Simplify RadarWindow.delete_profile
[wifi-radar.git] / wifiradar /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # - main logic for operating WiFi Radar
5 # Part of WiFi Radar: A utility for managing WiFi profiles on GNU/Linux.
7 # Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Ahmad Baitalmal <>
8 # Copyright (C) 2005 Nicolas Brouard <>
9 # Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Brian Elliott Finley <>
10 # Copyright (C) 2006 David Decotigny <>
11 # Copyright (C) 2006 Simon Gerber <>
12 # Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Joey Hurst <>
13 # Copyright (C) 2006, 2009 Ante Karamatic <>
14 # Copyright (C) 2009-2010,2014 Sean Robinson <>
15 # Copyright (C) 2010 Prokhor Shuchalov <>
17 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
18 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
19 # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
21 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 # GNU General Public License in LICENSE.GPL for more details.
26 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
28 # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
32 try:
33 # Py2
34 from ConfigParser import NoOptionError
35 except ImportError:
36 # Py3
37 from configparser import NoOptionError
39 import logging
40 from multiprocessing import Pipe, Process
41 from threading import Thread
43 from wifiradar.config import ConfigManager
44 from wifiradar.connections import ConnectionManager, scanner
45 from wifiradar.pubsub import Dispatcher, Message
46 import wifiradar.misc as misc
47 import wifiradar.gui.g2 as ui
48 import wifiradar.gui.g2.transients as transients
50 # Set up a logging framework.
51 logger = logging.getLogger("wifiradar")
54 def main(config):
55 """
56 """
57 if __debug__:
58 logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
59 else:
60 logger.setLevel(config.get_opt_as_int('DEFAULT', 'loglevel'))
62 dispatcher = Dispatcher()
63 scanner_pipe = dispatcher.subscribe(['ALL'])
64 ui_pipe = dispatcher.subscribe(['ALL'])
66 try:
67 fileLogHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(config.get_opt('DEFAULT', 'logfile'), maxBytes=64*1024, backupCount=5)
68 except IOError as e:
69 error_pipe = dispatcher.subscribe()
70 error_pipe.send(Message('ERROR',
71 'Cannot open log file for writing: %s.\n\n'.format(e.strerror) +
72 'WiFi Radar will work, but a log file will not be recorded.'))
73 dispatcher.unsubscribe(error_pipe)
74 else:
75 fileLogHandler.setFormatter(generic_formatter)
76 logger.addHandler(fileLogHandler)
78 scanner_thread = Thread(name='scanner', target=scanner, args=(config, scanner_pipe))
79 scanner_thread.start()
81 ui_proc = Process(name='iu', target=ui.RadarWindow, args=(ui_pipe,))
82 ui_proc.start()
84 msg_pipe = dispatcher.subscribe(['ALL'])
86 # This is the first run (or, at least, no config file was present),
87 # so pop up the preferences window
88 try:
89 if config.get_opt_as_bool('DEFAULT', 'new_file'):
90 config.remove_option('DEFAULT', 'new_file')
91 config_copy = ConfigManager({})
92 msg_pipe.send(Message('CONFIG-UPDATE', config_copy))
93 msg_pipe.send(Message('PREFS-EDIT', ''))
94 except NoOptionError:
95 pass
96 else:
97 # Send a copy of the configuration to other components.
98 config_copy = ConfigManager(config.defaults())
99 msg_pipe.send(Message('CONFIG-UPDATE', config_copy))
101 # Add our known profiles in order.
102 for profile_name in config.auto_profile_order:
103 profile = config.get_profile(profile_name)
104 msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-UPDATE', profile))
106 running = True
107 while running:
108 try:
109 msg = msg_pipe.recv()
110 except (EOFError, IOError) as e:
111 # This is bad, really bad.
112 logger.critical('read on closed ' +
113 'Pipe ({}), failing...'.format(msg_pipe))
114 raise misc.PipeError(e)
115 else:
116 if msg.topic == 'EXIT':
117 msg_pipe.close()
118 running = False
119 elif msg.topic == 'PROFILE-UPDATE':
120 profile = msg.details
121 if profile['roaming']:
122 apname = misc.make_section_name(profile['essid'], '')
123 else:
124 apname = misc.make_section_name(profile['essid'], profile['bssid'])
125 if apname not in config.profiles():
126 config.set_section(apname, profile)
127 config.auto_profile_order.insert(0, apname)
128 msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-UPDATE', profile))
129 #msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-MOVE', profile, 0))
130 elif msg.topic == 'PROFILE-REMOVE':
131 apname = msg.details
132 if apname in config.profiles():
133 profile = config.get_profile(apname)
134 config.remove_section(apname)
135 self.config.auto_profile_order.remove(apname)
136 msg_pipe.send(Message('PROFILE-UNLIST', profile))
137 else:
138 logger.warning('unrecognized Message: "{}"'.format(msg))
139 ui_proc.join()
140 scanner_thread.join()
141 dispatcher.close()