Fix for incorrect variable name
[wifi-radar.git] / wifiradar / gui / g2 /
1 #!/usr/bin/python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4 # gui/g2/ - collection of classes for main UI with PyGTK
6 # Part of WiFi Radar: A utility for managing WiFi profiles on GNU/Linux.
8 # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Ahmad Baitalmal <>
9 # Copyright (C) 2005 Nicolas Brouard <>
10 # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Brian Elliott Finley <>
11 # Copyright (C) 2006 David Decotigny <>
12 # Copyright (C) 2006 Simon Gerber <>
13 # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Joey Hurst <>
14 # Copyright (C) 2012 Anari Jalakas <>
15 # Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Ante Karamatic <>
16 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010,2014 Sean Robinson <>
17 # Copyright (C) 2010 Prokhor Shuchalov <>
19 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
20 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
21 # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
23 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
24 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
26 # GNU General Public License in LICENSE.GPL for more details.
28 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
29 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
30 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
34 import errno
35 import logging
36 import sys
38 import glib
39 import gtk
41 from wifiradar.config import make_section_name
42 import wifiradar.connections as connections
43 import wifiradar.misc as misc
44 from wifiradar.pubsub import Message
45 from . import prefs
46 from . import profile as profile_ed
47 from . import transients
49 # create a logger
50 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
53 # Create a bunch of icons from files in the package.
54 known_profile_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/known_profile.png")
55 unknown_profile_icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/unknown_profile.png")
56 signal_none_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/signal_none.xpm")
57 signal_low_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/signal_low.xpm")
58 signal_barely_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/signal_barely.xpm")
59 signal_ok_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/signal_ok.xpm")
60 signal_best_pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/signal_best.xpm")
62 def pixbuf_from_known(known):
63 """ Return a :class:`gtk.gdk.Pixbuf` icon to represent :data:`known`.
64 Any true :data:`known` value returns the icon showing previous
65 familiarity.
66 """
67 if known:
68 return known_profile_icon
69 return unknown_profile_icon
71 def pixbuf_from_signal(signal):
72 """ Return a :class:`gtk.gdk.Pixbuf` icon to indicate the :data:`signal`
73 level. :data:`signal` is as reported by iwlist (may be arbitrary
74 scale in 0-100 or -X dBm)
75 """
76 signal = int(signal)
77 # Shift signal up by 80 to convert dBm scale to arbitrary scale.
78 if signal < 0:
79 signal = signal + 80
80 # Find an icon...
81 if signal < 3:
82 return signal_none_pb
83 elif signal < 12:
84 return signal_low_pb
85 elif signal < 20:
86 return signal_barely_pb
87 elif signal < 35:
88 return signal_ok_pb
89 elif signal >= 35:
90 return signal_best_pb
93 class RadarWindow:
94 def __init__(self, msg_pipe):
95 """ Create a new RadarWindow wanting to communicate through
96 :data:`msg_pipe`, a :class:`multiprocessing.Connection`.
97 """
98 self.msg_pipe = msg_pipe
100 gtk.gdk.threads_init()
102 self.icon = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file("pixmaps/wifi-radar.png")
104 self.window = gtk.Dialog('WiFi Radar', None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL)
105 self.window.set_icon(self.icon)
106 self.window.set_border_width(10)
107 self.window.set_size_request(550, 300)
108 self.window.set_title("WiFi Radar")
109 self.window.connect('delete_event', self.delete_event)
110 # let's create all our widgets
111 self.current_network = gtk.Label()
112 self.current_network.set_property('justify', gtk.JUSTIFY_CENTER)
114 self.close_button = gtk.Button("Close", gtk.STOCK_CLOSE)
116 self.close_button.connect('clicked', self.delete_event, None)
117 self.about_button = gtk.Button("About", gtk.STOCK_ABOUT)
119 self.about_button.connect('clicked', self.show_about_info, None)
120 self.preferences_button = gtk.Button("Preferences", gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES)
122 self.preferences_button.connect('clicked', self.edit_preferences, None)
123 # essid bssid known_icon known available wep_icon signal_level mode protocol channel
124 self.pstore = gtk.ListStore(str, str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, bool, bool, str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, str, str, str)
125 self.plist = gtk.TreeView(self.pstore)
126 # The icons column, known and encryption
127 self.pix_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
128 self.wep_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
129 self.icons_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
130 self.icons_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn()
131 self.icons_col.pack_start(self.pix_cell, False)
132 self.icons_col.pack_start(self.wep_cell, False)
133 self.icons_col.add_attribute(self.pix_cell, 'pixbuf', 2)
134 self.icons_col.add_attribute(self.wep_cell, 'stock-id', 5)
135 self.plist.append_column(self.icons_col)
136 # The AP column
137 self.ap_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
138 self.ap_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Access Point")
139 self.ap_col.pack_start(self.ap_cell, True)
140 self.ap_col.set_cell_data_func(self.ap_cell, self._set_ap_col_value)
141 self.plist.append_column(self.ap_col)
142 # The signal column
143 self.sig_cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf()
144 self.signal_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Signal")
145 self.signal_col.pack_start(self.sig_cell, True)
146 self.signal_col.add_attribute(self.sig_cell, 'pixbuf', 6)
147 self.plist.append_column(self.signal_col)
148 # The mode column
149 self.mode_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
150 self.mode_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Mode")
151 self.mode_col.pack_start(self.mode_cell, True)
152 self.mode_col.add_attribute(self.mode_cell, 'text', 7)
153 self.plist.append_column(self.mode_col)
154 # The protocol column
155 self.prot_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
156 self.protocol_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("802.11")
157 self.protocol_col.pack_start(self.prot_cell, True)
158 self.protocol_col.add_attribute(self.prot_cell, 'text', 8)
159 self.plist.append_column(self.protocol_col)
160 # The channel column
161 self.channel_cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
162 self.channel_col = gtk.TreeViewColumn("Channel")
163 self.channel_col.pack_start(self.channel_cell, True)
164 self.channel_col.add_attribute(self.channel_cell, 'text', 9)
165 self.plist.append_column(self.channel_col)
166 # DnD Ordering
167 self.plist.set_reorderable(True)
168 # detect d-n-d of AP in round-about way, since rows-reordered does not work as advertised
169 self.pstore.connect('row-deleted', self.update_auto_profile_order)
170 # enable/disable buttons based on the selected network
171 self.selected_network = self.plist.get_selection()
172 self.selected_network.connect('changed', self.on_network_selection, None)
173 # the list scroll bar
174 sb = gtk.VScrollbar(self.plist.get_vadjustment())
177 # Add New button
178 self.new_button = gtk.Button("_New")
179 self.new_button.connect('clicked', self.create_new_profile, misc.get_new_profile())
181 # Add Configure button
182 self.edit_button = gtk.Button("C_onfigure")
183 self.edit_button.connect('clicked', self.edit_profile, None)
185 self.edit_button.set_sensitive(False)
186 # Add Delete button
187 self.delete_button = gtk.Button("_Delete")
188 self.delete_button.connect('clicked', self.delete_profile_with_check, None)
190 self.delete_button.set_sensitive(False)
191 # Add Connect button
192 self.connect_button = gtk.Button("Co_nnect")
193 self.connect_button.connect('clicked', self.connect_profile, None)
194 # Add Disconnect button
195 self.disconnect_button = gtk.Button("D_isconnect")
196 self.disconnect_button.connect('clicked', self.disconnect_profile, None)
197 # lets add our widgets
198 rows = gtk.VBox(False, 3)
199 net_list = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
200 listcols = gtk.HBox(False, 0)
201 prows = gtk.VBox(False, 0)
202 # lets start packing
203 # the network list
204 net_list.pack_start(self.plist, True, True, 0)
205 net_list.pack_start(sb, False, False, 0)
206 # the rows level
207 rows.pack_start(net_list , True, True, 0)
208 rows.pack_start(self.current_network, False, True, 0)
209 # the list columns
210 listcols.pack_start(rows, True, True, 0)
211 listcols.pack_start(prows, False, False, 5)
212 # the list buttons
213 prows.pack_start(self.new_button, False, False, 2)
214 prows.pack_start(self.edit_button, False, False, 2)
215 prows.pack_start(self.delete_button, False, False, 2)
216 prows.pack_end(self.connect_button, False, False, 2)
217 prows.pack_end(self.disconnect_button, False, False, 2)
219 self.window.action_area.pack_start(self.about_button)
220 self.window.action_area.pack_start(self.preferences_button)
221 self.window.action_area.pack_start(self.close_button)
226 self.window.vbox.add(listcols)
227 self.window.vbox.set_spacing(3)
228 self.window.show_all()
230 # Now, immediately hide these two. The proper one will be
231 # displayed later, based on interface state. -BEF-
232 self.disconnect_button.hide()
233 self.connect_button.hide()
234 self.connect_button.set_sensitive(False)
236 # set up status window for later use
237 self.status_window = transients.StatusWindow(self)
238 self.status_window.cancel_button.connect('clicked', self.disconnect_profile, "cancel")
240 self._running = True
241 # Check for incoming messages every 25 ms, a.k.a. 40 Hz.
242 glib.timeout_add(25,
244 gtk.main()
246 def run(self):
247 """ Watch for incoming messages.
249 if self.msg_pipe.poll():
250 try:
251 msg = self.msg_pipe.recv()
252 except (EOFError, IOError) as e:
253 # This is bad, really bad.
254 logger.critical('read on closed ' +
255 'Pipe ({}), failing...'.format(rfd))
256 raise misc.PipeError(e)
257 else:
258 self._check_message(msg)
259 return self._running
261 def _check_message(self, msg):
262 """ Process incoming messages.
264 if msg.topic == 'EXIT':
265 self.delete_event()
266 elif msg.topic == 'CONFIG-UPDATE':
267 # Replace configuration manager with the one in msg.details.
268 self.config = msg.details
269 elif msg.topic == 'PROFILE-UPDATE':
270 self.update_plist_items(msg.details)
271 elif msg.topic == 'PROFILE-UNLIST':
272 self.remove_profile(msg.details)
273 elif msg.topic == 'PROFILE-MOVE':
274 profile, new_position = msg.details
275 old_position = self.get_row_by_ap(profile['essid'],
276 profile['bssid'])
277 self.pstore.move_before(old_position, new_position)
278 elif msg.topic == 'PREFS-EDIT':
279 self.edit_preferences()
280 else:
281 logger.warning('unrecognized Message: "{}"'.format(msg))
283 def destroy(self, widget=None):
284 """ Quit the Gtk event loop. :data:`widget` is the widget
285 sending the signal, but it is ignored.
287 if self.status_window:
288 self.status_window.destroy()
289 gtk.main_quit()
291 def delete_event(self, widget=None, data=None):
292 """ Shutdown the application. :data:`widget` is the widget sending
293 the signal and :data:`data` is a list of arbitrary arguments,
294 both are ignored. Always returns False to not propigate the
295 signal which called :func:`delete_event`.
297 self._running = False
298 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('EXIT', ''))
299 self.msg_pipe.close()
300 self.window.hide()
301 # process GTK events so that window hides more quickly
302 if sys.modules.has_key("gtk"):
303 while gtk.events_pending():
304 gtk.main_iteration(False)
305 self.destroy()
306 return False
308 def update_network_info(self, profile=None, ip=None):
309 """ Update the current ip and essid shown to the user.
311 if (profile is None) and (ip is None):
312 self.current_network.set_text("Not Connected.")
313 else:
314 self.current_network.set_text('Connected to {}\nIP Address {}'.format(profile, ip))
316 def update_connect_buttons(self, connected=False):
317 """ Set the state of connect/disconnect buttons to reflect the
318 current connected state.
320 if connected:
321 self.connect_button.hide()
323 else:
324 self.disconnect_button.hide()
327 def update_plist_items(self, profile):
328 """ Updates the display of :data:`profile`.
330 if profile['roaming']:
331 prow_iter = self.get_row_by_ap(profile['essid'])
332 else:
333 prow_iter = self.get_row_by_ap(profile['essid'], profile['bssid'])
335 if prow_iter is None:
336 # the AP is not in the list of APs on the screen
337 self.add_profile(profile)
338 else:
339 # the AP is in the list of APs on the screen
340 wep = None
341 if profile['encrypted']:
343 # Update the Gtk objects.
344 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 2, pixbuf_from_known(profile['known']))
345 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 3, profile['known'])
346 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 4, profile['available'])
347 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 5, wep)
348 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 6, pixbuf_from_signal(profile['signal']))
349 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 7, profile['mode'])
350 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 8, profile['protocol'])
351 self.pstore.set_value(prow_iter, 9, profile['channel'])
353 def _set_ap_col_value(self, column, cell, model, iter):
354 """ Set the text attribute of :data:`column` to the first two
355 :data:`model` values joined by a newline. This is for
356 displaying the :data:`essid` and :data:`bssid` in a single
357 cell column.
359 essid = model.get_value(iter, 0)
360 bssid = model.get_value(iter, 1)
361 cell.set_property('text', '\n'.join([essid, bssid]))
363 def get_row_by_ap(self, essid, bssid=' Multiple APs'):
364 """ Returns a :class:`gtk.TreeIter` for the row which holds
365 :data:`essid` and :data:`bssid`.
367 :data:`bssid` is optional. If not given, :func:`get_row_by_ap`
368 will try to match a roaming profile with the given :data:`essid`.
370 If no match is found, it returns None.
372 for row in self.pstore:
373 if (row[0] == essid) and (row[1] == bssid):
374 return row.iter
375 return None
377 def on_network_selection(self, widget=None, data=None):
378 """ Enable/disable buttons based on the selected network.
379 :data:`widget` is the widget sending the signal and :data:`data`
380 is a list of arbitrary arguments, both are ignored.
382 store, selected_iter = self.selected_network.get_selected()
383 if selected_iter is None:
384 # No row is selected, disable all buttons except New.
385 # This occurs after a drag-and-drop.
386 self.edit_button.set_sensitive(False)
387 self.delete_button.set_sensitive(False)
388 self.connect_button.set_sensitive(False)
389 else:
390 # One row is selected, so enable or disable buttons.
391 self.connect_button.set_sensitive(True)
392 if store.get_value(selected_iter, 3):
393 # Known profile.
394 self.edit_button.set_sensitive(True)
395 self.delete_button.set_sensitive(True)
396 else:
397 # Unknown profile.
398 self.edit_button.set_sensitive(True)
399 self.delete_button.set_sensitive(False)
401 def show_about_info(self, widget=None, data=None):
402 """ Handle the life-cycle of the About dialog. :data:`widget` is
403 the widget sending the signal and :data:`data` is a list of
404 arbitrary arguments, both are ignored.
406 about = transients.AboutDialog()
408 about.destroy()
410 def edit_preferences(self, widget=None, data=None):
411 """ Handle the life-cycle of the preferences dialog. :data:`widget`
412 is the widget sending the signal and :data:`data` is a list of
413 arbitrary arguments, both are ignored.
415 # get raw strings from config file
416 self.config.raw = True
417 prefs_editor = prefs.PreferencesEditor(self, self.config)
418 response =
419 if response == int(gtk.RESPONSE_ACCEPT):
421 prefs_editor.destroy()
422 # get cooked strings from config file
423 self.config.raw = False
425 def add_profile(self, profile):
426 """ Add :data:`profile` to the list of APs shown to the user.
428 if profile['roaming']:
429 profile['bssid'] = ' Multiple APs'
431 wep = None
432 if profile['encrypted']:
435 self.pstore.append([profile['essid'], profile['bssid'],
436 known_profile_icon, profile['known'], profile['available'],
437 wep, signal_none_pb, profile['mode'], profile['protocol'],
438 profile['channel']])
440 def remove_profile(self, profile):
441 """ Remove :data:`profile` from the list of APs shown to the user.
443 if profile['roaming']:
444 prow_iter = self.get_row_by_ap(profile['essid'])
445 else:
446 prow_iter = self.get_row_by_ap(profile['essid'], profile['bssid'])
447 if prow_iter is not None:
448 self.pstore.remove(prow_iter)
450 def create_new_profile(self, widget=None, profile=None, data=None):
451 """ Respond to a user request to create a new AP profile.
452 :data:`widget` is the widget sending the signal. :data:profile`
453 is an AP profile to use as the basis for the new profile. It
454 is likely empty or mostly empty. :data:`data` is a list of
455 arbitrary arguments. :data:`widget` and "data"`data` are both
456 ignored.
458 The order of parameters is important. Because when this method
459 is called from a signal handler, :data:`widget` is always the
460 first argument.
462 profile_editor = profile_ed.ProfileEditor(self, profile)
463 try:
464 profile =
465 except ValueError:
466 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('ERROR', 'Cannot save empty ESSID'))
467 else:
468 if profile:
469 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-UPDATE', profile))
470 finally:
471 profile_editor.destroy()
473 def request_profile_edit(self, widget=None, data=None):
474 """ Respond to a request to edit an AP profile. Edit the selected
475 AP profile, if it is known. Otherwise, create a new profile
476 with the selected ESSID and BSSID. :data:`widget` is the widget
477 sending the signal and :data:`data` is a list of arbitrary
478 arguments, both are ignored.
480 store, selected_iter = self.plist.get_selection().get_selected()
481 if selected_iter is None:
482 # No AP is selected
483 return
485 essid = self.pstore.get_value(selected_iter, 0)
486 bssid = self.pstore.get_value(selected_iter, 1)
488 if bssid == ' Multiple APs':
489 # AP list says this is a roaming profile
490 apname = make_section_name(essid, '')
491 else:
492 # AP list says this is NOT a roaming profile
493 apname = make_section_name(essid, bssid)
494 self.msg_pipe(Message('PROFILE-EDIT-REQUEST', apname))
496 def edit_profile(self, profile):
497 """ Allow the user to edit :data:`profile`.
499 profile_editor = profile_ed.ProfileEditor(self, profile)
500 try:
501 # Try editing the profile.
502 edited_profile =
503 except ValueError:
504 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('ERROR', 'Cannot save empty ESSID'))
505 else:
506 # A profile was returned by the editor.
507 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('SCAN-STOP', ''))
508 # Replace old profile.
509 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-REPLACE',
510 (edited_profile, profile)))
511 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('SCAN-START', ''))
512 # Request saving the configuration file after the update.
513 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('CONFIG-SAVE', ''))
514 finally:
515 # Always remove profile editor window from screen
516 profile_editor.destroy()
518 def delete_profile(self, apname):
519 """ Delete the profile associated with :data:`apname` (i.e. make
520 the profile unknown).
522 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-REMOVE', apname))
524 def delete_profile_with_check(self, widget=None, data=None):
525 """ Respond to a request to delete an AP profile (i.e. make the
526 profile unknown) Check with the user first. :data:`widget`
527 is the widget sending the signal and :data:`data` is a list of
528 arbitrary arguments, both are ignored.
530 store, selected_iter = self.plist.get_selection().get_selected()
531 if selected_iter is None:
532 return
534 essid = self.pstore.get_value(selected_iter, 0)
535 bssid = self.pstore.get_value(selected_iter, 1)
536 if bssid == ' Multiple APs':
537 apname = make_section_name(essid, '')
538 else:
539 apname = make_section_name(essid, bssid)
540 profile = self.config.get_profile(apname)
541 if profile['roaming']:
542 dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, "Are you sure you want to delete the %s profile?" % (essid, ))
543 else:
544 dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, "Are you sure you want to delete the %s (%s) profile?" % (essid, bssid))
545 known = store.get_value(selected_iter, 3)
546 if not known: return
547 res =
548 dlg.destroy()
549 del dlg
550 if res == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
551 return
552 self.delete_profile(apname)
554 def connect_profile(self, widget, profile, data=None):
555 """ Respond to a request to connect to an AP.
557 Parameters:
559 'widget' -- gtk.Widget - The widget sending the event.
561 'profile' -- dictionary - The AP profile to which to connect.
563 'data' -- tuple - list of arbitrary arguments (not used)
565 Returns:
567 nothing
569 store, selected_iter = self.plist.get_selection().get_selected()
570 if selected_iter is None:
571 return
572 essid = self.pstore.get_value(selected_iter, 0)
573 bssid = self.pstore.get_value(selected_iter, 1)
574 known = store.get_value(selected_iter, 3)
575 if not known:
576 dlg = gtk.MessageDialog(self.window, gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT | gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, "This network does not have a profile configured.\n\nWould you like to create one now?")
577 res =
578 dlg.destroy()
579 del dlg
580 if res == gtk.RESPONSE_NO:
581 return
582 profile = misc.get_new_profile()
583 profile['essid'] = essid
584 profile['bssid'] = bssid
585 if not self.create_new_profile(widget, profile, data):
586 return
587 else:
588 # Check for roaming profile.
589 ap_name = make_section_name(essid, '')
590 profile = self.config.get_profile(ap_name)
591 if not profile:
592 # Check for normal profile.
593 ap_name = make_section_name(essid, bssid)
594 profile = self.config.get_profile(ap_name)
595 if not profile:
596 # No configured profile
597 return
598 profile['bssid'] = self.access_points[ap_name]['bssid']
599 profile['channel'] = self.access_points[ap_name]['channel']
600 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('CONNECT', profile))
602 def disconnect_profile(self, widget=None, data=None):
603 """ Respond to a request to disconnect by sending a message to
604 ConnectionManager. :data:`widget` is the widget sending the
605 signal and :data:`data` is a list of arbitrary arguments, both
606 are ignored.
608 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('DISCONNECT', ''))
609 if data == "cancel":
610 self.status_window.update_message("Canceling connection...")
611 if sys.modules.has_key("gtk"):
612 while gtk.events_pending():
613 gtk.main_iteration(False)
615 def profile_order_updater(self, model, path, iter, auto_profile_order):
618 if model.get_value(iter, 3) is True:
619 essid = self.pstore.get_value(iter, 0)
620 bssid = self.pstore.get_value(iter, 1)
621 if bssid == ' Multiple APs':
622 bssid = ''
623 apname = make_section_name(essid, bssid)
624 auto_profile_order.append(apname)
626 def update_auto_profile_order(self, widget=None, data=None, data2=None):
627 """ Update the config file auto profile order from the on-screen
628 order. :data:`widget` is the widget sending the signal and
629 :data:`data` and :data:`data2` is a list of arbitrary arguments,
630 all are ignored.
632 # recreate the auto_profile_order
633 auto_profile_order = []
634 self.pstore.foreach(self.profile_order_updater, auto_profile_order)
635 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-ORDER-UPDATE', auto_profile_order))
636 # Request saving the configuration file after the update.
637 self.msg_pipe.send(Message('CONFIG-SAVE', ''))
640 # Make so we can be imported
641 if __name__ == "__main__":
642 pass