wined3d: Get rid of the "render_to_fbo" field from the wined3d_swapchain structure.
[wine.git] / dlls / mscoree / mscoree.spec
1 17 stub InitErrors
2 18 stub PostError
3 19 stub InitSSAutoEnterThread
4 20 stub UpdateError
5 22 stdcall LoadStringRC(long ptr long long)
6 23 stub ReOpenMetaDataWithMemory
8 @ stub CallFunctionShim
9 @ stub CloseCtrs
10 @ stdcall CLRCreateInstance(ptr ptr ptr)
11 @ stdcall ClrCreateManagedInstance(wstr ptr ptr)
12 @ stdcall CoEEShutDownCOM()
13 @ stdcall CoInitializeCor(long)
14 @ stub CoInitializeEE
15 @ stub CoUninitializeCor
16 @ stub CoUninitializeEE
17 @ stub CollectCtrs
18 @ stdcall CorBindToCurrentRuntime(wstr ptr ptr ptr)
19 @ stub CorBindToRuntime
20 @ stub CorBindToRuntimeByCfg
21 @ stub CorBindToRuntimeByPath
22 @ stub CorBindToRuntimeByPathEx
23 @ stdcall CorBindToRuntimeEx(wstr wstr long ptr ptr ptr)
24 @ stdcall CorBindToRuntimeHost(wstr wstr wstr ptr long ptr ptr ptr)
25 @ stub CorDllMainWorker
26 @ stdcall CorExitProcess(long)
27 @ stdcall CorGetSvc(ptr)
28 @ stdcall CorIsLatestSvc(ptr ptr)
29 @ stub CorMarkThreadInThreadPool
30 @ stub CorTickleSvc
31 @ stdcall CreateConfigStream(wstr ptr)
32 @ stdcall CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion(long wstr ptr)
33 @ stdcall CreateInterface(ptr ptr ptr)
34 @ stdcall -private DllCanUnloadNow()
35 @ stdcall -private DllGetClassObject(ptr ptr ptr)
36 @ stdcall -private DllRegisterServer()
37 @ stdcall -private DllUnregisterServer()
38 @ stub EEDllGetClassObjectFromClass
39 @ stub EEDllRegisterServer
40 @ stub EEDllUnregisterServer
41 @ stdcall GetAssemblyMDImport(wstr ptr ptr)
42 @ stub GetCORRequiredVersion
43 @ stub GetCORRootDirectory
44 @ stdcall GetCORSystemDirectory(ptr long ptr)
45 @ stdcall GetCORVersion(ptr long ptr)
46 @ stub GetCompileInfo
47 @ stdcall GetFileVersion(wstr ptr long ptr)
48 @ stub GetHashFromAssemblyFile
49 @ stub GetHashFromAssemblyFileW
50 @ stub GetHashFromBlob
51 @ stub GetHashFromFile
52 @ stub GetHashFromFileW
53 @ stub GetHashFromHandle
54 @ stub GetHostConfigurationFile
55 @ stub GetMetaDataInternalInterface
56 @ stub GetMetaDataInternalInterfaceFromPublic
57 @ stub GetMetaDataPublicInterfaceFromInternal
58 @ stub GetPermissionRequests
59 @ stub GetPrivateContextsPerfCounters
60 @ stub GetProcessExecutableHeap
61 @ stdcall GetRealProcAddress(str ptr)
62 @ stdcall GetRequestedRuntimeInfo(wstr wstr wstr long long ptr long ptr ptr long ptr)
63 @ stdcall GetRequestedRuntimeVersion(wstr ptr long ptr)
64 @ stub GetRequestedRuntimeVersionForCLSID
65 @ stub GetStartupFlags
66 @ stub GetTargetForVTableEntry
67 @ stdcall GetTokenForVTableEntry(ptr ptr)
68 @ stdcall GetVersionFromProcess(ptr ptr long ptr)
69 @ stub GetXMLElement
70 @ stub GetXMLElementAttribute
71 @ stub GetXMLObject
72 @ stdcall LoadLibraryShim(wstr wstr ptr ptr)
73 @ stub LoadLibraryWithPolicyShim
74 @ stdcall LoadStringRCEx(long long ptr long long ptr)
75 @ stdcall LockClrVersion(ptr ptr ptr)
76 @ stub MetaDataGetDispenser
77 @ stdcall ND_CopyObjDst(ptr ptr long long)
78 @ stdcall ND_CopyObjSrc(ptr long ptr long)
79 @ stdcall ND_RI2(ptr long)
80 @ stdcall ND_RI4(ptr long)
81 @ stdcall -ret64 ND_RI8(ptr long)
82 @ stdcall ND_RU1(ptr long)
83 @ stdcall ND_WI2(ptr long long)
84 @ stdcall ND_WI4(ptr long long)
85 @ stdcall ND_WI8(ptr long int64)
86 @ stdcall ND_WU1(ptr long long)
87 @ stub OpenCtrs
88 @ stub ReOpenMetaDataWithMemoryEx
89 @ stub RunDll@ShimW
90 @ stub RuntimeOSHandle
91 @ stub RuntimeOpenImage
92 @ stub RuntimeReleaseHandle
93 @ stub SetTargetForVTableEntry
94 @ stub StrongNameCompareAssemblies
95 @ stub StrongNameErrorInfo
96 @ stub StrongNameFreeBuffer
97 @ stub StrongNameGetBlob
98 @ stub StrongNameGetBlobFromImage
99 @ stub StrongNameGetPublicKey
100 @ stub StrongNameHashSize
101 @ stub StrongNameKeyDelete
102 @ stub StrongNameKeyGen
103 @ stub StrongNameKeyGenEx
104 @ stub StrongNameKeyInstall
105 @ stub StrongNameSignatureGeneration
106 @ stub StrongNameSignatureGenerationEx
107 @ stub StrongNameSignatureSize
108 @ stdcall StrongNameSignatureVerification(wstr long ptr)
109 @ stdcall StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx(wstr long ptr)
110 @ stub StrongNameSignatureVerificationFromImage
111 @ stub StrongNameTokenFromAssembly
112 @ stub StrongNameTokenFromAssemblyEx
113 @ stub StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey
114 @ stub TranslateSecurityAttributes
115 @ stdcall _CorDllMain(long long ptr)
116 @ stdcall _CorExeMain2(ptr long ptr ptr ptr)
117 @ stdcall _CorExeMain()
118 @ stdcall _CorImageUnloading(ptr)
119 @ stdcall _CorValidateImage(ptr wstr)