winedbg: Make the crash dialog slightly larger and minimize/maximize-able.
[wine/multimedia.git] / dlls / setupapi / setupapi.spec
1 @ stub AcquireSCMLock
2 @ stub AddMiniIconToList
3 @ stub AddTagToGroupOrderListEntry
4 @ stub AppendStringToMultiSz
5 @ stdcall AssertFail(str long str)
6 @ stub CMP_Init_Detection
7 @ stub CMP_RegisterNotification
8 @ stub CMP_Report_LogOn
9 @ stub CMP_UnregisterNotification
10 @ stdcall CMP_WaitNoPendingInstallEvents(long)
11 @ stub CMP_WaitServices
12 @ stub CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf
13 @ stub CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex
14 @ stub CM_Add_IDA
15 @ stub CM_Add_IDW
16 @ stub CM_Add_ID_ExA
17 @ stub CM_Add_ID_ExW
18 @ stub CM_Add_Range
19 @ stub CM_Add_Res_Des
20 @ stub CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex
21 @ stdcall CM_Connect_MachineA(str ptr)
22 @ stdcall CM_Connect_MachineW(wstr ptr)
23 @ stdcall CM_Create_DevNodeA(ptr str long long)
24 @ stdcall CM_Create_DevNodeW(ptr wstr long long)
25 @ stub CM_Create_DevNode_ExA
26 @ stub CM_Create_DevNode_ExW
27 @ stub CM_Create_Range_List
28 @ stub CM_Delete_Class_Key
29 @ stub CM_Delete_Class_Key_Ex
30 @ stub CM_Delete_DevNode_Key
31 @ stub CM_Delete_DevNode_Key_Ex
32 @ stub CM_Delete_Range
33 @ stub CM_Detect_Resource_Conflict
34 @ stub CM_Detect_Resource_Conflict_Ex
35 @ stub CM_Disable_DevNode
36 @ stub CM_Disable_DevNode_Ex
37 @ stdcall CM_Disconnect_Machine(long)
38 @ stub CM_Dup_Range_List
39 @ stub CM_Enable_DevNode
40 @ stub CM_Enable_DevNode_Ex
41 @ stdcall CM_Enumerate_Classes(long ptr long)
42 @ stub CM_Enumerate_Classes_Ex
43 @ stub CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsA
44 @ stub CM_Enumerate_EnumeratorsW
45 @ stub CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExA
46 @ stub CM_Enumerate_Enumerators_ExW
47 @ stub CM_Find_Range
48 @ stub CM_First_Range
49 @ stub CM_Free_Log_Conf
50 @ stub CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex
51 @ stub CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle
52 @ stub CM_Free_Range_List
53 @ stub CM_Free_Res_Des
54 @ stub CM_Free_Res_Des_Ex
55 @ stub CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle
56 @ stub CM_Get_Child
57 @ stub CM_Get_Child_Ex
58 @ stub CM_Get_Class_Key_NameA
59 @ stub CM_Get_Class_Key_NameW
60 @ stub CM_Get_Class_Key_Name_ExA
61 @ stub CM_Get_Class_Key_Name_ExW
62 @ stub CM_Get_Class_NameA
63 @ stub CM_Get_Class_NameW
64 @ stub CM_Get_Class_Name_ExA
65 @ stub CM_Get_Class_Name_ExW
66 @ stdcall CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyA(ptr long ptr ptr long long ptr)
67 @ stdcall CM_Get_Class_Registry_PropertyW(ptr long ptr ptr long long ptr)
68 @ stub CM_Get_Depth
69 @ stub CM_Get_Depth_Ex
70 @ stub CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA
71 @ stub CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW
72 @ stdcall CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA(long long ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
73 @ stdcall CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW(long long ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
74 @ stub CM_Get_DevNode_Status
75 @ stub CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex
76 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_IDA(ptr ptr long long)
77 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_IDW(ptr ptr long long)
78 @ stub CM_Get_Device_ID_ExA
79 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_ID_ExW(ptr ptr long long ptr)
80 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_ID_ListA(str ptr long long)
81 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_ID_ListW(wstr ptr long long)
82 @ stub CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExA
83 @ stub CM_Get_Device_ID_List_ExW
84 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeA(ptr str long)
85 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_ID_List_SizeW(ptr wstr long)
86 @ stub CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_ExA
87 @ stub CM_Get_Device_ID_List_Size_ExW
88 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_ID_Size(ptr ptr long)
89 @ stub CM_Get_Device_ID_Size_Ex
90 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_AliasA
91 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_AliasW
92 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_Alias_ExA
93 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_Alias_ExW
94 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListA
95 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW
96 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExA
97 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_ExW
98 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeA
99 @ stub CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW
100 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExA(ptr ptr str long ptr)
101 @ stdcall CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size_ExW(ptr ptr wstr long ptr)
102 @ stub CM_Get_First_Log_Conf
103 @ stub CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex
104 @ stub CM_Get_Global_State
105 @ stub CM_Get_Global_State_Ex
106 @ stub CM_Get_HW_Prof_FlagsA
107 @ stub CM_Get_HW_Prof_FlagsW
108 @ stub CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_ExA
109 @ stub CM_Get_HW_Prof_Flags_ExW
110 @ stub CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_InfoA
111 @ stub CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_InfoW
112 @ stub CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_ExA
113 @ stub CM_Get_Hardware_Profile_Info_ExW
114 @ stub CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority
115 @ stub CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority_Ex
116 @ stub CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf
117 @ stub CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex
118 @ stub CM_Get_Next_Res_Des
119 @ stub CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex
120 @ stdcall CM_Get_Parent(ptr long long)
121 @ stub CM_Get_Parent_Ex
122 @ stub CM_Get_Res_Des_Data
123 @ stub CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Ex
124 @ stub CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size
125 @ stub CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size_Ex
126 @ stub CM_Get_Sibling
127 @ stub CM_Get_Sibling_Ex
128 @ stub CM_Get_Version
129 @ stub CM_Get_Version_Ex
130 @ stub CM_Intersect_Range_List
131 @ stub CM_Invert_Range_List
132 @ stub CM_Is_Dock_Station_Present
133 @ stdcall CM_Locate_DevNodeA(ptr str long)
134 @ stdcall CM_Locate_DevNodeW(ptr wstr long)
135 @ stdcall CM_Locate_DevNode_ExA(ptr str long long)
136 @ stdcall CM_Locate_DevNode_ExW(ptr wstr long long)
137 @ stub CM_Merge_Range_List
138 @ stub CM_Modify_Res_Des
139 @ stub CM_Modify_Res_Des_Ex
140 @ stub CM_Move_DevNode
141 @ stub CM_Move_DevNode_Ex
142 @ stub CM_Next_Range
143 @ stub CM_Open_Class_KeyA
144 @ stub CM_Open_Class_KeyW
145 @ stub CM_Open_Class_Key_ExA
146 @ stub CM_Open_Class_Key_ExW
147 @ stub CM_Open_DevNode_Key
148 @ stub CM_Open_DevNode_Key_Ex
149 @ stub CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTreeA
150 @ stub CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTreeW
151 @ stub CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_ExA
152 @ stub CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_ExW
153 @ stub CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data
154 @ stub CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Data_Ex
155 @ stub CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size
156 @ stub CM_Query_Arbitrator_Free_Size_Ex
157 @ stub CM_Query_Remove_SubTree
158 @ stub CM_Query_Remove_SubTree_Ex
159 @ stub CM_Reenumerate_DevNode
160 @ stub CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex
161 @ stub CM_Register_Device_Driver
162 @ stub CM_Register_Device_Driver_Ex
163 @ stub CM_Register_Device_InterfaceA
164 @ stub CM_Register_Device_InterfaceW
165 @ stub CM_Register_Device_Interface_ExA
166 @ stub CM_Register_Device_Interface_ExW
167 @ stub CM_Remove_SubTree
168 @ stub CM_Remove_SubTree_Ex
169 @ stub CM_Remove_Unmarked_Children
170 @ stub CM_Remove_Unmarked_Children_Ex
171 @ stub CM_Request_Device_EjectA
172 @ stub CM_Request_Device_EjectW
173 @ stub CM_Request_Eject_PC
174 @ stub CM_Reset_Children_Marks
175 @ stub CM_Reset_Children_Marks_Ex
176 @ stub CM_Run_Detection
177 @ stub CM_Run_Detection_Ex
178 @ stdcall CM_Set_Class_Registry_PropertyA(ptr long ptr long long ptr)
179 @ stdcall CM_Set_Class_Registry_PropertyW(ptr long ptr long long ptr)
180 @ stub CM_Set_DevNode_Problem
181 @ stub CM_Set_DevNode_Problem_Ex
182 @ stub CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyA
183 @ stub CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_PropertyW
184 @ stub CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExA
185 @ stub CM_Set_DevNode_Registry_Property_ExW
186 @ stub CM_Set_HW_Prof
187 @ stub CM_Set_HW_Prof_Ex
188 @ stub CM_Set_HW_Prof_FlagsA
189 @ stub CM_Set_HW_Prof_FlagsW
190 @ stub CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_ExA
191 @ stub CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_ExW
192 @ stub CM_Setup_DevNode
193 @ stub CM_Setup_DevNode_Ex
194 @ stub CM_Test_Range_Available
195 @ stub CM_Uninstall_DevNode
196 @ stub CM_Uninstall_DevNode_Ex
197 @ stub CM_Unregister_Device_InterfaceA
198 @ stub CM_Unregister_Device_InterfaceW
199 @ stub CM_Unregister_Device_Interface_ExA
200 @ stub CM_Unregister_Device_Interface_ExW
201 @ stdcall CaptureAndConvertAnsiArg(str ptr)
202 @ stdcall CaptureStringArg(wstr ptr)
203 @ stub CenterWindowRelativeToParent
204 @ stub ConcatenatePaths
205 @ stdcall DelayedMove(wstr wstr)
206 @ stub DelimStringToMultiSz
207 @ stub DestroyTextFileReadBuffer
208 @ stdcall DoesUserHavePrivilege(wstr)
209 @ stdcall DuplicateString(wstr)
210 @ stdcall EnablePrivilege(wstr long)
211 @ stub ExtensionPropSheetPageProc
212 @ stdcall FileExists(wstr ptr)
213 @ stub FreeStringArray
214 @ stub GetCurrentDriverSigningPolicy
215 @ stub GetNewInfName
216 @ stub GetSetFileTimestamp
217 @ stub GetVersionInfoFromImage
218 @ stub InfIsFromOemLocation
219 @ stdcall InstallCatalog(str str ptr)
220 @ stdcall InstallHinfSection(long long str long) InstallHinfSectionA
221 @ stdcall InstallHinfSectionA(long long str long)
222 @ stdcall InstallHinfSectionW(long long wstr long)
223 @ stub InstallStop
224 @ stub InstallStopEx
225 @ stdcall IsUserAdmin()
226 @ stub LookUpStringInTable
227 @ stub MemoryInitialize
228 @ stdcall MultiByteToUnicode(str long)
229 @ stub MultiSzFromSearchControl
230 @ stdcall MyFree(ptr)
231 @ stub MyGetFileTitle
232 @ stdcall MyMalloc(long)
233 @ stdcall MyRealloc(ptr long)
234 @ stdcall OpenAndMapFileForRead(wstr ptr ptr ptr ptr)
235 @ stub OutOfMemory
236 @ stub QueryMultiSzValueToArray
237 @ stdcall QueryRegistryValue(long wstr ptr ptr ptr)
238 @ stub ReadAsciiOrUnicodeTextFile
239 @ stdcall RegistryDelnode(long long)
240 # Yes, Microsoft really misspelled this one!
241 @ stdcall RetreiveFileSecurity(wstr ptr)
242 @ stub RetrieveServiceConfig
243 @ stub SearchForInfFile
244 @ stub SetArrayToMultiSzValue
245 @ stdcall SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceListA(long long long str ptr long)
246 @ stub SetupAddInstallSectionToDiskSpaceListW
247 @ stub SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceListA
248 @ stub SetupAddSectionToDiskSpaceListW
249 @ stdcall SetupAddToDiskSpaceListA(long str int64 long ptr long)
250 @ stdcall SetupAddToDiskSpaceListW(long wstr int64 long ptr long)
251 @ stdcall SetupAddToSourceListA(long str)
252 @ stub SetupAddToSourceListW
253 @ stub SetupAdjustDiskSpaceListA
254 @ stub SetupAdjustDiskSpaceListW
255 @ stub SetupCancelTemporarySourceList
256 @ stdcall SetupCloseFileQueue(ptr)
257 @ stdcall SetupCloseInfFile(long)
258 @ stdcall SetupCloseLog()
259 @ stdcall SetupCommitFileQueue(long long ptr ptr) SetupCommitFileQueueW
260 @ stdcall SetupCommitFileQueueA(long long ptr ptr)
261 @ stdcall SetupCommitFileQueueW(long long ptr ptr)
262 @ stdcall SetupCopyErrorA(long str str str str str long long str long ptr)
263 @ stdcall SetupCopyErrorW(long wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr long long wstr long ptr)
264 @ stdcall SetupCopyOEMInfA(str str long long ptr long ptr ptr)
265 @ stdcall SetupCopyOEMInfW(wstr wstr long long ptr long ptr ptr)
266 @ stdcall SetupCreateDiskSpaceListA(ptr long long)
267 @ stdcall SetupCreateDiskSpaceListW(ptr long long)
268 @ stdcall SetupDecompressOrCopyFileA(str str ptr)
269 @ stdcall SetupDecompressOrCopyFileW(wstr wstr ptr)
270 @ stub SetupDefaultQueueCallback
271 @ stdcall SetupDefaultQueueCallbackA(ptr long long long)
272 @ stdcall SetupDefaultQueueCallbackW(ptr long long long)
273 @ stdcall SetupDeleteErrorA(long str str long long)
274 @ stdcall SetupDeleteErrorW(long wstr wstr long long)
275 @ stdcall SetupDestroyDiskSpaceList(long)
276 @ stub SetupDiAskForOEMDisk
277 @ stdcall SetupDiBuildClassInfoList(long ptr long ptr)
278 @ stdcall SetupDiBuildClassInfoListExA(long ptr long ptr str ptr)
279 @ stdcall SetupDiBuildClassInfoListExW(long ptr long ptr wstr ptr)
280 @ stdcall SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(ptr ptr long)
281 @ stdcall SetupDiCallClassInstaller(long ptr ptr)
282 @ stub SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch
283 @ stub SetupDiChangeState
284 @ stdcall SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameA(str ptr long ptr)
285 @ stdcall SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameExA(str ptr long ptr str ptr)
286 @ stdcall SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameExW(wstr ptr long ptr wstr ptr)
287 @ stdcall SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameW(wstr ptr long ptr)
288 @ stdcall SetupDiClassNameFromGuidA(ptr str long ptr)
289 @ stdcall SetupDiClassNameFromGuidExA(ptr str long ptr wstr ptr)
290 @ stdcall SetupDiClassNameFromGuidExW(ptr wstr long ptr wstr ptr)
291 @ stdcall SetupDiClassNameFromGuidW(ptr wstr long ptr)
292 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDevRegKeyA(ptr ptr long long long ptr str)
293 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDevRegKeyW(ptr ptr long long long ptr wstr)
294 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoA(long str ptr str long long ptr)
295 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoList(ptr ptr)
296 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExA(ptr long str ptr)
297 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW(ptr long wstr ptr)
298 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW(long wstr ptr wstr long long ptr)
299 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceA(ptr ptr ptr str long ptr)
300 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceW(ptr ptr ptr wstr long ptr)
301 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKeyA(ptr ptr long long ptr ptr)
302 @ stdcall SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKeyW(ptr ptr long long ptr ptr)
303 @ stdcall SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey(ptr ptr long long long)
304 @ stdcall SetupDiDeleteDeviceInfo(ptr ptr)
305 @ stub SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceData
306 @ stdcall SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceRegKey(ptr ptr long)
307 @ stub SetupDiDeleteDeviceRegKey
308 @ stdcall SetupDiDestroyClassImageList(ptr)
309 @ stdcall SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(long)
310 @ stub SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList
311 @ stdcall SetupDiDrawMiniIcon(ptr int128 long long)
312 @ stdcall SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(long long ptr)
313 @ stdcall SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(long ptr ptr long ptr)
314 @ stub SetupDiEnumDriverInfoA
315 @ stub SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW
316 @ stdcall SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallA(long str str long ptr ptr)
317 @ stdcall SetupDiGetActualSectionToInstallW(long wstr wstr long ptr ptr)
318 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassBitmapIndex(ptr ptr)
319 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDescriptionA(ptr str long ptr)
320 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDescriptionExA(ptr str long ptr str ptr)
321 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDescriptionExW(ptr wstr long ptr wstr ptr)
322 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDescriptionW(ptr wstr long ptr)
323 @ stub SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsA
324 @ stub SetupDiGetClassDevPropertySheetsW
325 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDevsA(ptr ptr long long)
326 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDevsExA(ptr str ptr long ptr str ptr)
327 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDevsExW(ptr wstr ptr long ptr wstr ptr)
328 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassDevsW(ptr ptr long long)
329 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassImageIndex(ptr ptr ptr)
330 @ stdcall SetupDiGetClassImageList(ptr)
331 @ stub SetupDiGetClassImageListExA
332 @ stub SetupDiGetClassImageListExW
333 @ stub SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsA
334 @ stub SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsW
335 @ stub SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListClass
336 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetailA(ptr ptr)
337 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetailW(ptr ptr)
338 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsA(ptr ptr ptr)
339 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW(ptr ptr ptr)
340 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdA(ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
341 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW(ptr ptr ptr long ptr)
342 @ stub SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceAlias
343 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA(long ptr ptr long ptr ptr)
344 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW(long ptr ptr long ptr ptr)
345 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA(long ptr long ptr ptr long ptr)
346 @ stdcall SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(long ptr long ptr ptr long ptr)
347 @ stub SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailA
348 @ stub SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailW
349 @ stub SetupDiGetDriverInstallParamsA
350 @ stub SetupDiGetDriverInstallParamsW
351 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameA
352 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameExA
353 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameExW
354 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileFriendlyNameW
355 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileList
356 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileListExA
357 @ stub SetupDiGetHwProfileListExW
358 @ stdcall SetupDiGetINFClassA(str ptr ptr long ptr)
359 @ stdcall SetupDiGetINFClassW(wstr ptr ptr long ptr)
360 @ stub SetupDiGetSelectedDevice
361 @ stub SetupDiGetSelectedDriverA
362 @ stub SetupDiGetSelectedDriverW
363 @ stub SetupDiGetWizardPage
364 @ stdcall SetupDiInstallClassA(long str long ptr)
365 @ stub SetupDiInstallClassExA
366 @ stub SetupDiInstallClassExW
367 @ stdcall SetupDiInstallClassW(long wstr long ptr)
368 @ stub SetupDiInstallDevice
369 @ stub SetupDiInstallDriverFiles
370 @ stdcall SetupDiLoadClassIcon(ptr ptr ptr)
371 @ stub SetupDiMoveDuplicateDevice
372 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenClassRegKey(ptr long)
373 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyExA(ptr long long str ptr)
374 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyExW(ptr long long wstr ptr)
375 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(ptr ptr long long long long)
376 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoA(ptr str ptr long ptr)
377 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenDeviceInfoW(ptr wstr ptr long ptr)
378 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceA(ptr str long ptr)
379 @ stub SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceRegKey
380 @ stdcall SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceW(ptr wstr long ptr)
381 @ stdcall SetupDiRegisterDeviceInfo(ptr ptr long ptr ptr ptr)
382 @ stdcall SetupDiRemoveDevice(ptr ptr)
383 @ stub SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface
384 @ stub SetupDiSelectDevice
385 @ stub SetupDiSelectOEMDrv
386 @ stdcall SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsA(ptr ptr ptr long)
387 @ stub SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW
388 @ stub SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsA
389 @ stub SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW
390 @ stdcall SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyA(ptr ptr long ptr ptr)
391 @ stdcall SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW(ptr ptr long ptr ptr)
392 @ stub SetupDiSetDriverInstallParamsA
393 @ stub SetupDiSetDriverInstallParamsW
394 @ stdcall SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(ptr ptr)
395 @ stub SetupDiSetSelectedDriverA
396 @ stub SetupDiSetSelectedDriverW
397 @ stub SetupDiUnremoveDevice
398 @ stdcall SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceListA(ptr ptr long long)
399 @ stdcall SetupDuplicateDiskSpaceListW(ptr ptr long long)
400 @ stdcall SetupEnumInfSectionsA(long long ptr long ptr)
401 @ stdcall SetupEnumInfSectionsW(long long ptr long ptr)
402 @ stdcall SetupFindFirstLineA(long str str ptr)
403 @ stdcall SetupFindFirstLineW(long wstr wstr ptr)
404 @ stdcall SetupFindNextLine(ptr ptr)
405 @ stdcall SetupFindNextMatchLineA(ptr str ptr)
406 @ stdcall SetupFindNextMatchLineW(ptr wstr ptr)
407 @ stub SetupFreeSourceListA
408 @ stub SetupFreeSourceListW
409 @ stub SetupGetBackupInformationA
410 @ stub SetupGetBackupInformationW
411 @ stdcall SetupGetBinaryField(ptr long ptr long ptr)
412 @ stdcall SetupGetFieldCount(ptr)
413 @ stdcall SetupGetFileCompressionInfoA(str ptr ptr ptr ptr)
414 @ stdcall SetupGetFileCompressionInfoExA(str ptr long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
415 @ stdcall SetupGetFileCompressionInfoExW(wstr ptr long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
416 @ stdcall SetupGetFileCompressionInfoW(wstr ptr ptr ptr ptr)
417 @ stdcall SetupGetFileQueueCount(long long ptr)
418 @ stdcall SetupGetFileQueueFlags(long ptr)
419 @ stdcall SetupGetInfFileListA(str long ptr long ptr)
420 @ stdcall SetupGetInfFileListW(wstr long ptr long ptr)
421 @ stdcall SetupGetInfInformationA(ptr long ptr long ptr)
422 @ stdcall SetupGetInfInformationW(ptr long ptr long ptr)
423 @ stub SetupGetInfSections
424 @ stdcall SetupGetIntField(ptr long ptr)
425 @ stdcall SetupGetLineByIndexA(long str long ptr)
426 @ stdcall SetupGetLineByIndexW(long wstr long ptr)
427 @ stdcall SetupGetLineCountA(long str)
428 @ stdcall SetupGetLineCountW(long wstr)
429 @ stdcall SetupGetLineTextA(ptr long str str ptr long ptr)
430 @ stdcall SetupGetLineTextW(ptr long wstr wstr ptr long ptr)
431 @ stdcall SetupGetMultiSzFieldA(ptr long ptr long ptr)
432 @ stdcall SetupGetMultiSzFieldW(ptr long ptr long ptr)
433 @ stdcall SetupGetNonInteractiveMode()
434 @ stdcall SetupGetSourceFileLocationA(ptr ptr str ptr ptr long ptr)
435 @ stdcall SetupGetSourceFileLocationW(ptr ptr wstr ptr ptr long ptr)
436 @ stub SetupGetSourceFileSizeA
437 @ stub SetupGetSourceFileSizeW
438 @ stdcall SetupGetSourceInfoA(ptr long long ptr long ptr)
439 @ stdcall SetupGetSourceInfoW(ptr long long ptr long ptr)
440 @ stdcall SetupGetStringFieldA(ptr long ptr long ptr)
441 @ stdcall SetupGetStringFieldW(ptr long ptr long ptr)
442 @ stdcall SetupGetTargetPathA(ptr ptr str ptr long ptr)
443 @ stdcall SetupGetTargetPathW(ptr ptr wstr ptr long ptr)
444 @ stdcall SetupInitDefaultQueueCallback(long)
445 @ stdcall SetupInitDefaultQueueCallbackEx(long long long long ptr)
446 @ stdcall SetupInitializeFileLogA (str long)
447 @ stdcall SetupInitializeFileLogW (wstr long)
448 @ stdcall SetupInstallFileA(ptr ptr str str str long ptr ptr)
449 @ stdcall SetupInstallFileExA(ptr ptr str str str long ptr ptr ptr)
450 @ stdcall SetupInstallFileExW(ptr ptr wstr wstr wstr long ptr ptr ptr)
451 @ stdcall SetupInstallFileW(ptr ptr wstr wstr wstr long ptr ptr)
452 @ stdcall SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionA(long long long str str long)
453 @ stdcall SetupInstallFilesFromInfSectionW(long long long wstr wstr long)
454 @ stdcall SetupInstallFromInfSectionA(long long str long long str long ptr ptr long ptr)
455 @ stdcall SetupInstallFromInfSectionW(long long wstr long long wstr long ptr ptr long ptr)
456 @ stdcall SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionA(long str long)
457 @ stub SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExA
458 @ stub SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionExW
459 @ stdcall SetupInstallServicesFromInfSectionW(long wstr long)
460 @ stdcall SetupIterateCabinetA(str long ptr ptr)
461 @ stdcall SetupIterateCabinetW(wstr long ptr ptr)
462 @ stub SetupLogErrorA
463 @ stdcall SetupLogErrorW(wstr long)
464 @ stdcall SetupLogFileA(ptr str str str long str str str long)
465 @ stdcall SetupLogFileW(ptr wstr wstr wstr long wstr wstr wstr long)
466 @ stdcall SetupOpenAppendInfFileA(str long ptr)
467 @ stdcall SetupOpenAppendInfFileW(wstr long ptr)
468 @ stdcall SetupOpenFileQueue()
469 @ stdcall SetupOpenInfFileA(str str long ptr)
470 @ stdcall SetupOpenInfFileW(wstr wstr long ptr)
471 @ stdcall SetupOpenLog(long)
472 @ stdcall SetupOpenMasterInf()
473 @ stdcall SetupPromptForDiskA(ptr str str str str str long ptr long ptr)
474 @ stdcall SetupPromptForDiskW(ptr wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr long ptr long ptr)
475 @ stdcall SetupPromptReboot(ptr ptr long)
476 @ stdcall SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceListA(ptr ptr long ptr)
477 @ stdcall SetupQueryDrivesInDiskSpaceListW(ptr ptr long ptr)
478 @ stub SetupQueryFileLogA
479 @ stub SetupQueryFileLogW
480 @ stdcall SetupQueryInfFileInformationA(ptr long str long ptr)
481 @ stdcall SetupQueryInfFileInformationW(ptr long wstr long ptr)
482 @ stdcall SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformationA(ptr long ptr ptr)
483 @ stdcall SetupQueryInfOriginalFileInformationW(ptr long ptr ptr)
484 @ stub SetupQueryInfVersionInformationA
485 @ stub SetupQueryInfVersionInformationW
486 @ stub SetupQuerySourceListA
487 @ stub SetupQuerySourceListW
488 @ stdcall SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDriveA(long str ptr ptr long)
489 @ stdcall SetupQuerySpaceRequiredOnDriveW(long wstr ptr ptr long)
490 @ stdcall SetupQueueCopyA(long str str str str str str str long)
491 @ stdcall SetupQueueCopyIndirectA(ptr)
492 @ stdcall SetupQueueCopyIndirectW(ptr)
493 @ stdcall SetupQueueCopySectionA(long str long long str long)
494 @ stdcall SetupQueueCopySectionW(long wstr long long wstr long)
495 @ stdcall SetupQueueCopyW(long wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr wstr long)
496 @ stdcall SetupQueueDefaultCopyA(long long str str str long)
497 @ stdcall SetupQueueDefaultCopyW(long long wstr wstr wstr long)
498 @ stdcall SetupQueueDeleteA(long str str)
499 @ stdcall SetupQueueDeleteSectionA(long long long str)
500 @ stdcall SetupQueueDeleteSectionW(long long long wstr)
501 @ stdcall SetupQueueDeleteW(long wstr wstr)
502 @ stdcall SetupQueueRenameA(long str str str str)
503 @ stdcall SetupQueueRenameSectionA(long long long str)
504 @ stdcall SetupQueueRenameSectionW(long long long wstr)
505 @ stdcall SetupQueueRenameW(long wstr wstr wstr wstr)
506 @ stub SetupRemoveFileLogEntryA
507 @ stub SetupRemoveFileLogEntryW
508 @ stub SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceListA
509 @ stub SetupRemoveFromDiskSpaceListW
510 @ stub SetupRemoveFromSourceListA
511 @ stub SetupRemoveFromSourceListW
512 @ stub SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceListA
513 @ stub SetupRemoveInstallSectionFromDiskSpaceListW
514 @ stub SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceListA
515 @ stub SetupRemoveSectionFromDiskSpaceListW
516 @ stdcall SetupRenameErrorA(long str str str long long)
517 @ stdcall SetupRenameErrorW(long wstr wstr wstr long long)
518 @ stub SetupScanFileQueue
519 @ stdcall SetupScanFileQueueA(long long long ptr ptr ptr)
520 @ stdcall SetupScanFileQueueW(long long long ptr ptr ptr)
521 @ stdcall SetupSetDirectoryIdA(long long str)
522 @ stub SetupSetDirectoryIdExA
523 @ stub SetupSetDirectoryIdExW
524 @ stdcall SetupSetDirectoryIdW(long long wstr)
525 @ stdcall SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatformA(ptr ptr str)
526 @ stdcall SetupSetFileQueueAlternatePlatformW(ptr ptr wstr)
527 @ stdcall SetupSetFileQueueFlags(long long long)
528 @ stdcall SetupSetNonInteractiveMode(long)
529 @ stub SetupSetPlatformPathOverrideA
530 @ stub SetupSetPlatformPathOverrideW
531 @ stdcall SetupSetSourceListA(long ptr long)
532 @ stdcall SetupSetSourceListW(long ptr long)
533 @ stdcall SetupTermDefaultQueueCallback(ptr)
534 @ stdcall SetupTerminateFileLog(long)
535 @ stdcall SetupUninstallOEMInfA(str long ptr)
536 @ stdcall SetupUninstallOEMInfW(wstr long ptr)
537 @ stub ShouldDeviceBeExcluded
538 @ stdcall StampFileSecurity(wstr ptr)
539 @ stdcall StringTableAddString(ptr wstr long)
540 @ stdcall StringTableAddStringEx(ptr wstr long ptr long)
541 @ stdcall StringTableDestroy(ptr)
542 @ stdcall StringTableDuplicate(ptr)
543 @ stub StringTableEnum
544 @ stdcall StringTableGetExtraData(ptr long ptr long)
545 @ stdcall StringTableInitialize()
546 @ stdcall StringTableInitializeEx(long long)
547 @ stdcall StringTableLookUpString(ptr wstr long)
548 @ stdcall StringTableLookUpStringEx(ptr wstr long ptr long)
549 @ stdcall StringTableSetExtraData(ptr long ptr long)
550 @ stdcall StringTableStringFromId(ptr long)
551 @ stdcall StringTableStringFromIdEx(ptr long ptr ptr)
552 @ stdcall StringTableTrim(ptr)
553 @ stdcall TakeOwnershipOfFile(wstr)
554 @ stdcall UnicodeToMultiByte(wstr long)
555 @ stdcall UnmapAndCloseFile(long long ptr)
556 @ stub VerifyCatalogFile
557 @ stub VerifyFile
558 @ stub pSetupAccessRunOnceNodeList
559 @ stub pSetupAddMiniIconToList
560 @ stub pSetupAddTagToGroupOrderListEntry
561 @ stub pSetupAppendStringToMultiSz
562 @ stub pSetupDestroyRunOnceNodeList
563 @ stub pSetupDirectoryIdToPath
564 @ stdcall pSetupFree(ptr) MyFree
565 @ stdcall pSetupGetField(ptr long)
566 @ stdcall pSetupGetGlobalFlags()
567 @ stub pSetupGetOsLoaderDriveAndPath
568 @ stdcall pSetupGetQueueFlags(ptr)
569 @ stub pSetupGetVersionDatum
570 @ stub pSetupGuidFromString
571 @ stub pSetupIsGuidNull
572 @ stdcall pSetupInstallCatalog(wstr wstr ptr)
573 @ stdcall pSetupIsUserAdmin() IsUserAdmin
574 @ stub pSetupMakeSurePathExists
575 @ stdcall pSetupMalloc(long) MyMalloc
576 @ stdcall pSetupRealloc(ptr long) MyRealloc
577 @ stdcall pSetupSetGlobalFlags(long)
578 @ stdcall pSetupSetQueueFlags(ptr long)
579 @ stub pSetupSetSystemSourceFlags
580 @ stub pSetupStringFromGuid
581 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableAddString(ptr wstr long) StringTableAddString
582 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableAddStringEx(ptr wstr long ptr long) StringTableAddStringEx
583 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableDestroy(ptr) StringTableDestroy
584 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableDuplicate(ptr) StringTableDuplicate
585 @ stub pSetupStringTableEnum
586 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableGetExtraData(ptr long ptr long) StringTableGetExtraData
587 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableInitialize() StringTableInitialize
588 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableInitializeEx(long long) StringTableInitializeEx
589 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableLookUpString(ptr wstr long) StringTableLookUpString
590 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableLookUpStringEx(ptr wstr long ptr ptr) StringTableLookUpStringEx
591 @ stdcall pSetupStringTableSetExtraData(ptr long ptr long) StringTableSetExtraData
592 @ stub pSetupVerifyCatalogFile
593 @ stub pSetupVerifyQueuedCatalogs