Don't warn about unused internal methods which are meant to be visible on DBus
[vala-gnome.git] / vapi / libgdata.vapi
1 /* libgdata.vapi generated by vapigen, do not modify. */
3 [CCode (cprefix = "GData", gir_namespace = "GData", gir_version = "0.0", lower_case_cprefix = "gdata_")]
4 namespace GData {
5         namespace ContactsGender {
6                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_GENDER_FEMALE")]
7                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
8                 public const string FEMALE;
9                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_GENDER_MALE")]
10                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
11                 public const string MALE;
12         }
13         namespace ContactsGroupType {
14                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_GROUP_CONTACTS")]
15                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
16                 public const string CONTACTS;
17                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_GROUP_COWORKERS")]
18                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
19                 public const string COWORKERS;
20                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_GROUP_FAMILY")]
21                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
22                 public const string FAMILY;
23                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_GROUP_FRIENDS")]
24                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
25                 public const string FRIENDS;
26         }
27         namespace ContactsPriority {
28                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_PRIORITY_HIGH")]
29                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
30                 public const string HIGH;
31                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_PRIORITY_LOW")]
32                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
33                 public const string LOW;
34                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_PRIORITY_NORMAL")]
35                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
36                 public const string NORMAL;
37         }
38         namespace ContactsSensitivity {
39                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_SENSITIVITY_CONFIDENTIAL")]
40                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
41                 public const string CONFIDENTIAL;
42                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_SENSITIVITY_NORMAL")]
43                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
44                 public const string NORMAL;
45                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_SENSITIVITY_PERSONAL")]
46                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
47                 public const string PERSONAL;
48                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CONTACTS_SENSITIVITY_PRIVATE")]
49                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
50                 public const string PRIVATE;
51         }
52         namespace DocumentsPresentationFormat {
53                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_PDF")]
54                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
55                 public const string PDF;
56                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_PNG")]
57                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
58                 public const string PNG;
59                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_PPT")]
60                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
61                 public const string PPT;
62                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_SWF")]
63                 [Version (deprecated = true, since = "0.7.0")]
64                 public const string SWF;
65                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_PRESENTATION_TXT")]
66                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
67                 public const string TXT;
68         }
69         namespace DocumentsSpreadsheetFormat {
70                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_CSV")]
71                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
72                 public const string CSV;
73                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_HTML")]
74                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
75                 public const string HTML;
76                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_ODS")]
77                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
78                 public const string ODS;
79                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_PDF")]
80                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
81                 public const string PDF;
82                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_TSV")]
83                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
84                 public const string TSV;
85                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SPREADSHEET_XLS")]
86                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
87                 public const string XLS;
88         }
89         namespace DocumentsTextFormat {
90                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_DOC")]
91                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
92                 public const string DOC;
93                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_HTML")]
94                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
95                 public const string HTML;
96                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_JPEG")]
97                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
98                 public const string JPEG;
99                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_ODT")]
100                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
101                 public const string ODT;
102                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_PDF")]
103                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
104                 public const string PDF;
105                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_PNG")]
106                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
107                 public const string PNG;
108                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_RTF")]
109                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
110                 public const string RTF;
111                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_TXT")]
112                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
113                 public const string TXT;
114                 [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_TEXT_ZIP")]
115                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
116                 public const string ZIP;
117         }
118         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_app_categories_get_type ()")]
119         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
120         public class APPCategories : GData.Parsable {
121                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
122                 protected APPCategories ();
123                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Category> get_categories ();
124                 [NoAccessorMethod]
125                 public bool is_fixed { get; }
126         }
127         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_access_rule_get_type ()")]
128         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
129         public class AccessRule : GData.Entry {
130                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
131                 public AccessRule (string id);
132                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
133                 public int64 get_edited ();
134                 [Version (since = "0.16.0")]
135                 public unowned string get_key ();
136                 public unowned string get_role ();
137                 public void get_scope (out unowned string type, out unowned string value);
138                 public void set_role (string role);
139                 public void set_scope (string type, string? value);
140                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
141                 public int64 edited { get; }
142                 [Version (since = "0.16.0")]
143                 public string key { get; }
144                 public string role { get; set; }
145                 [NoAccessorMethod]
146                 public string scope_type { owned get; set; }
147                 [NoAccessorMethod]
148                 public string scope_value { owned get; set; }
149         }
150         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_author_get_type ()")]
151         public class Author : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
152                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
153                 public Author (string name, string? uri, string? email_address);
154                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
155                 public unowned string get_email_address ();
156                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
157                 public unowned string get_name ();
158                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
159                 public unowned string get_uri ();
160                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
161                 public void set_email_address (string? email_address);
162                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
163                 public void set_name (string name);
164                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
165                 public void set_uri (string? uri);
166                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
167                 public string email_address { get; set; }
168                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
169                 public string name { get; set; }
170                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
171                 public string uri { get; set; }
172         }
173         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_authorization_domain_get_type ()")]
174         [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
175         public class AuthorizationDomain : GLib.Object {
176                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
177                 protected AuthorizationDomain ();
178                 public unowned string get_scope ();
179                 public unowned string get_service_name ();
180                 public string scope { get; construct; }
181                 public string service_name { get; construct; }
182         }
183         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_batch_operation_get_type ()")]
184         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
185         public class BatchOperation : GLib.Object {
186                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
187                 protected BatchOperation ();
188                 public uint add_deletion (GData.Entry entry, [CCode (scope = "async")] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
189                 public uint add_insertion (GData.Entry entry, [CCode (scope = "async")] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
190                 public uint add_query (string id, GLib.Type entry_type, [CCode (scope = "async")] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
191                 public uint add_update (GData.Entry entry, [CCode (scope = "async")] GData.BatchOperationCallback callback);
192                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
193                 public unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain? get_authorization_domain ();
194                 public unowned string get_feed_uri ();
195                 public unowned GData.Service get_service ();
196                 public bool run (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
197                 public async bool run_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
198                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
199                 public GData.AuthorizationDomain authorization_domain { get; construct; }
200                 public string feed_uri { get; construct; }
201                 public GData.Service service { get; construct; }
202         }
203         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_calendar_access_rule_get_type ()")]
204         [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
205         public class CalendarAccessRule : GData.AccessRule {
206                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
207                 public CalendarAccessRule (string id);
208         }
209         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_calendar_calendar_get_type ()")]
210         public class CalendarCalendar : GData.Entry, GData.AccessHandler {
211                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
212                 public CalendarCalendar (string? id);
213                 public unowned string get_access_level ();
214                 public GData.Color get_color ();
215                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2")]
216                 public int64 get_edited ();
217                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2")]
218                 public uint get_times_cleaned ();
219                 public unowned string get_timezone ();
220                 public void set_color (GData.Color color);
221                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
222                 public void set_is_hidden (bool is_hidden);
223                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
224                 public void set_is_selected (bool is_selected);
225                 public void set_timezone (string? _timezone);
226                 public string access_level { get; }
227                 public GData.Color color { get; set; }
228                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2")]
229                 public int64 edited { get; }
230                 [NoAccessorMethod]
231                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
232                 public bool is_hidden { get; set; }
233                 [NoAccessorMethod]
234                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
235                 public bool is_selected { get; set; }
236                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2")]
237                 public uint times_cleaned { get; }
238                 public string timezone { get; set; }
239         }
240         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_calendar_event_get_type ()")]
241         public class CalendarEvent : GData.Entry {
242                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
243                 public CalendarEvent (string? id);
244                 public void add_person (GData.GDWho who);
245                 public void add_place (GData.GDWhere where);
246                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
247                 public void add_time (GData.GDWhen when);
248                 public bool get_anyone_can_add_self ();
249                 public int64 get_edited ();
250                 public bool get_guests_can_invite_others ();
251                 public bool get_guests_can_modify ();
252                 public bool get_guests_can_see_guests ();
253                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
254                 public void get_original_event_details (out string event_id, out string event_uri);
255                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
256                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDWho> get_people ();
257                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
258                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDWhere> get_places ();
259                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
260                 public bool get_primary_time (out int64 start_time, out int64 end_time, out unowned GData.GDWhen when);
261                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
262                 public unowned string get_recurrence ();
263                 public uint get_sequence ();
264                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
265                 public unowned string get_status ();
266                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
267                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDWhen> get_times ();
268                 public unowned string get_transparency ();
269                 public unowned string get_uid ();
270                 public unowned string get_visibility ();
271                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
272                 public bool is_exception ();
273                 public void set_anyone_can_add_self (bool anyone_can_add_self);
274                 public void set_guests_can_invite_others (bool guests_can_invite_others);
275                 public void set_guests_can_modify (bool guests_can_modify);
276                 public void set_guests_can_see_guests (bool guests_can_see_guests);
277                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
278                 public void set_recurrence (string? recurrence);
279                 public void set_sequence (uint sequence);
280                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
281                 public void set_status (string? status);
282                 public void set_transparency (string? transparency);
283                 public void set_uid (string? uid);
284                 public void set_visibility (string? visibility);
285                 public bool anyone_can_add_self { get; set; }
286                 public int64 edited { get; }
287                 public bool guests_can_invite_others { get; set; }
288                 public bool guests_can_modify { get; set; }
289                 public bool guests_can_see_guests { get; set; }
290                 [NoAccessorMethod]
291                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
292                 public string original_event_id { owned get; }
293                 [NoAccessorMethod]
294                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
295                 public string original_event_uri { owned get; }
296                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
297                 public string recurrence { get; set; }
298                 public uint sequence { get; set; }
299                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
300                 public string status { get; set; }
301                 public string transparency { get; set; }
302                 public string uid { get; set; }
303                 public string visibility { get; set; }
304         }
305         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_calendar_feed_get_type ()")]
306         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
307         public class CalendarFeed : GData.Feed {
308                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
309                 protected CalendarFeed ();
310                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2", since = "0.3.0")]
311                 public uint get_times_cleaned ();
312                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2", since = "0.3.0")]
313                 public unowned string get_timezone ();
314                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2", since = "0.3.0")]
315                 public uint times_cleaned { get; }
316                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2", since = "0.3.0")]
317                 public string timezone { get; }
318         }
319         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_calendar_query_get_type ()")]
320         public class CalendarQuery : GData.Query {
321                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
322                 public CalendarQuery (string? q);
323                 public bool get_future_events ();
324                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
325                 public uint get_max_attendees ();
326                 public unowned string get_order_by ();
327                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
328                 public int64 get_recurrence_expansion_end ();
329                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
330                 public int64 get_recurrence_expansion_start ();
331                 public bool get_single_events ();
332                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
333                 public unowned string get_sort_order ();
334                 public int64 get_start_max ();
335                 public int64 get_start_min ();
336                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
337                 public unowned string get_timezone ();
338                 public void set_future_events (bool future_events);
339                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
340                 public void set_max_attendees (uint max_attendees);
341                 public void set_order_by (string? order_by);
342                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
343                 public void set_recurrence_expansion_end (int64 end);
344                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
345                 public void set_recurrence_expansion_start (int64 start);
346                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
347                 public void set_show_deleted (bool show_deleted);
348                 public void set_single_events (bool single_events);
349                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
350                 public void set_sort_order (string? sort_order);
351                 public void set_start_max (int64 start_max);
352                 public void set_start_min (int64 start_min);
353                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
354                 public void set_timezone (string? _timezone);
355                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
356                 public CalendarQuery.with_limits (string? q, int64 start_min, int64 start_max);
357                 public bool future_events { get; set; }
358                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
359                 public uint max_attendees { get; set; }
360                 public string order_by { get; set; }
361                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
362                 public int64 recurrence_expansion_end { get; set; }
363                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
364                 public int64 recurrence_expansion_start { get; set; }
365                 [NoAccessorMethod]
366                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
367                 public bool show_deleted { get; set; }
368                 public bool single_events { get; set; }
369                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7")]
370                 public string sort_order { get; set; }
371                 public int64 start_max { get; set; }
372                 public int64 start_min { get; set; }
373                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
374                 public string timezone { get; set; }
375         }
376         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_calendar_service_get_type ()")]
377         public class CalendarService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
378                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
379                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
380                 public CalendarService (GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
381                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
382                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
383                 [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
384                 public GData.CalendarEvent insert_calendar_event (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
385                 [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
386                 public async void insert_calendar_event_async (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
387                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2", since = "0.2.0")]
388                 public GData.CalendarEvent insert_event (GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
389                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.2", since = "0.8.0")]
390                 public async void insert_event_async (GData.CalendarEvent event, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
391                 public GData.Feed query_all_calendars (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
392                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
393                 public async void query_all_calendars_async (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
394                 public GData.Feed query_events (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
395                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
396                 public async void query_events_async (GData.CalendarCalendar calendar, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
397                 public GData.Feed query_own_calendars (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
398                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
399                 public async void query_own_calendars_async (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
400         }
401         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_category_get_type ()")]
402         public class Category : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
403                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
404                 public Category (string term, string? scheme, string? label);
405                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
406                 public unowned string get_label ();
407                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
408                 public unowned string get_scheme ();
409                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
410                 public unowned string get_term ();
411                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
412                 public void set_label (string? label);
413                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
414                 public void set_scheme (string? scheme);
415                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
416                 public void set_term (string term);
417                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
418                 public string label { get; set; }
419                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
420                 public string scheme { get; set; }
421                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
422                 public string term { get; set; }
423         }
424         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_client_login_authorizer_get_type ()")]
425         [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
426         public class ClientLoginAuthorizer : GLib.Object, GData.Authorizer {
427                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
428                 public ClientLoginAuthorizer (string client_id, GLib.Type service_type);
429                 public bool authenticate (string username, string password, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
430                 public async bool authenticate_async (string username, string password, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
431                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
432                 public ClientLoginAuthorizer.for_authorization_domains (string client_id, GLib.List<GData.AuthorizationDomain> authorization_domains);
433                 public unowned string get_client_id ();
434                 public unowned string get_password ();
435                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
436                 public unowned GLib.ProxyResolver? get_proxy_resolver ();
437                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.9.0")]
438                 public Soup.URI get_proxy_uri ();
439                 public uint get_timeout ();
440                 public unowned string get_username ();
441                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
442                 public void set_proxy_resolver (GLib.ProxyResolver? proxy_resolver);
443                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.9.0")]
444                 public void set_proxy_uri (Soup.URI? proxy_uri);
445                 public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
446                 public string client_id { get; construct; }
447                 public string password { get; }
448                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
449                 public GLib.ProxyResolver proxy_resolver { get; set; }
450                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.9.0")]
451                 public Soup.URI proxy_uri { owned get; set; }
452                 public uint timeout { get; set; }
453                 public string username { get; }
454                 public signal string captcha_challenge (string uri);
455         }
456         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_comment_get_type ()")]
457         [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
458         public abstract class Comment : GData.Entry {
459                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
460                 protected Comment ();
461         }
462         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_contacts_contact_get_type ()")]
463         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
464         public class ContactsContact : GData.Entry {
465                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
466                 public ContactsContact (string? id);
467                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
468                 public void add_calendar (GData.GContactCalendar calendar);
469                 public void add_email_address (GData.GDEmailAddress email_address);
470                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
471                 public void add_event (GData.GContactEvent event);
472                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
473                 public void add_external_id (GData.GContactExternalID external_id);
474                 public void add_group (string href);
475                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
476                 public void add_hobby (string hobby);
477                 public void add_im_address (GData.GDIMAddress im_address);
478                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
479                 public void add_jot (GData.GContactJot jot);
480                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
481                 public void add_language (GData.GContactLanguage language);
482                 public void add_organization (GData.GDOrganization organization);
483                 public void add_phone_number (GData.GDPhoneNumber phone_number);
484                 public void add_postal_address (GData.GDPostalAddress postal_address);
485                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
486                 public void add_relation (GData.GContactRelation relation);
487                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
488                 public void add_website (GData.GContactWebsite website);
489                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
490                 public unowned string get_billing_information ();
491                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
492                 public bool get_birthday (out GLib.Date birthday);
493                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
494                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactCalendar> get_calendars ();
495                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
496                 public unowned string get_directory_server ();
497                 public int64 get_edited ();
498                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDEmailAddress> get_email_addresses ();
499                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
500                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactEvent> get_events ();
501                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
502                 public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_extended_properties ();
503                 public unowned string get_extended_property (string name);
504                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
505                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactExternalID> get_external_ids ();
506                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
507                 public unowned string get_file_as ();
508                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
509                 public unowned string get_gender ();
510                 public GLib.List<weak string> get_groups ();
511                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
512                 public unowned GLib.List<string> get_hobbies ();
513                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDIMAddress> get_im_addresses ();
514                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
515                 public unowned string get_initials ();
516                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
517                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactJot> get_jots ();
518                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
519                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactLanguage> get_languages ();
520                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
521                 public unowned string get_maiden_name ();
522                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
523                 public unowned string get_mileage ();
524                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
525                 public unowned GData.GDName get_name ();
526                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
527                 public unowned string get_nickname ();
528                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
529                 public unowned string get_occupation ();
530                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDOrganization> get_organizations ();
531                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDPhoneNumber> get_phone_numbers ();
532                 [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.5, array_length_type = "gsize")]
533                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
534                 public uint8[] get_photo (GData.ContactsService service, out string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
535                 [CCode (array_length_pos = 1.1)]
536                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
537                 public async uint8[] get_photo_async (GData.ContactsService service, out string content_type) throws GLib.Error;
538                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
539                 public unowned string get_photo_etag ();
540                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDPostalAddress> get_postal_addresses ();
541                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
542                 public unowned GData.GContactCalendar get_primary_calendar ();
543                 public unowned GData.GDEmailAddress get_primary_email_address ();
544                 public unowned GData.GDIMAddress get_primary_im_address ();
545                 public unowned GData.GDOrganization get_primary_organization ();
546                 public unowned GData.GDPhoneNumber get_primary_phone_number ();
547                 public unowned GData.GDPostalAddress get_primary_postal_address ();
548                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
549                 public unowned GData.GContactWebsite get_primary_website ();
550                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
551                 public unowned string get_priority ();
552                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
553                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactRelation> get_relations ();
554                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
555                 public unowned string get_sensitivity ();
556                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
557                 public unowned string get_short_name ();
558                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
559                 public unowned string get_subject ();
560                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
561                 public unowned string get_user_defined_field (string name);
562                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
563                 public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_user_defined_fields ();
564                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
565                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GContactWebsite> get_websites ();
566                 public bool is_deleted ();
567                 public bool is_group_deleted (string href);
568                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
569                 public void remove_all_calendars ();
570                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
571                 public void remove_all_email_addresses ();
572                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
573                 public void remove_all_events ();
574                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
575                 public void remove_all_external_ids ();
576                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
577                 public void remove_all_hobbies ();
578                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
579                 public void remove_all_im_addresses ();
580                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
581                 public void remove_all_jots ();
582                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
583                 public void remove_all_languages ();
584                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
585                 public void remove_all_organizations ();
586                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
587                 public void remove_all_phone_numbers ();
588                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
589                 public void remove_all_postal_addresses ();
590                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
591                 public void remove_all_relations ();
592                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
593                 public void remove_all_websites ();
594                 public void remove_group (string href);
595                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
596                 public void set_billing_information (string? billing_information);
597                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
598                 public void set_birthday (GLib.Date? birthday, bool birthday_has_year);
599                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
600                 public void set_directory_server (string? directory_server);
601                 public bool set_extended_property (string name, string? value);
602                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
603                 public void set_file_as (string? file_as);
604                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
605                 public void set_gender (string? gender);
606                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
607                 public void set_initials (string? initials);
608                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
609                 public void set_maiden_name (string? maiden_name);
610                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
611                 public void set_mileage (string? mileage);
612                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
613                 public void set_name (GData.GDName name);
614                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
615                 public void set_nickname (string? nickname);
616                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
617                 public void set_occupation (string? occupation);
618                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
619                 public bool set_photo (GData.ContactsService service, uint8? data, size_t length, string? content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
620                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
621                 public async bool set_photo_async (GData.ContactsService service, uint8? data, size_t length, string? content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
622                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
623                 public void set_priority (string? priority);
624                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
625                 public void set_sensitivity (string? sensitivity);
626                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
627                 public void set_short_name (string? short_name);
628                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
629                 public void set_subject (string? subject);
630                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
631                 public void set_user_defined_field (string name, string? value);
632                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
633                 public string billing_information { get; set; }
634                 [NoAccessorMethod]
635                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
636                 public GLib.Date birthday { get; set; }
637                 [NoAccessorMethod]
638                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
639                 public bool birthday_has_year { get; set; }
640                 [NoAccessorMethod]
641                 public bool deleted { get; }
642                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
643                 public string directory_server { get; set; }
644                 public int64 edited { get; }
645                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
646                 public string file_as { get; set; }
647                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
648                 public string gender { get; set; }
649                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
650                 public string initials { get; set; }
651                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
652                 public string maiden_name { get; set; }
653                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
654                 public string mileage { get; set; }
655                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
656                 public GData.GDName name { get; set; }
657                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
658                 public string nickname { get; set; }
659                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
660                 public string occupation { get; set; }
661                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
662                 public string photo_etag { get; }
663                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
664                 public string priority { get; set; }
665                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
666                 public string sensitivity { get; set; }
667                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
668                 public string short_name { get; set; }
669                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
670                 public string subject { get; set; }
671         }
672         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_contacts_group_get_type ()")]
673         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
674         public class ContactsGroup : GData.Entry {
675                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
676                 public ContactsGroup (string? id);
677                 public int64 get_edited ();
678                 public unowned GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> get_extended_properties ();
679                 public unowned string get_extended_property (string name);
680                 public unowned string get_system_group_id ();
681                 public bool is_deleted ();
682                 public bool set_extended_property (string name, string? value);
683                 [NoAccessorMethod]
684                 public bool deleted { get; }
685                 public int64 edited { get; }
686                 public string system_group_id { get; }
687         }
688         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_contacts_query_get_type ()")]
689         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
690         public class ContactsQuery : GData.Query {
691                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
692                 public ContactsQuery (string? q);
693                 public unowned string get_group ();
694                 public unowned string get_order_by ();
695                 public unowned string get_sort_order ();
696                 public void set_group (string? group);
697                 public void set_order_by (string? order_by);
698                 public void set_show_deleted (bool show_deleted);
699                 public void set_sort_order (string? sort_order);
700                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
701                 public ContactsQuery.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
702                 public string group { get; set; }
703                 public string order_by { get; set; }
704                 [NoAccessorMethod]
705                 public bool show_deleted { get; set; }
706                 public string sort_order { get; set; }
707         }
708         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_contacts_service_get_type ()")]
709         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
710         public class ContactsService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
711                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
712                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
713                 public ContactsService (GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
714                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
715                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
716                 public GData.ContactsContact insert_contact (GData.ContactsContact contact, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
717                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
718                 public async void insert_contact_async (GData.ContactsContact contact, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
719                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
720                 public GData.ContactsGroup insert_group (GData.ContactsGroup group, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
721                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
722                 public async void insert_group_async (GData.ContactsGroup group, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
723                 public GData.Feed query_contacts (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
724                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
725                 public async void query_contacts_async (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
726                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
727                 public GData.Feed query_groups (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
728                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
729                 public async void query_groups_async (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
730         }
731         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_access_rule_get_type ()")]
732         [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
733         public class DocumentsAccessRule : GData.AccessRule {
734                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
735                 public DocumentsAccessRule (string id);
736         }
737         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_document_get_type ()")]
738         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
739         public class DocumentsDocument : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
740                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
741                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
742                 public DocumentsDocument (string? id);
743                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
744                 public GData.DownloadStream download (GData.DocumentsService service, string export_format, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
745                 public string? get_download_uri (string export_format);
746                 [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
747                 public unowned string? get_thumbnail_uri ();
748         }
749         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_drawing_get_type ()")]
750         [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
751         public class DocumentsDrawing : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
752                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
753                 public DocumentsDrawing (string? id);
754         }
755         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_entry_get_type ()")]
756         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
757         public abstract class DocumentsEntry : GData.Entry, GData.AccessHandler {
758                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
759                 protected DocumentsEntry ();
760                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.11.0", since = "0.4.0")]
761                 public unowned string get_document_id ();
762                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.4.0")]
763                 public int64 get_edited ();
764                 [Version (since = "0.17.7")]
765                 public int64 get_file_size ();
766                 public unowned GData.Author get_last_modified_by ();
767                 public int64 get_last_viewed ();
768                 public string get_path ();
769                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
770                 public int64 get_quota_used ();
771                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
772                 public unowned string get_resource_id ();
773                 public void set_writers_can_invite (bool writers_can_invite);
774                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.11.0", since = "0.4.0")]
775                 public string document_id { get; }
776                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.4.0")]
777                 public int64 edited { get; }
778                 [Version (since = "0.17.7")]
779                 public int64 file_size { get; }
780                 [NoAccessorMethod]
781                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
782                 public bool is_deleted { get; set; }
783                 public GData.Author last_modified_by { get; }
784                 public int64 last_viewed { get; }
785                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
786                 public int64 quota_used { get; }
787                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
788                 public string resource_id { get; }
789                 [NoAccessorMethod]
790                 public bool writers_can_invite { get; set; }
791         }
792         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_feed_get_type ()")]
793         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
794         public class DocumentsFeed : GData.Feed {
795                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
796                 protected DocumentsFeed ();
797         }
798         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_folder_get_type ()")]
799         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
800         public class DocumentsFolder : GData.DocumentsEntry, GData.AccessHandler {
801                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
802                 public DocumentsFolder (string? id);
803         }
804         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_pdf_get_type ()")]
805         [Version (since = "0.13.3")]
806         public class DocumentsPdf : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
807                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
808                 public DocumentsPdf (string? id);
809         }
810         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_presentation_get_type ()")]
811         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
812         public class DocumentsPresentation : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
813                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
814                 public DocumentsPresentation (string? id);
815         }
816         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_query_get_type ()")]
817         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
818         public class DocumentsQuery : GData.Query {
819                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
820                 public DocumentsQuery (string? q);
821                 public void add_collaborator (string email_address);
822                 public void add_reader (string email_address);
823                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDEmailAddress> get_collaborator_addresses ();
824                 public bool get_exact_title ();
825                 public unowned string get_folder_id ();
826                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDEmailAddress> get_reader_addresses ();
827                 public unowned string get_title ();
828                 public void set_folder_id (string? folder_id);
829                 public void set_show_deleted (bool show_deleted);
830                 public void set_show_folders (bool show_folders);
831                 public void set_title (string? title, bool exact_title);
832                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
833                 public DocumentsQuery.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
834                 [NoAccessorMethod]
835                 public bool exact_title { get; set; }
836                 public string folder_id { get; set; }
837                 [NoAccessorMethod]
838                 public bool show_deleted { get; set; }
839                 [NoAccessorMethod]
840                 public bool show_folders { get; set; }
841                 [NoAccessorMethod]
842                 public string title { owned get; set; }
843         }
844         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_service_get_type ()")]
845         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
846         public class DocumentsService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
847                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
848                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
849                 public DocumentsService (GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
850                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
851                 public GData.DocumentsEntry add_entry_to_folder (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
852                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
853                 public async GData.DocumentsEntry add_entry_to_folder_async (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
854                 [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
855                 public GData.DocumentsDocument copy_document (GData.DocumentsDocument document, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
856                 [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
857                 public async GData.DocumentsDocument copy_document_async (GData.DocumentsDocument document, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
858                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
859                 public GData.DocumentsDocument finish_upload (GData.UploadStream upload_stream) throws GLib.Error;
860                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
861                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
862                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
863                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_spreadsheet_authorization_domain ();
864                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
865                 public static string get_upload_uri (GData.DocumentsFolder? folder);
866                 public GData.DocumentsFeed query_documents (GData.DocumentsQuery? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
867                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
868                 public async void query_documents_async (GData.DocumentsQuery? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
869                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
870                 public GData.DocumentsEntry remove_entry_from_folder (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
871                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
872                 public async GData.DocumentsEntry remove_entry_from_folder_async (GData.DocumentsEntry entry, GData.DocumentsFolder folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
873                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
874                 public GData.UploadStream update_document (GData.DocumentsDocument document, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
875                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
876                 public GData.UploadStream update_document_resumable (GData.DocumentsDocument document, string slug, string content_type, int64 content_length, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
877                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
878                 public GData.UploadStream upload_document (GData.DocumentsDocument? document, string slug, string content_type, GData.DocumentsFolder? folder, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
879                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
880                 public GData.UploadStream upload_document_resumable (GData.DocumentsDocument? document, string slug, string content_type, int64 content_length, GData.DocumentsUploadQuery? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
881         }
882         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_spreadsheet_get_type ()")]
883         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
884         public class DocumentsSpreadsheet : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
885                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
886                 public DocumentsSpreadsheet (string? id);
887                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
888                 public string get_download_uri (string export_format, int gid);
889         }
890         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_text_get_type ()")]
891         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
892         public class DocumentsText : GData.DocumentsDocument, GData.AccessHandler {
893                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
894                 public DocumentsText (string? id);
895         }
896         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_documents_upload_query_get_type ()")]
897         [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
898         public class DocumentsUploadQuery : GLib.Object {
899                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
900                 public DocumentsUploadQuery ();
901                 public string build_uri ();
902                 public bool get_convert ();
903                 public unowned GData.DocumentsFolder? get_folder ();
904                 public void set_convert (bool convert);
905                 public void set_folder (GData.DocumentsFolder? folder);
906                 public bool convert { get; set; }
907                 public GData.DocumentsFolder folder { get; set; }
908         }
909         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_download_stream_get_type ()")]
910         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
911         public class DownloadStream : GLib.InputStream, GLib.Seekable {
912                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GInputStream*")]
913                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
914                 public DownloadStream (GData.Service service, GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string download_uri, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
915                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
916                 public unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain? get_authorization_domain ();
917                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
918                 public unowned GLib.Cancellable get_cancellable ();
919                 public ssize_t get_content_length ();
920                 public unowned string get_content_type ();
921                 public unowned string get_download_uri ();
922                 public unowned GData.Service get_service ();
923                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
924                 public GData.AuthorizationDomain authorization_domain { get; construct; }
925                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
926                 public GLib.Cancellable cancellable { get; construct; }
927                 public long content_length { get; }
928                 public string content_type { get; }
929                 public string download_uri { get; construct; }
930                 public GData.Service service { get; construct; }
931         }
932         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_entry_get_type ()")]
933         public class Entry : GData.Parsable {
934                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
935                 public Entry (string? id);
936                 public void add_author (GData.Author author);
937                 public void add_category (GData.Category category);
938                 public void add_link (GData.Link _link);
939                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
940                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Author> get_authors ();
941                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
942                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Category> get_categories ();
943                 public unowned string get_content ();
944                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
945                 public unowned string get_content_uri ();
946                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
947                 public unowned string? get_etag ();
948                 public unowned string? get_id ();
949                 public int64 get_published ();
950                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
951                 public unowned string get_rights ();
952                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
953                 public unowned string get_summary ();
954                 public unowned string get_title ();
955                 public int64 get_updated ();
956                 [Version (since = "0.1.1")]
957                 public unowned GData.Link look_up_link (string rel);
958                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
959                 public GLib.List<weak GData.Link> look_up_links (string rel);
960                 [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
961                 public bool remove_link (GData.Link _link);
962                 public void set_content (string? content);
963                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
964                 public void set_content_uri (string? content_uri);
965                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
966                 public void set_rights (string? rights);
967                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
968                 public void set_summary (string? summary);
969                 public void set_title (string? title);
970                 public string content { get; set; }
971                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
972                 public string content_uri { get; set; }
973                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
974                 public string etag { get; construct; }
975                 public string id { get; construct; }
976                 [NoAccessorMethod]
977                 public bool is_inserted { get; }
978                 public int64 published { get; }
979                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
980                 public string rights { get; set; }
981                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
982                 public string summary { get; set; }
983                 public string title { get; set; }
984                 public int64 updated { get; }
985         }
986         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_feed_get_type ()")]
987         public class Feed : GData.Parsable {
988                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
989                 protected Feed ();
990                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Author> get_authors ();
991                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Category> get_categories ();
992                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Entry> get_entries ();
993                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
994                 public unowned string get_etag ();
995                 public unowned GData.Generator get_generator ();
996                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
997                 public unowned string get_icon ();
998                 public unowned string get_id ();
999                 public uint get_items_per_page ();
1000                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.Link> get_links ();
1001                 public unowned string get_logo ();
1002                 [Version (since = "0.17.7")]
1003                 public unowned string? get_next_page_token ();
1004                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1005                 public unowned string get_rights ();
1006                 public uint get_start_index ();
1007                 public unowned string get_subtitle ();
1008                 public unowned string get_title ();
1009                 public uint get_total_results ();
1010                 public int64 get_updated ();
1011                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1012                 public unowned GData.Entry look_up_entry (string id);
1013                 [Version (since = "0.1.1")]
1014                 public unowned GData.Link look_up_link (string rel);
1015                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1016                 public string etag { get; }
1017                 public GData.Generator generator { get; }
1018                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1019                 public string icon { get; }
1020                 public string id { get; }
1021                 public uint items_per_page { get; }
1022                 public string logo { get; }
1023                 [Version (since = "0.17.7")]
1024                 public string next_page_token { get; }
1025                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1026                 public string rights { get; }
1027                 public uint start_index { get; }
1028                 public string subtitle { get; }
1029                 public string title { get; }
1030                 public uint total_results { get; }
1031                 public int64 updated { get; }
1032         }
1033         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_query_get_type ()")]
1034         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1035         public class FreebaseQuery : GData.Query {
1036                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1037                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1038                 public FreebaseQuery (string mql);
1039                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1040                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1041                 public FreebaseQuery.from_variant (GLib.Variant variant);
1042                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1043                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1044                 public GLib.Variant variant { owned get; construct; }
1045         }
1046         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_result_get_type ()")]
1047         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1048         public class FreebaseResult : GData.Entry {
1049                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1050                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1051                 public FreebaseResult ();
1052                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1053                 public GLib.Variant? dup_variant ();
1054                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1055                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1056                 public GLib.Variant variant { owned get; }
1057         }
1058         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_search_query_get_type ()")]
1059         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1060         public class FreebaseSearchQuery : GData.Query {
1061                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1062                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1063                 public FreebaseSearchQuery (string search_terms);
1064                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1065                 public void add_filter (string property, string value);
1066                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1067                 public void add_location (uint64 radius, double lat, double lon);
1068                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1069                 public void close_filter ();
1070                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1071                 public unowned string? get_language ();
1072                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1073                 public bool get_stemmed ();
1074                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1075                 public void open_filter (GData.FreebaseSearchFilterType filter_type);
1076                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1077                 public void set_language (string? lang);
1078                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1079                 public void set_stemmed (bool stemmed);
1080                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1081                 public string language { get; set; }
1082                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1083                 public bool stemmed { get; set; }
1084         }
1085         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_search_result_get_type ()")]
1086         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1087         public class FreebaseSearchResult : GData.FreebaseResult {
1088                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1089                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1090                 public FreebaseSearchResult ();
1091                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1092                 public unowned GData.FreebaseSearchResultItem? get_item (uint i);
1093                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1094                 public uint get_num_items ();
1095                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1096                 public uint get_total_hits ();
1097         }
1098         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", copy_function = "g_boxed_copy", free_function = "g_boxed_free", type_id = "gdata_freebase_search_result_item_get_type ()")]
1099         [Compact]
1100         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1101         public class FreebaseSearchResultItem {
1102                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1103                 public unowned string get_id ();
1104                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1105                 public unowned string get_language ();
1106                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1107                 public unowned string get_mid ();
1108                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1109                 public unowned string get_name ();
1110                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1111                 public unowned string? get_notable_id ();
1112                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1113                 public unowned string? get_notable_name ();
1114                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1115                 public double get_score ();
1116         }
1117         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_service_get_type ()")]
1118         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1119         public class FreebaseService : GData.Service {
1120                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1121                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1122                 public FreebaseService (string? developer_key, GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
1123                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1124                 public GLib.InputStream get_image (GData.FreebaseTopicValue value, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, uint max_width, uint max_height) throws GLib.Error;
1125                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1126                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
1127                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1128                 public GData.FreebaseTopicResult get_topic (GData.FreebaseTopicQuery query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1129                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1130                 public async void get_topic_async (GData.FreebaseTopicQuery query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
1131                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1132                 public GData.FreebaseResult query (GData.FreebaseQuery query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1133                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1134                 public async void query_async (GData.FreebaseQuery query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
1135                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1136                 public GData.FreebaseSearchResult search (GData.FreebaseSearchQuery query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1137                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1138                 public async void search_async (GData.FreebaseSearchQuery query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
1139                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1140                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1141                 public string developer_key { owned get; construct; }
1142         }
1143         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", ref_function = "gdata_freebase_topic_object_ref", type_id = "gdata_freebase_topic_object_get_type ()", unref_function = "gdata_freebase_topic_object_unref")]
1144         [Compact]
1145         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1146         public class FreebaseTopicObject {
1147                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1148                 public unowned string get_id ();
1149                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1150                 public uint64 get_property_count (string property);
1151                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1152                 public uint64 get_property_hits (string property);
1153                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1154                 public unowned GData.FreebaseTopicValue? get_property_value (string property, int64 item);
1155                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1156                 public GLib.GenericArray<weak string> list_properties ();
1157                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1158                 public unowned GData.FreebaseTopicObject @ref ();
1159                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1160                 public void unref ();
1161         }
1162         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_topic_query_get_type ()")]
1163         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1164         public class FreebaseTopicQuery : GData.Query {
1165                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1166                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1167                 public FreebaseTopicQuery (string id);
1168                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
1169                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1170                 public unowned string[]? get_filter ();
1171                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1172                 public unowned string? get_language ();
1173                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1174                 public void set_filter ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? filter);
1175                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1176                 public void set_language (string? lang);
1177                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
1178                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1179                 public string[] filter { get; set; }
1180                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1181                 public string language { get; set; }
1182         }
1183         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_freebase_topic_result_get_type ()")]
1184         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1185         public class FreebaseTopicResult : GData.FreebaseResult {
1186                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1187                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1188                 public FreebaseTopicResult ();
1189                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1190                 public GData.FreebaseTopicObject dup_object ();
1191         }
1192         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", ref_function = "gdata_freebase_topic_value_ref", type_id = "gdata_freebase_topic_value_get_type ()", unref_function = "gdata_freebase_topic_value_unref")]
1193         [Compact]
1194         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
1195         public class FreebaseTopicValue {
1196                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1197                 public GLib.Value copy_value ();
1198                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1199                 public unowned string get_creator ();
1200                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1201                 public double get_double ();
1202                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1203                 public int64 get_int ();
1204                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1205                 public unowned string get_language ();
1206                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1207                 public unowned GData.FreebaseTopicObject get_object ();
1208                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1209                 public unowned string get_property ();
1210                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1211                 public unowned string get_string ();
1212                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1213                 public unowned string get_text ();
1214                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1215                 public int64 get_timestamp ();
1216                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1217                 public GLib.Type get_value_type ();
1218                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1219                 public bool is_image ();
1220                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1221                 public unowned GData.FreebaseTopicValue @ref ();
1222                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.7", since = "0.15.1")]
1223                 public void unref ();
1224         }
1225         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_calendar_get_type ()")]
1226         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1227         public class GContactCalendar : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1228                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1229                 public GContactCalendar (string uri, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
1230                 public unowned string get_label ();
1231                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1232                 public unowned string get_uri ();
1233                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1234                 public void set_label (string? label);
1235                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1236                 public void set_uri (string uri);
1237                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1238                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1239                 public string label { get; set; }
1240                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1241                 public string uri { get; set; }
1242         }
1243         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_event_get_type ()")]
1244         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1245         public class GContactEvent : GData.Parsable {
1246                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1247                 public GContactEvent (GLib.Date date, string? relation_type, string? label);
1248                 public GLib.Date get_date ();
1249                 public unowned string get_label ();
1250                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1251                 public void set_date (GLib.Date date);
1252                 public void set_label (string? label);
1253                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1254                 public GLib.Date date { get; set; }
1255                 public string label { get; set; }
1256                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1257         }
1258         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_external_id_get_type ()")]
1259         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1260         public class GContactExternalID : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1261                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1262                 public GContactExternalID (string value, string? relation_type, string? label);
1263                 public unowned string get_label ();
1264                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1265                 public unowned string get_value ();
1266                 public void set_label (string? label);
1267                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1268                 public void set_value (string value);
1269                 public string label { get; set; }
1270                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1271                 public string value { get; set; }
1272         }
1273         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_jot_get_type ()")]
1274         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1275         public class GContactJot : GData.Parsable {
1276                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1277                 public GContactJot (string content, string relation_type);
1278                 public unowned string get_content ();
1279                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1280                 public void set_content (string content);
1281                 public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
1282                 public string content { get; set; }
1283                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1284         }
1285         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_language_get_type ()")]
1286         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1287         public class GContactLanguage : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1288                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1289                 public GContactLanguage (string? code, string? label);
1290                 public unowned string get_code ();
1291                 public unowned string get_label ();
1292                 public void set_code (string? code);
1293                 public void set_label (string? label);
1294                 public string code { get; set; }
1295                 public string label { get; set; }
1296         }
1297         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_relation_get_type ()")]
1298         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1299         public class GContactRelation : GData.Parsable {
1300                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1301                 public GContactRelation (string name, string? relation_type, string? label);
1302                 public unowned string get_label ();
1303                 public unowned string get_name ();
1304                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1305                 public void set_label (string? label);
1306                 public void set_name (string? name);
1307                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1308                 public string label { get; set; }
1309                 public string name { get; set; }
1310                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1311         }
1312         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gcontact_website_get_type ()")]
1313         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1314         public class GContactWebsite : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1315                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1316                 public GContactWebsite (string uri, string relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
1317                 public unowned string get_label ();
1318                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1319                 public unowned string get_uri ();
1320                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1321                 public void set_label (string? label);
1322                 public void set_relation_type (string relation_type);
1323                 public void set_uri (string uri);
1324                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1325                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1326                 public string label { get; set; }
1327                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1328                 public string uri { get; set; }
1329         }
1330         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_email_address_get_type ()")]
1331         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1332         public class GDEmailAddress : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1333                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1334                 public GDEmailAddress (string address, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
1335                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1336                 public unowned string get_address ();
1337                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1338                 public unowned string get_display_name ();
1339                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1340                 public unowned string get_label ();
1341                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1342                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1343                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1344                 public void set_address (string address);
1345                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1346                 public void set_display_name (string? display_name);
1347                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1348                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1349                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1350                 public void set_label (string? label);
1351                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1352                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1353                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1354                 public string address { get; set; }
1355                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1356                 public string display_name { get; set; }
1357                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1358                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1359                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1360                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1361                 public string label { get; set; }
1362                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1363                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1364         }
1365         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "gd_im_address", type_id = "gdata_gd_im_address_get_type ()")]
1366         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1367         public class GDIMAddress : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1368                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1369                 public GDIMAddress (string address, string? protocol, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
1370                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1371                 public unowned string get_address ();
1372                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1373                 public unowned string get_label ();
1374                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1375                 public unowned string get_protocol ();
1376                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1377                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1378                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1379                 public void set_address (string address);
1380                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1381                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1382                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1383                 public void set_label (string? label);
1384                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1385                 public void set_protocol (string? protocol);
1386                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1387                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1388                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1389                 public string address { get; set; }
1390                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1391                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1392                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1393                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1394                 public string label { get; set; }
1395                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1396                 public string protocol { get; set; }
1397                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1398                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1399         }
1400         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_name_get_type ()")]
1401         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1402         public class GDName : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1403                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1404                 public GDName (string? given_name, string? family_name);
1405                 public unowned string get_additional_name ();
1406                 public unowned string get_family_name ();
1407                 public unowned string get_full_name ();
1408                 public unowned string get_given_name ();
1409                 public unowned string get_prefix ();
1410                 public unowned string get_suffix ();
1411                 public void set_additional_name (string? additional_name);
1412                 public void set_family_name (string? family_name);
1413                 public void set_full_name (string? full_name);
1414                 public void set_given_name (string? given_name);
1415                 public void set_prefix (string? prefix);
1416                 public void set_suffix (string? suffix);
1417                 public string additional_name { get; set; }
1418                 public string family_name { get; set; }
1419                 public string full_name { get; set; }
1420                 public string given_name { get; set; }
1421                 public string prefix { get; set; }
1422                 public string suffix { get; set; }
1423         }
1424         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_organization_get_type ()")]
1425         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1426         public class GDOrganization : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1427                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1428                 public GDOrganization (string? name, string? title, string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
1429                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1430                 public unowned string get_department ();
1431                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1432                 public unowned string get_job_description ();
1433                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1434                 public unowned string get_label ();
1435                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1436                 public unowned GData.GDWhere get_location ();
1437                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1438                 public unowned string get_name ();
1439                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1440                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1441                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1442                 public unowned string get_symbol ();
1443                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1444                 public unowned string get_title ();
1445                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1446                 public void set_department (string? department);
1447                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1448                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1449                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1450                 public void set_job_description (string? job_description);
1451                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1452                 public void set_label (string? label);
1453                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1454                 public void set_location (GData.GDWhere? location);
1455                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1456                 public void set_name (string? name);
1457                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1458                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1459                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1460                 public void set_symbol (string? symbol);
1461                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1462                 public void set_title (string? title);
1463                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1464                 public string department { get; set; }
1465                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1466                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1467                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1468                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1469                 public string job_description { get; set; }
1470                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1471                 public string label { get; set; }
1472                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
1473                 public GData.GDWhere location { get; set; }
1474                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1475                 public string name { get; set; }
1476                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1477                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1478                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1479                 public string symbol { get; set; }
1480                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1481                 public string title { get; set; }
1482         }
1483         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_phone_number_get_type ()")]
1484         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1485         public class GDPhoneNumber : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1486                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1487                 public GDPhoneNumber (string number, string? relation_type, string? label, string? uri, bool is_primary);
1488                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1489                 public unowned string get_label ();
1490                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1491                 public unowned string get_number ();
1492                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1493                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1494                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1495                 public unowned string get_uri ();
1496                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1497                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1498                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1499                 public void set_label (string? label);
1500                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1501                 public void set_number (string number);
1502                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1503                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1504                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1505                 public void set_uri (string? uri);
1506                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1507                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1508                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1509                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1510                 public string label { get; set; }
1511                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1512                 public string number { get; set; }
1513                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1514                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1515                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1516                 public string uri { get; set; }
1517         }
1518         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_postal_address_get_type ()")]
1519         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1520         public class GDPostalAddress : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1521                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1522                 public GDPostalAddress (string? relation_type, string? label, bool is_primary);
1523                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1524                 public unowned string get_address ();
1525                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1526                 public unowned string get_agent ();
1527                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1528                 public unowned string get_city ();
1529                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1530                 public unowned string get_country ();
1531                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1532                 public unowned string get_country_code ();
1533                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1534                 public unowned string get_house_name ();
1535                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1536                 public unowned string get_label ();
1537                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1538                 public unowned string get_mail_class ();
1539                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1540                 public unowned string get_neighborhood ();
1541                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1542                 public unowned string get_po_box ();
1543                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1544                 public unowned string get_postcode ();
1545                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1546                 public unowned string get_region ();
1547                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1548                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1549                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1550                 public unowned string get_street ();
1551                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1552                 public unowned string get_subregion ();
1553                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1554                 public unowned string get_usage ();
1555                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1556                 public void set_address (string? address);
1557                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1558                 public void set_agent (string? agent);
1559                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1560                 public void set_city (string? city);
1561                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1562                 public void set_country (string? country, string? country_code);
1563                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1564                 public void set_house_name (string? house_name);
1565                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1566                 public void set_is_primary (bool is_primary);
1567                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1568                 public void set_label (string? label);
1569                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1570                 public void set_mail_class (string? mail_class);
1571                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1572                 public void set_neighborhood (string? neighborhood);
1573                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1574                 public void set_po_box (string? po_box);
1575                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1576                 public void set_postcode (string? postcode);
1577                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1578                 public void set_region (string? region);
1579                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1580                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1581                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1582                 public void set_street (string? street);
1583                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1584                 public void set_subregion (string? subregion);
1585                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1586                 public void set_usage (string? usage);
1587                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1588                 public string address { get; set; }
1589                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1590                 public string agent { get; set; }
1591                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1592                 public string city { get; set; }
1593                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1594                 public string country { get; }
1595                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1596                 public string country_code { get; }
1597                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1598                 public string house_name { get; set; }
1599                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1600                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1601                 public bool is_primary { get; set; }
1602                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1603                 public string label { get; set; }
1604                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1605                 public string mail_class { get; set; }
1606                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1607                 public string neighborhood { get; set; }
1608                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1609                 public string po_box { get; set; }
1610                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1611                 public string postcode { get; set; }
1612                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1613                 public string region { get; set; }
1614                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1615                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1616                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1617                 public string street { get; set; }
1618                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1619                 public string subregion { get; set; }
1620                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
1621                 public string usage { get; set; }
1622         }
1623         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_reminder_get_type ()")]
1624         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1625         public class GDReminder : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1626                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1627                 public GDReminder (string? method, int64 absolute_time, int relative_time);
1628                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1629                 public int64 get_absolute_time ();
1630                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1631                 public unowned string get_method ();
1632                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1633                 public int get_relative_time ();
1634                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1635                 public void set_absolute_time (int64 absolute_time);
1636                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1637                 public void set_method (string? method);
1638                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1639                 public void set_relative_time (int relative_time);
1640                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1641                 public int64 absolute_time { get; set; }
1642                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1643                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1644                 public bool is_absolute_time { get; }
1645                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1646                 public string method { get; set; }
1647                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1648                 public int relative_time { get; set; }
1649         }
1650         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_when_get_type ()")]
1651         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1652         public class GDWhen : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1653                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1654                 public GDWhen (int64 start_time, int64 end_time, bool is_date);
1655                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
1656                 public void add_reminder (GData.GDReminder reminder);
1657                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1658                 public int64 get_end_time ();
1659                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1660                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.GDReminder> get_reminders ();
1661                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1662                 public int64 get_start_time ();
1663                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1664                 public unowned string get_value_string ();
1665                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1666                 public void set_end_time (int64 end_time);
1667                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1668                 public void set_is_date (bool is_date);
1669                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1670                 public void set_start_time (int64 start_time);
1671                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1672                 public void set_value_string (string? value_string);
1673                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1674                 public int64 end_time { get; set; }
1675                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1676                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1677                 public bool is_date { get; set; }
1678                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1679                 public int64 start_time { get; set; }
1680                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1681                 public string value_string { get; set; }
1682         }
1683         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_where_get_type ()")]
1684         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1685         public class GDWhere : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1686                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1687                 public GDWhere (string? relation_type, string? value_string, string? label);
1688                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1689                 public unowned string get_label ();
1690                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1691                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1692                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1693                 public unowned string get_value_string ();
1694                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1695                 public void set_label (string? label);
1696                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1697                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1698                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1699                 public void set_value_string (string? value_string);
1700                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1701                 public string label { get; set; }
1702                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1703                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1704                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1705                 public string value_string { get; set; }
1706         }
1707         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_gd_who_get_type ()")]
1708         [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
1709         public class GDWho : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1710                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1711                 public GDWho (string? relation_type, string? value_string, string? email_address);
1712                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1713                 public unowned string get_email_address ();
1714                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1715                 public unowned string get_relation_type ();
1716                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1717                 public unowned string get_value_string ();
1718                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1719                 public void set_email_address (string? email_address);
1720                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1721                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1722                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1723                 public void set_value_string (string? value_string);
1724                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1725                 public string email_address { get; set; }
1726                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1727                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1728                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1729                 public string value_string { get; set; }
1730         }
1731         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_generator_get_type ()")]
1732         public class Generator : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1733                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1734                 protected Generator ();
1735                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1736                 public unowned string? get_name ();
1737                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1738                 public unowned string? get_uri ();
1739                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1740                 public unowned string get_version ();
1741                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1742                 public string name { get; }
1743                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1744                 public string uri { get; }
1745                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1746                 public string version { get; }
1747         }
1748         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_goa_authorizer_get_type ()")]
1749         [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
1750         public class GoaAuthorizer : GLib.Object, GData.Authorizer {
1751                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1752                 public GoaAuthorizer (Goa.Object goa_object);
1753                 public unowned Goa.Object get_goa_object ();
1754                 public Goa.Object goa_object { get; construct; }
1755         }
1756         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_link_get_type ()")]
1757         public class Link : GData.Parsable, GData.Comparable {
1758                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1759                 public Link (string uri, string? relation_type);
1760                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1761                 public unowned string? get_content_type ();
1762                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1763                 public unowned string? get_language ();
1764                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1765                 public int get_length ();
1766                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1767                 public unowned string? get_relation_type ();
1768                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1769                 public unowned string get_title ();
1770                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1771                 public unowned string get_uri ();
1772                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1773                 public void set_content_type (string? content_type);
1774                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1775                 public void set_language (string? language);
1776                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1777                 public void set_length (int length);
1778                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1779                 public void set_relation_type (string? relation_type);
1780                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1781                 public void set_title (string? title);
1782                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1783                 public void set_uri (string uri);
1784                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1785                 public string content_type { get; set; }
1786                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1787                 public string language { get; set; }
1788                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1789                 public int length { get; set; }
1790                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1791                 public string relation_type { get; set; }
1792                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1793                 public string title { get; set; }
1794                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1795                 public string uri { get; set; }
1796         }
1797         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_media_category_get_type ()")]
1798         public class MediaCategory : GData.Parsable {
1799                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1800                 public MediaCategory (string category, string? scheme, string? label);
1801                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1802                 public unowned string get_category ();
1803                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1804                 public unowned string get_label ();
1805                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1806                 public unowned string get_scheme ();
1807                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1808                 public void set_category (string category);
1809                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1810                 public void set_label (string? label);
1811                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1812                 public void set_scheme (string? scheme);
1813                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1814                 public string category { get; set; }
1815                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1816                 public string label { get; set; }
1817                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1818                 public string scheme { get; set; }
1819         }
1820         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_media_content_get_type ()")]
1821         public class MediaContent : GData.Parsable {
1822                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1823                 protected MediaContent ();
1824                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
1825                 public GData.DownloadStream download (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1826                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1827                 public unowned string get_content_type ();
1828                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1829                 public int64 get_duration ();
1830                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1831                 public GData.MediaExpression get_expression ();
1832                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1833                 public size_t get_filesize ();
1834                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1835                 public uint get_height ();
1836                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1837                 public GData.MediaMedium get_medium ();
1838                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1839                 public unowned string get_uri ();
1840                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1841                 public uint get_width ();
1842                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1843                 public string content_type { get; }
1844                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1845                 public int64 duration { get; }
1846                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1847                 public GData.MediaExpression expression { get; }
1848                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1849                 public ulong filesize { get; }
1850                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1851                 public uint height { get; }
1852                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1853                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1854                 public bool is_default { get; }
1855                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1856                 public GData.MediaMedium medium { get; }
1857                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1858                 public string uri { get; }
1859                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1860                 public uint width { get; }
1861         }
1862         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_media_credit_get_type ()")]
1863         public class MediaCredit : GData.Parsable {
1864                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1865                 protected MediaCredit ();
1866                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1867                 public unowned string get_credit ();
1868                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1869                 public unowned string get_role ();
1870                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1871                 public unowned string get_scheme ();
1872                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1873                 public string credit { get; }
1874                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1875                 public string role { get; }
1876                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1877                 public string scheme { get; }
1878         }
1879         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_media_thumbnail_get_type ()")]
1880         public class MediaThumbnail : GData.Parsable {
1881                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1882                 protected MediaThumbnail ();
1883                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
1884                 public GData.DownloadStream download (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1885                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1886                 public uint get_height ();
1887                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1888                 public int64 get_time ();
1889                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1890                 public unowned string get_uri ();
1891                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1892                 public uint get_width ();
1893                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1894                 public uint height { get; }
1895                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1896                 public int64 time { get; }
1897                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1898                 public string uri { get; }
1899                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1900                 public uint width { get; }
1901         }
1902         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_oauth1_authorizer_get_type ()")]
1903         [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
1904         public class OAuth1Authorizer : GLib.Object, GData.Authorizer {
1905                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1906                 public OAuth1Authorizer (string? application_name, GLib.Type service_type);
1907                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1908                 public OAuth1Authorizer.for_authorization_domains (string? application_name, GLib.List<GData.AuthorizationDomain> authorization_domains);
1909                 public unowned string? get_application_name ();
1910                 public unowned string? get_locale ();
1911                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
1912                 public unowned GLib.ProxyResolver? get_proxy_resolver ();
1913                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.9.0")]
1914                 public Soup.URI? get_proxy_uri ();
1915                 public uint get_timeout ();
1916                 public string request_authentication_uri (out string token, out string token_secret, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1917                 public async string request_authentication_uri_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, out string token, out string token_secret) throws GLib.Error;
1918                 public bool request_authorization (string token, string token_secret, string verifier, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1919                 public async bool request_authorization_async (string token, string token_secret, string verifier, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
1920                 public void set_locale (string? locale);
1921                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
1922                 public void set_proxy_resolver (GLib.ProxyResolver? proxy_resolver);
1923                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.9.0")]
1924                 public void set_proxy_uri (Soup.URI? proxy_uri);
1925                 public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
1926                 public string application_name { get; construct; }
1927                 public string locale { get; set; }
1928                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
1929                 public GLib.ProxyResolver proxy_resolver { get; set; }
1930                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.9.0")]
1931                 public Soup.URI proxy_uri { owned get; set; }
1932                 public uint timeout { get; set; }
1933         }
1934         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_oauth2_authorizer_get_type ()")]
1935         [Version (since = "0.17.0")]
1936         public class OAuth2Authorizer : GLib.Object, GData.Authorizer {
1937                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1938                 public OAuth2Authorizer (string client_id, string client_secret, string redirect_uri, GLib.Type service_type);
1939                 public string build_authentication_uri (string? login_hint, bool include_granted_scopes);
1940                 [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
1941                 public string dup_refresh_token ();
1942                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1943                 public OAuth2Authorizer.for_authorization_domains (string client_id, string client_secret, string redirect_uri, GLib.List<GData.AuthorizationDomain> authorization_domains);
1944                 public unowned string get_client_id ();
1945                 public unowned string get_client_secret ();
1946                 public unowned string? get_locale ();
1947                 public unowned GLib.ProxyResolver? get_proxy_resolver ();
1948                 public unowned string get_redirect_uri ();
1949                 public uint get_timeout ();
1950                 public bool request_authorization (string authorization_code, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
1951                 public async bool request_authorization_async (string authorization_code, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
1952                 public void set_locale (string? locale);
1953                 public void set_proxy_resolver (GLib.ProxyResolver? proxy_resolver);
1954                 [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
1955                 public void set_refresh_token (string? refresh_token);
1956                 public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
1957                 public string client_id { get; construct; }
1958                 public string client_secret { get; construct; }
1959                 public string locale { get; set; }
1960                 public GLib.ProxyResolver proxy_resolver { get; set; }
1961                 public string redirect_uri { get; construct; }
1962                 [NoAccessorMethod]
1963                 [Version (since = "0.17.2")]
1964                 public string refresh_token { owned get; set; }
1965                 public uint timeout { get; set; }
1966         }
1967         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_parsable_get_type ()")]
1968         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
1969         public abstract class Parsable : GLib.Object {
1970                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1971                 protected Parsable ();
1972                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1973                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
1974                 public Parsable.from_json (GLib.Type parsable_type, string json, int length) throws GLib.Error;
1975                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
1976                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
1977                 public Parsable.from_xml (GLib.Type parsable_type, string xml, int length) throws GLib.Error;
1978                 [Version (since = "0.17.7")]
1979                 public unowned string get_content_type ();
1980                 [NoWrapper]
1981                 public virtual void get_json (Json.Builder builder);
1982                 [CCode (cname = "gdata_parsable_get_json")]
1983                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
1984                 public string get_json_string ();
1985                 [NoWrapper]
1986                 public virtual void get_namespaces (GLib.HashTable<void*,void*> namespaces);
1987                 [NoWrapper]
1988                 public virtual void get_xml (GLib.StringBuilder xml_string);
1989                 [NoWrapper]
1990                 public virtual bool parse_json (Json.Reader reader) throws GLib.Error;
1991                 [NoWrapper]
1992                 public virtual bool parse_xml (Xml.Doc doc, Xml.Node node) throws GLib.Error;
1993                 [NoWrapper]
1994                 public virtual bool post_parse_json () throws GLib.Error;
1995                 [NoWrapper]
1996                 public virtual bool post_parse_xml () throws GLib.Error;
1997                 [NoWrapper]
1998                 public virtual void pre_get_xml (GLib.StringBuilder xml_string);
1999                 [NoWrapper]
2000                 public virtual bool pre_parse_xml (Xml.Doc doc, Xml.Node root_node) throws GLib.Error;
2001                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2002                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2003                 public bool constructed_from_xml { get; construct; }
2004         }
2005         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_album", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_album_get_type ()")]
2006         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2007         public class PicasaWebAlbum : GData.Entry {
2008                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2009                 public PicasaWebAlbum (string? id);
2010                 public long get_bytes_used ();
2011                 public uint get_comment_count ();
2012                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaContent> get_contents ();
2013                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2014                 public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude);
2015                 public int64 get_edited ();
2016                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2017                 public unowned string get_id ();
2018                 public unowned string get_location ();
2019                 public unowned string get_nickname ();
2020                 public uint get_num_photos ();
2021                 public uint get_num_photos_remaining ();
2022                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
2023                 public unowned string[] get_tags ();
2024                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ();
2025                 public int64 get_timestamp ();
2026                 public unowned string get_user ();
2027                 public GData.PicasaWebVisibility get_visibility ();
2028                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2029                 public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
2030                 public void set_is_commenting_enabled (bool is_commenting_enabled);
2031                 public void set_location (string? location);
2032                 public void set_tags ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? tags);
2033                 public void set_timestamp (int64 timestamp);
2034                 public void set_visibility (GData.PicasaWebVisibility visibility);
2035                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2036                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2037                 public string album_id { owned get; construct; }
2038                 public long bytes_used { get; }
2039                 public uint comment_count { get; }
2040                 public int64 edited { get; }
2041                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2042                 public bool is_commenting_enabled { get; set; }
2043                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2044                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2045                 public double latitude { get; set; }
2046                 public string location { get; set; }
2047                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2048                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2049                 public double longitude { get; set; }
2050                 public string nickname { get; }
2051                 public uint num_photos { get; }
2052                 public uint num_photos_remaining { get; }
2053                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
2054                 public string[] tags { get; set; }
2055                 public int64 timestamp { get; set; }
2056                 public string user { get; }
2057                 public GData.PicasaWebVisibility visibility { get; set; }
2058         }
2059         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_comment", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_comment_get_type ()")]
2060         [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
2061         public class PicasaWebComment : GData.Comment {
2062                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2063                 public PicasaWebComment (string id);
2064         }
2065         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_feed", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_feed_get_type ()")]
2066         [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
2067         public class PicasaWebFeed : GData.Feed {
2068                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2069                 protected PicasaWebFeed ();
2070         }
2071         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_file", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_file_get_type ()")]
2072         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2073         public class PicasaWebFile : GData.Entry, GData.Commentable {
2074                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2075                 public PicasaWebFile (string? id);
2076                 public unowned string get_album_id ();
2077                 public unowned string get_caption ();
2078                 public unowned string get_checksum ();
2079                 public uint get_comment_count ();
2080                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaContent> get_contents ();
2081                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2082                 public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude);
2083                 public unowned string get_credit ();
2084                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2085                 public double get_distance ();
2086                 public int64 get_edited ();
2087                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2088                 public double get_exposure ();
2089                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2090                 public bool get_flash ();
2091                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2092                 public double get_focal_length ();
2093                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2094                 public double get_fstop ();
2095                 public uint get_height ();
2096                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2097                 public unowned string get_id ();
2098                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2099                 public unowned string get_image_unique_id ();
2100                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2101                 public int get_iso ();
2102                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2103                 public unowned string get_make ();
2104                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2105                 public unowned string get_model ();
2106                 public uint get_rotation ();
2107                 public size_t get_size ();
2108                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
2109                 public unowned string[] get_tags ();
2110                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ();
2111                 public int64 get_timestamp ();
2112                 public unowned string get_version ();
2113                 public unowned string get_video_status ();
2114                 public uint get_width ();
2115                 public void set_album_id (string album_id);
2116                 public void set_caption (string? caption);
2117                 public void set_checksum (string? checksum);
2118                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2119                 public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
2120                 public void set_is_commenting_enabled (bool is_commenting_enabled);
2121                 public void set_rotation (uint rotation);
2122                 public void set_tags ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[]? tags);
2123                 public void set_timestamp (int64 timestamp);
2124                 public string album_id { get; set; }
2125                 public string caption { get; set; }
2126                 public string checksum { get; set; }
2127                 public uint comment_count { get; }
2128                 public string credit { get; }
2129                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2130                 public double distance { get; }
2131                 public int64 edited { get; }
2132                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2133                 public double exposure { get; }
2134                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2135                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2136                 public string file_id { owned get; construct; }
2137                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2138                 public bool flash { get; }
2139                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2140                 public double focal_length { get; }
2141                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2142                 public double fstop { get; }
2143                 public uint height { get; }
2144                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2145                 public string image_unique_id { get; }
2146                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2147                 public bool is_commenting_enabled { get; set; }
2148                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2149                 public long iso { get; }
2150                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2151                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2152                 public double latitude { get; set; }
2153                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2154                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2155                 public double longitude { get; set; }
2156                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2157                 public string make { get; }
2158                 [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2159                 public string model { get; }
2160                 public uint rotation { get; set; }
2161                 public ulong size { get; }
2162                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
2163                 public string[] tags { get; set; }
2164                 public int64 timestamp { get; set; }
2165                 public string version { get; construct; }
2166                 public string video_status { get; }
2167                 public uint width { get; }
2168         }
2169         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_query", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_query_get_type ()")]
2170         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2171         public class PicasaWebQuery : GData.Query {
2172                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2173                 public PicasaWebQuery (string? q);
2174                 public void get_bounding_box (out double north, out double east, out double south, out double west);
2175                 public unowned string get_image_size ();
2176                 public unowned string get_location ();
2177                 public unowned string get_tag ();
2178                 public unowned string get_thumbnail_size ();
2179                 public GData.PicasaWebVisibility get_visibility ();
2180                 public void set_bounding_box (double north, double east, double south, double west);
2181                 public void set_image_size (string? image_size);
2182                 public void set_location (string? location);
2183                 public void set_tag (string? tag);
2184                 public void set_thumbnail_size (string? thumbnail_size);
2185                 public void set_visibility (GData.PicasaWebVisibility visibility);
2186                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2187                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
2188                 public PicasaWebQuery.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
2189                 public string image_size { get; set; }
2190                 public string location { get; set; }
2191                 public string tag { get; set; }
2192                 public string thumbnail_size { get; set; }
2193                 public int visibility { get; set; }
2194         }
2195         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_service", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_service_get_type ()")]
2196         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2197         public class PicasaWebService : GData.Service {
2198                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2199                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2200                 public PicasaWebService (GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
2201                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2202                 public GData.PicasaWebFile finish_file_upload (GData.UploadStream upload_stream) throws GLib.Error;
2203                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2204                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
2205                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
2206                 public GData.PicasaWebUser get_user (string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2207                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2208                 public async GData.PicasaWebUser get_user_async (string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2209                 [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
2210                 public GData.PicasaWebAlbum insert_album (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2211                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2212                 public async void insert_album_async (GData.PicasaWebAlbum album, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2213                 public GData.Feed query_all_albums (GData.Query? query, string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2214                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2215                 public async void query_all_albums_async (GData.Query? query, string? username, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2216                 public GData.Feed query_files (GData.PicasaWebAlbum? album, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2217                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2218                 public async void query_files_async (GData.PicasaWebAlbum? album, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2219                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2220                 public GData.UploadStream upload_file (GData.PicasaWebAlbum? album, GData.PicasaWebFile file_entry, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2221         }
2222         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "picasaweb_user", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_user_get_type ()")]
2223         [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
2224         public class PicasaWebUser : GData.Entry {
2225                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2226                 protected PicasaWebUser ();
2227                 public int get_max_photos_per_album ();
2228                 public unowned string get_nickname ();
2229                 public int64 get_quota_current ();
2230                 public int64 get_quota_limit ();
2231                 public unowned string get_thumbnail_uri ();
2232                 public unowned string get_user ();
2233                 public int max_photos_per_album { get; }
2234                 public string nickname { get; }
2235                 public int64 quota_current { get; }
2236                 public int64 quota_limit { get; }
2237                 public string thumbnail_uri { get; }
2238                 public string user { get; }
2239         }
2240         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_query_get_type ()")]
2241         public class Query : GLib.Object {
2242                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2243                 public Query (string? q);
2244                 public unowned string get_author ();
2245                 public unowned string get_categories ();
2246                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
2247                 public unowned string get_etag ();
2248                 public uint get_max_results ();
2249                 public int64 get_published_max ();
2250                 public int64 get_published_min ();
2251                 public unowned string get_q ();
2252                 [NoWrapper]
2253                 public virtual void get_query_uri (string feed_uri, GLib.StringBuilder query_uri, bool params_started);
2254                 public uint get_start_index ();
2255                 public int64 get_updated_max ();
2256                 public int64 get_updated_min ();
2257                 public void next_page ();
2258                 public bool previous_page ();
2259                 public void set_author (string? author);
2260                 public void set_categories (string? categories);
2261                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
2262                 public void set_etag (string? etag);
2263                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
2264                 public void set_is_strict (bool is_strict);
2265                 public void set_max_results (uint max_results);
2266                 public void set_published_max (int64 published_max);
2267                 public void set_published_min (int64 published_min);
2268                 public void set_q (string? q);
2269                 public void set_start_index (uint start_index);
2270                 public void set_updated_max (int64 updated_max);
2271                 public void set_updated_min (int64 updated_min);
2272                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2273                 public Query.with_limits (string? q, uint start_index, uint max_results);
2274                 public string author { get; set; }
2275                 public string categories { get; set; }
2276                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
2277                 public string etag { get; set; }
2278                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2279                 [Version (since = "0.2.0")]
2280                 public bool is_strict { get; set; }
2281                 public uint max_results { get; set; }
2282                 public int64 published_max { get; set; }
2283                 public int64 published_min { get; set; }
2284                 public string q { get; set; }
2285                 public uint start_index { get; set; }
2286                 public int64 updated_max { get; set; }
2287                 public int64 updated_min { get; set; }
2288         }
2289         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_service_get_type ()")]
2290         public class Service : GLib.Object {
2291                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2292                 protected Service ();
2293                 [NoWrapper]
2294                 public virtual void append_query_headers (GData.AuthorizationDomain domain, Soup.Message message);
2295                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2296                 public bool delete_entry (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2297                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2298                 public async bool delete_entry_async (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2299                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2300                 public static GLib.List<weak GData.AuthorizationDomain> get_authorization_domains (GLib.Type service_type);
2301                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2302                 public unowned GData.Authorizer get_authorizer ();
2303                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2304                 public unowned string get_locale ();
2305                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2306                 public unowned GLib.ProxyResolver? get_proxy_resolver ();
2307                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.2.0")]
2308                 public unowned Soup.URI get_proxy_uri ();
2309                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2310                 public uint get_timeout ();
2311                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2312                 public GData.Entry insert_entry (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2313                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2314                 public async GData.Entry insert_entry_async (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string upload_uri, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2315                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2316                 public bool is_authorized ();
2317                 [NoWrapper]
2318                 public virtual void parse_error_response (GData.OperationType operation_type, uint status, string reason_phrase, string response_body, int length) throws GLib.Error;
2319                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2320                 public GData.Feed query (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string feed_uri, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2321                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2322                 public async GData.Feed query_async (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string feed_uri, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2323                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2324                 public GData.Entry query_single_entry (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string entry_id, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2325                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2326                 public async GData.Entry query_single_entry_async (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string entry_id, GData.Query? query, GLib.Type entry_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2327                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2328                 public void set_authorizer (GData.Authorizer authorizer);
2329                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2330                 public void set_locale (string? locale);
2331                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2332                 public void set_proxy_resolver (GLib.ProxyResolver? proxy_resolver);
2333                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.2.0")]
2334                 public void set_proxy_uri (Soup.URI? proxy_uri);
2335                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2336                 public void set_timeout (uint timeout);
2337                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2338                 public GData.Entry update_entry (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2339                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2340                 public async GData.Entry update_entry_async (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2341                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2342                 public GData.Authorizer authorizer { get; set; }
2343                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2344                 public string locale { get; set; }
2345                 [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2346                 public GLib.ProxyResolver proxy_resolver { get; set; }
2347                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.15.0", since = "0.2.0")]
2348                 public Soup.URI proxy_uri { get; set; }
2349                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2350                 public uint timeout { get; set; }
2351         }
2352         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_tasks_query_get_type ()")]
2353         [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2354         public class TasksQuery : GData.Query {
2355                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2356                 public TasksQuery (string? q);
2357                 public int64 get_completed_max ();
2358                 public int64 get_completed_min ();
2359                 public int64 get_due_max ();
2360                 public int64 get_due_min ();
2361                 public bool get_show_completed ();
2362                 public bool get_show_deleted ();
2363                 public bool get_show_hidden ();
2364                 public void set_completed_max (int64 completed_max);
2365                 public void set_completed_min (int64 completed_min);
2366                 public void set_due_max (int64 due_max);
2367                 public void set_due_min (int64 due_min);
2368                 public void set_show_completed (bool show_completed);
2369                 public void set_show_deleted (bool show_deleted);
2370                 public void set_show_hidden (bool show_hidden);
2371                 public int64 completed_max { get; set; }
2372                 public int64 completed_min { get; set; }
2373                 public int64 due_max { get; set; }
2374                 public int64 due_min { get; set; }
2375                 public bool show_completed { get; set; }
2376                 public bool show_deleted { get; set; }
2377                 public bool show_hidden { get; set; }
2378         }
2379         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_tasks_service_get_type ()")]
2380         [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2381         public class TasksService : GData.Service {
2382                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2383                 public TasksService (GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
2384                 public bool delete_task (GData.TasksTask task, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2385                 public async void delete_task_async (GData.TasksTask task, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2386                 public bool delete_tasklist (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2387                 public async void delete_tasklist_async (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2388                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
2389                 public GData.TasksTask insert_task (GData.TasksTask task, GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2390                 public async void insert_task_async (GData.TasksTask task, GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2391                 public GData.TasksTasklist insert_tasklist (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2392                 public async void insert_tasklist_async (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2393                 public GData.Feed query_all_tasklists (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2394                 public async void query_all_tasklists_async (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2395                 public GData.Feed query_tasks (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2396                 public async void query_tasks_async (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2397                 public GData.TasksTask update_task (GData.TasksTask task, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2398                 public async void update_task_async (GData.TasksTask task, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2399                 public GData.TasksTasklist update_tasklist (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2400                 public async void update_tasklist_async (GData.TasksTasklist tasklist, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable);
2401         }
2402         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_tasks_task_get_type ()")]
2403         [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2404         public class TasksTask : GData.Entry {
2405                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2406                 public TasksTask (string? id);
2407                 public int64 get_completed ();
2408                 public int64 get_due ();
2409                 public unowned string? get_notes ();
2410                 public unowned string? get_parent ();
2411                 public unowned string? get_position ();
2412                 public unowned string? get_status ();
2413                 public void set_completed (int64 completed);
2414                 public void set_due (int64 due);
2415                 public void set_is_deleted (bool deleted);
2416                 public void set_notes (string? notes);
2417                 public void set_status (string? status);
2418                 public int64 completed { get; set; }
2419                 public int64 due { get; set; }
2420                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2421                 public bool is_deleted { get; set; }
2422                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2423                 public bool is_hidden { get; }
2424                 public string notes { get; set; }
2425                 public string parent { get; }
2426                 public string position { get; }
2427                 public string status { get; set; }
2428         }
2429         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_tasks_tasklist_get_type ()")]
2430         [Version (since = "0.15.0")]
2431         public class TasksTasklist : GData.Entry {
2432                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2433                 public TasksTasklist (string? id);
2434         }
2435         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_upload_stream_get_type ()")]
2436         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
2437         public class UploadStream : GLib.OutputStream {
2438                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GOutputStream*")]
2439                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2440                 public UploadStream (GData.Service service, GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string method, string upload_uri, GData.Entry? entry, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
2441                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2442                 public unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain? get_authorization_domain ();
2443                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2444                 public unowned GLib.Cancellable get_cancellable ();
2445                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
2446                 public int64 get_content_length ();
2447                 public unowned string get_content_type ();
2448                 public unowned GData.Entry get_entry ();
2449                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2450                 public unowned string get_method ();
2451                 public unowned string get_response (out ssize_t length);
2452                 public unowned GData.Service get_service ();
2453                 public unowned string get_slug ();
2454                 public unowned string get_upload_uri ();
2455                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false, type = "GOutputStream*")]
2456                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
2457                 public UploadStream.resumable (GData.Service service, GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string method, string upload_uri, GData.Entry? entry, string slug, string content_type, int64 content_length, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null);
2458                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2459                 public GData.AuthorizationDomain authorization_domain { get; construct; }
2460                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2461                 public GLib.Cancellable cancellable { get; construct; }
2462                 [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
2463                 public int64 content_length { get; construct; }
2464                 public string content_type { get; construct; }
2465                 public GData.Entry entry { get; construct; }
2466                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2467                 public string method { get; construct; }
2468                 public GData.Service service { get; construct; }
2469                 public string slug { get; construct; }
2470                 public string upload_uri { get; construct; }
2471         }
2472         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_category", type_id = "gdata_youtube_category_get_type ()")]
2473         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2474         public class YouTubeCategory : GData.Category, GData.Comparable {
2475                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2476                 protected YouTubeCategory ();
2477                 public bool is_browsable (string region);
2478                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2479                 public bool is_assignable { get; }
2480                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2481                 public bool is_deprecated { get; }
2482         }
2483         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_comment", type_id = "gdata_youtube_comment_get_type ()")]
2484         [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
2485         public class YouTubeComment : GData.Comment {
2486                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2487                 public YouTubeComment (string id);
2488                 public unowned string get_parent_comment_uri ();
2489                 public void set_parent_comment_uri (string parent_comment_uri);
2490                 public string parent_comment_uri { get; set; }
2491         }
2492         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_content", type_id = "gdata_youtube_content_get_type ()")]
2493         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.4.0")]
2494         public class YouTubeContent : GData.MediaContent {
2495                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2496                 protected YouTubeContent ();
2497                 public GData.YouTubeFormat get_format ();
2498                 public GData.YouTubeFormat format { get; }
2499         }
2500         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_credit", type_id = "gdata_youtube_credit_get_type ()")]
2501         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.4.0")]
2502         public class YouTubeCredit : GData.MediaCredit {
2503                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2504                 protected YouTubeCredit ();
2505                 public unowned string get_entity_type ();
2506                 public string entity_type { get; }
2507         }
2508         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_feed", type_id = "gdata_youtube_feed_get_type ()")]
2509         [Version (since = "0.17.0")]
2510         public class YouTubeFeed : GData.Feed {
2511                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2512                 protected YouTubeFeed ();
2513         }
2514         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_query", type_id = "gdata_youtube_query_get_type ()")]
2515         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2516         public class YouTubeQuery : GData.Query {
2517                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2518                 public YouTubeQuery (string? q);
2519                 public GData.YouTubeAge get_age ();
2520                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2521                 public GData.YouTubeFormat get_format ();
2522                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2523                 public unowned string get_language ();
2524                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
2525                 public unowned string get_license ();
2526                 public void get_location (out double latitude, out double longitude, out double radius, out bool has_location);
2527                 public unowned string get_order_by ();
2528                 public unowned string get_restriction ();
2529                 public GData.YouTubeSafeSearch get_safe_search ();
2530                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2531                 public GData.YouTubeSortOrder get_sort_order ();
2532                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2533                 public GData.YouTubeUploader get_uploader ();
2534                 public void set_age (GData.YouTubeAge age);
2535                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2536                 public void set_format (GData.YouTubeFormat format);
2537                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2538                 public void set_language (string? language);
2539                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
2540                 public void set_license (string? license);
2541                 public void set_location (double latitude, double longitude, double radius, bool has_location);
2542                 public void set_order_by (string? order_by);
2543                 public void set_restriction (string? restriction);
2544                 public void set_safe_search (GData.YouTubeSafeSearch safe_search);
2545                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2546                 public void set_sort_order (GData.YouTubeSortOrder sort_order);
2547                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2548                 public void set_uploader (GData.YouTubeUploader uploader);
2549                 public GData.YouTubeAge age { get; set; }
2550                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2551                 public GData.YouTubeFormat format { get; set; }
2552                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2553                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2554                 public bool has_location { get; set; }
2555                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2556                 public string language { get; set; }
2557                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2558                 public double latitude { get; set; }
2559                 [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
2560                 public string license { get; set; }
2561                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2562                 public double location_radius { get; set; }
2563                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2564                 public double longitude { get; set; }
2565                 public string order_by { get; set; }
2566                 public string restriction { get; set; }
2567                 public GData.YouTubeSafeSearch safe_search { get; set; }
2568                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2569                 public GData.YouTubeSortOrder sort_order { get; set; }
2570                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2571                 public GData.YouTubeUploader uploader { get; set; }
2572         }
2573         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_service", type_id = "gdata_youtube_service_get_type ()")]
2574         public class YouTubeService : GData.Service, GData.Batchable {
2575                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2576                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2577                 public YouTubeService (string developer_key, GData.Authorizer? authorizer);
2578                 public static GLib.Quark error_quark ();
2579                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2580                 public GData.YouTubeVideo finish_video_upload (GData.UploadStream upload_stream) throws GLib.Error;
2581                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2582                 public GData.APPCategories get_categories (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2583                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2584                 public async GData.APPCategories get_categories_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2585                 public unowned string get_developer_key ();
2586                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2587                 public static unowned GData.AuthorizationDomain get_primary_authorization_domain ();
2588                 public GData.Feed query_related (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2589                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2590                 public async void query_related_async (GData.YouTubeVideo video, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2591                 public GData.Feed query_standard_feed (GData.YouTubeStandardFeedType feed_type, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2592                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2593                 public async void query_standard_feed_async (GData.YouTubeStandardFeedType feed_type, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2594                 public GData.Feed query_videos (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2595                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2596                 public async void query_videos_async (GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2597                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2598                 public GData.UploadStream upload_video (GData.YouTubeVideo video, string slug, string content_type, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2599                 public string developer_key { get; construct; }
2600         }
2601         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_state", type_id = "gdata_youtube_state_get_type ()")]
2602         public class YouTubeState : GData.Parsable {
2603                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2604                 protected YouTubeState ();
2605                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2606                 public unowned string get_help_uri ();
2607                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2608                 public unowned string get_message ();
2609                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2610                 public unowned string get_name ();
2611                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2612                 public unowned string get_reason_code ();
2613                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2614                 public string help_uri { get; construct; }
2615                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2616                 public string message { get; construct; }
2617                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2618                 public string name { get; construct; }
2619                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2620                 public string reason_code { get; construct; }
2621         }
2622         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", lower_case_csuffix = "youtube_video", type_id = "gdata_youtube_video_get_type ()")]
2623         public class YouTubeVideo : GData.Entry, GData.Commentable {
2624                 [CCode (has_construct_function = false)]
2625                 public YouTubeVideo (string? id);
2626                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2627                 public GData.YouTubePermission get_access_control (string action);
2628                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2629                 public unowned string get_aspect_ratio ();
2630                 public unowned GData.MediaCategory get_category ();
2631                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2632                 public void get_coordinates (out double latitude, out double longitude);
2633                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2634                 public unowned GData.YouTubeCredit get_credit ();
2635                 public unowned string get_description ();
2636                 public uint get_duration ();
2637                 public uint get_favorite_count ();
2638                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
2639                 public unowned string[] get_keywords ();
2640                 public unowned string get_location ();
2641                 [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
2642                 public unowned string get_media_rating (string rating_type);
2643                 public unowned string get_player_uri ();
2644                 public void get_rating (out uint min, out uint max, out uint count, out double average);
2645                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2646                 public int64 get_recorded ();
2647                 public unowned GData.YouTubeState get_state ();
2648                 public unowned GLib.List<GData.MediaThumbnail> get_thumbnails ();
2649                 public int64 get_uploaded ();
2650                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2651                 public unowned string get_video_id ();
2652                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2653                 public static string get_video_id_from_uri (string video_uri);
2654                 public uint get_view_count ();
2655                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2656                 public bool is_restricted_in_country (string country);
2657                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2658                 public unowned GData.YouTubeContent look_up_content (string type);
2659                 [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2660                 public void set_access_control (string action, GData.YouTubePermission permission);
2661                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2662                 public void set_aspect_ratio (string? aspect_ratio);
2663                 public void set_category (GData.MediaCategory category);
2664                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2665                 public void set_coordinates (double latitude, double longitude);
2666                 public void set_description (string? description);
2667                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2668                 public void set_is_draft (bool is_draft);
2669                 public void set_is_private (bool is_private);
2670                 public void set_keywords ([CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)] string[] keywords);
2671                 public void set_location (string? location);
2672                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2673                 public void set_recorded (int64 recorded);
2674                 [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2675                 public string aspect_ratio { get; set; }
2676                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2677                 public double average_rating { get; }
2678                 public GData.MediaCategory category { get; set; }
2679                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2680                 public GData.YouTubeCredit credit { get; }
2681                 public string description { get; set; }
2682                 public uint duration { get; }
2683                 public uint favorite_count { get; }
2684                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2685                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2686                 public bool is_draft { get; set; }
2687                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2688                 public bool is_private { get; set; }
2689                 [CCode (array_length = false, array_null_terminated = true)]
2690                 public string[] keywords { get; set; }
2691                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2692                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2693                 public double latitude { get; set; }
2694                 public string location { get; set; }
2695                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2696                 [Version (since = "0.8.0")]
2697                 public double longitude { get; set; }
2698                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2699                 public uint max_rating { get; }
2700                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2701                 public uint min_rating { get; }
2702                 public string player_uri { get; }
2703                 [NoAccessorMethod]
2704                 public uint rating_count { get; }
2705                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2706                 public int64 recorded { get; set; }
2707                 public GData.YouTubeState state { get; }
2708                 public int64 uploaded { get; }
2709                 [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0")]
2710                 public string video_id { get; }
2711                 public uint view_count { get; }
2712         }
2713         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_access_handler_get_type ()")]
2714         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2715         public interface AccessHandler : GData.Entry {
2716                 public abstract GData.Feed get_rules (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2717                 [Version (since = "0.9.1")]
2718                 public async void get_rules_async (GData.Service service, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback);
2719         }
2720         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_cname = "GDataAuthorizerInterface", type_id = "gdata_authorizer_get_type ()")]
2721         [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2722         public interface Authorizer : GLib.Object {
2723                 public abstract bool is_authorized_for_domain (GData.AuthorizationDomain domain);
2724                 public abstract void process_request (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, Soup.Message message);
2725                 public virtual bool refresh_authorization (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2726                 public virtual async bool refresh_authorization_async (GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2727         }
2728         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_batchable_get_type ()")]
2729         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2730         public interface Batchable : GData.Service {
2731                 [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2732                 public GData.BatchOperation create_operation (GData.AuthorizationDomain? domain, string feed_uri);
2733         }
2734         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_cname = "GDataCommentableInterface", type_id = "gdata_commentable_get_type ()")]
2735         [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
2736         public interface Commentable : GData.Entry {
2737                 public bool delete_comment (GData.Service service, GData.Comment comment_, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2738                 public async bool delete_comment_async (GData.Service service, GData.Comment comment_, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2739                 [NoWrapper]
2740                 public abstract string get_insert_comment_uri (GData.Comment comment);
2741                 [NoWrapper]
2742                 public abstract string get_query_comments_uri ();
2743                 public GData.Comment? insert_comment (GData.Service service, GData.Comment comment_, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable = null) throws GLib.Error;
2744                 public async GData.Comment? insert_comment_async (GData.Service service, GData.Comment comment_, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable) throws GLib.Error;
2745                 [NoWrapper]
2746                 public abstract bool is_comment_deletable (GData.Comment comment);
2747                 public GData.Feed? query_comments (GData.Service service, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2748                 public async GData.Feed? query_comments_async (GData.Service service, GData.Query? query, GLib.Cancellable? cancellable, owned GData.QueryProgressCallback? progress_callback) throws GLib.Error;
2749         }
2750         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_comparable_get_type ()")]
2751         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2752         public interface Comparable : GLib.Object {
2753                 public int compare (GData.Comparable? other);
2754                 [NoWrapper]
2755                 public abstract int compare_with (GData.Comparable other);
2756         }
2757         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", type_id = "gdata_color_get_type ()")]
2758         public struct Color {
2759                 public uint16 red;
2760                 public uint16 green;
2761                 public uint16 blue;
2762                 public static bool from_hexadecimal (string hexadecimal, out GData.Color color);
2763                 [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2764                 public string to_hexadecimal ();
2765         }
2766         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_BATCH_OPERATION_", type_id = "gdata_batch_operation_type_get_type ()")]
2767         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2768         public enum BatchOperationType {
2769                 QUERY,
2770                 INSERTION,
2771                 UPDATE,
2772                 DELETION
2773         }
2774         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_FREEBASE_SEARCH_FILTER_", type_id = "gdata_freebase_search_filter_type_get_type ()")]
2775         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
2776         public enum FreebaseSearchFilterType {
2777                 ALL,
2778                 ANY,
2779                 NOT
2780         }
2781         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_MEDIA_EXPRESSION_", type_id = "gdata_media_expression_get_type ()")]
2782         public enum MediaExpression {
2783                 SAMPLE,
2784                 FULL,
2785                 NONSTOP
2786         }
2787         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_MEDIA_", type_id = "gdata_media_medium_get_type ()")]
2788         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2789         public enum MediaMedium {
2790                 UNKNOWN,
2791                 IMAGE,
2792                 AUDIO,
2793                 VIDEO,
2794                 DOCUMENT,
2795                 EXECUTABLE
2796         }
2797         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_OPERATION_", type_id = "gdata_operation_type_get_type ()")]
2798         [Version (since = "0.6.0")]
2799         public enum OperationType {
2800                 QUERY,
2801                 INSERTION,
2802                 UPDATE,
2803                 DELETION,
2804                 DOWNLOAD,
2805                 UPLOAD,
2806                 AUTHENTICATION,
2807                 BATCH
2808         }
2809         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_PICASAWEB_", type_id = "gdata_picasaweb_visibility_get_type ()")]
2810         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2811         public enum PicasaWebVisibility {
2812                 PUBLIC,
2813                 PRIVATE
2814         }
2815         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_AGE_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_age_get_type ()")]
2816         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2817         public enum YouTubeAge {
2818                 ALL_TIME,
2819                 TODAY,
2820                 THIS_WEEK,
2821                 THIS_MONTH
2822         }
2823         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_FORMAT_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_format_get_type ()")]
2824         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2825         public enum YouTubeFormat {
2826                 UNKNOWN,
2827                 RTSP_H263_AMR,
2828                 HTTP_SWF,
2829                 RTSP_MPEG4_AAC
2830         }
2831         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_PERMISSION_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_permission_get_type ()")]
2832         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2833         public enum YouTubePermission {
2834                 ALLOWED,
2835                 DENIED,
2836                 MODERATED
2837         }
2838         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_SAFE_SEARCH_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_safe_search_get_type ()")]
2839         [Version (since = "0.3.0")]
2840         public enum YouTubeSafeSearch {
2841                 NONE,
2842                 MODERATE,
2843                 STRICT
2844         }
2845         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_SORT_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_sort_order_get_type ()")]
2846         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2847         public enum YouTubeSortOrder {
2848                 NONE,
2849                 ASCENDING,
2850                 DESCENDING
2851         }
2852         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_standard_feed_type_get_type ()")]
2853         public enum YouTubeStandardFeedType {
2854                 TOP_RATED_FEED,
2855                 TOP_FAVORITES_FEED,
2856                 MOST_VIEWED_FEED,
2857                 MOST_POPULAR_FEED,
2858                 MOST_RECENT_FEED,
2859                 MOST_DISCUSSED_FEED,
2860                 MOST_LINKED_FEED,
2861                 MOST_RESPONDED_FEED,
2862                 RECENTLY_FEATURED_FEED,
2863                 WATCH_ON_MOBILE_FEED
2864         }
2865         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_UPLOADER_", type_id = "gdata_youtube_uploader_get_type ()")]
2866         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.3.0")]
2867         public enum YouTubeUploader {
2868                 ALL,
2869                 PARTNER
2870         }
2871         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_CLIENT_LOGIN_AUTHORIZER_ERROR_")]
2872         [Version (since = "0.9.0")]
2873         public errordomain ClientLoginAuthorizerError {
2874                 BAD_AUTHENTICATION,
2875                 NOT_VERIFIED,
2876                 TERMS_NOT_AGREED,
2877                 CAPTCHA_REQUIRED,
2878                 ACCOUNT_DELETED,
2879                 ACCOUNT_DISABLED,
2880                 SERVICE_DISABLED,
2881                 ACCOUNT_MIGRATED,
2882                 INVALID_SECOND_FACTOR;
2883                 public static GLib.Quark quark ();
2884         }
2885         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_SERVICE_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT_")]
2886         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
2887         public errordomain DocumentsServiceError {
2888                 TYPE;
2889                 public static GLib.Quark quark ();
2890         }
2891         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_PARSER_ERROR_")]
2892         public errordomain ParserError {
2893                 PARSING_STRING,
2894                 EMPTY_DOCUMENT;
2895                 public static GLib.Quark quark ();
2896         }
2897         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_SERVICE_ERROR_")]
2898         public errordomain ServiceError {
2899                 UNAVAILABLE,
2900                 PROTOCOL_ERROR,
2901                 ENTRY_ALREADY_INSERTED,
2902                 AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED,
2903                 NOT_FOUND,
2904                 CONFLICT,
2905                 FORBIDDEN,
2906                 BAD_QUERY_PARAMETER,
2907                 NETWORK_ERROR,
2908                 PROXY_ERROR,
2909                 WITH_BATCH_OPERATION,
2910                 API_QUOTA_EXCEEDED;
2911                 public static GLib.Quark quark ();
2912         }
2913         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cprefix = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_SERVICE_ERROR_")]
2914         public errordomain YouTubeServiceError {
2915                 API_QUOTA_EXCEEDED,
2916                 ENTRY_QUOTA_EXCEEDED,
2917                 CHANNEL_REQUIRED
2918         }
2919         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", instance_pos = 4.9)]
2920         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2921         public delegate void BatchOperationCallback (uint operation_id, GData.BatchOperationType operation_type, GData.Entry entry, GLib.Error error);
2922         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", instance_pos = 3.9)]
2923         public delegate void QueryProgressCallback (GData.Entry entry, uint entry_key, uint entry_count);
2924         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_ACCESS_ROLE_NONE")]
2925         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2926         public const string ACCESS_ROLE_NONE;
2927         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_ACCESS_SCOPE_DEFAULT")]
2928         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2929         public const string ACCESS_SCOPE_DEFAULT;
2930         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_ACCESS_SCOPE_DOMAIN")]
2931         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2932         public const string ACCESS_SCOPE_DOMAIN;
2933         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_ACCESS_SCOPE_USER")]
2934         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2935         public const string ACCESS_SCOPE_USER;
2936         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_EDITOR")]
2937         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2938         public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_EDITOR;
2939         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_FREE_BUSY")]
2940         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2941         public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_FREE_BUSY;
2942         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_OWNER")]
2943         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2944         public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_OWNER;
2945         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_READ")]
2946         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2947         public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_READ;
2948         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_ROOT")]
2949         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2950         public const string CALENDAR_ACCESS_ROLE_ROOT;
2951         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_CATEGORY_SCHEMA_LABELS")]
2952         [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
2953         public const string CATEGORY_SCHEMA_LABELS;
2954         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_OWNER")]
2955         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2956         public const string DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_OWNER;
2957         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_READER")]
2958         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2959         public const string DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_READER;
2960         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_WRITER")]
2961         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2962         public const string DOCUMENTS_ACCESS_ROLE_WRITER;
2963         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_JPEG")]
2964         [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
2965         public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_JPEG;
2966         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_PDF")]
2967         [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
2968         public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_PDF;
2969         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_PNG")]
2970         [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
2971         public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_PNG;
2972         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_SVG")]
2973         [Version (since = "0.13.1")]
2974         public const string DOCUMENTS_DRAWING_SVG;
2975         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_CALENDAR_FREE_BUSY")]
2976         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2977         public const string GCONTACT_CALENDAR_FREE_BUSY;
2978         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_CALENDAR_HOME")]
2979         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2980         public const string GCONTACT_CALENDAR_HOME;
2981         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_CALENDAR_WORK")]
2982         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2983         public const string GCONTACT_CALENDAR_WORK;
2984         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_EVENT_ANNIVERSARY")]
2985         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2986         public const string GCONTACT_EVENT_ANNIVERSARY;
2987         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_EVENT_OTHER")]
2988         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2989         public const string GCONTACT_EVENT_OTHER;
2990         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_ACCOUNT")]
2991         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2992         public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_ACCOUNT;
2993         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_CUSTOMER")]
2994         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2995         public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_CUSTOMER;
2996         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_NETWORK")]
2997         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
2998         public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_NETWORK;
2999         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_ORGANIZATION")]
3000         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3001         public const string GCONTACT_EXTERNAL_ID_ORGANIZATION;
3002         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_JOT_HOME")]
3003         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3004         public const string GCONTACT_JOT_HOME;
3005         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_JOT_KEYWORDS")]
3006         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3007         public const string GCONTACT_JOT_KEYWORDS;
3008         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_JOT_OTHER")]
3009         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3010         public const string GCONTACT_JOT_OTHER;
3011         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_JOT_USER")]
3012         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3013         public const string GCONTACT_JOT_USER;
3014         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_JOT_WORK")]
3015         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3016         public const string GCONTACT_JOT_WORK;
3017         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_ASSISTANT")]
3018         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3019         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_ASSISTANT;
3020         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_BROTHER")]
3021         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3022         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_BROTHER;
3023         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_CHILD")]
3024         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3025         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_CHILD;
3026         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_DOMESTIC_PARTNER")]
3027         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3028         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_DOMESTIC_PARTNER;
3029         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_FATHER")]
3030         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3031         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_FATHER;
3032         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_FRIEND")]
3033         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3034         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_FRIEND;
3035         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_MANAGER")]
3036         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3037         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_MANAGER;
3038         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_MOTHER")]
3039         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3040         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_MOTHER;
3041         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_PARENT")]
3042         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3043         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_PARENT;
3044         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_PARTNER")]
3045         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3046         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_PARTNER;
3047         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_REFERRER")]
3048         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3049         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_REFERRER;
3050         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_RELATIVE")]
3051         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3052         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_RELATIVE;
3053         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_SISTER")]
3054         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3055         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_SISTER;
3056         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_RELATION_SPOUSE")]
3057         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3058         public const string GCONTACT_RELATION_SPOUSE;
3059         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_BLOG")]
3060         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3061         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_BLOG;
3062         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_FTP")]
3063         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3064         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_FTP;
3065         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_HOME")]
3066         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3067         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_HOME;
3068         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_HOME_PAGE")]
3069         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3070         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_HOME_PAGE;
3071         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_OTHER")]
3072         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3073         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_OTHER;
3074         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_PROFILE")]
3075         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3076         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_PROFILE;
3077         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GCONTACT_WEBSITE_WORK")]
3078         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3079         public const string GCONTACT_WEBSITE_WORK;
3080         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_ADDRESS_USAGE_GENERAL")]
3081         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
3082         public const string GD_ADDRESS_USAGE_GENERAL;
3083         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_ADDRESS_USAGE_LOCAL")]
3084         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
3085         public const string GD_ADDRESS_USAGE_LOCAL;
3086         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HOME")]
3087         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3088         public const string GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_HOME;
3089         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_OTHER")]
3090         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3091         public const string GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_OTHER;
3092         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK")]
3093         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3094         public const string GD_EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK;
3095         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_STATUS_CANCELED")]
3096         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3097         public const string GD_EVENT_STATUS_CANCELED;
3098         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_STATUS_CONFIRMED")]
3099         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3100         public const string GD_EVENT_STATUS_CONFIRMED;
3101         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_STATUS_TENTATIVE")]
3102         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3103         public const string GD_EVENT_STATUS_TENTATIVE;
3104         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE")]
3105         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3106         public const string GD_EVENT_TRANSPARENCY_OPAQUE;
3107         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT")]
3108         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3109         public const string GD_EVENT_TRANSPARENCY_TRANSPARENT;
3110         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_CONFIDENTIAL")]
3111         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3112         public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_CONFIDENTIAL;
3113         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT")]
3114         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3115         public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_DEFAULT;
3116         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE")]
3117         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3118         public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_PRIVATE;
3119         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC")]
3120         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3121         public const string GD_EVENT_VISIBILITY_PUBLIC;
3122         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_ADDRESS_HOME")]
3123         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3124         public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_HOME;
3125         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_ADDRESS_NETMEETING")]
3126         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3127         public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_NETMEETING;
3128         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_ADDRESS_OTHER")]
3129         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3130         public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_OTHER;
3131         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_ADDRESS_WORK")]
3132         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3133         public const string GD_IM_ADDRESS_WORK;
3134         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_AIM")]
3135         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3136         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_AIM;
3137         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_GOOGLE_TALK")]
3138         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3139         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_GOOGLE_TALK;
3140         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_ICQ")]
3141         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3142         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_ICQ;
3143         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_JABBER")]
3144         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3145         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_JABBER;
3146         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_LIVE_MESSENGER")]
3147         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3148         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_LIVE_MESSENGER;
3149         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_QQ")]
3150         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3151         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_QQ;
3152         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_SKYPE")]
3153         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3154         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_SKYPE;
3155         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_IM_PROTOCOL_YAHOO_MESSENGER")]
3156         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3157         public const string GD_IM_PROTOCOL_YAHOO_MESSENGER;
3158         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_MAIL_CLASS_BOTH")]
3159         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
3160         public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_BOTH;
3161         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_MAIL_CLASS_LETTERS")]
3162         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
3163         public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_LETTERS;
3164         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_MAIL_CLASS_NEITHER")]
3165         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
3166         public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_NEITHER;
3167         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_MAIL_CLASS_PARCELS")]
3168         [Version (since = "0.5.0")]
3169         public const string GD_MAIL_CLASS_PARCELS;
3170         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_ORGANIZATION_OTHER")]
3171         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3172         public const string GD_ORGANIZATION_OTHER;
3173         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_ORGANIZATION_WORK")]
3174         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3175         public const string GD_ORGANIZATION_WORK;
3176         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_ASSISTANT")]
3177         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3178         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_ASSISTANT;
3179         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_CALLBACK")]
3180         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3181         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_CALLBACK;
3182         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_CAR")]
3183         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3184         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_CAR;
3185         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_COMPANY_MAIN")]
3186         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3187         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_COMPANY_MAIN;
3188         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_FAX")]
3189         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3190         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_FAX;
3191         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_HOME")]
3192         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3193         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_HOME;
3194         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_HOME_FAX")]
3195         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3196         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_HOME_FAX;
3197         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_ISDN")]
3198         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3199         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_ISDN;
3200         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_MAIN")]
3201         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3202         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_MAIN;
3203         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE")]
3204         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3205         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_MOBILE;
3206         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_OTHER")]
3207         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3208         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_OTHER;
3209         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_OTHER_FAX")]
3210         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3211         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_OTHER_FAX;
3212         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_PAGER")]
3213         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3214         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_PAGER;
3215         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_RADIO")]
3216         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3217         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_RADIO;
3218         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_TELEX")]
3219         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3220         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_TELEX;
3221         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_TTY_TDD")]
3222         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3223         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_TTY_TDD;
3224         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK")]
3225         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3226         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK;
3227         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_FAX")]
3228         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3229         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_FAX;
3230         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_MOBILE")]
3231         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3232         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_MOBILE;
3233         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_PAGER")]
3234         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3235         public const string GD_PHONE_NUMBER_WORK_PAGER;
3236         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_HOME")]
3237         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3238         public const string GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_HOME;
3239         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_OTHER")]
3240         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3241         public const string GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_OTHER;
3242         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_WORK")]
3243         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3244         public const string GD_POSTAL_ADDRESS_WORK;
3245         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_REMINDER_ALERT")]
3246         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3247         public const string GD_REMINDER_ALERT;
3248         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_REMINDER_EMAIL")]
3249         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3250         public const string GD_REMINDER_EMAIL;
3251         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_REMINDER_SMS")]
3252         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3253         public const string GD_REMINDER_SMS;
3254         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHERE_EVENT")]
3255         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3256         public const string GD_WHERE_EVENT;
3257         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHERE_EVENT_ALTERNATE")]
3258         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3259         public const string GD_WHERE_EVENT_ALTERNATE;
3260         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHERE_EVENT_PARKING")]
3261         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3262         public const string GD_WHERE_EVENT_PARKING;
3263         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHO_EVENT_ATTENDEE")]
3264         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3265         public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_ATTENDEE;
3266         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHO_EVENT_ORGANIZER")]
3267         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3268         public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_ORGANIZER;
3269         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHO_EVENT_PERFORMER")]
3270         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3271         public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_PERFORMER;
3272         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_GD_WHO_EVENT_SPEAKER")]
3273         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3274         public const string GD_WHO_EVENT_SPEAKER;
3275         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST")]
3276         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3277         public const string LINK_ACCESS_CONTROL_LIST;
3278         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_ALTERNATE")]
3279         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3280         public const string LINK_ALTERNATE;
3281         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_BATCH")]
3282         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3283         public const string LINK_BATCH;
3284         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_EDIT")]
3285         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3286         public const string LINK_EDIT;
3287         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_EDIT_MEDIA")]
3288         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3289         public const string LINK_EDIT_MEDIA;
3290         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_ENCLOSURE")]
3291         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3292         public const string LINK_ENCLOSURE;
3293         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_PARENT")]
3294         [Version (since = "0.15.1")]
3295         public const string LINK_PARENT;
3296         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_RELATED")]
3297         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3298         public const string LINK_RELATED;
3299         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_RESUMABLE_CREATE_MEDIA")]
3300         [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
3301         public const string LINK_RESUMABLE_CREATE_MEDIA;
3302         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_RESUMABLE_EDIT_MEDIA")]
3303         [Version (since = "0.13.0")]
3304         public const string LINK_RESUMABLE_EDIT_MEDIA;
3305         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_SELF")]
3306         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3307         public const string LINK_SELF;
3308         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_LINK_VIA")]
3309         [Version (since = "0.4.0")]
3310         public const string LINK_VIA;
3311         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_MAJOR_VERSION")]
3312         [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
3313         public const int MAJOR_VERSION;
3314         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_MICRO_VERSION")]
3315         [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
3316         public const int MICRO_VERSION;
3317         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_MINOR_VERSION")]
3318         [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
3319         public const int MINOR_VERSION;
3320         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI_OOB")]
3321         [Version (since = "0.17.0")]
3322         public const string OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI_OOB;
3323         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI_OOB_AUTO")]
3324         [Version (since = "0.17.0")]
3325         public const string OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI_OOB_AUTO;
3326         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_FAILED")]
3327         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3328         public const string PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_FAILED;
3329         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_FINAL")]
3330         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3331         public const string PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_FINAL;
3332         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_PENDING")]
3333         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3334         public const string PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_PENDING;
3335         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_READY")]
3336         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3337         public const string PICASAWEB_VIDEO_STATUS_READY;
3338         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_TASKS_STATUS_COMPLETED")]
3339         [Version (since = "0.16.0")]
3340         public const string TASKS_STATUS_COMPLETED;
3341         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_TASKS_STATUS_NEEDS_ACTION")]
3342         [Version (since = "0.16.0")]
3343         public const string TASKS_STATUS_NEEDS_ACTION;
3344         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACTION_COMMENT")]
3345         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3346         public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_COMMENT;
3347         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACTION_COMMENT_VOTE")]
3348         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3349         public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_COMMENT_VOTE;
3350         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACTION_EMBED")]
3351         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3352         public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_EMBED;
3353         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACTION_RATE")]
3354         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3355         public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_RATE;
3356         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACTION_SYNDICATE")]
3357         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3358         public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_SYNDICATE;
3359         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ACTION_VIDEO_RESPOND")]
3360         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3361         public const string YOUTUBE_ACTION_VIDEO_RESPOND;
3362         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_ASPECT_RATIO_WIDESCREEN")]
3363         [Version (since = "0.7.0")]
3364         public const string YOUTUBE_ASPECT_RATIO_WIDESCREEN;
3365         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_CREDIT_ENTITY_PARTNER")]
3366         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.7.0")]
3367         public const string YOUTUBE_CREDIT_ENTITY_PARTNER;
3368         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_LICENSE_CC")]
3369         [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
3370         public const string YOUTUBE_LICENSE_CC;
3371         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_LICENSE_STANDARD")]
3372         [Version (since = "0.11.0")]
3373         public const string YOUTUBE_LICENSE_STANDARD;
3374         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_MPAA")]
3375         [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
3376         public const string YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_MPAA;
3377         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_SIMPLE")]
3378         [Version (deprecated = true, deprecated_since = "0.17.0", since = "0.10.0")]
3379         public const string YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_SIMPLE;
3380         [CCode (cheader_filename = "gdata/gdata.h", cname = "GDATA_YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_V_CHIP")]
3381         [Version (since = "0.10.0")]
3382         public const string YOUTUBE_RATING_TYPE_V_CHIP;