update runtime files
[vim_extended.git] / runtime / syntax / gitcommit.vim
1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language:     git commit file
3 " Maintainer:   Tim Pope <vimNOSPAM@tpope.org>
4 " Filenames:    *.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG
5 " Last Change:  2009 Dec 24
7 if exists("b:current_syntax")
8     finish
9 endif
11 syn case match
12 syn sync minlines=50
14 if has("spell")
15     syn spell toplevel
16 endif
18 syn include @gitcommitDiff syntax/diff.vim
19 syn region gitcommitDiff start=/\%(^diff --\%(git\|cc\|combined\) \)\@=/ end=/^$\|^#\@=/ contains=@gitcommitDiff
21 syn match   gitcommitFirstLine  "\%^[^#].*"  nextgroup=gitcommitBlank skipnl
22 syn match   gitcommitSummary    "^.\{0,50\}" contained containedin=gitcommitFirstLine nextgroup=gitcommitOverflow contains=@Spell
23 syn match   gitcommitOverflow   ".*" contained contains=@Spell
24 syn match   gitcommitBlank      "^[^#].*" contained contains=@Spell
25 syn match   gitcommitComment    "^#.*"
26 syn match   gitcommitHead       "^\%(#   .*\n\)\+#$" contained transparent
27 syn match   gitcommitOnBranch   "\%(^# \)\@<=On branch" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitBranch skipwhite
28 syn match   gitcommitOnBranch   "\%(^# \)\@<=Your branch .\{-\} '" contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitBranch skipwhite
29 syn match   gitcommitBranch     "[^ \t']\+" contained
30 syn match   gitcommitNoBranch   "\%(^# \)\@<=Not currently on any branch." contained containedin=gitcommitComment
31 syn match   gitcommitHeader     "\%(^# \)\@<=.*:$"      contained containedin=gitcommitComment
32 syn region  gitcommitAuthor     matchgroup=gitCommitHeader start=/\%(^# \)\@<=Author:/ end=/$/ keepend oneline contained containedin=gitcommitComment transparent
33 syn match   gitcommitNoChanges  "\%(^# \)\@<=No changes$" contained containedin=gitcommitComment
35 syn region  gitcommitUntracked  start=/^# Untracked files:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitUntrackedFile fold
36 syn match   gitcommitUntrackedFile  "\t\@<=.*"  contained
38 syn region  gitcommitDiscarded  start=/^# Changed but not updated:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitDiscardedType fold
39 syn region  gitcommitSelected   start=/^# Changes to be committed:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitSelectedType fold
40 syn region  gitcommitUnmerged   start=/^# Unmerged paths:/ end=/^#$\|^#\@!/ contains=gitcommitHeader,gitcommitHead,gitcommitUnmergedType fold
42 syn match   gitcommitDiscardedType      "\t\@<=[a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]: "he=e-2       contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedFile skipwhite
43 syn match   gitcommitSelectedType       "\t\@<=[a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]: "he=e-2       contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile skipwhite
44 syn match   gitcommitUnmergedType       "\t\@<=[a-z][a-z ]*[a-z]: "he=e-2       contained containedin=gitcommitComment nextgroup=gitcommitUnmergedFile skipwhite
45 syn match   gitcommitDiscardedFile      ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedArrow
46 syn match   gitcommitSelectedFile       ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedArrow
47 syn match   gitcommitUnmergedFile       ".\{-\}\%($\| -> \)\@=" contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedArrow
48 syn match   gitcommitDiscardedArrow     " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitDiscardedFile
49 syn match   gitcommitSelectedArrow      " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile
50 syn match   gitcommitUnmergedArrow      " -> " contained nextgroup=gitcommitSelectedFile
52 syn match   gitcommitWarning            "\%^[^#].*: needs merge$" nextgroup=gitcommitWarning skipnl
53 syn match   gitcommitWarning            "^[^#].*: needs merge$" nextgroup=gitcommitWarning skipnl contained
54 syn match   gitcommitWarning            "^\%(no changes added to commit\|nothing \%(added \)\=to commit\)\>.*\%$"
56 hi def link gitcommitSummary            Keyword
57 hi def link gitcommitComment            Comment
58 hi def link gitcommitUntracked          gitcommitComment
59 hi def link gitcommitDiscarded          gitcommitComment
60 hi def link gitcommitSelected           gitcommitComment
61 hi def link gitcommitUnmerged           gitcommitComment
62 hi def link gitcommitOnBranch           Comment
63 hi def link gitcommitBranch             Special
64 hi def link gitcommitNoBranch           gitCommitBranch
65 hi def link gitcommitDiscardedType      gitcommitType
66 hi def link gitcommitSelectedType       gitcommitType
67 hi def link gitcommitUnmergedType       gitcommitType
68 hi def link gitcommitType               Type
69 hi def link gitcommitNoChanges          gitcommitHeader
70 hi def link gitcommitHeader             PreProc
71 hi def link gitcommitUntrackedFile      gitcommitFile
72 hi def link gitcommitDiscardedFile      gitcommitFile
73 hi def link gitcommitSelectedFile       gitcommitFile
74 hi def link gitcommitUnmergedFile       gitcommitFile
75 hi def link gitcommitFile               Constant
76 hi def link gitcommitDiscardedArrow     gitcommitArrow
77 hi def link gitcommitSelectedArrow      gitcommitArrow
78 hi def link gitcommitUnmergedArrow      gitcommitArrow
79 hi def link gitcommitArrow              gitcommitComment
80 "hi def link gitcommitOverflow          Error
81 hi def link gitcommitBlank              Error
83 let b:current_syntax = "gitcommit"