Revert "luatelnet: missing debug message."
[vlc/solaris.git] / share / lua / intf / telnet.lua
1 --[==========================================================================[
2 telnet.lua: VLM interface plugin
3 --[==========================================================================[
4 Copyright (C) 2007 the VideoLAN team
5 $Id$
7 Authors: Antoine Cellerier <dionoea at videolan dot org>
9 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12 (at your option) any later version.
14 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 GNU General Public License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
22 --]==========================================================================]
24 description=
25 [============================================================================[
26 VLM Interface plugin
28 Copy (features wise) of the original VLC modules/control/telnet.c module.
30 Differences are:
31 * it's in Lua
32 * 'lock' command to lock the telnet promt
33 * possibility to listen on different hosts including stdin
34 for example:
35 listen on stdin: vlc -I lua --lua-intf telnet --lua-config "telnet={host='*console'}"
36 listen on stdin + 2 ports on localhost: vlc -I lua --lua-intf telnet --lua-config "telnet={hosts={'localhost:4212','localhost:5678','*console'}}"
38 Configuration options setable throught the --lua-config option are:
39 * hosts: A list of hosts to listen on (see examples above).
40 * host: A host to listen on. (won't be used if `hosts' is set)
41 * password: The password used for remote clients.
42 * prompt: The prompt.
43 ]============================================================================]
45 require "host"
47 --[[ Some telnet command special characters ]]
48 WILL = "\251" -- Indicates the desire to begin performing, or confirmation that you are now performing, the indicated option.
49 WONT = "\252" -- Indicates the refusal to perform, or continue performing, the indicated option.
50 DO = "\253" -- Indicates the request that the other party perform, or confirmation that you are expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
51 DONT = "\254" -- Indicates the demand that the other party stop performing, or confirmation that you are no longer expecting the other party to perform, the indicated option.
52 IAC = "\255" -- Interpret as command
54 ECHO = "\001"
56 --[[ Client status change callbacks ]]
57 function on_password( client )
58 if client.type == then
59 client:send( "Password: " ..IAC..WILL..ECHO )
60 else
61 -- no authentication needed on stdin
62 client:switch_status( )
63 end
64 end
65 function on_read( client )
66 client:send( config.prompt and tostring(config.prompt) or "> " )
67 end
68 function on_write( client )
69 end
71 --[[ Misc functions ]]
72 function telnet_commands( client )
73 -- remove telnet command replies from the client's data
74 client.buffer = string.gsub( client.buffer, IAC.."["..DO..DONT..WILL..WONT.."].", "" )
75 end
77 function vlm_message_to_string(client,message,prefix)
78 local prefix = prefix or ""
79 if message.value then
80 client:append(prefix .. .. " : " .. message.value)
81 return
82 else
83 client:append(prefix ..
84 if message.children then
85 for i,c in ipairs(message.children) do
86 vlm_message_to_string(client,c,prefix.." ")
87 end
88 end
89 return
90 end
91 end
93 --[[ Configure the host ]]
94 h =
96 h.status_callbacks[host.status.password] = on_password
97 h.status_callbacks[] = on_read
98 h.status_callbacks[host.status.write] = on_write
100 h:listen( config.hosts or or "localhost:4212" )
101 password = config.password or "admin"
103 --[[ Launch vlm ]]
104 vlm = vlc.vlm()
106 --[[ Commands ]]
107 function shutdown(client)
108 h:broadcast("Shutting down.\r\n")
109 vlc.msg.err("shutdown requested")
110 vlc.misc.quit()
111 return true
113 function logout(client)
114 client:del()
115 return true
117 function quit(client)
118 if client.type == then
119 return logout(client)
120 else
121 return shutdown(client)
124 function lock(client)
125 client:send("\r\n")
126 client:switch_status( host.status.password )
127 client.buffer = ""
128 return false
130 function print_text(text)
131 return function(client)
132 client:append(string.gsub(text,"\r?\n","\r\n"))
133 return true
136 function help(client)
137 client:append(" Telnet Specific Commands:")
138 for c,t in pairs(commands) do
139 client:append(" "..c.." : "
141 return true
143 commands = {
144 ["shutdown"] = { func = shutdown, help = "shutdown VLC" },
145 ["quit"] = { func = quit, help = "logout from telnet/shutdown VLC from local shell" },
146 ["logout"] = { func = logout, help = "logout" },
147 ["lock"] = { func = lock, help = "lock the telnet prompt" },
148 ["description"] = { func = print_text(description), help = "describe this module" },
149 ["license"] = { func = print_text(vlc.misc.license()), help = "print VLC's license message" },
150 ["help"] = { func = help, help = "show this help", dovlm = true },
153 function client_command( client )
154 local cmd = client.buffer
155 client.buffer = ""
156 if not commands[cmd] or not commands[cmd].func or commands[cmd].dovlm then
157 -- if it's not an interface specific command, it has to be a VLM command
158 local message, vlc_err = vlm:execute_command( cmd )
159 vlm_message_to_string( client, message )
160 if not commands[cmd] or not commands[cmd].func and not commands[cmd].dovlm then
161 if vlc_err ~= 0 then client:append( "Type `help' for help." ) end
162 return true
165 ok, msg = pcall( commands[cmd].func, client )
166 if not ok then
167 client:append( "Error in `"..cmd.."' "..msg )
168 return true
170 return msg
173 --[[ The main loop ]]
174 while not vlc.misc.should_die() do
175 local w, r = h:accept_and_select()
177 -- Handle writes
178 for _, client in pairs(w) do
179 local len = client:send()
180 client.buffer = string.sub(client.buffer,len+1)
181 if client.buffer == "" then client:switch_status( ) end
184 -- Handle reads
185 for _, client in pairs(r) do
186 local str = string.gsub(client:recv(1000),"\r","\n")
187 local done = false
189 -- the telnet client program has leave
190 if not str then
191 client.buffer = "quit"
192 done = true
194 -- Caught a ^D
195 elseif client.buffer == ""
196 and ((client.type == host.client_type.stdio and str == "")
197 or (client.type == and str == "\004")) then
198 client.buffer = "quit"
199 done = true
201 -- '\n' found: a command was sent
202 elseif string.match(str,"\n") then
203 client.buffer = client.buffer .. str
204 done = true
206 -- The command is not finished yet
207 else
208 client.buffer = client.buffer .. str
211 -- Some cleaning for telnet
212 if client.type == then
213 telnet_commands( client )
216 -- If a command must be parsed
217 if done then
218 -- loop on all commands (might have more than one commands seperated by '\n'
219 local returned_values = ""
220 while not (client.buffer == "") do
221 -- pick the first command
222 local commands = ""
223 if string.find(client.buffer, "\n") then
224 commands = string.sub(client.buffer, string.find(client.buffer, "\n") + 1)
225 client.buffer = string.sub(client.buffer, 0, string.find(client.buffer, "\n") - 1)
227 local cmd = client.buffer
229 if client.status == host.status.password then
230 if client.buffer == password then
231 client:send( IAC..WONT..ECHO.."\r\nWelcome, Master\r\n" )
232 client.buffer = ""
233 client:switch_status( host.status.write )
234 else
235 client:send( "\r\nWrong password\r\nPassword: " )
236 client.buffer = ""
238 elseif client_command( client ) then
239 client:switch_status( host.status.write )
240 -- special case to exit the loop
241 if cmd == "quit" or cmd == "shutdown" then break end
243 returned_values = returned_values .. client.buffer
244 client.buffer = commands
246 vlc.msg.err("end of loop")
247 client.buffer = returned_values
252 --[[ Clean up ]]
253 vlm = nil