1 This page's JavaScript calls an anonymous function which calls eval().
3 To run this test manually, load it in the browser then load the WebInspector and look at the profile. Beneath onload and startTest it should show an (anonymous function) which has a (program) child.
5 Profile title: Anonymous function calles eval
6 Thread_1 (no file) (line 0)
7 startTest anonymous-function-calls-eval.html (line 11)
8 (anonymous function) anonymous-function-calls-eval.html (line 14)
9 eval (no file) (line 0)
10 (program) (no file) (line 1)
11 insertNewText profiler-test-JS-resources.js (line 17)
12 createElement (no file) (line 0)
13 createTextNode (no file) (line 0)
14 appendChild (no file) (line 0)
15 getElementById (no file) (line 0)
16 endTest profiler-test-JS-resources.js (line 1)
17 (idle) (no file) (line 0)