Merge branch 'vim' into feat/indent-wrap-lines
[vim_extended.git] / runtime / indent / GenericIndent.vim
1 " Vim indent file generic utility functions
2 " Language:    * (various)
3 " Maintainer:  Dave Silvia <>
4 " Date:        6/30/2004
6 " SUMMARY:  To use GenericIndent, indent/<your_filename>.vim would have the
7 "           following general format:
9 "      if exists("b:did_indent") | finish | endif
10 "      let b:did_indent = 1
11 "      runtime indent/GenericIndent.vim
12 "      let b:indentStmts=''
13 "      let b:dedentStmts=''
14 "      let b:allStmts=''
15 "      setlocal indentexpr=GenericIndent()
16 "      setlocal indentkeys=<your_keys>
17 "      call GenericIndentStmts(<your_stmts>)
18 "      call GenericDedentStmts(<your_stmts>)
19 "      call GenericAllStmts()
23 " NOTE:  b:indentStmts, b:dedentStmts, and b:allStmts need to be initialized
24 "        to '' before callin the functions because 'indent.vim' explicitly
25 "        'unlet's b:did_indent.  This means that the lists will compound if
26 "        you change back and forth between buffers.  This is true as of
27 "        version 6.3, 6/23/2004.
29 " NOTE:  By default, GenericIndent is case sensitive.
30 "        let b:case_insensitive=1 if you want to ignore case, e.g. DOS batch files
32 " The function 'GenericIndent' is data driven and handles most all cases of
33 " indent checking if you first set up the data.  To use this function follow
34 " the example below (taken from the file indent/MuPAD_source.vim)
36 " Before you start, source this file in indent/<your_script>.vim to have it
37 " define functions for your use.
39 "runtime indent/GenericIndent.vim
41 " The data is in 5 sets:
43 " First, set the data set 'indentexpr' to GenericIndent().
45 "setlocal indentexpr=GenericIndent()
47 " Second, set the data set 'indentkeys' to the keywords/expressions that need
48 " to be checked for 'indenting' _as_ they typed.
50 "setlocal indentkeys==end_proc,=else,=then,=elif,=end_if,=end_case,=until,=end_repeat,=end_domain,=end_for,=end_while,=end,o,O
52 " NOTE: 'o,O' at the end of the previous line says you wish to be called
53 " whenever a newline is placed in the buffer.  This allows the previous line
54 " to be checked for indentation parameters.
56 " Third, set the data set 'b:indentStmts' to the keywords/expressions that, when
57 " they are on a line  _when_  you  _press_  the  _<Enter>_  key,
58 " you wish to have the next line indented.
60 "call GenericIndentStmts('begin,if,then,else,elif,case,repeat,until,domain,do')
62 " Fourth, set the data set 'b:dedentStmts' to the keywords/expressions that, when
63 " they are on a line you are currently typing, you wish to have that line
64 " 'dedented' (having already been indented because of the previous line's
65 " indentation).
67 "call GenericDedentStmts('end_proc,then,else,elif,end_if,end_case,until,end_repeat,end_domain,end_for,end_while,end')
69 " Fifth, set the data set 'b:allStmts' to the concatenation of the third and
70 " fourth data sets, used for checking when more than one keyword/expression
71 " is on a line.
73 "call GenericAllStmts()
75 " NOTE:  GenericIndentStmts uses two variables: 'b:indentStmtOpen' and
76 " 'b:indentStmtClose' which default to '\<' and '\>' respectively.  You can
77 " set (let) these to any value you wish before calling GenericIndentStmts with
78 " your list.  Similarly, GenericDedentStmts uses 'b:dedentStmtOpen' and
79 " 'b:dedentStmtClose'.
81 " NOTE:  Patterns may be used in the lists passed to Generic[In|De]dentStmts
82 " since each element in the list is copied verbatim.
84 " Optionally, you can set the DEBUGGING flag within your script to have the
85 " debugging messages output.  See below for description.  This can also be set
86 " (let) from the command line within your editing buffer.
88 "let b:DEBUGGING=1
90 " See:
91 "      :h runtime
92 "      :set runtimepath ?
93 " to familiarize yourself with how this works and where you should have this
94 " file and your file(s) installed.
96 " For help with setting 'indentkeys' see:
97 "      :h indentkeys
98 " Also, for some good examples see 'indent/sh.vim' and 'indent/vim.vim' as
99 " well as files for other languages you may be familiar with.
102 " Alternatively, if you'd rather specify yourself, you can enter
103 " 'b:indentStmts', 'b:dedentStmts', and 'b:allStmts' 'literally':
105 "let b:indentStmts='\<begin\>\|\<if\>\|\<then\>\|\<else\>\|\<elif\>\|\<case\>\|\<repeat\>\|\<until\>\|\<domain\>\|\<do\>'
106 "let b:dedentStmts='\<end_proc\>\|\<else\>\|\<elif\>\|\<end_if\>\|\<end_case\>\|\<until\>\|\<end_repeat\>\|\<end_domain\>\|\<end_for\>\|\<end_while\>\|\<end\>'
107 "let b:allStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmts
109 " This is only useful if you have particularly different parameters for
110 " matching each statement.
112 " RECAP:  From indent/MuPAD_source.vim
114 "if exists("b:did_indent") | finish | endif
116 "let b:did_indent = 1
118 "runtime indent/GenericIndent.vim
120 "setlocal indentexpr=GenericIndent()
121 "setlocal indentkeys==end_proc,=then,=else,=elif,=end_if,=end_case,=until,=end_repeat,=end_domain,=end_for,=end_while,=end,o,O
122 "call GenericIndentStmts('begin,if,then,else,elif,case,repeat,until,domain,do')
123 "call GenericDedentStmts('end_proc,then,else,elif,end_if,end_case,until,end_repeat,end_domain,end_for,end_while,end')
124 "call GenericAllStmts()
126 " END RECAP:
128 let s:hit=0
129 let s:lastVlnum=0
130 let s:myScriptName=expand("<sfile>:t")
132 if exists("*GenericIndent")
133         finish
134 endif
136 function GenericAllStmts()
137         let b:allStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmts
138         call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."b:indentStmts: ".b:indentStmts.", b:dedentStmts: ".b:dedentStmts.", b:allStmts: ".b:allStmts)
139 endfunction
141 function GenericIndentStmts(stmts)
142         let Stmts=a:stmts
143         let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
144         if Comma == -1 || Comma == strlen(Stmts)-1
145                 echoerr "Must supply a comma separated list of at least 2 entries."
146                 echoerr "Supplied list: <".Stmts.">"
147                 return
148         endif
150         if !exists("b:indentStmtOpen")
151                 let b:indentStmtOpen='\<'
152         endif
153         if !exists("b:indentStmtClose")
154                 let b:indentStmtClose='\>'
155         endif
156         if !exists("b:indentStmts")
157                 let b:indentStmts=''
158         endif
159         if b:indentStmts != ''
160                 let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'
161         endif
162         call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."b:indentStmtOpen: ".b:indentStmtOpen.", b:indentStmtClose: ".b:indentStmtClose.", b:indentStmts: ".b:indentStmts.", Stmts: ".Stmts)
163         let stmtEntryBegin=0
164         let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
165         let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
166         let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
167         let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
168         let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.b:indentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:indentStmtClose
169         while Comma != -1
170                 let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
171                 let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
172                 let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
173                 let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
174                 let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:indentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:indentStmtClose
175         endwhile
176         let stmtEntry=Stmts
177         let b:indentStmts=b:indentStmts.'\|'.b:indentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:indentStmtClose
178 endfunction
180 function GenericDedentStmts(stmts)
181         let Stmts=a:stmts
182         let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
183         if Comma == -1 || Comma == strlen(Stmts)-1
184                 echoerr "Must supply a comma separated list of at least 2 entries."
185                 echoerr "Supplied list: <".Stmts.">"
186                 return
187         endif
189         if !exists("b:dedentStmtOpen")
190                 let b:dedentStmtOpen='\<'
191         endif
192         if !exists("b:dedentStmtClose")
193                 let b:dedentStmtClose='\>'
194         endif
195         if !exists("b:dedentStmts")
196                 let b:dedentStmts=''
197         endif
198         if b:dedentStmts != ''
199                 let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.'\|'
200         endif
201         call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."b:dedentStmtOpen: ".b:dedentStmtOpen.", b:dedentStmtClose: ".b:dedentStmtClose.", b:dedentStmts: ".b:dedentStmts.", Stmts: ".Stmts)
202         let stmtEntryBegin=0
203         let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
204         let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
205         let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
206         let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
207         let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.b:dedentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:dedentStmtClose
208         while Comma != -1
209                 let stmtEntryEnd=Comma
210                 let stmtEntry=strpart(Stmts,stmtEntryBegin,stmtEntryEnd-stmtEntryBegin)
211                 let Stmts=strpart(Stmts,Comma+1)
212                 let Comma=match(Stmts,',')
213                 let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:dedentStmtClose
214         endwhile
215         let stmtEntry=Stmts
216         let b:dedentStmts=b:dedentStmts.'\|'.b:dedentStmtOpen.stmtEntry.b:dedentStmtClose
217 endfunction
219 " Debugging function.  Displays messages in the command area which can be
220 " reviewed using ':messages'.  To turn it on use ':let b:DEBUGGING=1'.  Once
221 " on, turn off by using ':let b:DEBUGGING=0.  If you don't want it at all and
222 " feel it's slowing down your editing (you must have an _awfully_ slow
223 " machine!;-> ), you can just comment out the calls to it from 'GenericIndent'
224 " below.  No need to remove the function or the calls, tho', as you never can
225 " tell when they might come in handy!;-)
226 function DebugGenericIndent(msg)
227   if exists("b:DEBUGGING") && b:DEBUGGING
228                 echomsg '['.s:hit.']'.s:myScriptName."::".a:msg
229         endif
230 endfunction
232 function GenericIndent()
233         " save ignore case option.  Have to set noignorecase for the match
234         " functions to do their job the way we want them to!
235         " NOTE: if you add a return to this function be sure you do
236         "           if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif
237         "       before returning.  You can just cut and paste from here.
238         let IgnoreCase=&ignorecase
239         " let b:case_insensitive=1 if you want to ignore case, e.g. DOS batch files
240         if !exists("b:case_insensitive")
241                 set noignorecase
242         endif
243         " this is used to let DebugGenericIndent display which invocation of the
244         " function goes with which messages.
245         let s:hit=s:hit+1
246   let lnum=v:lnum
247         let cline=getline(lnum)
248         let lnum=prevnonblank(lnum)
249         if lnum==0 | if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif | return 0 | endif
250         let pline=getline(lnum)
251   let ndnt=indent(lnum)
252         if !exists("b:allStmts")
253                 call GenericAllStmts()
254         endif
256         call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."cline=<".cline.">, pline=<".pline.">, lnum=".lnum.", v:lnum=".v:lnum.", ndnt=".ndnt)
257         if lnum==v:lnum
258                 " current line, only check dedent
259                 "
260                 " just dedented this line, don't need to do it again.
261                 " another dedentStmts was added or an end%[_*] was completed.
262                 if s:lastVlnum==v:lnum
263                         if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif
264                         return ndnt
265                 endif
266                 let s:lastVlnum=v:lnum
267                 call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Checking dedent")
268                 let srcStr=cline
269                 let dedentKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:dedentStmts)
270                 if dedentKeyBegin != -1
271                         let dedentKeyEnd=matchend(srcStr,b:dedentStmts)
272                         let dedentKeyStr=strpart(srcStr,dedentKeyBegin,dedentKeyEnd-dedentKeyBegin)
273                         "only dedent if it's the beginning of the line
274                         if match(srcStr,'^\s*\<'.dedentKeyStr.'\>') != -1
275                                 call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."It's the beginning of the line, dedent")
276                                 let ndnt=ndnt-&shiftwidth
277                         endif
278                 endif
279                 call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."dedent - returning ndnt=".ndnt)
280         else
281                 " previous line, only check indent
282                 call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Checking indent")
283                 let srcStr=pline
284                 let indentKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:indentStmts)
285                 if indentKeyBegin != -1
286                         " only indent if it's the last indentStmts in the line
287                         let allKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:allStmts)
288                         let allKeyEnd=matchend(srcStr,b:allStmts)
289                         let allKeyStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyBegin,allKeyEnd-allKeyBegin)
290                         let srcStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyEnd)
291                         let allKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:allStmts)
292                         if allKeyBegin != -1
293                                 " not the end of the line, check what is and only indent if
294                                 " it's an indentStmts
295                                 call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Multiple words in line, checking if last is indent")
296                                 while allKeyBegin != -1
297                                         let allKeyEnd=matchend(srcStr,b:allStmts)
298                                         let allKeyStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyBegin,allKeyEnd-allKeyBegin)
299                                         let srcStr=strpart(srcStr,allKeyEnd)
300                                         let allKeyBegin=match(srcStr,b:allStmts)
301                                 endwhile
302                                 if match(b:indentStmts,allKeyStr) != -1
303                                         call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."Last word in line is indent")
304                                         let ndnt=ndnt+&shiftwidth
305                                 endif
306                         else
307                                 " it's the last indentStmts in the line, go ahead and indent
308                                 let ndnt=ndnt+&shiftwidth
309                         endif
310                 endif
311                 call DebugGenericIndent(expand("<sfile>").": "."indent - returning ndnt=".ndnt)
312         endif
313         if IgnoreCase | set ignorecase | endif
314         return ndnt
315 endfunction
318 " TODO:  I'm open!
320 " BUGS:  You tell me!  Probably.  I just haven't found one yet or haven't been
321 "        told about one.