Instead of not doing the Z ordering when the application asks to place
[wine/multimedia.git] / tsx11 / X11_calls
1 # This file contains the list of X11 calls that Wine uses and which must be
2 # protected by a critical section for multi-threaded use.
4 # To add a new call, put it on this list and run tools/make_X11wrappers.
5 # Also read the comments at the top of tools/make_X11wrappers.
7 XActivateScreenSaver
8 XAddPixel
9 XAllocClassHint
10 XAllocColor
11 XAllocColorCells
12 XAllocSizeHints
13 XAllocWMHints
14 XBell
15 XChangeGC
16 XChangeKeyboardControl
17 XChangeProperty
18 XChangeWindowAttributes
19 XCheckTypedEvent
20 XCheckTypedWindowEvent
21 XCheckWindowEvent
22 XClipBox
23 XConvertSelection
24 XCopyArea
25 XCopyColormapAndFree
26 XCopyPlane
27 XCreateBitmapFromData
28 XCreateColormap
29 XCreateFontCursor
30 XCreateGC
31 XCreateImage
32 XCreatePixmap
33 XCreatePixmapCursor
34 XCreateRegion
35 XCreateWindow
36 XDefineCursor
37 XDeleteContext
38 XDeleteProperty
39 XDestroyImage
40 XDestroyRegion
41 XDestroyWindow
42 XDisplayKeycodes
43 XDrawArc
44 XDrawLine
45 XDrawLines
46 XDrawPoint
47 XDrawRectangle
48 XDrawSegments
49 XDrawString16
50 XDrawText16
51 XEmptyRegion
52 XEqualRegion
53 XFillArc
54 XFillPolygon
55 XFillRectangle
56 XFindContext
57 XFlush
58 XFree
59 XFreeColormap
60 XFreeColors
61 XFreeCursor
62 XFreeFont
63 XFreeFontNames
64 XFreeGC
65 XFreeModifiermap
66 XFreePixmap
67 XGetAtomName
68 XGetFontProperty
69 XGetGeometry
70 XGetImage
71 XGetInputFocus
72 XGetKeyboardControl
73 XGetKeyboardMapping
74 XGetModifierMapping
75 XGetScreenSaver
76 XGetSelectionOwner
77 XGetSubImage
78 XGetVisualInfo
79 XGetWMHints
80 XGetWMSizeHints
81 XGetWindowAttributes
82 XGetWindowProperty
83 XGrabKeyboard
84 XGrabPointer
85 XGrabServer
86 XIconifyWindow
87 XInitThreads
88 XInstallColormap
89 XInternAtom
90 XIntersectRegion
91 XKeycodeToKeysym
92 XKeysymToKeycode
93 XKeysymToString
94 XListDepths
95 XListFonts
96 XListPixmapFormats
97 XLoadQueryFont
98 XLookupKeysym
99 XLookupString
100 XMapWindow
101 XNextEvent
102 XOffsetRegion
103 XOpenDisplay
104 XOpenIM
105 XParseGeometry
106 XPending
107 XPointInRegion
108 XPolygonRegion
109 XPutBackEvent
110 XPutImage
111 XQueryColor
112 XQueryKeymap
113 XQueryPointer
114 XQueryTree
115 XReconfigureWMWindow
116 XRectInRegion
117 XRefreshKeyboardMapping
118 XResetScreenSaver
119 XResourceManagerString
120 XRestackWindows
121 XSaveContext
122 XSendEvent
123 XSetArcMode
124 XSetBackground
125 XSetClassHint
126 XSetClipMask
127 XSetClipOrigin
128 XSetClipRectangles
129 XSetDashes
130 XSetFillStyle
131 XSetForeground
132 XSetFunction
133 XSetGraphicsExposures
134 XSetIconName
135 XSetInputFocus
136 XSetLineAttributes
137 XSetRegion
138 XSetScreenSaver
139 XSetSelectionOwner
140 XSetSubwindowMode
141 XSetTransientForHint
142 XSetWindowColormap
143 XSetWMHints
144 XSetWMProperties
145 XSetWMProtocols
146 XSetWMSizeHints
147 XShapeCombineMask
148 XShapeCombineRectangles
149 XShmAttach
150 XShmCreateImage
151 XShmCreatePixmap
152 XShmDetach
153 XShmGetImage
154 XShmPixmapFormat
155 XShmPutImage
156 XShmQueryExtension
157 XShmQueryVersion
158 XShrinkRegion
159 XStoreColor
160 XStoreName
161 XStringListToTextProperty
162 XSubImage
163 XSubtractRegion
164 XSync
165 XSynchronize
166 XTextExtents16
167 XTextWidth16
168 XUngrabKeyboard
169 XUngrabPointer
170 XUngrabServer
171 XUninstallColormap
172 XUnionRectWithRegion
173 XUnionRegion
174 XUniqueContext
175 XUnmapWindow
176 XWarpPointer
177 XXorRegion
178 XpmAttributesSize
179 XpmCreatePixmapFromData
180 XrmGetFileDatabase
181 XrmGetResource
182 XrmGetStringDatabase
183 XrmInitialize
184 XrmMergeDatabases
185 XrmParseCommand
186 XrmUniqueQuark
187 _XInitImageFuncPtrs
188 XF86DGAQueryExtension
189 XF86DGASetViewPort
190 XF86DGAInstallColormap
191 XF86DGAViewPortChanged
192 XF86DGADirectVideo
193 XF86DGAQueryVersion
194 XF86DGAQueryDirectVideo
195 XF86DGAGetVideo
196 XF86DGAGetViewPortSize
197 XF86VidModeQueryVersion
198 XF86VidModeQueryExtension
199 XF86VidModeGetModeLine
200 XF86VidModeGetAllModeLines
201 XF86VidModeAddModeLine
202 XF86VidModeDeleteModeLine
203 XF86VidModeModModeLine
204 XF86VidModeValidateModeLine
205 XF86VidModeSwitchMode
206 XF86VidModeSwitchToMode
207 XF86VidModeLockModeSwitch
208 XF86VidModeGetMonitor
209 XF86VidModeGetViewPort
210 XF86VidModeSetViewPort
211 XDGAQueryExtension
212 XDGAQueryVersion
213 XDGAQueryModes
214 XDGASetMode
215 XDGAOpenFramebuffer
216 XDGACloseFramebuffer
217 XDGASetViewport
218 XDGAInstallColormap
219 XDGACreateColormap
220 XDGASelectInput
221 XDGAFillRectangle
222 XDGACopyArea
223 XDGACopyTransparentArea
224 XDGAGetViewportStatus
225 XDGASync
226 XDGASetClientVersion
227 XDGAChangePixmapMode
228 XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent