,
506 WNetOpenEnumW,
507 WNetUseConnectionW,
508 WaitNamedPipeW ,
509 WideCharToMultiByte,
510 WinHelpW,
511 WriteConsoleInputW,
512 WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW,
513 WriteConsoleOutputW,
514 WriteConsoleW,
515 WritePrivateProfileSectionW,
516 WritePrivateProfileStringW,
517 WritePrivateProfileStructW,
518 WriteProfileSectionW,
519 WriteProfileStringW,
520 auxGetDevCapsW,
521 capCreateCaptureWindowW,
522 capGetDriverDescriptionW,
523 joyGetDevCapsW,
524 lstrcatW,
525 lstrcmpW,
526 lstrcmpiW,
527 lstrcpyW,
528 lstrcpynW,
529 lstrlenW,
530 mciGetDeviceIDW,
531 mciGetErrorStringW,
532 mciSendCommandW,
533 mciSendStringW,
534 midiInGetDevCapsW,
535 midiInGetErrorTextW,
536 midiOutGetDevCapsW,
537 midiOutGetErrorTextW,
538 mixerGetControlDetailsW,
539 mixerGetDevCapsW,
540 mixerGetLineControlsW,
541 mixerGetLineInfoW,
542 mmioInstallIOProcW,
543 mmioOpenW,
544 mmioRenameW,
545 mmioStringToFOURCCW,
546 sndPlaySoundW,
547 waveInGetDevCapsW,
548 waveInGetErrorTextW,
549 waveOutGetDevCapsW,
550 waveOutGetErrorTextW,
551 wsprintfW,
552 wvsprintfW