Removed a coupld of unused functions in the Callout structure.
[wine/dcerpc.git] / unicode /
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
3 # Generate code page .c files from descriptions
5 # Copyright 2000 Alexandre Julliard
8 # base directory for files
9 $BASEDIR = "";
12 # UnicodeData file
13 $UNICODEDATA = $BASEDIR . "UNIDATA/UnicodeData.txt";
15 # Defaults mapping
16 $DEFAULTS = "./defaults";
18 # Default char for undefined mappings
19 $DEF_CHAR = ord '?';
21 @allfiles =
24 [ 42, "VENDORS/ADOBE/symbol.txt", "Symbol" ],
25 [ 424, "VENDORS/MISC/CP424.TXT", "IBM EBCDIC Hebrew" ],
26 [ 437, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP437.TXT", "OEM United States" ],
27 [ 500, "VENDORS/MICSFT/EBCDIC/CP500.TXT", "IBM EBCDIC International" ],
28 [ 737, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP737.TXT", "OEM Greek 437G" ],
29 [ 775, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP775.TXT", "OEM Baltic" ],
30 [ 850, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP850.TXT", "OEM Multilingual Latin 1" ],
31 [ 852, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP852.TXT", "OEM Slovak Latin 2" ],
32 [ 855, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP855.TXT", "OEM Cyrillic" ],
33 [ 856, "VENDORS/MISC/CP856.TXT", "Hebrew PC" ],
34 [ 857, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP857.TXT", "OEM Turkish" ],
35 [ 860, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP860.TXT", "OEM Portuguese" ],
36 [ 861, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP861.TXT", "OEM Icelandic" ],
37 [ 862, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP862.TXT", "OEM Hebrew" ],
38 [ 863, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP863.TXT", "OEM Canadian French" ],
39 [ 864, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP864.TXT", "OEM Arabic" ],
40 [ 865, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP865.TXT", "OEM Nordic" ],
41 [ 866, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP866.TXT", "OEM Russian" ],
42 [ 869, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP869.TXT", "OEM Greek" ],
43 [ 874, "VENDORS/MICSFT/PC/CP874.TXT", "ANSI/OEM Thai" ],
45 [ 878, "VENDORS/MISC/KOI8-R.TXT", "Russian KOI8" ],
46 [ 932, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP932.TXT", "ANSI/OEM Japanese Shift-JIS" ],
47 [ 936, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP936.TXT", "ANSI/OEM Simplified Chinese GBK" ],
48 [ 949, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP949.TXT", "ANSI/OEM Korean Unified Hangul" ],
49 [ 950, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP950.TXT", "ANSI/OEM Traditional Chinese Big5" ],
50 [ 1006, "VENDORS/MISC/CP1006.TXT", "IBM Arabic" ],
51 [ 1026, "VENDORS/MICSFT/EBCDIC/CP1026.TXT", "IBM EBCDIC Latin 5 Turkish" ],
52 [ 1250, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1250.TXT", "ANSI Eastern Europe" ],
53 [ 1251, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1251.TXT", "ANSI Cyrillic" ],
54 [ 1252, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1252.TXT", "ANSI Latin 1" ],
55 [ 1253, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1253.TXT", "ANSI Greek" ],
56 [ 1254, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1254.TXT", "ANSI Turkish" ],
57 [ 1255, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1255.TXT", "ANSI Hebrew" ],
58 [ 1256, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1256.TXT", "ANSI Arabic" ],
59 [ 1257, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1257.TXT", "ANSI Baltic" ],
60 [ 1258, "VENDORS/MICSFT/WINDOWS/CP1258.TXT", "ANSI/OEM Viet Nam" ],
61 [ 10000, "VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/ROMAN.TXT", "Mac Roman" ],
62 [ 10006, "VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/GREEK.TXT", "Mac Greek" ],
63 [ 10007, "VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/CYRILLIC.TXT", "Mac Cyrillic" ],
64 [ 10029, "VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/LATIN2.TXT", "Mac Latin 2" ],
65 [ 10079, "VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/ICELAND.TXT", "Mac Icelandic" ],
66 [ 10081, "VENDORS/MICSFT/MAC/TURKISH.TXT", "Mac Turkish" ],
67 [ 20866, "VENDORS/MISC/KOI8-R.TXT", "Russian KOI8" ],
68 [ 28591, "ISO8859/8859-1.TXT", "ISO 8859-1 Latin 1" ],
69 [ 28592, "ISO8859/8859-2.TXT", "ISO 8859-2 Eastern Europe" ],
70 [ 28593, "ISO8859/8859-3.TXT", "ISO 8859-3 Turkish" ],
71 [ 28594, "ISO8859/8859-4.TXT", "ISO 8859-4 Baltic" ],
72 [ 28595, "ISO8859/8859-5.TXT", "ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic" ],
73 [ 28596, "ISO8859/8859-6.TXT", "ISO 8859-6 Arabic" ],
74 [ 28597, "ISO8859/8859-7.TXT", "ISO 8859-7 Greek" ],
75 [ 28598, "ISO8859/8859-8.TXT", "ISO 8859-8 Hebrew" ],
76 [ 28599, "ISO8859/8859-9.TXT", "ISO 8859-9 Latin 5" ]
80 %ctype =
82 "upper" => 0x0001,
83 "lower" => 0x0002,
84 "digit" => 0x0004,
85 "space" => 0x0008,
86 "punct" => 0x0010,
87 "cntrl" => 0x0020,
88 "blank" => 0x0040,
89 "xdigit" => 0x0080,
90 "alpha" => 0x0100
93 %categories =
95 "Lu" => $ctype{"alpha"}|$ctype{"upper"}, # Letter, Uppercase
96 "Ll" => $ctype{"alpha"}|$ctype{"lower"}, # Letter, Lowercase
97 "Lt" => $ctype{"alpha"}, # Letter, Titlecase
98 "Mn" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Mark, Non-Spacing
99 "Mc" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Mark, Spacing Combining
100 "Me" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Mark, Enclosing
101 "Nd" => $ctype{"digit"}, # Number, Decimal Digit
102 "Nl" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Number, Letter
103 "No" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Number, Other
104 "Zs" => $ctype{"space"}, # Separator, Space
105 "Zl" => 0, # Separator, Line
106 "Zp" => 0, # Separator, Paragraph
107 "Cc" => $ctype{"cntrl"}, # Other, Control
108 "Cf" => 0, # Other, Format
109 "Cs" => 0, # Other, Surrogate
110 "Co" => 0, # Other, Private Use
111 "Cn" => 0, # Other, Not Assigned
112 "Lm" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Letter, Modifier
113 "Lo" => $ctype{"alpha"}, # Letter, Other
114 "Pc" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Connector
115 "Pd" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Dash
116 "Ps" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Open
117 "Pe" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Close
118 "Pi" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Initial quote
119 "Pf" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Final quote
120 "Po" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Punctuation, Other
121 "Sm" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Symbol, Math
122 "Sc" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Symbol, Currency
123 "Sk" => $ctype{"punct"}, # Symbol, Modifier
124 "So" => $ctype{"punct"} # Symbol, Other
127 # a few characters need additional categories that cannot be determined automatically
128 %special_categories =
130 "xdigit" => [ ord('0')..ord('9'),ord('A')..ord('F'),ord('a')..ord('f'),
131 0xff10..0xff19, 0xff21..0xff26, 0xff41..0xff46 ],
132 "space" => [ 0x09..0x0d, 0xfeff ],
133 "blank" => [ 0x09, 0x20, 0xa0, 0xfeff ]
136 %directions =
138 "L" => 1, # Left-to-Right
139 "LRE" => 11, # Left-to-Right Embedding
140 "LRO" => 11, # Left-to-Right Override
141 "R" => 2, # Right-to-Left
142 "AL" => 2, # Right-to-Left Arabic
143 "RLE" => 11, # Right-to-Left Embedding
144 "RLO" => 11, # Right-to-Left Override
145 "PDF" => 11, # Pop Directional Format
146 "EN" => 3, # European Number
147 "ES" => 4, # European Number Separator
148 "ET" => 5, # European Number Terminator
149 "AN" => 6, # Arabic Number
150 "CS" => 7, # Common Number Separator
151 "NSM" => 0, # Non-Spacing Mark
152 "BN" => 0, # Boundary Neutral
153 "B" => 8, # Paragraph Separator
154 "S" => 9, # Segment Separator
155 "WS" => 10, # Whitespace
156 "ON" => 11 # Other Neutrals
160 ################################################################
161 # main routine
167 foreach $file (@allfiles) { HANDLE_FILE( @$file ); }
171 exit(0);
174 ################################################################
175 # read in the defaults file
178 @unicode_defaults = ();
179 @unicode_aliases = ();
180 @tolower_table = ();
181 @toupper_table = ();
182 @category_table = ();
183 @direction_table = ();
185 # first setup a few default mappings
187 open DEFAULTS or die "Cannot open $DEFAULTS";
188 print "Loading $DEFAULTS\n";
189 while (<DEFAULTS>)
191 next if /^\#/; # skip comments
192 next if /^$/; # skip empty lines
193 if (/^(([0-9a-fA-F]+)(,[0-9a-fA-F]+)*)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+|'.'|none)\s+(\#.*)?/)
195 my @src = map hex, split /,/,$1;
196 my $dst = $4;
197 my $comment = $5;
198 if ($#src > 0) { push @unicode_aliases, \@src; }
199 next if ($dst eq "none");
200 $dst = ($dst =~ /\'.\'/) ? ord substr($dst,1,1) : hex $dst;
201 foreach $src (@src)
203 die "Duplicate value" if defined($unicode_defaults[$src]);
204 $unicode_defaults[$src] = $dst;
206 next;
208 die "Unrecognized line $_\n";
211 # now build mappings from the decomposition field of the Unicode database
213 open UNICODEDATA or die "Cannot open $UNICODEDATA";
214 print "Loading $UNICODEDATA\n";
215 while (<UNICODEDATA>)
217 # Decode the fields ...
218 ($code, $name, $cat, $comb, $bidi,
219 $decomp, $dec, $dig, $num, $mirror,
220 $oldname, $comment, $upper, $lower, $title) = split /;/;
222 my $src = hex $code;
224 die "unknown category $cat" unless defined $categories{$cat};
225 die "unknown directionality $bidi" unless defined $directions{$bidi};
227 $uniname[$src] = $name;
228 $category_table[$src] = $categories{$cat};
229 $direction_table[$src] = $directions{$bidi};
231 if ($lower ne "")
233 $tolower_table[$src] = hex $lower;
234 $category_table[$src] |= $ctype{"upper"}|$ctype{"alpha"};
236 if ($upper ne "")
238 $toupper_table[$src] = hex $upper;
239 $category_table[$src] |= $ctype{"lower"}|$ctype{"alpha"};
241 if ($dec ne "")
243 $category_table[$src] |= $ctype{"digit"};
246 # copy the category and direction for everything between First/Last pairs
247 if ($name =~ /, First>/) { $start = $src; }
248 if ($name =~ /, Last>/)
250 while ($start < $src)
252 $category_table[$start] = $category_table[$src];
253 $direction_table[$start] = $direction_table[$src];
254 $start++;
258 next if $decomp eq ""; # no decomposition, skip it
260 if ($decomp =~ /^<([a-zA-Z]+)>\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)$/)
262 # decomposition of the form "<foo> 1234" -> use char if type is known
263 next unless ($1 eq "font" ||
264 $1 eq "noBreak" ||
265 $1 eq "circle" ||
266 $1 eq "super" ||
267 $1 eq "sub" ||
268 $1 eq "wide" ||
269 $1 eq "narrow" ||
270 $1 eq "compat" ||
271 $1 eq "small");
272 $dst = hex $2;
274 elsif ($decomp =~ /^<compat>\s+0020\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)/)
276 # decomposition "<compat> 0020 1234" -> combining accent
277 $dst = hex $1;
279 elsif ($decomp =~ /^([0-9a-fA-F]+)/)
281 # decomposition contains only char values without prefix -> use first char
282 $dst = hex $1;
283 $category_table[$src] |= $category_table[$dst];
285 else
287 next;
290 next if defined($unicode_defaults[$src]); # may have been set in the defaults file
292 # check for loops
293 for ($i = $dst; ; $i = $unicode_defaults[$i])
295 die sprintf("loop detected for %04x -> %04x",$src,$dst) if $i == $src;
296 last unless defined($unicode_defaults[$i]);
298 $unicode_defaults[$src] = $dst;
301 # patch the category of some special characters
303 foreach $cat (keys %special_categories)
305 my $flag = $ctype{$cat};
306 foreach $i (@{$special_categories{$cat}}) { $category_table[$i] |= $flag; }
311 ################################################################
312 # parse the input file
313 sub READ_FILE
315 my $name = shift;
316 open INPUT,$name or die "Cannot open $name";
317 @cp2uni = ();
318 @lead_bytes = ();
319 @uni2cp = ();
321 while (<INPUT>)
323 next if /^\#/; # skip comments
324 next if /^$/; # skip empty lines
325 next if /\x1a/; # skip ^Z
326 next if (/^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+\#UNDEFINED/); # undefined char
328 if (/^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+\#DBCS LEAD BYTE/)
330 $cp = hex $1;
331 push @lead_bytes,$cp;
332 $cp2uni[$cp] = 0;
333 next;
335 if (/^0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\#.*)?/)
337 $cp = hex $1;
338 $uni = hex $2;
339 $cp2uni[$cp] = $uni unless defined($cp2uni[$cp]);
340 $uni2cp[$uni] = $cp unless defined($uni2cp[$uni]);
341 next;
343 die "$name: Unrecognized line $_\n";
348 ################################################################
349 # parse the symbol.txt file, since its syntax is different from the other ones
352 my $name = shift;
353 open INPUT,$name or die "Cannot open $name";
354 @cp2uni = ();
355 @lead_bytes = ();
356 @uni2cp = ();
358 while (<INPUT>)
360 next if /^\#/; # skip comments
361 next if /^$/; # skip empty lines
362 next if /\x1a/; # skip ^Z
363 if (/^([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+([0-9a-fA-F]+)\s+(\#.*)?/)
365 $uni = hex $1;
366 $cp = hex $2;
367 $cp2uni[$cp] = $uni unless defined($cp2uni[$cp]);
368 $uni2cp[$uni] = $cp unless defined($uni2cp[$uni]);
369 next;
371 die "$name: Unrecognized line $_\n";
376 ################################################################
377 # add default mappings once the file had been read
380 # Apply aliases
382 foreach $alias (@unicode_aliases)
384 my $target = undef;
385 foreach $src (@$alias)
387 if (defined($uni2cp[$src]))
389 $target = $uni2cp[$src];
390 last;
393 next unless defined($target);
395 # At least one char of the alias set is defined, set the others to the same value
396 foreach $src (@$alias)
398 $uni2cp[$src] = $target unless defined($uni2cp[$src]);
402 # For every src -> target mapping in the defaults table,
403 # make uni2cp[src] = uni2cp[target] if uni2cp[target] is defined
405 for ($src = 0; $src < 65536; $src++)
407 next if defined($uni2cp[$src]); # source has a definition already
408 next unless defined($unicode_defaults[$src]); # no default for this char
409 my $target = $unicode_defaults[$src];
411 # do a recursive mapping until we find a target char that is defined
412 while (!defined($uni2cp[$target]) &&
413 defined($unicode_defaults[$target])) { $target = $unicode_defaults[$target]; }
415 if (defined($uni2cp[$target])) { $uni2cp[$src] = $uni2cp[$target]; }
418 # Add an identity mapping for all undefined chars
420 for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
422 next if defined($cp2uni[$i]);
423 next if defined($uni2cp[$i]);
424 $cp2uni[$i] = $uni2cp[$i] = $i;
428 ################################################################
429 # dump an array of integers
430 sub DUMP_ARRAY
432 my ($format,$default,@array) = @_;
433 my $i, $ret = " ";
434 for ($i = 0; $i < $#array; $i++)
436 $ret .= sprintf($format, defined $array[$i] ? $array[$i] : $default);
437 $ret .= (($i % 8) != 7) ? ", " : ",\n ";
439 $ret .= sprintf($format, defined $array[$i] ? $array[$i] : $default);
440 return $ret;
443 ################################################################
444 # dump an SBCS mapping table
447 my ($codepage, $name) = @_;
448 my $i;
450 # output the ascii->unicode table
452 printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR cp2uni[256] =\n";
453 printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $DEF_CHAR, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
455 # count the number of unicode->ascii subtables that contain something
457 my @filled = ();
458 my $subtables = 1;
459 for ($i = 0; $i < 65536; $i++)
461 next unless defined $uni2cp[$i];
462 $filled[$i >> 8] = 1;
463 $subtables++;
464 $i = ($i & ~255) + 256;
467 # output all the subtables into a single array
469 printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned char uni2cp_low[%d] =\n{\n", $subtables*256;
470 for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
472 next unless $filled[$i];
473 printf OUTPUT " /* 0x%02x00 .. 0x%02xff */\n", $i, $i;
474 printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%02x", $DEF_CHAR, @uni2cp[($i<<8) .. ($i<<8)+255] );
476 printf OUTPUT " /* defaults */\n";
477 printf OUTPUT "%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%02x", 0, ($DEF_CHAR) x 256 );
479 # output a table of the offsets of the subtables in the previous array
481 my $pos = 0;
482 my @offsets = ();
483 for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
485 if ($filled[$i]) { push @offsets, $pos; $pos += 256; }
486 else { push @offsets, ($subtables-1) * 256; }
488 printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned short uni2cp_high[256] =\n";
489 printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @offsets );
491 # output the code page descriptor
493 printf OUTPUT "const struct sbcs_table cptable_%03d =\n{\n", $codepage;
494 printf OUTPUT " { %d, 1, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, \"%s\" },\n",
495 $codepage, $DEF_CHAR, $DEF_CHAR, $name;
496 printf OUTPUT " cp2uni,\n";
497 printf OUTPUT " uni2cp_low,\n";
498 printf OUTPUT " uni2cp_high\n};\n";
502 ################################################################
503 # dump a DBCS mapping table
506 my ($codepage, $name) = @_;
507 my $i, $x, $y;
509 # build a list of lead bytes that are actually used
511 my @lblist = ();
512 LBLOOP: for ($y = 0; $y <= $#lead_bytes; $y++)
514 my $base = $lead_bytes[$y] << 8;
515 for ($x = 0; $x < 256; $x++)
517 if (defined $cp2uni[$base+$x])
519 push @lblist,$lead_bytes[$y];
520 next LBLOOP;
524 my $unused = ($#lead_bytes > $#lblist);
526 # output the ascii->unicode table for the single byte chars
528 printf OUTPUT "static const WCHAR cp2uni[%d] =\n", 256 * ($#lblist + 2 + $unused);
529 printf OUTPUT "{\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $DEF_CHAR, @cp2uni[0 .. 255] );
531 # output the default table for unused lead bytes
533 if ($unused)
535 printf OUTPUT " /* unused lead bytes */\n";
536 printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($DEF_CHAR) x 256 );
539 # output the ascii->unicode table for each DBCS lead byte
541 for ($y = 0; $y <= $#lblist; $y++)
543 my $base = $lblist[$y] << 8;
544 printf OUTPUT " /* lead byte %02x */\n", $lblist[$y];
545 printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $DEF_CHAR, @cp2uni[$base .. $base+255] );
546 printf OUTPUT ($y < $#lblist) ? ",\n" : "\n};\n\n";
549 # output the lead byte subtables offsets
551 my @offsets = ();
552 for ($x = 0; $x < 256; $x++) { $offsets[$x] = 0; }
553 for ($x = 0; $x <= $#lblist; $x++) { $offsets[$lblist[$x]] = $x + 1; }
554 if ($unused)
556 # increment all lead bytes offset to take into account the unused table
557 for ($x = 0; $x <= $#lead_bytes; $x++) { $offsets[$lead_bytes[$x]]++; }
559 printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned char cp2uni_leadbytes[256] =\n";
560 printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%02x", 0, @offsets );
562 # count the number of unicode->ascii subtables that contain something
564 my @filled = ();
565 my $subtables = 1;
566 for ($i = 0; $i < 65536; $i++)
568 next unless defined $uni2cp[$i];
569 $filled[$i >> 8] = 1;
570 $subtables++;
571 $i = ($i & ~255) + 256;
574 # output all the subtables into a single array
576 printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned short uni2cp_low[%d] =\n{\n", $subtables*256;
577 for ($y = 0; $y < 256; $y++)
579 next unless $filled[$y];
580 printf OUTPUT " /* 0x%02x00 .. 0x%02xff */\n", $y, $y;
581 printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", $DEF_CHAR, @uni2cp[($y<<8) .. ($y<<8)+255] );
583 printf OUTPUT " /* defaults */\n";
584 printf OUTPUT "%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, ($DEF_CHAR) x 256 );
586 # output a table of the offsets of the subtables in the previous array
588 my $pos = 0;
589 my @offsets = ();
590 for ($y = 0; $y < 256; $y++)
592 if ($filled[$y]) { push @offsets, $pos; $pos += 256; }
593 else { push @offsets, ($subtables-1) * 256; }
595 printf OUTPUT "static const unsigned short uni2cp_high[256] =\n";
596 printf OUTPUT "{\n%s\n};\n\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @offsets );
598 # output the code page descriptor
600 printf OUTPUT "const struct dbcs_table cptable_%03d =\n{\n", $codepage;
601 printf OUTPUT " { %d, 2, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, \"%s\" },\n",
602 $codepage, $DEF_CHAR, $DEF_CHAR, $name;
603 printf OUTPUT " cp2uni,\n";
604 printf OUTPUT " cp2uni_leadbytes,\n";
605 printf OUTPUT " uni2cp_low,\n";
606 printf OUTPUT " uni2cp_high,\n";
608 printf OUTPUT "};\n";
612 ################################################################
613 # dump the list of defined lead byte ranges
616 my @list = ();
617 my $i = 0;
618 foreach $i (@lead_bytes) { $list[$i] = 1; }
619 my $on = 0;
620 printf OUTPUT " { ";
621 for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
623 if ($on)
625 if (!defined $list[$i]) { printf OUTPUT "0x%02x, ", $i-1; $on = 0; }
627 else
629 if ($list[$i]) { printf OUTPUT "0x%02x, ", $i; $on = 1; }
632 if ($on) { printf OUTPUT "0xff, "; }
633 printf OUTPUT "0x00, 0x00 }\n";
637 ################################################################
638 # dump the case mapping tables
641 open OUTPUT,">casemap.c" or die "Cannot create casemap.c";
642 printf "Building casemap.c\n";
643 printf OUTPUT "/* Unicode case mappings */\n";
644 printf OUTPUT "/* Automatically generated; DO NOT EDIT!! */\n\n";
645 printf OUTPUT "#include \"wine/unicode.h\"\n\n";
647 DUMP_CASE_TABLE( "casemap_lower", @tolower_table );
648 DUMP_CASE_TABLE( "casemap_upper", @toupper_table );
649 close OUTPUT;
653 ################################################################
654 # dump a case mapping table
657 my ($name,@table) = @_;
659 # count the number of sub tables that contain something
661 my @filled = ();
662 my $pos = 512;
663 for ($i = 0; $i < 65536; $i++)
665 next unless defined $table[$i];
666 $filled[$i >> 8] = $pos;
667 $pos += 256;
668 $i = ($i & ~255) + 256;
670 for ($i = 0; $i < 65536; $i++)
672 next unless defined $table[$i];
673 $table[$i] = ($table[$i] - $i) & 0xffff;
676 # dump the table
678 printf OUTPUT "const WCHAR %s[%d] =\n", $name, $pos;
679 printf OUTPUT "{\n /* index */\n";
680 printf OUTPUT "%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 256, @filled );
681 printf OUTPUT " /* defaults */\n";
682 printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, (0) x 256 );
683 for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++)
685 next unless $filled[$i];
686 printf OUTPUT ",\n /* 0x%02x00 .. 0x%02xff */\n", $i, $i;
687 printf OUTPUT "%s", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @table[($i<<8) .. ($i<<8)+255] );
689 printf OUTPUT "\n};\n";
693 ################################################################
694 # dump the ctype tables
697 open OUTPUT,">wctype.c" or die "Cannot create casemap.c";
698 printf "Building wctype.c\n";
699 printf OUTPUT "/* Unicode ctype tables */\n";
700 printf OUTPUT "/* Automatically generated; DO NOT EDIT!! */\n\n";
701 printf OUTPUT "#include \"wine/unicode.h\"\n\n";
703 my $i;
704 my @array = (0) x 256;
706 # add the direction in the high 4 bits of the category
707 for ($i = 0; $i < 65536; $i++)
709 $category_table[$i] |= $direction_table[$i] << 12;
712 # try to merge table rows
713 for ($row = 0; $row < 256; $row++)
715 my $rowtxt = sprintf "%04x" x 256, @category_table[($row<<8)..($row<<8)+255];
716 if (defined($sequences{$rowtxt}))
718 # reuse an existing row
719 $array[$row] = $sequences{$rowtxt};
721 else
723 # create a new row
724 $sequences{$rowtxt} = $array[$row] = $#array + 1;
725 push @array, @category_table[($row<<8)..($row<<8)+255];
729 printf OUTPUT "const unsigned short wctype_table[%d] =\n{\n", $#array+1;
730 printf OUTPUT " /* offsets */\n%s,\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @array[0..255] );
731 printf OUTPUT " /* values */\n%s\n};\n", DUMP_ARRAY( "0x%04x", 0, @array[256..$#array] );
733 close OUTPUT;
736 ################################################################
737 # read an input file and generate the corresponding .c file
740 my ($codepage,$filename,$comment) = @_;
742 # symbol codepage file is special
743 if ($codepage == 42) { READ_SYMBOL_FILE($MAPPREFIX . $filename); }
744 else { READ_FILE($MAPPREFIX . $filename); }
748 my $output = sprintf "c_%03d.c", $codepage;
749 open OUTPUT,">$output" or die "Cannot create $output";
751 printf "Building %s from %s (%s)\n", $output, $filename, $comment;
753 # dump all tables
755 printf OUTPUT "/* code page %03d (%s) */\n", $codepage, $comment;
756 printf OUTPUT "/* generated from %s */\n", $MAPPREFIX . $filename;
757 printf OUTPUT "/* DO NOT EDIT!! */\n\n";
758 printf OUTPUT "#include \"wine/unicode.h\"\n\n";
760 if ($#lead_bytes == -1) { DUMP_SBCS_TABLE( $codepage, $comment ); }
761 else { DUMP_DBCS_TABLE( $codepage, $comment ); }
762 close OUTPUT;
766 ################################################################
767 # output the list of codepage tables into the cptable.c file
770 @tables_decl = ();
772 foreach $file (@allfiles)
774 my ($codepage,$filename,$comment) = @$file;
775 push @tables_decl, sprintf("extern union cptable cptable_%03d;\n",$codepage);
778 push @tables_decl, sprintf("\nstatic const union cptable * const cptables[%d] =\n{\n",$#allfiles+1);
779 foreach $file (@allfiles)
781 my ($codepage,$filename,$comment) = @$file;
782 push @tables_decl, sprintf(" &cptable_%03d,\n", $codepage);
784 push @tables_decl, "};";
785 REPLACE_IN_FILE( "cptable.c", @tables_decl );
788 ################################################################
789 # replace the contents of a file between ### cpmap ### marks
793 my $name = shift;
794 my @data = @_;
795 my @lines = ();
796 open(FILE,$name) or die "Can't open $name";
797 while (<FILE>)
799 push @lines, $_;
800 last if /\#\#\# cpmap begin \#\#\#/;
802 push @lines, @data;
803 while (<FILE>)
805 if (/\#\#\# cpmap end \#\#\#/) { push @lines, "\n", $_; last; }
807 push @lines, <FILE>;
808 open(FILE,">$name") or die "Can't modify $name";
809 print FILE @lines;
810 close(FILE);