Qt: more of the same warnings killing
[vlc/vlc-skelet.git] / modules / gui / qt4 / components / open_panels.cpp
1 /*****************************************************************************
2 * open.cpp : Panels for the open dialogs
3 ****************************************************************************
4 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 the VideoLAN team
5 * Copyright (C) 2007 Société des arts technologiques
6 * Copyright (C) 2007 Savoir-faire Linux
8 * $Id$
10 * Authors: Clément Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org>
11 * Jean-Baptiste Kempf <jb@videolan.org>
12 * Pierre-Luc Beaudoin <pierre-luc.beaudoin@savoirfairelinux.com>
14 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
17 * (at your option) any later version.
19 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 * GNU General Public License for more details.
24 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
26 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
27 *****************************************************************************/
29 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
30 # include "config.h"
31 #endif
33 #include "qt4.hpp"
34 #include "components/open_panels.hpp"
35 #include "dialogs/open.hpp"
36 #include "dialogs_provider.hpp" /* Open Subtitle file */
37 #include "util/qt_dirs.hpp"
38 #include <vlc_intf_strings.h>
39 #include <vlc_modules.h>
40 #ifdef WIN32
41 #include <vlc_charset.h> /* FromWide for Win32 */
42 #endif
44 #include <QFileDialog>
45 #include <QDialogButtonBox>
46 #include <QLineEdit>
47 #include <QStackedLayout>
48 #include <QListView>
49 #include <QCompleter>
50 #include <QDirModel>
51 #include <QScrollArea>
52 #include <QUrl>
53 #include <QStringListModel>
54 #include <QDropEvent>
56 #define I_DEVICE_TOOLTIP \
57 I_DIR_OR_FOLDER( N_("Select a device or a VIDEO_TS directory"), \
58 N_("Select a device or a VIDEO_TS folder") )
60 /* Populate a combobox with the devices matching a pattern.
61 Combobox will automatically do autocompletion on the edit zone */
62 #define POPULATE_WITH_DEVS(ppsz_devlist, targetCombo) \
63 QStringList targetCombo ## StringList = QStringList(); \
64 for ( size_t i = 0; i< sizeof(ppsz_devlist) / sizeof(*ppsz_devlist); i++ ) \
65 targetCombo ## StringList << QString( ppsz_devlist[ i ] ); \
66 targetCombo->addItems( QDir( "/dev/" )\
67 .entryList( targetCombo ## StringList, QDir::System )\
68 .replaceInStrings( QRegExp("^"), "/dev/" ) \
71 static const char psz_devModule[][8] = { "v4l2", "pvr", "dtv",
72 "dshow", "screen", "jack" };
74 /**************************************************************************
75 * Open Files and subtitles *
76 **************************************************************************/
77 FileOpenPanel::FileOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
78 OpenPanel( _parent, _p_intf ), dialogBox( NULL )
80 /* Classic UI Setup */
81 ui.setupUi( this );
83 setAcceptDrops( true );
85 /* Set Filters for file selection */
86 /* QString fileTypes = "";
87 ADD_FILTER_MEDIA( fileTypes );
88 ADD_FILTER_VIDEO( fileTypes );
89 ADD_FILTER_AUDIO( fileTypes );
90 ADD_FILTER_PLAYLIST( fileTypes );
91 ADD_FILTER_ALL( fileTypes );
92 fileTypes.replace( QString(";*"), QString(" *")); */
95 /* lineFileEdit = ui.fileEdit;
96 //TODO later: fill the fileCompleteList with previous items played.
97 QCompleter *fileCompleter = new QCompleter( fileCompleteList, this );
98 fileCompleter->setModel( new QDirModel( fileCompleter ) );
99 lineFileEdit->setCompleter( fileCompleter );*/
100 if( var_InheritBool( p_intf, "qt-embedded-open" ) )
102 ui.tempWidget->hide();
103 BuildOldPanel();
106 /* Subtitles */
107 /* Deactivate the subtitles control by default. */
108 ui.subFrame->setEnabled( false );
110 /* Connects */
111 BUTTONACT( ui.fileBrowseButton, browseFile() );
112 BUTTONACT( ui.removeFileButton, removeFile() );
114 BUTTONACT( ui.subBrowseButton, browseFileSub() );
115 CONNECT( ui.subCheckBox, toggled( bool ), this, toggleSubtitleFrame( bool ) );
117 CONNECT( ui.fileListWidg, itemChanged( QListWidgetItem * ), this, updateMRL() );
118 CONNECT( ui.subInput, textChanged( const QString& ), this, updateMRL() );
119 updateButtons();
122 inline void FileOpenPanel::BuildOldPanel()
124 /** BEGIN QFileDialog tweaking **/
125 /* Use a QFileDialog and customize it because we don't want to
126 rewrite it all. Be careful to your eyes cause there are a few hacks.
127 Be very careful and test correctly when you modify this. */
129 /* Make this QFileDialog a child of tempWidget from the ui. */
130 dialogBox = new FileOpenBox( ui.tempWidget, NULL,
131 p_intf->p_sys->filepath, "" );
133 dialogBox->setFileMode( QFileDialog::ExistingFiles );
134 dialogBox->setAcceptMode( QFileDialog::AcceptOpen );
135 dialogBox->restoreState(
136 getSettings()->value( "file-dialog-state" ).toByteArray() );
138 /* We don't want to see a grip in the middle of the window, do we? */
139 dialogBox->setSizeGripEnabled( false );
141 /* Add a tooltip */
142 dialogBox->setToolTip( qtr( "Select one or multiple files" ) );
143 dialogBox->setMinimumHeight( 250 );
145 // But hide the two OK/Cancel buttons. Enable them for debug.
146 QDialogButtonBox *fileDialogAcceptBox =
147 dialogBox->findChildren<QDialogButtonBox*>()[0];
148 fileDialogAcceptBox->hide();
150 /* Ugly hacks to get the good Widget */
151 //This lineEdit is the normal line in the fileDialog.
152 QLineEdit *lineFileEdit = dialogBox->findChildren<QLineEdit*>()[0];
153 /* Make a list of QLabel inside the QFileDialog to access the good ones */
154 QList<QLabel *> listLabel = dialogBox->findChildren<QLabel*>();
156 /* Hide the FileNames one. Enable it for debug */
157 listLabel[1]->setText( qtr( "File names:" ) );
158 /* Change the text that was uncool in the usual box */
159 listLabel[2]->setText( qtr( "Filter:" ) );
161 dialogBox->layout()->setMargin( 0 );
162 dialogBox->layout()->setSizeConstraint( QLayout::SetNoConstraint );
164 /** END of QFileDialog tweaking **/
166 // Add the DialogBox to the layout
167 ui.gridLayout->addWidget( dialogBox, 0, 0, 1, 3 );
169 CONNECT( lineFileEdit, textChanged( const QString& ), this, updateMRL() );
170 dialogBox->installEventFilter( this );
173 FileOpenPanel::~FileOpenPanel()
175 if( dialogBox )
176 getSettings()->setValue( "file-dialog-state", dialogBox->saveState() );
179 void FileOpenPanel::dragEnterEvent( QDragEnterEvent *event )
181 event->acceptProposedAction();
184 void FileOpenPanel::dragMoveEvent( QDragMoveEvent *event )
186 event->acceptProposedAction();
189 void FileOpenPanel::dragLeaveEvent( QDragLeaveEvent *event )
191 event->accept();
194 void FileOpenPanel::dropEvent( QDropEvent *event )
196 if( event->possibleActions() & Qt::CopyAction )
197 event->setDropAction( Qt::CopyAction );
198 else
199 return;
201 const QMimeData *mimeData = event->mimeData();
202 foreach( const QUrl &url, mimeData->urls() )
204 if( url.isValid() )
206 QListWidgetItem *item = new QListWidgetItem(
207 toNativeSeparators( url.toLocalFile() ),
208 ui.fileListWidg );
209 item->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
210 ui.fileListWidg->addItem( item );
213 updateMRL();
214 updateButtons();
215 event->accept();
218 void FileOpenPanel::browseFile()
220 QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames( this, qtr( "Select one or multiple files" ), p_intf->p_sys->filepath) ;
221 foreach( const QString &file, files )
223 QListWidgetItem *item =
224 new QListWidgetItem( toNativeSeparators( file ), ui.fileListWidg );
225 item->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsEditable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );
226 ui.fileListWidg->addItem( item );
227 savedirpathFromFile( file );
229 updateButtons();
230 updateMRL();
233 void FileOpenPanel::removeFile()
235 int i = ui.fileListWidg->currentRow();
236 if( i != -1 )
238 QListWidgetItem *temp = ui.fileListWidg->takeItem( i );
239 delete temp;
242 updateMRL();
243 updateButtons();
246 /* Show a fileBrowser to select a subtitle */
247 void FileOpenPanel::browseFileSub()
249 // TODO Handle selection of more than one subtitles file
250 QStringList files = THEDP->showSimpleOpen( qtr("Open subtitles file"),
251 EXT_FILTER_SUBTITLE, p_intf->p_sys->filepath );
253 if( files.isEmpty() ) return;
254 ui.subInput->setText( toNativeSeparators( files.join(" ") ) );
255 updateMRL();
258 void FileOpenPanel::toggleSubtitleFrame( bool b )
260 ui.subFrame->setEnabled( b );
262 /* Update the MRL */
263 updateMRL();
267 /* Update the current MRL */
268 void FileOpenPanel::updateMRL()
270 QStringList fileList;
271 QString mrl;
273 /* File Listing */
274 if( dialogBox == NULL )
275 for( int i = 0; i < ui.fileListWidg->count(); i++ )
277 if( !ui.fileListWidg->item( i )->text().isEmpty() )
278 fileList << toURI(ui.fileListWidg->item( i )->text());
280 else
282 fileList = dialogBox->selectedFiles();
283 for( int i = 0; i < fileList.count(); i++ )
284 fileList[i] = toURI( fileList[i] );
287 /* Options */
288 if( ui.subCheckBox->isChecked() && !ui.subInput->text().isEmpty() ) {
289 mrl.append( " :sub-file=" + colon_escape( ui.subInput->text() ) );
292 emit mrlUpdated( fileList, mrl );
293 emit methodChanged( "file-caching" );
296 /* Function called by Open Dialog when clicke on Play/Enqueue */
297 void FileOpenPanel::accept()
299 if( dialogBox )
300 p_intf->p_sys->filepath = dialogBox->directory().absolutePath();
301 ui.fileListWidg->clear();
304 /* Function called by Open Dialog when clicked on cancel */
305 void FileOpenPanel::clear()
307 ui.fileListWidg->clear();
308 ui.subInput->clear();
311 /* Update buttons depending on current selection */
312 void FileOpenPanel::updateButtons()
314 bool b_has_files = ( ui.fileListWidg->count() > 0 );
315 ui.removeFileButton->setEnabled( b_has_files );
316 ui.subCheckBox->setEnabled( b_has_files );
319 /**************************************************************************
320 * Open Discs ( DVD, CD, VCD and similar devices ) *
321 **************************************************************************/
322 DiscOpenPanel::DiscOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
323 OpenPanel( _parent, _p_intf )
325 ui.setupUi( this );
327 /* Get the default configuration path for the devices */
328 psz_dvddiscpath = var_InheritString( p_intf, "dvd" );
329 psz_vcddiscpath = var_InheritString( p_intf, "vcd" );
330 psz_cddadiscpath = var_InheritString( p_intf, "cd-audio" );
332 /* State to avoid overwritting the users changes with the configuration */
333 m_discType = None;
335 ui.browseDiscButton->setToolTip( qtr( I_DEVICE_TOOLTIP ));
336 ui.deviceCombo->setToolTip( qtr(I_DEVICE_TOOLTIP) );
338 #ifdef WIN32 /* Disc drives probing for Windows */
339 wchar_t szDrives[512];
340 szDrives[0] = '\0';
341 if( GetLogicalDriveStringsW( sizeof( szDrives ) - 1, szDrives ) )
343 wchar_t *drive = szDrives;
344 UINT oldMode = SetErrorMode( SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS );
345 while( *drive )
347 if( GetDriveTypeW(drive) == DRIVE_CDROM )
349 wchar_t psz_name[512] = L"";
350 GetVolumeInformationW( drive, psz_name, 511, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0 );
352 QString displayName = FromWide( drive );
353 if( !EMPTY_STR(psz_name) ) {
354 displayName = displayName + " - " + FromWide( psz_name );
357 ui.deviceCombo->addItem( displayName, FromWide( drive ) );
360 /* go to next drive */
361 while( *(drive++) );
363 SetErrorMode(oldMode);
365 #else /* Linux */
366 char const * const ppsz_discdevices[] = {
367 "sr*",
368 "sg*",
369 "scd*",
370 "dvd*",
371 "cd*"
373 QComboBox *discCombo = ui.deviceCombo; /* avoid namespacing in macro */
374 POPULATE_WITH_DEVS( ppsz_discdevices, discCombo );
375 #endif
377 /* CONNECTs */
378 BUTTONACT( ui.dvdRadioButton, updateButtons() );
379 BUTTONACT( ui.vcdRadioButton, updateButtons() );
380 BUTTONACT( ui.audioCDRadioButton, updateButtons() );
381 BUTTONACT( ui.dvdsimple, updateButtons() );
382 BUTTONACT( ui.browseDiscButton, browseDevice() );
383 BUTTON_SET_ACT_I( ui.ejectButton, "", toolbar/eject, qtr( "Eject the disc" ),
384 eject() );
386 CONNECT( ui.deviceCombo, editTextChanged( QString ), this, updateMRL());
387 CONNECT( ui.titleSpin, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL());
388 CONNECT( ui.chapterSpin, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL());
389 CONNECT( ui.audioSpin, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL());
390 CONNECT( ui.subtitlesSpin, valueChanged( int ), this, updateMRL());
392 /* Run once the updateButtons function in order to fill correctly the comboBoxes */
393 updateButtons();
396 DiscOpenPanel::~DiscOpenPanel()
398 free( psz_dvddiscpath );
399 free( psz_vcddiscpath );
400 free( psz_cddadiscpath );
403 void DiscOpenPanel::clear()
405 ui.titleSpin->setValue( 0 );
406 ui.chapterSpin->setValue( 0 );
407 ui.subtitlesSpin->setValue( -1 );
408 ui.audioSpin->setValue( -1 );
409 m_discType = None;
412 #ifdef WIN32
413 #define setDrive( psz_name ) {\
414 int index = ui.deviceCombo->findText( qfu( psz_name ) ); \
415 if( index != -1 ) ui.deviceCombo->setCurrentIndex( index );}
416 #else
417 #define setDrive( psz_name ) {\
418 ui.deviceCombo->setEditText( qfu( psz_name ) ); }
419 #endif
421 /* update the buttons according the type of device */
422 void DiscOpenPanel::updateButtons()
424 if ( ui.dvdRadioButton->isChecked() )
426 if( m_discType != Dvd )
428 setDrive( psz_dvddiscpath );
429 m_discType = Dvd;
431 ui.titleLabel->setText( qtr("Title") );
432 ui.chapterLabel->show();
433 ui.chapterSpin->show();
434 ui.diskOptionBox_2->show();
435 ui.dvdsimple->setEnabled( true );
437 else if ( ui.vcdRadioButton->isChecked() )
439 if( m_discType != Vcd )
441 setDrive( psz_vcddiscpath );
442 m_discType = Vcd;
444 ui.titleLabel->setText( qtr("Entry") );
445 ui.chapterLabel->hide();
446 ui.chapterSpin->hide();
447 ui.diskOptionBox_2->show();
448 ui.dvdsimple->setEnabled( false );
450 else /* CDDA */
452 if( m_discType != Cdda )
454 setDrive( psz_cddadiscpath );
455 m_discType = Cdda;
457 ui.titleLabel->setText( qtr("Track") );
458 ui.chapterLabel->hide();
459 ui.chapterSpin->hide();
460 ui.diskOptionBox_2->hide();
461 ui.dvdsimple->setEnabled( false );
464 updateMRL();
467 #undef setDrive
469 #ifndef WIN32
470 # define LOCALHOST ""
471 #else
472 # define LOCALHOST "/"
473 #endif
475 /* Update the current MRL */
476 void DiscOpenPanel::updateMRL()
478 QString mrl;
479 QString discPath;
480 QStringList fileList;
482 if( ui.deviceCombo->itemData( ui.deviceCombo->currentIndex() ) != QVariant::Invalid )
483 discPath = ui.deviceCombo->itemData( ui.deviceCombo->currentIndex() ).toString();
484 else
485 discPath = ui.deviceCombo->currentText();
487 /* CDDAX and VCDX not implemented. TODO ? No. */
488 /* DVD */
489 if( ui.dvdRadioButton->isChecked() ) {
490 if( !ui.dvdsimple->isChecked() )
491 mrl = "dvd://" LOCALHOST + discPath;
492 else
493 mrl = "dvdsimple://" LOCALHOST + discPath;
495 if( !ui.dvdsimple->isChecked() )
496 emit methodChanged( "dvdnav-caching" );
497 else
498 emit methodChanged( "dvdread-caching" );
500 if ( ui.titleSpin->value() > 0 ) {
501 mrl += QString("@%1").arg( ui.titleSpin->value() );
502 if ( ui.chapterSpin->value() > 0 ) {
503 mrl+= QString(":%1").arg( ui.chapterSpin->value() );
507 /* VCD */
508 } else if ( ui.vcdRadioButton->isChecked() ) {
509 mrl = "vcd://" LOCALHOST + discPath;
510 emit methodChanged( "vcd-caching" );
512 if( ui.titleSpin->value() > 0 ) {
513 mrl += QString("@E%1").arg( ui.titleSpin->value() );
516 /* CDDA */
517 } else {
518 mrl = "cdda://" LOCALHOST + discPath;
519 emit methodChanged( "cdda-caching" );
522 fileList << mrl; mrl = "";
524 if ( ui.dvdRadioButton->isChecked() || ui.vcdRadioButton->isChecked() )
526 if ( ui.audioSpin->value() >= 0 ) {
527 mrl += " :audio-track=" +
528 QString("%1").arg( ui.audioSpin->value() );
530 if ( ui.subtitlesSpin->value() >= 0 ) {
531 mrl += " :sub-track=" +
532 QString("%1").arg( ui.subtitlesSpin->value() );
535 else
537 if( ui.titleSpin->value() > 0 )
538 mrl += QString(" :cdda-track=%1").arg( ui.titleSpin->value() );
540 emit mrlUpdated( fileList, mrl );
543 void DiscOpenPanel::browseDevice()
545 QString dir = QFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( this,
546 qtr( I_DEVICE_TOOLTIP ) );
547 if (!dir.isEmpty())
548 ui.deviceCombo->setEditText( toNativeSepNoSlash( dir ) );
550 updateMRL();
553 void DiscOpenPanel::eject()
555 intf_Eject( p_intf, qtu( ui.deviceCombo->currentText() ) );
558 void DiscOpenPanel::accept()
561 /**************************************************************************
562 * Open Network streams and URL pages *
563 **************************************************************************/
564 NetOpenPanel::NetOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
565 OpenPanel( _parent, _p_intf )
567 ui.setupUi( this );
569 /* CONNECTs */
570 CONNECT( ui.urlComboBox->lineEdit(), textChanged( const QString& ), this, updateMRL());
571 CONNECT( ui.urlComboBox, currentIndexChanged( const QString& ), this, updateMRL());
573 if( var_InheritBool( p_intf, "qt-recentplay" ) )
575 mrlList = new QStringListModel(
576 getSettings()->value( "Open/netMRL" ).toStringList() );
577 ui.urlComboBox->setModel( mrlList );
578 ui.urlComboBox->clearEditText();
579 CONNECT( ui.urlComboBox->lineEdit(), editingFinished(), this, updateModel() );
581 else
582 mrlList = NULL;
584 ui.urlComboBox->setValidator( new UrlValidator( this ) );
585 ui.urlComboBox->setFocus();
588 NetOpenPanel::~NetOpenPanel()
590 if( !mrlList ) return;
592 QStringList tempL = mrlList->stringList();
593 while( tempL.size() > 8 ) tempL.removeFirst();
595 getSettings()->setValue( "Open/netMRL", tempL );
597 delete mrlList;
600 void NetOpenPanel::clear()
603 void NetOpenPanel::onFocus()
605 ui.urlComboBox->setFocus();
606 ui.urlComboBox->lineEdit()->selectAll();
609 static int strcmp_void( const void *k, const void *e )
611 return strcmp( (const char *)k, (const char *)e );
614 void NetOpenPanel::updateMRL()
616 static const struct caching_map
618 char proto[6];
619 char caching[6];
620 } schemes[] =
621 { /* KEEP alphabetical order on first column!! */
622 { "dccp", "rtp" },
623 { "ftp", "ftp" },
624 { "ftps", "ftp" },
625 { "http", "http" },
626 { "https", "http" },
627 { "mms", "mms" },
628 { "mmsh", "mms" },
629 { "mmst", "mms" },
630 { "mmsu", "mms" },
631 { "sftp", "sftp" },
632 { "smb", "smb" },
633 { "rtmp", "rtmp" },
634 { "rtp", "rtp" },
635 { "rtsp", "rtsp" },
636 { "udp", "udp" },
639 QString url = ui.urlComboBox->lineEdit()->text();
640 if( !url.contains( "://") )
641 return; /* nothing to do this far */
643 /* Match the correct item in the comboBox */
644 QString proto = url.section( ':', 0, 0 );
645 const struct caching_map *r = (const struct caching_map *)
646 bsearch( qtu(proto), schemes, sizeof(schemes) / sizeof(schemes[0]),
647 sizeof(schemes[0]), strcmp_void );
648 if( r )
649 emit methodChanged( qfu( r->caching ) + qfu( "-caching" ) );
651 QStringList qsl;
652 qsl << url;
653 emit mrlUpdated( qsl, "" );
656 void NetOpenPanel::updateModel()
658 assert( mrlList );
659 QStringList tempL = mrlList->stringList();
660 if( !tempL.contains( ui.urlComboBox->lineEdit()->text() ) )
661 tempL.append( ui.urlComboBox->lineEdit()->text() );
662 mrlList->setStringList( tempL );
665 void UrlValidator::fixup( QString& str ) const
667 str = str.trimmed();
670 QValidator::State UrlValidator::validate( QString& str, int& ) const
672 if( str.contains( ' ' ) )
673 return QValidator::Invalid;
674 if( !str.contains( "://" ) )
675 return QValidator::Intermediate;
676 return QValidator::Acceptable;
679 /**************************************************************************
680 * Open Capture device ( DVB, PVR, V4L, and similar ) *
681 **************************************************************************/
682 CaptureOpenPanel::CaptureOpenPanel( QWidget *_parent, intf_thread_t *_p_intf ) :
683 OpenPanel( _parent, _p_intf )
685 isInitialized = false;
688 void CaptureOpenPanel::initialize()
690 if( isInitialized ) return;
692 msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Initialization of Capture device panel" );
693 isInitialized = true;
695 ui.setupUi( this );
697 BUTTONACT( ui.advancedButton, advancedDialog() );
699 /* Create two stacked layouts in the main comboBoxes */
700 QStackedLayout *stackedDevLayout = new QStackedLayout;
701 ui.cardBox->setLayout( stackedDevLayout );
703 QStackedLayout *stackedPropLayout = new QStackedLayout;
704 ui.optionsBox->setLayout( stackedPropLayout );
706 /* Creation and connections of the WIdgets in the stacked layout */
707 #define addModuleAndLayouts( number, name, label, layout ) \
708 QWidget * name ## DevPage = new QWidget( this ); \
709 QWidget * name ## PropPage = new QWidget( this ); \
710 stackedDevLayout->addWidget( name ## DevPage ); \
711 stackedPropLayout->addWidget( name ## PropPage ); \
712 layout * name ## DevLayout = new layout; \
713 layout * name ## PropLayout = new layout; \
714 name ## DevPage->setLayout( name ## DevLayout ); \
715 name ## PropPage->setLayout( name ## PropLayout ); \
716 ui.deviceCombo->addItem( qtr( label ), QVariant( number ) );
718 #define CuMRL( widget, slot ) CONNECT( widget , slot , this, updateMRL() );
720 #ifdef WIN32
721 /*********************
722 * DirectShow Stuffs *
723 *********************/
724 if( module_exists( "dshow" ) ){
725 addModuleAndLayouts( DSHOW_DEVICE, dshow, "DirectShow", QGridLayout );
727 /* dshow Main */
728 int line = 0;
729 module_config_t *p_config =
730 config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), "dshow-vdev" );
731 vdevDshowW = new StringListConfigControl(
732 VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), p_config, this, dshowDevLayout, line );
733 line++;
735 p_config = config_FindConfig( VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), "dshow-adev" );
736 adevDshowW = new StringListConfigControl(
737 VLC_OBJECT(p_intf), p_config, this, dshowDevLayout, line );
738 line++;
740 /* dshow Properties */
741 QLabel *dshowVSizeLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Video size" ) );
742 dshowPropLayout->addWidget( dshowVSizeLabel, 0, 0 );
744 dshowVSizeLine = new QLineEdit;
745 dshowPropLayout->addWidget( dshowVSizeLine, 0, 1);
746 dshowPropLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding ),
747 1, 0, 3, 1 );
749 /* dshow CONNECTs */
750 CuMRL( vdevDshowW->combo, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
751 CuMRL( adevDshowW->combo, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
752 CuMRL( dshowVSizeLine, textChanged( const QString& ) );
754 #else /* WIN32 */
755 /*******
756 * V4L2*
757 *******/
758 if( module_exists( "v4l2" ) ){
759 addModuleAndLayouts( V4L2_DEVICE, v4l2, "Video for Linux 2", QGridLayout );
761 char const * const ppsz_v4lvdevices[] = {
762 "video*"
765 char const * const ppsz_v4ladevices[] = {
766 "dsp*",
767 "radio*"
770 /* V4l Main panel */
771 QLabel *v4l2VideoDeviceLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Video device name" ) );
772 v4l2DevLayout->addWidget( v4l2VideoDeviceLabel, 0, 0 );
774 v4l2VideoDevice = new QComboBox( this );
775 v4l2VideoDevice->setEditable( true );
776 POPULATE_WITH_DEVS( ppsz_v4lvdevices, v4l2VideoDevice );
777 v4l2VideoDevice->clearEditText();
778 v4l2DevLayout->addWidget( v4l2VideoDevice, 0, 1 );
780 QLabel *v4l2AudioDeviceLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Audio device name" ) );
781 v4l2DevLayout->addWidget( v4l2AudioDeviceLabel, 1, 0 );
783 v4l2AudioDevice = new QComboBox( this );
784 v4l2AudioDevice->setEditable( true );
785 POPULATE_WITH_DEVS( ppsz_v4ladevices, v4l2AudioDevice );
786 v4l2AudioDevice->clearEditText();
787 v4l2DevLayout->addWidget( v4l2AudioDevice, 1, 1 );
789 /* v4l2 Props panel */
790 QLabel *v4l2StdLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Video standard" ) );
791 v4l2PropLayout->addWidget( v4l2StdLabel, 0 , 0 );
793 v4l2StdBox = new QComboBox;
794 setfillVLCConfigCombo( "v4l2-standard", p_intf, v4l2StdBox );
795 v4l2PropLayout->addWidget( v4l2StdBox, 0 , 1 );
796 v4l2PropLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding ),
797 1, 0, 3, 2 );
799 /* v4l2 CONNECTs */
800 CuMRL( v4l2VideoDevice->lineEdit(), textChanged( const QString& ) );
801 CuMRL( v4l2VideoDevice, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
802 CuMRL( v4l2AudioDevice->lineEdit(), textChanged( const QString& ) );
803 CuMRL( v4l2AudioDevice, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
804 CuMRL( v4l2StdBox, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
807 /*******
808 * JACK *
809 *******/
810 if( module_exists( "jack" ) ){
811 addModuleAndLayouts( JACK_DEVICE, jack, "JACK Audio Connection Kit",
812 QGridLayout);
814 /* Jack Main panel */
815 /* Channels */
816 QLabel *jackChannelsLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Channels:" ) );
817 jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackChannelsLabel, 1, 0 );
819 jackChannels = new QSpinBox;
820 setSpinBoxFreq( jackChannels );
821 jackChannels->setMaximum(255);
822 jackChannels->setValue(2);
823 jackChannels->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
824 jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackChannels, 1, 1 );
826 /* Selected ports */
827 QLabel *jackPortsLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Selected ports:" ) );
828 jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackPortsLabel, 0 , 0 );
830 jackPortsSelected = new QLineEdit( qtr( ".*") );
831 jackPortsSelected->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
832 jackDevLayout->addWidget( jackPortsSelected, 0, 1 );
834 /* Jack Props panel */
836 /* Caching */
837 QLabel *jackCachingLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Input caching:" ) );
838 jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackCachingLabel, 1 , 0 );
839 jackCaching = new QSpinBox;
840 setSpinBoxFreq( jackCaching );
841 jackCaching->setSuffix( " ms" );
842 jackCaching->setValue(1000);
843 jackCaching->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
844 jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackCaching, 1 , 2 );
846 /* Pace */
847 jackPace = new QCheckBox(qtr( "Use VLC pace" ));
848 jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackPace, 2, 1 );
850 /* Auto Connect */
851 jackConnect = new QCheckBox( qtr( "Auto connection" ));
852 jackPropLayout->addWidget( jackConnect, 2, 2 );
854 /* Jack CONNECTs */
855 CuMRL( jackChannels, valueChanged( int ) );
856 CuMRL( jackCaching, valueChanged( int ) );
857 CuMRL( jackPace, stateChanged( int ) );
858 CuMRL( jackConnect, stateChanged( int ) );
859 CuMRL( jackPortsSelected, textChanged( const QString& ) );
862 /************
863 * PVR *
864 ************/
865 if( module_exists( "pvr" ) ){
866 addModuleAndLayouts( PVR_DEVICE, pvr, "PVR", QGridLayout );
868 /* PVR Main panel */
869 QLabel *pvrDeviceLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Device name" ) );
870 pvrDevLayout->addWidget( pvrDeviceLabel, 0, 0 );
872 pvrDevice = new QLineEdit;
873 pvrDevLayout->addWidget( pvrDevice, 0, 1 );
875 QLabel *pvrRadioDeviceLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Radio device name" ) );
876 pvrDevLayout->addWidget( pvrRadioDeviceLabel, 1, 0 );
878 pvrRadioDevice = new QLineEdit;
879 pvrDevLayout->addWidget( pvrRadioDevice, 1, 1 );
881 /* PVR props panel */
882 QLabel *pvrNormLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Norm" ) );
883 pvrPropLayout->addWidget( pvrNormLabel, 0, 0 );
885 pvrNormBox = new QComboBox;
886 setfillVLCConfigCombo( "pvr-norm", p_intf, pvrNormBox );
887 pvrPropLayout->addWidget( pvrNormBox, 0, 1 );
889 QLabel *pvrFreqLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Frequency" ) );
890 pvrPropLayout->addWidget( pvrFreqLabel, 1, 0 );
892 pvrFreq = new QSpinBox;
893 pvrFreq->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
894 pvrFreq->setSuffix(" kHz");
895 setSpinBoxFreq( pvrFreq );
896 pvrPropLayout->addWidget( pvrFreq, 1, 1 );
898 QLabel *pvrBitrLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Bitrate" ) );
899 pvrPropLayout->addWidget( pvrBitrLabel, 2, 0 );
901 pvrBitr = new QSpinBox;
902 pvrBitr->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
903 pvrBitr->setSuffix(" kHz");
904 setSpinBoxFreq( pvrBitr );
905 pvrPropLayout->addWidget( pvrBitr, 2, 1 );
906 pvrPropLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding ),
907 3, 0, 1, 1 );
909 /* PVR CONNECTs */
910 CuMRL( pvrDevice, textChanged( const QString& ) );
911 CuMRL( pvrRadioDevice, textChanged( const QString& ) );
913 CuMRL( pvrFreq, valueChanged ( int ) );
914 CuMRL( pvrBitr, valueChanged ( int ) );
915 CuMRL( pvrNormBox, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
917 #endif
918 /*************
919 * DVB Stuff *
920 *************/
921 if( module_exists( "dtv" ) ){
922 addModuleAndLayouts( DTV_DEVICE, dvb, N_("TV (digital)"), QGridLayout );
924 /* DVB Main */
925 QLabel *dvbDeviceLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Tuner card" ) );
926 QLabel *dvbTypeLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Delivery system" ) );
928 dvbCard = new QSpinBox;
929 dvbCard->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
930 #ifdef __linux__
931 dvbCard->setPrefix( "/dev/dvb/adapter" );
932 dvbFE = new QSpinBox;
933 dvbFE->setPrefix( "/frontend" );
934 #endif
935 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbDeviceLabel, 0, 0 );
936 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbCard, 0, 1, 1, 2 );
937 #ifdef __linux__
938 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbFE, 0, 3 );
939 #endif
941 dvbc = new QRadioButton( "DVB-C" );
942 dvbs = new QRadioButton( "DVB-S" );
943 dvbs2 = new QRadioButton( "DVB-S2" );
944 dvbt = new QRadioButton( "DVB-T" );
945 dvbt2 = new QRadioButton( "DVB-T2" );
946 atsc = new QRadioButton( "ATSC" );
947 cqam = new QRadioButton( "Clear QAM" );
948 dvbt->setChecked( true );
950 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbTypeLabel, 1, 0, 2, 1 );
951 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbc, 1, 1 );
952 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbs, 1, 2 );
953 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbs2, 2, 2 );
954 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbt, 1, 3 );
955 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( dvbt2, 2, 3 );
956 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( atsc, 1, 4 );
957 dvbDevLayout->addWidget( cqam, 2, 4 );
959 /* DVB Props panel */
960 QLabel *dvbFreqLabel =
961 new QLabel( qtr( "Transponder/multiplex frequency" ) );
962 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbFreqLabel, 0, 0 );
964 dvbFreq = new QSpinBox;
965 dvbFreq->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
966 dvbFreq->setSuffix(" kHz");
967 dvbFreq->setSingleStep( 1000 );
968 setSpinBoxFreq( dvbFreq );
969 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbFreq, 0, 1 );
971 dvbSrateLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Transponder symbol rate" ) );
972 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbSrateLabel, 1, 0 );
974 dvbSrate = new QSpinBox;
975 dvbSrate->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
976 dvbSrate->setSuffix(" bauds");
977 setSpinBoxFreq( dvbSrate );
978 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbSrate, 1, 1 );
980 dvbModLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Modulation / Constellation" ) );
981 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbModLabel, 2, 0 );
983 dvbQamBox = new QComboBox;
984 dvbQamBox->addItem( qtr( "Automatic" ), qfu("QAM") );
985 dvbQamBox->addItem( "256-QAM", qfu("256QAM") );
986 dvbQamBox->addItem( "128-QAM", qfu("128QAM") );
987 dvbQamBox->addItem( "64-QAM", qfu("64QAM") );
988 dvbQamBox->addItem( "32-QAM", qfu("32QAM") );
989 dvbQamBox->addItem( "16-QAM", qfu("16QAM") );
990 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbQamBox, 2, 1 );
992 dvbPskBox = new QComboBox;
993 dvbPskBox->addItem( "QPSK", qfu("QPSK") );
994 dvbPskBox->addItem( "DQPSK", qfu("DQPSK") );
995 dvbPskBox->addItem( "8-PSK", qfu("8PSK") );
996 dvbPskBox->addItem( "16-APSK", qfu("16APSK") );
997 dvbPskBox->addItem( "32-APSK", qfu("32APSK") );
998 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbPskBox, 2, 1 );
1000 dvbModLabel->hide();
1001 dvbQamBox->hide();
1002 dvbPskBox->hide();
1004 dvbBandLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Bandwidth" ) );
1005 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbBandLabel, 2, 0 );
1007 dvbBandBox = new QComboBox;
1008 setfillVLCConfigCombo( "dvb-bandwidth", p_intf, dvbBandBox );
1009 dvbPropLayout->addWidget( dvbBandBox, 2, 1 );
1011 dvbBandLabel->hide();
1012 dvbBandBox->hide();
1014 dvbPropLayout->addItem( new QSpacerItem( 20, 20, QSizePolicy::Expanding ),
1015 2, 0, 2, 1 );
1017 /* DVB CONNECTs */
1018 CuMRL( dvbCard, valueChanged ( int ) );
1019 #ifdef __linux__
1020 CuMRL( dvbFE, valueChanged ( int ) );
1021 #endif
1022 CuMRL( dvbFreq, valueChanged ( int ) );
1023 CuMRL( dvbSrate, valueChanged ( int ) );
1024 CuMRL( dvbQamBox, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
1025 CuMRL( dvbPskBox, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
1026 CuMRL( dvbBandBox, currentIndexChanged ( int ) );
1028 BUTTONACT( dvbc, updateButtons() );
1029 BUTTONACT( dvbs, updateButtons() );
1030 BUTTONACT( dvbs2, updateButtons() );
1031 BUTTONACT( dvbt, updateButtons() );
1032 BUTTONACT( dvbt2, updateButtons() );
1033 BUTTONACT( atsc, updateButtons() );
1034 BUTTONACT( cqam, updateButtons() );
1035 BUTTONACT( dvbc, updateMRL() );
1036 BUTTONACT( dvbt, updateMRL() );
1037 BUTTONACT( dvbt2, updateMRL() );
1038 BUTTONACT( dvbs, updateMRL() );
1039 BUTTONACT( dvbs2, updateMRL() );
1040 BUTTONACT( atsc, updateMRL() );
1041 BUTTONACT( cqam, updateMRL() );
1044 /**********
1045 * Screen *
1046 **********/
1047 addModuleAndLayouts( SCREEN_DEVICE, screen, "Desktop", QGridLayout );
1048 QLabel *screenLabel = new QLabel( qtr( "Your display will be "
1049 "opened and played in order to stream or save it." ) );
1050 screenLabel->setWordWrap( true );
1051 screenDevLayout->addWidget( screenLabel, 0, 0 );
1053 QLabel *screenFPSLabel = new QLabel(
1054 qtr( "Desired frame rate for the capture." ) );
1055 screenPropLayout->addWidget( screenFPSLabel, 0, 0 );
1057 screenFPS = new QDoubleSpinBox;
1058 screenFPS->setValue( 1. );
1059 screenFPS->setRange( .01, 100. );
1060 screenFPS->setAlignment( Qt::AlignRight );
1061 /* xgettext: frames per second */
1062 screenFPS->setSuffix( qtr( " f/s" ) );
1063 screenPropLayout->addWidget( screenFPS, 0, 1 );
1065 /* Screen connect */
1066 CuMRL( screenFPS, valueChanged( double ) );
1068 /* General connects */
1069 CONNECT( ui.deviceCombo, activated( int ) ,
1070 stackedDevLayout, setCurrentIndex( int ) );
1071 CONNECT( ui.deviceCombo, activated( int ),
1072 stackedPropLayout, setCurrentIndex( int ) );
1073 CONNECT( ui.deviceCombo, activated( int ), this, updateMRL() );
1074 CONNECT( ui.deviceCombo, activated( int ), this, updateButtons() );
1076 #undef CuMRL
1077 #undef addModuleAndLayouts
1080 CaptureOpenPanel::~CaptureOpenPanel()
1084 void CaptureOpenPanel::clear()
1086 advMRL.clear();
1089 void CaptureOpenPanel::updateMRL()
1091 QString mrl = "";
1092 QStringList fileList;
1093 int i_devicetype = ui.deviceCombo->itemData(
1094 ui.deviceCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
1095 switch( i_devicetype )
1097 #ifdef WIN32
1098 case DSHOW_DEVICE:
1099 fileList << "dshow://";
1100 mrl+= " :dshow-vdev=" +
1101 colon_escape( QString("%1").arg( vdevDshowW->getValue() ) );
1102 mrl+= " :dshow-adev=" +
1103 colon_escape( QString("%1").arg( adevDshowW->getValue() ) )+" ";
1104 if( dshowVSizeLine->isModified() )
1105 mrl += ":dshow-size=" + dshowVSizeLine->text();
1106 emit methodChanged( "dshow-caching" );
1107 break;
1108 #else
1109 case V4L2_DEVICE:
1110 fileList << "v4l2://" + v4l2VideoDevice->currentText();
1111 mrl += " :input-slave=alsa://" + v4l2AudioDevice->currentText();
1112 mrl += " :v4l2-standard=" + QString::number( v4l2StdBox->currentIndex() );
1113 break;
1114 case JACK_DEVICE:
1115 mrl = "jack://";
1116 mrl += "channels=" + QString::number( jackChannels->value() );
1117 mrl += ":ports=" + jackPortsSelected->text();
1118 fileList << mrl; mrl = "";
1120 mrl += " :jack-input-caching=" + QString::number( jackCaching->value() );
1121 if ( jackPace->isChecked() )
1123 mrl += " :jack-input-use-vlc-pace";
1125 if ( jackConnect->isChecked() )
1127 mrl += " :jack-input-auto-connect";
1129 break;
1130 case PVR_DEVICE:
1131 fileList << "pvr://";
1132 mrl += " :pvr-device=" + pvrDevice->text();
1133 mrl += " :pvr-radio-device=" + pvrRadioDevice->text();
1134 mrl += " :pvr-norm=" + QString::number( pvrNormBox->currentIndex() );
1135 if( pvrFreq->value() )
1136 mrl += " :pvr-frequency=" + QString::number( pvrFreq->value() );
1137 if( pvrBitr->value() )
1138 mrl += " :pvr-bitrate=" + QString::number( pvrBitr->value() );
1139 break;
1140 #endif
1141 case DTV_DEVICE:
1142 if( dvbc->isChecked() ) mrl = "dvb-c://";
1143 else
1144 if( dvbs->isChecked() ) mrl = "dvb-s://";
1145 else
1146 if( dvbs2->isChecked() ) mrl = "dvb-s2://";
1147 else
1148 if( dvbt->isChecked() ) mrl = "dvb-t://";
1149 else
1150 if( dvbt2->isChecked() ) mrl = "dvb-t2://";
1151 else
1152 if( atsc->isChecked() ) mrl = "atsc://";
1153 else
1154 if( cqam->isChecked() ) mrl = "cqam://";
1156 mrl += "frequency=" + QString::number( dvbFreq->value() );
1158 if( dvbc->isChecked() || cqam->isChecked() )
1159 mrl += ":modulation="
1160 + dvbQamBox->itemData( dvbQamBox->currentIndex() ).toString();
1161 if( dvbs2->isChecked() )
1162 mrl += ":modulation="
1163 + dvbPskBox->itemData( dvbPskBox->currentIndex() ).toString();
1164 if( dvbc->isChecked() || dvbs->isChecked() || dvbs2->isChecked() )
1165 mrl += ":srate=" + QString::number( dvbSrate->value() );
1166 if( dvbt->isChecked() || dvbt2->isChecked() )
1167 mrl += ":bandwidth=" +
1168 QString::number( dvbBandBox->itemData(
1169 dvbBandBox->currentIndex() ).toInt() );
1171 fileList << mrl; mrl= "";
1172 mrl += " :dvb-adapter=" + QString::number( dvbCard->value() );
1173 #ifdef __linux__
1174 mrl += " :dvb-device=" + QString::number( dvbFE->value() );
1175 #endif
1176 break;
1177 case SCREEN_DEVICE:
1178 fileList << "screen://";
1179 mrl = " :screen-fps=" + QString::number( screenFPS->value(), 'f' );
1180 emit methodChanged( "screen-caching" );
1181 updateButtons();
1182 break;
1185 if( !advMRL.isEmpty() ) mrl += advMRL;
1187 emit mrlUpdated( fileList, mrl );
1191 * Update the Buttons (show/hide) for the GUI as all device type don't
1192 * use the same ui. elements.
1194 void CaptureOpenPanel::updateButtons()
1196 /* Be sure to display the ui Elements in case they were hidden by
1197 * some Device Type (like Screen://) */
1198 ui.optionsBox->show();
1199 ui.advancedButton->show();
1200 /* Get the current Device Number */
1201 int i_devicetype = ui.deviceCombo->itemData(
1202 ui.deviceCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
1203 switch( i_devicetype )
1205 case DTV_DEVICE:
1206 dvbSrate->hide();
1207 dvbSrateLabel->hide();
1208 dvbQamBox->hide();
1209 dvbPskBox->hide();
1210 dvbModLabel->hide();
1211 dvbBandBox->hide();
1212 dvbBandLabel->hide();
1214 if( dvbc->isChecked() )
1216 dvbSrate->show();
1217 dvbSrateLabel->show();
1218 dvbQamBox->show();
1219 dvbModLabel->show();
1221 else if( dvbs->isChecked() )
1223 dvbSrate->show();
1224 dvbSrateLabel->show();
1226 else if( dvbs2->isChecked() )
1228 dvbSrate->show();
1229 dvbSrateLabel->show();
1230 dvbPskBox->show();
1231 dvbModLabel->show();
1233 else if( dvbt->isChecked() || dvbt2->isChecked() )
1235 dvbBandBox->show();
1236 dvbBandLabel->show();
1238 break;
1239 case SCREEN_DEVICE:
1240 //ui.optionsBox->hide();
1241 ui.advancedButton->hide();
1242 break;
1245 advMRL.clear();
1248 void CaptureOpenPanel::advancedDialog()
1250 /* Get selected device type */
1251 int i_devicetype = ui.deviceCombo->itemData(
1252 ui.deviceCombo->currentIndex() ).toInt();
1254 /* Get the corresponding module */
1255 module_t *p_module =
1256 module_find( psz_devModule[i_devicetype] );
1257 if( NULL == p_module ) return;
1259 /* Init */
1260 QList<ConfigControl *> controls;
1262 /* Get the confsize */
1263 unsigned int i_confsize;
1264 module_config_t *p_config;
1265 p_config = module_config_get( p_module, &i_confsize );
1267 /* New Adv Prop dialog */
1268 adv = new QDialog( this );
1269 adv->setWindowTitle( qtr( "Advanced Options" ) );
1270 adv->setWindowRole( "vlc-advanced-options" );
1272 /* A main Layout with a Frame */
1273 QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout( adv );
1274 QScrollArea *scroll = new QScrollArea;
1275 mainLayout->addWidget( scroll );
1277 QFrame *advFrame = new QFrame;
1278 /* GridLayout inside the Frame */
1279 QGridLayout *gLayout = new QGridLayout( advFrame );
1281 scroll->setWidgetResizable( true );
1282 scroll->setWidget( advFrame );
1284 /* Create the options inside the FrameLayout */
1285 for( int n = 0; n < (int)i_confsize; n++ )
1287 module_config_t *p_item = p_config + n;
1288 ConfigControl *config = ConfigControl::createControl(
1289 VLC_OBJECT( p_intf ), p_item, advFrame, gLayout, n );
1290 if ( config )
1291 controls.append( config );
1294 /* Button stuffs */
1295 QDialogButtonBox *advButtonBox = new QDialogButtonBox( adv );
1296 QPushButton *closeButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "OK" ) );
1297 QPushButton *cancelButton = new QPushButton( qtr( "Cancel" ) );
1299 CONNECT( closeButton, clicked(), adv, accept() );
1300 CONNECT( cancelButton, clicked(), adv, reject() );
1302 advButtonBox->addButton( closeButton, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole );
1303 advButtonBox->addButton( cancelButton, QDialogButtonBox::RejectRole );
1305 mainLayout->addWidget( advButtonBox );
1307 /* Creation of the MRL */
1308 if( adv->exec() )
1310 QString tempMRL = "";
1311 for( int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++ )
1313 ConfigControl *control = controls[i];
1315 tempMRL += (i ? " :" : ":");
1317 if( control->getType() == CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL )
1318 if( !(qobject_cast<VIntConfigControl *>(control)->getValue() ) )
1319 tempMRL += "no-";
1321 tempMRL += control->getName();
1323 switch( control->getType() )
1330 tempMRL += colon_escape( QString("=%1").arg( qobject_cast<VStringConfigControl *>(control)->getValue() ) );
1331 break;
1333 tempMRL += QString("=%1").arg( qobject_cast<VIntConfigControl *>(control)->getValue() );
1334 break;
1336 tempMRL += QString("=%1").arg( qobject_cast<VFloatConfigControl *>(control)->getValue() );
1337 break;
1340 advMRL = tempMRL;
1341 updateMRL();
1342 msg_Dbg( p_intf, "%s", qtu( advMRL ) );
1344 qDeleteAll( controls );
1345 delete adv;
1346 module_config_free( p_config );
1347 module_release (p_module);