qt: fix rendering of FramelessButton with HiDpi
[vlc.git] / modules / gui / qt / components / playlist / selector.cpp
1 /*****************************************************************************
2 * selector.cpp : Playlist source selector
3 ****************************************************************************
4 * Copyright (C) 2006-2009 the VideoLAN team
5 * $Id$
7 * Authors: Clément Stenac <zorglub@videolan.org>
8 * Jean-Baptiste Kempf
10 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13 * (at your option) any later version.
15 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 * GNU General Public License for more details.
20 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA.
23 *****************************************************************************/
25 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
26 # include "config.h"
27 #endif
29 #include "qt.hpp"
30 #include "components/playlist/selector.hpp"
31 #include "playlist_model.hpp" /* plMimeData */
32 #include "input_manager.hpp" /* MainInputManager, for podcast */
34 #include <QApplication>
35 #include <QInputDialog>
36 #include <QMessageBox>
37 #include <QMimeData>
38 #include <QDragMoveEvent>
39 #include <QTreeWidgetItem>
40 #include <QHBoxLayout>
41 #include <QPainter>
42 #include <QPalette>
43 #include <QScrollBar>
44 #include <QResource>
45 #include <assert.h>
47 #include <vlc_playlist.h>
48 #include <vlc_services_discovery.h>
50 void SelectorActionButton::paintEvent( QPaintEvent *event )
52 QPainter p( this );
53 QColor color = palette().color( QPalette::HighlightedText );
54 color.setAlpha( 80 );
55 if( underMouse() )
56 p.fillRect( rect(), color );
57 p.setPen( color );
58 int frame = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_DefaultFrameWidth, 0, this );
59 p.drawLine( rect().topLeft() + QPoint( 0, frame ),
60 rect().bottomLeft() - QPoint( 0, frame ) );
61 QFramelessButton::paintEvent( event );
64 PLSelItem::PLSelItem ( QTreeWidgetItem *i, const QString& text )
65 : qitem(i), lblAction( NULL)
67 layout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
68 layout->setContentsMargins(0,0,0,0);
69 layout->addSpacing( 3 );
71 lbl = new QElidingLabel( text );
72 layout->addWidget(lbl, 1);
74 int height = qMax( 22, fontMetrics().height() + 8 );
75 setMinimumHeight( height );
78 void PLSelItem::addAction( ItemAction act, const QString& tooltip )
80 if( lblAction ) return; //might change later
82 QIcon icon;
84 switch( act )
86 case ADD_ACTION:
87 icon = QIcon( ":/buttons/playlist/playlist_add" ); break;
88 case RM_ACTION:
89 icon = QIcon( ":/buttons/playlist/playlist_remove" ); break;
90 default:
91 return;
94 lblAction = new SelectorActionButton();
95 lblAction->setIcon( icon );
96 int icon_size = fontMetrics().height();
97 lblAction->setIconSize( QSize( icon_size, icon_size ) );
98 lblAction->setMinimumWidth( lblAction->sizeHint().width() + icon_size );
100 if( !tooltip.isEmpty() ) lblAction->setToolTip( tooltip );
102 layout->addWidget( lblAction, 0 );
103 lblAction->hide();
105 CONNECT( lblAction, clicked(), this, triggerAction() );
109 PLSelector::PLSelector( QWidget *p, intf_thread_t *_p_intf )
110 : QTreeWidget( p ), p_intf(_p_intf)
112 /* Properties */
113 setFrameStyle( QFrame::NoFrame );
114 setAttribute( Qt::WA_MacShowFocusRect, false );
115 viewport()->setAutoFillBackground( false );
116 setIconSize( QSize( 24,24 ) );
117 setIndentation( 12 );
118 setHeaderHidden( true );
119 setRootIsDecorated( true );
120 setAlternatingRowColors( false );
122 /* drops */
123 viewport()->setAcceptDrops(true);
124 setDropIndicatorShown(true);
125 invisibleRootItem()->setFlags( invisibleRootItem()->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );
127 #ifdef Q_OS_MAC
128 setAutoFillBackground( true );
129 QPalette palette;
130 palette.setColor( QPalette::Window, QColor(209,215,226) );
131 setPalette( palette );
132 #endif
133 setMinimumHeight( 120 );
135 /* Podcasts */
136 podcastsParent = NULL;
137 podcastsParentId = -1;
139 /* Podcast connects */
140 CONNECT( THEMIM, playlistItemAppended( int, int ),
141 this, plItemAdded( int, int ) );
142 CONNECT( THEMIM, playlistItemRemoved( int ),
143 this, plItemRemoved( int ) );
144 DCONNECT( THEMIM->getIM(), metaChanged( input_item_t *),
145 this, inputItemUpdate( input_item_t * ) );
147 createItems();
149 setRootIsDecorated( false );
150 setIndentation( 5 );
151 /* Expand at least to show level 2 */
152 for ( int i = 0; i < topLevelItemCount(); i++ )
153 expandItem( topLevelItem( i ) );
155 /***
156 * We need to react to both clicks and activation (enter-key) here.
157 * We use curItem to avoid rebuilding twice.
158 * See QStyle::SH_ItemView_ActivateItemOnSingleClick
159 ***/
160 curItem = NULL;
161 CONNECT( this, itemActivated( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ),
162 this, setSource( QTreeWidgetItem *) );
163 CONNECT( this, itemClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ),
164 this, setSource( QTreeWidgetItem *) );
167 PLSelector::~PLSelector()
169 if( podcastsParent )
171 int c = podcastsParent->childCount();
172 for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
174 QTreeWidgetItem *item = podcastsParent->child(i);
175 input_item_t *p_input = item->data( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE ).value<input_item_t*>();
176 input_item_Release( p_input );
181 PLSelItem * putSDData( PLSelItem* item, const char* name, const char* longname )
183 item->treeItem()->setData( 0, NAME_ROLE, qfu( name ) );
184 item->treeItem()->setData( 0, LONGNAME_ROLE, qfu( longname ) );
185 return item;
188 PLSelItem * putPLData( PLSelItem* item, playlist_item_t* plItem )
190 item->treeItem()->setData( 0, PL_ITEM_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue( plItem ) );
191 /* item->setData( 0, PL_ITEM_ID_ROLE, plItem->i_id );
192 item->setData( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue( (void*) plItem->p_input ) ); );*/
193 return item;
197 * Reads and updates the playlist's duration as [xx:xx] after the label in the tree
198 * item - the treeview item to get the duration for
199 * prefix - the string to use before the time (should be the category name)
201 void PLSelector::updateTotalDuration( PLSelItem* item, const char* prefix )
203 /* Getting the playlist */
204 QVariant playlistVariant = item->treeItem()->data( 0, PL_ITEM_ROLE );
205 playlist_item_t* node = playlistVariant.value<playlist_item_t*>();
207 /* Get the duration of the playlist item */
208 playlist_Lock( THEPL );
209 mtime_t mt_duration = playlist_GetNodeDuration( node );
210 playlist_Unlock( THEPL );
212 /* Formatting time */
213 QString qs_timeLabel( prefix );
215 int i_seconds = mt_duration / 1000000;
216 int i_minutes = i_seconds / 60;
217 i_seconds = i_seconds % 60;
218 if( i_minutes >= 60 )
220 int i_hours = i_minutes / 60;
221 i_minutes = i_minutes % 60;
222 qs_timeLabel += QString(" [%1:%2:%3]").arg( i_hours ).arg( i_minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg( i_seconds, 2, 10, QChar('0') );
224 else
225 qs_timeLabel += QString( " [%1:%2]").arg( i_minutes, 2, 10, QChar('0') ).arg( i_seconds, 2, 10, QChar('0') );
227 item->setText( qs_timeLabel );
230 void PLSelector::createItems()
232 /* PL */
233 playlistItem = putPLData( addItem( PL_ITEM_TYPE, N_("Playlist"), true ),
234 THEPL->p_playing );
235 playlistItem->treeItem()->setData( 0, SPECIAL_ROLE, QVariant( IS_PL ) );
236 playlistItem->treeItem()->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, QIcon( ":/sidebar/playlist" ) );
237 setCurrentItem( playlistItem->treeItem() );
239 /* ML */
240 if( THEPL->p_media_library )
242 PLSelItem *ml = putPLData( addItem( PL_ITEM_TYPE, N_("Media Library"), true ),
243 THEPL->p_media_library );
244 ml->treeItem()->setData( 0, SPECIAL_ROLE, QVariant( IS_ML ) );
245 ml->treeItem()->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, QIcon( ":/sidebar/library" ) );
248 /* SD nodes */
249 QTreeWidgetItem *mycomp = addItem( CATEGORY_TYPE, N_("My Computer"), false, true )->treeItem();
250 QTreeWidgetItem *devices = addItem( CATEGORY_TYPE, N_("Devices"), false, true )->treeItem();
251 QTreeWidgetItem *lan = addItem( CATEGORY_TYPE, N_("Local Network"), false, true )->treeItem();
252 QTreeWidgetItem *internet = addItem( CATEGORY_TYPE, N_("Internet"), false, true )->treeItem();
254 #define NOT_SELECTABLE(w) w->setFlags( w->flags() ^ Qt::ItemIsSelectable );
255 NOT_SELECTABLE( mycomp );
256 NOT_SELECTABLE( devices );
257 NOT_SELECTABLE( lan );
258 NOT_SELECTABLE( internet );
261 /* SD subnodes */
262 char **ppsz_longnames;
263 int *p_categories;
264 char **ppsz_names = vlc_sd_GetNames( THEPL, &ppsz_longnames, &p_categories );
265 if( !ppsz_names )
266 return;
268 char **ppsz_name = ppsz_names, **ppsz_longname = ppsz_longnames;
269 int *p_category = p_categories;
270 for( ; *ppsz_name; ppsz_name++, ppsz_longname++, p_category++ )
272 //msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Adding a SD item: %s", *ppsz_longname );
274 PLSelItem *selItem;
275 QIcon icon;
276 QString name( *ppsz_name );
277 switch( *p_category )
281 selItem = addItem( SD_TYPE, *ppsz_longname, false, false, internet );
282 if( name.startsWith( "podcast" ) )
284 selItem->treeItem()->setData( 0, SPECIAL_ROLE, QVariant( IS_PODCAST ) );
285 selItem->addAction( ADD_ACTION, qtr( "Subscribe to a podcast" ) );
286 CONNECT( selItem, action( PLSelItem* ), this, podcastAdd( PLSelItem* ) );
287 podcastsParent = selItem->treeItem();
288 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/podcast" );
290 else if ( name.startsWith( "lua{" ) )
292 int i_head = name.indexOf( "sd='" ) + 4;
293 int i_tail = name.indexOf( '\'', i_head );
294 QString iconname = QString( ":/sidebar/sd/%1" ).arg( name.mid( i_head, i_tail - i_head ) );
295 QResource resource( iconname );
296 if ( !resource.isValid() )
297 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/network" );
298 else
299 icon = QIcon( iconname );
302 break;
303 case SD_CAT_DEVICES:
304 name = name.mid( 0, name.indexOf( '{' ) );
305 selItem = addItem( SD_TYPE, *ppsz_longname, false, false, devices );
306 if ( name == "xcb_apps" )
307 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/screen" );
308 else if ( name == "mtp" )
309 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/mtp" );
310 else if ( name == "disc" )
311 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/disc" );
312 else
313 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/capture" );
314 break;
315 case SD_CAT_LAN:
316 selItem = addItem( SD_TYPE, *ppsz_longname, false, false, lan );
317 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/lan" );
318 break;
320 name = name.mid( 0, name.indexOf( '{' ) );
321 selItem = addItem( SD_TYPE, *ppsz_longname, false, false, mycomp );
322 if ( name == "video_dir" )
323 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/movie" );
324 else if ( name == "audio_dir" )
325 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/music" );
326 else if ( name == "picture_dir" )
327 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/pictures" );
328 else
329 icon = QIcon( ":/sidebar/movie" );
330 break;
331 default:
332 selItem = addItem( SD_TYPE, *ppsz_longname );
335 selItem->treeItem()->setData( 0, SD_CATEGORY_ROLE, *p_category );
336 putSDData( selItem, *ppsz_name, *ppsz_longname );
337 if ( ! icon.isNull() )
338 selItem->treeItem()->setData( 0, Qt::DecorationRole, icon );
340 free( *ppsz_name );
341 free( *ppsz_longname );
343 free( ppsz_names );
344 free( ppsz_longnames );
345 free( p_categories );
347 if( mycomp->childCount() == 0 ) delete mycomp;
348 if( devices->childCount() == 0 ) delete devices;
349 if( lan->childCount() == 0 ) delete lan;
350 if( internet->childCount() == 0 ) delete internet;
353 void PLSelector::setSource( QTreeWidgetItem *item )
355 if( !item || item == curItem )
356 return;
358 bool b_ok;
359 int i_type = item->data( 0, TYPE_ROLE ).toInt( &b_ok );
360 if( !b_ok || i_type == CATEGORY_TYPE )
361 return;
363 bool sd_loaded;
364 if( i_type == SD_TYPE )
366 QString qs = item->data( 0, NAME_ROLE ).toString();
367 sd_loaded = playlist_IsServicesDiscoveryLoaded( THEPL, qtu( qs ) );
368 if( !sd_loaded )
370 if ( playlist_ServicesDiscoveryAdd( THEPL, qtu( qs ) ) != VLC_SUCCESS )
371 return ;
373 services_discovery_descriptor_t test;
375 if ( playlist_ServicesDiscoveryControl( THEPL, qtu( qs ),
378 item->setData( 0, CAP_SEARCH_ROLE, (test.i_capabilities & SD_CAP_SEARCH) );
383 curItem = item;
385 /* */
386 playlist_Lock( THEPL );
387 playlist_item_t *pl_item = NULL;
389 /* Special case for podcast */
390 // FIXME: simplify
391 if( i_type == SD_TYPE )
393 /* Find the right item for the SD */
394 /* FIXME: searching by name - what could possibly go wrong? */
395 pl_item = playlist_ChildSearchName( &(THEPL->root),
396 vlc_gettext(qtu(item->data(0, LONGNAME_ROLE).toString())) );
398 /* Podcasts */
399 if( item->data( 0, SPECIAL_ROLE ).toInt() == IS_PODCAST )
401 if( pl_item && !sd_loaded )
403 podcastsParentId = pl_item->i_id;
404 for( int i=0; i < pl_item->i_children; i++ )
405 addPodcastItem( pl_item->pp_children[i] );
407 pl_item = NULL; //to prevent activating it
410 else
411 pl_item = item->data( 0, PL_ITEM_ROLE ).value<playlist_item_t*>();
413 playlist_Unlock( THEPL );
415 /* */
416 if( pl_item )
418 emit categoryActivated( pl_item, false );
419 int i_cat = item->data( 0, SD_CATEGORY_ROLE ).toInt();
420 emit SDCategorySelected( i_cat == SD_CAT_INTERNET
421 || i_cat == SD_CAT_LAN );
425 PLSelItem * PLSelector::addItem (
426 SelectorItemType type, const char* str, bool drop, bool bold,
427 QTreeWidgetItem* parentItem )
429 QTreeWidgetItem *item = parentItem ?
430 new QTreeWidgetItem( parentItem ) : new QTreeWidgetItem( this );
432 PLSelItem *selItem = new PLSelItem( item, qtr( str ) );
433 if ( bold ) selItem->setStyleSheet( "font-weight: bold;" );
434 setItemWidget( item, 0, selItem );
435 item->setData( 0, TYPE_ROLE, (int)type );
436 if( !drop ) item->setFlags( item->flags() & ~Qt::ItemIsDropEnabled );
438 return selItem;
441 PLSelItem *PLSelector::addPodcastItem( playlist_item_t *p_item )
443 input_item_Hold( p_item->p_input );
445 char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_item->p_input );
446 PLSelItem *item = addItem( PL_ITEM_TYPE, psz_name, false, false, podcastsParent );
447 free( psz_name );
449 item->addAction( RM_ACTION, qtr( "Remove this podcast subscription" ) );
450 item->treeItem()->setData( 0, PL_ITEM_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue( p_item ) );
451 item->treeItem()->setData( 0, PL_ITEM_ID_ROLE, QVariant(p_item->i_id) );
452 item->treeItem()->setData( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE, QVariant::fromValue( p_item->p_input ) );
453 CONNECT( item, action( PLSelItem* ), this, podcastRemove( PLSelItem* ) );
454 return item;
457 QStringList PLSelector::mimeTypes() const
459 QStringList types;
460 types << "vlc/qt-input-items";
461 return types;
464 bool PLSelector::dropMimeData ( QTreeWidgetItem * parent, int,
465 const QMimeData * data, Qt::DropAction )
467 if( !parent ) return false;
469 QVariant type = parent->data( 0, TYPE_ROLE );
470 if( type == QVariant() ) return false;
472 int i_truth = parent->data( 0, SPECIAL_ROLE ).toInt();
473 if( i_truth != IS_PL && i_truth != IS_ML ) return false;
475 bool to_pl = ( i_truth == IS_PL );
477 const PlMimeData *plMimeData = qobject_cast<const PlMimeData*>( data );
478 if( !plMimeData ) return false;
480 QList<input_item_t*> inputItems = plMimeData->inputItems();
482 playlist_Lock( THEPL );
484 foreach( input_item_t *p_input, inputItems )
486 playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemGetByInput( THEPL, p_input );
487 if( !p_item ) continue;
489 playlist_NodeAddCopy( THEPL, p_item,
490 to_pl ? THEPL->p_playing : THEPL->p_media_library,
494 playlist_Unlock( THEPL );
496 return true;
499 void PLSelector::dragMoveEvent ( QDragMoveEvent * event )
501 event->setDropAction( Qt::CopyAction );
502 QAbstractItemView::dragMoveEvent( event );
505 void PLSelector::plItemAdded( int item, int parent )
507 updateTotalDuration(playlistItem, "Playlist");
508 if( parent != podcastsParentId || podcastsParent == NULL ) return;
510 playlist_Lock( THEPL );
512 playlist_item_t *p_item = playlist_ItemGetById( THEPL, item );
513 if( !p_item ) {
514 playlist_Unlock( THEPL );
515 return;
518 int c = podcastsParent->childCount();
519 for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
521 QTreeWidgetItem *podItem = podcastsParent->child(i);
522 if( podItem->data( 0, PL_ITEM_ID_ROLE ).toInt() == item )
524 //msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Podcast already in: (%d) %s", item, p_item->p_input->psz_uri);
525 playlist_Unlock( THEPL );
526 return;
530 //msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Adding podcast: (%d) %s", item, p_item->p_input->psz_uri );
531 addPodcastItem( p_item );
533 playlist_Unlock( THEPL );
535 podcastsParent->setExpanded( true );
538 void PLSelector::plItemRemoved( int id )
540 updateTotalDuration(playlistItem, "Playlist");
541 if( !podcastsParent ) return;
543 int c = podcastsParent->childCount();
544 for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
546 QTreeWidgetItem *item = podcastsParent->child(i);
547 if( item->data( 0, PL_ITEM_ID_ROLE ).toInt() == id )
549 input_item_t *p_input = item->data( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE ).value<input_item_t*>();
550 //msg_Dbg( p_intf, "Removing podcast: (%d) %s", id, p_input->psz_uri );
551 input_item_Release( p_input );
552 delete item;
553 return;
558 void PLSelector::inputItemUpdate( input_item_t *arg )
560 updateTotalDuration(playlistItem, "Playlist");
562 if( podcastsParent == NULL )
563 return;
565 int c = podcastsParent->childCount();
566 for( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
568 QTreeWidgetItem *item = podcastsParent->child(i);
569 input_item_t *p_input = item->data( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE ).value<input_item_t*>();
570 if( p_input == arg )
572 PLSelItem *si = itemWidget( item );
573 char *psz_name = input_item_GetName( p_input );
574 si->setText( qfu( psz_name ) );
575 free( psz_name );
576 return;
581 void PLSelector::podcastAdd( PLSelItem * )
583 assert( podcastsParent );
585 bool ok;
586 QString url = QInputDialog::getText( this, qtr( "Subscribe" ),
587 qtr( "Enter URL of the podcast to subscribe to:" ),
588 QLineEdit::Normal, QString(), &ok );
589 if( !ok || url.isEmpty() ) return;
591 setSource( podcastsParent ); //to load the SD in case it's not loaded
593 QString request("ADD:");
594 request += url.trimmed();
595 var_SetString( THEPL, "podcast-request", qtu( request ) );
598 void PLSelector::podcastRemove( PLSelItem* item )
600 QString question ( qtr( "Do you really want to unsubscribe from %1?" ) );
601 question = question.arg( item->text() );
602 QMessageBox::StandardButton res =
603 QMessageBox::question( this, qtr( "Unsubscribe" ), question,
604 QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No,
605 QMessageBox::No );
606 if( res == QMessageBox::No ) return;
608 input_item_t *input = item->treeItem()->data( 0, IN_ITEM_ROLE ).value<input_item_t*>();
609 if( !input ) return;
611 QString request("RM:");
612 char *psz_uri = input_item_GetURI( input );
613 request += qfu( psz_uri );
614 var_SetString( THEPL, "podcast-request", qtu( request ) );
615 free( psz_uri );
618 PLSelItem * PLSelector::itemWidget( QTreeWidgetItem *item )
620 return ( static_cast<PLSelItem*>( QTreeWidget::itemWidget( item, 0 ) ) );
623 void PLSelector::drawBranches ( QPainter * painter, const QRect & rect, const QModelIndex & index ) const
625 if( !model()->hasChildren( index ) ) return;
626 QStyleOption option;
627 option.initFrom( this );
628 option.rect = rect.adjusted( rect.width() - indentation(), 0, 0, 0 );
629 style()->drawPrimitive( isExpanded( index ) ?
630 QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowDown :
631 QStyle::PE_IndicatorArrowRight, &option, painter );
634 void PLSelector::getCurrentItemInfos( int* type, bool* can_delay_search, QString *string)
636 *type = currentItem()->data( 0, TYPE_ROLE ).toInt();
637 *string = currentItem()->data( 0, NAME_ROLE ).toString();
638 *can_delay_search = currentItem()->data( 0, CAP_SEARCH_ROLE ).toBool();
641 int PLSelector::getCurrentItemCategory()
643 return currentItem()->data( 0, SPECIAL_ROLE ).toInt();
646 void PLSelector::wheelEvent( QWheelEvent *e )
648 if( verticalScrollBar()->isVisible() && (
649 (verticalScrollBar()->value() != verticalScrollBar()->minimum() && e->delta() >= 0 ) ||
650 (verticalScrollBar()->value() != verticalScrollBar()->maximum() && e->delta() < 0 )
652 QApplication::sendEvent(verticalScrollBar(), e);
654 // Accept this event in order to prevent unwanted volume up/down changes
655 e->accept();