Implemented _ultow() and export [Nt/Zw]QueryVolumeInformationFile().
[wine.git] / dlls / ntdll / ntdll.spec
1 name ntdll
2 type win32
4 debug_channels (aspi atom cdrom console ddraw debug delayhlp dll dosfs dosmem
5 file fixup global heap int int10 int16 int17 int19 int21 int31
6 io local module ntdll process profile reg relay resource segment
7 seh selector server snoop string system tape task thread thunk
8 timer toolhelp tweak ver virtual vxd win32)
10 #note that the Zw... functions are alternate names for the
11 #Nt... functions. (see for details)
12 #if you change a Nt.. function DON'T FORGET to change the
13 #Zw one too.
15 @ stub CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer
16 @ stub CsrAllocateCapturePointer
17 @ stub CsrAllocateMessagePointer
18 @ stub CsrCaptureMessageBuffer
19 @ stub CsrCaptureMessageString
20 @ stub CsrCaptureTimeout
21 @ stub CsrClientCallServer
22 @ stub CsrClientConnectToServer
23 @ stub CsrClientMaxMessage
24 @ stub CsrClientSendMessage
25 @ stub CsrClientThreadConnect
26 @ stub CsrFreeCaptureBuffer
27 @ stub CsrIdentifyAlertableThread
28 @ stub CsrNewThread
29 @ stub CsrProbeForRead
30 @ stub CsrProbeForWrite
31 @ stub CsrSetPriorityClass
32 @ stub CsrpProcessCallbackRequest
33 @ stdcall DbgBreakPoint() DbgBreakPoint
34 @ varargs DbgPrint(str) DbgPrint
35 @ stub DbgPrompt
36 @ stub DbgSsHandleKmApiMsg
37 @ stub DbgSsInitialize
38 @ stub DbgUiConnectToDbg
39 @ stub DbgUiContinue
40 @ stub DbgUiWaitStateChange
41 @ stdcall DbgUserBreakPoint() DbgUserBreakPoint
42 @ stub KiUserApcDispatcher
43 @ stub KiUserCallbackDispatcher
44 @ stub KiUserExceptionDispatcher
45 @ stub LdrAccessResource
46 @ stub LdrDisableThreadCalloutsForDll
47 @ stub LdrEnumResources
48 @ stub LdrFindEntryForAddress
49 @ stub LdrFindResourceDirectory_U
50 @ stub LdrFindResource_U
51 @ stub LdrGetDllHandle
52 @ stub LdrGetProcedureAddress
53 @ stub LdrInitializeThunk
54 @ stub LdrLoadDll
55 @ stub LdrProcessRelocationBlock
56 @ stub LdrQueryImageFileExecutionOptions
57 @ stub LdrQueryProcessModuleInformation
58 @ stub LdrShutdownProcess
59 @ stub LdrShutdownThread
60 @ stub LdrUnloadDll
61 @ stub LdrVerifyImageMatchesChecksum
63 @ stub NlsMbCodePageTag
64 @ stub NlsMbOemCodePageTag
65 @ stdcall NtAcceptConnectPort(long long long long long long) NtAcceptConnectPort
66 @ stdcall NtAccessCheck(ptr long long ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr) NtAccessCheck
67 @ stub NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
68 @ stub NtAdjustGroupsToken
69 @ stdcall NtAdjustPrivilegesToken(long long long long long long) NtAdjustPrivilegesToken
70 @ stub NtAlertResumeThread
71 @ stub NtAlertThread
72 @ stdcall NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId(ptr) NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId
73 @ stdcall NtAllocateUuids(ptr ptr ptr) NtAllocateUuids
74 @ stub NtAllocateVirtualMemory
75 @ stub NtCallbackReturn
76 @ stub NtCancelIoFile
77 @ stub NtCancelTimer
78 @ stdcall NtClearEvent(long) NtClearEvent
79 @ stdcall NtClose(long) NtClose
80 @ stub NtCloseObjectAuditAlarm
81 @ stdcall NtCompleteConnectPort(long) NtCompleteConnectPort
82 @ stdcall NtConnectPort(long long long long long long long long) NtConnectPort
83 @ stub NtContinue
84 @ stdcall NtCreateDirectoryObject(long long long) NtCreateDirectoryObject
85 @ stdcall NtCreateEvent(long long long long long) NtCreateEvent
86 @ stub NtCreateEventPair
87 @ stdcall NtCreateFile(ptr long ptr ptr long long long ptr long long ptr) NtCreateFile
88 @ stub NtCreateIoCompletion
89 @ stdcall NtCreateKey(long long long long long long long) NtCreateKey
90 @ stdcall NtCreateMailslotFile(long long long long long long long long) NtCreateMailslotFile
91 @ stub NtCreateMutant
92 @ stub NtCreateNamedPipeFile
93 @ stdcall NtCreatePagingFile(long long long long) NtCreatePagingFile
94 @ stdcall NtCreatePort(long long long long long) NtCreatePort
95 @ stub NtCreateProcess
96 @ stub NtCreateProfile
97 @ stdcall NtCreateSection(long long long long long long long) NtCreateSection
98 @ stdcall NtCreateSemaphore(ptr long ptr long long) NtCreateSemaphore
99 @ stdcall NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject(ptr long ptr ptr) NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject
100 @ stub NtCreateThread
101 @ stdcall NtCreateTimer(ptr long ptr long) NtCreateTimer
102 @ stub NtCreateToken
103 @ stdcall NtCurrentTeb() NtCurrentTeb
104 @ stub NtDelayExecution
105 @ stub NtDeleteFile
106 @ stdcall NtDeleteKey(long) NtDeleteKey
107 @ stdcall NtDeleteValueKey(long ptr) NtDeleteValueKey
108 @ stdcall NtDeviceIoControlFile(long long long long long long long long long long) NtDeviceIoControlFile
109 @ stdcall NtDisplayString(ptr)NtDisplayString
110 @ stdcall NtDuplicateObject(long long long long long long long) NtDuplicateObject
111 @ stdcall NtDuplicateToken(long long long long long long) NtDuplicateToken
112 @ stub NtEnumerateBus
113 @ stdcall NtEnumerateKey (long long long long long long) NtEnumerateKey
114 @ stdcall NtEnumerateValueKey (long long long long long long) NtEnumerateValueKey
115 @ stub NtExtendSection
116 @ stub NtFlushBuffersFile
117 @ stub NtFlushInstructionCache
118 @ stdcall NtFlushKey(long) NtFlushKey
119 @ stub NtFlushVirtualMemory
120 @ stub NtFlushWriteBuffer
121 @ stub NtFreeVirtualMemory
122 @ stdcall NtFsControlFile(long long long long long long long long long long) NtFsControlFile
123 @ stub NtGetContextThread
124 @ stub NtGetPlugPlayEvent
125 @ stub NtGetTickCount
126 @ stub NtImpersonateClientOfPort
127 @ stub NtImpersonateThread
128 @ stub NtInitializeRegistry
129 @ stdcall NtListenPort(long long) NtListenPort
130 @ stub NtLoadDriver
131 @ stdcall NtLoadKey(ptr ptr) NtLoadKey
132 @ stub NtLockFile
133 @ stub NtLockVirtualMemory
134 @ stub NtMakeTemporaryObject
135 @ stdcall NtMapViewOfSection(long long long long long long long long long long) NtMapViewOfSection
136 @ stub NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile
137 @ stdcall NtNotifyChangeKey(long long ptr ptr ptr long long ptr long long) NtNotifyChangeKey
138 @ stdcall NtOpenDirectoryObject(long long long) NtOpenDirectoryObject
139 @ stdcall NtOpenEvent(long long long) NtOpenEvent
140 @ stub NtOpenEventPair
141 @ stdcall NtOpenFile(ptr long ptr ptr long long) NtOpenFile
142 @ stub NtOpenIoCompletion
143 @ stdcall NtOpenKey(ptr long ptr) NtOpenKey
144 @ stub NtOpenMutant
145 @ stub NtOpenObjectAuditAlarm
146 @ stub NtOpenProcess
147 @ stdcall NtOpenProcessToken(long long long) NtOpenProcessToken
148 @ stdcall NtOpenSection(long long long) NtOpenSection
149 @ stdcall NtOpenSemaphore(long long ptr) NtOpenSemaphore
150 @ stdcall NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject (long long long) NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject
151 @ stub NtOpenThread
152 @ stdcall NtOpenThreadToken(long long long long) NtOpenThreadToken
153 @ stub NtOpenTimer
154 @ stub NtPlugPlayControl
155 @ stub NtPrivilegeCheck
156 @ stub NtPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
157 @ stub NtPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
158 @ stub NtProtectVirtualMemory
159 @ stdcall NtPulseEvent(long ptr) NtPulseEvent
160 @ stub NtQueryAttributesFile
161 @ stub NtQueryDefaultLocale
162 @ stdcall NtQueryDirectoryFile(long long ptr ptr ptr ptr long long long ptr long)NtQueryDirectoryFile
163 @ stdcall NtQueryDirectoryObject(long long long long long long long) NtQueryDirectoryObject
164 @ stub NtQueryEaFile
165 @ stdcall NtQueryEvent(long long ptr long ptr) NtQueryEvent
166 @ stdcall NtQueryInformationFile(long long long long long) NtQueryInformationFile
167 @ stub NtQueryInformationPort
168 @ stdcall NtQueryInformationProcess(long long long long long) NtQueryInformationProcess
169 @ stdcall NtQueryInformationThread (long long long long long) NtQueryInformationThread
170 @ stdcall NtQueryInformationToken (long long long long long) NtQueryInformationToken
171 @ stub NtQueryIntervalProfile
172 @ stub NtQueryIoCompletion
173 @ stdcall NtQueryKey (long long ptr long ptr) NtQueryKey
174 @ stub NtQueryMutant
175 @ stdcall NtQueryObject(long long long long long) NtQueryObject
176 @ stdcall NtQueryPerformanceCounter (long long) NtQueryPerformanceCounter
177 @ stdcall NtQuerySection (long long long long long) NtQuerySection
178 @ stdcall NtQuerySecurityObject (long long long long long) NtQuerySecurityObject
179 @ stdcall NtQuerySemaphore (long long long long long) NtQuerySemaphore
180 @ stdcall NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(long ptr ptr) NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject
181 @ stub NtQuerySystemEnvironmentValue
182 @ stdcall NtQuerySystemInformation(long long long long) NtQuerySystemInformation
183 @ stdcall NtQuerySystemTime(ptr) NtQuerySystemTime
184 @ stub NtQueryTimer
185 @ stdcall NtQueryTimerResolution(long long long) NtQueryTimerResolution
186 @ stdcall NtQueryValueKey(long long long long long long) NtQueryValueKey
187 @ stub NtQueryVirtualMemory
188 @ stdcall NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(long ptr ptr long long) NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
189 @ stdcall NtRaiseException(ptr ptr long) NtRaiseException
190 @ stub NtRaiseHardError
191 @ stdcall NtReadFile(long long long long long long long long long) NtReadFile
192 @ stub NtReadRequestData
193 @ stub NtReadVirtualMemory
194 @ stub NtRegisterNewDevice
195 @ stdcall NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort(long) NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort
196 @ stub NtReleaseMutant
197 @ stub NtReleaseProcessMutant
198 @ stdcall NtReleaseSemaphore(long long ptr) NtReleaseSemaphore
199 @ stub NtRemoveIoCompletion
200 @ stdcall NtReplaceKey(ptr long ptr) NtReplaceKey
201 @ stub NtReplyPort
202 @ stdcall NtReplyWaitReceivePort(long long long long) NtReplyWaitReceivePort
203 @ stub NtReplyWaitReplyPort
204 @ stub NtRequestPort
205 @ stdcall NtRequestWaitReplyPort(long long long) NtRequestWaitReplyPort
206 @ stdcall NtResetEvent(long ptr) NtResetEvent
207 @ stdcall NtRestoreKey(long long long) NtRestoreKey
208 @ stdcall NtResumeThread(long long) NtResumeThread
209 @ stdcall NtSaveKey(long long) NtSaveKey
210 @ stub NtSetContextThread
211 @ stub NtSetDefaultHardErrorPort
212 @ stub NtSetDefaultLocale
213 @ stub NtSetEaFile
214 @ stdcall NtSetEvent(long long) NtSetEvent
215 @ stub NtSetHighEventPair
216 @ stub NtSetHighWaitLowEventPair
217 @ stub NtSetHighWaitLowThread
218 @ stdcall NtSetInformationFile(long long long long long) NtSetInformationFile
219 @ stdcall NtSetInformationKey(long long ptr long) NtSetInformationKey
220 @ stub NtSetInformationObject
221 @ stdcall NtSetInformationProcess(long long long long) NtSetInformationProcess
222 @ stdcall NtSetInformationThread(long long long long) NtSetInformationThread
223 @ stub NtSetInformationToken
224 @ stdcall NtSetIntervalProfile(long long) NtSetIntervalProfile
225 @ stub NtSetIoCompletion
226 @ stub NtSetLdtEntries
227 @ stub NtSetLowEventPair
228 @ stub NtSetLowWaitHighEventPair
229 @ stub NtSetLowWaitHighThread
230 @ stdcall NtSetSecurityObject(long long ptr) NtSetSecurityObject
231 @ stub NtSetSystemEnvironmentValue
232 @ stub NtSetSystemInformation
233 @ stub NtSetSystemPowerState
234 @ stub NtSetSystemTime
235 @ stdcall NtSetTimer(long ptr ptr ptr long long ptr) NtSetTimer
236 @ stub NtSetTimerResolution
237 @ stdcall NtSetValueKey(long long long long long long) NtSetValueKey
238 @ stdcall NtSetVolumeInformationFile(long ptr ptr long long) NtSetVolumeInformationFile
239 @ stub NtShutdownSystem
240 @ stub NtStartProfile
241 @ stub NtStopProfile
242 @ stub NtSuspendThread
243 @ stub NtSystemDebugControl
244 @ stdcall NtTerminateProcess(long long)NtTerminateProcess
245 @ stdcall NtTerminateThread(long long) NtTerminateThread
246 @ stub NtTestAlert
247 @ stub NtUnloadDriver
248 @ stdcall NtUnloadKey(long) NtUnloadKey
249 @ stub NtUnlockFile
250 @ stub NtUnlockVirtualMemory
251 @ stub NtUnmapViewOfSection
252 @ stub NtVdmControl
253 @ stub NtW32Call
254 @ stub NtWaitForMultipleObjects
255 @ stub NtWaitForProcessMutant
256 @ stdcall NtWaitForSingleObject(long long long) NtWaitForSingleObject
257 @ stub NtWaitHighEventPair
258 @ stub NtWaitLowEventPair
259 @ stub NtWriteFile
260 @ stub NtWriteRequestData
261 @ stub NtWriteVirtualMemory
262 @ stub PfxFindPrefix
263 @ stub PfxInitialize
264 @ stub PfxInsertPrefix
265 @ stub PfxRemovePrefix
266 @ stub RestoreEm87Context
267 @ stub RtlAbortRXact
268 @ stub RtlAbsoluteToSelfRelativeSD
269 @ stdcall RtlAcquirePebLock() RtlAcquirePebLock
270 @ stdcall RtlAcquireResourceExclusive(ptr long) RtlAcquireResourceExclusive
271 @ stdcall RtlAcquireResourceShared(ptr long) RtlAcquireResourceShared
272 @ stdcall RtlAddAccessAllowedAce(long long long long) RtlAddAccessAllowedAce
273 @ stub RtlAddAccessDeniedAce
274 @ stdcall RtlAddAce(ptr long long ptr long) RtlAddAce
275 @ stub RtlAddActionToRXact
276 @ stub RtlAddAttributeActionToRXact
277 @ stub RtlAddAuditAccessAce
278 @ stdcall RtlAdjustPrivilege(long long long long) RtlAdjustPrivilege
279 @ stdcall RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid (ptr long long long long long long long long long ptr) RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid
280 @ stdcall RtlAllocateHeap(long long long) RtlAllocateHeap
281 @ stub RtlAnsiCharToUnicodeChar
282 @ stdcall RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(ptr) RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize
283 @ stdcall RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(ptr ptr long) RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString
284 @ stdcall RtlAppendAsciizToString(ptr str) RtlAppendAsciizToString
285 @ stdcall RtlAppendStringToString(ptr ptr) RtlAppendStringToString
286 @ stdcall RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString(ptr ptr) RtlAppendUnicodeStringToString
287 @ stdcall RtlAppendUnicodeToString(ptr wstr) RtlAppendUnicodeToString
288 @ stub RtlApplyRXact
289 @ stub RtlApplyRXactNoFlush
290 @ stub RtlAreAllAccessesGranted
291 @ stub RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted
292 @ stub RtlAreBitsClear
293 @ stub RtlAreBitsSet
294 @ stdcall RtlAssert(ptr ptr long long) RtlAssert
295 @ stub RtlCaptureStackBackTrace
296 @ stub RtlCharToInteger
297 @ stub RtlCheckRegistryKey
298 @ stub RtlClearAllBits
299 @ stdcall RtlClearBits(long long long) RtlClearBits
300 @ stub RtlCompactHeap
301 @ stdcall RtlCompareMemory(ptr ptr long) RtlCompareMemory
302 @ stub RtlCompareMemoryUlong
303 @ stdcall RtlCompareString(ptr ptr long) RtlCompareString
304 @ stdcall RtlCompareUnicodeString (ptr ptr long) RtlCompareUnicodeString
305 @ stub RtlCompressBuffer
306 @ stub RtlConsoleMultiByteToUnicodeN
307 @ stub RtlConvertExclusiveToShared
308 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger(long) RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger
309 @ stub RtlConvertSharedToExclusive
310 @ stdcall RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString(ptr ptr)RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString
311 @ stub RtlConvertUiListToApiList
312 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger(long) RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger
313 @ stub RtlCopyLuid
314 @ stub RtlCopyLuidAndAttributesArray
315 @ stub RtlCopySecurityDescriptor
316 @ stdcall RtlCopySid(long ptr ptr) RtlCopySid
317 @ stub RtlCopySidAndAttributesArray
318 @ stdcall RtlCopyString(ptr ptr) RtlCopyString
319 @ stdcall RtlCopyUnicodeString(ptr ptr) RtlCopyUnicodeString
320 @ stdcall RtlCreateAcl(ptr long long) RtlCreateAcl
321 @ stub RtlCreateAndSetSD
322 @ stdcall RtlCreateEnvironment(long long) RtlCreateEnvironment
323 @ stdcall RtlCreateHeap(long ptr long long ptr ptr) RtlCreateHeap
324 @ stub RtlCreateProcessParameters
325 @ stub RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer
326 @ stub RtlCreateRegistryKey
327 @ stdcall RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor(ptr long) RtlCreateSecurityDescriptor
328 @ stub RtlCreateTagHeap
329 @ stdcall RtlCreateUnicodeString(ptr wstr) RtlCreateUnicodeString
330 @ stdcall RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(ptr str) RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz
331 @ stub RtlCreateUserProcess
332 @ stub RtlCreateUserSecurityObject
333 @ stub RtlCreateUserThread
334 @ stub RtlCustomCPToUnicodeN
335 @ stub RtlCutoverTimeToSystemTime
336 @ stub RtlDeNormalizeProcessParams
337 @ stub RtlDecompressBuffer
338 @ stub RtlDecompressFragment
339 @ stub RtlDelete
340 @ stub RtlDeleteAce
341 @ stdcall RtlDeleteCriticalSection(ptr) RtlDeleteCriticalSection
342 @ stub RtlDeleteElementGenericTable
343 @ stub RtlDeleteRegistryValue
344 @ stdcall RtlDeleteResource(ptr) RtlDeleteResource
345 @ stdcall RtlDeleteSecurityObject(long) RtlDeleteSecurityObject
346 @ stdcall RtlDestroyEnvironment(long) RtlDestroyEnvironment
347 @ stdcall RtlDestroyHeap(long) RtlDestroyHeap
348 @ stub RtlDestroyProcessParameters
349 @ stub RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer
350 @ stub RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U
351 @ stub RtlDoesFileExists_U
352 @ stdcall RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(ptr ptr long long) RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U
353 @ stub RtlDosSearchPath_U
354 @ stdcall RtlDumpResource(ptr) RtlDumpResource
355 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply(long long) RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply
356 @ stdcall RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide(long long long ptr) RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide
357 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply(long long) RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply
358 @ stdcall RtlEnterCriticalSection(ptr) RtlEnterCriticalSection
359 @ stub RtlEnumProcessHeaps
360 @ stub RtlEnumerateGenericTable
361 @ stub RtlEnumerateGenericTableWithoutSplaying
362 @ stub RtlEqualComputerName
363 @ stub RtlEqualDomainName
364 @ stub RtlEqualLuid
365 @ stdcall RtlEqualPrefixSid(ptr ptr) RtlEqualPrefixSid
366 @ stdcall RtlEqualSid (long long) RtlEqualSid
367 @ stdcall RtlEqualString(ptr ptr long) RtlEqualString
368 @ stdcall RtlEqualUnicodeString(ptr ptr long) RtlEqualUnicodeString
369 @ stdcall RtlEraseUnicodeString(ptr) RtlEraseUnicodeString
370 @ stub RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U
371 @ stub RtlExtendHeap
372 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply(long long long) RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply
373 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide(long long long ptr) RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide
374 @ stub RtlExtendedMagicDivide
375 @ stdcall RtlFillMemory(ptr long long) RtlFillMemory
376 @ stub RtlFillMemoryUlong
377 @ stdcall RtlFindClearBits(long long long) RtlFindClearBits
378 @ stub RtlFindClearBitsAndSet
379 @ stub RtlFindLongestRunClear
380 @ stub RtlFindLongestRunSet
381 @ stub RtlFindMessage
382 @ stub RtlFindSetBits
383 @ stub RtlFindSetBitsAndClear
384 @ stdcall RtlFirstFreeAce(ptr ptr) RtlFirstFreeAce
385 @ stdcall RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath(ptr) RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath
386 @ stub RtlFormatMessage
387 @ stdcall RtlFreeAnsiString(long) RtlFreeAnsiString
388 @ stdcall RtlFreeHeap(long long long) RtlFreeHeap
389 @ stdcall RtlFreeOemString(ptr) RtlFreeOemString
390 @ stdcall RtlFreeSid (long) RtlFreeSid
391 @ stdcall RtlFreeUnicodeString(ptr) RtlFreeUnicodeString
392 @ stub RtlGenerate8dot3Name
393 @ stdcall RtlGetAce(ptr long ptr) RtlGetAce
394 @ stub RtlGetCallersAddress
395 @ stub RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize
396 @ stdcall RtlGetControlSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr ptr) RtlGetControlSecurityDescriptor
397 @ stub RtlGetCurrentDirectory_U
398 @ stdcall RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr ptr ptr) RtlGetDaclSecurityDescriptor
399 @ stub RtlGetElementGenericTable
400 @ stub RtlGetFullPathName_U
401 @ stdcall RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr ptr) RtlGetGroupSecurityDescriptor
402 @ stub RtlGetLongestNtPathLength
403 @ stub RtlGetNtGlobalFlags
404 @ stdcall RtlGetNtProductType(ptr) RtlGetNtProductType
405 @ stdcall RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr ptr) RtlGetOwnerSecurityDescriptor
406 @ stub RtlGetProcessHeaps
407 @ stdcall RtlGetSaclSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr ptr ptr)RtlGetSaclSecurityDescriptor
408 @ stub RtlGetUserInfoHeap
409 @ stdcall RtlIdentifierAuthoritySid(ptr) RtlIdentifierAuthoritySid
410 @ stub RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData
411 @ stdcall RtlImageNtHeader(long) RtlImageNtHeader
412 @ stdcall RtlImpersonateSelf(long) RtlImpersonateSelf
413 @ stdcall RtlInitAnsiString(ptr str) RtlInitAnsiString
414 @ stub RtlInitCodePageTable
415 @ stub RtlInitNlsTables
416 @ stdcall RtlInitString(ptr str) RtlInitString
417 @ stdcall RtlInitUnicodeString(ptr wstr) RtlInitUnicodeString
418 @ stdcall RtlInitializeBitMap(long long long) RtlInitializeBitMap
419 @ stub RtlInitializeContext
420 @ stdcall RtlInitializeCriticalSection(ptr) RtlInitializeCriticalSection
421 @ stdcall RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(ptr long) RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
422 @ stdcall RtlInitializeGenericTable() RtlInitializeGenericTable
423 @ stub RtlInitializeRXact
424 @ stdcall RtlInitializeResource(ptr) RtlInitializeResource
425 @ stdcall RtlInitializeSid(ptr ptr long) RtlInitializeSid
426 @ stub RtlInsertElementGenericTable
427 @ stdcall RtlIntegerToChar(long long long long) RtlIntegerToChar
428 @ stub RtlIntegerToUnicodeString
429 @ stub RtlIsDosDeviceName_U
430 @ stub RtlIsGenericTableEmpty
431 @ stub RtlIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3
432 @ stdcall RtlIsTextUnicode(ptr long ptr) RtlIsTextUnicode
433 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerAdd(long long long long) RtlLargeIntegerAdd
434 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift(long long long) RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift
435 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerDivide(long long long long ptr) RtlLargeIntegerDivide
436 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerNegate(long long) RtlLargeIntegerNegate
437 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft(long long long) RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft
438 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight(long long long) RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight
439 @ stdcall -ret64 RtlLargeIntegerSubtract(long long long long) RtlLargeIntegerSubtract
440 @ stub RtlLargeIntegerToChar
441 @ stdcall RtlLeaveCriticalSection(ptr) RtlLeaveCriticalSection
442 @ stdcall RtlLengthRequiredSid(long) RtlLengthRequiredSid
443 @ stdcall RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor(ptr) RtlLengthSecurityDescriptor
444 @ stdcall RtlLengthSid(ptr) RtlLengthSid
445 @ stub RtlLocalTimeToSystemTime
446 @ stub RtlLockHeap
447 @ stub RtlLookupElementGenericTable
448 @ stdcall RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD(ptr ptr ptr) RtlMakeSelfRelativeSD
449 @ stub RtlMapGenericMask
450 @ stdcall RtlMoveMemory(ptr ptr long) RtlMoveMemory
451 @ stdcall RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN(ptr long ptr ptr long) RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN
452 @ stdcall RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize(ptr str long) RtlMultiByteToUnicodeSize
453 @ stub RtlNewInstanceSecurityObject
454 @ stub RtlNewSecurityGrantedAccess
455 @ stdcall RtlNewSecurityObject(long long long long long long) RtlNewSecurityObject
456 @ stdcall RtlNormalizeProcessParams(ptr) RtlNormalizeProcessParams
457 @ stdcall RtlNtStatusToDosError(long) RtlNtStatusToDosError
458 @ stub RtlNumberGenericTableElements
459 @ stub RtlNumberOfClearBits
460 @ stub RtlNumberOfSetBits
461 @ stdcall RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize(ptr) RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize
462 @ stdcall RtlOemStringToUnicodeString(ptr ptr long) RtlOemStringToUnicodeString
463 @ stdcall RtlOemToUnicodeN(ptr long ptr ptr long) RtlOemToUnicodeN
464 @ stdcall RtlOpenCurrentUser(long ptr) RtlOpenCurrentUser
465 @ stub RtlPcToFileHeader
466 @ stdcall RtlPrefixString(ptr ptr long) RtlPrefixString
467 @ stdcall RtlPrefixUnicodeString(ptr ptr long) RtlPrefixUnicodeString
468 @ stub RtlProtectHeap
469 @ stdcall RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(long long long) RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U
470 @ stub RtlQueryInformationAcl
471 @ stub RtlQueryProcessBackTraceInformation
472 @ stub RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation
473 @ stub RtlQueryProcessHeapInformation
474 @ stub RtlQueryProcessLockInformation
475 @ stub RtlQueryRegistryValues
476 @ stub RtlQuerySecurityObject
477 @ stub RtlQueryTagHeap
478 @ stub RtlQueryTimeZoneInformation
479 @ stdcall RtlRaiseException(ptr) RtlRaiseException
480 @ stdcall RtlRaiseStatus(long) RtlRaiseStatus
481 @ stub RtlRandom
482 @ stub RtlReAllocateHeap
483 @ stub RtlRealPredecessor
484 @ stub RtlRealSuccessor
485 @ stdcall RtlReleasePebLock() RtlReleasePebLock
486 @ stdcall RtlReleaseResource(ptr) RtlReleaseResource
487 @ stub RtlRemoteCall
488 @ stub RtlResetRtlTranslations
489 @ stub RtlRunDecodeUnicodeString
490 @ stub RtlRunEncodeUnicodeString
491 @ stdcall RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime(long ptr) RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime
492 @ stdcall RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime(long ptr) RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime
493 @ stub RtlSelfRelativeToAbsoluteSD
494 @ stub RtlSetAllBits
495 @ stdcall RtlSetBits(long long long) RtlSetBits
496 @ stub RtlSetCurrentDirectory_U
497 @ stub RtlSetCurrentEnvironment
498 @ stdcall RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor(ptr long ptr long) RtlSetDaclSecurityDescriptor
499 @ stdcall RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(long long long) RtlSetEnvironmentVariable
500 @ stdcall RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr long) RtlSetGroupSecurityDescriptor
501 @ stub RtlSetInformationAcl
502 @ stdcall RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor(ptr ptr long) RtlSetOwnerSecurityDescriptor
503 @ stdcall RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor(ptr long ptr long) RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor
504 @ stub RtlSetSecurityObject
505 @ stub RtlSetTimeZoneInformation
506 @ stub RtlSetUserFlagsHeap
507 @ stub RtlSetUserValueHeap
508 @ stdcall RtlSizeHeap(long long long) HeapSize
509 @ stub RtlSplay
510 @ stub RtlStartRXact
511 @ stdcall RtlSubAuthorityCountSid(ptr) RtlSubAuthorityCountSid
512 @ stdcall RtlSubAuthoritySid(ptr long) RtlSubAuthoritySid
513 @ stub RtlSubtreePredecessor
514 @ stub RtlSubtreeSuccessor
515 @ stdcall RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime (long long) RtlSystemTimeToLocalTime
516 @ stdcall RtlTimeFieldsToTime(ptr ptr) RtlTimeFieldsToTime
517 @ stdcall RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields(long long) RtlTimeToElapsedTimeFields
518 @ stdcall RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970(ptr ptr) RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970
519 @ stdcall RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980(ptr ptr) RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980
520 @ stdcall RtlTimeToTimeFields (long long) RtlTimeToTimeFields
521 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(ptr) RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize
522 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString(ptr ptr long) RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiString
523 @ stub RtlUnicodeStringToCountedOemString
524 @ stub RtlUnicodeStringToInteger
525 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize(ptr) RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize
526 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeStringToOemString(ptr ptr long) RtlUnicodeStringToOemString
527 @ stub RtlUnicodeToCustomCPN
528 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN(ptr long ptr ptr long) RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN
529 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(ptr wstr long) RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize
530 @ stdcall RtlUnicodeToOemN(ptr long ptr ptr long) RtlUnicodeToOemN
531 @ stub RtlUniform
532 @ stub RtlUnlockHeap
533 @ stdcall RtlUnwind(ptr ptr ptr long) RtlUnwind
534 @ stub RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar
535 @ stdcall RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(ptr ptr long) RtlUpcaseUnicodeString
536 @ stdcall RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToAnsiString(ptr ptr long) RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToAnsiString
537 @ stub RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToCountedOemString
538 @ stdcall RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString(ptr ptr long) RtlUpcaseUnicodeStringToOemString
539 @ stub RtlUpcaseUnicodeToCustomCPN
540 @ stdcall RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN(ptr long ptr ptr long) RtlUpcaseUnicodeToMultiByteN
541 @ stdcall RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN(ptr long ptr ptr long) RtlUpcaseUnicodeToOemN
542 @ stub RtlUpperChar
543 @ stdcall RtlUpperString(ptr ptr) RtlUpperString
544 @ stub RtlUsageHeap
545 @ stub RtlValidAcl
546 @ stdcall RtlValidSecurityDescriptor(ptr) RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
547 @ stdcall RtlValidSid(ptr) RtlValidSid
548 @ stub RtlValidateHeap
549 @ stub RtlValidateProcessHeaps
550 @ stub RtlWalkHeap
551 @ stub RtlWriteRegistryValue
552 @ stub RtlZeroHeap
553 @ stdcall RtlZeroMemory(ptr long) RtlZeroMemory
554 @ stub RtlpInitializeRtl
555 @ stub RtlpNtCreateKey
556 @ stub RtlpNtEnumerateSubKey
557 @ stub RtlpNtMakeTemporaryKey
558 @ stub RtlpNtOpenKey
559 @ stub RtlpNtQueryValueKey
560 @ stub RtlpNtSetValueKey
561 @ stdcall RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection(ptr) RtlpUnWaitCriticalSection
562 @ stdcall RtlpWaitForCriticalSection(ptr) RtlpWaitForCriticalSection
563 @ stdcall RtlxAnsiStringToUnicodeSize(ptr) RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeSize
564 @ stdcall RtlxOemStringToUnicodeSize(ptr) RtlOemStringToUnicodeSize
565 @ stdcall RtlxUnicodeStringToAnsiSize(ptr) RtlUnicodeStringToAnsiSize
566 @ stdcall RtlxUnicodeStringToOemSize(ptr) RtlUnicodeStringToOemSize
567 @ stub SaveEm87Context
568 @ stdcall ZwAcceptConnectPort(long long long long long long) NtAcceptConnectPort
569 @ stub ZwAccessCheck
570 @ stub ZwAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm
571 @ stdcall ZwAdjustGroupsToken(long long long long long long) NtAdjustPrivilegesToken
572 @ stub ZwAdjustPrivilegesToken
573 @ stub ZwAlertResumeThread
574 @ stub ZwAlertThread
575 @ stub ZwAllocateLocallyUniqueId
576 @ stub ZwAllocateUuids
577 @ stub ZwAllocateVirtualMemory
578 @ stub ZwCallbackReturn
579 @ stub ZwCancelIoFile
580 @ stub ZwCancelTimer
581 @ stub ZwClearEvent
582 @ stub ZwClose
583 @ stub ZwCloseObjectAuditAlarm
584 @ stdcall ZwCompleteConnectPort(long) NtCompleteConnectPort
585 @ stdcall ZwConnectPort(long long long long long long long long) NtConnectPort
586 @ stub ZwContinue
587 @ stdcall ZwCreateDirectoryObject(long long long) NtCreateDirectoryObject
588 @ stdcall ZwCreateEvent(long long long long long) NtCreateEvent
589 @ stub ZwCreateEventPair
590 @ stdcall ZwCreateFile(ptr long ptr ptr long long long ptr long long ptr) NtCreateFile
591 @ stub ZwCreateIoCompletion
592 @ stdcall ZwCreateKey(long long long long long long long) NtCreateKey
593 @ stdcall ZwCreateMailslotFile(long long long long long long long long) NtCreateMailslotFile
594 @ stub ZwCreateMutant
595 @ stub ZwCreateNamedPipeFile
596 @ stdcall ZwCreatePagingFile(long long long long) NtCreatePagingFile
597 @ stdcall ZwCreatePort(long long long long long) NtCreatePort
598 @ stub ZwCreateProcess
599 @ stub ZwCreateProfile
600 @ stdcall ZwCreateSection(long long long long long long long) NtCreateSection
601 @ stub ZwCreateSemaphore
602 @ stub ZwCreateSymbolicLinkObject
603 @ stub ZwCreateThread
604 @ stdcall ZwCreateTimer(ptr long ptr long) NtCreateTimer
605 @ stub ZwCreateToken
606 @ stub ZwDelayExecution
607 @ stub ZwDeleteFile
608 @ stub ZwDeleteKey
609 @ stub ZwDeleteValueKey
610 @ stdcall ZwDeviceIoControlFile(long long long long long long long long long long) NtDeviceIoControlFile
611 @ stub ZwDisplayString
612 @ stdcall ZwDuplicateObject(long long long long long long long) NtDuplicateObject
613 @ stdcall ZwDuplicateToken(long long long long long long) NtDuplicateToken
614 @ stub ZwEnumerateBus
615 @ stub ZwEnumerateKey
616 @ stub ZwEnumerateValueKey
617 @ stub ZwExtendSection
618 @ stub ZwFlushBuffersFile
619 @ stub ZwFlushInstructionCache
620 @ stub ZwFlushKey
621 @ stub ZwFlushVirtualMemory
622 @ stub ZwFlushWriteBuffer
623 @ stub ZwFreeVirtualMemory
624 @ stdcall ZwFsControlFile(long long long long long long long long long long) NtFsControlFile
625 @ stub ZwGetContextThread
626 @ stub ZwGetPlugPlayEvent
627 @ stub ZwGetTickCount
628 @ stub ZwImpersonateClientOfPort
629 @ stub ZwImpersonateThread
630 @ stub ZwInitializeRegistry
631 @ stdcall ZwListenPort(long long) NtListenPort
632 @ stub ZwLoadDriver
633 @ stub ZwLoadKey
634 @ stub ZwLockFile
635 @ stub ZwLockVirtualMemory
636 @ stub ZwMakeTemporaryObject
637 @ stdcall ZwMapViewOfSection(long long long long long long long long long long) NtMapViewOfSection
638 @ stub ZwNotifyChangeDirectoryFile
639 @ stub ZwNotifyChangeKey
640 @ stdcall ZwOpenDirectoryObject(long long long) NtOpenDirectoryObject
641 @ stdcall ZwOpenEvent(long long long) NtOpenEvent
642 @ stub ZwOpenEventPair
643 @ stdcall ZwOpenFile(ptr long ptr ptr long long) NtOpenFile
644 @ stub ZwOpenIoCompletion
645 @ stdcall ZwOpenKey(ptr long ptr) NtOpenKey
646 @ stub ZwOpenMutant
647 @ stub ZwOpenObjectAuditAlarm
648 @ stub ZwOpenProcess
649 @ stdcall ZwOpenProcessToken(long long long) NtOpenProcessToken
650 @ stdcall ZwOpenSection(long long long) NtOpenSection
651 @ stub ZwOpenSemaphore
652 @ stub ZwOpenSymbolicLinkObject
653 @ stub ZwOpenThread
654 @ stdcall ZwOpenThreadToken(long long long long) NtOpenThreadToken
655 @ stub ZwOpenTimer
656 @ stub ZwPlugPlayControl
657 @ stub ZwPrivilegeCheck
658 @ stub ZwPrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
659 @ stub ZwPrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm
660 @ stub ZwProtectVirtualMemory
661 @ stub ZwPulseEvent
662 @ stub ZwQueryAttributesFile
663 @ stub ZwQueryDefaultLocale
664 @ stdcall ZwQueryDirectoryFile(long long ptr ptr ptr ptr long long long ptr long)NtQueryDirectoryFile
665 @ stdcall ZwQueryDirectoryObject(long long long long long long long) NtQueryDirectoryObject
666 @ stub ZwQueryEaFile
667 @ stub ZwQueryEvent
668 @ stdcall ZwQueryInformationFile(long long long long long) NtQueryInformationFile
669 @ stub ZwQueryInformationPort
670 @ stdcall ZwQueryInformationProcess(long long long long long) NtQueryInformationProcess
671 @ stdcall ZwQueryInformationThread(long long long long long) NtQueryInformationThread
672 @ stdcall ZwQueryInformationToken(long long long long long) NtQueryInformationToken
673 @ stub ZwQueryIntervalProfile
674 @ stub ZwQueryIoCompletion
675 @ stub ZwQueryKey
676 @ stub ZwQueryMutant
677 @ stdcall ZwQueryObject(long long long long long) NtQueryObject
678 @ stub ZwQueryPerformanceCounter
679 @ stub ZwQuerySection
680 @ stub ZwQuerySecurityObject
681 @ stub ZwQuerySemaphore
682 @ stub ZwQuerySymbolicLinkObject
683 @ stub ZwQuerySystemEnvironmentValue
684 @ stdcall ZwQuerySystemInformation(long long long long) NtQuerySystemInformation
685 @ stdcall ZwQuerySystemTime(ptr) NtQuerySystemTime
686 @ stub ZwQueryTimer
687 @ stub ZwQueryTimerResolution
688 @ stub ZwQueryValueKey
689 @ stub ZwQueryVirtualMemory
690 @ stdcall ZwQueryVolumeInformationFile(long ptr ptr long long) NtQueryVolumeInformationFile
691 @ stub ZwRaiseException
692 @ stub ZwRaiseHardError
693 @ stdcall ZwReadFile(long long long long long long long long long) NtReadFile
694 @ stub ZwReadRequestData
695 @ stub ZwReadVirtualMemory
696 @ stub ZwRegisterNewDevice
697 @ stdcall ZwRegisterThreadTerminatePort(long) NtRegisterThreadTerminatePort
698 @ stub ZwReleaseMutant
699 @ stub ZwReleaseProcessMutant
700 @ stub ZwReleaseSemaphore
701 @ stub ZwRemoveIoCompletion
702 @ stub ZwReplaceKey
703 @ stub ZwReplyPort
704 @ stdcall ZwReplyWaitReceivePort(long long long long) NtReplyWaitReceivePort
705 @ stub ZwReplyWaitReplyPort
706 @ stub ZwRequestPort
707 @ stdcall ZwRequestWaitReplyPort(long long long) NtRequestWaitReplyPort
708 @ stub ZwResetEvent
709 @ stub ZwRestoreKey
710 @ stdcall ZwResumeThread(long long) NtResumeThread
711 @ stub ZwSaveKey
712 @ stub ZwSetContextThread
713 @ stub ZwSetDefaultHardErrorPort
714 @ stub ZwSetDefaultLocale
715 @ stub ZwSetEaFile
716 @ stdcall ZwSetEvent(long long) NtSetEvent
717 @ stub ZwSetHighEventPair
718 @ stub ZwSetHighWaitLowEventPair
719 @ stub ZwSetHighWaitLowThread
720 @ stdcall ZwSetInformationFile(long long long long long) NtSetInformationFile
721 @ stub ZwSetInformationKey
722 @ stub ZwSetInformationObject
723 @ stdcall ZwSetInformationProcess(long long long long) NtSetInformationProcess
724 @ stdcall ZwSetInformationThread(long long long long) NtSetInformationThread
725 @ stub ZwSetInformationToken
726 @ stdcall ZwSetIntervalProfile(long long) NtSetIntervalProfile
727 @ stub ZwSetIoCompletion
728 @ stub ZwSetLdtEntries
729 @ stub ZwSetLowEventPair
730 @ stub ZwSetLowWaitHighEventPair
731 @ stub ZwSetLowWaitHighThread
732 @ stub ZwSetSecurityObject
733 @ stub ZwSetSystemEnvironmentValue
734 @ stub ZwSetSystemInformation
735 @ stub ZwSetSystemPowerState
736 @ stub ZwSetSystemTime
737 @ stdcall ZwSetTimer(long ptr ptr ptr long long ptr) NtSetTimer
738 @ stub ZwSetTimerResolution
739 @ stdcall ZwSetValueKey(long long long long long long) NtSetValueKey
740 @ stdcall ZwSetVolumeInformationFile(long ptr ptr long long) NtSetVolumeInformationFile
741 @ stub ZwShutdownSystem
742 @ stub ZwStartProfile
743 @ stub ZwStopProfile
744 @ stub ZwSuspendThread
745 @ stub ZwSystemDebugControl
746 @ stub ZwTerminateProcess
747 @ stdcall ZwTerminateThread(long long) NtTerminateThread
748 @ stub ZwTestAlert
749 @ stub ZwUnloadDriver
750 @ stub ZwUnloadKey
751 @ stub ZwUnlockFile
752 @ stub ZwUnlockVirtualMemory
753 @ stub ZwUnmapViewOfSection
754 @ stub ZwVdmControl
755 @ stub ZwW32Call
756 @ stub ZwWaitForMultipleObjects
757 @ stub ZwWaitForProcessMutant
758 @ stdcall ZwWaitForSingleObject(long long long) NtWaitForSingleObject
759 @ stub ZwWaitHighEventPair
760 @ stub ZwWaitLowEventPair
761 @ stub ZwWriteFile
762 @ stub ZwWriteRequestData
763 @ stub ZwWriteVirtualMemory
764 @ cdecl _CIpow() NTDLL__CIpow
765 @ stub __eCommonExceptions
766 @ stub __eEmulatorInit
767 @ stub __eF2XM1
768 @ stub __eFABS
769 @ stub __eFADD32
770 @ stub __eFADD64
771 @ stub __eFADDPreg
772 @ stub __eFADDreg
773 @ stub __eFADDtop
774 @ stub __eFCHS
775 @ stub __eFCOM
776 @ stub __eFCOM32
777 @ stub __eFCOM64
778 @ stub __eFCOMP
779 @ stub __eFCOMP32
780 @ stub __eFCOMP64
781 @ stub __eFCOMPP
782 @ stub __eFCOS
783 @ stub __eFDECSTP
784 @ stub __eFDIV32
785 @ stub __eFDIV64
786 @ stub __eFDIVPreg
787 @ stub __eFDIVR32
788 @ stub __eFDIVR64
789 @ stub __eFDIVRPreg
790 @ stub __eFDIVRreg
791 @ stub __eFDIVRtop
792 @ stub __eFDIVreg
793 @ stub __eFDIVtop
794 @ stub __eFFREE
795 @ stub __eFIADD16
796 @ stub __eFIADD32
797 @ stub __eFICOM16
798 @ stub __eFICOM32
799 @ stub __eFICOMP16
800 @ stub __eFICOMP32
801 @ stub __eFIDIV16
802 @ stub __eFIDIV32
803 @ stub __eFIDIVR16
804 @ stub __eFIDIVR32
805 @ stub __eFILD16
806 @ stub __eFILD32
807 @ stub __eFILD64
808 @ stub __eFIMUL16
809 @ stub __eFIMUL32
810 @ stub __eFINCSTP
811 @ stub __eFINIT
812 @ stub __eFIST16
813 @ stub __eFIST32
814 @ stub __eFISTP16
815 @ stub __eFISTP32
816 @ stub __eFISTP64
817 @ stub __eFISUB16
818 @ stub __eFISUB32
819 @ stub __eFISUBR16
820 @ stub __eFISUBR32
821 @ stub __eFLD1
822 @ stub __eFLD32
823 @ stub __eFLD64
824 @ stub __eFLD80
825 @ stub __eFLDCW
826 @ stub __eFLDENV
827 @ stub __eFLDL2E
828 @ stub __eFLDLN2
829 @ stub __eFLDPI
830 @ stub __eFLDZ
831 @ stub __eFMUL32
832 @ stub __eFMUL64
833 @ stub __eFMULPreg
834 @ stub __eFMULreg
835 @ stub __eFMULtop
836 @ stub __eFPATAN
837 @ stub __eFPREM
838 @ stub __eFPREM1
839 @ stub __eFPTAN
840 @ stub __eFRNDINT
841 @ stub __eFRSTOR
842 @ stub __eFSAVE
843 @ stub __eFSCALE
844 @ stub __eFSIN
845 @ stub __eFSQRT
846 @ stub __eFST
847 @ stub __eFST32
848 @ stub __eFST64
849 @ stub __eFSTCW
850 @ stub __eFSTENV
851 @ stub __eFSTP
852 @ stub __eFSTP32
853 @ stub __eFSTP64
854 @ stub __eFSTP80
855 @ stub __eFSTSW
856 @ stub __eFSUB32
857 @ stub __eFSUB64
858 @ stub __eFSUBPreg
859 @ stub __eFSUBR32
860 @ stub __eFSUBR64
861 @ stub __eFSUBRPreg
862 @ stub __eFSUBRreg
863 @ stub __eFSUBRtop
864 @ stub __eFSUBreg
865 @ stub __eFSUBtop
866 @ stub __eFTST
867 @ stub __eFUCOM
868 @ stub __eFUCOMP
869 @ stub __eFUCOMPP
870 @ stub __eFXAM
871 @ stub __eFXCH
872 @ stub __eFXTRACT
873 @ stub __eFYL2X
874 @ stub __eFYL2XP1
875 @ stub __eGetStatusWord
876 @ stdcall -ret64 _alldiv(long long long long) _alldiv
877 @ stdcall -ret64 _allmul(long long long long) _allmul
878 @ register -i386 _alloca_probe() NTDLL_alloca_probe
879 @ stdcall -ret64 _allrem(long long long long) _allrem
880 @ stdcall -ret64 _aulldiv(long long long long) _aulldiv
881 @ stdcall -ret64 _aullrem(long long long long) _aullrem
882 @ register -i386 _chkstk() NTDLL_chkstk
883 @ stub _fltused
884 @ cdecl _ftol() NTDLL__ftol
885 @ cdecl _itoa(long ptr long) _itoa
886 @ cdecl _ltoa(long ptr long) _ltoa
887 @ stub _memccpy
888 @ cdecl _memicmp(str str long) _memicmp
889 @ varargs _snprintf(ptr long ptr) snprintf
890 @ stub _snwprintf
891 @ stub _splitpath
892 @ cdecl _strcmpi(str str) strcasecmp
893 @ cdecl _stricmp(str str) strcasecmp
894 @ cdecl _strlwr(str) _strlwr
895 @ cdecl _strnicmp(str str long) strncasecmp
896 @ cdecl _strupr(str) _strupr
897 @ cdecl _ultoa(long ptr long) _ultoa
898 @ cdecl _ultow(long ptr long) _ultow
899 @ cdecl _vsnprintf(ptr long ptr ptr) vsnprintf
900 @ cdecl _wcsicmp(wstr wstr) NTDLL__wcsicmp
901 @ cdecl _wcslwr(wstr) NTDLL__wcslwr
902 @ cdecl _wcsnicmp(wstr wstr long) NTDLL__wcsnicmp
903 @ cdecl _wcsupr(wstr) NTDLL__wcsupr
904 @ stub abs
905 @ stub atan
906 @ cdecl -noimport atoi(str) atoi
907 @ cdecl -noimport atol(str) atol
908 @ stub ceil
909 @ cdecl -noimport cos(double) cos
910 @ stub fabs
911 @ stub floor
912 @ cdecl isalpha(long) isalpha
913 @ cdecl isdigit(long) isdigit
914 @ cdecl islower(long) islower
915 @ cdecl isprint(long) isprint
916 @ cdecl isspace(long) isspace
917 @ cdecl isupper(long) isupper
918 @ cdecl iswalpha(long) NTDLL_iswalpha
919 @ cdecl iswctype(long long) NTDLL_iswctype
920 @ cdecl isxdigit(long) isxdigit
921 @ stub labs
922 @ stub log
923 @ cdecl mbstowcs(ptr str long) NTDLL_mbstowcs
924 @ cdecl -noimport memchr(ptr long long) memchr
925 @ cdecl -noimport memcmp(ptr ptr long) memcmp
926 @ cdecl -noimport memcpy(ptr ptr long) memcpy
927 @ cdecl -noimport memmove(ptr ptr long) memmove
928 @ cdecl -noimport memset(ptr long long) memset
929 @ cdecl -noimport pow(double double) pow
930 @ cdecl -noimport qsort(ptr long long ptr) qsort
931 @ cdecl -noimport sin(double) sin
932 @ varargs sprintf(str str) sprintf
933 @ stub sqrt
934 @ varargs sscanf() sscanf
935 @ cdecl -noimport strcat(str str) strcat
936 @ cdecl -noimport strchr(str long) strchr
937 @ cdecl -noimport strcmp(str str) strcmp
938 @ cdecl -noimport strcpy(ptr str) strcpy
939 @ cdecl -noimport strcspn(str str) strcspn
940 @ cdecl -noimport strlen(str) strlen
941 @ cdecl -noimport strncat(str str long) strncat
942 @ cdecl -noimport strncmp(str str long) strncmp
943 @ cdecl -noimport strncpy(ptr str long) strncpy
944 @ cdecl -noimport strpbrk(str str long) strpbrk
945 @ cdecl -noimport strrchr(str long) strrchr
946 @ cdecl -noimport strspn(str str) strspn
947 @ cdecl -noimport strstr(str str) strstr
948 @ cdecl -noimport strtol(str ptr long) strtol
949 @ stub swprintf
950 @ stub tan
951 @ cdecl tolower(long) tolower
952 @ cdecl toupper(long) toupper
953 @ cdecl towlower(long) NTDLL_towlower
954 @ cdecl towupper(long) NTDLL_towupper
955 @ cdecl vsprintf(ptr str ptr) vsprintf
956 @ cdecl wcscat(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcscat
957 @ cdecl wcschr(wstr long) NTDLL_wcschr
958 @ cdecl wcscmp(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcscmp
959 @ cdecl wcscpy(ptr wstr) NTDLL_wcscpy
960 @ cdecl wcscspn(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcscspn
961 @ cdecl wcslen(wstr) NTDLL_wcslen
962 @ cdecl wcsncat(wstr wstr long) NTDLL_wcsncat
963 @ cdecl wcsncmp(wstr wstr long) NTDLL_wcsncmp
964 @ cdecl wcsncpy(ptr wstr long) NTDLL_wcsncpy
965 @ cdecl wcspbrk(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcspbrk
966 @ cdecl wcsrchr(wstr long) NTDLL_wcsrchr
967 @ cdecl wcsspn(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcsspn
968 @ cdecl wcsstr(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcsstr
969 @ cdecl wcstok(wstr wstr) NTDLL_wcstok
970 @ cdecl wcstol(wstr ptr long) NTDLL_wcstol
971 @ cdecl wcstombs(ptr ptr long) NTDLL_wcstombs
972 @ stub wcstoul
973 @ stub NtAddAtom
974 @ stub NtDeleteAtom
975 @ stub NtFindAtom
976 @ stub NtQueryFullAttributesFile
977 @ stub NtQueueApcThread
978 @ stub NtReadFileScatter
979 @ stub NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject
980 @ stub NtWriteFileGather
981 @ stub NtYieldExecution
982 @ stub RtlAddAtomToAtomTable
983 @ stub RtlAllocateHandle
984 @ stub RtlCreateAtomTable
985 @ stub RtlDeleteAtomFromAtomTable
986 @ stub RtlFreeHandle
987 @ stub RtlInitializeHandleTable
988 @ stub RtlIsValidHandle
989 @ stub RtlLookupAtomInAtomTable
990 @ stub RtlQueryAtomInAtomTable
991 @ stdcall RtlTryEnterCriticalSection(ptr) RtlTryEnterCriticalSection
992 @ stub RtlEnumerateProperties
993 @ stub RtlSetPropertyClassId
994 @ stub RtlSetPropertyNames
995 @ stub RtlQueryPropertyNames
996 @ stub RtlFlushPropertySet
997 @ stub RtlSetProperties
998 @ stub RtlQueryProperties
999 @ stub RtlQueryPropertySet
1000 @ stub RtlSetUnicodeCallouts
1001 @ stub RtlPropertySetNameToGuid
1002 @ stub RtlGuidToPropertySetName
1003 @ stub RtlClosePropertySet
1004 @ stub RtlCreatePropertySet
1005 @ stub _wtoi
1006 @ stub _wtol
1007 @ stub RtlSetPropertySetClassId
1008 @ stdcall NtPowerInformation(long long long long long) NtPowerInformation
1010 ##################
1011 # Wine extensions
1013 # All functions must be prefixed with '__wine_' (for internal functions)
1014 # or 'wine_' (for user-visible functions) to avoid namespace conflicts.
1016 # Exception handling
1017 @ cdecl -norelay __wine_exception_handler(ptr ptr ptr ptr) __wine_exception_handler
1018 @ cdecl -norelay __wine_finally_handler(ptr ptr ptr ptr) __wine_finally_handler
1020 # Debugging interface
1021 @ cdecl -norelay wine_dbgstr_an(str long) wine_dbgstr_an
1022 @ cdecl -norelay wine_dbgstr_wn(str long) wine_dbgstr_wn
1023 @ cdecl -norelay wine_dbgstr_guid(ptr) wine_dbgstr_guid
1024 @ cdecl -norelay wine_dbg_vprintf(str ptr) wine_dbg_vprintf
1025 @ varargs wine_dbg_printf(str) wine_dbg_printf
1026 @ varargs wine_dbg_log(long str str str) wine_dbg_log
1028 # Command-line
1029 @ cdecl __wine_get_main_args(ptr) __wine_get_main_args
1031 # Server interface
1032 @ cdecl -norelay wine_server_call(long) wine_server_call
1033 @ cdecl -norelay wine_server_alloc_req(long long) wine_server_alloc_req
1034 @ cdecl -norelay __wine_server_exception_handler(ptr ptr ptr ptr) __wine_server_exception_handler