1 <Meuuh> intf: added `--vout' to playlist
2 <Meuuh> intf: added `dummy' to playlist
6 <Stef> bon j'ai trouvé d'où venait les trashs d'images
8 <Stef> bin justement ct de ma faute :)
13 <colin> p_bit_stream->buffer |=((u32) *(p_bit_stream->byte_stream.p_byte++))
14 <colin> << (24 - p_bit_stream->i_available);
19 <Stef> xav - AZRTYUUUUOP"'(-È
20 <Stef> oups je devrais pas nettoyer mon clavier par ici :)
24 <bbpig> sam : {#][^#{~]@[ ;P
29 <sam> ok, gotta sleep now
30 <sam> it was very nice having this interesting discussion with you
34 <NovaKANE> spudec error: index mismatch (0x0331 != 0x0000)
35 <NovaKANE> spudec error: unknown command 0x7d
36 <sam> NovaKANE: yeah if you could cut a slice of VOB it would be pretty helpful
37 <jlj> hey, don't you plan on making fair use of your DVDs
38 <jlj> I'll give my good friend Jack a call
42 <NovaKANE> vlc is using about 3% cpu with no audio/video
43 <sam> 3% ? the interface isn't bloated enough then :)
47 -+- djk sets topic on #videolan to: "VideoLAN - 100% skin free DVD!"
49 <vektor> so, i think it's time for a mass exodus to libdvdcss.
50 <taaz> ack! hold on a minute
52 <vektor> did you feel a great disturbance in the force?
56 <stef> héhé, mais j'ai acheté une voiture :)
57 <Meuuh> ouaaah oh, quoi ?
58 <stef> une petite 206 toute noire
59 <reno> ce qu'il dit pas c'est que c'est une s16 ;)
60 <Meuuh> ah 16 bits signés ?
64 <Meuuh> je l'ai pas testé, hein, faut pas déconner non plus
65 <Meuuh> c le boulot des users de tester
69 <Xag> j ai du retard ds le son quand je stream du dvd.
70 <Meuuh> sur ton iPAQ ?
72 <Xag> et le CPU n est pas a 100%
73 <Xag> et j utilise le dsp
74 <Meuuh> ah c'est dommage
75 <Meuuh> fais un test de grossesse, on sait jamais
79 <bozo> you really shouldn't have touched a computer when you were a little boy
80 <stef> _it_ came to me
84 <henrisson> hehe : Open failed !: Success
89 <liquidacid> it dont work
90 <lool> what doesn't work ?
91 <liquidacid> vlc rulez
95 <ebarra> What time is it (for you)?
97 <ebarra> Are you a teacher or an student?
99 <lool> teacher are in bed right now
100 <lool> what are you doing in life ?
101 <ebarra> I am a teacher of Computer Science...
105 <fuckall> and you, do you have some movies in svcd format?
107 <walken> je lui ai envoye un cones.svcd
108 <walken> c'etait un lien vers /dev/zero
112 -!- Meuuh [www-data@brahma.via.ecp.fr] has joined #videolan
118 <gibalou> --filter distort:transform:distort rocks :)
119 <gibalou> hey, I don't have enough processing power for --filter
120 distort:transform:distort:transform:distort :(
124 <alexis> c'est bon, Jérôme m'a envoyé le truc sans virus cette fois
128 <sam> anyway, why should we care? as soon as we release libvlc, it'll be in
133 <Meuuh> I read a Jean-Claude Vandamme interview yesterday and it works well
134 <Meuuh> except for the sound
135 <Kev> Do you really want to have the sound for Jean-Claude Van Damme?
139 <JediMaster> I'm using the gtk+ interface in kde3
142 <lit> i use the gnome interface in gnome
148 <gally> heheheuhrahaaheuwaheuhehrabeugraaaahawhahrahaa !!
149 <vax> hey THAT was a nice grabeuh
153 <gibalou> hi vax, how's work ?
154 <vax> beuhh .. another question ? :P
155 <gibalou> heuh, how's you girlfriend ? ;-)
159 <Meuuh> BTW, there is "Jeanne et le garçon formidable" on M6
160 <Meuuh> this movie is so great
161 <Meuuh> jlj you debug the http plug-in ? :p
162 <jlj> well, you're so busy with Virginie Ledoyen, so I had to do it :)
166 The VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as
167 the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone.
169 -- Jack Valenti (president of the MPAA) on April 12, 1982
171 <Meuuh> then we need to update download.html
172 <Meuuh> what do we still have ?
173 <sam> the mail, freshmeat, the videolan.org news
175 <sam> regression tests
176 <sam> bwaahahahahahAHAHAHA
181 <Meuuh> fils de p_aout
185 <ali> by the way i've never learnt the way to make figlets lool ...
186 <lool> /exec -o figlet -f small 'ali is so stupid !'
187 <sam> I'm not absolutely positive it was a good idea to teach her
188 <sam> it's like handing a rocket launcher to a 6yr old ...
192 <|sF|Vengance|> do u have any videos of porn u can send me?
196 -+- Ourumov [www-data@brahma.via.ecp.fr] has joined #videolan
197 <Ourumov> hey anybody here know videolan ?
198 -*- SignOff: Ourumov (Client Quit)
202 <zBen_home> mais truc[tres_grand] sur la pile ca me parait idiot :)
203 <tooney> zBen_home - ou mais c'est truc[tout_petit] donc ca va
204 <zBen_home> ah vi alors ca va
205 <zBen_home> parceque meuh donnait un example avec un entier assez costaud
206 <tooney> c'est parce qu'il etait pas content
210 <ArkanumJ> meuuh: How's the 0.5 coming along?
211 <Meuuh> ArkanumJ : about 5 seconds
212 <ArkanumJ> meuuh: huh? its going to be released soon?
213 <Meuuh> ArkanumJ : no, it works for five seconds, before crashing
217 <ArkanumJ> BTW, the CVS version runs well on MacOS X, but the sound is a bit
219 <Dnumgis> ArkanumJ: sound is a bit broken everywhere I think
220 <Dnumgis> ArkanumJ: except the places where it is completly broken
224 <Dnumgis> what does vout_CreatePicture do?
225 <sam> asks for a picture to the video output thread
226 <Dnumgis> so it just returns the next picture to be displayed?
227 <sam> not necessarily the next
228 <sam> it's your duty to set its display date, afterwards
229 <Meuuh> I'd even say, it is your destiny, Luke, to set its display date
233 <hh> When the first picture of the coded frame is a I-field picture, then the
234 second picture of the frame shall be either an I-field picture or a
235 P-field picture. If the second picture is a P-field picture then certain
236 restrictions apply, see
238 <Dnumgis> Meuuh: not sure if you sound more like an mpeg guru or a blues
240 <Meuuh> like a cow, maybe ?
241 <Dnumgis> or something
245 <deepmind> a52old & wi11y?
249 <sam> bah oui tu peux faire de la doc sur n'importe quoi hein
250 <Meuuh> je fais bien une doc développeur vlc
251 <Meuuh> comme si y'avait des développeurs vlc à part sam et moi !
255 <deepmind> pis comme ca je me tiens au courant de où va vlc :)
256 <Meuuh> dans le mur ?
257 <Meuuh> y'a sam qui rajoute du charbon, moi je m'agrippe au frein
261 <tooney> $grut Dnumgis
262 <gally> Dnumgis: tiår ditt og nødhavn klikk ?
263 <Dnumgis> gally: og hva skulle det bety?
264 <Dnumgis> gally: what was that supposed to mean?
269 <gally> vekt yrer gøten øke utgjøre kan
270 <Dnumgis> sam: you're insane
271 <Dnumgis> someone have too much spare time
273 <Dnumgis> maybe they should do something useful instead
274 <gally> grunt grunt snort grumpf grumpf gra grunt uiigrumpf uiihiiii snort !!
278 <Meuuh> mais putain de bordel de chiottes de bite à cul de merde de sa race
279 <Dnumgis> I think it may be a good thing that i don't understand that
284 <Dnumgis> I just burned an amb duron trying to compile vlc :(
285 <Meuuh> is it my fault ?
287 <Dnumgis> unless you wrote blocks.c :)
288 <Meuuh> actually, I did...
292 <Meuuh> pleasehelp : are you trying with a dolby trailer ?
293 <pleasehelp> no... using windows
297 <Meuuh> you want to be in a porn movie with me ?
298 <ali> are we well paid for doing that ?
299 <Meuuh> ali : no but they say you take a lot of pleasure in that job
304 <Dnumgis> I just listened through an entire ogg/vorbis file with vlc with no
305 audible problem whatsoever
306 <Dnumgis> but I don't get the time of the stream
307 <Dnumgis> gibalou: why don't I get the time?
308 <sam> because time does not exist
309 <sam> as Kant stated, our mind structures our perceptions so that we know a
310 priori that time is like a mathematical line, rendering time as a form
311 of conscious experience
312 <gibalou> Dnumgis: a few things are left to be implemented, like seeking,
313 stream length display, etc...
314 <sam> or you can listen to gibalou's dull explanation
318 <alexis> Meuuh: rahh, p'in, t'as raison
319 <alexis> je suis une merde...
320 <Meuuh> axiome de videolan : j'ai *toujours* raison
325 <phun> that's a pretty good idea
326 <Meuuh> yeah, that's mine :)
330 <Meuuh> at the salsa lesson tonight, a girl told me that she was very happy to
332 <Meuuh> do you think it means something ?
333 <Dnumgis> Probably that she finally found someone that was worse at dancing
339 <hal_3k> why didn't you use LGPL?
340 <sam> why don't you use GPL?
344 <sam> dudes, you'll hate me again: bootstrap will now need an argument :)
345 <Dnumgis> sam: hate you already
346 <gibalou> sam: don't worry sam, we already hated you ;)
350 <haroldo> hi I've got some nice xxx videos, and I'd like to exchange with
355 <JMunakra> nah you have zip with password protection
356 <jlj> that's not classified as DRM
357 <JMunakra> where does DRM start?
358 <Meuuh> I don't know, but I know where it ends : at my doorstep
362 <hal_3k> jlj: what did you do?
363 <jlj> I was like watching a few of my DVDs using unauthorized software under
364 the evil GNU/Linux operating system, and then my computer was, like,
365 beep beep beep beep beep beep beep, and then, like, all my computers
366 were confiscated, and I was like, nnnn? ... It's kind of ... a bummer.
370 <bbp> et de toute façon ca sert a rien de coder sur vlc, ils changent tout a
371 chaque fois entre le moment ou on commence a écrire sa première ligne
372 de code et celui où on écrit la deuxième
376 <_broomy-> then ill download the OS
378 <_broomy-> yep everything is illegal
379 <_broomy-> i bet u do illegal shit aswell
383 <walken> tiens, j'ai une idee pour les gens qui se plaignent que le site web
384 est pas traduit en grec antique
385 <walken> a chacun qui se plaint, tu lui proposes de le faire. s'il demande
386 encore pourquoi videolan ne le fait pas, tu lui files l'email du
387 precedent en disant c'est parce qu'il ne l'a pas fait :)
391 <sam> KKI: I was merely joking, ignore me :)
392 <Meuuh> it is generally a good idea to ignore sam
396 <sam> p_input->stream.pp_areas ça commence à 0 ou à 1 ?
397 <sam> aaaah /* We start from 1 here since the default area 0 is reserved for
399 <Meuuh> si c pas du code de porc ça mon bon monsieur
400 <sam> mais alors l'area 0 elle sert à rien ou quoi ? :)
401 <jobi> ben pour le vcd à rien du tout, si je me souviens bien
402 <fenrir_> à ben voila ma piste qui disparaissait pour les cda...
404 -- #videolan, du code de pro
406 <Dnumgis> someone is not releasing a p_vout object correctly
408 <tooney> i was not there this afternoon
409 * Meuuh looks in his pockets
413 <BeKavlie> seriously though, out of curiosity: why are people working on
414 VideoLAN? It can't be to keep us BeOS people happy ;-)
415 <jlj> world domination
416 <jlj> didn't you get the memo ?
420 <sam> kali: j'ai raté mon train ...
421 <sam> ben je voulais partir en belgique ce matin
422 <ka|i> sam : a cause de la greve ou tu te reveilles ?
423 <sam> mais ç'aurait été une mauvaise idée ...
424 <sam> vu qu'en fait c'est la semaine prochaine le fosdem !
428 <bbpig> tiens au fait y a des mauvais signal handlers dans le vlc ;P
429 <Ipkiss> je crois qu'il n'y a pas de bons ou de mauvais signal handlers
431 <Ipkiss> si je devais résumer le vlc aujourd'hui...
432 <tooney> c'est un effort commun de gens qui aiment, qui dansent l'opensource
433 <tooney> qui chantent l'opensource
437 <Meuuh> do you actually have soundsticks ?
438 <xtoph> want to see an image to believe it ?
439 <Meuuh> then you can debug the soundsticks support
443 <Meuuh> gang_bang12.avi
444 <Meuuh> sound is ok but I don't really care
448 <Dnumgis> sounds perfectly normal
450 <Dnumgis> very wrong, but normal in vlc
454 *** Meuuh has changed the topic on channel #videolan to "NO, we do not know
455 how to access Italian pay TVs, so don't ask"
456 *** [MaDog] (MaDog@host41-156.pool80180.interbusiness.it) has joined channel
458 <[MaDog]> c'è qualcuno ?????????
459 <Meuuh> read the topic
462 *** Signoff: [MaDog] (Client Quit)
466 <Xtophe> is there any centralien alive ?
467 <thedj> i hope so. haven't heard a thing about a nuke explosion in Paris
471 <thedj> i don't trust ffmpeg's make process ;)
472 <gibalou> their make mess you mean ?
476 <alexis> cdemarco: you can try with "-I dummy"
477 <cdemarco> You mean I should call my computer names!?
481 <JediMaster> sh-2.03# reboot
482 <JediMaster> Segmentation fault
483 <JediMaster> that's not good
487 <sam> pour votre punition, ça sera un bootstrap chacun :P
488 <titer> c'est reparti pour 20 min
489 <gibalou> c'est reparti pour 3 x 20 min
490 <sam> c'est reparti pour une modif de Makefile.am d'ici 20 min
494 <Purge> im going to open a vlc fan club
495 <Purge> and we'll go on riots and kill all mplayer and wmp users
499 <maleki> any girls here with a webcam
503 <sam> 16K ChangeLog-1999
504 <sam> 96K ChangeLog-2000
505 <sam> 168K ChangeLog-2001
506 <sam> 304K ChangeLog-2002
507 <sam> 488K ChangeLog-2003
508 <zorglub> conclusion: les dévs pipotent de plus en plus dans les messages de
513 -!- kixx_ changed the topic of #videolan to: VLC 0.7.0 :
514 http://www.videolan.org/ | Fenrir ta cotiz !
519 < zorglub> vlc file1.mpg :start-time=300 :stop-time=420 --sout
521 < boggle> sgagers: use zorglubs command, it will copy the needed
522 timeslice to file2.mpeg
523 < sgagers> boggle: zorglubs is an utility of ffmpeg?
528 <Golf3r_1> any place where I can get golf videos ?
530 <E-bola> are u serious?
532 *** Signoff: Golf3r_1 ("Leaving")
536 <Meuuh> and what's the news ?
537 <nto> Mac OS 10.2 and 10.3 support hopefully
539 <Meuuh> haven't had any chance to test it ?
540 <nto> I need to send a new version to a tester
541 <E-bola> hire him meuuh :P
542 <Meuuh> E-bola : we already did :p
548 *** Bond470 (n=3e30a4ee@krishna.via.ecp.fr) has joined channel #videolan
557 <thedj> lol, fen is a la(i)mer
558 <thedj> fen [n=laimar@]
562 <E-bola> what is all the fortune.txt stuff?
563 <E-bola> some internal french joke?
565 <E-bola> ohh chan quotes
566 <E-bola> wtf im in it lol
570 <zorglub> gibalou: y'a un doc quelque part qui explique un peu plus le format
571 real ou fen a fait le demux directement en lisant des dumps / le
573 <gibalou> zorglub: la meilleure doc c'est le code de mplayer/xine
574 <zorglub> c'est bien ce que je craignais :)
575 <zorglub> j'ai pas regardé xine ceci dit
576 <zorglub> c'est plus agréable à lire que mplayer
579 <zorglub> ah bah si quand même
580 <bigben> tu veux dire que les variables ont un nom qui reflète ce qu'elles
582 <sam> avoir des noms de variables qu'on peut prononcer nuit fortement à la
583 lisibilité car cela détourne l'attention du vrai code, constitué des
584 mots-clés du langage et des divers opérateurs
585 <sam> j'appelle mes variables Illl, lIll, lIlI, IllI, IlII, etc.
588 20:47:12 < glspi> can you get rid of the wxwidgets interface and only show the
590 20:47:17 < zorglub> -I dummy
591 20:50:10 < glspi> -I didn't work btw, in windows at least
592 20:52:28 < glspi> i don't see it in interface/general either! ahhh :(
593 20:58:46 < glspi> ok i thought you were calling ME dummy, not saying use -I
597 -!- Bond631 [n=548d9042@krishna.via.ecp.fr] has joined #videolan
599 <Bond631> how to activate hotkeys?
600 -!- Bond631 [n=548d9042@krishna.via.ecp.fr] has quit [Client Quit]
601 <Trax``> I think Bond631 found the hotkey for quit
605 < dionoea> http://nightlies.videolan.org
606 < arakis> lol....sounds like a porn site!!!
610 -!- tumu [n=tumu@GYKMDCCCXXIX.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has quit ["~"]
611 * Dnumgis notes that tumu must be one of very few with dsl in their sauna
615 <Dnumgis> thedj: gibalou quits officially, or has he just generally
617 <sam> he's probably getting married or something even worse :(
621 <xtophe> kee-un: you need to slap zorglub
622 <xtophe> kee-un: oups no i'm telling a lie
623 <kee-un> xtophe: too late, I slapped him
624 <kee-un> xtophe: I'm sure he deserved it for something else anyway
628 VLC is the greatest thing since sliced bread!
630 -- http://forum.videolan.org/
632 * E-bola is bouncing up and down while enjoying: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
633 * E-bola is bouncing up and down while enjoying: Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
634 * E-bola is bouncing up and down while enjoying: Cache-Control: no-cache
635 * E-bola is bouncing up and down while enjoying: Content-Length: 25
636 * E-bola is bouncing up and down while enjoying: --
638 <Meuuh> sam : could you delete FK_ from the access list ?
640 <Meuuh> he's now known as feepk
642 <sam> I thought he was banned for sending a patch to mplayer
645 < Dnumgis> Meuuh: munhoney is writing some fec system based on vlc
646 < Meuuh> Dnumgis : a fuck system ? I may be interested !
647 < Dnumgis> Meuuh: still single? :)
648 < Meuuh> Dnumgis : and always will be
651 * kinema loves VideoLAN.
652 < kinema> and it's developers
653 < funman> what is your sex ? ( i may be interested )
657 < thedj> (*&$%$!**%!)%#@!*O*%#@!
658 < thedj> this pisses me of
659 < dionoea> is that perl ? :)
662 <Dnumgis_> xtophe: look at it this way:
663 <Dnumgis_> solve some bounties involving vlc and earn some extra money
664 <Dnumgis_> use this money and your natural charm to get a girlfriend
665 <Dnumgis_> make sure Meuuh sees it
666 <Dnumgis_> Meuuh would become horribly jealous and try to repeat your trick
667 with great vigor and solve all remaining bugs with vlc
668 <Dnumgis_> and the (vlc)world becomes a better place
669 <j-b> Dnumgis_: do you have a girlfriend ?
670 <Dnumgis_> j-b: not at the moment, no
671 <j-b> Dnumgis_: so why don't you try this technick ?
672 <Dnumgis_> j-b: I don't live close enough to Meuuh
673 <E-bola> thats some good norwegian reasoning
676 <Meuuh> of course when using sout-ts-es-id-pid you can't have any stream with
678 <Meuuh> so use fake-id=68 or whatever
679 <Dnumgis> it's illegal to use fake id
682 < thedj> i need a girlfriend. that would make it so much easier not to do VLC :D
683 < j-b> thedj: how old are you ?
684 < j-b> thedj: you can buy cheap in Russia... :D Ask thresh
686 < thedj> haha. i'm rereading my line and it gets funier :D
687 < thedj> not to DO vlc :D
688 < thedj> i'd DO my girlfriend instead ..
689 < j-b> if you get one, could you get one for Meuuh
690 < thedj> yes. i see about bulk discount for the vlc devs :D
691 -- #videolan, one night, late, 0.8.6-test2 is just out...
693 < j-b> my mother is desperate because she thinks I am gay, because I haven't presented my gfs...
694 < thedj> j-b: i know the feeling
695 < LordRPI> my mother gets upset if I tell her I'm at a bar without a girl
697 < thedj> LordRPI: she fears you will turn into a lonely drunk
698 < thedj> roaming the city at night looking for a place to stay :D
699 < tumu> lonely drunk is good
700 -- #videolan, same night, 4:38 am
702 Meuuh changed the topic of #videolan to: Welcome! | <funman> i don't remember last time i saw a woman
704 < Meuuh> to good to miss
705 < funman> Meuuh: i was lying i live with my mother
706 < Meuuh> a mother is not generally considered a woman
709 <olsen_> hi, how can i adjust the brightness?
710 <Dnumgis> olsen_: usually there is a nob on your monitor
713 < Jastr> is there a way to see the rtp stream before it hits darwin?
714 < Dnumgis> Jastr: the rtp stream is a ninja assasin, you never see it
718 <zigovr3> what is atsc ?
719 <xtophe> like dvb but in america
720 <xtophe> with packet measured in inches instead of mm
723 13:35 < kwolf_> hello
724 13:35 < kwolf_> anyone here i can bug? :-)
725 [ monologue ... noone helps ]
726 14:01 < kwolf_> anyone?
727 14:03 < kwolf_> please *whine*
728 14:04 < kwolf_> i am a girl, i need help :-D
729 14:06 < Dnumgis> kwolf_: I'm a lonely geek who know your answer, are you good looking?
732 < wereHamster> for (i=0;i<10;++i) printf("I'm a girl\n")
733 < wereHamster> am I a girl now?
734 < Dnumgis> wereHamster: you definitly need to send me a picture before I belive you :)
735 < Foxdie> live webcam ftw
736 < Dnumgis> Foxdie: right, I'll definitly need a live webcam to belive wereHamster is a girl
737 < Dnumgis> Foxdie: as a matter of fact all streaming related support requests here should be formulated as follows: "I'm a nice looking girl that have problems making my live webcam work"
740 <DrkMatter> Working with video and audio coding/decoding is one of the most
741 tiresome, confusing experience I've ever had.
742 <sam> try anal sex next time
745 < Bond493> Can anyone refer me to some documents which describe the VLC player internal? I'd
746 like to learn how to write a media player espcially on embedded platform.
747 < Dnumgis> Bond493: we keep this information secret in order to keep ahead of the competition
750 < pdherbemont> :p j'aimerai bien être un peu plus polard parfois *sigh*
753 < DiDjCodt> dionoea: /leave xxx ?
754 < dionoea> nah. Btw, i have a localised irssi. Using /qui j-b works the same was as /who j-b
755 < dionoea> really awesome
756 -!- thresh [n=popa3d@unaffiliated/thresh] has quit ["j-b"]
759 < dionoea> w00t! police in the UK are using VLC for forsenic analisys
760 < dionoea> I'll forward the email later
761 < dionoea> Police Crime Bureau - Computer Crime Team UK
762 < xtophe> ah i should remember to wear my vlc tshirt next time i commit a crime
765 <spaceman_spiff> si, la 0.9 est utilisable
766 <spaceman_spiff> ça dépend pour quoi
767 <spaceman_spiff> pour faire croire à un naïf qu'un dvd est pété par
769 <spaceman_spiff> "regarde il fait planter mon vlc"
771 < funman> {1} Active Tickets (490 matches)
772 < funman> i disconnect before 500 is reached
773 -!- FoX_ [i=FoX@nat/ecp/x-1a0545f92a4d3c50] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
774 -!- zorglub [i=zorglub@nat/ecp/x-61892e92340285ff] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
775 -!- bigben [i=bigben@nat/ecp/x-1e86f79de0c1cdc9] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
776 -!- ipkiss [i=ipkiss@nat/ecp/x-31e3605240c16dc6] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
777 -!- Dimar [i=Dimar@nat/ecp/x-d24991bac9f169c9] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
778 < whyz> were those your fakenicks funman?
779 < funman> i hit the wrong button sorry
783 < Mr_Mirsal> ./bootstrap
784 < StFS> trying that now
785 < StFS> damn this takes long. :-/
786 < thresh> good things always take long time
789 < Mr_Mirsal> Oh, btw, I request a fortunes.txt update...
790 < thresh> Mr_Mirsal: commit !
791 < Mr_Mirsal> thresh: Eh ! I can't.
792 < thresh> and i don't want to be a developer who only develops fortunes! :)
796 <ivoire> Quovodis: sorry
797 <ivoire> my parents push me out of the computer :(
800 VLC development is NOT about being a sed god.
803 <Meuuh> no one reads my documentation
804 <Dnumgis> Meuuh: they see your name on it and naturally assume it must be out
808 <j-b> You don't have humour ?
809 <kneer0w> what i do have is a pms'ing girlfriend sitting right next to me
810 expecting this movie to work
813 < alesan> ok my wife is yelling I have to go to bed with her
815 < alesan> see you tomorrow
817 -!- alesan [n=alesan@***.telecomitalia.it] has quit
818 < dionoea> poor guy ...
821 < d_anny> do u guys know how to remove cygwin
822 < j-b> d_anny: suicide
823 < d_anny> j-b: suicide , a command in cygwin ?
826 <jkernsjr> guys..thats what I get when I try to run vlc as root
827 <thresh> vlc -I dummy
828 <jkernsjr> thanks for calling me dummy
829 <jkernsjr> makes me feel warm and fuzzy
831 <Meuuh> sorry, this is already in the fortunes
832 <jkernsjr> still won't start
833 <jkernsjr> and now I see dummy is one of the options
835 <jkernsjr> I really thought you were calling me dummy..sorry
836 <Meuuh> ha, NOW you can go into the fortunes
839 < dionoea> tu veux transcoder une fille?
840 < funman> j aimerais bien la streamer direct chez moi
842 < dionoea> avec la texture et tout ?
843 < funman> ouais surtout les 2 macro blocks pectoraux
846 <kdubois> vlc seems to need more than control-c to kill it lately, do other people experience this too?
847 <thresh> yeah, it needs up to four black men to kill vlc for me
850 < sam> 16:52 <&timecop> sam: can that homosexual volume slider please go away in next vlc
851 < sam> 16:52 <&timecop> this is a fucking joke
852 < sam> 16:52 <&timecop> who made that UI
853 < sam> because I know you like positive feedback
855 < ivoire> -positiv +constructiv feedback
856 < ivoire> sam: you can configure the color sheme of the volume slider
857 < ivoire> if you xant pink slide bar you can
859 < sam> I see homosexuality as positive
860 < sam> look at what it did to Apple sales
864 < Daught> wait cygwin does not even have qt4...
865 < Daught> if I have to disable more stuff I will end up with windows media player
867 < thedj> no, captcha are reasonably easy to crack.
868 < ILEoo> just put up a porn site and ask user to check that captcha before showing video/images -> captcha cracked easily ;)
869 < thedj> that's one way :D
870 < thedj> MadlyMad: from our own sam..... http://caca.zoy.org/wiki/PWNtcha
871 < MadlyMad> oh okey, impressive
872 < thresh> sam was probably tired checking captchas on porn sites
875 < thresh> a coworker of mine typed that, really
878 < jpsaman> where is dionoea when you need him?
880 < xtophe> without internet
881 < DiDjCodt> he's slicing some pyramids in pieces...
882 < TypX> or he has been rapt by alien
883 < TypX> and will come back in six month as usual
884 < linkfanel> dionoea has been raped by aliens???
887 < thedj> lloyd: i'd use CSA, simple and no nonsense.
888 < lloyd> i like simple and no nonsense.. like us brits.. not overly dramatic or noisy..
889 < j-b> isn't Amy WineHouse brit?
892 < gatty> *grmbl* my room smells of melting silicon
893 < TypX> buy better condoms
895 < linkfanel> TypX: condoms are made of rubber
896 < linkfanel> or sheep bowels for people allergic to rubber
897 < courmisch> you don't know what TypX uses condoms _with_ though
898 < TypX> linkfanel: never heard of silicone lubricant?
899 < linkfanel> and what, your dick shoot lava?
902 < funman> some program for fun
903 < funman> some program for profit
904 < funman> i program for beers
908 < xand_> guys how can i force ffplay to use avcodec ?
911 < nefrir> btw, anyone *really* opposed to temporary (1 month at most) breakage of video splitter (wall, clone, panoramix) and some vout filters (ie some mode of deinterlacing, opencv, autocrop) in master ?
913 < j-b> nefrir: seriously, if people care, they can branch
914 < Dark_Shikari> isn't this what local branches are for?
915 < j-b> Dark_Shikari: indeed. But you could consider master as nefrir 's local branch :)
919 < pk> vlc should be recorded in guiness book of world records for command line options
922 <xxcv> (wrong == right is still wrong right ?)
923 -- #videolan, Raffarin-attitude
925 < funman> is starcraft 1 better than starcraft 2, or much better than starcraft 2?
926 < TypX> never tried the first one
927 < funman> fuck you then
928 < funman> the man who never played starcraft 1 is a virgin!
929 < TypX> I'd say the man who is still playing starcraft 1 is still a virgin
932 < sam> is there still a way to force the video decoder used by VLC? --codec no longer exists
933 < mru> there's always butterflies
934 < j-b> sam: --codec avcodec,none still works and exists
935 < linkfanel> maybe sam is one branch ahead of us
939 < ILEoo> like web 2.0
940 < mru> someone is rewriting vlc in javascript?
943 < sam> j-b: you're right, I don't know what I smoked
944 < mru> must've been good though, care to share it?
945 < ILEoo> sam: hope you didn't smoke it all allready?
946 < j-b> sam: I hope you could tell me what you smoked
947 < sam> as a matter of fact, I know exactly what I smoked
948 < sam> but it's not that good
949 < linkfanel> you remember? i guess you didn't smoke enough of it
950 < ILEoo> you smoked some capacitors from your motherboard? they're full of vitamins
951 -- #videolan, one _morning_
953 < mru> documentation only attracts users too stupid to rtfs
954 -- #videolan, speaking of documentation
956 "As already stated several times, libfluidsynth leaks memory like a Fukushima
957 reactor leaks ionizing radiations."
958 -- courmisch, on forum.videolan.org
960 < courmisch> aww, I had a genius idea, and then I figured out it did not work
961 -- #videolan, maybe an evil plan?!?
963 < linkfanel> what am i supposed to mean?
964 < mru> that is a very good question
965 -- #videolan, sunday philosophy
967 < jesuitx> consider unblocking safari. mac users are people too.
968 -- #videolan, it's a conspiracy!
970 < edwardw> ENOSAMPLES
971 < j-b> edwardw: https://people.xiph.org/~tterribe/opus/multichannel/test-1-mono.opus
973 < edwardw> Excuse e = new Excuse();
974 < edwardw> e.useOn(j-b);
975 < mru> argument-oriented programming?
976 < mru> where functions are called demands, variables claims, and errors excuses
977 < edwardw> j-b: "centred"
978 < funman> try { edward.fixit(); }
979 < funman> catch { jb.fixit(); }
981 < Hector4212> Fix it!
982 < edwardw> finally { funman.runAway() }
983 < TypX> finally { featureit(); }
986 < courmisch> OSS needs an open device to enumerate devices.
987 < courmisch> Because whenever something does not make sense, OSS does it.
988 < courmisch> For further informations, refer to the chicken-and-egg problem.
989 < funman> you never had to do with the french administration did you? :P
990 < courmisch> no but the Finnish immigration process:
991 < courmisch> work contract needs tax card
992 < courmisch> tax card need residence registration
993 < courmisch> residence registration needs work contract
994 -- #videolan, or why OSS is worse than Government administrations
996 < j-b> funman patch rejected; /me is afraid
997 < TypX> well funman isn't really a good coder anyway
1002 < TypX> I don't hate you
1003 < funman> that might be the most beautiful thing i was ever told <3
1004 -- #videolan, BDSM and Litote
1006 <etix> Who's Barack Obama on the etherpad?
1007 <TypX> etix: the president of the USA
1008 <No_se> etix: You really should have heard of him
1009 <etix> Yeah of course
1010 -- #videolan, unexpected attendee to technical discussions at VDD13
1012 < tmatth> cowboys and endianess
1013 < tmatth> flac over telegraph
1014 -- #videolan, remembering good old times
1016 <+courmisch> elenril: there are three types of OSes: Windows, those
1017 with pthreads, and the useless ones
1018 -- IRC, trol^Wdebating on mobile OSes
1020 -!- courmisch is now known as EvilCourmisch
1021 < cone-129> vlc.git Rémi Denis-Courmont NEWS configure.ac
1022 modules/logger/Makefile.am modules/logger/journal.c:
1023 journal: add native logger module for the SystemD Journal
1024 < EvilCourmisch> muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
1025 -- IRC, we're loosing Rémi!
1028 < j-b> courmisch: SanDiego?
1029 < courmisch> j-b: uh?
1032 * evilril gives j-b an MpegEncContext
1033 < courmisch> this happens when you omit the frame pointer
1035 -- IRC, MpegEncContext is evil
1037 < VLC> http://www.videolan.org/developers/libdvdcss.txt
1038 < VLC> i want to know if this is only for reading content, or also for ripping it
1039 < VLC> does VLC provide any kind of protection against unauthorized ripping?
1040 < VLC> or is this within the scope of the end user?
1042 < courmisch> VLC: what's the difference between ripping and reading?
1043 < TypX> courmisch: Jack the Reader was way less dangerous than Jack the Ripper
1044 -- #videolan, badum ching