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[wifi-radar.git] / test / unit / connections.py
1 # test.connections - tests for connection manager
3 # Part of WiFi Radar: A utility for managing WiFi profiles on GNU/Linux.
5 # Copyright (C) 2014 Sean Robinson <robinson@tuxfamily.org>
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License in LICENSE.GPL for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to:
18 # Free Software Foundation, Inc.
19 # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
23 from multiprocessing import Pipe
24 from signal import SIGTERM
25 from subprocess import CalledProcessError
26 from threading import Thread
27 import unittest
29 import mock
31 import wifiradar.connections
32 from wifiradar.config import ConfigManager
33 from wifiradar.misc import DeviceError, get_new_profile
34 from wifiradar.pubsub import Message
37 class TestScanner(unittest.TestCase):
38 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.Popen')
39 def test_scanner(self, mock_popen):
40 """ Test scanner function. """
41 # Prepare the profile information to test against mock scan data.
42 profiles = list()
43 profile = get_new_profile()
44 profile.update({'protocol': 'bg', 'bssid': '10:15:54:9E:2E:AA',
45 'encrypted': True, 'signal': '-58', 'essid': 'startingenlivening',
46 'channel': '2', 'mode': 'Master'})
47 profiles.append(profile)
48 profile = get_new_profile()
49 profile.update({'protocol': 'bg', 'bssid': 'B2:B0:03:1A:8F:6B',
50 'encrypted': False, 'signal': '-55', 'essid': 'filtersgenuinely',
51 'channel': '3', 'mode': 'Master'})
52 profiles.append(profile)
53 profile = get_new_profile()
54 profile.update({'protocol': 'bg', 'bssid': '10:A8:08:4C:18:26',
55 'encrypted': False, 'signal': '-54', 'essid': 'tractorsenslave',
56 'channel': '11', 'mode': 'Managed'})
57 profiles.append(profile)
59 # Read mock scan data from file.
60 mock_popen.return_value.stdout = open('./test/data/mock-scan-001.txt', 'r')
62 # Create control Pipe
63 a, b = Pipe()
64 test_thread = Thread(None, wifiradar.connections.scanner, args=(mock.Mock(), b))
65 test_thread.start()
66 for profile in profiles:
67 # assert on poll() ensures a timeout if any expected msgs are not sent.
68 self.assertTrue(a.poll(5))
69 msg = a.recv()
70 self.assertEqual('ACCESSPOINT', msg.topic)
71 self.assertEqual(profile, msg.details)
72 a.send(Message('EXIT', ''))
73 test_thread.join()
76 class TestConnectionManager(unittest.TestCase):
77 def setUp(self):
78 self.conn_manager = wifiradar.connections.ConnectionManager(mock.Mock())
79 self.mock_config = mock.Mock()
80 self.conn_manager.config = self.mock_config
82 def test_set_config(self):
83 """ Test set_config method. """
84 self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.conn_manager.set_config, None)
85 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.set_config(ConfigManager({})))
87 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
88 def test__run_script(self, mock_shellcmd):
89 """ Test _run_script method. """
90 script_name = 'con_script'
91 device = 'wlan0'
92 ip = ''
93 essid = 'WinterPalace'
94 bssid = '01:02:03:04:05:06'
95 profile = {
96 'con_script': 'mysterious_bash_command',
97 'essid': essid,
98 'bssid': bssid,
99 'use_wpa': False,
100 'key': '',
101 'security': ''}
102 self.conn_manager.get_current_ip = mock.Mock(return_value=ip)
103 self.conn_manager.get_current_essid = mock.Mock(return_value=essid)
104 self.conn_manager.get_current_bssid = mock.Mock(return_value=bssid)
106 self.assertEqual(None,
107 self.conn_manager._run_script(script_name, profile, device))
109 custom_env = {
110 "WIFIRADAR_IP": ip,
111 "WIFIRADAR_ESSID": essid,
112 "WIFIRADAR_BSSID": bssid,
113 "WIFIRADAR_PROFILE": '{}:{}'.format(essid, bssid),
114 "WIFIRADAR_ENCMODE": 'none',
116 "WIFIRADAR_IF": device}
117 mock_shellcmd.assert_called_with(['mysterious_bash_command'],
118 custom_env)
120 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
121 def test__prepare_nic(self, mock_shellcmd):
122 """ Test _prepare_nic method. """
123 self.mock_config.get_opt.return_value = 'mock_iwconfig'
124 self.mock_config.get_opt_as_bool.return_value = True
125 essid = 'WinterPalace'
126 bssid = '01:02:03:04:05:06'
127 profile = {
128 'essid': essid,
129 'bssid': bssid,
130 'key': '',
131 'mode': 'managed',
132 'channel': 11}
133 device = 'wlan0'
134 self.assertEqual(None,
135 self.conn_manager._prepare_nic(profile, device))
136 mock_shellcmd.assert_called_with(['mock_iwconfig', device,
137 'essid', "'{}'".format(essid), 'key', 'off',
138 'mode', 'managed', 'channel', 11, 'ap', bssid, 'commit'])
140 # Test failure.
141 self.mock_config.get_opt.return_value = 'mock_iwconfig'
142 self.mock_config.get_opt_as_bool.return_value = True
143 mock_shellcmd.side_effect = CalledProcessError(250, 'mock_iwconfig')
144 self.assertRaises(DeviceError,
145 self.conn_manager._prepare_nic, profile, device)
147 @mock.patch('__builtin__.open', )
148 @mock.patch('os.kill')
149 @mock.patch('os.access')
150 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
151 def test__stop_dhcp(self, mock_shellcmd, mock_access, mock_kill, mock_open):
152 """ Test _stop_dhcp method. """
153 dhcp_cmd = 'dhcpcd'
154 kill_args = '-k -d'
155 kill_args_list = ['-k', '-d']
156 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = ['mock_pidfile', kill_args,
157 dhcp_cmd, kill_args]
158 mock_access.return_value = True
159 device = 'wlan0'
161 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager._stop_dhcp(device))
162 call_list = [dhcp_cmd]
163 call_list.extend(kill_args_list)
164 call_list.append(device)
165 mock_shellcmd.assert_called_with(call_list)
167 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = ['mock_pidfile', '',
168 dhcp_cmd, '', 'mock_pidfile']
169 PID = 42
170 mock_open.return_value.readline.return_value = PID
171 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager._stop_dhcp(device))
172 mock_kill.assert_called_with(PID, SIGTERM)
174 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.Popen')
175 def test__start_dhcp(self, mock_popen):
176 """ Test _start_dhcp method. """
177 dhcp_cmd = 'dhcpcd'
178 dhcp_args = '-t %(timeout)s -w'
179 dhcp_args_list = ['-t', '%(timeout)s', '-w']
180 dhcp_timeout = 1
181 device = 'wlan0'
182 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = [dhcp_cmd, dhcp_args]
183 self.mock_config.get_opt_as_int.return_value = dhcp_timeout
184 self.conn_manager.get_current_ip = mock.Mock(return_value='')
185 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager._start_dhcp(device))
186 call_list = [dhcp_cmd]
187 call_list.extend(dhcp_args_list)
188 call_list.append(device)
189 mock_popen.assert_called_with(call_list, stderr=None, stdout=None)
190 # Test missing DHCP command.
191 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = [dhcp_cmd, dhcp_args]
192 mock_popen.side_effect = OSError(2, 'No such file or directory')
193 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager._start_dhcp(device))
195 @mock.patch('__builtin__.open', )
196 @mock.patch('os.kill')
197 @mock.patch('os.access')
198 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
199 def test__stop_wpa(self, mock_shellcmd, mock_access, mock_kill, mock_open):
200 """ Test _stop_wpa method. """
201 kill_cmd = ''
202 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = ['mock_pidfile', kill_cmd,
203 'mock_pidfile']
204 mock_access.return_value = True
206 PID = 42
207 mock_open.return_value.readline.return_value = PID
208 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager._stop_wpa())
209 mock_kill.assert_called_with(PID, SIGTERM)
211 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
212 def test__start_wpa(self, mock_shellcmd):
213 """ Test _start_wpa method. """
214 wpa_cmd = 'mock_wpa'
215 wpa_args = '-B -i %(interface)s -c %(configuration)s'
216 wpa_args_list = ['-B', '-i', '%(interface)s', '-c', '%(configuration)s']
217 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = [wpa_cmd, wpa_args]
218 self.assertEqual(None,
219 self.conn_manager._start_wpa())
220 call_list = [wpa_cmd]
221 call_list.extend(wpa_args_list)
222 mock_shellcmd.assert_called_with(call_list)
224 @mock.patch('__builtin__.open', )
225 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
226 def test__start_manual_network(self, mock_shellcmd, mock_open):
227 """ Test _start_manual_network method. """
228 ifconfig = 'mock_ifconfig'
229 route = 'mock_route'
230 ip = ''
231 netmask = ''
232 gateway = ''
233 domain = 'winterpalace.org'
234 dns1 = ''
235 dns2 = ''
236 profile = {
237 'ip': ip,
238 'netmask': netmask,
239 'gateway': gateway,
240 'domain': domain,
241 'dns1': dns1,
242 'dns2': dns2}
243 device = 'wlan0'
244 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = [ifconfig, ifconfig, route]
246 self.assertEqual(None,
247 self.conn_manager._start_manual_network(profile, device))
248 mock_shellcmd.assert_any_call([ifconfig, device, 'down'])
249 mock_shellcmd.assert_any_call([ifconfig, device, ip,
250 'netmask', netmask])
251 mock_shellcmd.assert_any_call([route, 'add', 'default',
252 'gw', gateway])
253 # Test mock-writing the resolv file.
254 mock_open.assert_called_with('/etc/resolv.conf', 'w')
255 # Check that resolv_file.write was called with the proper args.
256 mock_open.return_value.__enter__.return_value.write.assert_called_with(
257 'domain {}\nnameserver {}\nnameserver {}\n'.format(domain, dns1, dns2))
259 def test_connect(self):
260 """ Test connect method. """
261 profile = {
262 'essid': 'WinterPalace',
263 'bssid': '01:02:03:04:05:06',
264 'use_wpa': True,
265 'use_dhcp': True}
266 device = 'wlan0'
267 self.mock_config.get_network_device.return_value = device
269 self.conn_manager._run_script = mock.Mock(name='_run_script')
270 self.conn_manager._prepare_nic = mock.Mock(name='_prepare_nic')
271 self.conn_manager._stop_dhcp = mock.Mock(name='_stop_dhcp')
272 self.conn_manager._start_dhcp = mock.Mock(name='_start_dhcp')
273 self.conn_manager._stop_wpa = mock.Mock(name='_stop_wpa')
274 self.conn_manager._start_wpa = mock.Mock(name='_start_wpa')
275 self.conn_manager._start_manual_network = mock.Mock(
276 name='_start_manual_network')
278 # Test DHCP and WPA network configuration.
279 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.connect(profile))
280 self.conn_manager._run_script.assert_any_call('con_prescript',
281 profile, device)
282 self.conn_manager._run_script.assert_any_call('con_postscript',
283 profile, device)
284 self.conn_manager._prepare_nic.assert_called_with(profile, device)
285 self.conn_manager._stop_dhcp.assert_called_with(device)
286 self.conn_manager._start_dhcp.assert_called_with(device)
287 self.conn_manager._stop_wpa.assert_called_with()
288 self.conn_manager._start_wpa.assert_called_with()
290 # Test manual network configuration.
291 profile['use_dhcp'] = False
292 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.connect(profile))
293 self.conn_manager._start_manual_network.assert_called_with(profile, device)
295 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.shellcmd')
296 def test_disconnect(self, mock_shellcmd):
297 """ Test disconnect method. """
298 iwconfig = 'mock_iwconfig'
299 ifconfig = 'mock_ifconfig'
300 profile = {}
301 device = 'wlan0'
302 self.mock_config.get_network_device.return_value = device
303 self.mock_config.get_opt.side_effect = [iwconfig, ifconfig]
304 self.conn_manager._run_script = mock.Mock(name='_run_script')
305 self.conn_manager._stop_dhcp = mock.Mock(name='_stop_dhcp')
306 self.conn_manager._stop_wpa = mock.Mock(name='_stop_wpa')
307 self.conn_manager.if_change = mock.Mock(name='if_change')
309 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.disconnect(profile))
310 self.conn_manager._run_script.assert_any_call('dis_prescript',
311 profile, device)
312 self.conn_manager._run_script.assert_any_call('dis_postscript',
313 profile, device)
314 self.conn_manager._stop_dhcp.assert_called_with(device)
315 self.conn_manager._stop_wpa.assert_called_with()
317 mock_shellcmd.assert_any_call([iwconfig, device,
318 'essid', 'any', 'key', 'off', 'mode', 'managed',
319 'channel', 'auto', 'ap', 'off'])
320 mock_shellcmd.assert_any_call([ifconfig, device, ''])
322 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.Popen')
323 def test_if_change(self, mock_popen):
324 """ Test if_change method. """
325 self.mock_config.get_opt.return_value = 'mock_ifconfig'
326 self.mock_config.get_network_device.return_value = 'wlan0'
328 # Test normal operation.
329 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.if_change('up'))
330 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.if_change('down'))
331 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.if_change('UP'))
332 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.if_change('DOWN'))
334 # Test unknown state.
335 self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.conn_manager.if_change, 'sideways')
337 # Test failed state change with found ifconfig.
338 mock_popen_instance = mock.MagicMock()
339 mock_popen_instance.stdout.__iter__.return_value = [
340 'wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device']
341 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
342 self.assertRaises(DeviceError, self.conn_manager.if_change, 'up')
344 # Test OSError.
345 mock_popen.side_effect = OSError(2, 'No such file or directory')
346 self.assertRaises(OSError, self.conn_manager.if_change, 'up')
348 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.Popen')
349 def test_get_current_ip(self, mock_popen):
350 """ Test get_current_ip method. """
351 self.mock_config.get_opt.return_value = 'mock_ifconfig'
352 self.mock_config.get_network_device.return_value = 'wlan0'
354 # Test connected and with an IP address.
355 mock_popen_instance = mock.Mock()
356 mock_popen_instance.stdout.read.return_value = \
357 'wlan0: flags=4098<BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n' + \
358 'inet addr: netmask broadcast\n' + \
359 'ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)\n' + \
360 'RX packets 246 bytes 259631 (253.5 KiB)\n' + \
361 'RX errors 0 dropped 1 overruns 0 frame 0\n' + \
362 'TX packets 123 bytes 140216 (136.9 KiB)\n' + \
363 'TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0\n'
364 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
365 self.assertEqual('', self.conn_manager.get_current_ip())
367 # Test not connected and without an IP address.
368 mock_popen_instance.stdout.read.return_value = \
369 'wlan0: flags=4098<BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500\n' + \
370 'ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)\n' + \
371 'RX packets 246 bytes 259631 (253.5 KiB)\n' + \
372 'RX errors 0 dropped 1 overruns 0 frame 0\n' + \
373 'TX packets 123 bytes 140216 (136.9 KiB)\n' + \
374 'TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0\n'
375 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
376 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.get_current_ip())
378 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.Popen')
379 def test_get_current_essid(self, mock_popen):
380 """ Test get_current_essid method. """
381 self.mock_config.get_opt.return_value = 'mock_iwconfig'
382 self.mock_config.get_network_device.return_value = 'wlan0'
384 # Test associated interface.
385 mock_popen_instance = mock.Mock()
386 mock_popen_instance.stdout.read.return_value = \
387 'wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"WinterPalace"\n' + \
388 ' Mode:Managed Frequency:5.26 GHz Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00\n' + \
389 ' Tx-Power=15 dBm\n' + \
390 ' Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off\n' + \
391 ' Power Management:off\n'
392 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
393 self.assertEqual('WinterPalace', self.conn_manager.get_current_essid())
395 # Test not associated interface.
396 mock_popen_instance = mock.Mock()
397 mock_popen_instance.stdout.read.return_value = \
398 'wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:off/any\n' + \
399 ' Mode:Managed Frequency:5.26 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated\n' + \
400 ' Tx-Power=15 dBm\n' + \
401 ' Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off\n' + \
402 ' Power Management:off\n'
403 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
404 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.get_current_essid())
406 @mock.patch('wifiradar.connections.Popen')
407 def test_get_current_bssid(self, mock_popen):
408 """ Test get_current_bssid method. """
409 self.mock_config.get_opt.return_value = 'mock_iwconfig'
410 self.mock_config.get_network_device.return_value = 'wlan0'
412 # Test associated interface.
413 mock_popen_instance = mock.Mock()
414 mock_popen_instance.stdout.read.return_value = \
415 'wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:"WinterPalace"\n' + \
416 ' Mode:Managed Frequency:5.26 GHz Access Point: 00:00:00:00:00:00\n' + \
417 ' Tx-Power=15 dBm\n' + \
418 ' Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off\n' + \
419 ' Power Management:off\n'
421 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
422 self.assertEqual('00:00:00:00:00:00', self.conn_manager.get_current_bssid())
424 # Test not associated interface.
425 mock_popen_instance = mock.Mock()
426 mock_popen_instance.stdout.read.return_value = \
427 'wlan0 IEEE 802.11abgn ESSID:off/any\n' + \
428 ' Mode:Managed Frequency:5.26 GHz Access Point: Not-Associated\n' + \
429 ' Tx-Power=15 dBm\n' + \
430 ' Retry long limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off\n' + \
431 ' Power Management:off\n'
432 mock_popen.return_value = mock_popen_instance
433 self.assertEqual(None, self.conn_manager.get_current_bssid())