No need continuing tests if no NetUserGetInfo.
[wine/multimedia.git] / documentation / winelib-intro.sgml
1 <chapter id="winelib-introduction">
2 <title id="introduction.title">Winelib Introduction</title>
4 <sect1 id="winelib-whatis">
5 <title>What is Winelib?</title>
7 <para>
8 Winelib is a development toolkit which allows you to compile your
9 Windows applications on Unix.
10 </para>
11 <para>
12 Most of Winelib's code consists of the Win32 API implementation.
13 Fortunately this part is 100 percent shared with Wine. The remainder
14 consists of Windows compatible headers and tools like the resource
15 compiler (and even these are used when compiling Wine).
16 </para>
17 <para>
18 Thanks to the above, Winelib supports most C and C++ 32bit source code,
19 resource and message files, and can generate graphical or console
20 applications as well as dynamic libraries.
21 </para>
22 <para>
23 What is not supported is 16bit source code as the types it depends on
24 (especially segmented pointers) are not supported by Unix compilers.
25 Also missing are some of the more exotic features of Microsoft's
26 compiler like native COM support and structured exception handling.
27 So you may need to perform some modifications in your code when
28 recompiling your application with Winelib. This guide is here to help
29 you in this task.
30 </para>
31 <para>
32 What you gain by recompiling your application with Winelib is the
33 ability to make calls to Unix APIs, directly from your
34 Windows source code. This allows for a better integration with the
35 Unix environment than is allowed by running an unmodified Windows
36 application running in Wine. Another benefit is that a Winelib
37 application can relatively easily be recompiled on a non-Intel
38 architecture and run there without the need for a slow software
39 emulation of the processor.
40 </para>
41 </sect1>
43 <sect1 id="winelib-requirements">
44 <title id="requirements.title">System requirements</title>
45 <para>
46 The requirements for Winelib are similar to those for Wine.
47 </para>
48 <para>
49 Basically if you can run Wine on your computer then you can run
50 Winelib. But the converse is not true. You can also build Winelib
51 and Winelib applications on platforms not supported by Wine,
52 typically platforms with a non i386 processor. But this is still
53 pretty much uncharted territory. It would be more reasonable to
54 target one of the more mundane i386-based platforms first.
55 </para>
56 <para>
57 The main difference is that the compiler becomes much more important.
58 It is highly recommended that you use gcc, g++, and the GNU binutils.
59 The more recent your gcc compiler the better.
60 For any serious amount of code you should not consider anything older
61 than gcc 2.95.2. The latest gcc snapshots contain some useful bug
62 fixes and much better support for anonymous structs and unions. This
63 can help reduce the number of changes you have to do in your code but
64 these are not stable releases of the compiler so you may not want to
65 use them in production.
66 </para>
67 </sect1>
69 <sect1 id="winelib-getting-started">
70 <title id="getting-started.title">Getting Started</title>
72 <sect2 id="winemaker-introduction">
73 <title id="winemaker-introduction.title">Winemaker introduction</title>
74 <para>
75 So what is needed to compile a Windows application with Winelib?
76 Well, it really depends on the complexity of your application but
77 here are some issues that are shared by all applications:
78 </para>
79 <itemizedlist>
80 <listitem>
81 <para>
82 the case of your files may be bad. For example they could be
83 in all caps: <filename>HELLO.C</filename>. It's not very nice to
84 work with and probably not what you intended.
85 </para>
86 </listitem>
87 <listitem>
88 <para>
89 then the case of the filenames in your include statements may be
90 wrong: maybe they include <filename>Windows.h</filename> instead
91 of <filename>windows.h</filename>.
92 </para>
93 </listitem>
94 <listitem>
95 <para>
96 your include statements may use '\' instead of '/'. '\' is not
97 recognized by Unix compilers while '/' is recognized in both
98 environments.
99 </para>
100 </listitem>
101 <listitem>
102 <para>
103 you will need to perform the usual Dos to Unix text file conversion
104 otherwise you'll get in trouble when the compiler considers that
105 your '\' is not at the end of the line since it is followed by a
106 pesky carriage return.
107 </para>
108 </listitem>
109 <listitem>
110 <para>
111 you will have to write new makefiles.
112 </para>
113 </listitem>
114 </itemizedlist>
116 <para>
117 The best way to take care of all these issues is to use winemaker.
118 </para>
119 <para>
120 Winemaker is a perl script which is designed to help you bootstrap
121 the conversion of your Windows projects to Winelib. In order to do
122 this it will go analyze your code, fixing the issues listed above
123 and generate straight Makefiles.
124 </para>
125 <para>
126 Let's suppose that you are already in the top directory of your
127 sources. Then converting your project to Winelib may be as simple
128 as just running the three commands below (note the dot indicating
129 current directory at the end of the first command):
130 </para>
131 <programlisting>
132 $ winemaker --lower-uppercase .
133 $ make
134 </programlisting>
136 <para>
137 But of course things are not always that simple which is why we have
138 this guide at all.
139 </para>
140 </sect2>
142 <sect2 id="winemaker-test">
143 <title id="winemaker-test.title">Test Drive</title>
145 <para>
146 Before starting to work on a big project you may want to try to port a
147 small application. The notepad application from the Wine source tree
148 suits well for testing purposes. It can be found in the programs
149 subdirectory. notepad is a simple application, but has a few C,
150 header and resource files.
151 </para>
152 <para>
153 Run <command>make clean</command> in the
154 notepad source directory if it contains results of previous builds.
155 Create a separate directory with name notepad2, so it won't conflict
156 with the Wine copy of the application. Copy the sources of notepad
157 (files *.c, *.h, *.rc) to this directory. Now run the commands,
158 mentioned above from the notepad2 directory:
159 </para>
160 <programlisting>
161 $ winemaker --lower-uppercase .
162 $ make
163 </programlisting>
165 <para>
166 Notice how the build fails in a resource file
167 (<filename>Da.rc</filename> at the time this was written).
168 This is because for the time being, the Wine resource compiler
169 (<command>windres</command>) can't cope with more than one
170 resource file ending up in a given executable. To get around
171 that limitation, the Wine developers have chosen to only have
172 one master resource file per application, and include the
173 other ones via <literal>#include</literal> statements in the
174 master one. The included files do not
175 <literal>#include</literal> the necessary files to be
176 compilable on their own. You will need to do the same thing
177 for now in your own Winelib port projects.
178 </para>
179 <para>
180 To fix that problem, you will need to edit the list of
181 resource files winemaker thought notepad used, and only keep
182 the master resource file. To do so, open
183 <filename>notepad2/Makefile</filename> in a text editor and
184 search for an assignment to a variable with
185 <literal>RC_SRCS</literal> as part of its name. It will likely
186 be named <literal>notepad2_exe_RC_SRCS</literal>. There will
187 be a list of resource files starting on the same line. Remove
188 them all except <filename>rsrc.rc</filename> (this is the
189 master one for notepad). Save your work.
190 </para>
191 <para>
192 Now you're ready to continue at the same point the first
193 <command>make</command> failed. Return to the notepad2
194 directory and type:
195 </para>
196 <programlisting>
197 $ make
198 </programlisting>
200 <para>
201 You are done! Now you can start the application as
202 <command>./notepad2</command>.
203 </para>
204 <para>
205 If you come across problems preparing and building this application
206 this probably means that winemaker utility is broken by some changes
207 in Wine. Try asking for help on <email></email>
208 </para>
209 </sect2>
211 <sect2 id="winemaker-guide">
212 <title id="winemaker-guide.title">Step by step guide</title>
214 <para>
215 Let's retrace the steps above in more details.
216 </para>
217 <variablelist>
218 <varlistentry>
219 <term><option>Getting the source</option></term>
220 <listitem>
221 <para>
222 First if you can try to get the sources together with the
223 executables/libraries that they build. In the current state of
224 winemaker having these around can help it guess what it is that
225 your project is trying to build. Later, when it is able to
226 understand Visual C++ projects, and if you use them, this will
227 no longer be necessary. Usually the executables and libraries
228 are in a <filename class="Directory">Release</filename> or
229 <filename class="Directory">Debug</filename> subdirectory of the
230 directory where the sources are. So it's best if you can
231 transfer the source files and either of these directories to
232 Linux. Note that you don't need to transfer the
233 <filename>.obj</filename>, <filename>.pch</filename>,
234 <filename>.sbr</filename> and other files that also reside in
235 these directories; especially as they tend to be quite big.
236 </para>
237 </listitem>
238 </varlistentry>
239 <varlistentry>
240 <term><option>cd &lt;root_dir&gt;</option></term>
241 <listitem>
242 <para>
243 Then go to the root directory where are your source files.
244 Winemaker can deal with a whole directory hierarchy at once so
245 you don't need to go into a leaf directory, quite the contrary.
246 Winemaker will automatically generate makefiles in each
247 directory where one is required, and will generate a global
248 makefile so that you can rebuild all your executables and
249 libraries with a single <command>make</command> command.
250 </para>
251 </listitem>
252 </varlistentry>
253 <varlistentry>
254 <term><option>Making the source writable</option></term>
255 <listitem>
256 <para>
257 Then make sure you have write access to your sources. It may
258 sound obvious, but if you copied your source files from a
259 CD-ROM or if they are in Source Safe on Windows, chances are
260 that they will be read-only.
261 But Winemaker needs write access so that it can fix them. You
262 can arrange that by running <command>chmod -R u+w .</command>.
263 Also you will want to make sure that you have a backup copy of
264 your sources in case something went horribly wrong, or more
265 likely, just for reference at a later point. If you use a
266 version control system you're already covered.
267 </para>
268 <para>
269 If you have already modified your source files and you want
270 to make sure that winemaker will not make further changes to
271 them then you can use the --nosource-fix option to protect
272 them.
273 </para>
274 </listitem>
275 </varlistentry>
276 <varlistentry>
277 <term><option>Running winemaker</option></term>
278 <listitem>
279 <para>
280 Then you'll run winemaker. Here are the options you will most
281 likely want to use. For complete list of options see
282 the winemaker man page.
283 </para>
284 <variablelist>
285 <varlistentry>
286 <term><option>--lower-uppercase</option></term>
287 <term><option>--lower-all</option></term>
288 <listitem>
289 <para>
290 These options specify how to deal with files, and
291 directories, that have an 'incorrect' case.
292 <option>--lower-uppercase</option> specifies they should
293 only be renamed if their name is all uppercase. So files
294 that have a mixed case, like 'Hello.c' would not be
295 renamed. <option>--lower-all</option> will rename any
296 file. If neither is specified then no file or directory
297 will be renamed, almost. As you will see
298 <link linkend="renaming">later</link> winemaker may
299 still have to rename some files.
300 </para>
301 </listitem>
302 </varlistentry>
303 <varlistentry>
304 <term><option>--nobackup</option></term>
305 <listitem>
306 <para>
307 Winemaker normally makes a backup of all the files in which
308 it does more than the standard Dos to Unix conversion.
309 But if you already have (handy) copies of these files
310 elsewhere you may not need these so you should use this
311 option.
312 </para>
313 </listitem>
314 </varlistentry>
315 <varlistentry>
316 <term><option>--dll</option></term>
317 <term><option>--console</option></term>
318 <listitem>
319 <para>
320 These option lets winemaker know what kind of target you are
321 building. If you have the windows library in your source
322 hierarchy then you should not need to specify
323 <option>--dll</option>. But if you have console executables
324 then you will need to use the corresponding option.
325 </para>
326 </listitem>
327 </varlistentry>
328 <varlistentry>
329 <term><option>--mfc</option></term>
330 <listitem>
331 <para>
332 This option tells winemaker that you are building an MFC
333 application/library.
334 </para>
335 </listitem>
336 </varlistentry>
337 <varlistentry>
338 <term><option>-Dmacro[=defn]</option></term>
339 <term><option>-Idir</option></term>
340 <term><option>-Ldir</option></term>
341 <term><option>-idll</option></term>
342 <term><option>-llibrary</option></term>
343 <listitem>
344 <para>
345 The <option>-i</option> specifies a Winelib library to
346 import via the <link linkend="spec-file">spec file</>
347 mechanism. Contrast this with the <option>-l</option>
348 which specifies a Unix library to link with. The other
349 options work the same way they would with a C
350 compiler. All are applied to all the targets found.
351 When specifying a directory with either
352 <option>-I</option> or <option>-L</option>, winemaker
353 will prefix a relative path with
354 <literal>$(TOPDIRECTORY)/</literal> so that it is valid
355 from any of the source directories. You can also use a
356 variable in the path yourself if you wish (but don't
357 forget to escape the '$'). For instance you could specify
358 <literal>-I\$(WINELIB_INCLUDE_ROOT)/msvcrt</literal>.
359 </para>
360 </listitem>
361 </varlistentry>
362 </variablelist>
363 <para>
364 So your command may finally look like:
365 <literal>winemaker --lower-uppercase -Imylib/include .</literal>
366 </para>
367 </listitem>
368 </varlistentry>
369 <varlistentry>
370 <term id="renaming"><option>File renaming</option></term>
371 <listitem>
372 <para>
373 When you execute winemaker it will first rename files to bring
374 their character case in line with your expectations and so that they can
375 be processed by the makefiles. This later category implies that
376 files with a non lowercase extension will be renamed so that the
377 extension is in lowercase. So, for instance,
378 <filename>HELLO.C</filename> will be renamed to
379 <filename>HELLO.c</filename>. Also if a file or directory name
380 contains a space or a dollar, then this
381 character will be replaced with an underscore. This is because
382 these characters cause problems with current versions of autoconf
383 (2.13) and make (3.79).
384 </para>
385 </listitem>
386 </varlistentry>
387 <varlistentry>
388 <term><option>Source modifications and makefile generation</option></term>
389 <listitem>
390 <para>
391 winemaker will then proceed to modify the source files so that
392 they will compile more readily with Winelib. As it does so it
393 may print warnings when it has to make a guess or identifies a
394 construct that it cannot correct. Finally it will generate the
395 autoconf-based makefiles. Once all this is done you can review
396 the changes that winemaker did to your files by using
397 <command>diff -uw</command>. For instance:
398 <command>diff -uw hello.c.bak hello.c</command>
399 </para>
400 </listitem>
401 </varlistentry>
402 <varlistentry>
403 <term><option>Running make</option></term>
404 <listitem>
405 <para>
406 This is a pretty simple step: just type <command>make</command>
407 and voila, you should have all your executables and libraries.
408 If this did not work out, then it means that you will have to
409 read this guide further to:
410 <itemizedlist>
411 <listitem>
412 <para>
413 review the <filename>Makefile</filename> files to
414 adjust what winemaker thinks are the binaries you are
415 trying to build and which sources should be used for
416 each. See the <xref linkend="source-analysis"
417 endterm="source-analysis.title"> section for some hints.
418 </para>
419 </listitem>
420 <listitem>
421 <para>
422 fix the portability issues in your sources. See
423 <xref linkend="portability-issues"
424 endterm="portability-issues.title"> for more details.
425 </para>
426 </listitem>
427 </itemizedlist>
428 </para>
429 </listitem>
430 </varlistentry>
431 </variablelist>
432 </sect2>
433 </sect1>
434 </chapter>
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438 mode: sgml
439 sgml-parent-document:("winelib-user.sgml" "book" "chapter" "")
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