[7.2.234] It is not possible to ignore file names without a suffix.
[vim_extended.git] / runtime / plugin / getscriptPlugin.vim
1 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 " getscriptPlugin.vim
3 "  Author:      Charles E. Campbell, Jr.
4 "  Date:        Jan 07, 2008
5 "  Installing:  :help glvs-install
6 "  Usage:       :help glvs
8 " GetLatestVimScripts: 642 1 :AutoInstall: getscript.vim
10 " (Rom 15:11 WEB) Again, "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles!  Let
11 " all the peoples praise Him."
12 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
13 " Initialization:       {{{1
14 " if you're sourcing this file, surely you can't be
15 " expecting vim to be in its vi-compatible mode
16 if &cp || exists("g:loaded_getscriptPlugin")
17  if &verbose
18   echo "GetLatestVimScripts is not vi-compatible; not loaded (you need to set nocp)"
19  endif
20  finish
21 endif
22 let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = "v31"
23 let s:keepcpo                = &cpo
24 set cpo&vim
26 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
27 "  Public Interface: {{{1
28 com!        -nargs=0 GetLatestVimScripts call getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
29 com!        -nargs=0 GetScripts          call getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
30 silent! com -nargs=0 GLVS                call getscript#GetLatestVimScripts()
32 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
33 " Restore Options: {{{1
34 let &cpo= s:keepcpo
35 unlet s:keepcpo
37 " ---------------------------------------------------------------------
38 " vim: ts=8 sts=2 fdm=marker nowrap